#I’ve had this blog since fricken JULY
sugarbutterbroadway · 4 years
What a joyous day to wake up to 100 followers
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lunalorien · 5 years
Rules: answer 30 questions, tag 10 blogs & post it as a text post. I was tagged by @theotokosi last month but I kept forgetting to fill this out!
I’m a shy bean and hardly ever do text posts on tumblr but new year new me let’s do this ~*~
nickname: I get called Lorenzo by most of my friends and my partner, other than that it’s usually Loz
gender: cis female
star sign: cancer ♋️
height: 5’8”
time: it is currently 5:20pm
birthday: 5th july
fave band(s): dimmu borgir, bring me the horizon, foals, circa survive, arctic monkeys, sticky fingers, deftones, fall out boy (yes I still like fob okay their new album was great 😂), the neighbourhood, nightwish, twenty one pilots, nine inch nails, die antwoord, rüfüs du sol, cloud control, lots more!
fave solo artists: the ones I can think of off the top of my head are bayonne, david bowie, lana del rey, childish gambino, matt corby...
song stuck in your head: adrenaline by rupaul got stuck in my head the other day after watching a rupaul’s drag race complication video. jingle bells was another one that I woke up with in my head the other day and like it’s february pls don’t do this
last movie watched: at the cinemas was Mary Queen of Scots, last movie watched at home??? I actually can’t remember??? the last movie I remember actively putting on was like three weeks ago probably and it was The Duchess because keira knightly 😍
last show watched: Bob’s Burgers - before that the last series was Godless becausecause I wanted something to fill the hole red dead redemption 2 left but I didn’t really like Godless tbh :/
when did i create my blog: some time in 2010. long enough ago I was in the inception fandom 😂
what do i post: pretty things, memes, picture of people I like, video games and movies/tv shows I like
last thing i googled: “Morocco smart traveller” because I wanna go there one day and I want to know what’s going on
do you have any blogs: I have a seperate tumblr blog for my art that I have not updated in many a year. the other day I was thinking of posting my art here but I’m not sure??
do you get asks: nope
why did you choose your URL: okay so it’s kinda a long story but I’ll try simplify it - when Star Wars 7 came out I had heart eyes for kylo ren because adam driver is handsome and every time I saw one of those “star sign memes” kylo ren would always be on my star sign (understandably we are an emotional bunch), on my birth month on calendars, and I did one of those “what star wars character are you” and my result obviously ended up being kylo ren (I’m nice in real life I swear!) so it became a meme with my friends that I’m him and so they roast me by calling me ky-lauren.
following blogs: 361 but a LOT of them are old inactive blogs. I’ve been on this website for too long 😂
followers: 259 but I think a lot of them are old inactive blogs and the occasional pron bots that somehow still exist even after the “purge”
favourite colour: red
average hours of sleep: anywhere between 5 and 10 there is no in between
piercings: I have a septum piercing, a nose ring in my left nostril, and three ear lobe piercings on each ear. I really want a medusa piercing but I’m hesitant because not sure if it will suit me/too much maintenance/if it leaves a scar/hurts too much.
instruments: I have a very musical family and I have natural rhythm and I get the hang of instruments quickly but I’m also a gremlin who can’t commit learning anything for a consistent amount of time. I have a bass guitar which I used to know some songs on and I’ve also got an electric keyboard piano which I’m trying to actively learn songs on.
what I’m wearing: here is a rare gpoy because I have deep ~*~body and self esteem issues~*~ but I left the house today for something other than work so I actually put outside clothes on (I’m sorry I don’t know how to pose) so here be my dress
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how many blankets do you sleep with: just one doona (duvet? Is that what they’re called? I’m australian I don’t know the proper word). If it’s REALLY hot then I’ll just use a bed sheet but I like having a proper blanket on me no matter the temperature for comfort and security and also because they soft and squishy.
dream job: when I was young I wanted to be soo many different things, first it was a palaeontologist, then an actress, a director, then a musician, an author, illustrator... as an adult I still want to do all these things haha. now a dream job would be something I have location freedom in so I can move around countries!
dream trip: I want to go everywhere!! a dream trip would go just drop everything and travel the world for a year. I’ve been so desperate to travel like most of my life but I’ve never been able to afford to go anywhere. but hopefully at the end of this year, my partner and I can afford to go to Egypt (which has been a dream trip for me since I was little!). I wanna see all the old temples and the pyramids!
fave food: okay so I just like food but if I was to pick one thing THIS is probably my favourite food
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it’s an australian (I think it’s an australian thing??) party dish which is basically spinage, corn, sour cream and I think like some sort of stock (some people out extra bits in it) all mixed together and baked in a cob loaf and you just fricken get in there and dip bits of yummy lightly crunchy bits of baked bread into it and it’s delicious!!!
current fave song: right now it’s a tie between “star roving” by slowdive, “bishops knife trick” by fall out boy, and “the unveiling” by dimmu borgir. I keep going back to those songs for the past 6 months and they all have a memory attached.
nationality: australian
tagging: @forgotaboutdrea • @bellewannabe • @morganmuffle • @missing-wall-e • @captstefanbrandt • @-hahazombie • @clintbartonyoudummy • @paradoxical-architecture • @frontrowfish • @youareillogical
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