#I'm a nickname sort of person but one of the people who shortens existing names for family not like 'dear' or 'honey' kind of nicknames
myarmadaisgrowing · 2 years
Character: *calls everyone/a lot of people "dear" or "my dear"*
Me: *unbothered*
Character: *calls their favourite person (ie. sibling, child, bff, partner) "dearest"*
Me: *melts into a pile of goo*
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icharchivist · 6 months
The Paa-san Paa-shi discourse is similar to how Lucio calls Sandalphon San-chan, but Belial calls him Sandy, but both are the same in English, even though, like with Percy, one just annoys him while the other one would probably make him throttle you if you called him that
Yeah pretty much the exact same issue.
I know they can't really go around that as long as they decide to translate the nicknames, but those two in particulars are unnerving.
Paasan and Paashi annoys me a lot as a Paa fan, mostly because by having both nickname translated Percy it really loses how personal Paashi is and that Percival isn't like, just giving a pass to his family (though he is) but also just that the nicknames are very different. Like, when Vane first calls him Paasan Percival blows up bc "what sort of stupid thing did you do to my name" which doesn't really track if it was the same nickname as the name his family lovingly give him (though he would still be mad at Vane calling him that, he just wouldn't be this offended by it) but yeah ultimately to me it's when Belial started to use it that i got upset the difference didn't exist in English, because there's miles between calling someone a nickname everyone call shim as, and specifically crossing bondaries that only belongs to his family yaknow? esp since in the fight, the line he calls him Paashi in is "The perfect kingdom? Don't make me laugh. You should be thankful, Percy. I've saved you from heartbreak, and a long search with no happy ending.". Which is especially making fun of Percival on the promise he made his mother, so rubbing it with the nickname his mother used on him is another level of vile yaknow?
Sandalphon's situation is similar, though it has less of a double reading of "it's because one nickname is okay for people who matters to him", he hates both nickname, but both do serve a different purpose yeah. Sanchan is much more affectionate, which makes the fact it's Lucio doing that to be just very annoying for Sandalphon, and Sandy is just shortening his name*. But it does kinda stop at it being two equally as annoying nicknames. I do think it would have been better to make them different though, if only so no one would think Lucio reminds Sandalphon of Belial or vice versa. Letting Lucio being hated on for his own merits yaknow?
* (though i have an overreading for this one, over the fact that all the angels have a name ending in "Eru" (or "aru" for Belial), including Lucifer (bc his name is an alternative pronontiation on Lucifer, Lucilius's name is the official pronountiation of Lucifer, as rushifaa), and "eru" being the Japanese pronontiation of the suffix "el", which, in Hebrew, is originally the suffix to say "of God". All of the "eru" angels are angels who answers directly to Lucilius, so they're "of their own God". Meanwhile the two angels who don't fit this patern, Sandalphon and Metatron, are two angels defined by their loyalty to Lucifer and being outsiders to the rest of the angels Lucilius originally planned to use. So an argument could be made that the suffix "on" there is representing a distance from Lucilius and their loyalty to Lucifer in a sense. With that overreading in mind you can read Belial's nickname as a way of stripping Sandalphon from Lucifer's connection. Albeit, he calls every angels a shortened version that cuts the "el" too, so something something Belial removing them from belonging to Lucilius as well so he can be Lucilius' one and only and/or to "give them back their own freedom". This was the overreading corner which was probably not intended by canon but it's not like anything disproves it so, like, have fun with this one?)
so yeah this is kind of a shame how some of the nicknames really lose their nuances due to the translations. I'll never forgive the Paashi one but i'm a Paa fucker, i overthink everything, so. well.
but yeah it's the type of things you might miss unless you catch it by ear, which can be a bit sad imo. alas...
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prettypansyprince · 9 months
What's in a name?
There are many reasons why I picked Morgan for my new name. It's unisex. It's extremely close to my birth name. I can/do shorten it to Morg which sounds goth as hell. I connect it to The Mórrigan.
I've been going by that name since 2016 and it honestly feels like that's what my name is supposed to be. Even though at times I think, "what if I had a more masculine name?" Of course I'd like it, but it would feel like I'm 'wearing' a name like a label. Just as I go by Pansy, it's a cute nickname and I love it. It's like babe, doll, kiddo, ect. With Morgan, I feel like that's just who I am. That is the name of my very existence. It's my soul. I'm so glad to have found the real me. My birth name was a compromise between my parents, it was neithers first, second, or even third choice. My dad wanted to name me Morgana, which while close I'm relieved I didn't get stuck with that cause I still hate it. It took me a while to like any name even close to it. Which brings me to the point of why I'm even writing all of this...
In order to pick my name, I had to like it first. I met my friend Morgan, the first I ever met, in high school. She was in my art class. She'd always smile and kept positive. She encouraged others in their art. She rescued and rehibilitated animals, even the wild ones. She was just an amazingly kind person. Because of her I came to love the name Morgan. My sophomore year I was having more and more health problems, the main one being my heart. She always asked how I was doing but wasn't judgemental or weird about it. I wonder if then she had any issues...but the next year she was sick a lot. I understood it, we both had chronic conditions but able-bodied people didn't get it. She had a problem with her heart too. I don't know everything but I do know it would beat too fast and skip beats at times, just like mine. We had so many similarities, I just always felt a connection. We didn't talk a ton after high school, at one point she moved back to her home state for a while. When she came back, I ran into her at a bar. We chatted for a while and said we'd have to get together and do a drawing or painting night. We never did. But I talked to her a bit more online again. Less than a month ago we were talking about our high school self-portraits we did in charcol. Last night I found out she passed. I'm still in a state of shock. She was never a close friend, but she was a good friend. She was a good person. In this world, I wish more people were like her. Every life she touched, she changed it for the better.
While I didn't really name myself after her and she didn't play a part in selecting a name, I still do owe my name to her. It's something I never told her and I wish I had. That she's such an amazing person that she changed my view on a name. Because how can someone be so great and their name not match? Anytime I met a jerk Morgan I thought the name didn't fit them. (I'm that way with Andys and Andrews too. I know so many nice ones.) I tried so many names for myself, none of them clicked. The only one that worked was Morgan. It took a couple years, but then it felt like I never had any other name. It took longer still for me to realize my friend's indirect role of chosing a name.
Last night I realized she was one of my only friends in high school I could bond with over being sick. There was support. Empathy and sympathy from able-bodied people only goes so far, some it's never there. Actually I had another friend, she's no longer here either, the odds were stacked against her. They were both very sunshine sort of people. I knew Ashley's days were numbered but her death was still rough. I still feel her loss. I know that's how it will be once I can process Morgan's death. I wasn't expecting it. I can't process. I still can't understand it.
Morgan, I hope you are out of pain and reunited with you mom and brother. I wish the best for your boyfriend. I can't imagine what he's going through now. You're missed by many. Thank you for the short time you were here. You've made such an impact. All the animals you've taken care of. The people you have helped. The art you've created. (Mrs. B is devastated) You meant a lot to me even though we weren't hanging out and talking all the time, every interaction was soul level. That's just the kind of person you were. You couldn't be superficial even if you tried. You were just you. You at your core being, is love and compassion. It makes it that much harder to not be bitter and ask why? But I know you wouldn't want others to be upset on your behalf. If I'm having a difficult time, I don't know how those closest to you are doing. We will miss and always remember you. Thank you for all you've done. I'm grateful our paths crossed.
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galaxythreads · 3 years
Suggestions on how to improve fanfic writing:
I was talking with @angelfishofthelord recently (not that recent, time is a concept that escapes our collective grasp) and I jokingly suggested that I make this post. I am in the middle of an insomnia night, so. Here be us.
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Characters use the same nicknames and phrases inside their head as speaking. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re sharing the humor they’re speaking. I.g.: For SPN, I see a lot of people write Dean as a little careless in his POVs, because that’s just how he portrays himself, but Dean, I think, while having a dark sense of humor, isn’t actually very funny in his head. Same goes for MCU and Tony Stark. Funny characters does not always equal happy head space. :)
Nicknames--this used to bother me to no end, because nicknames were never something in my family, and people shortening down the names felt wrong. But you nickname what you love. If someone has given a nickname (and not in mockery) to a character, chances are, they call them that in their head. Like in MCU Clint calling Natasha "Nat", or SPN Dean and Sam calling Cas "Cas" however, with that said, unless the nickname is self chosen, most people will use their full name when narrating. Castiel, Natasha, etc.
Headcanons! This is going to sound a little backwards, but headcanons have always helped me sort between characters. I know that some fic authors are very against headcanons, but to me, you HAVE to make these characters and their world your own, at least a little. You need to understand how their brain functions, and headcanons are a wonderful, wonderful way to do that. So long as you can conceivably fit them into canon, I think you’re good. One of the ones I have about SPN Cas is that he doesn’t actually give off body heat, so he’s constantly room temperature. It’s a detail for people that’s not Cas’s POV to notice. So getting some headcanons like that will help differentiate between POVs because it’s different things for characters to acknowledge.
Mimic writing that you admire. (And ask yourself WHY you like it) I really, really love the way that TFW/avengers team is portrayed in some stories, in others, I’m like “meh.” Write to please yourself, first and foremost, on how to read these characters thoughts. Those who agree with you will flock to be your audience, and they’re who matter.
Language/word choice is really important for POV change. Again, people talk like how they think.
POV change? Treat the character whose POV it is like they are THE most important person in existence. Their reactions get a front seat. Their five senses are your concern. What they notice about a character may not be true, but it's what they notice. They are human, not omniscient, ergo, they'll get things wrong. Even if the story is written with a completely different character in mind, this character is still the most important. POV's time to think, talk, panic, angst, express, etc. That chapter was about how they felt. That’s why sometimes, even if I really do want them to talk or something, a character might think “please don’t say xyz” because THEY don’t want that, and how I feel as an author isn’t relevant here. Remembering that they’re human, and need time to process/react to things is huge.
Practice, practice, practice. It does get easier with time, and effort. I promise. All of you would laugh at my first few weeks of diving into fandoms. That stuff is garbage.
Conscious stream of thought is generally the best way to engage readers, and the most enjoyable. This is how we immerse ourselves into the story. We become a part of it because we follow their thinking. It is always ideal to start where you are the most comfortable, whether that's 3rd omniscient, 2nd person, etc, but, in my opinion, you don't get that true "click" with the characters until you've conscious stream of thought them.
Research. Lots of research. Don't know how long battieres could last in 2002? Look it up. Don't know how to do stitches? Google it. Try to avoid making things up.
Look guys. Everyone understands that you are most likely NOT a doctor or have any semblance of a medical degree. This is fiction. Research what you can, and move forward carefully or vague it out with the rest. The worst that can happen is someone correcting information you got wrong.
Please, please, please stay within the range of human limitation. (Or whatever creature/being you are writing for) You can't lose more than five pints of blood. You CAN die from pain. Infection spreads quickly. I'm sorry. I just. Have read so many fics from newbie writers who push their characters past extremes that is almost impossible. You want to hurt them that bad, break a bone or something. Just. Please try to be realistic. (Don't misunderstand here, I love me some well-done whump.)
Again with the "you are not a professional thing." Those diagnosed with mental illnesses know that you may not be writing from true experience. This is okay. But please, please do not avoid using any words or phrases common with the illness as you try to "vaguely" write it. The more authentic you are, the less likely you will offend someone. Look. I would be so frustrated if someone tried to write about an ED and just... Avoided words like "starve" "binge" and "hungry" because they didn't want to trigger me. Like. Sweeties, I appreciate the thought, I do, but it's more frustrating that you can't even SAY it than actually putting it into your writing. So. Please just. If you're going to write about a mental illness, do so with the intent to WRITE it, not skirt around the bush.
With that, if you are not diagnosed with the mental illness your writing for (or suspect that you have some form of it) that's okay! Google symptoms to get a basic idea, and search for first hand accounts. People's experience is a lot different than the definition. For example, some of the most hilarious people I know are severally depressed, and Google will just tell you they are sad.
Write write and write. You are building a skill. You have to practice that skill frequently.
Do not be afraid to ask for feedback. Betas are wonderful. Asking for advice is wonderful. Being too shy and afraid of criticism for asking for help is perfectly okay. (Hello fellow traveler)
If your search history doesn't have you being watched by government organizations in the next few months, you aren't researching enough. ;)
Take your time. Quality over quantity. Do NOT conform to the update fairy that demands updates frequently. Look. I love my readers. I do. But you HAVE to take your time to finish things in order for them to be worth reading. If this is six hours or six years, that's that.
Do not give everything away. Stop answering questions. We keep reading because we have unanswered questions. Anticipation = good. Knowing everything at once: bad.
Do not put in funny for the sake of funny.
Insults should be insulting, not make people want to cringe and duck their heads.
Dialog should serve as people communicating... Like actual people.
Siblings (unless otherwise said so by canon) DO NOT address each other as "bro" and "sis"
Not a native English speaker? Cool. Natives would love to help you learn their language. :) English grammar sucks.
Analogies should make sense. They should flow smoothly into the writing. If they pop out, you've lost the attention of your writers.
please, please don't glorify rape, racism, homophobia, mental illness shaming/glorification, abuse, sexism, and other crappy things. Thanks. People came for a story, not to get their souls crushed.
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myarmadaisgrowing · 1 year
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#i'm a nickname sort of person but one of the people who shortens existing names for family not like 'dear' or 'honey' kind of nicknames
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Character: *calls everyone/a lot of people "dear" or "my dear"*
Me: *unbothered*
Character: *calls their favourite person (ie. sibling, child, bff, partner) "dearest"*
Me: *melts into a pile of goo*
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