#I'm just saying that pidge is not this interested in klance. at least to the degree the fandom makes them out to be
klance-daydreams · 16 days
guys we need to actually stop involving pidge in romantic klance situations
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scattered-winter · 4 months
potential AU with fun facts (haha funny story this is actually an AU i'm writing I need ideas lol)
BOM!Keith runs into Lance, Hunk and Pidge who are searching for a supposed superweapon in an attempt to defend themselves from Alteans and Galrans that are trying to find the colony that humans fled to after Earth was destroyed
Keith thinks to himself "wow these guys are annoying and weird I sure do hope I never see them again" before the Blades immediately order him to find the Lions to keep it out of human, Altean and Galran hands
AHLSKDGOUSDJGLKSDHG THATS SO REAL. im actually SO fascinated by this concept i would love for u to tell me about it sometime 👀👀
but the things that immediately come to mind for ME are as follows:
i'm assuming keith is still half human, so maybe there'd be a part of him that is curious/fascinated by these other humans right up until the point where lance opens his mouth. and then keith is like hmm no thank u
so i'm taking a wild shoot-in-the-dark guess and saying (at least for the purposes of answering this, idk what u have in mind for this) that instead of being destroyed the alteans fought back and so the war is mostly between altea and the galra ? and earth was caught in the crossfire ?? in which case if I was doing something like this i would want a lot of focus on both sides of the conflict because something about me is that i LOOOVE political intrigue. if allura is the leader of the alteans, how long has she been leading? what mindsets and attitudes does she have as someone who is leading her people in war? if she's searching for voltron to try and beat the galra to it, but she didn't spent 10,000 years in a cryopod and thus doesn't have the connection to the lions that she has in canon, how is she going about the search? are there breakoff groups of alteans, similar to the blade of marmora? etc etc. this isn't really a Fact per se it is just things my worldbuilding brain is immediately jumping to when presented with some of these concepts. i am genuinely obsessed with this i NEEEEEEED to know more about this au ,, pleas ,,
so if this au is kind of humans vs alteans vs galra, i imagine things would be.....interesting once team voltron (comprised of all three) got together. especially if the garrison trio now have personal stakes in the war (their planet was destroyed and their people are being hunted) because i think they would be much more serious about it right off the bat. there could be a Lot of struggling to trust each other shenanigans afoot
i can already SEEEE the klance arguing scenarios. if keith (doesn't want to be there) is forced to spend lots of time in close proximity with lance (planet was destroyed by this guy's race) it would be SO DELICIOUS..........i love their rivals to lovers thing but if its more like enemies starting out ??? incredible fantastic no notes
if keith grew up in the bom (one of my FAVORITE aus to mess with btw) then if it were me doing an au like this i would put soooo much bom culture in it. i love alien cultures i love worldbuilding and most importantly i love crying about it. xox
send me a potential au and i'll tell you 5 things i would do!!
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Rewatching Voltron
Season 1
Season 2
— ~~~ —- _ — ~ }=>
Wanted to say this at the top: All of this is for fun. I haven’t seen voltron in a hot minute so I’d thought I’d go through and see if it was just as bad as we remembered. Below is my highlights and grevences, along with a few Head Canons! So stay if you want. If you don’t, I don’t care! This is just a me thing ^-^
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Transition between season 1 and 2
So satisfying on rewatch but must’ve been a bitch on release (OGs I will never know your pain lol)
Honestly wouldn't do anything to change the start of the second season.
The evolution of the paladins language
Idk if I said it already- but I love how the paladins are using Altean vocabulary. V good detail. Hope this stays consistent
Ships: Yes we’re doing this again but Klance won’t be the biggest issue
There’s a lot of Aullura and Shiro moments in the beginning that would’ve been a great foundation for something more if it wasn’t for the fact that (spoilers) Shiro is gay. The vibes they have are very knight or mercenary x princess and I’m a sucker for that shit.
Allureith is born in this season. And all I can read from this is good intentions but no thought. Both in execution and in the actual relationship. At least right now, I may change my mind the further I go.
Allurance. To me. Is the most infuriating thing this show has to offer. Every time I see Lance take a shot on Allura, and I see her discomfort I always say something along the lines of “Can you shut the fuck up-!” Or “Can you actually stOP!” While pausing for a good moment to regain myself. Just- god. Why? She is nO T into you dude. If anything this would be wonderful character development for both characters. I can see a full ep dedicated to this issue of Lance not knowing when someone isn't interested unless they actually say it to their face while Allura is in this denial that one day lance would get the hint. And from this experience, lance either fucks off for the next few episodes or starts from scratch with Allura with the understanding that friendship should always come first. If she is comfortable with that ofc.
Klance as a whole is screaming enemies far more than rivals right now. If klance is gonna work regardless of being a bromance or romance, there should be an understanding shining through. However, with both parties actually fighting in the middle of battles, and little to no willingness to talk, Iis becoming harder and harder to see why this was the biggest ship the fandom had to offer (then again 2016 was a fandom fever dream to begin with soooo)
Platonic relationships
Give me more Coran. He needs friends. I’m volunteering literally any of the palidins. And ofc we need more of the daughter Allura dynamic since we DONT HAVE ANYY. This man is such a theater kid and we are blessed with his existence.
Keith needs more time with Hunk and Pidge! For the love of god I CANNOT see them as more then trauma bonding buddies. I already have a list of things the B team (thats what I call Hunk and Pidge together because they are the Best Team) can bond over with Keith
Tech- (for both) this is built on the fact that Keith litterally had that cork board set up in the first eps to find Shiro. (Sorry Sheith shippers. I read these two as brothers only.) I like to think that Pidge and Hunk would ask Keith for help with techy stuff almost in the same vein as Lance. The only difference being Keith knows slightly more than Lance dose.
Sports- This one is mainly for Hunk but this can bleed into Lance too. Even though he's a big nerd I like to think his family is big on Foot and Fútball. I think Keith is the same but he loves baseball far more (same with Lance). Almost like I'm projecting my I Dont Dance Au onto these two hahahahaha-
Family/ lack there of - this can go for everyone. The best way to start this convo would be at dinner in the castle. Everyone is having a very quiet time until Hunk asks "Guys, what were your family's like?" This would result in a beat of quiet as for the first time in a bit, everyone really thinks about earth. Not for a passing moment or anything. Like- seriously. Allura or Coran would encurage this, saying that they dont really now alot about the palidin's home planet. From there it would a hodge podge of stories and background. I have a few HCs bout this including Shiro not really having a family and going into the airforce for financial and emotional support only to end up on the Curburos mission to.. escape life *cough cough* Adam *cough*, Pidge would talk about their mom's cooking and how their brother helped them with homework to the point where it got annoying. Hunk would say his mom's cooking is far superrior and then talk about his dad and siblings. I want to make his dad a retired wrestler, now mechanic. Lance would take offense to Hunk's claim this his mom could cout cook his mom. But he would talk alot about how his siblings were always there for him after their dad left (YES I WANT DADDY ISSUES LEAVE ME ALONE) Allura would remark throughout these stories with questions of her own. We'd eventually end with Keith, who almost leave the table at the pressure to remark on his own upbringing. This. This would be interesting.
But ima leave it there lol
The tracking plot point and rant about season 2 ep 6
Before this ep we got sprinkles of shiro/black lion tracking- wich is great. Love that shit. I have a problem with how we figure that out tho
“Zarkon must’ve imprinted one me durring our last fight.”- Keith. My man. Explain to me wtf you mean.
Fr tho. Just because you’re half Galra dosent mean that’s how it works bro. Ik we’re not fully sure at this point but- cmon.
“It’s me.” Allura. Hunny. H o w? Why even?
Why would two people who think they’re being tracked- GO TOGETHER??? Why would you even leave in the first place?! Shirio is right. Splitting up makes y’all vulnerable! Voltron can’t be formed without Keith! Why would y’all do that?? If anything why not leave in separate pods and just so happen to crash onto the same planet the paladins are on! I’m sorry I just hate the beginning of “The Arc of Taujeer” while Keith and Allura are away there is an actual humanitarian crisis. I know it’s important but damn to the tracking idea but G O D
Allura and Keith should be shunned and punished for the stunt they pulled in this ep fr. Info learned be damned
Mall episode
God bless the mall episode. An icon. Truly. All hail. All hail!!
The Blade of Malora/ Keith’s heritage + the racism
Let’s get the great out of the way: The Blade themselves- Their introduction is great. That goes without saying.
Keiths trials- M W A H the character assessment I could make is TOO LONG ON G O D
but the actual workings of the BoM is so calculated and cold. It’s honestly so refreshing in a way I don’t know how to explain
I just love untrusting rebels because that’s the reality of rebellion. You don’t know who is for the cause and who is a gov plant
I personally want Keith’s Galra heritage more known physically. Both on him and in his upbringing. I want splotches of purple across his body that no doctor can explain (all of wich can be hidden with a change of clothes) and barely noticeable physical abnormalities (ie: longer and sharper nails, maybe purple tinted hai “I dye it…”, strange “scars” that are actually birth marks that stand out. But he passes as human. Through these excuses.
I also want flashbacks to his dad trying to pass on everything he knows about his mother’s culture. (The knife and stories)
Now- I wanna talk about the bad. Y’all know it, y’all seen it- the racism
Now- Allura, sure. She has a reason to hate the Gullra. They killed her people. That is valid and I think that the truama combined with the truth that she’s working with “the enemy” is a great conflict and is honestly wonderful character growth.
HUNK ON THE OTHER HAND- w t f. This is so out of character. Hunk is literally the heart of the group and almost as smart as Pidge. I think he would know better than anyone else that litterally nothing has changed about Keith. Hell- maybe Shiro would know that struggle of people seeing him differently better than anyone else because IDK HES GAY (unless I change that. Personally I saw Shiro straight but… audience interaction? Lol I’ll put a poll on the final season if I remember) TLDR- As Keith said: “I didn’t just turn Gullra!”
Finale (season 2, episode 12 + 13)
Aullara getting over her biases and apologizing to Keith is perfect
Shirio and Keith’s chemistry is amazing as well both in and out of combat
The spy. An icon.
The amount of tension around this plan not failing is delicious. Yummy yummy- give me more!
Emperor whomever the fuck’s obsession w/ voltron carrying over to battle
Hagar being the voice of reason aGAIN. Queen shit fr.
When I first watched this I thought the paladins died ngl. Then when I rewatched I thought Allura died. Voltron out here with the drama fr
Zarkon meka action figures. When?
ALLURA DOING SHIT- F I N A L Y (Tangent will be later I promise)
HELL YEA WINGS!!! The fursona is complete
“Shit she got tats too!” Only to be met with Deisex Machina because Allura is the main character apparently
Hands to the side of voltrons face. That scene. Fucking slapped.
oh also lotor revel lol
Smaller things
The spies for the rebelion
I’m such a fake fan I don’t remember their names, but both of them left a big impact on me with their sacrifices
The guy who died in the cluster field, was a real one. Making the big bad of the episode implode on itself with him at the center- dude
Also, the guy closer to the finale who was almost caught multiple times. What a fucking trooper.
Underwent torture and still didn’t reveal the plans
Both of these dudes need art made for them! Like- I swear to God they did so much for these fuckers and we don’t hear about them, their back stories, or their families ever. When I rewrite this, I want to include pieces of what these people are sacrificing, and who they are fighting for either before, during or after they sacrifice themselves for the revolution.
TLDR; 🫡 Real ones
Zarkon’s black lion obsession bleeding into his character
I like how hyper-focused the big bad is about controlling the black lion.
He’s kind of right in his thinking that by controlling the lion, he’s won. He’s right. But from this thought process he’s reckless and too assured in himself.
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy given layers with the later seasons
Let lance be the sharp shooter
I want more sniper man!!
I want more chuckles instead of groans
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Overall- The show is still good!
This was a fun watch! Was there things I’d change? Ofc! But this season holds up just as, if not better than, the last! From what I remember everyone agrees that seasons 1-3 or 4 is the good shit and then everything goes downhill. Hopefully I’m proven wrong but I highly doubt that.
Scroll bat to the top if y’all wanna see my thoughts on Voltron season 1, thank you for reading my rambles, and, most importantly, FOLD YOUR FUCKING LAUNDRY! You’ve put it off all day-! DO IT!
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cluelesslesbian · 3 years
i'm gonna have to apologize in advance for this one
but say this is a klance high-school au
• school has let out for the day and teens are rushing out of the building
• in more of the front of the crowd is lance, along with pidge and hunk
• lance is doing his daily ranting about mullet head who doesn't even care about his existence
• suddenly, pidge pulls them both aside, giving hunk a look
• he nods, grabbing at his phone without saying a word
• lance is just asking a million questions
• "what are you guys doing?"
• "why is no one saying anything??"
• "why are you pulling out your phone?"
• "is this revenge for what i did last week?"
• "i said i was sorry!"
• pidge shushes him, pointing over at keith, who's walking out of the school with his hands shoved in his pockets, head tilted down
• hunk starts playing a song on his phone
• but not any song
• he plays call me maybe
• pidge explains: "get your ass over there and give him your number all while singing along to the lyrics."
• "what?! you're insane!"
• "you wanted us to help, so we're helping."
• "...are you sure this'll work?"
• "trust us. it will."
• "like trusting you guys got me anywhere good."
• but, lance is curious and is willing to at least make some sort of attempt at asking him out
• it's better than nothing
• and at least anytime someone would ask them how they met, they'd have an interesting story to tell
• the music draws attention to more kids as hunk turns up the volume, giving lance a thumbs up as he walks over there
• keith looks over to see his crush walking up to him, wearing a nervous smile
• before he can ask what he wants
• or make an excuse to get the fuck out of there
• lance starts singing along to the main chorus
• along with hand gestures to go along with the lyrics
• he hands a folded up sticky note to keith after, his phone number scribbled inside
• giving keith a wink before rushing back over to his friends, trying to snatch pidge's phone to stop recording
• keith just stands there
• not noticing that shiro was honking the horn at him
• he snapped out of it when hearing his name getting called
• lance was relieved to see that keith had texted back
• it only took him three days to gain the courage to send a simple "hi."
• now keith and lance will never look at call me maybe the same
• even when years passed as they're together
• the song playing always brings them back to that one moment that started it all during high-school
again, i'm not sure what this is. hopefully it's kind of entertaining?
— 🌙 moon anon
Teenagers are just so dumb I love how easy it is for you to do spontaneous (read: iconic) things just because your friends encourage you to 😌👌👌👌
Pidge and Hunk devising crazy strategies for Lance bc they've been studying Keith's reactions to songs that play over the PA system/in their gym class (idk my school did both)
Pidge: waitwaitwait Hunk look- Keith's nodding his head to Party In The USA... I THINK HE LIKES POP MUSIC!
Hunk: GASP- Lance loves singing pop! *turns to Pidge* We can use this!!
and thus the garrison trio shenanigans ensued...
Flashforward to the scene you've described:
Shiro honked that horn to save Keith from embarrassing himself even more. That kid looked like a deer in headlights and he had to help...but that doesn't stop him from teasing Keith endlessly for making friends and wooing what seemed like a nice kid <3
In the car:
Shiro: Soo who's your boyfriend? He's pretty smooth if he managed to get you to freeze like that lol
Shiro, very casually: Ooooh yeah no. I totally didn't see you checking out his ass when he left-
Keith, a lil hysterical tbh: I WASN'T STARING AT HIS ASS
Shiro, smug af: But you admit you were staring. Exposed.
ALSO ALSO?? KLANCE JUST SUITS SO MANY SONGS???? Oh man it's no wonder I have like 3 drawings already that were inspired by songs 😩 also u lowkey have me thinking of an idea where keith sings to lance now bc I've drawn lance singing to keith asdhlkl THE POWER YOU HOLD OVER ME RN
@lesbianklance come look at this!!! >:OO
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fmmimi · 2 years
I was daydreaming about klance and thinking who would give the first kiss and I made up something
We all know that lance is insecure and thinks he's wothless and replaceble, and keith is basically the only person who reassures him and says he plays an important role in the team. So, imagene that klance is cannon in the show and vld team went deep in this idea, adding more depth and nouance in their relationship.
Keith would give the first kiss
They're in the middle of a huge battle and they're losing. Almost dying actualy
"Keith, if I die" Lance says
"No one will die"
"If I die" he insists "I want to tell you something. I-"
"You can tell me when we're safe in castle" keith doesnt wanna hear bc they're gonna be fine. Ya know, tipycal movie scene. Lance doesnt care and says it anyway
"I'm in love with you" the team is in shock! Super happy though. Coran is all I knew this would happen someday, Hunk is smilling like a kid on christmas eve, Pidge is smirking. But team's happiness start to fade away as lance proceeds to talk "When I was at my lowest and feeling bad, you were the only one who cared about me. You really put effort on making me feel better. I appreciate this"
"Why are telling me this?"
"So sorry that your effort was in vain" and lance leaves his position. He has the perfect plan thats gonna save everyone. No one thought of it but he did
"Lance, what are you doing?!"
"I'm gonna fix this! I'll be usefull for the team at least this once and save your lives!!"
"Lance, dont do that!!" Keith screams "Lance!! Come back here!! Its an order!! I'm your leader!!! Lance!!! Come ba--" Lance mutes him
Keith tries to reach him but Lance is the red paladin now and he is faster than anyone else. He executes his plan(whatever his plan was, I didnt really think of it)
After his sacrifice is easy battle to the paladins now that they're full of pain and rage. Especially for Keith. He is out of himself. They win and Keith wants lances body back. No one tries to stop him.
Lance is found and oh my he is so hurt its even hard to recognize him. There is no hope that he is alive but Keith insists to put him in the healing camara.
Every day Keith is beside him waiting for him to wake up. Days goes by and nothing changes, nothing happens. Its hard to tell if lance is even breathing. But Keith is always waiting for him.
Weeks later his camara opens and lance wakes up. Keith is there and catches him when he falls ala allura ep1. Keith is so relieved. They both lean down and knee on the floor as Keith grabs Lance in a hug. Keith shrugging and crying
"Don't you dare ever do this to me again!!" Slowly, Lance hugs him too "Do you have any idea how much you scared me?! I thought you died!"
"Well, that was the plan"
They keep like this for a moment, just hugging eachother and feelimg eachother's presence
"Do you..." Lance's voice is weak "Do you remember what I said? Before I-"
"Oh... I look like an idiot now, don't I?"
Keith pushes the hug away grabs lances face in his hands. He looks deep in his eyes
"No! You look like a hero! You did it Lance, you saved our lives!!"
"It was worth it than" he smiles "I'm glad they're fine"
"Yeah, they're fine! But what about you?"
"No one cares about me"
"I do! I care about you!"
Then Keith pulls him to a kiss. A warm, soft and carrying kiss. It's comforting. It's everything Keith wanted to say in a single gesture.
"Because I love you too"
Anyways! Everyone is super bad about what happened and they all apologize to Lance and throw him a party YAY
Of course there is the possibility of Lance giving the first kiss. If so maybe in a moment of tension, like Aang kissing Katara before the invasion, and then after is this weird thing of are we or are we not a thing. Ya know, no time to think just kiss and BOOM WAR. Would be interesting too, but I thought this one is more dramatic
Plus I like the idea of keith kissing lance to comfort him
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lohkinight-blog · 6 years
VLD Season 6 Thoughts! Spoilers (obviously)!!
This is basically a huge rant so you can just scroll away now.
I see so much hate over it but honestly I really enjoyed it! It was... a lot.
The animation was gorgeous and some points just showed so much emotion?? Like with Shiro and Keith especially.
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They all looked so beautiful this season!
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Pidge was such a badass fixing everything and having that backup against Shiro. Imagine the amount of stress-
Hunk was doing amazing (as usual), especially in that first episode :) WE NEED MORE HUNK!
The dnd - AHEM I MEAN monsters and mana- episode speaks for itself haha~
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Krolia and Keith's developments and backstory had me literally screeching, but my post with "I left you because I love you" post was tOTALLY RIGHT.
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Keith's dad and Shiro's clothes... :(
Krolia telling Shiro "thank you for raising him to be the man he is today" killed me. We got to see how close they were :') but uh... sorry Sheith shippers...?
Keith... has a wolf... thing?
We already knew it but I'm going to say it anyway. THE SHIRO WAS A CLONE THEORY WAS 100% CORRECT.
He has white hair now?? White Lion maybe?? Huh??
Keith's galra side showing more! With the marking and the eyes :D
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Also he's 2 years older? Lance commented on his growth and how he got "bigger" so I wonder if Keith is maybe taller than him now? Also his hAIR IS LONGER.
They're going home!! Back to Earth!!
Now onto the biggest thing. Lance.
I know a lot of people really hated it (especially some Klance shippers) but I thought it was ok?? It's kinda been hinted at a lot.
He's definitely grown from just being jokingly flirty to genuinely caring a lot about Allura... and might I say... love her? Who knows?
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I do hope we see Lance develop even more and gain some confidence :')
I was actually really proud of Allura this season.
She basically started to love a guy who seemed to show genuine interest back... but then she found out what he did in the past. She could have been blinded by her feelings and tried to defend him, but she turned against him. She threw him to the ground!! After she literally kissed him like a dobosh prior!
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I feel like Acxa is going to play more of an important role as a possible protagonist?? Its already been shown and hinted at.
Also, what is her connection with Keith? They aren't siblings (or at least, not with the same father), so what is up with them?
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I need to get this out there but... Allurance is most likely canon at this point. I legitimately cannot see anything potentially romantic between Keith and Lance anymore... whoops? I mean unless they have some kind of major change and development which at this point?? Season 6?? I highly doubt.
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What's going to happen with both Lotor and Zarkon being defeated?
Is the Earth going to become part of the coalition? Did everyone believe and follow Sam Holt, and if so, what are they going to find when they return?
... possible beach episode...?
That was a lot but thanks for listening to my ted talk.
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sweet-rabbit · 7 years
Hello! I'm new to the Voltron fandom! Could you explain to me how the Lotor and Lance ship came to be? I'm not complaining! Just wonder of this is something from the original show or something the fans picked up, or??? o:
*cracks knuckles and stuffs valentines dunkin donuts in mouth*
LET’S DO THIS! Move aside, Fandom Grandma steppin’ in here…
First and foremost welcome to the fandom~ Careful where you step, it can be a bit “sensitive” but I assure you that if you just filter the bad out it’s a GREAT place to be, I say this from experience. :D
Second, I can’t speak on behalf of the entire shipping community for lancelot/lantor/whatever but I can definitely speak on MY feelings in regards to it and why I find it appealing, as well as why I’ve been shipping this since season 1 first came out, like WOW. I got it baaaaad.
Background: So I mentioned in my comic post that I’ve watched the original voltron when it re-aired in the mid 90′s, so I was roughly 6 years old. Awesome afternoon, that and Sailor Moon was the BEST. No other shows then had girls fighting evil much less piloting a giant robot lion, like HOLY SHIT. And Lotor? Yeah, Lotor was the main villain I remembered. Haggar I remembered because she had a cat, but I seriously forgot that Zarkon was the official Big Bad. Dude waltzed around in a freakin’ crown and jewels, it was embarrassing and I couldn’t take him seriously. Good job VLD on Zarkon, way more imposing. :3c
So y’all are reading that correctly, right? I was SIX and I found Lotor to be an awesome villain. I was 100% aware that what he was doing was horrible, but I knew that whenever he was in an episode SHIT WAS ABOUT TO GO DOWN AND IT WOULD BE SO FREAKIN’ COOL!!! KICK HIS ASS VOLTRON, YEAH!!! Because, yeah, I like plot and conflict in my media, it’s quite a concept that I highly recommend. And yeah, sometimes that can be on the dark side but hey, that stuff ain’t a new thing when it comes to literature by any stretch of the imagination so I have faith in humanity.
CUT TO TODAY. Why was I so quick to not only jump on but attempt to try to start the lancelotor train (seriously I have a fic with this pairing started last november :P)? Quite simply, Lotor is a great plot device. He’s a VILLAIN, he’s going to come in and shake shit up, I look forward to it. And Lance? He’s my fandom bicycle, so OF COURSE I’m going to put him in Allura’s original position of “Lotor’s creepy obsession.” Again, I also ship Klance as a main ship (I’m meh on having OTP’s, they change all the time i can’t keep up), so it works great to have that little switch up happen since Lotor and Keith were rivals in the original.
You can also stretch it in that Allura piloted the Blue Lion in the original (Lance piloted Red… yet wore the blue suit, it made no sense and pissed my little self off to no end) so you could just say that Lotor has an obsession with specifically whoever pilots the blue lion for whatever reason. You want to keep his Oedipus Complex? Just say his mother was the original Blue Paladin, there’s his Altean-ness half right there possibly, and BAM you got yourself some lance/lotor conflict! And there WERE a few… interesting interactions with lance and lotor in the original, I can’t remember which episode but it was “stimulating” to say the least how Lotor was reacting to Lance as opposed to how he would Keith.
In regards to what we are currently working with, Lance has a lot of plot set up for himself going on. I personally theorize that next season will focus more on him in that season 1 had a focus on Pidge and 2 was Keith, so Lance at this time makes sense for focus in 3. His personal self doubt, his issues with Keith, and the tiny fact that WE DON’T KNOW WHAT QUALIFIES HIM AS THE BLUE PALADIN IT’S KILLING ME!!! Seriously, I was raised on murder mysteries and thus know when a show is pointing to an important plot point and when that happened in episode 1 I was like OH SHIT OH SHIT MAH BOI IS GONNA BE IMPORTANT!!! Anyway~ Yes, so then we also have Lotor coming in who is The Biggest Douche in the Universe
I will say that I am surprised by the amount of people making Lotor… nice? Like, I at the moment am not sold on the idea of a Zuko 2.0 since I love Villian Lotor way too much and so when Nice Lotor is written it’s just boring since we don’t have an idea for his character in VLD but yeah, I don’t care y’all you do what you love and I’ll support it…! I need to stop talking I’m at the rambling point. Basically, I just have A LOT to say about Lotor, clearly.
Summary: I see Lotor as a plot device for dark fic/humor and love to pair Lance with EVERYBODY… I also can’t spell “villain” correctly, huh.
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