#I'm terrified of what my state will do considering the shooter seems to be a trans man
meanderingstream · 1 year
When you’re doing homework and take a break to eat. And see on your phone that there’s been a school shooting in your home state, in the city where your aunt and cousins live. And then you just have to go back to homework (where you’re studying to be a teacher yourself). Because it still has to get done. And it wasn’t their school. And this is just routine now. 
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weightlessau · 4 years
adorable and soft [ateez; jongho]
Warnings: mentions of guns and a few curse words
part two of cute and squishy
summary: the weekly meet up didn’t go quite as you expected (well, maybe you did expect it a little bit)
requested (yay!!), it’s maybe a little more actioney than they wanted but i swear it’s fluffy!
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Unfortunately that date Jongho mentioned never panned out. Just after lunch Sunhi and you only had a few minutes to exchange numbers before the whole group made their way home again, because of a 'sudden emergency'. Days after them you went home as well.
Sunhi and you are practically best friends at this point, even if she does keep quite a few secrets from you. Like why there's always one of the other men shadowing behind her when you meet up or where all her money comes from, but you never press on for more information. You're smart enough to guess that whatever her and her group is involved in, you probably don't want to be a part of that.
Today is one of those meet ups Sunhi and you have at least once a week.
'What should we do today?' Sunhi texts you in the morning to which you already have an answer to.
'There's this bar that I've wanted to check out. Do you want to go tonight?'
'Sure! I'll come pick you up at 8'
'Who are you coming with today?' you ask her. You secretly hope that it's Jongho, even though you're still embarrassed that you called him 'squishy', you have to admit that he is quite cute. After some contemplation you have also decided that a date with him may not be a bad idea, but you don't want to be the one to contact him. You're still unsure of his motives, if he really asked you out on a date or if he just said that to fluster you. He didn't have the chance to ask you again. Apparently he's 'out of the city for work'. You didn't want to know what kind of 'work' considering the answer you got after you called Jongho cute. A thinly veiled death threat.
A couple minutes later, Sunhi gives you an answer to your previous question and you think that maybe luck is on your side, 'Joong said that Jongho is free today ;)'
'Stop with the winking,' you whine over text. Of course everyone noticed the conversation Jongho and you had at the lunch table and Sunhi teases you constantly because of that. You're not alone in your suffering, though; you heard that Jongho is only referred to as 'squishy' by the other men.
';)))))' she sends you back and ends the conversation.
At exactly eight o'clock that night a black car pulls up in front of your home. Although you can't see who is sitting inside the car due to the darkened windows, you can be sure that Sunhi and Jongho are waiting for you.
Before you reach the car, Jongho has already hopped out and swung open the backdoor for you.
"My lady," he greets you.
"Thank you, Jongho." He closes the door when you're seated inside and gets into the driver's seat.
"You're still calling me Jongho?" he asks cheekily from the front while Sunhi just laughs at your flustered face.
"That's your name, isn't it?" you say with a smile and a roll of your eyes. He's still flirting with you, maybe you'll have a date by the end of the night, you hope.
Before Jongho can continue your little banter, Sunhi cuts in and you two start a conversation, completely ignoring Jongho at the the front.
When the three of you get into the bar Sunhi and you immediately sit down at a table and order some drinks for you and of course food. Jongho sits down a few tables down, body turned towards your table to see when you're potentially in danger.
Minutes of laughter turn into hours and soon Sunhi and you just slur the whole talk and lean on the table between you heavily while Jongho laughs at you behind his third meal (he has to pass the time sober somehow and what better way than trying the whole menu one by one?). The laugh is wiped off of his face when he sees a man approaching your table and striking up a conversation. He doesn't intervene in any way, before Sunhi or you show any signs of discomfort. But that thought is thrown out when three more men join that Jongho knows closely.
"Aren't you Hongjoong's little bitch?" Jongho hears as he quickly sends a message to his leader and makes his way to your table.
'Rival gang at bar'
'At least four of them'
'Need backup'
Jongho just presses send on his messages and doesn't wait for an answer. He has to get you two out of here before the situation escalades and innocent people get injured.
Turns out that won't be as easy as planned.
"Well if that isn't Choi Jongho." The man nudges a friend standing next to him.
Jongho swallows the insults that are crawling up to his mouth and instead says, "I don't want any stress here, so just leave it." Quietly he adds a quick, "you bastards" as he tries to usher a drunk you and an equally drunk Sunhi out of the bar. Thankfully the bill was already paid when you ordered.
"What did you just say?" A gun is whipped out and the customers of the bar start screaming the second they notice what is happening.
"Shit," he mutters under his breath.
Now the other men have also drawn their guns, pointing them all towards your group. No one says a word now, the whole bar has fallen quiet out of fear. Even you can feel yourself sobering up.
The doors to the bar slam open and Hongjoong marches in, with his gun drawn, closely followed by Wooyoung and San.
"Drop your fucking guns or you'll be in big trouble," Hongjoong threatens, "you're in our territory right now. You don't want me to contact your leader, do you?" He keeps his voice controlled and low, almost like he's having the most boring conversation, making him seem even more threatening.
Your blurry eyes see one of the rival gang's men raise his gun slightly, but before he can go any further a gun shot echoes through the bar before the customers scream out. The man drops down to his knees and clutches his left thigh where blood is oozing out.
"Wooyoung!" Jongho shouts out to the shooter.
"What?" Wooyoung shrugs, "he was about to do something."
The rival's grab the armpits of the injured member and drag him to the exit, where Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung are standing.
"This isn't over," the injured one spits at Hongjoong as they pass him and flee.
Hongjoong lets out a sigh while he looks around at the terrified faces meeting him, including yours. He walks over to his wife and throws his arm over her shoulder, hugging her intoxicated form to him.
"We'll go home now," he announces to the boys. "Jongho, you take [y/n] home." You see the small smirk decorating his face.
"Okay," Jongho agrees and ushers you towards the exit.
As you pass, you could swear that you heard San snicker and say, "good night, squishy."
Outside you are greeted by the biting cold, washing away your drunkenness, when you hurry towards the car.
The car ride is quiet with you trying to process what just happened. But you weren't all that surprised. After all, you expected them to be a part of shady business and that just got confirmed.
"Can you stop when you see a convenience store?" You break the tense silence.
"What would you need at this time?" Jongho asks, confused as he glances over to you shortly.
"I want to drink some more. I can't deal with this shit semi-sober right now. Either I'm completely sober or completely smashed, or I'll go crazy tonight," you explain your sudden plan to him and coincidentally a 24/7 open store appears on the side of the road, making Jongho pull over and park the car.
A few cups of beer and soju later, you're slurring again, leaning against Jongho's broad frame. Your drunken state lets you let loose a little bit. Or more than a little. You even go as far as hugging him, pressing your cheek onto his chest and squeezing him tightly.
"You're so squishy." There's nothing in you that thinks talking to Jongho is a bad thing right now. You drowned all those thoughts with alcohol.
"So soft," you slur and snuggle closer, closing your eyes in bliss.
"Alright, [y/n], I think it's time for you to go home," Jongho laughs and tries to peel you off carefully, but you only tighten your grip and pout up at him, with your chin propped onto his chest.
"No," you look into his eyes firmly to refuse and then press your cheek onto his chest again, closing your eyes.
You feel the rumble of Jongho's laugh vibrating his chest and then feel strong arms embracing you.
"Step on my feet," Jongho tells you and you follow his order, stepping your right foot onto his left and your left onto his right, still clinging onto him but this time with him securing you onto his body as he walks you two to the car. He helps you into your seat and your head immediately lulls to the side, half asleep, as Jongho reaches over you and puts on your belt for you. Before he can duck out of the car to get into the drivers seat, you grab his arm and look up at him with your eyes as pleading as possible.
"I want a good dream," you mumble.
"And why are you telling me that?"
"I want you to-," you pause, "I don't know. I forgot." You cross your arms over your chest and pout again as you look straight ahead, facing away from the still hunched Jongho as if it's his fault that you forgot.
Jongho doesn't try to make you remember and just closes the door and gets in on the other side.
A few minutes of driving pass when suddenly you scream out, "squishy!" making Jongho swerve the wheel.
"That's what I forgot!"
"What the hell, [y/n]!" he slightly raises his voice out of panic. "What does that even have to do with a good dream?"
You shrug, happy that you now know what you forgot, "I don't know."
Jongho has to resist rubbing his face in frustration, a defeated smile taking over his lips. "How about we're quiet the rest of the ride, [y/n]?" Jongho phrases it like a question, but doesn't want an answer from you, which he doesn't get.
You just stare at his side profile for the rest of the ride, admiring his features and his cute little smile. A dreamy smile graces your face as you prop your elbow onto the armrest and your chin onto your hand.
"You're really pretty," you whisper, not even realizing that you're talking. Jongho doesn't show any more reaction than his smile broadening slightly, the action pushing his cheeks up and making them appear more full.
"So soft." As if in a trance, you reach out towards his hypnotizing cheek and quickly grab it between your fingers before Jongho can even react in any way.
"Ow! [y/n]!" he warns you, "let go of my cheek!"
You laugh loudly, "no."
A sigh leaves him and he gives up, trying to rip his face away from your grasp while driving.
Thankfully you arrive just a few minutes later. Jongho helps you walk into your home. Already having a routine for when you come home drunk, you lead him to your kitchen and sit down on the counter.
"I'm thirsty," you slur out, looking at Jongho with half opened eyes.
When he hands you your glass of water after opening every possible drawer and cupboard, you sulk, "and hungry."
A slice of bread and two more glasses of water later, you get ready for bed and Jongho tucks you in for the night. He can't get off the bed though, because you have his arm cuddled against your chest.
"Stay," you hum and pull his arm further to you, making him stumble onto the bed completely, landing beside you. You let go of his arm then and open your arms, "come here, squishy," you pet your chest, "let me cuddle you."
Having given up resisting the drunk you, he lays his head onto your chest and lets you squeeze him, "why do you only call me squishy when you're drunk?" he teases you. There is no point in him feeling embarrassed when he's actually feeling very comfortable in this position, pulling you to him as well.
"Do you not want to be my squishy?"
"Only if you go on a date with me."
"Ask me in the morning."
And with that Jongho can feel you tight grip on him softening. He stays lying next to you until the next morning when he asks you the question properly this time.
"Do you want to go out on a date with me?"
You accept.
Even though you're together, you still only call him 'squishy' when you're drunk, but he gets reminded of the nickname often enough by his friends.
p.s. thank you so much for 100 followers 🥰
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