#I've got a page that's literally just Dragon Fire so... I guess this was practice for Ran and Shaw?????
tripstitan · 6 months
Risk of... Ruining? Nah, Risk of Rain
I've been banging my head against a couple of things in my novel series, and one thing that I shouldn't do, I've been doing. I've been writing linearly. It's so frustrating to try to keep my mind focused from moment to moment. Especially during writing month, but I'm trying to build up a backlog of chapters that I can post now'ish, rather than in however many months it takes me to get to the next volume, lol. Seriously, Volume Six is around 1300 pages long so far, and my outline looks like it's anywhere from 400 to 1400 more pages depending on how I handle certain arcs. I have literally dozens of chapters written for Volume Seven. Trying to force myself to write linearly degrades my quality and I have to go asking for input for things like, "What's this chapter missing?" (Then I take like... every suggestion, which bloats my chapters and they don't really feel 100% like Reggie's or my voice anymore after.) Bluh, ADHD problems I guess.
Anyway, enough of me whinin'. Games! I took abreak from writing and AI-arting, since I've been post 50k on NaNoWriMo since November 6th, to go do a chill run of the rather brand-new'ish Risk of Rain returns. Same setting, planet Petrichor V.
I could see myself doing a little fanficof my characters ending up in the pods as survivors choosable for RoR. Heh, I'd probably have to go with Book 1 versions of them, for simplicity's sake.
Hm, Reggie's primary activatable would simply be a long distance, non-piercing shot, using their Space skill to launch daggers from their inventory. Secondary skill would maybe be their buzzsaw trick, sending an item spinning out of their inventory from above, downward at an angle. Utility would be a little bit of a spoiler from Volume 2 when they realize they can use their inventory for mobility (conjuring items near them, using the velocity to strike themselves to propel them,) it'd essentially be a double jump. Their special skill would be to propel up to twelve daggers at once aimed at the nearest foes. Nothing too fancy, pretty standard, not much different than Commando, the base survivor, just flavored differently.
Teuila would play a bit like Huntress, what with her spear-based fighting style, only instead of a teleport, she'd get a ridiculous high-jump, and some gravity redux/falling damage redux.
Lil's a dragon, but if we're going Spheriform Lil, then he's more like a Koromon with a tail than much of anything else. A bursty little close range chomp attack for primary, a flamethrower secondary attack, with a more powerful flame that leaves a fire patch for a special attack. Utility I guess could be a tail-coiled spring if we're getting a little creative.
Honestly, I'm tempted to get some art of my goobers in the opening-cinematic style of Risk of Rain returns. It's gorgeous. Of course, I think my goobers are gorgeous in their natural habitat as well, but I've never nailed down a style for them (I think I'm getting close though. I've got some consistent ones that I want to practice drawing myself, but that'll have to wait til after NaNoWriMo, and some more work on my house, so that I can set up a neat little thing so that I can actually use my drawing tablet.) Anyway, my goobers natural habitat is AAoMM over on Royal Road.
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