cristinabcn · 1 year
Córdoba 2022 Gala de premios del Concurso de Concursos
Córdoba 2022 Gala de premios del Concurso de Concursos
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Twenty miles outside of Ciudad Juarez lies a private mental asylum named “Vision en Accion”. It provides refuge, safe housing, and a community to the area’s homeless, infirm, recovering addicts, and mentally ill. Jose Antonio Galvan, known by many as “El Pastor” is a born again street Pastor who founded the asylum after his own struggle with drug use and homelessness.
Aside from taking in the poor and ill, Jose paints and provides for the residents.
His works confront political hypocrisy, corruption, and the tragedies of cartel violence.
El Pastor’s artwork helps to fund the Vision en Accion.
Webb Gallery
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saturdaynightmatinee · 4 months
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Título Original: Miss Bala
Año: 2011
Duración: 113 min
País: México
Dirección: Gerardo Naranjo
Guion: Gerardo Naranjo, Mauricio Katz
Música: Emilio Kauderer
Fotografía: Mátyás Erdély
Reparto: Stephanie Sigman, Noé Hernández, Irene Azuela, James Russo, Lakshmi Picazo, Juan Carlos Galván, Jose Yenque, Leonor Victorica, Miguel Couturier
Productora: Coproducción México-Estados Unidos; Canana Films, Fox International Productions, IMCINE, Conaculta, Fidecine, Promecap
Género: Crime; Drama; Action
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silvestromedia · 2 years
Saint of the day May 25
Venerable Bede. Bede was born near St. Peter and St. Paul monastery at Wearmouth-Jarrow, England. He was sent there when he was three and educated by Abbots Benedict Biscop and Ceolfrid. He became a monk at the monastery, was ordained when thirty, and except for a few brief visits elsewhere, spent all of his life in the monastery, devoting himself to the study of Scripture and to teaching and writing. He is considered one of the most learned men of his time and a major influence on English literature.
St. Aldhelm, 709 A.D. Bishop and abbot, also called Adelemus, Athelmas, Adelnie, Eadelhelm, Aedelhem. Born about 639, and a relative of King Ine of Wessex, he received his early education at Malmesbury, in Wiltshire, England. There he was trained by an Irish teacher, Maildubh, and by Adrian, a native of Roman Africa. Adrian arrived in England with Bishop Theodore and was made abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury. After his training in Malmesbury, Aldhelrn was named abbot of Malmesbury, where he practiced great austerity. During his term in office the abbey prospered, and he also founded St. Lawrence monastery, in the area of Bradfordon-on-Avon. Aldhelm went to Rome to represent Malmesbury before Pope Sergius. He also counseled the Wessex Synod. In 705, Aldhelm succeeded Hedda as bishop of Sherborne, Hedda's original diocese being divided. He died only four years later. A silver shrine was erected at Malmesbury in 857 by King Ethelwulf. The shrine honored not only the saint's holiness but his extraordinary and long-lasting impact on English scholarship. He was the first Englishman to promote classical learning in the isles. Some evidence of his own remarkable literary skills is extant.
St. Dunchadh, 717 A.D. Abbot of lona, in Scotland, from 710 until his death. Roman liturgical customs were adopted in Scotland in his time.
Mexican Martyrs Saint David Galván Bermúdez, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr. Bl. Jose Isabel Flores Varela, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr. St. Manuel Moralez, Roman Catholic Semianian and Mexican Martyr. Bl. Miguel de la Mora, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr. Bl. Sabas Reyes Salazar, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr. St. Salvador Lara Puente, Roman Catholic Layman and Mexican Martyr. Bl. David Uribe-Velasco,Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr. Bl. Luis Batiz Sainz, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr.
St. Maria Magdalen Dei Pazzi, Roman Catholic Discalced Carmelite mystic and healer. Feast May 25
ST. GREGORY VII, POPE Pope/St. Gregory VII was one of the great church reformers. Educated in Rome, Hildebrand was chaplain to Gregory VI, whose exile he shared. When Gregory VI died in 1047, Hildebrand entered a monastery where he remained until Leo IX called him to Rome to serve as treasurer of the church. Elected pope in 1073, Hildebrand took the name Gregory in honor of St. Gregory the Great and began to institute reforms against simony, clerical marriage May 25
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mannprieto · 2 years
TONALLAN TLAHTOCAYOTL. “Gerardo Murillo y su influencia en Tonalá”.
En 1921, se organizó la primera exposición sobre ‘las artes populares’ donde apareció el primer volumen de un libro que precisamente llevó este nombre.
Se realizó con motivo del primer centenario de nuestra independencia y llegó a ser tan cotizado por los especialistas en arte; quizá porque sus pastas estaban realizadas en tela de sarape.
Para escribir sobre el trabajo artesanal de Tonalá; el Dr. Atl se estableció en Tonalá en un pequeño taller localizado “por una de las callecitas de la parroquia”, según recordaban algunos de los antiguos artesanos tonaltecas.
En este lugar, regularmente se daban cita Cristobal Maestro, Zacarías Jimon, Ladislao Ortega y Amado Galván; siendo este último quien sobreviviera a todos ellos y compartiera las experiencias de trabajo junto a los muralistas más destacados del país como Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros o bien Jose Clemente Orozco.
“Lo escuchábamos, hablábamos y mientras le echábamos color a los tepalcates, trabajamos mucho el azteca, un estilo a base de grecas, que pronto se hizo famoso en Tonalá, pero no duró tanto tiempo, no nos hacíamos el animo a no pintar los conejos, los venados que habíamos hecho siempre”, recordaba el maestro tonalteca Amado Galván.
Abunda con una interesante afirmación. “La llamada “flor de Tonalá” salió de aquellas reuniones. Con sus cinco pétalos anchos, tan característico en el barro bruñido, el bandera y el canelo”; señalo Galván.
‘Pintar con pinceles de perro o de gato tiene su chiste. A nosotros nos daba risa que los pintores tan famosos por sus obras, les costara tanto trabajo pintar loza, hacer bajar el color y dibujar sin trazo...’, finalizó don Amado.
Sin duda, el llamado Dr. Atl, ‘que tanto viajó y conoció el arte por el mundo’; encontró un remanso, un oasis y un paradigma ancestral en la cerámica de Tonalá.
Siglos y siglos de inventiva, de tradición y de supervivencia para perfeccionar el arte de la expresión y la decoración que descansa en personajes tan sencillos y carismáticos conocidos como “Los alfareros de Tonalá.
‘Cariacha asta cualco… (hasta pronto)
#soydetonala®🌞 #tierradenahuales👹 @XDondeelSolSale
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contactotamaulipas · 2 years
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Presidente Municipal Carlos Peña Ortiz , conmemora 273 años de la fundación de Reynosa. El Presidente Municipal, Carlos Peña Ortiz, conmemoró el 273 Aniversario de la Fundación de Reynosa, en el poblado en que el Capitán Carlos Cantú por indicaciones de Don José de Escandón estableciera las raíces de esta noble y productiva tierra de hombres y mujeres progresistas. El Alcalde dio la bienvenida a los asistentes y destacó que los liderazgos "son parte fundamental para construir una sociedad más fuerte, más duradera y que nos ayuda a poder saber qué necesitamos hacer en materia de política pública para construir un Reynosa de paz, de oportunidades dignas de educación y salud de calidad". 'Sueño en un Reynosa en el que podamos decir que somos de primer mundo, donde haya paz; los invito para que desde aquí, donde empieza la patria y celebramos nuestro aniversario podamos construir el México que queremos. ¡Que viva México, que viva Tamaulipas, que viva Reynosa!" Los festejos dieron inicio este 14 de marzo con la entonación del Himno Nacional y los Honores a la Bandera, en congregación Reynosa Díaz, lugar donde se montó guardia de honor ante el busto de Don Jose de Escandón y Helguera, los asistentes pudieron conocer la historia de la fundación de Reynosa y disfutar de la música y bailes norteños, en la interpretación de los artistas del IRCA. Acompañando al Presidente Carlos Peña, el Presidente del Patronato del Sistema DIF, Carlos Peña Garza; la Alcaldesa de Díaz Ordaz, Nataly García Díaz; el Senador, Faustino López Vargas; funcionarios municipales, integrantes del Cabildo, autoridades militares y familias descendientes de los fundadores. Así mismo participaron la Reina de las Fiestas de Aniversario, Yatziri Omecali Campos Arellano; la líder de la comunidad, Juanita Gutiérrez García; Diputados Locales, Casandra de los Santos Flores, Magaly Deandar, Humberto Prieto Herrera, Juan Ovidio García García Marco Antonio Gallegos Galván, entre otros; el Srio. de Organización II del SNTE, Jorge Guadalupe Acuña Tobías y Martín Salinas, Cronista de la ciudad. https://www.instagram.com/p/CbGngBqLxzi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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taac2020 · 4 years
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Detección de Patrones - Herrería 
Basándonos en el trabajo de Christopher Alexander, 10 patrones fueron detectados y fotografiados dentro del polígono de intervención. El propósito de esta documentación fue detectar soluciones constructivas y elementos distintivos que pudieran ser fácilmente identificados por la comunidad e idealmente ser aplicados o reinterpretados en los proyectos arquitectónicos.
En esta composición vemos la evidencia de diversidad de herrerías utilizados en las ventanas y balcones de construcciones existentes en el polígono de estudio.
Composición fotográfica de Jose Ra Galván
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elreporterodigital · 5 years
'Tolo' Gallego elige a mundialistas panameños para debut en Liga de Naciones
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(EFE).- El argentino Américo Rubén Gallego, seleccionador de Panamá, reveló este martes el listado de 23 jugadores con los que enfrentará los partidos de la Liga de Naciones de Concacaf ante Bermudas, en septiembre próximo. En listado del 'Tolo' Gallego resaltan los nombres de los mundialistas Armando Cooper, Gabriel Torres, Edgar Yoel Bárcenas, Harold Cummings, Éric Davis, Adolfo Machado, Michael Amir Murillo, Fidel Escobar y José Luis Rodríguez. Precisamente, Cooper, quien se encuentra en Panamá aún sin un destino definido, se unirá este miércoles a los trabajos. La lista de los 23 seleccionados incluye a ocho jugadores de la liga local llamados al primer microciclo, que arrancó el pasado lunes y finalizará mañana, mientras que el resto militan en clubes extranjeros. El campeón del fútbol panameño el Club Atlético Independiente (CAI), aporta cuatro jugadores; el Tauro dos; y San Francisco y Sporting San Miguelito, uno cada uno al seleccionado nacional para los dos primeros compromisos internacionales de Gallego al frente del equipo. Panamá debutará en la Liga de Naciones de Concacaf el 5 de septiembre ante Bermudas de visitante en la ciudad de Hamilton; tres días después, jugará en el Rommel Fernández de la capital panameña ante el mismo rival. - Nómina de convocados de Panamá: Porteros: Luis Mejía (Nacional-URU), José Calderón (Comunicaciones-GUA) y José Guerra (CAI). Defensas: Francisco Palacios (San Francisco), Michael Amir Murillo (New York Red Bulls-USA), Adolfo Machado (ADR Jicaral-CRC), Harold Cummings (San Jose Earthquakes-USA), Fidel Escobar (Córdoba-ESP), Jan Carlos Vargas (Tauro-PAN), Éric Davis (DAK 1904 Dunajska Streda-SVK) y Kevin Galván (Sporting). Centrocampistas: Alberto Quintero (Universitario-PER), Omar Browne (CAI), Rolando Botello (Tauro), Abdiel Ayarza (CAI), Adalberto Carrasquilla (Cartagena-ESP), Armando Cooper (sin club) y José Luis Rodríguez (Alavés B-ESP) y Édgar Bárcenas (Real Oviedo-ESP). Delanteros: José Fajardo (CAI), Gabriel Torres (Independiente del Valle-ECU), Alfredo Stephens (Santa Clara-POR) y Rolando Blackburn (Port FC-THA). from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Zbwrhy via IFTTT
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johnny-dynamo · 7 years
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Ghost Rider by Jose Galván
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damian-fabian-blog · 7 years
Coco Kush Toto Stick Golo Stick Aline Reynoso Annie Hernández Ferzz Ita Joana Ávila Yajaira Juarez Frydda Paarra Selene lira Malondra Robles García Marlene Leite Benito Camelo Clari Iralc Sara Riot Xime Salas Faby Uro Vain Morrison Abrííl Ramíírez Lucy Campuzano Martin Del Prado Sony Estrada Oscar Lopez Jaque Díaz de Fer Eliza Barrera Artax Gomez Żatanna Żatara Lucy Meendiola Diiz McCraken Alexia Flores Fernanda tinoco Priscila Galván Michelle Alarcón Mari Flores Daniel Alejandro Mendoza Leon Betzabel Marquez Daniela Espinoza Loza Briza Jaqueline Deloya Lina Cherry Pie Lesliie Martinez Lhi CR Susana Ortíz Madyurith Guinto Mariana MG Ivan Vazquez Julieta Garcia Isabella Miranda Ale Luna Danna Avilez Mariana Rubí Robert Rodriguez Kecho Vazquez Daniela Domínguez Massiel Escobar Lin OH Yessica Estrada Monserrat Rojas Aniimal Renton Mcflay Alejandra Gonzalez Luna Wolf Regina Pereyra Yaz Ruiz María Jacobo Guadarrama Noemí Malena le Tango Lau Ventura Luz Jazmin Sanchez Griselda MB Deevine Dimas Mirna Martínez Fanny Escobar H Angie Paola Valencia Restrepo Elide Gutiérrez Tania Guzmán Leticia Luna Serna Maritzaa Molina Ingrid MA Mina Montenegro Letyy Bluu Kitzia Martinez Daniela Lugo Rocio Yazmin Suarez Gabriela Morales Cin Barrett Gabriela Dlso Alexandra Juan Perezz II Sary Mob Katya Sanchez Dapnhe Miranda Granados Rinoceronte Aipher María Mondragón Tonantzin Ariza Vázquez Wennth Peyotl Fernanda AR Rachel Siller's Katia Zariñana Ox Ix Nayelli Zariñana Esme GH Alys Zam Mariana Barranco Avila Neli Crk Sheila Martinez Kendy Blue Carolina Quintero Dulce Rivera Paola Avílez Pamela Joana Mejia Kenn Muush Katherine Moreno Hurtado Viviana Cardona Lara Betzii la Quaii Cinthya Michelle García Vega Fernanda Reyes Dinorah Castillo Lizeth Salazar Ortíz Karen Delarge Azul Castillo Alberto Badillo Parra Donjuan Fadua Fernanda Martinessca Ada Martinez Abigail Reyes Sofia Garza Itzel Fyahbwoy Karen Rodriguez Paola Williams Alice BG Belén Blas Urbina Sad Raquel Zariñana Daniela Von C Cinthya Aguiilar Erika Guerrero Betza Uribe Pixel Antwoord Rocy Diaz Itz Papalotl Bueno Lilibeth Dominguez Katia Yamilet Hernández Flores Re Bel Arely Pérez Ramos Breendá Beetancourt Jaquelin Farciert Jaid VH Fernanda MP Horus Gonzalez Demi Crute Erik Armando Jovana Martinez Ü Fernanda Cordero Zaira Arumir Meel Leyva Yetla Pech Samma MH Elizabeth Ocampo Jackelyn Maxinez Ana Ríos Fercho Lopez Luisa Jimenez Tania Bahena Edyy Ggzalez Brenduska Laguna Reyna Car La RG Jose Luis Figueroa Fernanda Garcia EDREY HAYLEN ANN ALEJANDRA MORENO CAROLINA ALCARAZ VERONIKA RODRIGUEZ MARY DIAZ GEMMA AB ALEJANDRA BARRERA STEFANI YAEL ROSY QUEVEDO AHTZIRI ANGELES ALEXIA DANIELA LIZBETH EVELYN AGUILAR LOPEZ HELEN LUCERO LB INGRID LAIHO CEREZO PAU ARANDA LU ABBY DESASTRE LEY
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studiodenden · 4 years
"I'm not the decorator": 20 quotes on what it's like to be a lady architect
Looking back on this past year, there have been so much amazing progress in terms of gender, sexuality, and overall human rights. This past year is apart of our forward momentum but many industries, such as our very own architecture and design industry, still have an uphill battle due.
Architecture was traditionally a wealthy man’s hobby. Inspired by the Greek and Roman architects, Thomas Jefferson had a studio in his own home, Monticello, that he used to develop a unique form of American architecture. In 1767 he purchased a small mountain (Monticello means ëlittle mountain' in Italian) near his birthplace, Shadwell. He began construction that year, a process that would continue throughout most of his life. He rebuild Monticello several times.
Since then architecture has remained male-dominated - and for good reason, it’s inextricably tied to the construction industry. Truth be told, contractors aren’t going to be trading in their 210lb laborers for 130lb women anytime soon. Not in a capitalist country at least.
But until then we have our allies like,  Robin Pogrebin, who rote a fantastic NY Times story outlining countless women’s stories. We couldn’t help but not share…
”For a woman to go out alone in architecture is still very, very hard,” the architect Zaha Hadid said. “It’s still a man’s world.” Ms. Hadid often stated that she did not want to serve as a symbol of progress for women in her profession. But, inevitably, she did. A study on diversity in the profession released this year by the American Institute of Architects found that “women strongly believe that there is not gender equity in the industry”; that women and minorities say they are less likely to be promoted to more senior positions; and that gender and race are obstacles to equal pay for comparable positions. Since Ms. Hadid won the Pritzker Prize in 2004, the percentage of female architects in the United States has barely grown, increasing to 25.7 percent from 24 percent, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
After Ms. Hadid died on March 31 at 65, The New York Times, in an informal online questionnaire, asked female architects among its readers to talk candidly about their experiences in the profession: the progress they’ve made and the obstacles they still face on construction sites and in client meetings. Below are edited excerpts from a few of some 200 responses we received.
‘Pushing Through Assumptions’
“We absolutely face obstacles. Every single day. It’s still largely a white, male-dominated field, and seeing a woman at the job site or in a big meeting with developers is not that common. Every single day I have to remind someone that I am, in fact, an architect. And sometimes not just an architect, but the architect. I’m not white, wearing black, funky glasses, tall or male. I’m none of the preconceptions of what an architect might be, and that means that every time I introduce myself as an architect, I have to push through the initial assumptions. Every new job site means a contractor who will assume I am the assistant, decorator or intern. It usually isn’t until the third meeting that the project team looks to me for the answers to the architectural problems.”
—Yen Ha, New York
“African-American women make up less than 0.3 percent of the architecture industry. There are approximately 300 licensed African-American women architects in the whole of the United States. I am a rarity in the field. It’s overwhelming being in an industry that doesn’t see your demographic enough to correlate it with the occupation you love.”
—Farida Abu-Bakare, Atlanta
The Boys’ Club
“Subcontractors, who have [fewer] opportunities to work with women architects and designers, seem to think that we do not even know how to change a light bulb and that our only role is just to decorate interiors. Many subcontractors seem very surprised whenever I give them solutions.”
—HJ Kim
“There is always that moment, while stepping onto a new construction site, that a few might consider a woman an intruder in a boys’ club. This quickly dissipates as soon as I treat them with respect. After all, they are the craftsmen that work with the materials daily. I am eager to learn from them, and they can elevate my design. Being a woman has also had some advantages, as certain clients feel more comfortable working with a woman during the design process.”
—Amanda McNally, North Palm Beach, Fla.
“I’ve seen younger women with architecture degrees pushed into more drafting, more into interiors and landscapes, while the men seem to think they are “better” at designing the building structure and are given more face time with the clients. A woman in large firms may be kept in the background.
—Maddy Samaddar-Johnson, New York
“The design profession won’t be integrated until the construction industry is, too. (Good luck with that!)”
—Bronwyn Barry, San Francisco
The Commission Gap
“It is easier to get commissions from educational, health care and governmental institutions than from fields which are very male-dominated. The only female in a board room discussing a project is the one in the skinny dress, delivering messages and setting lunches!”
—Juann Khoory, Wellesley, Mass.
“I have heard discussions where Zaha Hadid’s name came up as a suggestion to do a high-rise tower, and the men around the table declared her too risky. This is emblematic of the obstacles inherent in the field of high-profile projects. There needs to be more awareness among women in a position to be clients to consider hiring architectural firms that have women in design leadership roles.”
—Claire Weisz, New York
“My eagerness to learn is perceived as ignorance. My strong voice and firm stance are perceived as ‘bitchiness.’ It’s unlikely and uncommon for women to get commissions, gain corporate clients and to be given high-level responsibility.”
—Patricia Galván, San Jose, Calif.
The Road to Success
“I did what most successful female architects did before Zaha: I partnered with my husband. Saying that sounds horrible, but I never thought it could be different. I simply chose not to swim against the tide. Yes, he knows I use him sometimes to open the road for me, and he is fine with that.”
—Flavia Quintanilha, Brazil
“There was a time when women were not allowed to be members of the Century Club. About that same time, as a young architect trying to survive, I was doing exhibition design and had been hired by an N.Y.C. art collector to do an installation of Piranesi prints for the Century Club. When the club learned that I was a woman architect, I was not allowed to install the exhibit. I, like many other women architects, found it much easier and less humiliating to just strike out on my own. I have been in my own practice now for 20 years.”
—Christine Matheu, Bloomington, Ind.
The Pritzker Path
“To get a few more Pritzker-winning women, let’s:
• Never call anyone over age 18 a girl, especially not in a client meeting. This is not cute; it is patronizing.
• Make sure you introduce yourself to women on the project. (I have experienced this countless times in a meeting, where someone introduces themselves to the rest of the team but somehow skips me.)
• Do not comment on their bodies/clothing more than you might a man’s. (Don’t make jokes about them dieting ….)
• Don’t apologize for swearing in front of them. This is 2016; I am pretty sure women can handle it.
• Don’t interrupt them or talk over them.
• Don’t devalue their social ability. Getting everyone together for an office event can show leadership and planning. Being able to communicate is a key skill in a field with so many consultants.
• Do promote women into positions of power and influence. My previous firm rarely promoted women. I eventually quit. Next thing you know, they promoted all the women in the office. I like to think something got through.”
—Amity Kurt, New York
The Work/Life Balance
“No overtime pay and no paid parental leave can make it hard to justify staying in a profession. As a new mom, I feel like I must choose between advancing to a principal, or being there for my child. I will forgo the opportunity of making principal if it means I can be an involved parent.”
—Rosemary Park, Cambridge, Mass.
“After my daughter was born, it was clearly not possible to support her and do great work. I work as an urban designer for a planning department in a major city — the culture of planners is remarkably different and healthy. I never had trouble until I accepted a top award, seven months pregnant, in front of a large pool of existing and potential clients. After building a strong reputation for great work, the phone stopped ringing.”
—Maia Small, San Francisco
The profession is losing women faster than imaginable. This is due to the low wages and long hours at the start of one’s career, as well as those seeking to be parents. My firm is predominantly women, and I offer lots of work/life balance to my team so they can lead fulfilling lives, given the many hats they wear each day.
—Carol Kurth, Bedford, N.Y.
The Glass Ceiling
Women struggle far more for institutional and corporate work and for high-level responsibilities. The ratio of men to women was 50-50 in my graduating class at Columbia University in 1992, but today, most of my female classmates have dropped out of the profession.
—Deborah Ascher Barnstone, Sydney, Australia
“I have practiced now for 40 years, and the percentage of women in leadership roles in the profession has improved only a small percentage in that time. After my first five to seven years, being treated as kind of a cute or sweet team member, I left for a position in urban design in the public sector, retaining my own self-identity as an architect/urban designer. Without that clarity, I’d have left the field completely. The women partners I know are still the people who left other firms to begin their own.”
—Rebecca G. Barnes, Seattle, Washington
“I ended up creating my own ‘mommy-track,’ working as a sole practitioner, doing mostly single-family residential work for almost 20 years. I had always aspired to work in the public sphere, and by designing high-end houses in Marin County, Calif., I had clearly failed on that front. At some level, I will always wonder whether I failed at my profession, or if my profession failed me. That said, I am an optimist and am actively involved in the Missing 32% Project [formed to illuminate gender challenges] at the American Institute for Architects San Francisco, so I can help figure this out for younger architects and for the profession itself, which is sadly hemorrhaging talent because it has been unresponsive to the needs of its members.”
—Sharon Portnoy, Mill Valley, Calif.
“I worked for Zaha when I was first out of college. I did not have an architecture degree, but she hired me anyway and then encouraged me to apply to graduate school when I feared I would not get in. (I did.) I credit her influence directly for my decision to pursue architecture.”
—Marion Cage McCollam, New Orleans
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silvestromedia · 3 years
Saint David Galván Bermúdez, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr.
Bl. Jose Isabel Flores Varela, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr.
St. Manuel Moralez, Roman Catholic Semianian and Mexican Martyr.
Bl. Miguel de la Mora, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr.
Bl. Sabas Reyes Salazar, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr.
St. Salvador Lara Puente, Roman Catholic Layman and Mexican Martyr.
Bl. David Uribe-Velasco,Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr.
Bl. Luis Batiz Sainz, Roman Catholic Priest and Mexican Martyr.
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mannprieto · 4 years
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@DiariodeMann🏛. Gerardo Murillo y su influencia en Tonalá. En 1921, organizó la primera exposición de las artes populares y apareció el primer volumen de un libro que precisamente llevó este nombre. Se realizó con motivo del primer centenario de nuestra independencia y llegó a ser tan cotizado por los especialistas en arte quizá porque sus pastas estaban realizadas en tela de sarape. Para escribir sobre el trabajo artesanal de Tonalá, el Dr. Atl se estableció en Tonalá en un pequeño taller localizado por una de las callecitas de la parroquia, según recordaban algunos de los viejos artesanos tonaltecas. En este lugar, regularmente se daban cita Cristobal Maestro, Zacarías Jimon, Ladislao Ortega y Amado Galván; siendo este último quien sobreviviera a todos ellos y compartiera las experiencias de trabajo junto a los muralistas más destacados del país como Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros o bien Jose Clemente Orozco. “Lo escuchábamos, hablábamos y mientras le echábamos color a los tepalcates, trabajamos mucho el azteca, un estilo a base de grecas, que pronto se hizo famoso en Tonalá, pero no duró tanto tiempo, no nos hacíamos el animo a no pintar los conejos, los venados que habíamos hecho siempre”, recordaba Amado Galván. La llamada “flor de Tonalá”, salió de aquellas reuniones con sus cinco pétalos anchos, característico del barro bruñido, del bandera y el canelo. Señaló Galván. Pintar con pinceles de perro o de gato tiene su chiste, a nosotros nos daba risa que los pintores tan famosos por sus obras, les costara tanto trabajo pintar loza, hacer bajar el color y dibujar sin trazo... acotó Amado Galván. Sin duda, este prodigio (Dr. Atl) que viajó y conoció el arte por el mundo, encontró un remanso, un oasis y un paradigma en la cerámica de Tonalá. Siglos y siglos de inventiva, de tradición y de supervivencia para perfeccionar el arte de la expresión y la decoración en personajes tan sencillos y carismáticos... los alfareros de Tonalá. -Entrevista a Amado Galván Rodriguez. 1978. #soydetonala®🌞 #tierradenahuales👹 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7vy07Pnqg2spYi1773d2F6171niEYIyYhCSCo0/?igshid=1fgg1q6poavts
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mxdwn · 5 years
Via mxdwn LA: KCRW Summer Nights: The Tracks with DJ’s Travis Holcombe & José Galván @ Hammer Museum 7/25
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marctucci · 5 years
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guadalupegomezverdi · 6 years
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La marea feminista trajo un nuevo aire muy necesario en la fotografía: modos de representación desde donde contarnos y tiempos donde repensarnos desde el campo laboral.
Compartimos “Marea Verde” el fotozine realizado a partir de la convocatoria abierta organizada por Sub e Infoto en torno a ley por el Aborto legal, seguro y gratuito, donde recibimos más de 5000 imágenes y cuyo resultado fue exhibido como parte del cierre de la Bienal de Tucumán.
El resultado se puede ver aquí, y es una hermosa bomba verde: https://issuu.com/subeditora/docs/marea_verde_fotozine
Con Fotografías de: Agostina Demarchi / Agustina Feaherston / Agustina López / Aisha Maya Bittar / Alana Rodriguez/ Alejandra Malcorra / Ana Mombello / Ana Isla / Anabella Aranda / Analía Cid / Andrea Castaño y Carla Policella / Andrea Ostera / Andrea Raina / Ángela Tettamanti / Angie Milena Espinel / Anita Pouchard Serra / Ayelen Rodriguez / Borde Colectivo / Carla Temporetti / Carolina Cabrera / Carolina Martinez / Carolina Sánchez Vázquez / Cecilia Antón / Cecilia Basterrechea / Cecilia Bethencourt / Celeste Destéfano / Colectivo de fotógrafas Fisgona / Colectivo Fluxus Foto / Colectivo Manifiesto / Colectivo Sado / Colectivo Voces para multiplicarnos / Constanza Lupi / Constanza Niscovolos / Dafne Gentinetta/ Dagna Faidutti / Daiana Martínez / Emiliana Miguelez / Erica Cánepa / Fernanda Leunda / Fernanda Soria / Florencia Castello / Florencia Ferioli / Florencia Martinez Stoessel / Gala Abramovich / Georgina García / Gilda Lorenti / Guadalupe Arriegue / Guadalupe Gómez Verdi, Lisa Franz y Léa Meurice / Helga Mariel Soto / Jimena Aelen / Jimena Chávez / Jose Nicolini / Josefina Baridón / Julia Negri / Julia Russo Martínez / Julia Sbriller / Julieta De Pian / Julieta Dorin / Karen Toro / Lara Otero / Laura Rivas / Liliana Contrera / Lucía Laurent / Ludmila Belizán / Luisa Magdalena / Maia Alcire / Mailen Panichella / Marcela Heiss / Maria Florencia Lencina / María Naveiro / Maria Paula Ávila / Mariana Lanús / Marianella Sabbadini / Mariana Varela / Marina Carniglia / Martina Perosa / Max Varela Jones / Melisa Salvatierra / Melisa Scarella / Natalia Díaz / Natalia Sofía Molina / Nicole Díaz / Noelia Monopoli / Nora Narvaéz / Otra Óptica informe Fotógrafico / Paola Olari Ugrotte / Paula Lobariñas / Rocío Tursi / Romina Elvira / Romina Morua / Ruedaphotos / Sandra Rojo / Sara Jurado / Sofía Martinez Bordone / Sol Atta / Soledad Castro / Soledad Galván / Soledad Ochoa / Valentina Kalinger / Valentina Casuscelli / Vanesa Espinoza / Verónica Cozzi / Victoria Cuomo / Victoria Gesualdi / Virginia Barbagallo / Vivian Ribero / Xoana Villalba.
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