spirit0flondonatnight · 8 months
...Jekshire crumbs- *BANG*
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anyways, ignoring my Jekshire brain rot this feels like foreshadowing
or at least a total parallel between Dr Moreau and Dr Jekyll that I find veryyyyy interesting and idk I wanna hear y'alls thoughts
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bansheeoftheforest · 2 years
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I titled this one Sweet Watlz for obvious reasons uwu
Speedpaint of the process under cut!!! :D
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I just realized something- and im sending this to your blog because I'm now crowning you the President of the Jekshire ship bc you are basically the only one talking about it- Remember the edit you made of Brokenshire without his beard? Im the anon who apparently inspired you to do the full shave edit, and now im curious... if Jekyll and brokenshire were together, how would Jekyll react to that? Even better, if they weren't together, how would Jekyll react? Would that be the moment he realizes he is in love with Brokenshire because everyone keeps shit talking the shave and he doesn't really care for it???? yes, this is random, but just... Yes.
(For anyone new, jekshire spawned from 1 (one) fanfic. And I've always headcanoned him as like 37-38 [which is funny because I later learned Lanyon is canonically 38 and I originally has Brokenshire younger then him XD]
I remember it yes, here's a refresher in case anyone forgot <3
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Hm I'm not sure, tbh I'm probably the worst person to ask because I always insult family members if they shave their beard XD
I'm willing to think the only reason Brokenshire would ever shave anything would be because he lost a bet, or it got set on fire in a accident or something
So I'm thinking a scene where Jekyll notices a shaved Brokenshire, doesn't immediately insult or laugh and asks him why he shaved it, in which a sulking Brokenshire responds that he didn't want to, and que a cute lil trip to the society where Jekyll grabs him a potion to help it grow back faster
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spirit0flondonatnight · 4 months
Jekshire is one of those ships where I wouldn't want it to be canon... but I really enjoy the fan content of it like
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bansheeoftheforest · 2 years
Sappy [A Very Fluffy Jekshire Fic]
SO uhm. This is the first thing I've written since October, merely because I've Not Felt The Motivation but today my lovely friend Axol blessed the discord server with a Jekshire fic that singlehandedly got me out of writer's block. Congratulations! Now you guys have to deal with me being sappy <3
Wordcount: 2567
Summary: Sergeant Enoch Brokenshire was never a sentimental man, but... Perhaps there were moments where he could allow himself to be.
Relationships: Dr. Henry Jekyll/Sergeant Enoch Brokenshire, Jekshire.
CW: None apply.
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Sergeant Enoch Brokenshire couldn’t necessarily say that he was experienced when it came to love.
Perhaps a few ladies had caught his eye once or twice in his youth. Perhaps he, too, had shared and enjoyed the stories of his colleagues and classmates of women at bars that spared them more than a few glances. Perhaps he had... Occasionally, enjoyed the view of the delicately and tastefully nude men on paintings that dotted London-- in the houses of the wealthy that he frequently examined and the historic monuments where the human body was sculpted to perfection, perhaps he would even go as far as to say that a few fellows had managed to get him to look twice when he passed them on the street, but he had never indulged. The thought never really crossed his mind, either. When he was out drinking with his friends, off-duty and merry, he kept his gaze at the cards on the table and his focus on his colleagues, he didn’t let his eyes wander to the many ladies and occasional prostitutes that would look for an eager lad to put their attention on. If they tried to go his way he’d merely shake his head or ignore them, directing them to someone else, someone more willing. Sometimes he longed to feel someone beside him, sometimes he longed for the company, but he never indulged. God, no. He never did, he didn’t want to.
“My heart lays within my work,” he’d often joke during the few times someone would question his solitary decision, wanting to avoid an explanation, wanting to give them a somewhat satisfying answer, “my love is within the law.”
Perhaps he wasn’t necessarily lying, but... Sometimes he did yearn. Sometimes, not often. 
Well, he had yearned for someone, that someone would come into his life. Now he just longed for said person. 
  Perhaps it was the charming smiles, perhaps it was the sparkles that seemed to surround him, perhaps... Perhaps it was the frequent meetings where they would put their attention directly on the Sergeant, and almost ignore the people around them. A siren, perhaps. Or maybe an incubus. Perhaps it was even witchcraft. Whatever it was... Whenever the gentle, genial doctor was in the room... Brokenshire’s knees felt weak, his skin would burn up, his body would sweat, and yet it always earned a gentle conversation of concern and an ungloved hand of soft skin upon the Sergeant’s forehead.
  Sergeant Enoch Brokenshire had fallen in love with Doctor Henry Jekyll without even noticing, so fast he couldn’t stop it, a fall into a bottomless abyss that didn’t give mercy. 
  And yet... The doctor had fallen in love with him, too. 
  Enoch couldn’t say he knew how it all started. At some point they both just knew-- or perhaps Henry knew, and had deemed Enoch worthy. Enoch couldn’t even attempt to understand it, he couldn’t even attempt to understand how he, of all people, was enough for the doctor. There were a million men and a million women that would gladly fall to Henry’s feet, all of them considerably better than Enoch, and yet... Henry had chosen him. They-- they became friends. They met during the dreadfully boring and incredibly fancy banquets that Enoch soon was forced to attend; Henry was in the spotlight of every outing he attended, and yet he had always seemed to light up once he spotted the ginger hair and the soft frown. They would stand by the side and converse late into the night. At some point, the doctor had begun to invite Enoch to his dinner parties. At some point, he invited him alone to his home. Every day, the sergeant fell harder, and harder, and harder. Every day, the doctor toyed with his heart. 
  One night, Dr. Jekyll had invited him over, alone. It had been late, the gaslamps already lit, the small fires reflecting upon the shadow-cast stone paths and murals. He hadn’t known what to expect, he had been tense the entire evening... They spent it drinking fine wines in Henry’s personal study, sitting on a couch slightly too small to fit both of them, the alcohol took over their bodies like demonic possession. Warm light from a roaring fireplace had illuminated the doctor’s gentle frame, his fragile body, and his exquisite clothing. They were more than just tipsy, the laugh that the doctor had let out at a small joke that Enoch had managed to press out was one of the most beautiful things he had ever heard-- more beautiful than any piece of art any man had been able to capture, something only described as lovingly indescribable. Something only shown in dreams, something that captured you and changed you. They had locked eyes, the doctor had quieted, and they had both realized the situation they were in.
  They could sit there, next to each other, and enjoy each other’s company; they could bask themselves in the comfort of safety, without the worry of risks or misreadings. They could continue to drink, they could continue to spend time together, and then when it was time for Brokenshire to leave, he would do so without problems. They wouldn’t speak of what they were feeling or the thoughts that swirled in their heads that evening, they’d forget about it. Yet... They could also admit to themselves and each other what they really, truly yearned for. Brokenshire could admit that his heart had been captured by a man he couldn’t have-- not only were they both men, but Dr. Jekyll... Was not like him. Dr. Jekyll was well-loved and well-admired, Brokenshire... Not so much. Everything was so complicated, Enoch couldn’t say that he’d ever felt... Shame for his liking for other men, but... It wasn’t like the doctor would have him, or could have him. 
  They were staring at each other as if caught in time. They didn’t realize for how long they sat there, inching closer for every moment that passed. Enoch was too caught up in his own thoughts and worries, worries he’d rather not think of. Henry... Seemed to have a pretty empty head, he didn’t seem to worry, he seemed to relax, or perhaps Enoch would have noticed the drunk yearning in those red eyes if he wasn’t so distracted. 
  They could feel their breaths hit each other’s faces, they were so close that their noses almost brushed together. Enoch did not know how they ended up like this, and yet he had hesitated. 
  Henry had not. 
  With a sweep lean forward, the doctor had closed the already small space between them. His soft hand-- cold but slowly heated by the warmth of the fire-- had been placed on the ruffled patch of Enoch’s beard, their lips met, both of them had let out a sound of surprise and yet Henry was so clearly indulging. With the little that the sergeant could see in his drunken state, right before he, too, allowed himself to indulge... The doctor had the same grin preserved for the rich desserts that he so often seemed to enjoy during the many dinners of aristocrats he attended, filled with flavor and longing and greed, wanting for more.
  They were both drunk. Deep down, Enoch had wanted to pull back, pull back and go back to his cocoon of familiarity and safety and comfort, but he couldn’t. Once both of Henry’s hands were on his face, the gentle tugging became undeniable. He pulled the sergeant in, soon the delicate doctor was sprawled under the heavier build of the older man. Delicate and gorgeous, on display for no one but Enoch to see. Even then, sooner or later, they both had to pull away. They chased each other, they both pulled back, allowing them a few moments to breathe. The smell of wine on their breaths was evident. Soft, gentle gasps that echoed in the room, echoed into Enoch’s ears and carved his heart. A warm, comforting smile soon appeared upon the doctor’s lips... His eyes were heavily lidded, drunk and tired but happy .
  “I’ve wanted to do that for ages,” Henry confessed, tilting his head back as he examined the man on top of him, showing off his elegant neck tinted with pink from a blush. The confession felt sinful, something reserved for the early mornings of church attendance, yet Henry said it so freely. His thumb brushed over Enoch’s thick lips, hidden under his mustache, gently parting them and exploring. “I’ve always wondered how your lips felt like... And now I know.”
  And now he knew.
  And Enoch knew that he’d never be able to escape. He was fallen, he had fallen right by Henry’s feet, and in this very moment... Enoch felt invincible, yet so very vulnerable.
  He wouldn’t have been able to speak even if he wanted to. His tongue felt thick and clumsy in his mouth, he couldn’t even bring himself to do any sound at all. But Henry took the silence as an invitation, soon he brought the older man down again, lips meeting once more... And this time, Enoch dared. Soon the older man-- tougher and rougher and yet so inexperienced-- took the lead, and Henry eagerly followed. Their bodies met, their bodies didn’t separate the entire night. The morning after had been nothing but a haze, to wake up entangled with a half-dressed body and another one pressed up against his own, hungover from the many glasses of wine too many. They had been too disorientated and enchanted to think about what they had done, think about the things they had barely remembered. A night so unforgettable slipped their minds, they woke up with dazed expressions and slurred greetings. Something so unusual and sinful felt so... Normal, so welcome. Enoch knew that he would never get used to waking up alone after that night, that morning... And he didn’t. He never got used to it, he didn’t need to. But he did get used to waking up with the delicate, soft body of his newfound lover in his arms, sprawling out like a cat in a sunray but the warmth being that of Enoch himself. Soft fingertips and gentle bites would explore his body, innocently, to lull him out of his sleep in the mornings, and Enoch would always prefer the touch of his love to anything to wake up to. 
  Dr. Jekyll was a tease, his favorite pastime would always be to get his lover’s face to become as red as his hair, nothing seemed to amuse him more than the days they crossed paths during their workdays and they could share a moment alone, bodies pressed against each other with a wall for support. His favorite teas were a mix of peppermint and berries, his favorite time of day was dusk, just after they had gone to bed and just before they had fallen asleep. His favorite place, as the doctor had stated himself, was in Enoch’s arms. Words could not describe how loved Enoch felt, simply by being in the same room as the other man. He wondered if Henry felt the same. If Henry felt his own heart beating faster at the sight of the sergeant, if Henry longed and yearned for the quiet evenings when they were both off of work and could bask in each other’s presence, no one existing but them. He wondered if thought of him when they had to work nights and couldn’t spend it wrapped in each other’s arms until the late morning. He wondered how Henry felt, he wondered if he knew how much he loved him, he wondered if Henry loved him as much as Enoch loved him. It would not matter, of course, you could not measure love. So precise and longing, so uncertain and carefree, so... So...
  Sergeant Enoch Brokenshire had disappeared in his thoughts again. Perhaps it had been the wine they had shared after dinner, perhaps it was the absent mind after a long shift at the station. Either way, he soon heard the soft, tired voice of his lover speak up. They were seated in front of the fireplace in Enoch’s apartment, Enoch himself sat in his favorite armchair, legs rested upon a footstool while his lover’s meek body laid atop of his, in his lap. His head was placed against Enoch’s shoulder, his ruffled hair sprawled and tangled together with the sergeant’s newly trimmed beard. Henry’s fingers had traveled along and explored Enoch’s exposed neck, having unbuttoned one or two buttons of his collar for more access. The exhausted man in his lap had stopped his movement, Enoch nibbled on the end of his pipe as his gaze turned towards his beloved.
  “Yes, love?”
  The other man didn’t have to say anything, it was not needed. The way his body became limp in Enoch’s embrace was enough for the older man to know that Henry was tired and that it was time for bed. From his seat, Enoch managed to dump the rest-- which was not a lot, mind you-- of his tobacco in the fireplace, placing his pipe on the coffee table to be cleaned later. It was not until then that his arms wrapped around the body of his lover, one around his back and the other under his knees, as he moved them both. Zosi and Ralphie-- their respective pups-- were still fast asleep by their shared bed in the living room, neither seemingly getting disturbed by their masters’ movement. Soft footsteps continued through the apartment, into the bedroom.
  Henry was already fast asleep by the time that Enoch managed to move the neatly made blanket and place him down on their bed. Fortunately, he didn’t need to wake Henry up to change him into a pair of nightclothes, as they both already had changed for the night long before the exhaustion had snuck upon them. He watched his lover for just a moment, watching the way he cuddled into the sheets, right before he moved towards the lone window in the room, closing the curtains to allow them a bit of a lazy morning the next day, both having taken tomorrow off to spend time with each other. His gaze traveled back to his beloved doctor soon enough, a soft and loving sigh escaped his lips. He was already curled up and snoozing, his back turned against Enoch, and yet it did not take long for the sergeant to climb into bed and wrap his arms around his lover, cuddling him from behind, pulling the blanket up over the two of them. Another sigh escaped him, just as yearning as the one before, as he nuzzled his nose and his lips against the back of Henry’s neck.
  To be loved by a man like Dr. Henry Jekyll was a rare privilege, one that Enoch was thankful for and prayed to have every day. It was a blessing, it really was a blessing to be the one that would wake up to Henry’s morning smiles, the one to watch him dress, the one to share a good breakfast with him, the one to be able to love him. 
  Sergeant Enoch Brokenshire was not a sentimental man, but as he began to doze off to his lover’s soft breaths... He had to admit that he could get quite sappy, sometimes, but only for his Henry.
——————————————— Between you and me... Please do feel free to send me some Jekshire asks, I’ve been brainrotting for them for weeks now <3 ———————————————
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
*Brokenshire looking at Jekyll covered in blood* “God you’re so sexy ily’
Jekshire in this au is literally just Brokenshire going "ahahah babe you look so good covered in the blood of the people you felt wrong you ahahaha dont worry darling i'll hide all the evidence" and Jekyll going "god ahahah you want me to kill your higher ups? you want me to kill your higher ups so you can get a promotion babe? I'll give you whatever you want babe i'll kill anyone you want just say the word" and it actually is a. "Functioning" relationship".
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
jekyll x brokenshire, jekyll is getting away with the murders bc his boyfriend is destroying evidence and pinning blame on others
GALAXY BRAIN ANON. I got SO EXCITED by this ask when I got it I swear to god I LOVE THIS.
Not only is the Strict Policeman x Insane Murderer trope AMAZING and such a classic, but in this au???? With Henry and Brokenshire??? I love it.
Ok, branch idea: no one is locked inside of the Society, it's like any other day, but the Lodgers have nowhere else to go so they have to stay in the Society (or, well, they get murdered no matter where they are). Henry doesn't get blamed for the murders because Brokenshire destroys and fakes evidence to throw people off of Henry's track. Yet I'm so curious about the relationship aspect... Henry and Brokenshire being in a relationship in secret already, Brokenshire only realizing Henry is the murderer when he finds evidence/catches him, still promises to help him because he loves him? Them not being together until Brokenshire starts helping Henry, Henry basically seducing him? What if Brokenshire was the one that pushed Henry to the murders, or encouraged him? Just... Good god. I love this. I love this soo much jesusf fucking christ holy fuckinbgj hjwahjsdhwjasdasd
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Hey hello more fish Jekshire Selkie AU
Brokenshire finds out by accident. Maybe he almost catches Hyde but all he gets off of him is the coat he was wearing. It's a very nice coat, a bit big, and maybe.. seal fur? Odd. He keeps it in the station for the time being, but when no one comes by to report a missing coat, he figures.. well.. it's comfy.. and no one is really using it per say..
Brokenshire starts wearing the coat as its getting a bit chilly. For some reason, something about it is familiar. He also notices someone seems to be following him, he feels like he's being watched, not maliciously but anxious and frightened. He shrugs it off, until one night Dr. Jekyll arrives at his door, shaking and near tears begging for the coat back and promising he'll give him anything he wants, any money, any treasures, just please give his coat back.
Not sure if Henry would confess to being a selkie or maybe Brokenshire figures it out because he grew up on stories about selkies or something, but he gives it back without hesitation, and they seem a bit closer ever since, well, that's nobody's business but there's.
(I have a Jekyll x Emma one in the works too (Jemma, maybe??) with Selkie!Jekyll because Emma Is Very Pretty and I Like Her A Whole Lot)
Hyde having a panic attack when he gets back to the Society bc Brokenshire got his coat and first of all he lost his coat second of all he is essentially married to Brokenshire now because I doubt accidentally stealing or actually stealing the coat is different by selkie standards. He transforms back into Jekyll and Henry has the biggest panic attack of his life, crying and weeping because his worst fear came true and he lost his coat and he doesn't know if he will ever get it back. He feels so lost without it and yet he has no choice but try to stalk Brokenshire for a chance to get it back. Much to his horror, he finds him wearing it. How is he supposed to get it back now? He can't steal it back, Brokenshire will arrest him for theft even if it's his own property. So he just continues to follow Brokenshire for a while, hoping he will take the coat off and leave it somewhere so he can get his skin back, but he never does.
Maybe it takes like... A week before Henry finally has enough? The Lodgers have noticed how it looks like he caught a nasty bug and they joke about how tiny he looks without his fur coat. Only Rachel and Lanyon and Jasper are actually worried for him and Henry just cannot take it anymore. He practically runs up to Brokenshire's apartment and pounds on the door, already crying, and the moment Brokenshire opens the door he begs him to give him the coat back, please, he will do anything, he will give him anything, please just give him the coat back.
And Brokenshire is, first and foremost, incredibly worried because Henry is hysterically crying on his doorstep saying that he will give his life to him if he just gives him the coat back, and he is just so confused until he realizes why the coat was familiar. He assumes that Hyde stole the coat from Henry and immediately gives it back, just thinking that it means a lot to Henry, and he just watches as Henry wraps it around his shoulders and just seems to... Deflate, almost. He calms down and he leans himself against the door frame as he starts taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Brokenshire sees how weak he looks and he hears how his neighbours are beginning to try to investigate the sounds of crying so he pulls Henry into the apartment and helps him sit down on the couch (have I told you how much I love your Jekshire fic? Yes well now I have <3). He watches as Henry pulls his legs up to his chest and the coat is big enough to swallow him whole, maybe that's when Brokenshire realise what Henry actually is? Or maybe he would carefully ask why the coat is so important to him-- not to offend him but merely because he has never seen Henry so panicked and hysterical before.
Either that or if Henry, when in front of Brokenshire's door, tells him to give him the coat but not hand it over to him, but instead place it on the floor so Henry can take it himself. Before Brokenshire can even question it, Henry has already grabbed his coat and is running off. Maybe Brokenshire would visit the Society in the morning and question him about it? ;3
Although I do love the thought of Henry confessing to being a selkie right then and there. He knows what Brokenshire can do to him but he is desperate and he just wants his coat. He leaves his reputation and his heart in Brokenshire's hands because if Brokenshire keeps the coat, he will be bound to him until he manages to get it back. But Brokenshire realizing what's happening and immediately giving it back? Suddenly feeling very enticed by Henry everytime he sees him on the street? The two of them getting closer and closer until Henry trusts him with his coat? Gimme Jekshire cuddles during the cold winter nights with Henry wrapped in his coat and Enoch cradling him please I beg.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Now I'm curious what would happen if Enoch caught him before he escaped.
Enoch: "WHAT ARE YOU????"
Enoch, grabbing a rolled up newspaper: "YOU BETTER START EXPLAINING QUICKLY--"
but I can imagine Enoch in just pure... Shock managing to catch Hyde by the collar, grabbing his arms, having to keep himself from shaking him around like a cheap protein shake, all while Hyde is screaming in pure panic. Enoch would just... Quiet him down, tell him that unless he explains wtf is going on, he can very well arrest him (and then he, of course, realizes that he is threatening his boyfriend). Cue a lot of running around as Hyde tries to gather the notebooks and explain everything. Cue a lot of Enoch about to have talk of a lifetime with Henry once Hyde takes the HJ7 again (which would be pretty immediately. He is not getting out of the house, after all).
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
What about when Enoch finds out about Hyde?
I honestly imagine that Enoch would find out the same way the owner of an outdoor cat would find their little sweetheart with half a dead bunny carcass in their mouth for the first time. Maybe entering Henry's office or study just to see Hyde-- the criminal he has wanted to put behind bars for months on end-- turning into his lover. I doubt he would be able to do anything but stare for like... Five whole minutes as Henry gets up from the floor, spewing out some kind of excuse while begging and pleading Enoch to just listen to him please, he can explain, he swears, he was going to tell him and it's really not what it looks like--
And then there are two options from there.
Either Enoch just... Turns around and leaves Henry right then and there, physically at least. Just not saying a word. Just deciding that he can't deal with this right now.
OR he just... Makes sure that Henry gets cleaned up, sits him down on the couch, and demands him to explain wtf is going on, at least giving him a chance to explain himself. Henry almost crying trying to explain everything; what Hyde really is, why he created him in the first place, etc, etc. I like to believe that Enoch would... Try to be understanding. Be very shocked, slightly mad that he accidentally dated a known criminal, but he loves Henry too much to be mad at him <3
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Imagine of he catches Jekyll as he's turning into Hyde. Jekyll in the ground in obvious pain, Enoch trying to comfort him while freaking out internally because what the hell is the green stuff? Then after what feels like hours he's now holding Hyde in his arms????
Hyde realizing wtf just happened, taking a brief look at Enoch, then immediately tears himself out of his arms-- doesn't even change clothes or cleans himself off-- and jumps out of the window, or at least tries to. Either he gets caught by Enoch and doesn't even manage to get a foot over the windowsill or he stumbles and accidentally falls into the berry bushes. Enoch doesn't even bother to get his coat before he starts chasing the bastard around town. That would certainly be fun for Henry to explain later XD
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Hey, uh, this is very random but I remember I post you made (I think you got an ask from a mutual) about your fave ships in tgs/fave rarepairs (I believe Jekffin, Jekshire, etc, was among those on that post?) And I just wanted to ask if you had any general HCS/ideas about those ships from that post that you'd like to share? I ship p much all of them and my creativity well is running very dry at the moment 👉👈
Here it is! ^
Ah, I'm not very good at ship headcanons. I usually just imagine them together and I'm not sure how to describe or give them distinct things other than just general good caring about each other n stuff XD. Anyone else can add on to this if they want :> (please)
Jekffin: most non-tgs Jekffin I see have Griffin tease Jekyll which I think is a bit fun. they both have a crush on each other and they're both idiots. Griffin is usually the flirty one while Jekyll's a flustered mess
Jekshire: Jekyll is mostly oblivious and Brokenshire has a huge crush. I'm gonna be honest here I never really imagined this past the crush phase. Sometimes you gotta go to The Society of Arcane Sciences after finishing your shift at 2am and carry your gently struggling boyfriend home because otherwise he would do an all nighter. Cuddles on a bed with with several dogs and animals of questionable origin. Soup
Daylight trio: The fact that daylight trio always knows Jekyll's identity is just the perfect icing on the perfect cake. No secrets, no drama, only good times and kisses. Oh heck stealing each other's clothes would be fun
I still dont know what Jekyll x Emma is called: I do not see the musical. The musical may not touch this. No cheating allowed. Emma is absolutely enamoured by Jekyll. Like at first she mostly had an 'oh he's pretty' crush but after seeing more of him it's become 'oh I love this idiot'. Jekyll climbing up her window to say hi because it's late and he didn't want to seem rude or awkward by asking to go inside at the door at this time at night (and proceeding to fall and knock the wind out of him. Emma asks if he's ok and he just gives a thumbs up, she giggles at that)
Since this is all, probably not that great and honestly pretty one sided to how the others act rather then Jekyll. Here's my Darlene playlist
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Do you perhaps have some Jekshire thoughts you could share? I cannot get enough of this unfortunately very niche ship.
Hehe hehehe heheheheehhehe hehehhe heh <3
I... Might have gone a bit off board with this but hehe... Somehow this ended up being mostly about how they got together and the beginning of their relationship but??? eh <3
While Henry hadn't really realized his bisexuality until he met Robert and immediately felt ashamed by it, Enoch had always had a hum about his bisexuality. Except, of course, he chalked it up to him and his pals just being bros. Just pals being dudes. Lads being guys. Nothing unusual with that. Although when he did realize that maybe he thought guys looked... Ahem, better than most other guys would think, he just shrugged it off and didn’t give a single shit about it, though <3
Enoch was one of the first persons that Henry saw when he entered London for the first time; Enoch was an officer-in-training patrolling the London borders with his higher-ups, and Henry was an eager student about to make his way straight to the University campus. They shared a short glance and Enoch couldn't help but feel like Henry was awfully cute, although he didn't even catch those thoughts himself.
It's no secret that Henry-- as a young, successful doctor, bachelor, and just generally a good and attractive person-- has a lot of people that has a crush on him, yet he doesn't notice that himself. He catches people's heart like they are flies flocking to his light, Enoch was no different, although it took a handful of more encounters with him in their latter years for him to realize that. Henry remained blissfully unaware.
Enoch has always been good at hiding his emotions and keeping them away from his workplace, but when he came back from a patrol after just having ran into Dr. Jekyll and shared a brief chat with him, it was not hard for the other officers to notice that something was... Hm, unusual with Brokenshire that day.
It took only a handful of more solo patrols and Enoch coming back like he had just gotten a red-faced spring allergy with soft grumbling for Jenkins and Wipple realize he kept meeting an object of his affections. Cue a lot of teasing. Cue a lot of protests from Brokenshire. Cue a lot of drunkenly getting his feelings out to his friends by simply making it seem like Henry is a married woman that Enoch accidentally had fallen for. Cue a lot of sympathy and even more teasing.
So if he suddenly had a lot of solo patrols by the Society, then he would just say it was his sheer luck. 
He ends up accidentally running into Henry a lot. Henry always seems pleasantly delighted and surprised. Enoch can never really help but feel extremely giddy about it. 
They never really formally became friends until they both attended an event held by the commissioner. Both being close friends to their mutual associate, the two of them ended up running into each other again quite quickly.
Or more like, Henry saw Brokenshire standing in a corner, dressed in his finest (and only) formal suit while sipping wine. It had taken exactly half a moment for Henry to completely abandon whatever friends he had been chatting up to make his way over to the lonely sergeant. A sergeant who very much tried to hide his blush and fluster while trying to not choke on his wine. 
They ended up casually talking for the first time during that event, they both learned a lot about each other-- Henry often spoke of Glasgow with Brokenshire, who’s family had immigrated from Edinburgh to London before he was born.
While they started casually talking during the event, they soon began to spend more time together. Enoch quickly learned that Henry’s reputation of being someone who very much will talk someone’s ears off wasn’t an overstatement, yet he found it quite endearing. Soon Enoch would find himself accompanied by the doctor during his lonely patrols in Westminster, and soon Henry found himself getting escorted to his meetings by a particularly bored sergeant who always seemed to catch him at the right time.
It really did not take long for Enoch to realize why the commissioner was so fond of Henry, and it really did not take long for his sudden crush on the other man to get a bit overwhelming.
Henry, meanwhile, had been too caught up with the actual events of TGS to fully notice his own growing fondness for the sergeant. Or more like, he saw the signs but refused to confront them in fear of repeating what happened to him and Robert... And, well, falling for a police officer who wants another part of him dead.
That plan went straight to hell. Henry soon caught himself following the sergeant like an affectionate puppy, and his little love-sickness was quickly noticed by a handful of Lodgers who desperately wanted to know who had managed to get suck a reaction out of him. The fact that Henry was suddenly spending more and more time with Enoch seemed to go completely unnoticed by everyone.
Neither of them really realized their feelings for each other until Brokenshire found Henry stumbling down the street one night; his body was beaten and bruised, his clothes were torn, and he had just managed to escape a nasty bar-fight that Hyde had gotten him into. It was just his luck that he had managed to escape enough to get some HJ7 into him. Enoch had decided that the Society or the hospital were both too far away, so he took him into the station instead. Yet he merely told the other officers to find the offenders while he patched up Henry.
It was certainly unprofessional of him to place Henry down on his own chair in his office before gently placing the palm of his coarse hand on the other’s cheek as he began to clean the wounds and the dried blood from the nosebleed, and yet neither could say that they minded. Something about having Enoch’s large hand on his sensitive face made Henry melt into the touch, something about seeing Henry’s eyes flutter close at the careful touches got Enoch’s heart beating faster and faster.
Henry had been... Quite out of it, so to speak. Enoch had not known if it was because he was horribly drunk or had suffered a nasty hit to the head, but as he carefully began to question him about what had happened, the way Henry would almost grin and tilt his head upwards (almost as if he was proud of it) got a completely unnecessary blush to reach Enoch’s cheeks. 
Enoch helped Henry back to the Society, and yet he could not keep himself from visiting the next morning. “Just to make sure he is fine”, he had told himself. Well, the Lodgers did not believe that, and poor hangover Henry woke up to the sound of a lot of yelling from the foyer. The Lodgers were too busy trying to shoo the sergeant (who was off-duty, mind you) to notice the doctor. Enoch noticed him immediately and yet he hated how his heartbeat began to pick up again.
It all ended up with Henry inviting Enoch into his office for a bit of tea... Which, in itself, ended up with the two of them sitting closer to each other than probably should have been socially acceptable. Neither could deny that it probably wasn’t the steaming tea that warmed them up, neither could deny that their companion was looking too good for their own good in that soft morning light.
Henry was too hungover to really think straight, soon they ended up gazing at each other and neither could look away. Suddenly Henry felt himself coming closer, he heard how Brokenshire’s breath hitched, yet neither pulled away. They noses brushed together, both knew that they should probably pull away, and neither did. In the end, it was Enoch who placed his hand on Henry’s cheek and closed the distance between them.
Enoch and Henry didn’t leave the office for hours. Both could consider themselves lucky that Enoch had a day off and Henry had nothing scheduled. 
Ahaha anyways time for some actual hcs about this ship.
Enoch is very protective of Henry. Like, stupidly protective, and yet he always makes sure that he never overwhelm Henry with it. He just worries a lot for his lover and especially since he knows what a cruel world they live in and how terrible Henry is at taking care of and loving himself. Henry thinks it’s quite sweet, especially just because he thinks it’s nice to have a lover who actually cares about him.
Both Enoch and Henry love dogs. Enoch does not bat an eye at church grims. Rachel had to physically restrain both of them from adopting an entire graveyard filled with church grims after many of the smaller churches in London were destroyed to make way for new apartments.
Cuddles. SO much cuddles. Neither are big at PDA or physical affection otherwise but jesus christ so many cuddles. It goes to the point where neither can sleep without the other, so Henry has to constantly sneak out of the Society (or his own house) to get to Enoch’s apartment since he doesn’t want to risk his servants or the Lodgers getting suspicious. Enoch always waits for him with a cup of peppermint tea for him when he comes by during the night.
Henry has a thing for men in uniform. That’s it. That’s the post /hj.
Enoch is the only person that Henry feels comfortable actually slipping into his Scottish accent with. He doesn’t try to stop it when he is incredibly tired or incredibly drunk because in the end, it wasn’t like Enoch didn’t have a thick accent all the time.
Surprisingly, Enoch is the one that has to patch Henry up a lot. For being a doctor, he really has no idea how to take care of himself or how to deem a wound serious enough to treat, or potions dangerous enough to not test on himself. Enoch always patches him up and Henry always melts into his hands like an ice-cube by a candle. By the rare instances that Enoch does get hurt while on duty, he loves watching Henry fretting over him.
(Plus, he can freely demand as many kisses as he wants when he is bedridden because Henry can’t complain about it).
They are the same height-- or Enoch is slightly taller, but Henry wears heeled shoes so they don’t really notice until Henry takes the shoes off and suddenly he feels like Enoch became a goddamn tree. Enoch loves those moments more than he could possibly describe.
Enoch manhandles Henry a lot. He stays up late and refuses to go to bed? Enoch throws him over his shoulder and takes him to bed. Henry is teasing him or they are play fighting? Henry squeals as he suddenly get picked up bridal style. Enoch is incredibly strong and Henry weighs like... Nothing. Plus, his squeals are incredibly endearing.
Sometimes Enoch will wake up in the morning only to see Henry already awake playing with Ralphie and Zosi, and sometimes Enoch will swear that Henry only started dating him to steal his dog.
(Henry will only partially deny that).
Wipple and Jenkins once went on a surprise visit to Enoch’s apartment, having gotten a spare key each “for emergencies” (or more like for whenever they feel like annoying their friend). The first thing they saw was Henry and Enoch cuddled up on the couch. Enoch politely told them to get out of his apartment and not speak of this. For once, Wipple and Jenkins kept to that promise (although they did tease him a lot afterwards but hell, if their friend is just going to around dating a man like that it sure as hell should be someone they like as much as Dr. Jekyll). 
Somehow, they managed to keep their relationships quite a well-kept secret for many, many years. People only started to get suspicious when both the doctor and the sergeant conveniently retired at the same time and moved out of London. They took their pick-pack and moved into a manor at the outskirts of Edinburgh, forgetting their past life in London. They still kept in touch with their old friends, however, who often came to their home on vacation during the summers.
Just let me have Enoch becoming a grumpy old gay and Henry the tired old gay and just let me have them be happy pls <3
Oohoohohh. Give me tired old Enoch and Henry-- both with grey hair and wrinkled faces-- finding a young orphan on the streets when they are buying the groceries. Give me 60/70+ year old Enoch and Henry becoming dads <3<3<3
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Hello I've brought you a fish this time but while taking a quiz for my Sociology course I Could Not Stop Thinking About my old Selkie!Jekyll AU, and like.. what if.. lighthouse tho?? What if Robert's family own a seafaring company and Robert, who hates spending time with his family and snobby rich people, volunteers to take the lighthouse position? He starts feeding this cute seal down on the beach around the lighthouse and then one day a really hot Scottish guy shows up wearing nothing but a seal coat, gives him a huge basket of fish and seashells and other goodies, then.. just.. dives into the water and vanishes. Friends to lovers slowburn.
OOohoOHOohohohohohhooh <3
Man, I am always a sucker for some Selkie x Lighthousekeeper content and??? It's a trope that could fit with practically any of my ships. And Jekyll would be the selkie in all of them. Jekyon? Jekffin? Jekshire? Emma x Jekyll? Jeknett? Jekyll is a selkie now and the others either work at a lighthouse or lives close to an abandoned one that they often visit. The song Selkie by Blackbriar has only further fueled my obsession with these tropes although god forbid any of my ships dare to steal Henry's coat.
ANYWAYS. Oh my god Jekyll being a little timid at first but the new lighthousekeeper is so cute and how could he possibly not accept the food he gets from them? And in true selkie fashion he wants to repay that and gathers all the shinies he can find and brings them by as a gift. He probably would bring by a whole lot of fresh fish to make sure that the keeper is fed because he is protective like that and he probably only get fed dry fish by the keeper, in his mind, that probably means the poor keeper is starving and needs a lot of fresh fish. The keeper having to constantly make sure to remind Jekyll that they are taking care of themselves and they are more than fed dear god please I don't have room for more fish--
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It's easy to know where to find them because I'm the reason most of them exist XD
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Oh heck yeah, this is the second time I've guessed a mutuals opinions on pears and the second time I was right >:)
Do you have like a really specific "trope" you enjoy that you've only seen once and it may have been exclusive to the fanfic you saw it in, but you really enjoy it and wish there was more nonetheless? I quite enjoyed the idea from this one soulmate fic I saw where if make skin contact with your soulmate the part you touched will show whatever color you're associated with and vice versa, kinda glittery and really cute to imagine :>. ALSO there was another thing I saw where a human character was turned into a wolf but was never able to turn back and gradually lost their memories over time, to the point where they really were just a wolf, and couldn't even recognize their name
Also, theres one fic on ao3 based on my wolf apple werewolf au!! It's Prologue by PrettyPettyPastel. I haven't read it in awhile
...You really seem to be good at that, huh? But to be fair, pears are awesome, I feel bad for my sister who can't eat them :(
Oh god, this is a hard one, uhm... I tried to figure this out by going through my 164 bookmarks on ao3 but that helped shit because none of them really used any specific trope or au- ujhmm... OH. I have no idea what fandom it was, I love like... Selkie/ocean creature x Lighthouse keeper Au tropes. I have only seen one fic like that though, but maybe I'm biased because I'm thinking of working at sea and I'd love to work at a lighthouse. I also love Historical 'Character A being noble/royal while Character B is a commoner/servant' au tropes and especially when they are mixed in with supernatural aus (*cough* werewolves *cough*), although au crossovers like that tend to be rare. I just.... *Chef's kiss*.
Hey.... I'm getting so many ideas for future Jekshire/rarepair fics with these ideas. Oh man. Why am I still stuck writing the FK au what the fuck what do you mean I have 9 more chapters to write before I can write other things-
EDIT; I completely forgot to acknowledge the last part- BUT AMMA CHECK IT OUT ASAP SDFSDFS
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