#Jory Vaughan
clouseplayssims · 3 months
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Jory briefly visits.
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sulky-valkyrie · 1 year
hi auntie val! i give you a prompt you can make angsty or sweet
“did i do good?” for tabris and timur!
Hullooo favorite fishie!
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The last hurlock fell beneath Timur's mace with a disgusting squelchy crunch. He grimaced and wished for the thousandth time he had a proper sword, but pauper Grey Warden recruits had to make do with whatever they could get their hands on. Maybe one if these creatures might have something more serviceable? Or at least less messy. Kallian had somehow procurred blades of her own back at camp, but, being the bitch of a sister she always was, refused to tell him where.
Timur started nudging the corpses with a boot, hoping a better weapon would turn up. Kallian hissed somewhere behind him, and he spun around, ready for another fight, but it was only Alistair, bandaging a shallow cut on her arm.
"Stop wiggling and this would be tied already," he muttered, blushing furiously.
"Fuck you, I'd be done already if you weren't helping," she spat.
Making friends as always. Timur wasn't sure how to deal with the way Alistair looked at her, or if Kallian had even noticed. It wasn't at all like how Vaughan or his cronies had, but it reminded him of it all the same. To be a noticed elf in Denerim was never good, and Alistair couldn’t seem to stop noticing her. All of her, not just her backside either. In fact, he stared at her hands most often, presumably because looking at her face would be too obvious. He was practically mesmerized, and more than once, Timur had seen him reach to touch her arm, almost wonderingly, then stop himself. A good thing too, because killing him would cause far more problems than it might solve. He hoped with the Wardens it would be different, but it worried him all the same. Especially with an entire army of shem surrounding them. Helping hide bodies for his sister had not been a favored pastime and he preferred not to repeat it.
"You plannin' on using that, mate?"
Timur blinked in surprise. Daveth was crouched in front of him, pulling a rusty sword out of the dead hurlock's hand. "I - maybe?" He wiggled his mace in exasperation. "Anything is probably better than this."
"Right, right." Daveth bobbed his head in agreement. "Your sister - she's your sister, right? - she found some nice weapons, you ask her? Also, she seeing anyone? I'd ask myself but I like my balls still attached."
He snorted. "Yes, yes, and no." He took the offered sword and swung it a few times. The balance wasn’t bad, and even though it looked like garbage, it wasn't pitted or chipped. "But I don't recommend, uh, pursuing that. You're from Denerim, right?"
"I'm from everywhere," Daveth snickered.
Timur cocked his head toward Kallian. "She's why they tell humans not to go to the alienage at night." He paused. "Well, the men."
"Seems to like that one okay." Daveth said as he pointed. Sure enough, Kallian was actually laughing, a sound Timur hadn't heard since the morning of the wedding, and punching Alistair in the arm. Before Timur could figure out what to do about that, the only actual Grey Warden among them tilted his head like a dog scenting the air.
"More coming," he said brusquely. Once darkspawn were involved, it was the only time Alistair actually seemed serious or capable. He slung his shield off his back and motioned them to follow.
Timur fell in next to Kallian behind Alistair as Jory moved up beside him. Daveth pulled out a bow and brought up the rear, muttering what sounded like part of Chant of Light.
When they crested the hill, Alistair and Jory charged forward. Alistiar's shield smashed into genlock's face as Jory took another one's head clean off. Timur hesitated, telling himself that he was just surveying the battlefield, but when Kallian surged past him, he was dragged along on her wake.
They'd always fought together well, no doubt due to learning from their mother together, and while fighting darkspawn was more difficult than fighting humans, their teamwork was just as effective. If she feinted left, he followed through in the same direction, and if he went high, she went low. They never needed to talk about it either. They were a single force, a single mind, and it had given them the upper hand in most all of their scraps in the alienage.
Most of the time, he amended to himself. A snarl of pain and anger disrupted his thoughts. An arrow was in Kallian's arm, and she was pissed.
Oh, shit. Timur lunged forward, pushing the hurlock in front of him out of the way and taking a glancing blow on the shoulder, then grabbed her injured elbow with a muttered, "Sorry." She almost bit him as he dragged her backwards, so he pinched her ear like their mother used to. That did it, and the momentary distraction was enough to stave off one of her . . . well, their mother called them fits. She'd been getting better at controlling them, hadn't had one in months, maybe years, but Timur had seen the inside of the arl's estate. That dam had broken, and things were happening faster than she could rebuild it.
She nodded her gratitude as the rage faded from her face, then took up a position behind the other warriors instead of running headlong into the darkspawn like she'd been intending. Daveth took down the hurlock who shot her with an arrow of his own, and Alistair did something that made the genlock with a staff fall to its knees.
They rushed forward as a group and overwhelmed the rest of them in short order. Timur focused on keeping Kallian's injured side covered, hacking at anything that came close, until suddenly, he swung at thin air. He looked around, worried that the fight had moved on without him, but no: there simply weren't any left.
Kallian broke the arrow off with a hiss and threw it at the darkspawn corpse at her feet, and was about to force the head through herself before Daveth offered to help. She looked like she was about to spit at him, but practicality won out over pride, so she grimaced and offered her arm to him. Timur watched him work it out carefully, listening to the sounds of Jory and Alistair searching the corpses for anything useful. He should be helping, but he needed to be sure Kallian was okay first.
"That was well done," Alistair said quietly behind him.
He spun around. "I did good?"
Alistair nodded toward Kallian. "Stopping her. That mage would've - anyway, well done. The treaties should be just ahead." He pointed at a chest nestled by a vine-covered broken down wall. "In fact, that should be them. Could you check? I'll keep an eye on your sister."
Timur frowned, but didn't argue. If nothing else, Alistair would keep Daveth from doing something that might get someone gutted. He picked his way across the ruins, but as he neared it, it was obvious the chest was as damaged as the fortress surrounding it. Maybe it was buried underneath?
Twenty minutes of investigation later, he gave up, hauled himself back to his feet, and stretched his back with a sigh. Alistair and Kallian were sitting together as he bandaged her again, and Daveth was still breathing, so there really wasn't a rush to report back that his search had been fruitless. It's almost peaceful out here if you ignore all the darkspawn.
"Well, well, well, what have we here?"
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sapphim · 3 years
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think I prefer this itinerary for Duncan more than the first version I posted
Jowan’s escape in the circle origin has already happened, because the Jowan-Loghain-Eamon timeline needs to simmer for a looong time to make sense. It’s fine, Rowan and Spiro manage to break out with Anders and they go after Lily and spend the entire blight having their own wacky adventures slightly out of frame.
Duncan and some wardens, including a newly-recruited Alistair, head to Orzammar to attend the proving and then journey into the deep roads to confirm that the blight has started. Rozi’s recruited after the proving and Eydis is recruited later when they encounter her in the deep roads.
Highever is hosting a large tourney for knights from all across the land. Gwen and Rory both perform very well in the melee but Jory is recruited here which I still think is a suspect decision on Duncan’s part but ok fine.
Denerim is after Highever. The hahrens had plenty of advance notice due to the tourney that Duncan would likely be snooping around the area so they could bump up the wedding plans. Duncan stops by for a visit but there’s no drama to intervene in at Rafael’s wedding since Vaughan Kendells was conveniently stuck home on the shitter with explosive diarrhea that day. >:] Daveth is recruited here.
The wardens and their growing posse of recruits return to Ostagar, where warden scouts inform Duncan of a suspicious amount of darkspawn activity that he goes to investigate. Here he finds and destroys the eluvian and recruits Sulina.
Oh also Gwen and Eleanor manage to also save Oren before they escape Highever, so he spends most of the blight in Redcliffe with Eleanor and Connor and Connor’s new demon pal. :) Fun!
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blackinquisitors · 4 years
🍵 🧠 💗 for Deidre Tabris? :)
Now I will admit that I have struggled establishing her character but hopefully being asked questions will help me lol
🍵 - rumors
Deidra is the hero of ferelden, so naturally there’s lots of rumors. She’s always been one to stick out, as well, even back to the alienage days. I hc Cyrion as being her stepdad, so theres lots of rumors abt her father, whether he’s a deadbeat or actually dead, some even say he’s human (I don’t like that elf blooded humans look human stuff). Adaia never talked about Deidra’s father, so no one knows for sure. There’s also not a lot of darkskinned/rivaini elves in the denerim alienage, so she garnered a lot of attention for that. That, with the open secret that she and her mother knew how to fight, made a lot of people whisper about them.
And of course there’s the gossip about her and Alistair’s relationship that plagues every conversation about her, and claims that she was visiting everyones tents at night during her travels- this part is obviously not true. 
🧠 - mental health
She has the city elf origin, so erm.... shes not great mentally... She was always a quiet girl and quite sensitive, but after the stuff with vaughan, she got filled with this unshakeable rage. That’s why she became a reaver, because she needed an outlet for her anger that she wouldn’t have got from writing in a diary or knitting or something. After all the violence she had seen against elven women, she grew to be quite uncomfortable being alone with human men. It was very nerve wracking to travel across ferelden alone with Duncan, and even scarier when she had to go out into the wilds with Alistair, Daveth, and Jory. But she grew comfortable with Alistair after a long time because he is a very nonthreatening man and is very sensitive himself. 
Once upon a time, her self care was to remove herself of whatever was causing her stress, stew in her feelings, cry a bit, and then treat herself with some sweet food or maybe a new shirt. After everything, she just hits some darkspawn real hard and tries to forget about it
💗 - relationships
As I’ve said, Deidra and Alistair are together and madly in love. She is friends with Zevran and was almost attracted to him, but got very uncomfortable with his constant flirting real quick. She likes Leliana as well because they can have both serious and heavyhanded discussions but also talk about shoes. At first she hated discussing such frivolous things, used to a life of poverty and hardship, but she grew to appreciate having something light and menial to talk about. Her and morrigan are also fairly good friends- she just likes her bc morrigan is a bitch and very funny. As for my other oc Akiro, she really struggles with remembering to sign for him and include him in conversation- it’s not intentional, but her and Akiro are not great friends as a result. However, Deidra hates Wynne bc of her overbearing, advice giving, nosy disposition. And oghren. He gives her the creeps, like she’d catch him peeping on her while she bathes. She just doesnt like people that try to tell her what to do, and act like they know better than her about her own life. She is still constantly dismissed because she is a rivaini elven woman, so she fights to get respect. anyone that undermines that is an enemy in her book. 
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laurelsofhighever · 5 years
#9 for the Dragon Age Day prompts!
Happy Dragon Age Day! I don’t even know what this is, just a bit of introspective maybe? But it was fun to write!
Prompt #9 Armour
The tourney in Denerim isn’t as grand as the ones inTantervale or Orlais, lacking the celebrity of the career knights errant whopopulate the fields of those high-stake competitions, but Ferelden has enoughwarriors of its own that the mounted joust still draws a heaving crowd.
Sat in a raised box with the rest of the nobility, Rosslyn Couslandrolls her eyes at her brother’s antics as he shows off the paces of his greatgolden charger. She herself is only three months shy of the competition age, andsour about it not only because she can’t show her skill, but Oriana sits nextto her, trying to draw out her opinions of the competitors.
“Why does it matter beyond their skill?” she asks, when thecrooning becomes unbearable. “And shouldn’t Fergus hold your eye?”
“My dear sister, I am not looking to partake,” Orianareplies, pleasantly enough despite the bite of offence in her tone, “but thereis no harm in looking for the appreciation of form. Did the Maker not make usall? It would be a shame not to admire such handiwork.” She smiles. “Which isyour favourite?”
“I don’t know any of them.” She’s more interested in thehorses. She’d judge the riders for their training, if nothing else.
“Surely you must find at least one of them pleasing?” Orianaasks, with the coy little smile Rosslyn has come to despise, the one that’sdecided she must have a secret she’s just unwilling to share. “Look, there isBann Auldubard, and Teagan of Rainesfere – and Vaughan Kendalls is around yourage, is he not? That must be new armour he’s wearing.”
Mention of Vaughan only just stops her short of grinding herteeth. From what she’s heard, it would be worth sneaking in to the melee justto wipe the self-aggrandising smirk from his face.
Unfortunately, her aloofness attracts attention as thetourney progresses. Her favour becomes a prize for them all to win like theother trophies as the day wears on, but she sees behind the facades worn in theshining armour, the vapid self-importance and the pandering. Like the warriorshe was brought up to be, she takes great pleasure in deflating not a few ofthem by pointing out flaws in their technique, finds each one hypocritical thatcalls her proud as they stalk away. It’s a petty vengeance, one that amuses theking even as Oriana and her mother despair, but it’s her only way to soothe thechafe of the court, the silliness of a rose without thorns where the only meaningfulthing is the fluttering of pennants and eyelashes.
It's only later, a year and a half, a world and a life awayin the muddy fields of Ostagar, that her mind wanders back to all those shiningknights on the parade field. They would have made a garish contrast to thequiet desperation surrounding her now. Thesesoldiers are caked in blood and ichor, exhausted, without squires or audienceto congratulate them even in their losses. Darkness has fallen, withoutceremony. She stands before a raging bonfire, darkspawn taint crawling throughher veins while an ill-fitting cuirass digs into her neck, listening to thepart assigned her in the coming battle with dull understanding.
The man standing beside her is little better suited than sheis, in dented red steel with its blue enamel coating mostly scratched off, the too-smallplates linked by worn leather cords and the gaps between them padded by mailand gambeson. The same one who took her into the Wilds, who flinched forward asif to intervene in Jory’s murder. He’s frustrated, angry about not being allowedto join the battle, and for a moment a spark of recognition flickers brightlyenough to pull her from the void of her thoughts to hear him mock hisdispleasure.
“If the king ever asks me to put on a dress and dance theremigold,” he grouses, “I’m drawing the line.”
“I’d like to see that.” The words are hollow, acerbic, harsh,and because she truly didn’t mean to speak she can’t tell if she means seeinghim stand up to the king, or in a dress, or dancing.
But he turns to her, his voice softening though maybe not onpurpose. “For you, maybe.” The quirk of a smile. “But it would have to be apretty dress.”
And then it’s like her armour doesn’t matter at all.
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avaliveradio · 3 years
Dan Hochman's 'Morphine' is about finding refuge in the arms of a past lover
This song is about finding refuge in the arms of a past lover.
I wrote this song reflecting on my travels, my then-recent move across the country, and the feeling of being drawn back to a former relationship even though I was "moving forward" in other areas of my life. 
The word "morphine" symbolizes the feelings of healing and relief that I found in this past love. The song was initially supposed to be included in my debut E.P "hearts alive"; however, I decided to team up with my good friends Ash Ruiz (formally of Menudo) & Jack Dugan, a local electronic musician. They helped me get clear on my vision, and my guitar and vocals added vocal harmonies, drums, synth to help make the song feel both more melodic and haunting. Interestingly enough, we even structured the song to have a peak, comedown, and fade out, mimicking the effects of a drug.
This music release is essential to me because I've been experimenting stylistically a lot lately. I feel that an artist must have range; I enjoyed the folk and soul backbone of my E.P Hearts Alive https://open.spotify.com/album/7EIPkAoUWFlWmqi27AgGKN?si=VQRAtpOnQKuo5U-KdfCOSA 
I've recently been dabbling in jazz, electronic, and blues a lot. When it comes to influences, there is a wide range of musicians, old and new, crucial in my development as an artist. Hozier, Damien Rice, James Blake, John Mayer, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Simon & Garfunkel, Gary Clark JR, Ben Howard & Bon Iver, and most recently Tom Misch & Mac Ayres.
The message of this song is that although the places that our lives take us can often be rugged and discouraging, we aren't ever truly alone. We can still find healing in connection with the ones we love.
Artist: Dan Hochman
New Release: Morphine
Genre: Singer-songwriter, Indie, Soul,
Sounds like: A few of the artists that I feel are most similar to my style are, Nathaniel Rateliff, Hozier, Ben Harper, Leif Vollebekk & Amos Lee.
Located in: Boulder, Colorado, United States
Right now we are...
My band and I have been up to some exciting things recently. We spent the last month playing various venues across Colorado and are set to play two notable venues in Denver in May. (May 9th at The Larimer Lounge and May 14th at Number 28) We're currently planning a tour through the south in late July, making stops in cities like Nashville, New Orleans, Austin, & More!
As a Boulder-based singer-songwriter, my style is a blend of rock, folk, blues, & soul. Music has always been a deep part of my soul. As a young boy, I listened to artists like Otis redding, Simon & Garfunkel, Marvin Gaye & Fleetwood Mack. To me, it felt inevitable that I would become intimately involved in the musical process, and that started with picking up the guitar at sixteen. At that age, I had a lot of blues and rock in my ears. Artists like Eric Clapton, Gary Clark Jr, Stevie Ray, & The Clash were constantly in the mix for me. However, I only started writing songs in my senior year of high school. I was in a band that stuck with me till my sophomore year of college.
It was at that point; I focused more on honing my craft as a guitarist. Eventually, I formed a trio here in boulder called "The lone bones" I played alongside my friends, Taylor Tuke, and Trace Jory, and when that band came to an end, I decided I was going take the reigns on songwriting and pursue my dream as a solo artist. To me, music is the closest thing I have to god, or some form of spirituality. It's pure. I make music to tell my story but also to connect with my audience. My goal is always to dig deep to tell a story that resonates with people no matter where they come from. I want my message to hit below the surface and be uplifting to others.
Song link - https://open.spotify.com/track/7w0P6fsqwcslvvqP0hm5TE?si=GJr9GpWXSEySGOA-9NTxQQ Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/danhochmanmusic Instagram page - https://www.instagram.com/dan.hochman
Featured on AVA Live Radio Curators Picks with Jacqueline Jax
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🔥Release Radar New Music Playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2JOBcgSYgGmV2g27N1CUXx?si=PQFpAPUbQ0m4ByZEbtBtLg
🔥JAX DAILY Morning Coffee Playlist:
🔥Songwriter Gold https://open.spotify.com/playlist/68x51bTCMLuLi4o6vqwGfh?si=hXz5kG-rTN-bGkZBJuPm9g
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🔥Road Trip Best Indie Folk 2020 Music Playlist - Indie / Pop / Folk / Rock https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1PLd9drToDxT0rUcGWGpZ9?si=FvfbaXtcQ1-HJyHf3h59oA
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whatshappeningnwa · 5 years
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Looking for a fun date-night, or night out with friends or family? This event at Smokehouse Players is for you! Showtimes are 7:30-9pm this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (Nov 14th-16th). Description is as follows: Winner of the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Marsha Norman’s "‘Night, Mother" begins on a humdrum Saturday evening when reclusive Jessie calmly tells her mother that she plans to kill herself before the night is through. What ensues is a gripping glimpse into this complicated, but poignantly real mother-daughter relationship, as Thelma desperately tries to stop her daughter before it’s too late. Directed by Jules Taylor, this powerful 90-minute bare-bones production is an intense examination of everyday life and what gives it – or fails to give it – value. Featuring Amy Eversole and Terry Vaughan. Pre-show concert by Jori Costello from 6:45 to 7:30. Tickets are FREE (donations accepted at door). All donations received at the Thursday, November 14 performance to benefit Magdalene Serenity House and an ANONYMOUS DONOR WILL MATCH ALL DONATIONS RECEIVED THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 so please attend, be generous, and support this great cause! Talkbacks with the audience on the topic of suicide will be led by Dr. Margaret Rutherford following the November 14 benefit performance, Lauren Little-Levine (MA, LPC Psychotherapy/ Expressive Art Therapy) following the November 15 performance, and Joy Caffrey (Healer, Motivational Speaker, Workshop Facilitator) following the November 16 performance. NO RESERVED SEATING/SMALL VENUE. First come, first served. Doors open at 6:30, concert 6:45 to 7:30, performance at 7:30. Beer, wine, lemonade, and cookies available for sale prior to the show. #LiveProductionNWA #LivePerformanceNWA #SmokehousePlayers #NightMother #NorthwestArkansas #NWArkansas #FayettevilleAR #WhatsHappeningNWA (at Smokehouse Players) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4vJTPfgHIG/?igshid=1nqb6qc72v5n1
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blanketed-in-stars · 7 years
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Will Turner is not a military man, he is not a soldier. He is a blacksmith. There was a time when James Norrington didn’t care.
(read “Rash Actions” on AO3)
i. the salt wind • SPOTIFY • 8TRACKS
the sailor's bonnet (the gloaming) • til kingdom come (coldplay) • hiding my heart (brandi carlile) • mercury (sleeping at last) • let me in (gabrielle aplin) • if you want to sing out (cat stevens) • tip of my tongue (the civil wars) • i found (amber run) • i courted a sailor (kate rusby) • i'll be your home (phillip larue) • two men in love (the irrepressibles) • the weight of us (sanders bohlke) • if i be wrong (wolf larsen) • house by the sea (moddi) • rose of sharon (eliza gilkyson) • the wolves and the ravens (rogue valley) • same same stars (sleepy man) • hamburg song (keane)
ii. more than anything else • SPOTIFY • 8TRACKS
bis ans ende der welt (joris) • agape (bear's den) • don't swallow the cap (the neational) • my fault (imagine dragons) • compass (zella day) • soviets (the boxer rebellion) • soldiers (ben howard) • the turtle dove (ralph vaughan williams) • lover's eyes (mumford & sons) • circles (passenger) • you were a kindness (the national) • skinny love (birdy) • sweetheart, what have you done to us (keaton henson) • fenario (richard shindell) • 30 lives (imagine dragons) • ditmas (mumford & sons) • the ice is getting thinner (death cab for cutie) • again today (brandi carlile)
iii. the tide falls • SPOTIFY • 8TRACKS
my own (whitaker) • what he wrote (laura marling) • song of the sea (cake bake betty) • museum of thought (alana henderson) • i hurt too (katie herzig) • i know you care (ellie goulding) • landfill (daughter) • pools of eden (eliza gilkyson) • shiver (lucy rose) • house on a hill (passenger) • save part of yourself (brandi carlile) • all the while (the pines) • sleeper (eliza gilkyson) • the trapeze swinger (iron & wine) • however many takes it takes (vandaveer) • the old favorite (the gloaming)
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clouseplayssims · 3 months
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The Jarl is very supportive of his peasants.
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clouseplayssims · 4 months
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Quarter Day couldn't come soon enough. Surprisingly the Vaughan's made a decent amount of money selling paintings and with Jory getting promoted.
Their total income was $6,286.
Taxes - 10% of Income: $628 Rent: $3,000 Tithes - 10% of Income: $628 Fees: None
Total owed: $4,256
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clouseplayssims · 4 months
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clouseplayssims · 4 months
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Jory was very blase about work, but he got a promotion.
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clouseplayssims · 4 months
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clouseplayssims · 4 months
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Buddy I assure you, you are a vampire.
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clouseplayssims · 4 months
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Unlike a lot of the other Jarls and their families the Riverlands are very hands off in regards to their districts.
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clouseplayssims · 4 months
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Welcome to the Riverlands! It's run by Jory and his two sisters Elowen and Merryn.
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