wefresh2022 · 3 months
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yegam-ism · 3 months
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ready to fight with snoopy </3 (cr twit. @moholymander)
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jekkifics · 3 years
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fading lights
Suwon was always different. So his parents enrolled him into a special kids school.
At dot 11:11 something emerged from the wall, startling Suwon. What followed was some kind of foul smelling powder being blown into his face. He waved his hand vigorously in front of his face and coughed stepping behind. “..the fuck?”
“Hey boy!” said a little figure floating in the air. It was the high pitched voice of a female.
“ooOh~ he looks cute!” said another.
When the dust from the powder magically cleared up, Suwon saw three women or girls he couldn’t really guess because they were so small. A little bigger than his hand. They were dressed in sparkly white dresses and tiny white boots. Suwon noticed that they weren’t floating, in fact they were flying, using their translucent webbed wings. He had never seen such creatures before.
“What’s your name?” asked the first.
Suwon stared at them.
“He’s deaf” whispered another girl.
“Blind too..” whispered another as she waved her tiny hands at him receiving no response.
“I’m not,” said Suwon.
“See, he’s not blind, maybe just deaf”
The middle girl who seemed like the older one smacked her. “He wouldn’t have heard you if he was deaf!” Then turning to Suwon, she flew lower to come in level with his face. “Hi there! I am Bada. And we are faeries, faes, if you may.”
Suwon nodded. Faes, whatever that is.
“We are here to take you to your new home safely. So kindly follow us” said Bada as she turned around and walked right into the wall.
“I’m Eugene” said another fae and followed Bada into the wall.
“And I’m Shoo'' said the remaining one. “It's shoo, and not shoe. As in S-H-O-O-'' She paused to look at the nervousness on Suwon’s face. “What happened?”
“I can’t do this” Suwon shook his head. “I can’t walk into the wall” Being the complete human he was, walking into a wall seemed impossible. He was never able to do it before and he was sure he still couldn’t
“Cmon, it's no big deal. Just close your eyes and follow your noona” said Shoo proudly.
Suwon’s eyes were fixed on the concrete wall. This is dumb. This is dumb! I wanna go home!
“Okay, alright. If you’re that afraid. Take a few steps back and run in” suggested Shoo.
Suwon obeyed. Water splashed on his shoes as he accidentally stepped into puddles. It didn’t bother him. There was no turning back now.
“Now listen to me carefully” began Shoo. “number one, you might feel a little giddy when you emerge on the other side because it's your first time. Number two, while you’re inside the wall for a second, you’ll hear deafening noises because you are teleporting so do not stop. Number three, do not stop until you’re out in the open again. Now at the count of three, 1, 2-”
Suwon dashed at full speed at the concrete wall. His eyes shut as he was a few inches from the wall and entered it. It was something he hadn’t felt before. Like someone was trying to tear him apart but he was faster. His surroundings were spinning and he was afraid he’d come out at some other exit, yet Suwon didn’t dare to open his eyes. He kept running on what didn’t seem like ground. It was solid air? Nothing made sense anymore.
Suwon tripped and fell down the next second. His foot had been caught into a twig. He was on grass, in a jungle. The environment was so fresh. He dusted his clothes and stood up. The three faes looked like they had been waiting for him for a while now.
“See, that wasn't that bad, was it?” asked Shoo.
“I am never doing this again” Suwon huffed combing fingers across his hair. He glanced behind and there was literally just more jungle. He had emerged from thin air. It was merely a second that he had been inside the wall but he was going to remember it forever.
The three faes led Suwon through the jungle. It was a bright pleasant day. From behind the trees at a distance peaked a tower. Bada began rambling about the school, the people, the teachers, the subjects, the fun stuff. Apparently these three were part of the student council and volunteered to get first years to the campus.
They emerged into an open field next to which was the huge school. For once Suwon thought it might not be that bad after all. If this school was really for special kids, he won’t be an outcast anymore. He could finally be normal.
Suwon was taken up a spiral staircase at the end of the hallway. It was about ten floors later that they reached a cabin. The faes left him alone there.
“Jang Suwon! Good…” the man glanced at the clock that struck 12 at that moment. “afternoon!” He was a small man with black rectangular glasses. He was pale and had swept across dark brown hair. He was the principal, Seo Taiji.
Suwon bowed. “Good afternoon sir”
“I have been waiting for you my boy” Taiji put his hand on the younger’s shoulder. He continued talking about how he was delighted to know about Suwon when his father reached out to Taiji a few days ago. “You’ll find a lot of people here. Some weird, some very weird. You have to choose your weird. Everyone here is unique and so are you, but promise me one thing” Taiji’s voice deepened and softened. “Never, ever, ever, tell anybody what your powers are”
Suwon’s eyes widened. His heart started pounding. This is supposed to be a safe place for him right? Where he could be himself. What was this now?
“Why?” Suwon asked promptly.
“Because-” Taiji paused straightening himself. His heightened senses told him someone was approaching. About a minute later, they heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Is the new boy here, sir?” It was Prof Jinu.
Taiji put on a warm smile turning Suwon to Jinu. “Here he is. You should take him to his dorm” Taiji nudged Suwon.
Jinu led Suwon across the room to another exit. They entered an alley that opened into a slide. Jinu turned to Suwon, gesturing to him to go first. Suwon craned his neck out. The slide was so long and steep, he couldn’t see the other end. He gulped and sat down. His heart was beating harder than ever. Is there anything normal here? Suwon thought, and the answer struck him immediately. Of course there isn’t. That’s exactly why he was here.
However, the slide looked more like a rollercoaster without safety measures aka, death. He gulped, “Sir, is there any other-” before Suwon could complete Jinu pushed him down the slide.
Suwon screamed his lungs out as he fell down the hole. He was afraid any movement he made would topple him off but he couldn’t even see where he’d fall. About ten seconds of yelling Suwon’s throat dried up and he still hadn’t reached the end. He stopped making any noise and sat there falling. The only sound was of air cutting past him. Towards the end, the slide was 180 degrees and Suwon was literally falling down, his butt was barely touching the slide anymore. An ending opened at a distance. Suwon fell right through onto a hard wooden floor.
“OW!” He yelped. A sharp jerk ran up his spine from the impact. He hadn’t broken any bones but his ass was sore. Really sore.
The door in front of him swung open. Until then Suwon hadn’t even noticed the door.
“Guys! he’s here!” said a good-looking boy. He looked as old as Suwon and had light brown hair that shaped his face. He stretched out a hand to help Suwon up. “Your stuff was brought nearly twenty minutes ago, we were wondering where you were,” he said. Their room was pretty spacious. There were three beds lined on one side and two on the other. Four were occupied and a crumpled one probably belonged to the boy who led him in. “I’m Sunghoon” said the boy. “This is Jiyong” he pointed to the tall lanky boy sleeping on the bed next to him. “That’s Jiwon hyung,” he pointed at the boy on the opposite bed. He was too busy playing gameboy with his headphones on. “That’s Jaijin hyung” he peeked from behind his comic book, scanning Suwon from head to toe. “And that’s-”
“I’m Kim Jaeduck” said the last boy as he sprang from his bed with excitement. “Nice to meet you….?” he trailed off.
“Suwon, right. Nice to meet you Suwon!” Jaeduck and Sunghoon were by far the most normal people Suwon had met since morning. He had already made up his mind to stick with the two of them in case he couldn’t get along with the other three in the room.
Suwon collected his suitcase and backpack that were lying in the end of the room. “Where do I sleep?”
Sunghoon pouted with hands on his hips as he looked around the room. There wasn't space for another bed and it was too small to share.
“You can take mine for now.” chimed Jaeduck. “You only need it for night right, take mine”
“What about you then?” asked Suwon.
“It's that time of the month for me so I’ll be out all night anyway” said Jaeduck.
Suwon’s eyebrows furrowed. “That time of the month?”
Jaeduck smacked his lips. “You know, blood and all,”
Periods? Suwon could bet he never heard of guys menstruating. Was it even possible? Of course not! Guys don’t have a uterus that's basic biology. Unless, he’s…. A eunuch? But do you eunuchs have a uterus? Now that Suwon thought of it, he really didn’t know. Who was he to judge anyway? Wait, why did that require him to be out all night? Omg! Is that how people here treated eunuchs?! That’s fucking horrible!
“So you have to stay out all night?? As… punishment???”
“I wouldn’t call it punishment. It's the best option for us all” said Jaeduck.
Best option my ass! Who treats humans like this!
“You don’t deserve this kinda treatment!”
“Hey calm down” Jaeduck chuckled, settling the younger down on the bed next to him. “It's nothing new here. Our kind is used to this”
It pissed Suwon even more.
“Why the fuck do you have to be out all night! Just use pads like girls do!”
From the corner of his eyes Suwon felt Hoony turning around to look at him in utter confusion.
There was complete silence for a moment, then Jaijin burst out laughing, almost doubling over himself. Seconds later, Sunghoon started laughing when he realized.
Jaeduck and Suwon watched them cluelessly.
“You think he’s talking about periods??” Jaijin asked, battling his laughter.
“No?” Suwon asked, partly relieved, partly confused.
“Omg NOOO!!” Jaeduck squealed. “Are you crazy?! I’m A GUY!”
“What he means is, he’s a werewolf,” explained Jaijin.
Huh? Suwon thought he heard something wrong.
“A what?”
“A werewolf. It's a full moon today, so,, time for him to go wild and attack any human. Hence the isolation. It's not just him. All werewolves here go into the jungle on full moon nights so they can’t harm any of us”
Suwon wasn't listening. His brain had stopped working the moment Jaijin said Jaeduck was a werewolf.
further on : ao3
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jion0222 · 4 years
Shower? really just a shower?
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Tired from work, you came home with the house cleaned already, Smiling at how thoughtful your boyfriend was, you called his name but there was no answer, He might be in the room you thought
“Jagi? Where are you?” He didn’t answer again but you could hear the sound of someone showering while singing, You love his voice, it was no secret, you found the bathroom door slightly opened, you peaked inside to find him closing his eyes while singing Couple, It was his groups song, both of you love that song
“So this is why you weren’t answering” You smiled sweetly at him, Sunghoon got the shock of his life
“You scared the shit of me jagi” said as he pouted, the pout that would always take your tiredness away
you laugh as you took off your clothes, Sunghoon questioningly looking at you, you raised a brow at him
“I want to shower with you, it is not allowed?” You saw him licked his lips, Damn that tongue, such a tease
“Shower? Just shower?” he smirked, Your angel now slowly transforming into a devil, Yes he’s an evil in bed, The duality he has and it never fails to amaze you each time
Slowly making your way to him, teasingly playing with your breast as you see him getting hard
“Why? Don’t you want it too?” you touched his chest, as you slowly kissed, it was a soft and sweet kissed that turned to a torrid and hard kiss, pulling away for a breather, the moment you both looked at each other you couldn’t helped but smash your mouths together again
Sunghoon’s right hand teasingly playing with your fold and his other supporting your back, you also wouldn’t lose to him, you reached down to his already hard and dripping with precum dick
Slowly moving your hands up and down on his dick you vaguely heard him groan, pulling away from the kiss, heads thrown back eyes tight shut,  You know he deserves this, he’s nothing but a sweet and supportive boyfriend to you
“You look so hot” you complimented him, His wet look really made you wet, Shower still turned on waters dripping on the both of you, couldn’t help but drop on to your knees, kissing and licking his thighs up to his balls, now he is finally being vocal, (he is a vocalist anyway) now moaning louder as you licked his tip, carefully circling your tongue around his mushroom head, licking the veins from the tip to his balls
“Jagi….jebal” he pleaded, looking into your eyes, silently begging for more, licking his lips knowing the effect it had on you seeing his tongue, it made you even wetter if thats even possible
Taking him whole into your mouth, slowly bubbing your head, hearing him moan because of you made you feel accomplished knowing you are doing something right, Suddenly you felt him tapping your head
“As much as I love what you are doing, I want to be inside you” he whispered, eyes shining, turning the shower off, you didn’t even bothered wiping yourselvs cause you both know you’ll be dripping with sweat soon
Both of you went out, towards the bed, Laying down, Sunghoo crawled on top of you, Admiring how you look, face flushed, breathing roughly from the head you gave him
He kissed your neck, leaving hickeys as he did so, you couldn’t help but moan to what he was doing Loving how gentle he was, wrapping your arms around his head pushing it to your neck more, head tilting to give him more space, Sunghoons left hand playing with your breast and other reaching down to your fold, teasing your clit
“Sunghoon..sunghoon” you moaned as he played with you, Kissing your lips to shut you up, asking for a entrance you didn’t hesitate and as his tongue fought with yours, Sunghoon now tired from the foreplay His legs spreading yours wide
“Are you ready jagi?” With his famous toothy smile he asked you, Nodding your head as he slowly rubs his tip on your clit, closing your eyes as he finally entered you, Sunghoon being the gentleman he is moves slowly, Restraining himself from hurting you knowing you have to adjust from it first
“Sunghoon…please faster” You asked, no you begged for it, loving how his tip brushes against your spot, Sunghoon replied with a hmm and went faster, deeper, both of you a  moaning mess now
“You’re so tight, fuck it” Sunghoon whispered to your ears, nibbling on it while ramming hard into you
You couldn’t say anything but moan, as the pleasure was too much, Sunghoon sensing you are noticing how your pussy clamping his dick, He moaned at that, The room is filled with skin slapping, smell of sex lingering, Both of you sweaty
“I’m cumming im cumming” you chanted to his ear, as he fucked you faster, with his flexibility he learned from dancing, he turn you around fucking you from behind, now moaning louder with the new position. After a few hard thrust you came, clamping on his dick, your juices dripping on his dick
“Just a bit” He moaned, he is always near as his rhythm is off now, thrust erratic, moaning and grunting loudly it didn’t take too long as he came, shooting everything inside you, filling you up with his cum, his body exhausted he dropped onto your back, slowly pulling out, admiring how his and your juices drips out of you.
“I’m tired” Sunghoon said as he laid beside you, Chuckling you fixed his hair
“I couldn’t blame you if youre tired, You are old” You teased him snuggling to him, your head on his chest
“Atleast I still look young and fuck like im young” He pouted, You kissed his lips and laughed,He is just adorable how can a 40 years old guy be this adorable, handsome and hot at the same time? You are just lucky.
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1kyne0222 · 4 years
Leader Jiwon
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woobinseok · 5 years
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eun charisma ↗
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ontheduckside · 5 years
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so sick of the love songs. // sad song mv
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aheng02 · 6 years
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fanmeeting is comingggggg!!!! btw I add the ask box!
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kimoda · 6 years
171015 은초딩이 보낸 벌레에 크게 놀란 강성훈 _ 은지원, 팬 반응 _ 편집직캠 _ 젝스키스 팬싸인회 SECHSKIES _ ...
One of my fave #eunkang couple shocked, shouting +nearly heart attack
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hsiehminchen · 6 years
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3/17成勳見面會 畫了小小應援明信片 歡迎找我拿🤗 I draw the postcard for the 3/17 Taiwan fanmeeting. Free samples🤗 #젝스키스 #강성훈 #kangsunghoon #hoony #姜成勳
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handas24 · 7 years
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euncho76 · 7 years
Found this while browsing through youtube. Yassss!!! If anyone finds the english sub for ep 1 an ep 3, please do share!
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yegam-ism · 6 months
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jekkifics · 3 years
unpopular opinion : couple
soooo the other day my friend and I were talking and they're like bro why is couple so famous and I'm like??? wow I don't have an answer for that????
ngl couple was what got me into sechskies but I can name other jekki songs that deserve as much recognition,, like love, do you know my heart, smile again etc
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jion0222 · 4 years
Director Kang?
You are broke, barely eating 3 times day, paychecks to paychecks, your salary isn’t enough nor does your savings, You’ll end up being on streets if you cant pay your rent on time, walking mindlessly on the streets, on a broad daylight. you’re on the verge of crying until you saw an ad that advertises a company of a famous porn company
You know these kind of work pays a lot, You didn’t even think twice and called them, after a few questions like your name and age, they scheduled a meeting the same day, You immediately went home to fix yourself, After a few hours of preparing you are finally on your way to a studio the company said
Arriving, You nervously knocked on the door, A handsome gentleman welcomed you with a robotic smile, He introduced his self as Suwon, the cameraman
“Hi, The directors waiting for you, he’s a bit of a jerk” He whispered chuckling as he noticed your expression
You smiled shyly at him, with your hands sweaty, both of you walked towards the set, Suwon making you feel at ease, You noticed a man intensely staring at you, The man has dirty blonde hair, prominent jawline and fitted body, Even with black clothes on he seems to stand out the most in the set
“He’s Sunghoon, the director” Suwon whispered as he went over to the others helping them fix the set, You noticed the director signalling you to go come closer, you nervously walked over to him
“You’re new?” He asked as you stood infront of him, Sunghoon asked
“Yes, please take care of me” you nervously said as you bowed to him, You noticed him smirking, suddenly standing up both of your faces near with each other, lips almost touching
“Follow me” he said as he walked over to a room, Suwon looking at the both of you sighing as he knew this was going to happen, The director checking how good the new hire is not something new with their studio.
You nervously followed Sunghoon, not exactly knowing why he’s taking you to the room, Once you entered the room, you heard a click and saw Sunghoon locking the door
“Uhm directornim what should I do?” you asked, standing awkwardly on the side, Sunghoon on the other hand sat on the couch, patting his side, signalling you to sit beside him
“I’m gonna teach you myself” he whispered on your ears, as you sat beside him, his hands on your thighs and the other on your back
“Is this even alright?” you asked him, scared of him, you noticed him kissing your neck, nibbling on it, you gasped
“whats not alright in teaching someone” He darkly responded, he took your hand and placed it on his clothed bulge, you couldn’t help but awe at how hard he is already
“The others might hear us” just imagining it scares you, your face flushed red as thinking so
“Hon, Did you forget what work you applied for?” He reminded you, chuckling seeing how red you are. Sunghoons hands teasingly caressing your inner thighs to your panty, noticing how wet you are
“It seems like you wouldn’t want us to stop, you are so wet” he teased you, rubbing your clit with panty still on, it added friction, you couldn’t help but moan, your hands still on his clothed dick, slowly stroking it noticing how it grows bigger at each stroke
“You are hard too” you kissed his neck this time, suddenly confident at how hard he is, Sunghoon laid you on the sofa
“Its because of you” slowly taking your dress off, throwing it to the side, now on your underwear, you couldn’t help but hide your face, embarrassed at how sunghoon looks at you
“Sexy, fucking perfect for the movie” He smiled sexily, slowly unbuttoning his black polo, revealing his body, his pink nubs aroused, throwing his polo to where your dress was, crawling on top of you, kissing your stomach to your breast
Teasingly licking the right one while his left hand pinches the other, You moaned louder this time, grasping his hair softly as he played with both of your breast, giving the same attention to both of it
After getting bored of your breasts, he kiss his way up to your neck, eating your neck marking it as if saying “This is mine” biting sucking and licking on your neck
His hands made its way to your panty, forcefully taking it off, throwing it, he licked his way lower, down to your navel down to your pussy, he looked at you in the eyes, smirking
“Directornim….”you whimpered as he licked your wet fold, teasingly licking it, his fingers spreading your folds wider, he flicked his tongue on your clit, you couldn’t help but moan loud, your hands on his hair, pulling it hard
“You’ll make me go bald” he hissed, now licking your clit and sucking it, you are so wet that he doesn’t even need lick his finger and just pushed it inside you, your eyes now tightly shut, mouth agape
He added another finger now pumping it inside you faster while eating you, loving at how miserable you look, “Perfect, really perfect” sunghoon thought, so perfect for his movie, that expression, that sound
“I’m near” you announced, toes curling, fingers on his hair, moaning loudly as you ran out of breath
Sunghoon added the third finger as he pumped on you even faster, licking your clit harder, eager to see you cum, eager to know the expression you make
You came, eyes tight shut, suddenly stars appeared, you shouted sunghoons name as your juices covers his finger, Sunghoon on the other hand still pumping his fingers in and out on you making you ride your high, “Shes really perfect for this movie” he said to himself, proud at how miserable, how dirty you look, pulling his fingers out, licking your juices on it
“And damn you even taste so good, You are so perfect for this” he said, kissing your lips, asking for an entrance which you happily obliged, after a full minute of making out, he suddenly stood up, fixing his pants and throwing your dress at you
“Fix your self, we’re gonna shoot soon” He announced, You looked at him not believing what you heard, How can he act so nonchalant as if nothing happened? As if he didn’t just finger you and eat you.
“For real?” you asked him, Sunghoon bottoning his black polo, looks at you questionably as you dress yourself
“What do you mean for real? You are working now” he said as he unlocked the door and went out, Acting so normal, as if you just talked inside
Following him, you cautiously went out, still sweaty from the activity you both did, Your eyes caught Suwon’s, waving awkwardly to him, he came to you
“A bit of a jerk isn’t he” Suwon said, looking apologetic, but still with a robotic expression
“Not just a bit, A TOTAL JERK” you expressed your annoyance
Sunghoon signalled everyone to get ready, to start, he caught your eyes and smirked, mouthing the words “later” winking as everyone started doing their job
 Everyone was kind, The first shoot went well, a few scolding from sunghoon and a few curses, It went smoothly, After announcing when the next shoot will be, the first shoot ended
After the shoot ended you were about to go out following Suwon and the other staffs when Sunghoon caught your arms, making you stopped and looked at him
“Where do you think you’re going, were not finished it” he whispered, dragging you to the room, for the second time.
And for the second time, you screamed,moaned,came again.
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1kyne0222 · 4 years
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