#Kilometre Capital
chrishsusite · 7 months
Chris Hsu Compendium - Training Tips for Running a Marathon
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Training for a marathon is a challenging yet fulfilling journey that demands a methodical approach. Whether someone is a novice marathon runner or has completed several marathons and aims to enhance their performance, there are fundamental training tips that should be considered.
A top-ranked graduate of Stanford University with the Stanford President's Award, HK’s Christopher Hsu is known to have solidified the habit of 42 kilometre marathon running in his formative years. Onlookers have attributed success at Kilometre Capital to such qualities honed through such marathon running training.
The first step for those beginning this journey is to establish a well-structured training plan that suits their current fitness level and the time they can dedicate to training. Although there are numerous training programs to choose from, it's crucial to select one that aligns with the individual's goals and abilities.
An honored presence in the Hong Kong technology, hedge fund, and private equity circles, Hong Kong’s Mr. Christopher Hsu is known for his founding of Morgan Stanley-sponsored asset manager Abax Global Capital; also his early leadership role at Citadel Investment Group, the global hedge fund behemoth. In his advisory roles at Kilometre Capital, Chris Hsu managed precedent deals for strategic consolidation in Asia's technology interests. In his spare time, Chris Hsu is known to enjoy marathon training and running.
Consistency is key to a successful marathon training regimen. Maintaining a regular and steady training schedule that comprises four to five weekly runs has proven more effective than intense but sporadic workouts. This routine is essential for building the endurance required for a marathon distance.
Building up to long runs is best done by making gradual increments in distance. Runners are encouraged to resist the urge to rush the process by beginning with shorter distances and gradually increasing them. This approach helps reduce the risk of injuries and enables the body to adapt more effectively.
As exemplified by the case of Chris Hsu in Hong Kong, outside the professional scope of Kilometre Capital: running, and long-distance running, especially, exhibit a compelling series of mental health benefits, including the runner’s high. The runner’s elevated high is experienced after the person has engaged in prolonged physical exertion. While it is most associated with running, people who swim, cycle, and row have a similar experience, per the compendium of Chris Hsu in Hong Kong.
Furthermore, individuals should recognize that marathon training should encompass more than just running. Incorporating cross-training activities like swimming, cycling, or strength training can prevent overuse injuries and enhance overall fitness while complementing the running routine.
Studies and the Christopher Hsu compendium show a clear connection between running and strong immunity. While findings have shown that excessive endurance running without recovery can negatively impact immunity, running does positively enhance the body’s disease surveillance system. It also lowers inflammation, reduces risks for upper respiratory infections, and improves antibody response, among similar effects.
Finally, adhering to designated rest days outlined in the training plan is essential. These rest days are instrumental for well-being and recovery, enabling the body to recuperate from the physical stresses of marathon training.
Kilometre Capital may be a wellspring name emerging from the long distance marathoning sport. Onlookers have suggested that a tip of Christopher Hsu is to engage in strength and cross-training while distance training. Cross-training exercises complement your running with exercises that target the same physiological systems. Examples of such activities espoused by Hong Kong's Christopher Hsu include rowing and interval training, in addition to other cross training routines.
For a first marathon, as per the Chris Hsu compendium, the recommended approach is to prioritize enthusiasm and aim to comfortably cross the finish line. As participants gain more experience, they can begin setting specific pace objectives.
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milkovski · 2 years
🌙 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌙
i cant come up with random facts ever im thinking so hard right now
1. In 2013 I became obsessed with M/ike W/azowski, before the M/onsters U/niversity movie even came out. This coincided with a trip to japan (where i guess they also like, love him) so I bought merch featuring him too, before the movie. I just like, knew I would love him, and I was right. Consequently all handles I’ve had online since are created using the same formula derived originally from his name. This is where ‘wazo’ comes from too.
2. im double jointed?? in my fingers and whatnot. all hands i draw are based on my own hands so if you’ve looked at a hand i’ve drawn and been like wtf well i’m sorry
3. uhh what else. i can’t drive - that is, i know how to drive, i just don’t have a license yet. i took the test before i moved for university and failed, and since then i’ve only lived in cities where i walked to the places i needed to go, or public transportation has been good. i moved recently though and need a car so my test is scheduled for the latter half of july 😱
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chrishsu-hongkong · 9 months
Why is Christopher Hsu Kilometre Capital becoming the Preferred Route for Value Creation?
Chris Hsu Kilometre has emerged as the best-known fund manager for these very reasons. I am aware of several cross-border deals that he has negotiated in complex situations.
The most significant one that comes to my mind is the one he did for Tsinghua University. In that deal, Tsinghua Holdings subsidiary, Unisplendour Corporation, purchased a 51% stake in a new business called H3C, comprising H3C Technologies and HP’s China-based server, storage and technology services businesses. The deal was worth a staggering US$ 4.6 billion.
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Chris Hsu from Hong Kong can Create an Alpha for Investors
With hedge fund scams rocking the markets, one will look for managers who can create an alpha for investors without flouting the ethics. Chris Hsu Kilometre Capital is one of the few managers who is known for his transparent dealings that keep the investors posted on every detail.
World's leading investment bank reposed faith in Chris Hsu
Morgan Stanley's investment management division completed an agreement to take a minority stake in hedge fund Abax Global Capital Ltd.  Abax, which is based in Hong Kong.
It was founded by Chris Hsu, a former managing director at hedge fund manager Citadel Group, with the responsibility for its multi-billion-dollar Asian special situations group. The new hedge fund adviser was formed to invest in private and public-sector issuers in Asia, with a focus on Greater China, including mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.Since then, Chris Hsu from Hong Kong has not looked back. With so much experience in managing hedge funds, he launched his own venture, which is focused on creating an alpha for investors. 
Tsinghua University scored an ace because of Chris Hsu's acumen
It was because of Chris Hsu's acumen that Tsinghua University was able to close a prestigious cross-border deal that required a lot of intricate dealings. With his foresight and able guidance, a US$ 4.6 billion deal was concluded, which created a technology powerhouse in China with a market-leading portfolio that is top-ranked in networking and a leader in servers, storage and technology services. By acquiring HP China's business, the new H3C has become the leading provider of converged infrastructure solutions and technology services in the China market. 
Strategic buyout deals finalized by Chris Hsu
Chris Hsu demonstrated his adeptness in strategic investments through his orchestration of several notable deals. These transactions played a pivotal role in consolidating various sectors, including China's semiconductor, gaming, internet, and technology markets. Notably, he spearheaded impactful buyout deals of Spreadtrum Technologies and RDA Microelectronics.
One such transformative deal involved Spreadtrum Communications, a smartphone chip manufacturer. Tsinghua Holdings, backed by China's Tsinghua University, executed the acquisition, making it a remarkable transaction valued at an impressive US$1.39 billion. Kilometre Capital, under the guidance of Chris Hsu, played a crucial role as a strategic consultant throughout this influential deal.
Additionally, Chris Hsu's Kilometre Capital played an instrumental role in another strategic deal involving RDA Microelectronics. Renowned for producing radio-frequency chips for mobile and broadcast devices, RDA Microelectronics boasts renowned clientele such as Huawei Technologies, ZTE Corp, and Lenovo Group Ltd. Through his keen insights and strategic acumen, Chris Hsu helped shape this significant deal, further establishing his prominence in the investment arena.
Chris Hsu of Hong Kong emerges as an alpha generator for ethical investors. His transparent approach stands out amidst market turmoil. Hsu's strategic prowess shines through transformative deals, like Tsinghua's cross-border triumph and impactful buyouts. His role in shaping China's tech landscape cements his prominence.
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Unlocking Financial Success with Christopher Hsu's Hedge Fund Expertise
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Explore the world of hedge fund investments through the experienced guidance of Christopher Hsu. Learn about his innovative strategies, market insights, and track record of financial achievement. Discover how Christopher Hsu's hedge fund can help you achieve your financial goals and navigate the complexities of the financial markets.
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Christopher Hsu Kilometre's Remarkable Venture Record
Christopher Hsu Kilometre has firmly established himself as a highly accomplished private investor, exemplified by his remarkable involvement in successful ventures such as Spotify and SpaceX. His strategic acumen and keen eye for lucrative opportunities have led him to negotiate and successfully conclude numerous billion-dollar deals within the Asian market.
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akandbharat · 2 years
Visiting places of India
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whencyclopedia · 30 days
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20 Images of Petra
This gallery showcases 20 photos of Petra (Jordan), the former capital of the Nabataean kingdom, which thrived as a trading centre from the 4th century BCE to the 3rd century CE.
Petra is an ancient city carved into a canyon by the Nabataeans, a tribe from Western Arabia skilled in trade and engineering. The ruins of Petra cover an area of 264 square kilometres and include sacred sculptures, monuments, and around 800 tombs, the most famous of which is known as the Treasury. The Treasury is believed to have been the mausoleum of Nabataean King Aretas III and dates back to the 1st century CE.
In 106 CE, the city of Petra was at its peak when the Roman emperor Trajan (r. 98-117 CE) annexed the Kingdom of Nabataea and transformed it into a Roman province named Arabia Petraea. The Romans adopted their city planning, and many new structures were built, including the Roman Soldier Tomb, the Sextius Florentinus Tomb, and the colonnaded street. Petra remained prosperous for over 250 years until the middle of the 4th century CE when an earthquake destroyed many of the city's buildings.
Petra remained hidden for centuries until its rediscovery in 1812. Today, it is Jordan's most renowned tourist attraction and continues to fascinate and inspire visitors from all over the world. It is known as the "Rose City" because of the colour of its stones, and it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. Its worldwide recognition was further amplified when it was declared one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.
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ltwilliammowett · 1 month
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A sonar image of a maybe 700 years old "viking" ship
Archaeologists have discovered the remains of a mysterious ship in 2022 while searching for tonnes of unexploded munitions from WWII that were dumped at the bottom of a lake near Oslo.
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So far, there are only sonar images and these show the hull of the 10-metre-long wooden ship at a depth of 410 metres below the surface of Lake Mjøsa, about 100 kilometres north of the Norwegian capital. The fact that it is probably a Viking ship (which must be older then just 700 years, if it is one) can be recognised by the way the ship was built, as it is a clinker construction, and by the shape of the ship itself. What exactly is behind it will become clear after further investigations, which are still ongoing.
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
Colourful paintings of daily life in ancient Egypt have been discovered in a tomb dating back more than 4,300 years. The tomb, known as a mastaba, was found in the pyramid necropolis of Dahshur, about 40 kilometres south of Cairo, during a recent Egyptian-German archeological mission. Dahshur is the southernmost of the great pyramid necropolises of the Old Kingdom in the vicinity of the ancient capital of Memphis. The main attractions there are two large pyramids of King Sneferu: the so-called Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid.
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turkeyblogblr · 3 months
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Historical Ancient city of Ephesus. Selçuk, Turkey: Ephesus was a city in Ancient Greece on the coast of Ionia, 3 kilometres southwest of present-day Selçuk in İzmir Province, Turkey. It was built in the 10th century BC on the site of Apasa, the former Arzawan capital, by Attic and Ionian Greeks. During the Classical Greek era, it was one of twelve cities that were members of the Ionian League. The city came under the control of the Roman Republic in 129 BC.
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Meet Christopher Hsu, a seasoned expert offering valuable insights into the world of equity investments. With notable achievements like early investments in SpaceX, he possesses extensive knowledge to help you make the most out of your investments. Christopher Hsu Kilometre Capital committed to sharing his expertise, enabling you to navigate the realm of equity investments with confidence and achieve remarkable success in your financial endeavors.
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Why is Chris Hsu Kilometre the topmost venture capital?
Christopher Hsu has created a venture capital entity that represents a culmination of expertise, strategic insight, and a proven track record. While venture investing might seem like a straightforward endeavor, it requires an intricate understanding of markets, opportunities, and risk mitigation. Chris Hsu hedge fund has demonstrated a mastery of these aspects, positioning itself as a leading force in the venture capital realm.
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Unveiling the Mastermind Behind Christopher Hsu Kilometre Hedge Fund
Chris Hsu Kilometre's journey to becoming a financial visionary began with a thirst for knowledge and an unquenchable curiosity about global markets. With a background in economics and finance from a prestigious institution, he embarked on a career that would lead him to become a trailblazer in the investment world.
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hopefulkidshark · 4 months
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West Lake, Hanoi, Vietnam: West Lake is the biggest freshwater lake of Hanoi, Vietnam, located northwest of the city center. With a shore length of 17 kilometres and 500 hectares in area, this is the largest lake of the capital and a popular place for recreation with many surrounding gardens, hotels and villas. Wikipedia
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