#King Discordah
clarktooncrossing · 1 year
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Hey there people of today and robots of tomorrow! It's me, Clark, back at last with another #throwbackthursday! I now take you back to the year 2020 with this insane piece of fan art drawn by yours truly. At the time I was working on a series of reviews showcasing each season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A ton of art was made for said reviews, but sadly I had to drop the project upon realizing just how time consuming it was. I honestly still wanna do an MLP review since Gen 4 turned out as good as it did and 2023 marks the franchise's 40th anniversary, but for now I'm working on other projects. Still, no harm on reminiscing on what might have been.
This would've been for the Season 2 review. That season was a marked improvement over Season 1 with its introduction of Discord, the premiere of the sensational Smile song, having a truly epic season finale, letting Tara Strong deliver vocal gold with Lesson Zero, and of course there's the matter of the episode where Spike turns into Godzilla! Yes, this was for real a thing and I loved it! So much so that when it came time to make art for my Season 2 review, I knew I had to showcase it. Sadly this pic didn't work with what I had in mind, but still, why let something this cool go to waste? Come one, come all, as Spikezilla takes on King Discordah!
And as a bonus; Mothrasprite!
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