#Kristina and Jaymon
fddarchive · 2 years
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Digimon FDD (the fanfic) Winamp skins featuring Jenn and Foximon, Cunomon and Lexxy, Dani and Pandamon, Lina and Diratimon, Tania and Yazumon, Erica and Cheekomon, Kristina and Jaymon, Emily and Huntermon, Alex and Nerimon, and Skye and Magimon. Skins made by Skye Galbraith. At one point, these could be downloaded and used on the Winamp music and media player, though the link no longer works. - from the Digimon FDD Winamp skins page of Digimon FDD (the fanfic)    
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glyfy · 7 years
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Kristina and Jaymon
Fun fact: The only reason I chose to make her as a bird Digimon was because they were hard to draw, and I felt like I would learn how if I drew her a lot. There were so few bird Digimon OCs back in the day, and I was so excited when they announced 02 and Hawkmon~
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Link banner featuring Jaymon, leading to the Digimon FDD (fanfic) adoptable site Secondary Secondary Village - From the main page of Digimon FDD (the fanfic) 
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Digi-eggs that could be adopted from Secondary Secondary Village: Topamon's Egg (Jaymon's baby egg), Terimon's Egg (Huntermon's baby egg), Namimon's Egg (Nerimon's baby egg), and Kimon's Egg (Sunemon's baby egg) - from Secondary Secondary Village  
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fddarchive · 2 years
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“You're walking down the forest path, eagerly looking around because you saw a sign saying Secondary Secondary Village. You're hoping to see some baby Digimon. All of a sudden a flash of pink and yellow flies in front of you.
"Welcome to the village!" Jaymon says kindly. "I can tell by looking at you that you're a friend. Have you come to adopt one of the babies?" She laughs a little, seeing your confused expression. "Oh, yes! We're always looking for responsible people to adopt our babies and help them become strong partners. Go ahead, take a look around! If you see a digi-egg that you like, go ahead and take it to your webpage. When I see you've made a good home for your egg, I'll send you an e-mail and tell you how to hatch it!" With a happy wave, Jaymon takes off, showing you the way toward the digi-eggs.
Seeing you catch up to her, Jaymon points to the trees full of digi-eggs all around. "Each of the eleven different kind of digi-eggs will hatch into one of the FDD Digimon. Choose which baby Digimon you would like to adopt! Oh, and read the sign too, please." She smiles.”
- from Secondary Secondary Village
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Kristina and Jaymon icons from the Digimon FDD Sneak Peek page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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The Digimon FDD [the fanfic] crew meeting the canon Digidestined, featuring:
Jennifer (of Jennifer and Foximon) and Tai
Erica (of Erica and Cheekomon) and Sora
Davis and Dani (of Dani and Pandamon)
Kari and Skye (of Skye and Magimon)
Izzy and Lexxy (of Cunomon and Lexxy)
Yolei and Emily (of Emily and Huntermon)
Sonomi (of Sonomi and Sunemon) and Ken
Matt and Tania (of Tania and Yazumon)
Lina (of Lina and Diratimon), Numemonm and Mimi
Joe, Cody, and Kristina (Of Kristina and Jaymon)
TK and Alex (of Alex and Nerimon)
Drawn by Shmelanna for Panda-Jenn’s 2006 FDD Forever art contest
- From Shmelanna’s Deviantart account
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fddarchive · 4 years
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Kris and Jaymon, by Glyf on Deviantart
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fddarchive · 4 years
[Kristina's Stories] Time-Raisers: Episode Three: The Enemy's Appearance
Kristinaʻs fic: “Time-Raisers”!  (Incomplete)   
Episode Three: The Enemy's Appearance
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The next morning, Shaun got out of bed on time and packed Quiremon in with his school supplies. He scampered down the stairs with his bag and placed it on the table to slip breakfast in to his Digimon. He also tossed in a couple of apples for lunch along with his lunch bag.
“Bye, Mom!” he yelled over his shoulder as he left.
“Have a good day!”
Steven was already outside with Crisnismon’s nose sticking out of his backpack.
“Aren’t you bringing Quiremon?”
“I’m back here!” the scruffy voice growled.
“Let’s go get Meghan and Keri,” said Shaun as he began walking off. When they got to the Hayama’s house, they could see Keri’s dad installing a doggie door for Weremon.
“Hiya, boys. If you want a ride, I could give you a lift. I’m taking Keri to school today so that she and Meghan could get their Digimon to a safe place for the day.”
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“Sure, why not?” Steven shrugged while trying to push Crisnismon’s nose back in.
“I have to breathe, you know!” the Rookie argued.
“I’m doing just fine in here!” yelled Quiremon, “I don’t see why you’re complaining!”
“Are you sitting on a cold soda in there?”
Quiremon decided not to answer, but he moved around a bit inside. Mr. Hayama finished and walked the boys inside the house. Weremon grabbed a leash and collar from the counter and put it around his neck.
When he saw Shaun looking at him puzzled, he explained, “I’ve got to look inconspicuous!”
Keri and Meghan were already in the Jeep with their Digimon in their laps. The two boys climbed in back with Meghan, making sure not to squish their backpacks.
It didn’t take long to get to school, and as Mr. Hayama and Weremon drove away, the girls began scouting out places to hide their Digimon for the day. Shaun put his backpack on the ground and leaned against the brick wall.
“Good thing no one’s here yet,” he commented to Steven.
The dark-haired boy nodded in agreement as he placed his hands behind his head. Then he spotted Keeper half-running their way.
“Hey, wassup?” he grinned at his teacher.
“Trouble,” came the swift reply. Noticing the sudden alertness of the boys, Meghan and Keri hurried over with their Digimon. Keeper nodded to them. “Here’s the deal. We’ve got this ‘prince’ of the Digital World that’s trying to take over it. I understand that you battled one of his Digimon yesterday. He makes his own Digimon based on the data from others that he and his Digimon have defeated. He’s nicely set up his ranks so that his followers below him have a way to take control over good Digimon using a constraint. Now, all of you hold out your D-Callers and say, ‘D-Port open’.”
Each of them held out their hands to form a circle, and then called, “D-Port, open!”
Keeper covered his eyes against the flash of light and they were gone.
Shaun shook his head against the rush of colors before him. Blinking, he watched as a forest materialized in front of him. Quiremon was already standing by him.
“Great! We just got separated from everyone else!” the little Digimon sighed.
“Well, at least we’re not being attacked or anything.” Just as those words came out of his mouth, a rhythmic pounding could be felt through the ground.
“Smooth move, Shaun…” whispered Quiremon just loud enough for Shaun to hear him. Ignoring the comment, he began moving to where the throbbing feeling was coming from.
“Shaun!” his Digimon exclaimed in protest, “Do we have to go looking for trouble?”
“Sure, why not!”
Before they could round the next tree in the bend, another boy came racing his way with two Digimon.
“Unless you’re looking for a Champion battle, get moving!” he hollered as he kept running.
Shaun and Quiremon turned to follow the trio away, even if their curiosity was gnawing at them. Quiremon watched the new Digimon with interest. He had never seen these two before, but both threw angry glances at the path behind them.
“In here!” the tall yellow one shouted as he took a flying leap over a bush into the forest. The next Digimon skirted around it and the boy went plain through it. Shaun and Quiremon slowed as they entered under the canopy of trees. The new boy and his Digimon had made a u-turn alongside the path again before pushing deeper into the forest.
“Okay, now we ought to just hang out here for ten minutes or so before going back out. Rascamon, we’re going to need a Champion if he comes after us. Will you be ready?”
“Sure thing!” The yellow Digimon he spoke to was standing straight up to reach an apple in a tree and his long legs made him at least as tall as Shaun’s shoulder.
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“K-mon, can you try and cover us if Rascamon has trouble?”
The white cat in an orange and yellow sweater grinned while snatching the fruit from Rascamon. “No! I’ll just sit on my tail and be a bum!”
“Okay, that’s settled,” the boy declared, taking the sarcasm for a yes. He then looked at Shaun and Quiremon as if they’d just popped out of the ground. “Who’re you guys?”
“I’m Shawn, and this is my Digimon, Quiremon. We’re kinda the leaders of our group, but we don’t know where they’ve gone,” he added uncomfortably as the pounding grew ever closer.
The boy nodded, apparently not sharing his uneasiness. “I’m Dusten, and Rascamon there is my Digimon. The stupid one is K-mon.”
“That’s me!!!” the Digimon chuckled proudly.
“You have two Digimon?”
“Hmm? Oh, no. I’m just raising K-mon until I’m told we can let him leave. That’s part of being a Raiser. Aren’t you one?”
Shaun thought back to what Keri had told him earlier. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
Dusten held a finger to his lips. “Okay, guys, here he comes. Don’t make any sudden moves or sounds.” The three Digimon took up defensive poses as their pursuer came into sight. Shaun nearly gasped, but bit his lip instead.
A giant cross between a dragon and a metal machine was stomping down the path with only two short legs. Its teal body was covered in red stripes and black plates of metal covered its legs and face. Two yellow eyes looked all around the area, scanning for them.
As it passed, Dusten didn’t relax any like Shaun was. The metallic Digimon was further down the path, but had stopped where they had gone in.
“He’s found us- let’s go!” hollered Dusten as the monster’s head forced its way into the trees. Shaun and Quiremon decided just to follow the group that raced in front of them. Unexpectedly, Dusten turned them back onto the path in plain sight of the Digimon.
“Okay, Metaldramon, let’s end this!” he growled at the Digimon.
Shaun gawked at Dusten. “You must be crazy! How could you even think to send them against that thing?”
Calmly, Dusten faced him. “I know what I’m doing, so lay off.”
The two boys glared at each other until the Digimon tugged at their jeans to bring them back to the danger at hand. Dusten responded to the promptings by turning to look back at Metaldramon.
“Rascamon, let’s do it!”
The yellow Digimon bounded forward with a will.
“Rascamon, digivolve to… Heromon!”
Unprepared for it, Shaun and his partner shielded their eyes against the blast of light. It cleared to reveal a larger version of Rascamon, but he was equipped with bow and arrows.
The new form threw himself against Metaldramon, feet first as he launched an attack.
“Jade Kick!”
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His attack landed square on his opponent’s forehead, but the metal dragon didn’t even flinch. Heromon leapt back to the ground in a smooth motion and slipped an arrow onto his bowstring.
“True Flight!”
The arrow sped forward with a deadly hiss, but it clanged harmlessly off the armor on the larger Digimon. Metaldramon pulled his front half off the ground, claws outstretched.
“Metal Earthquake!”
He slammed himself downwards, causing the ground around Heromon to shake violently. Bracing himself, Heromon prepared to leap away, but the attack wasn’t over. Metal replicas of his enemy’s claws spurted out of the ground, knocking him off balance to fall awkwardly on his side.
“Shaun! Shaun!”
Shaun tore his eyes from the battle to look behind him. Steven, Meghan, and Keri were racing up with their Digimon. They reached him and the Digimon took up protective stances in front of their partners.
Heromon was taken down by another attack, and Dusten raced to his side quickly. The white cat placed himself between Metaldramon and the pair as the dragon advanced.
The small sound of someone snapping his or her fingers brought Metaldramon to an abrupt halt.
“What the-!?” Steven’s voice wavered with uncertainty at the unreal situation.
K-mon growled softly as Dusten helped Heromon back to his feet.
Crisnismon, Parémon, and Arcamon stiffened in their positions, ready to use their attack as it was needed.
A human figure emerged from the tree line beside the relaxed Metaldramon. He was wearing a violet jacket with gold trimmings and gloves. He also had a pair of tight black pants and royal violet shoes with a gold-colored streak up the center. His hair was a mixture of black and lavender. Startling blue eyes surveyed them from behind dark sunglasses.
“Well, well,” he spoke up, “It looks as though an Ultimate level is way too tough for our little Champion with his Rookie friends.”
“Who are you?” Shaun demanded to know.
“You can call me your Digital Prince for the record. Now, all of you, just get out of my Digital world and leave us to conquering it. Demivayahmon!”
No one had noticed the gray and black Digimon beside the new boy. It looked like a bat with feathery wings and bands around its neck, legs, and tail. It braced itself to attack.
Quiremon wasn’t about to wait. “Diamond Claws!”
“Rainbow Feather!”
“First Born Fire!”
“Thought Claw!”
The attacks didn’t even reach him before it unleashed Dark energy.
“Lost in Displacement!”
The scene before the group flickered before turning into a small island with another in the distance.
“Where are we?” Keri gasped. The group was feeling disoriented at the new surroundings.
“Is this some kind of trick?” questioned Meghan, “And who’s this kid with two Digimon?” While they were talking, Heromon had reverted back into his Rookie and leaned wearily against his partner. Dusten patted his head.
“My name’s Dusten, this is Rascamon, and K-mon’s the idiot.”
“And proud of it!” the white cat smirked.
The others made their introductions to their new member.
“Where’re you from, Dusten?” inquired Steven curiously.
Rascamon quickly got a worried look as he scanned his partner’s face. Dusten seemed almost embarrassed as he answered.
“Well, mostly Japan, but sometimes we go through the US… but that doesn’t matter…”
Shaun gave him a skeptical look as Dusten turned to the company of his Digimon.
He was fine until Steven asked about his home… Shaun thought.
Suddenly, Shaun’s D-Caller erupted into a frantic beeping.
To be continued…
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fddarchive · 4 years
[Kristina's Stories] Time-Raisers: Episode Two: The New Duo
Kristinaʻs fic: “Time-Raisers”! (Incomplete)
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Episode Two: The New Duo
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   Meghan and Keri laughed as they watched an episode of Idiots of the Galaxy!, a comical cartoon with random plots.  
"Hey, girls!" Keri's dad, Mr. Hayama, called from the doorway, "I have to go to the grocery store to get more sodas. I'll be back in a few minutes."  
"Okay, Dad!" yelled Keri.
 The door closed as a commercial break started. Meghan and Keri had been eating their pizza on the floor when the former jumped up to her feet.  
"Look, Keri! I'm on Idiots of the Galaxy!" she giggled while bouncing up and down. One of her small jumps took her further than she expected and her foot landed squarely in Keri's pizza.  
"Meghan! That was my pizza!"
 "Sorry," Meghan said while grabbing a napkin to wipe off her foot. "This is so nasty! Never jump in someone else's pizza slice."  
Keri got herself a new slice when there was a knock at the door.  
"I'll get it!" they yelled in unison, racing towards the door. They pulled it open to reveal a tall man with black hair and green eyes. He was wearing an off-white shirt with black trim and a pair of brown pants.  
"Are you two Meghan and Keri?" he asked.
 "I'm Keri, so she must be Meghan." Keri grinned.  
He smiled back and opened a gray laptop that he had with him. "My name is Keeper. Your brother Shaun and his friend Steven are in my classroom at school."
 "Whatever," Meghan shrugged.  
"I had those two do this for me earlier today, so don't be afraid at what happens. Put your hands on the screen, please." He turned the laptop towards them so that they could see the forest scenery before putting their hands up trustingly.  
"How cool!" said Meghan in awe as her hand slipped clear through. She moved it around inside and giggled at the fact that she couldn't feel Keri's hand beside hers. Something clasped around her wrist, so she pulled out her hand to inspect it.
 It was a watch with red buttons and a rainbow colored band. She looked over at Keri's to see that it was light purple.
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Then she saw her own glowing with a multi-colored light that burst at her feet into a red bird with green and blue wings. Her blue tail feathers shook and her head feathers trembled as her violet eyes turned happily to Meghan.  
"Meghan!" The bird flapped her half wings to look into the girl's face.  
Meghan reached out and ruffled the bird's head feathers, only half surprised at what had happened.
 "My name is Parémon," she chirruped happily.  
Stealing a glance at Keri's new friend, Meghan saw that it looked like a purple fox with orange stripes and green eyes. Keri suddenly looked at Keeper.  
"Are these guys Digimon? My dad told me a story that happened like this is."  
Keeper nodded. "You'll hear more about that from him later. I need to get going now, so I'll be seeing you four around soon enough."  
"Bye, Keeper!" Keri and Meghan waved as he walked away. Shutting the door, Keri pranced with her fox friend into the kitchen.  
"Want some pizza, Arcamon?"
Keri put a slice on a plate and set it down by Meghan and Parémon who were back to watching the show.
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"I'm ba-Whoah! What's all this!?" Keri's dad had come in through the back door and seen the two Digimon. His face was a mixture of surprise and amazement. As he put the sodas on the counter, Arcamon ran and hid behind Keri's legs.
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"It's been…so long…since I've seen one…" He got down on his knees, watching Arcamon's bright green eye.  
"Keri, do you remember how I used to tell you stories about Matt?" Keri nodded. "That wasn't made up. Almost two hundred years ago, he and Gabumon did roam the Digital World. Now seven generations later, you and your friends are becoming proper Digi-destined." He shook his head. "You guys are gonna have some fun…" Mr. Hayama stood up and patted Parémon's head.  
"Were you a Digi-destined?" asked Meghan.  
"Me? Digi-destined? No. I had a Digimon, but I never met him face-to-face. My only contact was through Keeper, Gennai's son."  
"Keeper?" Keri repeated.  
"He was just here a minute ago!" shouted Meghan, "he gave us the Digimon and these watches then left!"  
Keri's dad looked over the "watch". "That's the D-Caller. Keeper was saving those for his 'Time- Raisers'. They must be you guys."  
Meghan thought back to what Keeper said. "But Shaun and Steven have them, too."  
"Well, there have got to be at least three of you to make a complete team. They must be the other members."  
Arcamon was more relaxed as she followed Keri to the couch. "Who was your Digimon?" she purred lightly.
 "His name was Weremon- he looked like a little orange coyote."
 "I saw him once!" Parémon said, "He was playing with that black fire horse, Scorchamon."  
"Well, at least we know that he's okay. Hey, do you guys want to watch a movie?"  
Meghan called out, "I brought recorded episodes of Idiots of the Galaxy! We can watch those!"  
"Coolness!" Keri put the video in as her dad began to stroke Arcamon.
"Gennai? Who's Gennai?"
  "And how do you know so much about Digimon?"
  The two boys waited impatiently for Steven's grandpa to reply. The old man sat in a chair and beckoned for them to sit down. They sat on the floor and the Digimon nestled into their laps.
  "To tell the truth, Gennai was my instructor when I was a Digi-destined. According to him, Digimon only return when new evils arrive against the Digi-destined. In your mother's age, there weren't many threats, so she never truly was a Digi-destined. Your great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was Tai Kamiya. He passed his Digi-destined rights to his son, who gave them to his daughter, who gave them to her daughter, who gave them to her son and so on until they've reached you today. Shaun, if I'm not mistaken, Davis Motomiya has passed it through to you. One of Sora's decedents married into his family, so Meghan should be a part of this, too. I'm pretty sure that she'll have a Digimon before 5:00."
  "Meghan!?" Shaun looked at his watch. 4:52. "Let's go!" He leapt up and raced outside with his friends.
  They ran all the way to Keri's house and banged on the door. Through the window, they could see Arcamon and Keri approaching. When she opened the door, Meghan and Parémon were coming to the front so that they could see Shaun and Steven's Digimon.
 "Meghan, you've already got yours?" he asked his sister.
 "One what? Oh, Parémon! Yeah, your teacher came by and dropped them off for us. Keri has Arcamon, and this's Parémon."
  The girls came outside to sit on the porch with them.
 "I'm Quiremon, and this's-"
  "-Crisnismon! Nice to meetcha!"
 "Keri's dad said that we're all Digi-destined!" said Meghan proudly.
  "That's exactly what my grandpa said, except he went on about why and stuff." Steven rolled his eyes hopelessly.
  Mr. Hayama popped his head out. "I'm not too old of a Digi-destined to chat with you guys, am I?"
  "C'mon out, Mr. Hayama," Shaun answered.
  Meghan was watching her wrist. "What does it mean when the D-Caller's screen goes black?"
  "What?" The others looked at theirs. The screen was devoid of the time and had begun to spread out fingers of inky blackness.
  "Battle!" explained Keri's dad simply.
  "Hmm?"   "A Digimon has challenged you to battle. Keeper's told me all about this stuff. Your D-Callers are about to-"
  What they were about to do happened. The darkness engulfed the group for a moment, and then cleared to reveal a field containing only a white dinosaur with black metallic coverings.
  "What the-" Shaun started.
  "Chromaticmon!" Mr. Hayama said from behind him, suprisingly calm.
  The kids looked to the man for guidance, but the Digimon knew what to do.
  "Diamond Claws!" Quiremon hollered, shooting replicas of his claws in the shape of diamonds.
  "First Born Fire!" Crisnismon jumped with the sun to his back and shot flames at his enemy.
  "Rainbow Feather!" Multi-colored feathers flew from Parémon's wings and slashed at Chromaticmon.
  "Thought Claw!" Arcamon closed her eyes; a set of violet claws appeared before her and attacked the opponent.
 From being hit by multiple attacks, a small dust cloud had formed around Chromaticmon. It cleared to show nothing more than a scratch or two in his thick armor.
  "GGRRRAAAWWRRLLL!!!" Chromaticmon rushed the rookies with his horn down. "Metal Horn!"
  "Mike! Mike!" someone's voice called above the din of the battle. Mr. Hayama turned to see his long-lost Digimon bearing down on him.
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  "Weremon! Can you help to fight?" he asked anxiously.  
"Sorry, but the D-Callers those kids have'll keep me from it. I'm powerless if they started in on the battle before I did…"
 "Crisnismon!" Quiremon yelled as Chromaticmon came back to attack again. "Let's do it!"
  The two Digimon stood side by side.
  Then, together, "Steam Stun Blast!" A mixture of fire, water, and steam hit Chromaticmon on the side and he toppled over, defeated for now.
  "Yes! Way to go you guys!" whooped Steven, jumping into the air.
  The Digimon all stood by their partners as the D-Callers turned white and they were once again standing on the porch.
  "Guys, I'd like you to meet Weremon!" Mr. Hayama announced.
  "Hey, what sup!" greeted the cheery Digimon.
  Shaun looked at his D-Caller. "Wow! It's the same time as when we left! It's like time paused for us to battle or something!"
  "That's cool! Oh, Meghan! That means we didn't miss the movie!"
  "Let's go, then, girls!" Keri's dad trooped inside with Weremon.
  "See ya tomorrow, Meghan," Shaun said as he and Steven turned back. "We'll go ahead and stay at your house until I have to go home."
  "Okay, that's fine."
  "Shaun?" Quiremon spoke up in a whiney voice, "I want something to eat!"
 "I took a bag of cookies to Steven's."
  "Dude, let's go!" the two Digimon raced ahead.
  "Hey, wait for us! Hollered Steven as they chased after their Digimon.
To be continued…
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fddarchive · 4 years
[Kristina's Stories] Time-Raisers: Episode One: Meet the Future - Digimon Return!
Kristinaʻs fic: “Time-Raisers”! (Incomplete)
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Episode One: Meet the Future - Digimon Return!
Next Chapter >>>
  "Shaun! Get out of bed!"
 Shaun looked at his ceiling, knowing that he had to get up but not wanting to. He could hear his sister in her room, listening to a CD as she packed her backpack.
"Shaun!" his mother called again.
 With a sigh, he slid out of bed and threw on some clean clothes before stomping down the stairs with his backpack on. At the bottom, the family's dog licked his hand and bounded away to play with her rope-toy.
Shaun reached the kitchen and helped himself to some cereal for breakfast. Summer had to be over this soon. He almost couldn't believe that he was already going back to school.
 Finished, he tossed his bowl in the sink and placed his blue goggles around his forehead with a flourish.
   "Shaun! I'm leaving!" called his sister Meghan from the front door.
   "I'm comin'!" He hurried to the door and followed her out.
   "Meghan! Shaun!"
   The two siblings turned back to see their friend, Steven, dashing up towards them.
   "At least we're in the same class this year, Shaun," he panted as he launched straight into conversation, "but do you know who our teacher is?"
   "Mr. Dejeka or something like that. I've never met him." Meghan ran up to someone's front porch and knocked a couple of times while they talked. A blonde girl answered the door, throwing her backpack over her shoulders.
   "Keri, are we still on for tonight?"
   The girl grinned, "You bet! Dad ordered pizza and ev'rything!"
   Shutting the door behind her, Keri walked down to the sidewalk with Meghan to where the two boys waited.
   "Let's go already!" snorted Shaun.
   He grinned as Steven set out briskfully and began talking about how bad his visiting grandpa was at his new virtual game.
   "He can't even get past the little guys at the beginning- he says that they look like something that comes from a story that his parents would tell him. Y'know, one of those that started a long time ago and he's trying to tell it to me now. It's something about kids that whoop all these bad guys from a different dimension that want to take over the world. I don't think it's likely that there ever really were super kids anywhere around here before."
   Shaun grinned. "I've heard that one! My grandparents used to tell it to me when I was little. Except for that it had monsters in it that helped the kids to win. Are there any new video games coming out soon? I need a new one cuz I've beaten all the ones I have."
   "Um… There's Star Raiders, but I heard that the graphics are bad."
   When they got to school, the boys headed down the hall to their classroom. All the kids from last year's class were ther, including (to their dismay) Shaun's "rival" since he could remember. Blake always tried to out do him, and succeeded most of the time. The thing that really ticked off Shaun was that Blake got away with a lot of rude things in class. The teacher never had been paying attention. And, speaking of the teacher…
   Mr. Dejeka came through the door in a blue suit and a white briefcase. He was tall with black hair pulled back into a very small ponytail in the back and pale green eyes. The bell rang as he sat behind his desk and put the briefcase under it.
   "Okay, class, you can sit anywhere you'd like for now."
   Steven and Shaun sat away from Blake.
   "I'm Mr. Dejeka, but for the purposes of this class, let's all be on a first name basis. Please, just call me Keeper."
   The class looked confused and a few of them exchanged looks.
   "Now that that's settled, if you guys could pull out some notebook paper, we'll get started on your first assignment."
   The usual shuffle for paper and pencils followed as the class went through their bags.
   "I'd like you all to write and/or draw scenes from your favorite story so that I can get a better look into your interests…"
   After lunch, the class headed outside for recess. One of the girls, Anna, had brought her soccer ball from home.
   "Owner's rules- same deal as last year, you guys!" she called out.
   Shaun and Blake, the team captains from last year, walked out to the field and began choosing players. Blake went first.
   The teams continued to grow until Shaun had chosen the last of the students. The teams each had fourteen players, so six were placed on one side of the field, six on the other, a goalie in the goalie box, and the captains could wander on both sides freely.
   "Mr. Dejeka?" Anna spoke up.
   "Oh, Keeper. Can you referee the ball for us please?"
   "Sure thing." Keeper took off his coat and tie, then walked to the center of the field where the two captains waited for the face-off. Keeper took the ball from Blake and held it to the ground.
   "On your mark, get set… GO!" He pulled his hand away in time to avoid Shaun's kick that sent the ball to his team members. They dodged around the other players until Maurine got a clear shot and passed it to Shaun. He headed for the goal, but couldn't avoid the player that skidded in front of him and kicked away the ball to another. Shaun tripped over the knee in front of him, but somersaulted to his feet.
   Racing over to the aide of his goalie, he saw Nathan kick the ball into the air where Steven caught it with his knee and head-butted it into the goal behind the goalie.
   Twenty minutes later, Shaun's team had won with 5-3. Keeper put his coat and tie back on and lead the class indoors. As the excited students sat in their desks, Keeper began writing math problems on the board for math races.
   Once the last few hours of class were over, the last bell rang and they packed up their things. Shaun put his open backpack on his desk as he bent to tie his shoe. Blake gave it a swift shove as he passed, laughing on his way out the door.
   Shaun sighed as he put his things back in with the help of Steven and stood up.
   Keeper watched the duo from his desk, and then looked over at his computer. Pictures of the two boys appeared, then across the bottom flashed: "That's right! When do we meet them?"
   The window minimized to show a forest in front of a few large mountains.
   "Now is good," Keeper said aloud.
   The two boys looked at him curiously. "Beg your pardon?"
   He smiled at them warmly. "Someone's been waiting to meet you two fro quite some time now. Are you ready?"
   "Umm…" The two friends took a step back.
   "Don't be afraid; they're your friends. Come over here." Keeper turned to face his computer.
   They walked up, confused.
   "Will both of you put your hands on the screen?"
   "This isn't a joke, is it?"
   "No, no jokes here."
   The boys put their hands up to the screen and touched it. To their complete astonishment, they slipped right through and saw only the picture on the screen where their hand ought to be. Something then locked around their wrists and they pulled away quickly. Now there was a watch there as if it had just grown on- golden for Steven and dark blue for Shaun.
   Shaun studied it for a moment before it started to glow. Light burst like a spot light towards his feet where a little blue creature formed out of it. An orange diamond clashed with its coloring, its wing-like ears twitched, and its golden eyes opened to look up at Shaun.
   Glancing over at Steven, the boy could tell that he was having a similar experience except for the fact that he had a golden one with blue eyes, a red spot on his back, and a mane of fire instead of ears.
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   "Shaun!" came a scruffy voice from his feet. He looked back at the blue one, surprised that it could talk. It jumped up and he caught it at chest level. "My name's Quiremon! I'm so glad that I could find you!" Quiremon happily nuzzled him under the chin. "I just know that we're gonna be best buds- wait and see!"
   Feeling far away, Shaun thought back to the story. His grandparents' voices rang softly in his ears, "I've been waiting such a long time to meet you, Tai! We're gonna have the best of times!" Koromon bounced around the young boy energetically until it leapt into his arms. "I'm a Digimon, and I'll always be your friend!"
   "Are you a Digimon?" he asked it softly.
   Quiremon squirmed excitedly. "I sure am! You're so smart that you already know what I am!"
   Keeper shut down his computer and got up to leave with his briefcase.
   Steven paled. "My mom would never let me keep a Digimon, much less get it at school! You'll have to take Crisnismon back!"
   Chuckling, Keeper replied, "Then she doesn't have to know. But I do advise that you show him to your grandfather with out your mother knowing. He might seem a lot cooler to hang out with then." With that, Keeper was out the door and gone.
   "Now what?" Steven moaned, "How will we get you past Meghan and Keri?"
   Quiremon leapt back down. "We'll just hide in you guy's back packs! They'd never see us there!"
   "Wouldn't you get squished?" inquired Shaun.
   "Maybe, but we Digimon have got to keep a profile in this world."
  Steven took his backpack off to help Crisnismon inside while Shaun zipped his up almost all the way to leave breathing room for Quiremon. He placed it carefully on his back.
   "Are you sure that you're okay?" he asked again.
   "I'm perfectly fine!" came the muffled reply.
   Steven checked on Crisnismon, and then the two headed out of the school to where Meghan and Keri sat on the steps impatiently.
   "Took you long enough!" Meghan sighed.
   "Hey, Steven, did Meghan tell you that she's sleeping over tonight?"
   Steven shook his head, only half listening as Keri launched into description of what they would do. As they walked home, they both wondered what to d with the Digimon they had with them.
   Meghan went straight to Keri's house then, and Shaun hurried home with Steven. Opening the front door, he raced inside and grabbed a bag of cookies.
   "Hey, Mom! Can I do my homework at Steven's?"
   "Sure. Just be back before six, all right?"
   "Okay!" He hurried back out to where Steven had Crisnismon loose.
   "My mom shouldn't be home until five thirty, so we can let them out."
 Quiremon let himself out onto the ground before the four took off to Steven's house down the street. Shaun liked the way that Quiremon's white claws hit the cement with a clang, and Crisnismon's black ones echoed them softly. As they opened the door and went inside, Steven's grandpa walked into the front room.
 "My, my. It's been so long since I've seen a Digimon. It's hard to believe that they would return someday like Gennai said…"
To be continued…
Next Chapter >>>
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fddarchive · 3 years
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Jaymon and Kristina! Art by Kristina. From Blue Crimson
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fddarchive · 3 years
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Jenny and Raiokkomon, Kristina and Jaymon, and Kagyamon icons from Blue Crimson
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fddarchive · 3 years
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Kristina, Autumon, and Jaymon art by various artists! (Coolest Mew, Miki, Jennifer Morton, and Cowgirl Em)! From Blue Crimson
Name: Kristina Hunter
Age: 15 (16 in May)
Personality: I like to be in charge, but I know that I get too bossy. I just don't like admitting it when situations like that arise... But I do like to prove people wrong! It's so fun!!! Likes: Birds, drawing, PIXI STIX!!!, carrots**(inside joke), and Prismacolors! (YAY!!!)
Dislikes: Being told that I'm doing something wrong, when the scanner messes up, and babysitting for babies. Nothing against babies, just they seem to require a bit more time than I have...
Crest/ Armor: Protection (Red)
Description of me: Okay, well, I always have brown air and blue-green eyes, but my outfits chnge each season...Season One: Purple headband that holds my bangs away from my face, a long-sleeve, light blue shirt, and dark blue jeans. Season Two: Light jade long-sleeve shirt, dark blue vest, dark blue jeans, and I still wear the headband but it holds my bangs more to the side now. Right now (As in, real life): My hair is now cut above shoulder-length, but I normally wear it half up/half down, I'm 5' 9-10" and my eyes shift from blue to green at odd times.
Jaymon Personality: I love being the center of attention! But I know when to be funny and when I have to fight.
Likes: Cunomon! *hearts fly over head* And pixi stix! Dislikes:
Stages: Baby- Topamon: No attack
Description: A little brown head with three feathers on either side near her cheeks and blue-green eyes.
In-Training- Autumon: Bubble Blow
Description: A gray head with ears like Koromon and six tiny feathers on either side of her face. She has red streaks on her cheeks and there's a triangle-shaped red spot on her forehead.
Rookie- Jaymon: Tanoblo
Description: Red bird with a yellow underside. She has a pink stripe on each of her cheeks, orange wing claws, orange legs with brown foot claws and her headfeathers curl kinda like a cockatiel's do.
Champion- Skylamon:Feather Twister
Description: Mostly yellow with a blue streak from her beak to the three feathers on either side of her face and around her eyes. Another one goes from her beak down to almost the end of her top headfeather. There's a row of blue feathers on her wing between two yellow ones. She as a pink streak on her cheek like Jay's, except it looks more like the crest of Protection. Her legs are also orange, but her claws are white. Her tail has one row of blue feathers like her wing.
Ultimate- Saromon: Sword Storm
Mega- Rhuedalimon
Description: (In the works...)
Bios from About Kristina and Jaymon page
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fddarchive · 4 years
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Jaymon (Kristina’s Digimon) attacking with "Tanoblo!”, Jaymon standing, and Skylamon. Art by Kristina, hosted on Evelyne and Birdsimon’s Tree House
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fddarchive · 4 years
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Jaymon (Kristina's Digimon) and her many forms!  Topamon (Baby), Autumon (In-Training), Jaymon (Rookie), Skylamon (Champion), Saromon (Ultimate)
Jaymon bio: “Personality: I love being the center of attention! But I know when to be funny and when I have to fight.   Likes: Cunomon! *hearts fly over head* And pixi stix!   Dislikes:   Stages:   Baby- Topamon: No attack  
Description: A little brown head with three feathers on either side near her cheeks and blue-green eyes.  
In-Training- Autumon: Bubble Blow  
Description: A gray head with ears like Koromon and six tiny feathers on either side of her face. She has red streaks on her cheeks and there's a triangle-shaped red spot on her forehead.  
Rookie- Jaymon: Tanoblo  
Description: Red bird with a yellow underside. She has a pink stripe on each of her cheeks, orange wing claws, orange legs with brown foot claws and her headfeathers curl kinda like a cockatiel's do.  
Champion- Skylamon:Feather Twister  
Description: Mostly yellow with a blue streak from her beak to the three feathers on either side of her face and around her eyes. Another one goes from her beak down to almost the end of her top headfeather. There's a row of blue feathers on her wing between two yellow ones. She as a pink streak on her cheek like Jay's, except it looks more like the crest of Protection. Her legs are also orange, but her claws are white. Her tail has one row of blue feathers like her wing.  
Ultimate- Saromon: Sword Storm  
Description: Yellow human-like bird wearing a red dress, white gloves, and red knee-high boots. She has the same face as Autumon, except it is entirely yellow. Her wings are blue on the back and pink on the inside. She has three feathers on each of her shoulders, and her eyes are also blue-green.”
Art by Kristina, posted on Evelyne and Birdsimon’s Tree House Jaymon bio from Original Bios Page
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