#Lars Noren
444namesplus · 2 months
Ba Bahihl Balt Ban Bava Be Behl Bemehl Bemord Ben Berd Bi Biga Biger Bimor Bin Binir Bir Bisuhl Bitha Bo Boha Boso Bu Bufi Buga Buhehl Buhl Bukyils Bumehl Bur Da Dar Darirk Datihl De Degihl Dehl Deli Demeld Den Denahl Di Diba Dife Digohl Disark Disihl Dityor Dofun Doko Dono Du Duban Dubu Dult Dumu Dunuhl Dur Duro Duthu Duve Dyape Dye Dyifar Dyome Dyopi Dyubo Dyun Dyuvan Fa Falin Fate Fe Fefi Fehu Femin Fer Fera Fi Fidi Fifar Fir Fison Fisyuhl Fivu Folork Fose Fulir Fur Ga Gakyar Ganirs Gars Ge Gefurs Gehl Gelehl Gemon Gi Gilu Gitehl Godark Gofi Gope Goro Gothahl Gu Gudan Guferk Guhl Gulihl Guse Gusen Gutin Ha Haha Hameld Hamult Hart He Hefo Hegar Hekyuhl Hene Henir Hevehl Hevun Hi Hiferd Himo Hin Hirs Hivo Ho Hofuld Hon Hosu Hothohl Hoto Hu Hugohl Hukyur Kaders Kadolk Kalols Kana Kapihl Kar Ke Keba Kelur Ki Kifor Kirun Kisalk Kityahl Ko Kobo Kogi Kovi Ku Kude Kun Kuvor Kya Kyapu Kyede Kyemo Kyi Kyifo Kyivers Kyoka Kyonon Kyor Kyore Kyupu La Lalo Lamu Lar Le Lebor Lefehl Lege Lehl Len Lepi Ler Lethalt Li Libirs Lima Limur Lin Lir Lirs Lisir Lisye Lo Lodu Lofin Lohahl Lothahl Lu Ludo Luhahl Lupolk Lur Lurd Lure Lurehl Lurk Lurt Lutirk Lutu Ma Mahl Make Man Mareld Mebo Men Meno Mer Mera Mesa Methon Mi Midihl Mikyu Milk Min Mir Mise Mohl Mon Mosi Moson Muber Mukun Muper Mur Murk Na Nadalk Nagen Nalalk Nan Nar Nator Nava Navor Ne Nedo Nedyi Nela Nele Ner Nere Netihl Nihen Nir Nird No Nofu Nohl Nolurk Noma Nomin Nomu Noren Nork Nors Nu Nufa Nukyar Nulk Nurt Nuvalt Pafahl Pafo Pakin Pan Par Pe Pefer Pegerk Pehl Per Pi Pipihl Pirs Po Pofir Pohu Pon Por Pothehl Pova Pu Pube Pukihl Pulen Pun Pusa Puthar Ra Rahl Raso Re Rekuhl Relan Rerer Ri Ribi Rihl Rilk Rilo Rils Rimork Ritha Ro Rodu Ron Ror Rork Rota Ru Rubehl Ruda Rufo Rukyur Same San Sark Savork Se Sedyu Sehl Sen Senird Sevils Si Sihl Silo Sima Site Sofohl Sotye Su Suku Sulk Suruld Susu Syebu Syehon Syir Syiri Syon Syubahl Syuni Ta Talk Tapi Tard Tave Te Tedyo Tehl Telals Tema Tepald Teper Ter Teta Tha Thabird Thadi Thaha Thar Thart The Theden Thekahl Theld Thepo Therk Thi Thihert Thikir Thild Thilk Thimor Thin Thine Thir Thisor Thofen Thonon Thopilk Thork Thoser Thota Thu Thun Thutor Thuvo Ti Tibur Tifen Tihi Tikalk Tikirk Tili Tir Tisu To Togo Tomur Tudu Tuli Tun Tupin Tuta Tya Tyafe Tyakye Tyalo Tyikard Tyilk Tyimin Tyin Tyofe Tyu Va Valo Van Vatan Vegi Vehl Veke Ver Vetihl Vi Vikyur Vimuhl Vinu Vipehl Vonult Vor Voru Voto Vu Vukye Vurehl
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compagniecortex-blog · 12 years
Mises en scènes
« Costume-cravate », Bruxelles, en 1996
« L’homme-acteur », Paris, 2002, Festival International de la Poésie
« Amor’ », de G.Vitello, Paris 2006
« Les bonnes » de Genet, Paris 2008
« So’Exquis » d’après Karl Valentin, Centre Culturel de Seraing, Belgique, 2010
« Alone »
d’après Lars Noren et Tom Stoppard, Ile-de-France, 2010
« Même les cowgirls ont du vague à l’âme »
 de Tim Robbins, collaboration artistique, Paris, 2011
« Tasmanie »  de Fabrice Melquiot, Pocket-Théâtre, Nogent-sur-Marne, 2011
« DADA-scopies, ART TOTAL KOLOSSAL » Divine Theater, Washington DC, USA
" L'enfant du Passé " Dessinptomatiques Production
" Gianni Persona "
" L'audition "
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theshatterednotes · 3 years
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Lars Norén, 1944-2021
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svartasolen · 5 years
Jag skriver för att komma bort från det jag skrivit. Jag lever för att komma bort från det jag levt.
Ola Julén <--> Lars Norén
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afriupdatenews · 3 years
Swedish Playwright Lars Noren Dead From Covid-19 At 76
Swedish Playwright Lars Noren Dead From Covid-19 At 76
Swedish Playwright Lars Noren Dead From Covid-19 At 76 Swedish playwright Lars Noren, who is a pillar of Sweden’s theatre scene, has died. Noren died on Tuesday from complications owing to Covid-19, his publisher said. He was 76. “The importance of Lars Noren as an author and dramatist is almost impossible to convey at the moment in a couple of sentences, but he was one of the greats of our…
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tarjeismoeworknews · 3 years
This performance will leave you with a huge lump in your throat
Tarjei Sandvik Moe excels in the role of a young man who plans a school shooting in Lars Norén’s play “20 November".
“20 November" by Lars Norén Director: Ilene Sørbøe With: Tarjei Sandvik Moe Teaterkjeller’n, Centralteatret
Even if Oslo again has become a more open city and summer has made its full entry into the capital this weekend, there are places that the summer light will not reach. Like Teaterkjeller’n at Centralteatret, for example. In there it’s pitch black these days when Lars Norén's “20 November” finally gets to meet a small audience. And thanks to Norén's terrific text, Ilene Sørbø's steady direction, and last but certainly not least Tarjei Sandvik Moe's fabulous role interpretation, this darkness is one of the most unpleasant you can experience on a summer day in Oslo in 2021.
And I don’t know, maybe some performances benefit from being stored for a while - just like good wine. For “20 November” should have premiered in the spring of 2020, which by now is beginning to be quite a long time ago, but its effect on the audience has by no means faded over the past time.
“20 November” is a play written by Swedish Lars Norén, who died of covid-19 in January this year, and the German actress Anne Tismer, in the wake of a school massacre in Germany committed by 18-year-old Sebastian Bosse. The play premiered in 2007 and is thus fourteen years old. But the topic is unfortunately still very relevant. Bosse left behind diary notes and poems that have become part of the stage text, and this documentary material makes us get uncomfortably close to the young boy who wanted revenge on all his childhood bullies, all the materialistic, meaningless people around him, and the whole system that he experienced a great and ever-growing hatred for. In the play, we meet him an hour and ten minutes before he is to carry out the massacre against his former school.
But really: Tarjei Sandvik Moe must be one of our most talented young actors. Since he took Norway by storm in the role of Isak in the TV series Skam, he has shown his large register through other roles in TV, film and theater. The role of Sebastian is perhaps one of his best to date. For not only does he fill the cold young man with moments of recognizable warmth, but he also gives the character a body language that expresses a complex of emotions: there is a tense nervousness in him combined with a feeling of power, while we at the same time sense the sadness and powerlessness in his face even though his face is quite devoid of emotional expression. And then he laughs occasionally. At himself, at us in the audience, who he constantly talks to and about and who are part of the society he wants to affect, and at quite ordinary things that young people like to laugh at.
The laughter is both liberating and contagious, but it does not prevent me from sitting through the whole performance with a lump that alternates between being in my throat and in my stomach.
In Oscar Udbye's spartan scenography, Sebastian walks like on a small, black catwalk; he wants to be seen. And he wants to see. On two large screens, we twenty in the audience can see ourselves and the area we are sitting in, as on surveillance cameras. It is Sebastian who is watching us. This emphasizes the confrontational style of this play and makes us part of the system Sebastian hates.
But even though this is a strong and brutal performance that touches us who watches, I wonder a bit about the actual effect of the performance. For as Sebastian himself says; people are going to commit similar crimes after him as well. And considering that both the real and the fictional Sebastian basically said this 15 years ago or more, we know today that he is unfortunately right. Because even though Sebastian in the form of Sandvik Moe scares the shit out of us, and makes us realize that what bad energy we’ve sent out into the world may quickly come back to hit us, we know that people still find a strange pleasure in trolling both online and in real life, and that terrorist acts and massacres are planned and carried out. 
This has also been shown in connection with another Norén piece about breaks in society, where the result was different than what Noren had planned. I’m thinking of the play “7:3” from 1999, where two of the actors were inmates who committed serious crimes, even murders, during the leave they were given to make theater with Norén. Norén's idea had always been that the play should contribute to something good for the prisoners and lead them back into society in a positive way. But reality trumped the artist and the theater. So what about all the Sebastians out there - will “20 November” help us to see them before it's too late? I'm not sure, but if the answer is even close to a yes, Teaterkjeller’n should open its doors to as many people as possible as soon as possible. And then the audience will get a fantastic acting performance to boot.
Big thanks to @evakcardamom for givinig me a head up about this great review
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agata-sceno · 7 years
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Acte - Lars Norén
M en Sc : Clément Goupille
Scéno en binôme avec Pauline Stern
Création au Studio Théâtre Nantes. Reprise de 3 représentations au TU Nantes.
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infantisimo · 4 years
Maybe this road
leads nowhere but someone
is coming from there
• Lars Noren
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mesagerulneamt · 6 years
Festivalul de Teatru Piatra Neamț - vineri, 17 noiembrie
Festivalul de Teatru Piatra Neamț – vineri, 17 noiembrie
Festivalul de Teatru Piatra Neamț propune amatorilor genului, vineri, 17 noiembrie, trei spectacole și un concert.
De la ora 14:00, în Sala Mare, cu publicul pe scenă, va avea loc spectacolul cu piesa “Refugii”, realizat de compania “REACTOR de creație și experiment” Cluj-Napoca. Piesa aparține lui Petro Ionescu, iar regia lui Raul Coldea. Interpretează: Alina Mișoc, Paul Socol, George…
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aryankh · 3 years
How did Lars Noren die? Swedish playwright Lars Noren dies at 76
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bosphore-theatre · 4 years
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Diplômé d’un D.E.A. Lettres Modernes à la Sorbonne et d’un Master de Cinéma, c’est en 2004 à l’issu du cours Florent, qu’il crée sa première mise en scène, Le Fanatisme de Voltaire et monte sa compagnie de théâtre.
En 2005, il met en scène L’Héritier de Village et Les Sincères deux pièces de Marivaux et en 2006, Jeanne et Les Juges de Thierry Maulnier. En 2007,
il adapte et met en scène Timon d’Athènes de Shakespeare. En 2009, il monte Dom Juan de Molière au théâtre Mouffetard. Séduit par le parti pris, Laurent Terzieff prête sa voix au Commandeur. En 2010, le spectacle est en tournée en France et en Belgique. La même année, il crée également Le Libre-Penseur d’August Strindberg et Brûlons Voltaire ! d’Eugène Labiche.
En juin 2011, il présente une maquette de Démons de Lars Noren au Festival Passe-Portes de L’Ile de Ré, saluée par Bernard Faivre d’Arcier et Didier Thibault. Le spectacle est définitivement créé en mai 2013 à La Rose des Vents, SN Lille, qui est repris en mai 2015 au Lucernaire à Paris.
Au printemps 2017, il a créé une nouvelle mise en scène de Timon d’Athènes de Shakespeare au Théâtre de la Tempête avec Patrick Catalifo dans le rôle- titre (nomination Meilleur comédien Théâtre Public aux Molières en 2017 pour Patrick Catalifo). En parallèle, il travaille avec Jean-Claude Carrière à la création d’un spectacle autour du mythe de Frankenstein qui sera créé en juin 2020 au Printemps des Comédiens, sur L’Avenir Oublié de Slimane Benaïssa et Requiem pour une Nonne de Faulkner.
Parallèlement au théâtre, il écrit et réalise, en 2007, Le Voyage, un court métrage produit et diffusé par Arte. Puis en 2008, L’Absente, un documentaire de création, toujours pour Arte.
Il a également réalisé Les Artisans de l’Ephémère, film documentaire brossant le portrait de 13 metteurs en scène d’horizons différents afin de tenter de mieux comprendre ce qu’est l’art de la mise en scène théâtrale.
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vfslatinalumni-blog · 5 years
VFS acting graduate André Junqueira is starring in a play called “O Inoportuno” by Harold Pinter at Teatro dos Quatro in Rio de Janeiro, honouring the English actor, director, playwright, poet and screenwriter. Who is André though? Let’s let the posting’s listing of his works tell you better than we ever could:
“André Junqueira has been a professional actor for more than 17 years and has a Bachelor’s degree in Theater. He attended New York Film Academy and Vancouver Film School. In TV, he appeared in the novels “The Other Side of Paradise”, “Età Mundo Bom”, “Sangue Bom”, “Amor a Vida”, “Totalmente Demais”, “Haaja Coração”, “Novo Mundo”. In the theater, he appeared in the plays “Crimes Delicados”, “Sangue de Lars Noren”, “The History of Communism Counted to the Mental Ills”, by Matéi Visniec, “The Man Without Senses”, “For Whom I Go …” and “Between Four Walls ”. In the dance, she performed in the musicals “Chicago”, “Darty Dancing”, and in “Priscilla, The Queen of the Desert”.“
That’s a thorough resume! Amazing career thus far, André!
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vfsalumni · 5 years
VFS acting graduate André Junqueira is starring in a play called “O Inoportuno” by Harold Pinter at Teatro dos Quatro in Rio de Janeiro, honouring the English actor, director, playwright, poet and screenwriter. Who is André though? Let’s let the posting’s listing of his works tell you better than we ever could:
“André Junqueira has been a professional actor for more than 17 years and has a Bachelor's degree in Theater. He attended New York Film Academy and Vancouver Film School. In TV, he appeared in the novels "The Other Side of Paradise", "Età Mundo Bom", "Sangue Bom", "Amor a Vida", "Totalmente Demais", "Haaja Coração", "Novo Mundo". In the theater, he appeared in the plays "Crimes Delicados", "Sangue de Lars Noren", "The History of Communism Counted to the Mental Ills", by Matéi Visniec, "The Man Without Senses", "For Whom I Go ..." and "Between Four Walls ". In the dance, she performed in the musicals "Chicago", "Darty Dancing", and in "Priscilla, The Queen of the Desert".“
That’s a thorough resume! Amazing career thus far, André!
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nellie414 · 7 years
Hej hur är det för lilla Gummsi?
Hej det är fint! Klar med skolan utom städning. Nästa vecka flyttar jag till göteborg!
Okej redan! Var i G-borg ska du bo då?
Johanneberg  lite ovanför där jag bodde förut med Viktor.Vad gör ni hemma i stöcke?
Ok trevligt! Ska du dela men nån eller bo själv?
Nej bo själv i liten studentlägenhet!
Skönt med eget. Babbsan fick sår på en spene och "mjölkstockning" ville inte dia sina tre för att det gjorde ont. Så fnv. Stödmatar jag de tre hungriga lammen + den bortstötte. Dessutom visade det sig att tackorna hade parasiter. Mask av allvarligare slag🤤☹. Har avmaskat dem men de är magra!
Oj, skrek hon när Dom diade? Men fy! Jobbigt med parasiter...hur fick du veta?Stackars det bortstötte. Vem stötte bort han?
Skickade träckprov( bajsprov). Den bortstöttes mamma fick två, på natten i gruppen så han kom kanske på villovägar. Hursomhelst ville hon bara ha en. Hon är snäll me han iallfall och han har en bror att ty sig till. Lammet heter Lars Noren...
Ok :( 
Alltid svårt att veta varför en tacka stöter bort. Babbsan tar då hand om det tre men det blir fel ändå eftersom hon vill att alla tre ska dia samtidigt... och det går ju  inte eftersom hon bara har 2 spenar! Därav såret.
Haha oj att hon vill att alla tre ska dia samtidigt! Hur ser du att hon vill det?
Därför att hon vill att alla tre ska komma till juvret samtidigt och då får två kämpa om en tutt.
Jaha.... usch då. tur dom får stödflaska, men det måste ju vara lite jobbigt för dig också
Ja jag gör inget annat än och vispar välling och diskar nappflaskor! Men tror det blir bättre snart när de får komma ut på bete. Babbsan kanske inte vet att hon bara har två spenar! Hon har ju inte haft tre lamm förrut.
Oj nej det är ju inte lätt...Hur gör andra trebarnsmammor?
Åsa har en tacka som låter två dia sen den tredje. Men Babbsan är så bestämd. Alla tre eller så ingen!Varken Babbsan eller jag har ju erfarenhet av trillingar. De som tidigare fått tre har ju stött bort en. Kanske vettigt ändå...🤔
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raffaelapflueger · 4 years
Anecdotiques Détails de Lars Norén - Sceneweb
Anecdotiques Détails de Lars Norén - Sceneweb raffi-art.com/…
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tarjeismoeworknews · 3 years
Thank you for your swallow dives into darkness, Norén!
The playwright Lars Norén died of covid 19 related complications on 26 January. The actor Tarjei Sandvik Moe, who is waiting to play Norén's 20 November, remembers his encounter with Norén's art.
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"Sometimes I am filled with a strong joy - but I can only express it through crying."
From the play Munich-Athens, by Lars Norén
On January 26, the playwright Lars Norén died of covid 19 related complications. Norén demonstrated how existential darkness can be turned into art and how that art can then light up in a dark theatre. For decades, he created profound, pointed and powerful dramatic works that have touched and inspired numerous people.
I first discovered his drama, completely clueless as to who he was, when my mother took me to a production of Som lauvet in Vallombrosa at Det Norske Teatret in 2017. Before this evening I was a seventeen-year-old theatre sceptic who was more interested in film and thought that theatre was pretty boring. After this evening I wanted to do nothing but watch, read and play theatre, and most of all Lars Norén's plays. I laughed until I cried and cried until I laughed over the dysfunctional relationships, the self-absorbed characters and the powerful and efficient dialogues and monologues. I also suspect that in inappropriate ecstasy I got up in a standing ovation before the show was completely finished. Lars Norén's play made me understand the enormous power a stage text can have when it is written without fear of going into existential themes with a personal angle that both invites and gives the actors on stage a space to find tragicomedy, sparkle and dynamics together. That’s when theatre really isn’t boring.
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And then suddenly I was to act in a Norén play myself. In April 2020, we were to premiere the monologue 20 November, Norén's dark play based on texts left by a school shooter, at Oslo Nyes Teaterkjeller. No project has awoken more nervousness and awe in me. Carrying Norén on my narrow shoulders seemed impossible. I still had a secret (and most likely very unrealistic) dream that the playwright himself might come and watch. But due to a virus, we still have not had a premiere. This virus also took Lars Norén's life. Now I know for sure that he will not come and see the performance when we one day will be allowed to premiere it.
I've been walking around with my head filled with 20 November for over a year now, and I often think: Why does Norén bother, is able to and repeatedly wish to portray characters in such unimaginably deep crises? He writes about relationships full of physical and psychological violence, drug addicts, sex offenders and school shooters. Are these people representative of who we are?
Many will also think that Norén's art, in those cases where he has been employing uncompromising methods in search of dark truths, contains some major failings. However, us artists should look to him today and in the uncertain future, because we must remember that we as artists should uncompromisingly search for these truths. We represent the universe in everything we create. And the universe is remarkably often a painful place to be. The universe is made up of many people in very deep personal crises, people who commit cruel acts, and although we are not exactly like them, we can understand them and ourselves through art. We all have darkness inside of us.
Anyone who watches or reads a play by Norén gradually understands that it is far healthier, and also more uplifting, to dive into the darkness through art rather than to suppress the existence of that darkness. For the darkness that isn’t processed, but only suppressed, will grow. Therefore, we should be grateful that Lars Norén has dived into his own and others' tragic fates and psyches both through realistic and more symbolic expressions time and time again, and channeled it into his very intellectual, but far from inaccessible, texts. This means that we as readers or theatre audiences can feel affinity, recognition and understanding that we can take with us through life.
Lars Norén remains the greatest Swedish playwright after August Strindberg, and he will undoubtedly live on in our collective consciousness and on theatre stages all over the world for many years to come. Oslo is bouncing on its feet waiting to perform Norén at both the National Theater with Etter Stillheten and Oslo Nye Teater with 20 November as soon as it is safe and legal in terms of infection control. Then we will perform with you in our dark hearts, Lars.
Thank you for everything, and rest in peace, great artist.
translated by @teejaysnow
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