#MORE specifically 1997 lost media related
queenofbrooklyn · 28 days
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neutrallyobsessed · 11 months
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Related to the airing of Cybersix's live-action adaption, this is what we can conclude:
3/4/96: Is the premier, the first episode airs! 10/4/96: the second episode airs and its thrilling conclusion. This is probably its tv advert, there was also one with Data7 but it seems like it was removed ;/ (srry for the pic quality lol) 17/4/96: the third episode airs and i have no idea which might be~~ 24/4/96: the forth episode airs at 11pm instead of its usual 9pm timeslot 'cause the qualifications for the 98 world cup are happening so we can easily know what episode will air. I swear someone must have tapped the match with the Cybersix ep next to it aaaaaa- 1/5/96: It's Labor Day so there wasn't newspapers. According to this, a new episode did aired so yeah xd (it's also Adrian's birthday uwo) 8/5/96: GOD FORBID I HAVE A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF ANYTHING CYBERSIX RELATED AMIRITE?? Some motherfucker rip almost a full week of specifically these tv timeslots, so ill see what i can do about it later </3 15/5/96: The final episode airs. Fortunally its been found and we now have confirmation that it is indeed, the last episode aired/produced?
As you can see, this gives us 7 episodes aired, not 8, so i dunno what up with that, but as far as ads and eps found, there are only 7 stories that were going to be told/adapted, so there we go!
But now, did I found other reports of Cybersix? Why, yes i did~~
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With their respective translations next to them, the first is a short, general report that serves as advertisement to both the comics and tv show, in a segment dedicated to what's hip with the young adults of the time (mid-90s :v). The second one is reporting the cancellation and that it was that wednesday the airing of the final episode; its description confirms that the last episode is the recently found stunt double story
It'll be long till i go and research on the other archives or other newspapers about this show because remember, this was a side quest. My main objective is archiving and translating Irish Coffee 1997, but it's nice to contribute to fandom, specially with something lost media related xdd it's fun and i don't have to talk to a lot of people, y'know?
UPDATE (4/8/23): here is the 8/5/96 airdate from La Nacion :3. You can't really tell that is from may 5th, so you'll have to trust me on that one :v. i found out that there's a third hemeroteca in my city, so webos i'll go there next time and maybe have the Clarin version that is more clear~~
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I also found.... another something.... but that deserves its own post cause nik what the fu-
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ftaramintas · 4 years
            hi  friends  !  i’m  koa  and  every  time  you  see  miss  jennie  kim  on  your  dash  ,  then  you’ll  be  greeted  with  the  strong  presence  that  is  araminta  park  !  you  are  absolutely  correct  if  you  know  i  got  her  name  from  the  beautiful  araminta  lee  from  crazy  rich  asians  ,  and  that’s  that  on  that  .  
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            i  use  emojis  way  too  much  in  conversations  ,  specifically  my  favorites  exhibit  a.  🥺  ,  b.  🥴  ,  c.  🤠  ,  and  d.  🤪  .  i  talk  too  much  sometimes  and  i  don’t  find  that  to  be  a  bad  thing  ,  but  right  now  i’m  listening  to  itzy’s  new  album  on  loop  ,  so  make  sure  you’re  streaming  wannabe  or  we’re  gonna  fight  !  i’m  just  kidding  ,  but  without  further  ado  ,  here’s  everything  you  need  to  know  about  araminta  !
statistics  .
FULL  NAME  :  araminta  josephine  park  .
NICKNAME(S)  :  ari  ,  minta  ,  and  minnie  (  by  her  parents  only  )  .
BIRTHDATE  /  AGE  :  july  25th  ,  1997  /  23  .
ZODIAC  :  leo  .
HOMETOWN  :  manhattan  ,  new  york  .
GENDER  :  cis  female  .
NATIONALITY  :  korean - american  .
ETHNICITY  :  korean  .
HEIGHT  :  5′4″  .
LABEL(S)  :  the  queen  bee  ,  the  studious  ,  and  the  opulent  .
ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION  :  biromantic  .
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION  :  bisexual  .
OCCUPATION  :  architecture  student  at  steinhardt  university  .
HOUSING  :  perry  hall  .
LANGUAGES  SPOKEN  :  korean  ,  english  ,  french  ,  and  learning  portuguese  .
POSITIVES  :  bewitching  ,  regiment  ,  decorous  ,  methodical  ,  and  distinguished  .
NEGATIVES  :  unvarnished  ,  zealous  ,  cavalier  ,  hard - hearted  ,  and  priggish  .
background  .
            araminta’s  story  begins  with  the  fateful  meeting  of  her  parents  ,  kim  seo - yeon  and  park  dong - wook  ,  on  a  cold  winter’s  day  .  they  found  themselves  at  the  tender  ages  of  20  and  22  ,  attending  a  boring  christmas  gala  with  their  parents  when  they  would  have  preferred  to  do  anything  else  in  the  world  .  seo - yeon  was  a  women  who  knew  what  she  wanted  the  moment  her  eyes  landed  upon  it  ,  so  when  she  made  brief  eye  contact  with  dong - wook  ,  she  purposefully  spilled  a  glass  of  champagne  onto  his  expensive  tom  ford  suit  and  made  a  big  deal  of  it  .  this  sparked  their  whirlwind  romance  ,  and  six  months  later  they  found  themselves  announcing  their  engagement  to  korean  media  outlets  .
            despite  how  quickly  they  were  engaged  ,  their  parents  saw  this  as  mutually  beneficial  .  seo - yeon  is  the  youngest  daughter  of  the  wealthy  kim  family  ,  owners  of  the  kq  group  conglomerate  that  was  worth  billions  in  its  own  right  .  dong - wook  was  the  only  child  of  his  parents  ,  and  came  from  park  family  lineage  where  their  hotels  and  resorts  were  the  cause  of  their  fortune  .  the  families  were  soon  to  be  one  ,  and  the  couple  was  the  chaebol  heirs  that  others  envied  .  following  their  lavish  wedding  ,  seo - yeon  and  dong - wook  decided  that  they  were  going  to  head  off  to  manhattan  to  make  a  life  for  themselves  .  so  ,  they  transferred  to  columbia  university  ,  finished  their  schooling  ,  and  shortly  after  seo - yeon’s  graduation  from  the  financial  economics  program  ,  the  couple  discovered  that  they  were  expecting  .
           it  was  a  sticky  summer  day  when  seo - yeon  unexpectedly  gave  birth  to  their  daughter  ,  who  decided  not  to  allow  her  parents  time  to  get  to  the  hospital  .  araminta  was  born  in  the  bathtub  of  her  parents’  luxury  bathroom  ,  and  right  into  the  arms  of  her  slightly  panicked  but  overjoyed  father  .  from  the  time  that  she  was  a  toddler  ,  araminta  was  a  very  precocious  child  ,  picking  up  on  skills  quite  quickly  and  speaking  in  few  short  sentences  by  the  time  she  was  eleven  months  old  .  as  she  grew  older  ,  araminta’s  parents  remained  hands  on  despite  their  busy  schedules  ,  and  decided  that  they  would  see  what  their  daughter  would  have  the  most  interest  in  .  when  she  was  four  ,  her  parents  began  piano  lessons  ,  and  it  was  evident  that  she  had  a  natural  gift  for  the  instrument  .
           years  continued  to  pass  ,  and  araminta  was  always  a  top  student  in  both  academics  and  her  extracurriculars  .  as  she  attended  the  very  best  schools  in  new  york  city  ,  araminta  was  usually  the  first  to  answer  questions  ,  the  first  to  sign  up  ,  and  the  first  to  complete  her  tests  .  she  was  the  recipient  of  various  awards  throughout  the  years  ,  whether  it  be  honor  roll  or  due  to  her  participation  in  various  student  organizations  .  by  the  time  she  reaches  high  school  ,  araminta  is  on  the  fast  track  to  attending  the  college  of  her  choice  .  this  is  also  the  time  where  she  discovers  her  love  for  both  dance  and  volleyball  .  honestly  ,  she  tried  out  for  the  dance  team  at  her  high  school  on  a  whim  ,  and  immediately  fell  in  love  with  it  .  volleyball  is  her  main  love  ,  and  she  keeps  up  with  dance  because  she  gets  to  have  fun  and  it  helps  to  keep  her  in  shape  .
           araminta  was  accepted  into  steinhardt  university  during  her  junior  year  because  she  was  absolutely  the  girl  who  took  her  sat  during  sophomore  year  because  she  wanted  to  get  it  out  of  the  way  !  so  ,  she  went  through  her  last  two  years  of  high  school  not  stressing  over  college  (  and  honestly  i  think  about  that  scene  from  mean  girls  where  everyone’s  freaking  out  because  of  the  burn  book  and  regina  is  just  standing  there  JNFDFHD  )  .  during  the  first  semester  of  college  at  steinhardt  ,  though  ,  araminta  was  dealt  a  heavy  blow  when  she  discovered  that  her  parents  were  separating  .
            they  weren’t  arguing  a  lot  or  anything  ,  but  they  simply  didn’t  want  to  be  married  anymore  /  the  relationship  lost  its  spark  ,  so  they  figured  it’d  be  best  to  end  their  relationship  .  during  that  time  ,  it  was  really  hard  for  araminta  to  understand  because  she  didn’t  want  her  family  to  be  broken  ,  but  as  the  years  passed  ,  she  began  to  understand  why  they  decided  to  end  their  relationship  .  at  steinhardt  ,  araminta  is  an  architecture  major  and  it’s  entirely  due  to  the  fact  that  she  wants  to  someday  take  over  her  father’s  position  as  ceo  of  the  hotel  /  resort  company  that  his  family  owns  .  she’s  the  captain  of  the  dance  team  and  the  right  side  hitter  on  the  volleyball  team  !
headcanons  .
definitely  plans  on  going  to  graduate  school  once  she’s  graduated  ,  and  more  than  likely  will  get  a  degree  in  business  !
as  mentioned  ,  she  currently  resides  in  perry  hall  .  when  it  comes  to  the  decor  of  her  room  ,  i’d  say  it’s  pretty  minimal  with  muted  tones  ,  but  there’s  definitely  some  soft  pinks  scattered  about  !  really  likes  having  gold  as  an  accent  color  (  cannot  stand  the  marble  trend  )  and  everything  has  a  place  !
she  never  leaves  her  dorm  without  making  the  bed  or  putting  away  dishes  from  breakfast  /  lunch  .  it’s  mostly  because  she  usually  gets  back  home  really  late  so  the  last  thing  she  wants  to  do  is  have  to  clean  before  bed  .
studies  a  lot  ,  studies  late  ,  and  studies  hard  .  if  she  were  to  have  a  studygram  (  yes  ,  that’s  absolutely  a  thing  )  it  would  be  the  most  aesthetically  pleasing  instagram  on  the  planet  .  probably  only  uses  these  heavy  gold  pens  modeled  after  the  ones  her  father  uses  with  her  name  engraved  on  it  .
araminta  is  full  on  the  girl  who  does  not  show  up  to  class  in  sweatpants  and  a  hoodie  .  i  draw  a  lot  of  her  style  inspiration  from  itsyuyan  on  instagram  and  jennie’s  own  style  .  the  only  time  she’ll  ever  be  casual  is  during  those  trips  to  the  library  or  when  she’s  lounging  at  home  ,�� and  even  then  she’s  probably  wearing  jeans  and  a  tee /  sweater  or  a  coordinated  pajama  set  .
i  know  jennie  has  since  cut  her  hair  ,  but  araminta’s  hair  is  long  !  specifically  ,  her  hair  is  waist  length  .  she  drives  a  white  mercedes  glc  where  she’s  usually  taking  selfies  lmao  but  her  parents  got  her  that  car  because  it’s  #safe  and  honestly  she  barely  even  drives  the  thing  unless  she’s  going  grocery  shopping  or  making  the  trip  back  home  .
personality  .
oh  boys  ,  where  do  i  even  begin  with  this  brat  !
to  quote  that  tik  tok  song  :  i’m  a  bitch  ,  i’m  a  boss  .  araminta  works  very  hard  despite  misconceptions  that  she  has  everything  handed  to  her  because  of  her  family’s  wealth  .  she  can  be  very  prideful  of  all  of  her  accomplishments  at  times  ,  but  definitely  will  let  them  do  the  talking  instead  of  being  the  type  to  bring  them  up  in  every  conversation  .
she’s  nice  to  who  she  wants  to  be  nice  to  ,  and  sometimes  she’ll  be  the  very  opposite  of  nice  .  she  can  complain  a  lot  sometimes  ,  especially  when  she’s  doing  something  that  she  wasn’t  want  to  .  
will  respond  to  attitudes  with  the  same  energy  and  she  will  take  no  prisoners  .
she  is  and  will  remain  as  #1  in  her  program  (  valedictorian  )  and  will  do  whatever  it  takes  to remain  in  such  spot  .  she’s  wildly  ambitious  mostly  stemming  from  her  father  being  the  same  way  ,  so  she’ll  step  on  toes  and  sink  her  nails  in  in  order  to  get  what  she  believes  is  hers  .
crazy  charming  ,  and  usually  it  only  takes  her  flashing  a  smile  in  order  to  get  what  she  wants  .  however  since  she’s  pretty  full  of  herself  that  can  be  a  real  turn  off  to  others  who  don’t  care  about  the  luxuries  that  can  afford  .    
desired  relations  .
i  would  love  to  have  almost  any  and  everything  .  first  ,  some  basics  that  i’d  love  to  have  are  as  follows  :  former  roommates  ,  best  friends  ,  academic  rivals  ,  friends  with  benefits  ,  confidant(s)  ,  frenemies  ,  good  /  bad  influence  ,  one  night  stand(s)  ,  flirtationship  ,  enemies  with  benefits  ,  and  a  current  or  ex  fling  !
i’ve  been  drinking  my  women  loving  women  juice  recently  and  i’d  love  for  her  to  have  an  ex  gf  ?  i  really  feel  that  they  ended  on  good  terms  like  they  might  have  simply  drifted  apart  ,  but  they  remain  really  good  friends  ?  there’s  probably  even  a  sprinkle  of  them  being  confidants  to  one  another  ,  but  give  me  this  or  give  me  death  .  
i  would  die  for  literally  any  form  of  angst  that  you  could  possibly  think  of  ?  angsty  friends  ,  angsty  exes  ,  angsty  anything  .  i  love  to  put  myself  through  misery  so  honestly  ...  bury  me  six  feet  under  and  i  will  literally  thank  you  .
all  aboard  the  heartbreak  train  !  this  ties  back  into  my  love  for  angst  ,  but  some  form  of  an  ex  or  maybe  even  someone  who  she  go  close  to  but  it  didn’t  really  work  out  ?  maybe  even  a  will  they  won’t  they  ?  but  essentially  ,  clearly  these  two  have  feelings  but  for  some  reason  things  didn’t  work  out  for  them  and  now  they’re  probably  in  a  limbo  or  trying  to  determine  where  they’re  headed  but  they  absolutely  refuse  to  talk  about  it  !  all  of  their  friends  notice  but  they  blow  them  off  and  ok  let  me  relax  and  actually  allow  us  to  plot  ,  but  just  some  potential  ideas  !
i  will  have  a  desired  relations  tag  that  i’ll  be  updating  as  frequently  as  i  can  ,  but  if  none  of  these  work  for  you  or  if  you  have  something  you  see  araminta  filling  ,  then  please  let  me  know  !  we  can  totally  brainstorm  or  if  you  want  ,  then  we  can  work  on  chemistry  !
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Licensing of the Monsters: How Pokémon Ignited An Anime Arms Race
  "Hey, what do ya' got there? A rabbit?" Batman asks his mentor, staring at a video of Pikachu on a massive underground computer screen.
  "It's a Pokémon," Bruce Wayne replies.
  Five seconds later, Batman is shocked so hard by the tiny yellow creature that he ends up flying headfirst through another computer monitor (Using a clip from the "Blackout" episode of Batman Beyond, an episode that would've aired for the first time just days earlier.) It doesn't make much physical sense, but this bizarre 1999 crossover promo did establish two things: 1) Pokémon was coming to Kids' WB, and 2) Pokémon was important. So important that Batman actually took time away from obsessing over crime and vengeance to care about it.
  Echoing a 1997 promo where the comedic Bugs Bunny let us in on the "secret" that the serious, dark Batman was coming to Kids' WB, it almost seems like a passing of the torch. Kids' WB, up until then, was a programming service chock full of classic Warner Bros. cartoon properties like Bugs, Daffy, Pinky, Brain, and various members of the Justice League — all animated Americana. 
Pokémon wasn't a huge risk as the 4Kids Entertainment dub of the show had done well in broadcast syndication, they had plenty of episodes to work with (sometimes airing three in a row), and it was based on a game series that was already a worldwide smash hit.
  But the show was ... different.
  And it would end up changing cartoons as we knew them.
  Part 1: Batman Jumps Ship
  It's hard to think of a better scenario when it comes to appealing to kids than the one Fox Kids had with Batman: The Animated Series. Debuting in September 1992 and airing on weekdays just after school let out, it received immediate acclaim due to its moody, beautiful animation and storytelling that didn't talk down to anyone. Little kids could get into Batman throwing crooks around and adults could marvel at plots like the one where a former child actress with a medical condition that keeps her from aging takes her former co-stars hostage and ends up holding a gun, hallucinating, and sobbing into Batman's arms.
  It did so well that Fox tried to air it on prime-time Sundays and though this was short-lived — turns out, Batman was no match for Ed Bradley on CBS's 60 Minutes — it solidified the show as "cool." This was a show that could hang with the big boys. You couldn't say the same of something like Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.
  And then, in 1997, it was gone. A five-year contract ran out and Batman leapt completely to Kids' WB, where a continuation of the show (the often even grimmer The New Batman Adventures) aired later that year. There, it joined Superman: The Animated Series in a one-two punch of programming called The New Batman/Superman Adventures. When it came to Kids' WB, competitors not only had to deal with the Merry Melodies crowd, they now had to face the World's Finest Heroes.
  This, along with a departing Animaniacs, left Fox Kids with a gap in flagship programming. Sure it had various incarnations of the Power Rangers (which was still holding strong) and Spider-Man, but if you look back on 1998 programming, little of it would survive the year. Silver Surfer? Gone by May. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation? Out by December. Casper? Dead in October. By May of 1999, Warner Media would announce record ratings thanks to Pokémon, while its competitors, including the Disney-led ABC, Fox, and even Nickelodeon, would suffer losses in the Saturday morning area. Pokemon would have the best ever series premiere numbers for Kids' WB at the time.
    A chunk of that has to do with 4Kids Entertainment's (or to be more specific, 4Kids Productions) handling of the show. Again, Pokémon was a proven concept. If you love monsters, adventure, and collecting things, you'll probably find something to enjoy in the franchise. But the dub was particularly strong. For years, dubbing was seen as an inherently laughable thing in America, full of exasperated voice actors trying desperately to convince you that they weren't portraying three different characters, and lips that didn't match the dialogue. Entire Japanese series were reduced to laughing stocks in the U.S. because why focus on the lovingly created miniatures and top-notch tokusatsu action in Godzilla if one of the actors sounds weird?
  But while Pokémon wasn't the first great dub, it was a remarkably underrated one. Veronica Taylor's work as Ash Ketchum was relatable, funny, and consistent. And Racheal Lillis, Eric Stuart, and Maddie Blaustein's turns as Team Rocket's Jessie, James, and Meowth gave us villains that could've easily been the most repetitive parts of the show  — you can only try to capture Pikachu so many times before you should logically find a second hobby — but instead were one of the most entertaining aspects.
  Aside from some easily meme-able bits — Brock's drying pan and jelly donuts, for example — Pokemon became a seamless addition to the Kids' WB lineup and would end up giving many fans a lifelong love of anime. And it was great for 4Kids, too, as in 2000, they would be number one on Fortune's 100 Fastest-Growing Companies.
  Fox Kids wanted an answer to this. And it would soon find one.
  Well, two.
  Part 2: Monsters Rule
  Saban Entertainment was no stranger to Fox Kids. They'd been the one to adapt Toei's Super Sentai into The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers for American and international audiences, creating an unexpected sensation that combined monsters and martial arts. And in 1999, they nabbed Digimon Adventure, a series about kids that gain "digital" monster partners when transported to a "digital world," which had begun airing earlier that year in Japan. Based on a fighting virtual pet that had already been around for a few years, Digimon was a natural fit for an anime series and also a natural fit for a climate that was desperately trying to find the next Pokémon.
  Renamed Digimon: Digital Monsters, it premiered in August of 1999. Of course, accusations followed that it was a Pokémon rip-off, considering that they were both about befriending terrifying laser critters, but they offered fairly different things. While Pokémon was more episodic, Digimon gave viewers a more Dragon Ball Z-esque experience (they were both Toei productions, too) with the titular monsters evolving and gaining "power-ups" due to fighting increasingly powerful villains.
  Almost two months later, Monster Rancher would join the Fox Kids lineup, airing on Saturdays at 8:30 AM after Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century (a Fox Kids lost relic if there ever was one). Together, Monster Rancher and Digimon would cover the programming block with monster action, sometimes airing twice each. Meanwhile, Pokémon would do the same for Kids' WB, and if you look at their Saturday morning schedules from 1999 and 2000, it appears they just shoved Pikachu in whenever possible.
  Looking back on Monster Rancher is always odd, though, because it's so specifically trapped in the time period where it originated. The video games used metadata from readable discs to create new monsters for the player, meaning that as soon as people gained the ability to download or stream media online without having to travel to their local Circuit City, the game would look absolutely archaic in comparison to its peers.
  Monster Rancher is a very fun show based on some very fun games, and the dynamic array of personalities and their particular squabbles in the core group actually reminds me a lot of One Piece. But even the show itself deals with reviving monsters on giant stone discs — a prehistoric-looking adaptation of a video game gimmick that would, a decade later, appear prehistoric itself.
  The Monster War was waged across 2000 and 2001. And though it appears Pokémon was the clear winner — in 2020, it's the most popular franchise with the widest reach, even if Digimon does produce some stellar shows and movies — the ratings tell a different story. In the May sweeps of 2000, Pokémon (and Kids' WB) took the prize among kids 6-11, but in the end, Fox Kids would score a victory of a 3.1 rating to Kids' WB's 3.0 (the first sweeps win since 1997, the year that Batman left.)
    Early the following year, Fox Kids would score again, narrowly beating Pokémon on Saturday morning in the same timeslot and even coming ahead of properties like X-Men. And what would propel this February 10th victory? The first appearance of BlackWarGreymon, the Shadow the Hedgehog to WarGreymon's Sonic.
  However, Pokémon would still help create ratings records for Kids' WB, even though late 2000/early 2001 saw a slide that would often cede dominance to Nickelodeon. Jed Patrick, who was president of The WB at the time said: "I didn't think Pokémon would fall off as much as it did ... every fire cools down a little, but that doesn't mean it doesn't stay hot."
  Even though, in retrospect, claims that "Pokemania" had died seem a little ridiculous — the latest games, Pokémon Sword and Shield, just became the highest-selling entries in seventeen years — big changes were ahead.
  Part 3: It's Time To Duel ... Or Not
  In early 2001, Joel Andryc, executive VP of kids' programming and development for Fox Kids, was looking for a "Digimon companion series to create an hour-long anime block." He felt they were too reliant on Digimon, as they were airing it three times in a single morning. Likely not coincidentally, that summer Fox Kids Fridays were dubbed "anime invasion," advertising Flint The Time Detective, Dinozaurs, Escaflowne, and Digimon. In one commercial, a single quote zips across the bottom of the screen: "Anime Rocks!" Nicole, TX
  That it does, Nicole from Texas.
  Meanwhile, 4Kids Entertainment would provide Kids' WB with another monster show: Yu-Gi-Oh! Known as Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters in Japan, this anime adaptation absconded from retelling the stories found in the early chapters of the manga — which were mostly devoted to Yugi running into jerks, only to have his Egyptian spirit "alter ego" deal karmic retribution on them — and instead focused on the parts that involved the cool monster fights. So basically the parts that were the most like Pokémon.
  But how would this be received? In 2000, Canadian studio Nelvana had licensed the anime Cardcaptor Sakura and turned it simply into Cardcaptors — an extremely edited version that removed many important relationships and plotlines and tried to streamline the show into a pseudo-Pokémon story. It's gone down in history as one of the most questionable dubs ever, and never really made a splash on Kids' WB. So they wouldn't want a repeat of that.
  But would kids be into a card game? The cards did summon monsters, but in Pokémon and Digimon, the monsters are just there, moving around and not relegated to a glorified checkers board arena. It turned out, yes, kids would be REALLY into that. Yu-Gi-Oh! debuted at number one in multiple demographics in September 2001, and would remain a steady part of its lineup for years to come.
    And how did Fox Kids respond? Did the "anime invasion" work out? Well, sort of, but not in the way they were hoping.
  In 2001, due to diminishing ratings and audiences, Fox Kids Worldwide (along with Fox Family Worldwide) were sold to The Walt Disney Company. By November 7th, they'd canceled their weekly afternoon blocks, and the next year, they'd end up selling their entire Saturday morning block to a company that had provided their rivals with the very same TV shows that aided in sinking them: 4Kids Entertainment. The final show to premiere on the original Fox Kids was Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension, a live action series that stood beside Alienators: Evolution Continues (a cartoon sequel to the mediocre 2001 comedy Evolution) and the underrated Medabots as the block's last gasp. 
  Renamed FoxBox in late 2002 (and later 4KidsTV in 2005), the 4Kids run schedule would, over the years, include anime like Kirby! Right Back At Ya!, Ultimate Muscle, Fighting Foodons, Sonic X, Shaman King, and eventually, in 2004, the infamous One Piece dub. The first Saturday of the new FoxBox lineup would also outdo the previous Saturday's Fox Kids lineup. Disney would acquire the rights to Digimon and it showed up on ABC Family in late 2001 (eighteen years later, a reboot of the original series would air, which can be watched on Crunchyroll).
  Eventually, in 2007, the Monster War would come full circle. 4Kids Entertainment announced they would be taking over the Kids' WB Saturday morning block entirely, renaming it the "CW4KIDS," as The CW had been born after UPN and The WB had ceased to be. Pokémon was long gone by this point, having been dropped by Kids' WB in 2006, and was now overseen by The Pokémon Company International on Cartoon Network.
  "We wish Pokémon USA much success going forward," the CEO of 4Kids Entertainment said. Later sued over "illegal agreements" regarding the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, the company would eventually file for bankruptcy in 2016. Pokémon Journeys, the latest installment in the franchise, launches on Netflix on June 12th. 
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      Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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apreseventsjh-blog · 5 years
SEO Company
Search Engine Optimization Advertising And Marketing
In the business space, one significant fad we're seeing lately is data import throughout the huge gamers. Much of SEO entails collaborating with the information Google provides you and then filling out every one of the gaps. Google Search Console (previously, Web designer Tools) only provides you a 90-day window of data, so business vendors, such as Conductor as well as Yelling Frog, are continuously adding and also importing information resources from other creeping data sources (like DeepCrawl's). They're integrating that with Google Look Console information for more exact, continuous Internet search engine Outcomes Web Page (SERP) surveillance and position tracking on details keyword phrases. SEMrush as well as Searchmetrics (in its enterprise Collection bundles) supply this level of enterprise SERP tracking too, which can give your business a higher-level view of how you're doing against competitors.
In 2013, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals kept in Lens.com, Inc. v. 1-800 Get in touches with, Inc. that on-line get in touch with lens vendor Lens.com did not dedicate trademark violation when it bought search promotions utilizing rival 1-800 Contacts' government registered 1800 GET IN TOUCHES WITH trademark as a key phrase. In August 2016, the Federal Trade Commission submitted an administrative complaint versus 1-800 Contacts declaring, among other things, that its hallmark enforcement practices in the online search engine advertising room have unreasonably controlled competitors in offense of the FTC Act. 1-800 Contacts has actually rejected all misdeed and also is set up to appear prior to an FTC management legislation judge in April 2017. [30]
Structured data21 is code that you can add to your websites' web pages to explain your web content to search engines, so they can much better recognize what gets on your web pages. Search engines can use this understanding to present your web content in beneficial (and also attractive!) ways in search results page. That, consequently, can assist you bring in just the right type of customers for your business.
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Pros: The most granular as well as detailed website crawling tool we tested. On-page SEO referrals. Responsive contemporary user interface. Google Analytics and also Google Search Console assimilation. Backlink monitoring. AMP metrics. Desktop/mobile/tablet break downs.
Seo Advertising Devices
Another part of SEM is social media advertising (SMM). SMM is a sort of marketing that entails making use of social media to affect customers that business's products and/or services are important. [23] Some of the most recent theoretical advancements consist of internet search engine advertising management (SEMM). SEMM associates with activities including Search Engine Optimization but concentrates on roi (ROI) management as opposed to pertinent website traffic structure (as is the case of mainstream SEO). SEMM likewise integrates organic SEO, trying to attain top ranking without using paid ways to accomplish it, and ppc SEO. For example, some of the interest is put on the websites layout design and also how content and details is presented to the internet site site visitor. Search Engine Optimization & SEM are two columns of one marketing work and they both run side by side to create much better outcomes than concentrating on just one pillar.
Internet Search Engine Optimisation Google Ads
If you have actually enhanced the crawling and also indexing of your site using Google Browse Console or various other services, you're most likely interested about the web traffic involving your site. Internet analytics programs like Google Analytics are a beneficial source of understanding for this. You can use these to:
|What Does Search Engine Optimization Price
Webmasters as well as content carriers began maximizing websites for search engines in the mid-1990s, as the very first online search engine were cataloging the very early Web. At first, all webmasters only required to submit the address of a page, or URL, to the various engines which would certainly send out a "spider" to "creep" that web page, extract links to other pages from it, as well as return info located on the page to be indexed. [5] The procedure entails a search engine crawler downloading and install a page and also keeping it on the search engine's very own web server. A 2nd program, known as an indexer, essences information regarding the web page, such as the words it includes, where they are located, as well as any weight for specific words, along with all links the page contains. Every one of this details is after that positioned into a scheduler for creeping at a later date.
Internet Search Engine Optimization Google Ads
If you're thinking of working with a Search Engine Optimization, the earlier the far better. A blast to employ is when you're considering a website redesign, or preparing to release a new website. That way, you and also your SEO can ensure that your website is made to be search engine-friendly from the bottom up. However, an excellent Search Engine Optimization can also aid boost an existing site.
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In 2007, Google revealed a war paid links that transfer PageRank. [30] On June 15, 2009, Google disclosed that they had taken measures to minimize the effects of PageRank sculpting by utilize of the nofollow characteristic on links. Matt Cutts, a widely known software program engineer at Google, introduced that Google Robot would no more deal with any type of nofollow web links, in the same way, to stop Search Engine Optimization provider from making use of nofollow for PageRank sculpting. [31] As a result of this change the use of nofollow caused dissipation of PageRank. In order to avoid the above, SEO designers established alternate strategies that replace nofollowed tags with obfuscated JavaScript and also therefore allow PageRank sculpting. Additionally several services have been recommended that consist of the use of iframes, Flash as well as JavaScript. [32]
If you want to improve your rankings in search engine result for keywords related to your business, taking notice of and enhancing these SEO variables is a great area to begin. Nonetheless, keep in mind that SEO isn't a set-it-and-forget-it method. Simply put, it spends some time to see results, but they're well worth the wait!
Early versions of search algorithms counted on webmaster-provided details such as the keyword meta tag or index data in engines like ALIWEB. Meta tags supply a guide per web page's web content. Making use of metadata to index web pages was found to be much less than reliable, nevertheless, because the web designer's option of key phrases in the meta tag can potentially be an imprecise depiction of the website's actual web content. Imprecise, insufficient, and inconsistent information in meta tags can and also did create pages to place for irrelevant searches. [10] [dubious] Web content carriers also manipulated some qualities within the HTML source of a web page in an effort to place well in search engines. [11] By 1997, online search engine designers recognized that webmasters were making efforts to rank well in their internet search engine, which some web designers were even manipulating their positions in search results by packing web pages with excessive or irrelevant keyword phrases. Early search engines, such as Altavista and also Infoseek, changed their algorithms to prevent web designers from adjusting positions. [12]|Search Engine Optimization Meaning Easy
The surge of Gopher (created in 1991 by Mark McCahill at the University of Minnesota) brought about 2 new search programs, Veronica and Jughead. Like Archie, they browsed the file names and also titles kept in Gopher index systems. Veronica (Extremely Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives) provided a keyword search of many Gopher food selection titles in the whole Gopher listings. Jughead (Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy Excavation And Also Display) was a device for obtaining menu info from certain Gopher web servers. While the name of the online search engine "Archie Search Engine" was not a recommendation to the Archie comic book series, "Veronica" and "Jughead" are personalities in the collection, therefore referencing their precursor.
Between brows through by the crawler, the cached variation of page (some or all the web content needed to make it) saved in the online search engine working memory is promptly sent out to an inquirer. If a go to is overdue, the online search engine can simply serve as an internet proxy instead. In this case the web page may vary from the search terms indexed. [25] The cached web page holds the look of the version whose words were formerly indexed, so a cached version of a page can be beneficial to the web site when the actual page has actually been lost, however this trouble is additionally thought about a moderate type of linkrot.
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sarcasticcynic · 5 years
Waive Goodbye
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Image credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, via Newsweek
Trump has defiantly declared that he will fight against every single subpoena and every single investigation from Congress. Trump is under the erroneous impression that he can order his new buddies on the U.S. Supreme Court to tell Congress to leave him alone. He can’t. Trump is also under the erroneous impression that everything he has said and done while in office, and everyone with whom he has had any dealings while in office, are all subject to an absolute “executive privilege” that neither Congress nor the courts can ever pierce. He’s wrong about that, too.
Executive Privilege Is Not Absolute
In 1974, then-President Richard M. Nixon tried to quash a subpoena on the ground of “executive privilege,” and appealed all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. He made two arguments. First, he contended that no court could even consider his claim for executive privilege: “the separation of powers doctrine precludes judicial review of a President’s claim of privilege.” Second, he contended that, if the Court did consider his claim, the Constitution required that executive privilege be absolute.
In United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 703-07, 94 S.Ct. 3090, 41 L.Ed.2d 1039 (1974), a unanimous (8-0) Supreme Court flatly rejected both of Nixon’s claims. After first reaffirming the long-standing principle that “It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is,” the Court decried as itself unconstitutional the Executive Branch’s attempt to create a generalized absolute privilege for itself by merely chanting the phrase “executive privilege”:
“To read the Article II powers of the President as providing an absolute privilege as against a subpoena essential to enforcement of criminal statutes on no more than a generalized claim of the public interest in confidentiality of nonmilitary and nondiplomatic discussions would upset the constitutional balance of ‘a workable government’ and gravely impair the role of the courts under Article III.”
Executive Privilege Can Be Waived
During the Mueller investigation, Trump repeatedly indicated that he was not invoking executive privilege. He also repeatedly declared that he wanted the public to see the final Mueller report, that he had nothing to hide. Since the report’s release, he has directly contradicted it in public numerous times. In essence, Trump has no executive privilege left to claim.
As an example, consider former White House Counsel Don McGahn (pictured above). Assuming that Trump’s communications with McGahn were, at the time, privileged, Trump has lost any right to claim privilege by allowing McGahn to speak with Robert Mueller, and then blathering publicly about it on Twitter. The Mueller report includes detailed evidence of McGahn’s testimony (under oath!), including that Trump ordered McGahn to fire Mueller, and that he later ordered McGahn to deny that he had ordered him to fire Mueller. When the report came out, Trump promptly jumped onto Twitter to lie deny it:
“As has been incorrectly reported by the Fake News Media, I never told then White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller.”
By making public statements about the contents of his discussions with McGahn regarding Mueller, Trump has waived any claim of privilege. As the federal Court of Appeals held in Brennan Center for Justice v. Dep’t of Justice, 697 F.3d 184, 208 (2012):
“A party’s reliance on an otherwise privileged communication to assert a claim or defense ... vitiates Exemption 5 protection ... the party cannot invoke that relied-upon authority and then shield it from public view.”
In New York Times Co. v. U.S. Dep’t of Justice, 756 F.3d 100 (2d Cir. 2014), the Executive Branch refused to provide classified documents to reporters under the Freedom of Information Act, claiming “the deliberative process privilege (a.k.a., the executive privilege).” The documents dealt with “targeted killings of United States citizens carried out by drone aircraft,” and the privilege was asserted as “a matter of national security.” The federal Court of Appeals agreed that the documents were privileged, but held that the government had waived the privilege by defending the matter publicly:
“We note initially the numerous statements of senior Government officials discussing the lawfulness of targeted killing of suspected terrorists, which the District Court characterized as ‘an extensive public relations campaign to convince the public that [the Administration’s] conclusions [about the lawfulness of the killing of al-Awlaki] are correct.’”
The court held that the government could no longer assert privilege over a topic its own people had “made public through an official and documented disclosure.” Similarly, Trump can no longer assert privilege over his communications with McGahn that he himself has made public.
Executive Privilege Cannot Conceal Wrongdoing
Leaving aside the question of waiver, it is doubtful that Trump can use executive privilege to shield himself from the consequences of his own misconduct. In 1973--before United States v. Nixon--Nixon tried to quash a different subpoena, this one from the grand jury investigating the Watergate break-in, seeking nine tapes. In Nixon v. Sirica, 487 F.2d 700, 717 (D.C.Cir.1973), the federal Court of Appeals rejected Nixon’s claim of privilege and ordered him to turn over the tapes sought to the lower court for review.
Acknowledging that presidential communications are presumptively (but not conclusively) privileged, the court held: “[A]pplication of Executive privilege depends on a weighing of the public interest protected by the privilege against the public interests that would be served by disclosure in a particular case.” The court specifically noted the public interests served by a grand jury proceeding to determine probable cause, or lack thereof, for “serious crimes,” and concluded that the Executive Branch could not use executive privilege to defend against an investigation into its own possible misconduct:
“No executive official or agency can be given absolute authority to determine what documents in his possession may be considered by the court in its task. Otherwise the head of an executive department would have the power on his own say so to cover up all evidence of fraud and corruption when a federal court or grand jury was investigating malfeasance in office, and this is not the law.”
In 1974, Nixon challenged a Congressional committee’s subpoena. In Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Nixon, 498 F.2d 725 (D.C.Cir.1974), the federal Court of Appeals once again held that executive privilege is not absolute:
“[T]he Executive cannot, any more than the other branches of government, invoke a general confidentiality privilege to shield its officials and employees from investigations by the proper governmental institutions into possible criminal wrongdoing.”
The court further held that Congress and its Committees have the right to issue subpoenas in fulfillment of their proper functions, regardless of whether the president may or may not have been guilty of wrongdoing:
“[T]he showing required to overcome the presumption favoring confidentiality turned, not on the nature of the presidential conduct that the subpoenaed material might reveal, but, instead, on the nature and appropriateness of the function in the performance of which the material was sought, and the degree to which the material was necessary to its fulfillment. ... the sufficiency of the Committee’s showing must depend solely on whether the subpoenaed evidence is demonstrably critical to the responsible fulfillment of the Committee’s functions.”
Nixon is not the only president who has tried to assert executive privilege under such circumstances. In 1997, Congress attempted to compel the testimony of then-President Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Agriculture. The Clinton administration fought the subpoena, citing executive privilege. In In Re: Sealed Case, 124 F.3d 230 (D.C. Cir. 1997), the federal Court of Appeals rejected the claim, once again holding:
“[C]ourts must balance the public interests at stake in determining whether the privilege should yield in a particular case, and must specifically consider the need of the party seeking privileged evidence. ... the privilege disappears altogether when there is any reason to believe government misconduct occurred.”
Regardless of whether the president is a Republican or a Democrat, and regardless of whether those conducting an investigation are Republicans or Democrats, the law is clear: claims of “executive privilege” cannot thwart investigations into alleged misconduct on the part of the Executive Branch.
Congress Is Specifically Empowered To Investigate Government Misconduct
Regarding the “proper function” of Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court observed that Congress’s broad authority to investigate specifically includes investigating the federal government, in Watkins v. United States, 354 U.S. 178, 187-88, 77 S.Ct. 1173; 1 L.Ed.2d 1273 (1957):
“The power of the Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process. That power is broad. It encompasses inquiries concerning the administration of existing laws, as well as proposed or possibly needed statutes. It includes surveys of defects in our social, economic or political system for the purpose of enabling the Congress to remedy them. It comprehends probes into departments of the Federal Government to expose corruption, inefficiency or waste. ... It is unquestionably the duty of all citizens to cooperate with the Congress in its efforts to obtain the facts needed for intelligent legislative action. It is their unremitting obligation to respond to subpoenas, to respect the dignity of the Congress and its committees, and to testify fully with respect to matters within the province of proper investigation.”
The Court particularly noted, with approval, “the power of the Congress to inquire into and publicize corruption, maladministration or inefficiency in agencies of the Government.”
“That was the only kind of activity described by Woodrow Wilson in Congressional Government when he wrote: ‘The informing function of Congress should be preferred even to its legislative function.' [C] From the earliest times in its history, the Congress has assiduously performed an ‘informing function’ of this nature.”
Finally, the Court affirmed that these principles apply to a proper investigation regardless of Congress’s motive for commencing it:
“We have no doubt that there is no congressional power to expose for the sake of exposure. The public is, of course, entitled to be informed concerning the workings of its government. That cannot be inflated into a general power to expose where the predominant result can only be an invasion of the private rights of individuals. But a solution to our problem is not to be found in testing the motives of committee members for this purpose. Such is not our function. Their motives alone would not vitiate an investigation which had been instituted by a House of Congress if that assembly’s legislative purpose is being served.”
Trump can tweet all he wants--falsely, of course--about witch hunts and “the highest level of Presidential Harassment in the history of our Country!” His mindless base will believe his hysteria. No one else will.
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emmarobertsblog · 6 years
Supporting Statement
How I have interpreted the theme of light.
My interpretation of light, is that it can be referred to everything and anything that you feel is necessary and it also depends on how you perceive it. The most used way of light, is through a light source such as light that illuminates a room and too bring light into a situation of concern or confusion.
One of the artists that I have looked at is Antony Gormley. Antony Gormley is is a British
sculptor. His best-known works include the Angel of the North, a public sculpture in Gateshead in the North of England, commissioned in 1994 and erected in February 1998. The reason I was influenced by Gormly’s work is due to his sketches and the way he creates physical models of his work. He draws more sketchy and rough – he adds in detail to help you understand how he works and what it is he’s created. I was also inspired by the fact that since the 1980’s Antony Gormley has used the dominate theme of the human figure, which I felt helped me considerably since I was looking at mental health and feel as though looking at the human figure would work extremely well and also helped me look at different techniques. With his work being physical figures it helps to build and create the environment and atmosphere and really helps you to connect with his work as you get a sense of emotions that he has portrayed throughout his work.
During the mid 1980s Gormley was using a range of materials such as concrete, iron and clay.
The second artist that I looked at is Kim Noble. Kim Noble is a woman who, from the age of 14 years, spent 20 years in and out of hospital. In 1995, she began therapy and was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (originally named multiple personality disorder).D.I.D is a creative way to cope with unbearable pain.
Kim has 20 main personalities. 14 of the main personalities are artists. I was influenced by her work, because she suffers from mental health, which I felt as though it would be intriguing to explore as she creates work throughout different personalities. After looking at her work I felt as though it very simple and she uses a lot of bold colours throughout her work which also look like silhouettes. Even though I found her
work interesting, I did also find her work quite disturbing, as it shows violence and messages written backwards on the walls and people being chained up, which create a quite dark atmosphere. I think her work is unique, I’ve never seen work like her which is why she stood out to me.
Since she has no formal art training, 14 of the main alters became interested in painting in 2004 after spending a short time with an art therapist. These 14 artists each have their own distinctive style, colours and themes, ranging from solitary deserts, sea scenes and abstracts to collages and paintings with traumatic content.
The third artist that I have looked at is Daniele Buetti. Daniele Buetti is a contemporary Swiss artist whose multi-media practice incorporates light installations, performance, photography, and sculpture in exposing the fragility of popular culture. In his series Looking for Love (1997-2000), he modified pictures of supermodels from journals and magazine, drawing tattoos, and scratching adhesions on their printed skin. “Light, no doubt, is the most seductive and the most magical of all the media,” he has reflected. “Flashing, colorfully sparkling spots enthrall us like moths drawn to the light.
I was influenced by his work as I liked the way he modified pictures of supermodels and I felt that he brought light to the idea of the perfect Image by choosing supermodel and underlined the idea of the perfect image and perfect mental state isn’t necessarily 100%
perfect all the time and that nobody should stand to surreal expectations. I was intrigued by Daniele Buetti’s work as I had never seen anything like this before and I felt that it was really inspiring and informative. I experimented with his technique and found it really challenging to create something that worked as well as a supermodel or magazine cover and also, I wanted to create something that incorporated his style of work.
The fourth artist that I looked at was Francis Bacon. Francis Bacon is one of the most important and celebrated painters of the last century, best known for his idiosyncratic approach to the human figure. Artist Francis Bacon is best known for his post-World War II paintings, in which he represented the human face and figure in an expressive, often grotesque style. Francis Bacon later dated the true beginning of his artistic career as 1944. It was around this time that he devoted himself to painting and began creating the works for which he is still remembered, with “Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion” seen as a major turning point. His large canvases depicted human figures— most often a single figure isolated in an empty room, in a cage or against a black background
I was influenced by Francis bacon as I liked the surrealistic art he created using the human body, I felt as though it was creative and unique. It captures a variety of different emotions and helps to create the surreal atmosphere.
For one series of paintings, Bacon was inspired by Diego Velázquez’s portrait of Pope Innocent X (circa 1650), but he painted the subject in his own style, using dark colors and rough brushwork and distorting the sitter’s face. These works came to be known as Bacon’s “screaming pope” paintings.
I also looked at a series of mental health such as: Schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and more. I did this as I wanted a better understanding of what I was working on and how I could incorporate the emotions and atmosphere into my work. I also took the chance to look at body art and also body image artist as I felt that it would be appropriate to see how I could incorporate into my experiments.
Outline of my brief
The objective of my brief was to create a graphical illustration that would be made into a
poster or a booklet. The illustration had to be tied into mental health and had to portray the atmosphere and emotions of how living with these disorders can affect your everyday life. It had to tie in with the project light. The outcomes that I produced feel as though I hit
the criteria of portraying emotions of living with the daily struggle of mental health. I decided to leave it open to how the outcomes would be presented further. I feel as though they would be disputed among social media and poster as I felt that is where they would work best, the social media would help to show the full I potential of the digitalized illustration as you’d be able to see the brightness of the pinholes better, but also a poster as it works really well on its own, and portrays the atmosphere and environment that I wanted to incorporate with in.
I was inspired by a variety of different artists throughout experimentation, but mostly Antony Gormley and Daniele Buetti.
Daniele Buetti inspired.
I liked how Daniele Buetti used existing photos and added over the top of them, I was also
really inspired by the pin hole effect and letting the light shine through the back as it attracts attention to the image itself and the surrounding.
Inpired by Antony Gormley
Inspired by Antony Gormley’s sketches, I wanted to make the spirals around her to seem as though they consume her and she's stuck with in herself, through thoughts, body image and mental state. I really like how he used a range of materials to create his work such as concrete, iron and clay, however I felt as though I would incorporate his work though digital context and make it so it shows the same impact but visual instead of physical.
Inspired by Mona Turnbull - The Prosthetics Event I was influenced by Mona Turnbull’s the prosthetic event as I really liked how she used the
human figure as a canvas through body painting. I coloured in one of the figures I created throughout Photoshop and then added illuminous colours. I focused the bright vibrant colours onto parts of the body that people don’t particularly like or would flaunt.
These are a few developments that I have created. I wanted to use the mirror as a place people could reflect and look at themselves and not feel as though they need to use the mirror to judge themselves and you should use it to flaunt your beauty and imperfections that make you unique, may they be visible or internal. I felt as though it worked well throughout the development, however I started to realise that it wasn’t sending the message that I wanted it too and started to look more like a Tumblr meme, rather than a positive poster towards mental health.
I feel like I started to make the poster too easy to guess what the subject it was about, it also started to take away the idea of having to challenge the poster towards your own mental state, imperfections and challenges throughout. It also doesn’t relate to other nationalities.
Final Project!
For the final design, I decided to go back to one of my previous developments, that beforehand I felt didn’t really work, after realising that it was more appropriate to the subject I was doing – mental health. I felt as though this one worked really well, the way the two-figure merge together makes them feel lost. Which then helps to bring out that idea of them being trapped in a body they don’t love or can’t accept, the spirals around the figure, acts as though it’s like a kind of force field its keeping them in, isolated from the rest of the world. Trapped within their own thoughts, unable to break through. Also without colour it helps to create the idea that its multicultural and it’s not just targeted towards one specific nationality. It also relates to more than one mental health as it about you, which makes you think about how you feel and whether this relates to you. Helps to bring light to the situation. The dots start to represent you becoming lost within yourself, being consumed by your own thoughts, body and state of mind, but also because they have the light shining behind them it brings the sense of relief and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
One of the reasons I also chose this one as it felt like It channels the idea of having a permanent aura surrounding you, but instead of it channeling good energy, it surrounds you with negativity and isolation. The idea behind it, is if you could see your aura, would it be bright and colour full or would it be negative and dark.
I felt as though this design worked best as the figures are becoming consumed within each other and the spirals.
The idea was to make you think about yours and others metal state. It also helps to give you a better understanding around mental health and how becoming lost and not being able to find yourself any longer and/ or the idea of being subjected to the perfect body image, or even everyone else’s judgment can affect you, also around body defects that you were born with can then make you feel isolated and trapped as society struggles to accept you for you + mental health such as Schizophrenia, DID and many more also tied in with the same effects.
Light? I didn’t want to make it too obvious and that was the reason behind the spirals and dots as it brings your attention towards the figures inside and starts to make you think about others, with disabilities and defects that they can’t change or feel as though they have to fit into society. The project is based on light, so I thought it would be appropriate to bring light to the situation and that would be the connection to light.
I thought this idea was unique and less Tumblr idea than the other one and its more of a challenge.
I want to develop it further, if i have enough time, place it into a box, giving the idea of being trapped and isolated. Inspired by Antony Gormely’s Boxes and Francis bacons cube. it could also look really unique as a light/ lamp shade and the illustration could then be casted onto the walls as it then projects the feelings though silhouettes and light. This would help to create a more focused atmosphere. I removed the typography as I felt that it didn’t need it and it feels more challenging to think about what it means and how it could affect you and others. Also, the idea of pin hole in the illustration help bring beams of light through the illustration- inspired by Daniele Buetti. Not targeted at specific person/ nationalities or even mental health disorders as it completely neutral and which leaves the door open to your own thoughts and ideas.
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your-dietician · 3 years
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/petvivo-managements-discussion-and-analysis-of-financial-condition-and-results-of-operations-form-10-q-a/
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PetVivo Holdings, Inc.(the “Company, “we” or “us”) is an emerging biomedical device company currently focused on the manufacturing, commercialization and licensing of innovative medical devices and therapeutics for companion animals.. The Company’s lead product Kush® is scheduled for a focused commercial launch later this year. We have never been profitable.
We were incorporated in Nevada in 2009 under a former name. In 2014, we entered our current business through a reverse merger with PetVivo Inc., a Minnesota corporation founded in 2013. From this merger, PetVivo Inc. became our wholly-owned subsidiary, and concurrently we changed our Nevada corporate name to PetVivo Holdings, Inc.
Until August 10, 2021, our common stock was publicly traded in the over-the-counter (OTC) market and under the symbol “PETV”.
On August 13, 2021, the Company closed a firm commitment underwritten public offering in which it sold an aggregate of 2,500,000 units, to the public at a price of $4.50 per unit, for total net proceeds of approximately $9,800,000, net of commissions and estimated offering costs. Each unit consists of one share of common stock and one warrant to purchase one share of the Company’s common stock at a purchase price of $6.25 per share. The Company’s common stock and warrants are trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbols “PETV” and “PETVW,” respectively.
We are an emerging biomedical device company focused on the licensing and commercialization of innovative medical devices and therapeutics for pets, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We operate in the $31 billion US veterinary care and products market (market size according to the American Pet Products Association). Despite the market size, veterinary clinics and hospitals have very few treatments and/or drugs for use in treating osteoarthritis in pets and other animals. In addition, the role of pets in the family has greatly evolved in recent years as many pet owners consider their pets an important member of the family and are now willing to spend greater amounts of money on their pets to maintain their health and quality of life.
We intend to leverage our investments in the development of human therapeutics to commercialize treatments for pets in a capital and time-efficient way. A key component of this strategy is the accelerated timeline to revenues for veterinary medical devices, which enter the market earlier than the more-stringently regulated veterinary pharmaceuticals or human therapeutics.
Our lead product, Kush®, is scheduled for focused commercial launch later this year. Kush® is a veterinarian-administered joint injection for the treatment of osteoarthritis and lameness in dogs and horses. The Kush® device is made from natural components that are lubricious and cushioning to perform like cartilage for the treatment of pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.
We believe that Kush® is an optimal treatment that safely improves joint function. The Kush® particles are lubricious, cushioning and long-lasting. The spongy, protein-based particles mimic the composition and protective function of cartilage (i.e., providing both a slippery cushion and healing scaffolding) and protect the joint as an artificial cartilage.
Using industry sources, we estimate osteoarthritis afflicts approximately 20 million owned dogs in the United States and the European Union, making canine osteoarthritis an estimated potential $4 billion market opportunity, this does not factor in any contra-lateral usage of the product by veterinarians. See Johnston, Spencer A. “Osteoarthritis. Joint anatomy, physiology, and pathobiology.” The Veterinary clinics of North America (1997):699-723; and http://www.americanpetproducts.org/press_industrytrends.asp.
In addition to being a treatment for osteoarthritis, the joint-cushioning and lubricity effects of Kush® have shown an ability to treat equine lameness that is due to navicular disease (a problem associated with misalignment of joints and bones in the hoof and digits).
Based on a variety of industry sources we estimate that 1 million owned horses in the United Stated and European Union suffer from lameness and/or navicular disease each year, making the equine lameness and navicular disease market an annual opportunity worth $550 million; this does not factor in any contra-lateral usage of the product by veterinarians. See Kane, Albert J., Josie Traub-Dargatz, Willard C. Losinger, and Lindsey P. Garber; “The occurrence and causes of lameness and laminitis in the US horse population” Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract. San Antonio (2000): 277-80; Seitzinger, Ann Hillberg, J. L. Traub-Dargatz, A. J. Kane, C. A. Kopral, P. S. Morley, L. P. Garber, W. C. Losinger, and G. W. Hill. “A comparison of the economic costs of equine lameness, colic, and equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM).” In Proceedings, pp. 1048-1050. 2000; and Kilby, E. R. 10 CHAPTER, The Demographics of the U.S. Equine Population, The State of the Animals IV: 2007.
Osteoarthritis is a condition with degenerating cartilage, creating joint stiffness from mechanical stress resulting in inflammation and pain. The lameness caused by osteoarthritis worsens with time from the ongoing loss of protective cushion and lubricity. There are currently very few treatments for osteoarthritis; some of which are palliative pain therapy and joint replacement. Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to alleviate the pain and inflammation, but long-term use has been shown to cause gastric problems. NSAIDs do not treat the cartilage degeneration issue to halt or slow the progression of the osteoarthritis condition.
We believe that our treatment of osteoarthritis in canines using Kush® is far superior to the current methodology of using NSAIDs. NSAIDs have many side effects, especially in canines, whereas the company’s treatment using Kush®, to our knowledge, has not elicited any adverse side effects in dogs. Remarkably, Kush®-treated dogs have shown an increase in activity even after they no longer are receiving pain medication.
No special training is required for the administration of the Kush device. The treatment is injected into synovial joint space using standard intra-articular injection technique and multiple joints can be treated simultaneously. Kush® immediately treats effects of osteoarthritis with no special post-treatment requirements.
Historically, drug sales represent up to 30% of revenues at a typical veterinary practice (Veterinary Practice News). Revenues and margins at veterinary practices are being eroded because online, big-box and traditional pharmacies recently started filling veterinary prescriptions. Veterinary practices are looking for ways to replace the lost prescription revenues. The Kush® device is veterinarian-administered and should expand practice revenues and margins. We believe that the increased revenues and margins provided by Kush® will accelerate its adoption rate and propel it forward as the standard of care for canine and equine lameness related to or due to synovial joint issues. If we are capitalized in a way the Company feels acceptable to move forward with commercial manufacturing of Kush®, our challenge will be whether we can consistently operate effectively to manufacture our products and to market and sell them in quantities and prices sufficient to obtain a satisfactory and sustaining profit. We have not done this to date and our challenge is to do so going forward.
We anticipate growing our product pipeline through the acquisition or in-licensing of additional proprietary products from human medical device companies specifically for use in pets. In addition to commercializing our own products in strategic market sectors and in view of the company’s vast proprietary product pipeline, the Company is seeking to continue to develop strategic out-licensing partnerships to provide secondary revenues.
We plan to commercialize our products in the United States through distribution relationships supported by regional and national distributors and complemented by the use of digital marketing to educate and inform pet owners; and in Europe and the rest of the world through commercial partners. In September 2019, the Company entered into an agreement with a service provider to film a 12-part, monthly series of interviews with our CEO, John Lai, Company key opinion leaders, and other media content to be aired on Bloomberg Television Network alongside 96 commercials; we anticipate this program to begin in the second half of 2021.
Most veterinarians in the United States buy a majority of their equipment and supplies from one of four veterinary-product distributors. Combined, these four distributors deliver more than 85%, by revenue, of the products sold to companion animal veterinarians in the U.S. We plan to have our product distribution leverage the existing supply chain and veterinary clinic and clinician relationships already established by these large distributors. We plan to support this distribution channel with regional sales representatives. Our representatives will support our distributors alongside the veterinary clinics and hospitals. We will also target pet owners with product education and treatment awareness campaigns utilizing a variety of digital marketing tools. The unique nature and the anticipated benefits provided by our products are expected to generate significant consumer response.
Our biomaterials have been through a human clinical trial and have been classified as a medical device for use as a dermal filler. The FDA does not require submission of a 510(k) or formal pre-market approval for medical devices used in veterinary medicine.
The following discussion of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our financial statements and related notes that appear elsewhere in this prospectus. In addition to historical consolidated financial information, the following discussion contains forward-looking statements that reflect our plans, estimates and beliefs. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to those differences include those discussed below and elsewhere in this prospectus, particularly in “RISK FACTORS.” We caution the reader not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which reflect management’s analysis only as of the date of this prospectus.
We are a smaller reporting company and have not generated any material revenues to date and have incurred substantial losses in connection with our limited operations. We need substantial capital to pursue our current plans to bring our first products to market. The first of such products is a proprietary gel-like protein-based biomedical material for injection into the afflicted body parts of animals suffering from osteoarthritis or other impairments to be marketed under the trade name Kush®. It will provide to veterinarians an innovative treatment for dogs and horses suffering from osteoarthritis.
RESULTS OF OPERATION For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2021 June 30, 2020 Revenues $ 4,145 $ 2,006 Total Cost of Sales 5,051 - Total Operating Expenses 517,613 444,074 Total Other Income (Expense) 27,890 (371,940 ) Net Loss $ (490,629 )$ (814,008 )
Net loss per share – basic and diluted $ (0.07 ) $ (0.16 )
* In October 2020, the Company approved a 1-for-4 reverse split of our outstanding shares of common stock that was made effective December 29, 2020. All share and per share data has been retroactively adjusted for this reverse split for all period presented.
For The Three Months Ended June 30, 2021 Compared to The Three Months Ended June 30, 2020
Total Revenues. Revenue was $4,145 and $2,016 for three months ended June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively, and consisted of Kush® sales to veterinary clinics.
Total Cost of Sales. Cost of sales was $5,051 and $-0– for the three months ended June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
Operating Expenses. Operating expenses were $517,613 and $444,074 for the three months ended June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Operating expenses consisted of general and administrative, sales and marketing, and research and development expenses.
General and administrative (“G&A”) expenses were $397,392 and $330,945 for the three months ended June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively. General and administrative expenses include corporate overhead, financial and administrative contracted services, consulting fees and stock compensation costs.
Sales and marketing expenses were $46,682 and $49,731 for the three months ended June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
Research and development (“R&D”) expenses were $136,97 and $ -0– for the three months ended June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively. The increase was related to efforts to support the launch of Kush®.
Operating Loss. As a result of the foregoing, our operating loss was $518,519 and $442,068 for the three months ended June 30, 2021 and 2020.
Other Income (Expense). Other income was $27,890 for the three months ended June 30, 2021 as compared to other expense of $371,940 for the three months ended June 30, 2020. Other income in 2021 consisted of the foregiveness of PPP Loan and accrued interest of $31,680 partially offset by interest expense of $3,790. Other expense in 2020 consisted primarily of derivative expense related to debt financing of $342,200 and interest expense of $30,222.
Net Loss. Our net loss for the three months ended June 30, 2021 as 490,629 or ($0.07) as compared to a net loss of $814,008 or ($0.16) per share for the three months ended June 30, 2020. Net loss decreased primarily due to the derivative expense recognized on the debt financing in 2020. The weighted average number of shares outstanding was 6,946,353 compared to 5,161,101 for the three months ended June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
Our financial position and future prospects depend significantly on our access to financing to fund our operations during our development stage. Much of our current cost structure is based on costs related to personnel and facilities, and not subject to material variability. In order to fund our operations and working capital needs, we historically have utilized loans from accredited investors and others, equity sales of common stock to accredited investors and others having pre-existing relationships with us, and substantial issuances of stock-based compensation to satisfy outstanding debt and pay for development, management, financial, professional and other services.
As of June 30, 2021, our current assets were $245,634 including $143,084 in cash and $102,550 in prepaid expenses. In comparison, our current liabilities as of that date were $1,340,555 consisting of $1,149,040 of accounts payable and accrued expenses, $50,898 of accrued expenses – related party, $7,436 in PPP loan, $20,300 in notes payable and accrued interest – directors, $48,267 in notes payable and accrued interest – related party, $37,860 in a note payable and $26,754 in operating lease liability – short term. Our working capital deficiency as of June 30, 2021 was $1,094,921.
We will need to raise substantial additional capital through private or public offerings of our equity or debt securities, or a combination thereof, and we may have to use a material portion of any capital raised to repay past due debt obligations. To the extent any capital raised is insufficient to both satisfy operational working capital needs and meet any required debt payments, we will most likely need to either extend, refinance or convert to equity our outstanding indebtedness.
We currently have little cash to support our operations and projected commercial growth. Accordingly, we will require substantial additional financing to fund our operational working capital for at least the next 12 months. Financing may be sought by us from several sources such as private or public sales of our equity or convertible debt securities, and/or loans from affiliates, banks or other financial institutions. We have filed Forms S-1 and S-1/A with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 13, 2020, December 31, 2020, March 29, 2021 and July 13, 2021, respectively, to raise capital through a public offering of our common stock. In the event we cannot obtain any such financing when needed on terms acceptable to us, if at all, our business would suffer substantially.
Liquidity represents the ability of a company to generate sufficient cash to provide for its immediate cash needs, which our continued losses have made it difficult for us to accomplish. Over the past several years we have continued to incur substantial losses without any source of material revenues or liquid assets, which has caused a serious and harmful effect to our liquidity and a substantial strain on our ongoing business operations.
We have not generated any operating cash flows since we are a development stage company which has not yet realized any significant commercial revenues.
Net Cash Used in Operating Activities – We used $255,861 of net cash in operating activities for the three months ended June 30, 2021. This cash used in operating activities was primarily attributable to our net loss of $490,629, forgiveness of PPP loan and accrued interest of $31,680 and an increase in deferred issue costs of $25,190 partially offset by an increase in accounts payable and accrued expenses of $182,949 and stock compensation expense of $55,674.
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities – We used $6,063 of net cash in investing activities for the three months ended June 30, 2021, consisting of costs capitalized to patents and trademarks.
Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities – During the three months ended June 30, 2021, we were provided with net cash of $381,430 from financing activities consisting of $383,098 in stock and warrants sale proceeds, which were partially offset by $1,668 in repayments of note payable.
Inventories are stated at cost, subject to the lower of cost or net realizable value. Cost includes materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead related to the purchase and production of inventories. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price less estimated costs of completion, disposal, and transportation. We regularly review inventory quantities on hand through an inventory count.
At June 30, 2021, the Company’s inventory has a carrying value of $0 and is broken down into $324,123 of finished goods inventory, $6,273 in raw material inventory, and $1,072 in packaging inventory offset by a reserve of $41,468.
At March 31, 2021, the Company’s inventory has a carrying value of $0 and is broken down into $36,973 of finished goods inventory, $8,773 in raw material inventory, and $1,322 in packaging inventory offset by a reserve of $47,068.
We are indebted to certain related parties with respect to unreimbursed expenses and accrued salaries of $50,898 at June 30, 2021. This amount is included in accrued expenses – related party.
Notes Payable
As of June 30, 2021, we are obligated on notes and accrued interest of $113,863 consisting of notes to third parties of $45,296 and to related parties of $68,567.
As of June 30, 2021, and as of the date of this Annual Report, we do not have any off-balance sheet arrangements that have or are reasonably likely to have a current or future effect on our financial condition, changes in financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources that are material to investors.
The independent auditors’ report accompanying our March 31, 2021 Form 10-K and financial statements contains an explanatory paragraph expressing substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements have been prepared assuming that we will continue as a going concern, which contemplates that we will realize our assets and satisfy our liabilities and commitments in the ordinary course of business. We have suffered recurring losses from operations and have a working capital deficit. These factors raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern.
We are presently seeking to address these going concern doubts through a number of actions including efforts to (a) raise additional capital and (ii) commencing a focused commercial launch of Kush® later this year. On August 13, 2021, we completed a firm commitment underwritten public offering in which we sold 2.5 million units at a purchase price of $4.50 per share and raised net proceeds of $9.8 million, after deducting underwriter’s commissions and expenses. We can provide no assurance that any of these efforts will be successful or, that even if successful, that they will alleviate doubts about our ability to continue as a going concern for more than the next twelve months.
We prepare our consolidated financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards in the United States of America. Our significant accounting policies are described in Note 1 to our consolidated financial statements attached hereto. We believe the following critical accounting policies involve the most significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
The following describes the recently issued accounting standards used in reporting our financial condition and results of operations. In some cases, accounting standards allow more than one alternative accounting method for reporting. In those cases, our reported results of operations would be different should we employ an alternative accounting method.
The FASB issued ASC 606 as guidance on the recognition of revenue from contracts with customers in May 2014 with amendments in 2015 and 2016. Revenue recognition will depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. The guidance also requires disclosures regarding the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. The guidance permits two methods of adoption: retrospectively to each prior reporting period presented, or retrospectively with the cumulative effect of initially applying the guidance recognized at the date of initial application (the cumulative catch-up transition method). The company adopted the guidance on April 1, 2018 and applied the cumulative catch-up transition method. There was no transition adjustment upon adoption of the new standard.
In February 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842) to increase transparency and comparability among organizations by recognizing lease assets and lease liabilities on the balance sheet and disclosing key information about leasing arrangements. Topic 842 affects any entity that enters into a lease, with some specified scope exemptions. The guidance in this ASU supersedes Topic 840, Leases. The core principle of Topic 842 is that a lessee should recognize the assets and liabilities that arise from leases. A lessee should recognize in the statement of financial position a liability to make lease payments (the lease liability) and a right-of-use (“ROU”) asset representing its right to use the underlying asset for the lease term. The Company adopted Topic 842 on April 1, 2019 and resulted in a right of use asset and liability of $154,917.
All newly issued accounting pronouncements but not yet effective have been deemed either immaterial or not applicable.
© Edgar Online, source Glimpses
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orbemnews · 3 years
J K Rowling Fast Facts (CNN) —   Here is a look at the life of J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series. Birth date: July 31, 1965 Birth place: Gloucestershire, England Birth name: Joanne Rowling Father: Peter Rowling, aircraft factory manager Mother: Anne (Volant) Rowling, lab technician Marriages: Neil Murray (December 26, 2001-present); Jorge Arantes (1992-1995, divorced) Children: with Neil Murray: Mackenzie Jean and David Gordon; with Jorge Arantes: Jessica Education: University of Exeter, B.A. in French and the Classics, 1986; Moray House School of Education at The University of Edinburgh, 1995-1996, received a postgraduate certificate in modern languages. Born Joanne Rowling (pronounced roll-ing), she has said that her publishers wanted another initial, so she gave herself the middle name Kathleen, after her paternal grandmother. The Harry Potter movies were nominated for 12 Academy Awards. 1971 – Writes her first book, “Rabbit,” at age 6. 1987 – Works as a human rights researcher for Amnesty International. 1990 – Comes up with the idea for Harry Potter on a train ride from Manchester to London. 1991-1993 – Teaches English in Portugal. 1994 – On public assistance and living in Edinburgh, Scotland, she writes “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” in coffeehouses while her daughter naps. June 26, 1997 – “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is published in the United Kingdom. It comes out in September 1998 in the United States. July 2, 1998 – The second book in the series, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” is published in the United Kingdom. It comes out June 2, 1999, in the United States. July 8, 1999 – The third book, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” is published in the United Kingdom. It comes out September 8, 1999, in the United States. 1999 – Scholastic, the American publisher of the Harry Potter series, is sued by Nancy Stouffer on grounds of trademark infringement. Stouffer claims elements from the Harry Potter series were taken from her 1984 book “The Legend of Rah and the Muggles.” July 8, 2000 – “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” the fourth book in the series is published simultaneously in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia. March 2, 2001 – Is awarded an Order of the British Empire by Prince Charles. March 2001 – “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” and “Quidditch Through the Ages,” two books that appear in the Harry Potter series, are published. The proceeds of more than £17 million are donated to the charity Comic Relief. November 2001 – The first film, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” opens. 2002 – The 1999 lawsuit against Scholastic is dismissed when the judge rules that Stouffer “perpetrated a fraud” on the court. June 21, 2003 – “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” the fifth book in the series is published. 2004 – Forbes estimates Rowling’s worth at $1 billion, making her the first billion-dollar author. July 16, 2005 – The sixth book, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” is published. September 6, 2005 – Unveiling of J.K. Rowling’s official portrait for the National Portrait Gallery of London. July 21, 2007 – The seventh and final book, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” is released and sells 8.3 million copies in the United States in its first 24 hours. October 2007 – Along with Warner Brothers, sues publishing house RDR Books for copyright infringement regarding the Harry Potter brand. RDR is planning to release an encyclopedia of the seven Harry Potter books. Rowling is planning her own book of the same nature with the proceeds to go to charity. June 5, 2008 – Delivers the commencement address at Harvard University and also receives an honorary degree. September 8, 2008 – Wins lawsuit against RDR Books’ Steven Jan Vander Ark, the author of a lexicon of the world of Harry Potter. The judgment blocks publication and awards damages of $6,750. September 20, 2008 – Announces she donated £1 million to the Labour Party. January 16, 2009 – Vander Ark’s rewritten and renamed book, “The Lexicon: An Unauthorized Guide to Harry Potter Fiction and Related Materials,” is released. This book is supposed to be a complete reference work for all seven Harry Potter novels. February 2009 – French President Nicolas Sarkozy presents the Legion of Honor award to Rowling. June 2009 – Rowling and her British publisher, Bloomsbury, are named in a lawsuit filed in London when relatives for the estate of writer Adrian Jacobs, who died in 1997, claim Rowling plagiarized her fourth book “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” and other material from Jacobs’$2 1987 book “The Adventures of Willy the Wizard.” 2010 – Donates £10 million for a research clinic at The University of Edinburgh. The Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic is named after Rowling’s mother, who died in 1990 from complications related to multiple sclerosis. June 18, 2010 – Grand opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando. November 19, 2010 – The movie “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1” opens in the UK and the United States. January 2011 – A federal judge in New York dismisses the US plagiarism case filed by the relatives of Jacobs. June 23, 2011 – Via YouTube, Rowling announces a new project, Pottermore.com, that will be part digital interactive playground and part e-store where the entire Harry Potter series will be available as e-books for the first time. July 15, 2011 – The final movie in the series, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2,” opens in the United States and the UK. July 2011 – The British plagiarism lawsuit filed by the relatives of Jacobs ends after the claimants fail to pay the mandated security amount. November 24, 2011 – Testifies before the Leveson Inquiry regarding journalistic standards in the UK. In her testimony she reviews parts of her 33-page statement given November 2, where she states that some members of the British journalism community engage in, “…behaviour that is illegal, and I think unjustifiably intrusive.” September 27, 2012 – A new book, “The Casual Vacancy,” her first novel specifically geared toward adults, is published. July 14, 2013 – In a statement to the media, Rowling reveals “The Cuckoo’s Calling,” a crime novel by Robert Galbraith published in April 2013, was really written by her. March 8, 2016 – Rowling begins releasing a series of short stories titled “Magic in North America” on Pottermore.com. The four-part series is released daily until March 11. July 30, 2016 – “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,” opens as a two-part play in London’s West End at the Palace Theatre. July 31, 2016 – The script for “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is published. November 18, 2016 – Rowling’s screenwriting debut, “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” opens in theaters. November 2018 – Rowling files a lawsuit in Scotland against Amanda Donaldson, her former assistant. Donaldson was fired in February for theft. November 16, 2018 – “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald,” written by Rowling, opens in movie theaters. April 4, 2019 – The Judiciary of Scotland rules that Donaldson must repay Rowling £18,734 for fraudulent misrepresentation over missing funds and memorabilia over missing funds. December 19, 2019 – Rowling tweets in support of Maya Forstater, a woman who lost her job after suggesting that transgender people cannot change the biological sex they were born with. May 26, 2020 – Publishes a new serialized story called “The Ickabog” online to entertain children during coronavirus lockdown. It is her first book aimed at children since “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” June 10, 2020 – In an essay published to her website, Rowling explains her views on gender identity after facing criticism for her controversial tweets that were perceived by some as transphobic. In the 3,600-word piece, Rowling writes why she has joined the UK’s polarising trans debate, revealing that she is “a domestic abuse and sexual assault survivor” and has “concerns around single sex spaces.” Source link Orbem News #Facts #Fast #Rowling
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With the compliments of, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph: 99201390.
LAHORE, March 31:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has announced to continue indiscriminate action against the land grabbers till every inch of the state land is not recovered from the squatters.
While giving details during a presser at his office on Wednesday, the CM said one lac and 55 thousand acres of land has been retrieved in different parts of the province having a value of Rs. 450 billion. It is the largest operation in the history of the province and the task will be brought to its logical end, he indicated. During the last seven days, 12318-acre land of Rs. 22.32 billion and 70 lac value has been recovered from illegal occupants in 31 districts, he said. 403 FIRs have been registered and 97 accused have also been arrested, he added. Similarly, the CM pointed out that indiscriminate action was also underway against sugar and price-hike mafias. The PTI government is actively working to curb every sort of mafia and public interest was being fully protected under the leadership of PM Imran Khan. The land has been retrieved in Sargodha, Sheikhupura, Rawalpindi, Rajanpur, DG Khan, Multan, Narowal and other cities and the recovered state land will be utilized for public welfare purposes, he said. The government will also recover damages from the influentials involved in illegal occupation of state lands, he continued and indicated that action is not person or party-specific but is indiscriminate that will continue. It is intolerable to occupy the state land for personal use and no political discrimination has been shown in this action, the CM stressed. Similarly, no one is politically targeted. The government wants to protect the state lands and the political affiliation of land grabbers is simply irrelevant, he appended.
The CM disclosed that a strategy has been devised to best use the recovered lands while the data bank will also be set up in the board of revenue and steps will be taken so that no one could dare to reoccupy such lands, he said. Action against the land grabbers in 31 districts has yielded positive results during the last 7 days and the operation will continue till the complete recovery of state lands in the province. The PTI government has waged a war against every sort of mafia and the damages incurred to the state kitty due to land grabbers will be compensated, he disclosed.
While replying to the questions of the media persons, the CM said the anti-corruption establishment takes action if a government employee is found involved in the occupation of state land but the government has started indiscriminate action without caring for any political affiliation. Indiscriminate action will be continued against all; whether it's my relative or an office-bearer of the party, the CM emphasized and added that the government is active against the land grabbers while setting aside the politics and the crackdown will be continued.
To another question, the CM clarified that no ban is imposed on private transport however, a restriction is imposed on public transport to overcome the spread of coronavirus. Steps have been taken against corona and the government does not want to hold complete lockdown but the spread has to be overcome, he maintained. The businesses are not shut down but timings of bazaars and markets are reduced as the government wants the business to run while minimizing the spread of coronavirus. He clarified that the purpose of government is not to put the people behind bars but to sensitize them to wear facemasks for collective safety.
To another question, the CM said the corona vaccine was being supplied by the federal government but the Punjab government has also constituted a committee to procure this vaccine and the committee will submit final recommendations. To a question, the CM asserted that corona SOPs will be implemented in Ramadan bazaars while a collective decision will be made in consultation with NCOC about Namaz-e-Taraweeh.
Replying to a question about a cabinet reshuffle, the CM maintained the space for improvement is always there and the ministers’ performance is also regularly reviewed. He made it clear that the rumours about the south Punjab secretariat are totally baseless adding that opponents are spreading disinformation in this regard. A meeting about the south Punjab secretariat is also scheduled today, he replied. I don’t know who is perturbed over my field visits but I do know that a new era of development has been started. A separate district development package was being outlined, for the first time, and development schemes were being designed in consultation with public representatives. This development package will be a part of the next budget and the due share of the districts will be given to them without caring for any likeness or antipathy. He emphasized that no area will remain deprived of development as every district will be given its due share. Some naive friends falsely claimed that Punjab is in reverse gear because they could not witness the development process around them. State lands worth Rs. 450 billion has been recovered while work on 13 special economic zones is in progress, he said. Similarly, 12 new hospitals were being established after 1997 and a plan has also been devised to establish a university in every district. The people are also given a Ramadan package worth seven billion rupees along with the establishment of 313 sahulat bazaars, concluded the CM.
SACM Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, IG Police, Secretary Information and DGPR were also present.
LAHORE, March 31:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has asked the citizens to follow corona SoPs as the current wave is more intense than before and the ratio of positive cases has also increased.
In a statement, the CM said the health system is under pressure as the corona situation is critical in Lahore and other cities. The people should wear facemasks as the government has taken every possible step to save the lives of the people, he advised. Observance of instructions is in the best interest of the citizens as the number of patients is increasing due to non-observance of SoPs and carelessness. The situation would become more critical if SoPs are not followed and legal action will be initiated in case of violation of standard operating procedures, the CM warned.
LAHORE, March 31:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has sought a report from DPO Kasur about an incident of firing at the vehicle in Kot Radha Kishan and directed to arrest the accused early. He extended sympathies to the heirs of a woman who lost her life and directed the administration to provide the best treatment to the injured.
LAHORE, March 31:
       Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has sought a report from Commissioner Sargodha about the complaints of extortion by the staff of DHQ teaching hospital Sargodha and directed to furnish a report to his office within three days. Culprits be identified and action be initiated against them, he directed.
It may be added here that various citizens complained to the CM about accepting bribe money by the hospital staff during his Sargodha visit yesterday.
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riichardwilson · 4 years
Image SEO: Optimizing images for search engines
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Michiel Heijmans
Michiel is a partner at Yoast and our COO. Internet veteran. His main goal with most of his articles is to kick-start your site optimization. So much to do!
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Whether you’re a blogger or write articles for an online magazine or newspaper, chances are you’ll find yourself asking whether your article needs an image or not. The answer is always “Yes”. Images bring an article to life and also contribute to your website’s SEO Company. This post explains how to fully optimize an image for SEO and provides some pointers on using images for the best user experience.
Always use images
Images, when used correctly, will help readers better understand your article. The old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” probably doesn’t apply to Google, but it’s certainly true when you need to spice up 1,000 dull words, illustrate what you mean in a chart or data flow diagram, or just make your social media posts more enticing.
It’s a simple recommendation: add images to every article you write to make them more appealing. What’s more, since visual search is getting increasingly important — as seen in Google’s vision for the future of search — it could turn out to provide you with a nice bit of traffic. And if you have visual content it makes sense to put image SEO Company a bit higher on your to-do list.
A while ago, Google Images got a brand-new interface with new filters, metadata, and even attribution. These cool new filters show that Google increasingly knows what’s in an image and how that image fits into the larger context.
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Google’s new interface for Image Search was released at the end of September 2018
Finding the right image
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It’s always better to use original images – photos you have taken yourself – than stock photos. Your team page needs pictures of your actual team, not this dude on the right or one of his stock photo friends. Off topic: also, this dude really needs a haircut.
Your article needs an image relevant to its subject. If you’re adding a random photo just to get a green bullet in our SEO Company plugin’s content analysis, then you’re doing it wrong. The image should reflect the topic of the post or have illustrative purposes within the article. Also, try to place the image near the relevant text. If you have a main image or an image that you’re trying to rank, try to keep that near the top of the page, if that’s possible without feeling forced.
There is a simple image SEO Company reason for all of this: an image with related text ranks better for the keyword it is optimized for. But we’ll discuss image SEO Company later on in this article.
If you don’t have any original images that you can use, there are other ways to find unique images and still avoid stock photos. Flickr.com is a nice image source for instance, as you can use Creative Commons images. Just remember to attribute the original photographer. I also like the images provided by sites like Unsplash. We have a blog post that gives you an awesome overview of where to get great images. Steer clear of the obvious stock photos, and if you are using stock photos, pick the ones that look (ok, just a bit) more genuine. But whatever you use, you’ll probably find that images with people in them always look like stock photos. Unless you took the photos yourself, which (in my opinion) is always the best idea.
Obvious alternatives for photos could be graphs or illustrations, which is what we at Yoast use. If you’re interested, our resident illustrator Erwin wrote a fun article about the making of illustrations on our developers blog. Also, an honorable mention should go to animated GIFs, as they are incredibly popular these days.
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But even though animated GIFs are popular, don’t go overboard. It’ll make your post harder to read, as the movement of the image distracts your readers’ attention. They can also slow down your page.
Preparing images for use in your article
Once you have found the right image – whether it’s a photo, illustration, or chart – the next step is to optimize it for use on your website. So before you add your image, there are a number of things you need to think about:
Choose the right file name
Image SEO Company starts with the file name. You want Google to know what the image is about without even looking at it, so use your focus keyphrase in the image file name. It’s simple: if you’re writing an article on the Notre Dame and you use an image showing a sunrise in Paris over Notre Dame Cathedral, the file name shouldn’t be DSC4536.jpg. A proper file name would be notre-dame-paris-sunrise.jpg, making sure the main subject of the photo (and your article) is at the beginning of the file name.
Choose the right format
For images, the right format doesn’t exist; it depends on the kind of image and how you want to use it. In short, we recommend to:
choose JPEG for larger photos or illustrations: it will give you good results in terms of colors and clarity with a relatively small file size;
use PNG if you want to preserve background transparency in your image;
or, use WebP instead of JPEG and PNG. It will produce high-quality results with smaller file sizes. You can use tools like Squoosh to convert your image into WebP.
use SVG for logos and icons. With the help of CSS or JavaScript, you can manage images in SVG format, for instance, resize them without loss of quality.
If you know a large part of your audience uses specific browsers or devices, make sure to check whether your preferred format is supported by those browsers on CanIuse.com.
When you’ve chosen the right name and format, it’s time to resize and optimize your image!
Scale for image SEO
Loading times are important for UX and SEO Company. The faster the site, the easier it is for users and search engines to visit (and index) a page. Images can have a big impact on loading times, especially when you upload a huge image to display it really small – for example, a 2500×1500 pixels image displayed at 250×150 pixels size – as the entire image still has to be loaded. So resize the image to how you want it displayed. WordPress helps by automatically providing the image in multiple sizes after uploading it. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the file size is optimized as well, that’s just the image display size. So think about the size in which you upload your images!
Use responsive images
This one is essential for SEO Company as well, and if you’re using WordPress it’s done for you since it was added by default from version 4.4. Images should have the srcset attribute, which makes it possible to serve a different image per screen width — this is especially useful for mobile devices.
Reduce file size
The next step in image SEO Company should be to make sure that your scaled image is compressed so it’s served in the smallest file size possible.
Of course, you could just export the image and experiment with quality percentages, but I prefer using 100% quality images, especially given the popularity of retina and similar screens these days.
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Tools like JPEGmini can drastically reduce image file sizes without artifacts
You can still reduce the file size of these images by removing the EXIF data, for example. We recommend using tools like ImageOptim or websites like JPEGmini, jpeg.io or Kraken.io.
When you’ve optimized your images, you can test your page with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, WebPageTest.org or Pingdom.
Adding the image to your article
While Google is getting better at recognizing what’s in an image, you shouldn’t totally rely on their abilities yet. It all comes down to you providing the context for that image — so fill in as much as you can! We’ll discuss how below.
Your image is ready to use, but don’t just throw it into your article anywhere. As mentioned earlier, adding it close to related textual content helps a lot. It makes sure the text is as relevant to the image as the image is to the text, something users and Google prefer.
The image caption is the text that accompanies the image on the page — if you look at the images in this article, it’s the text in the gray box below each one. Why are captions important for image SEO Company? Because people use them when scanning an article. People tend to scan headings, images and captions as they scan a web page. Back in 1997, Nielsen wrote:
“Elements that enhance scanning include headings, large type, bold text, highlighted text, bulleted lists, graphics, captions, topic sentences, and tables of contents.”
In 2012, KissMetrics went even further, stating that:
“Captions under images are read on average 300% more than the body copy itself, so not using them, or not using them correctly, means missing out on an opportunity to engage a huge number of potential readers.”
Do you need to add captions to every image? No, because sometimes images serve other purposes. Decide whether you want to use yours for SEO Company as well or not. Bearing in mind the need to avoid over-optimization, I’d say you should only add captions where it would make sense to the visitor for one to be there. Think about the visitor first, and don’t add a caption just for image SEO Company.
alt text and title text
The alt text (or alt tag) is added to an image so there will be descriptive text in place if the image can’t be displayed to the visitor for any reason. I can’t put it any better than Wikipedia:
“In situations where the image is not available to the reader, perhaps because they have turned off images in their web browser or are using a screen reader due to a visual impairment, the alternative text ensures that no information or functionality is lost.”
Be sure to add alt text to every image you use, and make sure the alt text includes the SEO Company keyphrase for that page (if appropriate). Most importantly, describe what’s in the image so both search engines and people can make sense of it. The more relevant information surrounding an image has, the more search engines deem this image important.
When hovering over an image, some browsers show the title text as a ‘tooltip’. Chrome shows the title text as was intended. Title text for images is similar and a lot of people who use titles simply copy the alt text, but more and more people leave them out altogether. Why is that? Here’s Mozilla’s take:
“title has a number of accessibility problems, mainly based around the fact that screen reader support is very unpredictable and most browsers won’t show it unless you are hovering with a mouse (so e.g. no access to keyboard users).”
It is better to include such supporting information in the main article text, rather than attached to the image.
Read more: Read more about alt tag and title tag optimization »
Add image structured data
Adding structured data to your pages can help search engines display your images as rich results. While Google says structured data doesn’t help you rank better, it does help to achieve a more fleshed out listing in Image Search. There’s more, though. For instance, if you have recipes on your site and you add structured data to your images Google can also add a badge to your images showing that this image belongs to a recipe. Google Images supports structured data for the following types:
Google has a number of guidelines you need to follow if you want your images to appear rich in image search. The main takeaway is that the image attribute is mandatory and that your images should be crawlable and indexable. You can find them all Google’s Structured Data General Guidelines. Try out Structured data training if you want to learn how to add structured data to your pages!
OpenGraph and Twitter Cards
Earlier on, I mentioned using images for social sharing. If you add the following image tag to the <head> section in your page HTML like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://example.com/link-to-image.jpg" />
That will make sure the image is included in your share on Facebook (and OpenGraph is also used for Pinterest, for instance).
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Our Yoast SEO plugin has a Social section where you can set and – in the Premium version – even preview your Facebook and Twitter posts. Make sure to use a high-quality image, like the original image you used in the post, as the social platforms use higher quality/larger images more often than not. If you have set this up correctly, and it’s not showing the right image, try to flush Facebook’s cache in the URL Debugger. Twitter Cards do the same for Twitter and are also generated by our plugin.
This is one of my pet peeves: Images should never break the left reading line. I’m sure there are studies backing this up, but for me it’s personal. I just really don’t like it when text starts to the right of an image, only to jump to the left the next image down:
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Maintain the left reading line; don’t align images to the left
If you use an image at the same width as your text column, that’s fine and it will even help emphasize the image more.
I’ll be honest: this has absolutely nothing to do with image SEO Company, but I saw the chance to express my opinion and used it! I think it’s bad for user experience. So, just to please me: don’t do this. Thanks, I really appreciate it.
XML image sitemaps
If you are a web developer, you might wonder about XML image sitemaps. I’d prefer to describe this as images in XML sitemaps. Google is clear about this:
Additionally, you can use Google image extensions for sitemaps to give Google more information about the images available on your pages. Image sitemap information helps Google discover images that we might not otherwise find (such as images your site reaches with JavaScript code), and allows you to indicate images on your site that you want Google to crawl and index.
Every now and then, people ask us about XML image sitemaps. We don’t generate these in our plugin, but follow Google’s advice and include them in the page or post sitemaps. Just scroll down in our post sitemap and you’ll see we have added images to all our latest posts (there is a column just for that). Adding images to your XML sitemaps helps Google index your images, so be sure to do so for better image SEO Company.
Image SEO: summary
Image SEO Company is the sum of a number of elements. With Google getting better at recognizing elements in images every day, it makes sense to make sure the image and all its elements contribute to a good user experience as well as SEO Company. It would be foolish to try to kid Google.
Keep these things in mind when adding an image to an article:
Use a relevant image that matches your text
Pick a good file name for your image
Make sure image dimensions match the image size as displayed
Use srcset if possible
Reduce file size for faster loading
Add a caption, if appropriate, for easier scanning of the page
Use image alt text. No need for a title text
Add structured data to your images
Add OpenGraph and Twitter Card tags for the image
Don’t break the left reading line with an image – align images right or center
Use images in your XML sitemaps
Provide all the context you can!
Besides contributing to SEO Company and user experience, images can also play an important role in conversion. So don’t underestimate the importance of image SEO Company on your site!
Keep reading: WordPress SEO: The definitive guide to higher rankings for WordPress sites »
SEO Company by DBL07.co
source http://www.scpie.org/image-seo-optimizing-images-for-search-engines/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/626412001924644864
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
Image SEO: Optimizing images for search engines
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Michiel Heijmans
Michiel is a partner at Yoast and our COO. Internet veteran. His main goal with most of his articles is to kick-start your site optimization. So much to do!
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Whether you’re a blogger or write articles for an online magazine or newspaper, chances are you’ll find yourself asking whether your article needs an image or not. The answer is always “Yes”. Images bring an article to life and also contribute to your website’s SEO Company. This post explains how to fully optimize an image for SEO and provides some pointers on using images for the best user experience.
Always use images
Images, when used correctly, will help readers better understand your article. The old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” probably doesn’t apply to Google, but it’s certainly true when you need to spice up 1,000 dull words, illustrate what you mean in a chart or data flow diagram, or just make your social media posts more enticing.
It’s a simple recommendation: add images to every article you write to make them more appealing. What’s more, since visual search is getting increasingly important — as seen in Google’s vision for the future of search — it could turn out to provide you with a nice bit of traffic. And if you have visual content it makes sense to put image SEO Company a bit higher on your to-do list.
A while ago, Google Images got a brand-new interface with new filters, metadata, and even attribution. These cool new filters show that Google increasingly knows what’s in an image and how that image fits into the larger context.
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Google’s new interface for Image Search was released at the end of September 2018
Finding the right image
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It’s always better to use original images – photos you have taken yourself – than stock photos. Your team page needs pictures of your actual team, not this dude on the right or one of his stock photo friends. Off topic: also, this dude really needs a haircut.
Your article needs an image relevant to its subject. If you’re adding a random photo just to get a green bullet in our SEO Company plugin’s content analysis, then you’re doing it wrong. The image should reflect the topic of the post or have illustrative purposes within the article. Also, try to place the image near the relevant text. If you have a main image or an image that you’re trying to rank, try to keep that near the top of the page, if that’s possible without feeling forced.
There is a simple image SEO Company reason for all of this: an image with related text ranks better for the keyword it is optimized for. But we’ll discuss image SEO Company later on in this article.
If you don’t have any original images that you can use, there are other ways to find unique images and still avoid stock photos. Flickr.com is a nice image source for instance, as you can use Creative Commons images. Just remember to attribute the original photographer. I also like the images provided by sites like Unsplash. We have a blog post that gives you an awesome overview of where to get great images. Steer clear of the obvious stock photos, and if you are using stock photos, pick the ones that look (ok, just a bit) more genuine. But whatever you use, you’ll probably find that images with people in them always look like stock photos. Unless you took the photos yourself, which (in my opinion) is always the best idea.
Obvious alternatives for photos could be graphs or illustrations, which is what we at Yoast use. If you’re interested, our resident illustrator Erwin wrote a fun article about the making of illustrations on our developers blog. Also, an honorable mention should go to animated GIFs, as they are incredibly popular these days.
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But even though animated GIFs are popular, don’t go overboard. It’ll make your post harder to read, as the movement of the image distracts your readers’ attention. They can also slow down your page.
Preparing images for use in your article
Once you have found the right image – whether it’s a photo, illustration, or chart – the next step is to optimize it for use on your website. So before you add your image, there are a number of things you need to think about:
Choose the right file name
Image SEO Company starts with the file name. You want Google to know what the image is about without even looking at it, so use your focus keyphrase in the image file name. It’s simple: if you’re writing an article on the Notre Dame and you use an image showing a sunrise in Paris over Notre Dame Cathedral, the file name shouldn’t be DSC4536.jpg. A proper file name would be notre-dame-paris-sunrise.jpg, making sure the main subject of the photo (and your article) is at the beginning of the file name.
Choose the right format
For images, the right format doesn’t exist; it depends on the kind of image and how you want to use it. In short, we recommend to:
choose JPEG for larger photos or illustrations: it will give you good results in terms of colors and clarity with a relatively small file size;
use PNG if you want to preserve background transparency in your image;
or, use WebP instead of JPEG and PNG. It will produce high-quality results with smaller file sizes. You can use tools like Squoosh to convert your image into WebP.
use SVG for logos and icons. With the help of CSS or JavaScript, you can manage images in SVG format, for instance, resize them without loss of quality.
If you know a large part of your audience uses specific browsers or devices, make sure to check whether your preferred format is supported by those browsers on CanIuse.com.
When you’ve chosen the right name and format, it’s time to resize and optimize your image!
Scale for image SEO
Loading times are important for UX and SEO Company. The faster the site, the easier it is for users and search engines to visit (and index) a page. Images can have a big impact on loading times, especially when you upload a huge image to display it really small – for example, a 2500×1500 pixels image displayed at 250×150 pixels size – as the entire image still has to be loaded. So resize the image to how you want it displayed. WordPress helps by automatically providing the image in multiple sizes after uploading it. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the file size is optimized as well, that’s just the image display size. So think about the size in which you upload your images!
Use responsive images
This one is essential for SEO Company as well, and if you’re using WordPress it’s done for you since it was added by default from version 4.4. Images should have the srcset attribute, which makes it possible to serve a different image per screen width — this is especially useful for mobile devices.
Reduce file size
The next step in image SEO Company should be to make sure that your scaled image is compressed so it’s served in the smallest file size possible.
Of course, you could just export the image and experiment with quality percentages, but I prefer using 100% quality images, especially given the popularity of retina and similar screens these days.
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Tools like JPEGmini can drastically reduce image file sizes without artifacts
You can still reduce the file size of these images by removing the EXIF data, for example. We recommend using tools like ImageOptim or websites like JPEGmini, jpeg.io or Kraken.io.
When you’ve optimized your images, you can test your page with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, WebPageTest.org or Pingdom.
Adding the image to your article
While Google is getting better at recognizing what’s in an image, you shouldn’t totally rely on their abilities yet. It all comes down to you providing the context for that image — so fill in as much as you can! We’ll discuss how below.
Your image is ready to use, but don’t just throw it into your article anywhere. As mentioned earlier, adding it close to related textual content helps a lot. It makes sure the text is as relevant to the image as the image is to the text, something users and Google prefer.
The image caption is the text that accompanies the image on the page — if you look at the images in this article, it’s the text in the gray box below each one. Why are captions important for image SEO Company? Because people use them when scanning an article. People tend to scan headings, images and captions as they scan a web page. Back in 1997, Nielsen wrote:
“Elements that enhance scanning include headings, large type, bold text, highlighted text, bulleted lists, graphics, captions, topic sentences, and tables of contents.”
In 2012, KissMetrics went even further, stating that:
“Captions under images are read on average 300% more than the body copy itself, so not using them, or not using them correctly, means missing out on an opportunity to engage a huge number of potential readers.”
Do you need to add captions to every image? No, because sometimes images serve other purposes. Decide whether you want to use yours for SEO Company as well or not. Bearing in mind the need to avoid over-optimization, I’d say you should only add captions where it would make sense to the visitor for one to be there. Think about the visitor first, and don’t add a caption just for image SEO Company.
alt text and title text
The alt text (or alt tag) is added to an image so there will be descriptive text in place if the image can’t be displayed to the visitor for any reason. I can’t put it any better than Wikipedia:
“In situations where the image is not available to the reader, perhaps because they have turned off images in their web browser or are using a screen reader due to a visual impairment, the alternative text ensures that no information or functionality is lost.”
Be sure to add alt text to every image you use, and make sure the alt text includes the SEO Company keyphrase for that page (if appropriate). Most importantly, describe what’s in the image so both search engines and people can make sense of it. The more relevant information surrounding an image has, the more search engines deem this image important.
When hovering over an image, some browsers show the title text as a ‘tooltip’. Chrome shows the title text as was intended. Title text for images is similar and a lot of people who use titles simply copy the alt text, but more and more people leave them out altogether. Why is that? Here’s Mozilla’s take:
“title has a number of accessibility problems, mainly based around the fact that screen reader support is very unpredictable and most browsers won’t show it unless you are hovering with a mouse (so e.g. no access to keyboard users).”
It is better to include such supporting information in the main article text, rather than attached to the image.
Read more: Read more about alt tag and title tag optimization »
Add image structured data
Adding structured data to your pages can help search engines display your images as rich results. While Google says structured data doesn’t help you rank better, it does help to achieve a more fleshed out listing in Image Search. There’s more, though. For instance, if you have recipes on your site and you add structured data to your images Google can also add a badge to your images showing that this image belongs to a recipe. Google Images supports structured data for the following types:
Google has a number of guidelines you need to follow if you want your images to appear rich in image search. The main takeaway is that the image attribute is mandatory and that your images should be crawlable and indexable. You can find them all Google’s Structured Data General Guidelines. Try out Structured data training if you want to learn how to add structured data to your pages!
OpenGraph and Twitter Cards
Earlier on, I mentioned using images for social sharing. If you add the following image tag to the <head> section in your page HTML like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://example.com/link-to-image.jpg" />
That will make sure the image is included in your share on Facebook (and OpenGraph is also used for Pinterest, for instance).
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Our Yoast SEO plugin has a Social section where you can set and – in the Premium version – even preview your Facebook and Twitter posts. Make sure to use a high-quality image, like the original image you used in the post, as the social platforms use higher quality/larger images more often than not. If you have set this up correctly, and it’s not showing the right image, try to flush Facebook’s cache in the URL Debugger. Twitter Cards do the same for Twitter and are also generated by our plugin.
This is one of my pet peeves: Images should never break the left reading line. I’m sure there are studies backing this up, but for me it’s personal. I just really don’t like it when text starts to the right of an image, only to jump to the left the next image down:
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Maintain the left reading line; don’t align images to the left
If you use an image at the same width as your text column, that’s fine and it will even help emphasize the image more.
I’ll be honest: this has absolutely nothing to do with image SEO Company, but I saw the chance to express my opinion and used it! I think it’s bad for user experience. So, just to please me: don’t do this. Thanks, I really appreciate it.
XML image sitemaps
If you are a web developer, you might wonder about XML image sitemaps. I’d prefer to describe this as images in XML sitemaps. Google is clear about this:
Additionally, you can use Google image extensions for sitemaps to give Google more information about the images available on your pages. Image sitemap information helps Google discover images that we might not otherwise find (such as images your site reaches with JavaScript code), and allows you to indicate images on your site that you want Google to crawl and index.
Every now and then, people ask us about XML image sitemaps. We don’t generate these in our plugin, but follow Google’s advice and include them in the page or post sitemaps. Just scroll down in our post sitemap and you’ll see we have added images to all our latest posts (there is a column just for that). Adding images to your XML sitemaps helps Google index your images, so be sure to do so for better image SEO Company.
Image SEO: summary
Image SEO Company is the sum of a number of elements. With Google getting better at recognizing elements in images every day, it makes sense to make sure the image and all its elements contribute to a good user experience as well as SEO Company. It would be foolish to try to kid Google.
Keep these things in mind when adding an image to an article:
Use a relevant image that matches your text
Pick a good file name for your image
Make sure image dimensions match the image size as displayed
Use srcset if possible
Reduce file size for faster loading
Add a caption, if appropriate, for easier scanning of the page
Use image alt text. No need for a title text
Add structured data to your images
Add OpenGraph and Twitter Card tags for the image
Don’t break the left reading line with an image – align images right or center
Use images in your XML sitemaps
Provide all the context you can!
Besides contributing to SEO Company and user experience, images can also play an important role in conversion. So don’t underestimate the importance of image SEO Company on your site!
Keep reading: WordPress SEO: The definitive guide to higher rankings for WordPress sites »
SEO Company by DBL07.co
source http://www.scpie.org/image-seo-optimizing-images-for-search-engines/
0 notes
laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Image SEO: Optimizing images for search engines
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Michiel Heijmans
Michiel is a partner at Yoast and our COO. Internet veteran. His main goal with most of his articles is to kick-start your site optimization. So much to do!
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Whether you’re a blogger or write articles for an online magazine or newspaper, chances are you’ll find yourself asking whether your article needs an image or not. The answer is always “Yes”. Images bring an article to life and also contribute to your website’s SEO Company. This post explains how to fully optimize an image for SEO and provides some pointers on using images for the best user experience.
Always use images
Images, when used correctly, will help readers better understand your article. The old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” probably doesn’t apply to Google, but it’s certainly true when you need to spice up 1,000 dull words, illustrate what you mean in a chart or data flow diagram, or just make your social media posts more enticing.
It’s a simple recommendation: add images to every article you write to make them more appealing. What’s more, since visual search is getting increasingly important — as seen in Google’s vision for the future of search — it could turn out to provide you with a nice bit of traffic. And if you have visual content it makes sense to put image SEO Company a bit higher on your to-do list.
A while ago, Google Images got a brand-new interface with new filters, metadata, and even attribution. These cool new filters show that Google increasingly knows what’s in an image and how that image fits into the larger context.
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Google’s new interface for Image Search was released at the end of September 2018
Finding the right image
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It’s always better to use original images – photos you have taken yourself – than stock photos. Your team page needs pictures of your actual team, not this dude on the right or one of his stock photo friends. Off topic: also, this dude really needs a haircut.
Your article needs an image relevant to its subject. If you’re adding a random photo just to get a green bullet in our SEO Company plugin’s content analysis, then you’re doing it wrong. The image should reflect the topic of the post or have illustrative purposes within the article. Also, try to place the image near the relevant text. If you have a main image or an image that you’re trying to rank, try to keep that near the top of the page, if that’s possible without feeling forced.
There is a simple image SEO Company reason for all of this: an image with related text ranks better for the keyword it is optimized for. But we’ll discuss image SEO Company later on in this article.
If you don’t have any original images that you can use, there are other ways to find unique images and still avoid stock photos. Flickr.com is a nice image source for instance, as you can use Creative Commons images. Just remember to attribute the original photographer. I also like the images provided by sites like Unsplash. We have a blog post that gives you an awesome overview of where to get great images. Steer clear of the obvious stock photos, and if you are using stock photos, pick the ones that look (ok, just a bit) more genuine. But whatever you use, you’ll probably find that images with people in them always look like stock photos. Unless you took the photos yourself, which (in my opinion) is always the best idea.
Obvious alternatives for photos could be graphs or illustrations, which is what we at Yoast use. If you’re interested, our resident illustrator Erwin wrote a fun article about the making of illustrations on our developers blog. Also, an honorable mention should go to animated GIFs, as they are incredibly popular these days.
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But even though animated GIFs are popular, don’t go overboard. It’ll make your post harder to read, as the movement of the image distracts your readers’ attention. They can also slow down your page.
Preparing images for use in your article
Once you have found the right image – whether it’s a photo, illustration, or chart – the next step is to optimize it for use on your website. So before you add your image, there are a number of things you need to think about:
Choose the right file name
Image SEO Company starts with the file name. You want Google to know what the image is about without even looking at it, so use your focus keyphrase in the image file name. It’s simple: if you’re writing an article on the Notre Dame and you use an image showing a sunrise in Paris over Notre Dame Cathedral, the file name shouldn’t be DSC4536.jpg. A proper file name would be notre-dame-paris-sunrise.jpg, making sure the main subject of the photo (and your article) is at the beginning of the file name.
Choose the right format
For images, the right format doesn’t exist; it depends on the kind of image and how you want to use it. In short, we recommend to:
choose JPEG for larger photos or illustrations: it will give you good results in terms of colors and clarity with a relatively small file size;
use PNG if you want to preserve background transparency in your image;
or, use WebP instead of JPEG and PNG. It will produce high-quality results with smaller file sizes. You can use tools like Squoosh to convert your image into WebP.
use SVG for logos and icons. With the help of CSS or JavaScript, you can manage images in SVG format, for instance, resize them without loss of quality.
If you know a large part of your audience uses specific browsers or devices, make sure to check whether your preferred format is supported by those browsers on CanIuse.com.
When you’ve chosen the right name and format, it’s time to resize and optimize your image!
Scale for image SEO
Loading times are important for UX and SEO Company. The faster the site, the easier it is for users and search engines to visit (and index) a page. Images can have a big impact on loading times, especially when you upload a huge image to display it really small – for example, a 2500×1500 pixels image displayed at 250×150 pixels size – as the entire image still has to be loaded. So resize the image to how you want it displayed. WordPress helps by automatically providing the image in multiple sizes after uploading it. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the file size is optimized as well, that’s just the image display size. So think about the size in which you upload your images!
Use responsive images
This one is essential for SEO Company as well, and if you’re using WordPress it’s done for you since it was added by default from version 4.4. Images should have the srcset attribute, which makes it possible to serve a different image per screen width — this is especially useful for mobile devices.
Reduce file size
The next step in image SEO Company should be to make sure that your scaled image is compressed so it’s served in the smallest file size possible.
Of course, you could just export the image and experiment with quality percentages, but I prefer using 100% quality images, especially given the popularity of retina and similar screens these days.
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Tools like JPEGmini can drastically reduce image file sizes without artifacts
You can still reduce the file size of these images by removing the EXIF data, for example. We recommend using tools like ImageOptim or websites like JPEGmini, jpeg.io or Kraken.io.
When you’ve optimized your images, you can test your page with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, WebPageTest.org or Pingdom.
Adding the image to your article
While Google is getting better at recognizing what’s in an image, you shouldn’t totally rely on their abilities yet. It all comes down to you providing the context for that image — so fill in as much as you can! We’ll discuss how below.
Your image is ready to use, but don’t just throw it into your article anywhere. As mentioned earlier, adding it close to related textual content helps a lot. It makes sure the text is as relevant to the image as the image is to the text, something users and Google prefer.
The image caption is the text that accompanies the image on the page — if you look at the images in this article, it’s the text in the gray box below each one. Why are captions important for image SEO Company? Because people use them when scanning an article. People tend to scan headings, images and captions as they scan a web page. Back in 1997, Nielsen wrote:
“Elements that enhance scanning include headings, large type, bold text, highlighted text, bulleted lists, graphics, captions, topic sentences, and tables of contents.”
In 2012, KissMetrics went even further, stating that:
“Captions under images are read on average 300% more than the body copy itself, so not using them, or not using them correctly, means missing out on an opportunity to engage a huge number of potential readers.”
Do you need to add captions to every image? No, because sometimes images serve other purposes. Decide whether you want to use yours for SEO Company as well or not. Bearing in mind the need to avoid over-optimization, I’d say you should only add captions where it would make sense to the visitor for one to be there. Think about the visitor first, and don’t add a caption just for image SEO Company.
alt text and title text
The alt text (or alt tag) is added to an image so there will be descriptive text in place if the image can’t be displayed to the visitor for any reason. I can’t put it any better than Wikipedia:
“In situations where the image is not available to the reader, perhaps because they have turned off images in their web browser or are using a screen reader due to a visual impairment, the alternative text ensures that no information or functionality is lost.”
Be sure to add alt text to every image you use, and make sure the alt text includes the SEO Company keyphrase for that page (if appropriate). Most importantly, describe what’s in the image so both search engines and people can make sense of it. The more relevant information surrounding an image has, the more search engines deem this image important.
When hovering over an image, some browsers show the title text as a ‘tooltip’. Chrome shows the title text as was intended. Title text for images is similar and a lot of people who use titles simply copy the alt text, but more and more people leave them out altogether. Why is that? Here’s Mozilla’s take:
“title has a number of accessibility problems, mainly based around the fact that screen reader support is very unpredictable and most browsers won’t show it unless you are hovering with a mouse (so e.g. no access to keyboard users).”
It is better to include such supporting information in the main article text, rather than attached to the image.
Read more: Read more about alt tag and title tag optimization »
Add image structured data
Adding structured data to your pages can help search engines display your images as rich results. While Google says structured data doesn’t help you rank better, it does help to achieve a more fleshed out listing in Image Search. There’s more, though. For instance, if you have recipes on your site and you add structured data to your images Google can also add a badge to your images showing that this image belongs to a recipe. Google Images supports structured data for the following types:
Google has a number of guidelines you need to follow if you want your images to appear rich in image search. The main takeaway is that the image attribute is mandatory and that your images should be crawlable and indexable. You can find them all Google’s Structured Data General Guidelines. Try out Structured data training if you want to learn how to add structured data to your pages!
OpenGraph and Twitter Cards
Earlier on, I mentioned using images for social sharing. If you add the following image tag to the <head> section in your page HTML like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://example.com/link-to-image.jpg" />
That will make sure the image is included in your share on Facebook (and OpenGraph is also used for Pinterest, for instance).
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Our Yoast SEO plugin has a Social section where you can set and – in the Premium version – even preview your Facebook and Twitter posts. Make sure to use a high-quality image, like the original image you used in the post, as the social platforms use higher quality/larger images more often than not. If you have set this up correctly, and it’s not showing the right image, try to flush Facebook’s cache in the URL Debugger. Twitter Cards do the same for Twitter and are also generated by our plugin.
This is one of my pet peeves: Images should never break the left reading line. I’m sure there are studies backing this up, but for me it’s personal. I just really don’t like it when text starts to the right of an image, only to jump to the left the next image down:
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Maintain the left reading line; don’t align images to the left
If you use an image at the same width as your text column, that’s fine and it will even help emphasize the image more.
I’ll be honest: this has absolutely nothing to do with image SEO Company, but I saw the chance to express my opinion and used it! I think it’s bad for user experience. So, just to please me: don’t do this. Thanks, I really appreciate it.
XML image sitemaps
If you are a web developer, you might wonder about XML image sitemaps. I’d prefer to describe this as images in XML sitemaps. Google is clear about this:
Additionally, you can use Google image extensions for sitemaps to give Google more information about the images available on your pages. Image sitemap information helps Google discover images that we might not otherwise find (such as images your site reaches with JavaScript code), and allows you to indicate images on your site that you want Google to crawl and index.
Every now and then, people ask us about XML image sitemaps. We don’t generate these in our plugin, but follow Google’s advice and include them in the page or post sitemaps. Just scroll down in our post sitemap and you’ll see we have added images to all our latest posts (there is a column just for that). Adding images to your XML sitemaps helps Google index your images, so be sure to do so for better image SEO Company.
Image SEO: summary
Image SEO Company is the sum of a number of elements. With Google getting better at recognizing elements in images every day, it makes sense to make sure the image and all its elements contribute to a good user experience as well as SEO Company. It would be foolish to try to kid Google.
Keep these things in mind when adding an image to an article:
Use a relevant image that matches your text
Pick a good file name for your image
Make sure image dimensions match the image size as displayed
Use srcset if possible
Reduce file size for faster loading
Add a caption, if appropriate, for easier scanning of the page
Use image alt text. No need for a title text
Add structured data to your images
Add OpenGraph and Twitter Card tags for the image
Don’t break the left reading line with an image – align images right or center
Use images in your XML sitemaps
Provide all the context you can!
Besides contributing to SEO Company and user experience, images can also play an important role in conversion. So don’t underestimate the importance of image SEO Company on your site!
Keep reading: WordPress SEO: The definitive guide to higher rankings for WordPress sites »
SEO Company by DBL07.co
source http://www.scpie.org/image-seo-optimizing-images-for-search-engines/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/08/image-seo-optimizing-images-for-search.html
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virginiaprelawland · 4 years
The Death Of Lori Klausutis
By Kayla Blevins, Liberty University, Class of 2020
June 3, 2020
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In 2001, U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough’s (R-FL) aide, Lori Kaye Klausutis, died inside his office in Fort Walton Beach from an undiagnosed heart condition. The media has not investigated this case, even though it is interesting, and most people have not heard very much about this incident.
Lori was a twenty-eight-year-old Floridian who attended St. Mary’s Catholic Church where she was a lead singer in the choir. She was athletic, too, because she ran an 8K race.She married Timothy Klausutis and was attending a local university to earn an MBA until she died unexpectedly.
She worked in Scarborough’s congressional office for two years, but late in the evening of July 19, she died alone in Scarborough’s office. Her body was found by Andreas and Juanita Bergmann, residents of Destin, Florida on July 20after 8 a.m. The couple had an appointment with Scarborough that day. According to the autopsy, Klausutis suffered a hairline fracture of the skull. Associate State Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Berkland released the autopsy that explained the fracture was consistent with a fall, but not an assault.(1) Additionally, there were unexplained scratches and bruises on her face. (2) However, police reported no evidence of violence or suicide.
Berkland believes the fall was likely due to an undiagnosed heart condition known as floppy mitral valve disease. Floppy mitral valve disease is a disease that divides the heart's chambers and creates abnormal heart rhythms. This is a condition that typically affects 2% of the population and rarely becomes serious.(3) It can be caused by health problems, such as some connective tissue diseases or a person may be born with the genetic risk of developing MVP. (4) It can be fatal because in extreme cases the heart can be brought to a complete stop or serious complications such as a stroke or heart attack. (5)Most news outlets only describe her diagnosis as “an undiagnosed heart condition” or “an abnormal heart rhythm.”
Allegedly, floppy mitral valve disease caused her to pass out and hit her head, which in turn caused bruising on both sides of her head. This is known as a “contracoup” bruise. Dr. Berkland explained that “This finding is in marked distinction” from an “injury which results from a moving object (example - a baseball bat) that strikes a stationary head.”(6) This conclusion is conflicting with someone striking Klausutis because if that were the case, her external and internal injuries would have been on the same side of her head. The direct cause of death was “an acute subdural hematoma, or a blood clot, that resulted from a closed head trauma sustained in a fall.”(7) Dr. Berkland believes that as she was passing out, she was near unconsciousness because she did not try to protect her head as she fell.(8)
According to official reports, on July 18, the day before her death, two unnamed witnesses claimed they spoke with Klausutis, claiming that she said she felt “anxious” and not “quite right.”(9)
The St. Petersburg Times interviewed Lori’s relatives who said she did take prescription medicine for acne. Also, she was involved in a car accident as a teenager, which resulted in a severe head injury that left her in a coma. The injury caused her to experience short-term memory loss, but her family does not believe these medical issues played a role in her death.
Conspiracy Theories
There are several reasons why some believe her death was suspicious. One reason is Berkland’s sordid work history. In 1996, Berkland lost his job in Missouri overa dispute with his supervisor and falsifying autopsy reports.(10) He subsequently lost his license and his job. In 1997, he worked in Pensacola, Florida where he was fired for “not completing autopsy reports.” (11)In 2012, he was arrested for “improper storage of hazardous waste, keeping a public nuisance and driving with a suspended license.” (12) Berkland was accused of keeping “preserved human remains in a rented storage unit in Florida.” (13)The affidavit for the case said that Berkland preserved tissue samples and dissected organs. (14) Berkland kept whole organs, including hearts, brains, a liver, and a lung. (15) Berkland came into possession of the organs because he would do private autopsies at funeral homes between 1997 and 2007. (16)
Other issues are that Berkland and his supervisor, Dr. Gary Cumberland, were both large financial donors to Scarborough’s Congressional campaigns. (17) Also, an official report said the office was locked and the lights were on. (18) However, a second report said the opposite - the door was locked, and the lights were off. (19)A third report said the door was unlocked and the lights were on. (20)
More reasons for doubt are that Scarborough’s spokesman, Miguel Serrano, spoke to several news stations, including the nwfdailynews.com on the day after her death. In this interview, Serrano explained that Klausutis’ death was the result of “health problems in the past,” even though the medical examiner had not published the autopsy results. (21)
Joe Scarborough had an ill-advised interview with Don Imus in 2003. In that interview, Scarborough joked about the death of Klausutis. Imus said to Scarborough, “You said you had sex with an intern and then you had to kill her.”(22) Joe laughed and replied, “Exactly.What are you gonna do?” (23)
Actus reus in Homicide
Should the state of Florida reopen the case to reexamine the evidence to see if they can find evidence of murder, the prosecutor must prove that all elements were met. Elements of murder are the specific requirements listed in statutes or common law that define what that state calls murder. (24)The Latin term actus reus means a wrongful or guilty act, and the law has required that murder must be manifested by some act, such as pulling the trigger of a gun or punching someone with a fist. (25). The underlying principle is simply the act that caused the death of someone. (26) Just because a person had a cruel thought against someone,is not enough to prove that person’s guilt;but when someone acts on their thoughts, there will be evidence of that physical act.A judge said, “the thought of man is not triable, for the devil himself knows not the thought of man.” (27) Because actions have consequences, the prosecutor can use them as evidence in a courtroom.
Second, the surrounding circumstances must prove the act was illegal and criminal. For example,shooting guns is not criminal - otherwise lawful things like hunting or going to a shooting range would be illegal.However, if the gun is aimed at someone, then there is only one conclusion to that act – the intent is to kill. Therefore, actus reus is determined not just by the physical act but by the circumstances and the resulting harm. (28)
Mens rea in Homicide
Mens reais a different Latin term that means a wrongful state of mind or the intent to commit a crime. (29) Whereas actus reus looks at the act itself, mens rea looks at the mindset. (30) There is a difference between an accident where someone dies and a deliberate act that caused death, as Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. said, “Even a dog distinguishes between being stumbled over and being kicked.” (31) To learn about the defendant’s mental state the prosecutor looks at the circumstances that took place prior to and following the crime. In the case of State v. Miller718 So. 2d 960 (La. 1998), the defendant was accused of child molestation. During the trial, his niece (who was eleven years old at the time) said he molested her in her bedroom and only stopped when her mother came home. The man’s other niece said he propositioned her when she was eight years old. The judge allowed the secondgirls’ statement because it demonstrated the man’s “lustful disposition towards young victims.” (32) In other words, that statement proves that he has a penchant for children. That is mens rea – it is evidence that demonstrates the defendant’s intent, preparation, plan, or knowledge of the offense for which he was charged. (33)
Suppose that a prosecutor is seeking to charge someone with arson and the arson statute requires the prosecutor to have evidence that a fire started with the purpose of destroying an occupied structure of another or damaging any property, with the intent to collect insurance. (34) The actus reus element is that the fire started. (35) The mens rea element is that the act was done purposely. (36) Prosecutors must match these elements of the charge to the facts of the case so the burden of proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, can be met on each element. (37)
Therefore, if Lori’s case is reinvestigated, detectives will need to find evidence that satisfies the elements of homicide. To accomplish this, they will need to prove that someone not only did cause Lori harm but had reason to harm her. Investigators need to prove the wrongdoer’s actus reus and mens rea.
(1)  Staff Reports, “FROM THE ARCHIVES: Stories from 2001 related to Scarborough aide Klausutis’ death.” Nwfdailyneews.com. Sept. 1, 2001. May 30, 2020. https://www.nwfdailynews.com/news/20171208/from-archives-stories-from-2001-related-to-scarborough-aide-klausutis-death.
(2)  OAN Newsroom, “Q’s why Scarborough won’t sue President Trump for defamation.” One American News Network. May 29, 2020. May 30, 2020. https://www.oann.com/qs-why-scarborough-wont-sue-president-trump-for-defamation/.
(3)  Heart Valve Problems and Causes, “Problem: Mitral Valve Prolapse.” American Heart Association.May 8, 2020. May 30, 2020. https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-valve-problems-and-disease/heart-valve-problems-and-causes/problem-mitral-valve-prolapse.
(4)  Ibid.
(5)  Ibid.
(6)  Nwfdailynews.com, “Autopsy report on aide released.” Daily News. Sept. 1, 2001. May 30, 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20010908095124/http://www.nwfdailynews.com/archive/news/010901news3.html.
(7)  McBride, Jessica, “Lori Klausutis Cause of Death: How Did the Joe Scarborough Office Worker Die?” heavy.com. May 26, 2020. May 30, 2020. https://heavy.com/news/2019/08/lori-klausutis-cause-of-death/.
(8)  Ibid.
(9)  Nwfdailynews.com, “Autopsy report on aide released.” Daily News. Sept. 1, 2001. May 30, 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20010908095124/http://www.nwfdailynews.com/archive/news/010901news3.html.
(10)                   McBride, Jessica, “Lori Klausutis Cause of Death: How Did the Joe Scarborough Office Worker Die?” heavy.com. May 26, 2020. May 30, 2020. https://heavy.com/news/2019/08/lori-klausutis-cause-of-death/.
(11)                   Ibid.
(12)                   Ibid.
(13)                   Ibid.
(14)                   Crimesider Staff, “Dr. Michael Berkland, former medical examiner, arrested for storing human body parts in Fla. storage unit.” CBS News. Sept. 10, 2012. May 30, 2020. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dr-michael-berkland-former-medical-examiner-arrested-for-storing-human-body-parts-in-fla-storage-unit/.
(15)                   Ibid.
(16)                   Ibid.
(17)                   Cashll, Jack, “Controversy Around Scarborough Staffer Death Is Legit and Has KC Roots.” The Sentinel. Nov. 30, 2017. May 30, 2020. https://sentinelksmo.org/controversy-around-scarborough-staffer-death-legit-c-roots/.
(18)                   Ibid.
(19)                   Ibid.
(20)                   Ibid.
(21)                   Staff Reports, “FROM THE ARCHIVES: Stories from 2001 related to Scarborough aide Klausutis’ death.” Nwfdailyneews.com. Sept. 1, 2001. May 30, 2020. https://www.nwfdailynews.com/news/20171208/from-archives-stories-from-2001-related-to-scarborough-aide-klausutis-death.
(22)                   Fairbanks, Cassandra, “BREAKING: Video Surfaces of Joe Scarborough Joking About Having Affair with Intern and Having to Kill Her.” The Gateway Pundit. May 15, 2020. May 30, 2020. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/breaking-video-surfaces-joe-scarborough-joking-affair-intern-kill/.
(23)                   Ibid.
(24)                   McCord, James, (2012). “Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal: A Systems Approach,”p. 84.
(25)                   Ibid., p. 55.
(26)                   Ibid., p. 87.
(27)                   Ibid., p. 55.
(28)                   Ibid.
(29)                   Ibid., p. 58.
(30)                   Ibid.
(31)                   Oliver Wendell Homes, Jr., (1881). “The Common Law,” p. 3.
(32)                   State v. Miller 718 So. 2d 960 (La. 1998).
(33)                   McCord, James, (2012). “Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal: A Systems Approach,” p. 58.
(34)                   Ibid. p. 84.
(35)                   Ibid.
(36)                   Ibid.
(37)                   Ibid.
Photo Credit: Staff Reports, “FROM THE ARCHIVES: Stories from 2001 related to Scarborough aide Klausutis’ death.” Nwfdailyneews.com. Sept. 1, 2001. May 30, 2020. https://www.nwfdailynews.com/news/20171208/from-archives-stories-from-2001-related-to-scarborough-aide-klausutis-death.
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chiayulu · 4 years
Critical Analysis
KRISS, K. (2016) ‘Tactility and The Changing Close-Up.’ Animation Studies. [Online] 11. Available from: https://journal.animationstudies.org/karen-kriss-tactility-and-the-changing-close-up/ [Accessed 13th December 2019]
I have chosen an article by Karen Kriss for my critical analysis. Karen Kriss is an artist and animator and She works in the faculty of Art and Design, UNSW within the area of Media Arts and Design. I am absorbed in this article as it regards the narrative power and camera language in animation. That is what I exactly am concerned with in my practice. The article was published in Animation Studies in 2016. According to the author of the article, the usage and frequency of close-up have changed in recent years. This phenomenon could be observed apparently in CGI’s cinematic development. The following paragraphs give analyses of close-up from the past visual effects films(VFX) and CGI animation films.
The first section of this article introduces the emotive ability for close-up and the connections between close-up and audiences. The main function of close-up narrative techniques is to emphasize a specific object or facial expressions. The text describes what sort of distance is the affective status. It expresses the intensive emotions if the distance is out of the audience's expectation. The author comments that close-up provides the deeper secrets of the story from an alternative perspective, observation, and understanding. It allows the audience considering or suspecting different aspects of the character image and aim. Besides, the author mentions Marks proposes a certain term 'Haptic visuality' and Marks considers the eyes function is equal to a faculty of touch. It means awake sensations via scenarios. There is no actually and literally touch. In my perspective, I would define the touch to be a distance and emotions between audiences and characters.
The next sub-section discusses that close- up is influenced by CGI. The text describes the changs of close-up usages in the past twenty years. The author deconstructs the earlier VFX film called Jurassic Park: The Lost World (Spielberg,1997) and a CGI animation film called Toy Story (Lasseter,1995). There is a similar phenomenon in both films. Those early CGI films attempted to prevent from close-up or skip close-up. The author then comments on the limitations of combining ability between CGI and cinematic. However, Arnold Schwarzenegger (2015) created a revolution of the close-up in CGI. VFX films no longer avoid close-up. It paid the great price of successful close-up.
In the followed paragraphs, it presents three CGI animations including The Lego Movie, Big Hero 6 and The Lion King. In the beginning, the text explains what the author expects to see in terms of the explosion of emotion in The Lego Movie (2014) and how the author feels disappointed with as it involves few close-up shots. It is worth to say another close-up with slow camera movement. This shot is dark and the character facial expressions are unable to be seen by audiences and look blur. Although the aim of the vibrant lighting is to make audiences pay attention to the dynamic background and brightening light and ignore other terrible aspects of composition and constructive elements, the poor quality of textures and details still can be found. Hence, CGI films are requested to provide high quality and more detail works as they cannot hide any defects under close-up.
This article shortly compares the two versions of The Lion King. One of the versions is CGI film and another is 2D animation. The newest CGI film does not follow the old storyboard. It is obvious that 2D animation used a sequence of close-ups in terms of facial expressions to express despair and other abundant emotions.
In this section, take Big Hero 6(2014)as example, the author analyses the method of how to increase close-up and concludes the shots in Big Hero 6 much more like a movie. The text explains that the 3D models decrease the complexity and depth of textures rather than delete textures. In addition, it simplifies the character design and makes joints as smooth as possible. Based on the residual memory of tactility, the similar and related textures will be wake up and connected to what audiences see. through this approach it less the impacts of Haptic visuality. Thus, the character loses a lot of identifications and details but it does not come to be a poor quality product.
The aim of this article is to reveal close-up CGI is expensive and demonstrate a vital challenge for depicting the 3D model's quality in details. The valid argument convinces and makes readers taking consideration to reexamine the current approach of application in close-up by strong supporting factors.
It is also worth to be noticed the value of this text, not only it figures out the directing trend in CGI and defines the close-up emotional narration, but also it contains the forms of the art performance within the lower film quality.  For the most part, I basically approve of what the author said regarding the drawbacks which expose in close-up in CGI cinematic. Especially, It contributes to explore cheaper art style while it considers the costs. However, the term of Haptic visuality and tactility have unclear enough definitions in the text. It is hard to get involved in the abstract descriptions. Besides, the usages of close-up depend on individual cases. A part of storytellings does not suitable to apply a huge amount of close-up. It is the fact that previous examples actually indicate declining close-up in the CGI storyboard. Despite this text is not totally perfect, I believe this read is a very helpful guide to my practice in selecting the length of the camera to reveal the scene atmosphere and using an appropriate distance for expressing affective and implicit assumptions.
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jjavevents-blog · 5 years
Q&A with EP Melissa Darpino
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Melissa Darpino has been in the event planning business for twenty-two years. She had attended Temple University and graduated with a degree in public relations. After college, Melissa had moved to California to pursue a career in the event planning field. Since moving to California, she has been involved in the event planning business since 1997. She became the Director of Marketing at Vintage Grocers, a gourmet market in Malibu, California in December 2017. Before that she was the Director of Marketing for Tableseide Restaurant Group and the Senior Director of Catering at Patina Restaurant Group.  
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Interested in learning more about the business, I had contacted Melissa to talk to her about it. Melissa gave a lot of insight about what inspired her to be in the event planning field and the different jobs that she has had since moving from New Jersey to California.
Jordan Legg: Do you have a specific demographic or niche that you cater/plan events for?
Melissa Darpino: Yes, at Vintage, our guests are primarily healthy and affluent. They look to us to know the hottest trends in west-coast style health foods. Lots of vegan items, raw, super healthy stuff. We do an amazing ancient grain bowl station, and everyone loves our fresh pressed juices. At Patina, we were a powerhouse. People called when they absolutely wanted and needed the best.
JL: Do you work in a solo or team environment?
MD: Both - the planning (for me) is a one women operation now. At Patina, I had a team of around eight. But, unless you literally are the planner and the chef rolled into one, it will always ultimately be a team sport.
JL: What are your daily responsibilities?
MD: I am responsible for communicating the goings-on in our stores, with the communities we serve. This includes things such as creating an annual marketing plan/budget, creating a calendar (includes sales, promotions, product demonstrations and events), scheduling of social media, upkeep of website, creation and production of monthly events and to be the Brand Ambassador or “Face” of the company. 
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JL: How far in advance do you start planning an event?
MD: At Vintage, I have an annual calendar, so we ideate seasonal and monthly events as far in advance as possible. The artwork is created around six weeks in advance, and active production is about a month in advance. But honestly, I could put together an event in a few hours. However, at Patina, the Emmys and larger events confirmed and started planning around nine months in advance. 
JL: Do you have relationships with specific vendors?
MD: Oh yes! You must surround yourself with the best people you can afford - as they are usually worth their weight in gold. Here in LA we have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to vendors, and we can make custom items under the sun. Client’s know that anything is possible, and expect a lot from planners. 
JL: What types of events have you done in the past and how were they successful?
MD: I have produced events from the perspective of both the caterer and the full event planner. During my career at my last two jobs, my primary focus was on large, complex and VIP events. At last count I’ve produced almost 3,000 events, and I remember every single one! I’ve done the Emmys and Grammy Awards from 2001-2015, Art & Film Annual Gala at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, film premiers (to many to count), San Fransisco Black & White Ball and many celebrity weddings and birthdays, that I can’t talk about because in LA we must sign Non Disclosure Agreements. In order for an event to be successful, the planner (and each vendor) must determine what is ultimately best for the guests at the event. I have to think about not only what is delicious, but what is in season, in the budget and here in LA we must plan for dietary restrictions and food preferences so LOTS of gluten-free and vegan items. 
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JL: What do you do if a problem occurs at an event? MD: First, you must mange the expectation of your client. I have seen everything, from trucks getting lost, to dogs jumping onto weddings cakes! They are rough when they happen, but if you really put the work into the planning process, you can handle a few blips when they occur. One piece of advice, is to always work ONE HOUR in advance of your timeline. For instance, when guests are eating dinner, I am thinking about valet being ready for car pick up. 
JL: What kind of social media does your company use?
MD: We have a very robust social program, our Instagram is a combination of food and lifestyle images, all color coded to work with the ad that we’ve created that month. We use IG stories for recipe creations and in-store events. We use Facebook to support what is on Instagram and to communicate about our upcoming events. Lastly, we have a small presence on Twitter, but it is not the most active platform.
JL: If you were not an event planner or in this field of work, what would be your dream job?
MD: I would love to be a writer for food publications, so now that I am currently working in a food media company hopefully that dream will come true soon! 
- Jordan Legg 
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