#Macchu Pichu
shiguresouma · 10 months
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (Película, 2023): hecho en casa
No seré yo quien defienda los los live action de transformers dirigidos por Michael Bay. Pero si debo admitir, cualquier fan de la franquicia lo haría, que son películas que cumplen largamente con su objetuvo de promocionar juguetes y llenarte el ojo con efectos especiales. No por nada dos de ellas están entre las 50 películas más taquilleras de la historia. Y es que como cualquier fan sabe, las…
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Really appreciating the vibe of Clark Ashton Smith's The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis and The Dweller in the Gulf.
"I have seen the hoary, sky-confronting walls of Macchu Pichu amid the desolate Andes, and the teocallis that are buried in the Mexican jungles. And I have seen the frozen, giant-builded battlements of Uogam on the glacial tundras of the nightward hemisphere of Venus. But these were as things of yesteryear, bearing at least the memory or the intimation of life, compared with the awesome and lethiferous antiquity, the cycle-enduring doom of a petrified sterility, that seemed to invest Yoh-Vombis." - Clark Ashton Smith, The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis.
"More and more, through its uniform breadth, inclination and smoothness, and the demi-arch of cliff above, the shelf impressed the earthmen as being an artificial road. But who could have made and used it? In what forgotten ages and for what enigmatic purpose had it been designed? The imagination of the terrestrials failed before the stupendous gulfs of Martian antiquity that yawned in such tenebrous queries." - Clark Ashton Smith, The Dweller in the Gulf.
Smith's depiction of Mars (and, in a single line, Venus) is rendered hopelessly outdated by modern knowledge, of course, but if you treat it as an alternate history setting, it works pretty well! He did a great job giving the vibe of a dying world with strange and spooky stuff in its out of the way corners and a very long history of civilization (the ruins of Yoh-Vombis are said to be 40,000 years old and there's enough continuity between that time and the modern Martian society that the modern Martians have a historical memory of Yoh-Vombis's builders and its destruction).
Somebody on Sufficient Velocity drew attention to the parallels between The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis and Alien and, yeah, I can see it, enough that it makes me wonder if the former might have been part of the inspiration for the latter. Really appreciating how nasty the parasites in The Vault of Yoh-Vombis are:
They're basically similar in concept to the alien parasites you see in stories like The Puppet Masters, The Hidden, etc., but they've got an extra-nasty touch: after they take control of a host, they eat the top of the host's head, including the brain, and then puppet the mutilated body. If you don't free them from the parasite almost immediately after infection it's impossible to save a person possessed by one; there's no person left to save. It's the ultimate dehumanizing exploitation: the parasite has no use for your personhood, it just wants your body, so it immediately destroys your personhood.
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earlyh0minid · 10 days
Hey peru travel advice if u got any?
please have fun there in the greatest country of south america a very beloved nation 😭💕💕💕💕💕💕
try the anticuchos they're amazing. try the lucuma ice cream from the street vendors!!!!! try a pisco sour, try choclo with queso fresco, try lomo saltado, chicha morada, emoliente, ceviche, picarones, papa la huancaiya, tacu tacu, chachangas, etc etc just eat lots of everything nothing is bad. go to a fruit market and try cherimoya. there's also a lot of chinese and japanese and italian food there that has been peruvianified, it's great. the food in peru is fucking amazing, try everything.
when i went i had the massive advantage of staying with and being shown around by my mother's friend who was born and raised in lima, and i was just a teenager so she basically planned everything and i just did whatever she told me to do haha. so im not gonna lie i never really had to do research or worry and idk exactly like .. i can't give the most amazing tips. she took us mainly to educational places like museums, historical sites, churches, at one point she took us to a dairy farm outside lima where they made queso fresco. we also visited a trout farm. like any place you'd expect a class of eighth graders to take a field trip, that's where we went haha. it rocked.
i can say definitely visit the smaller museums and smaller archeological sites. there is a national museum in lima that documents the civil war of the early 90s that i highly recommend. idk if you'll be in lima or huancayo or nazca or macchu pichu or what but wherever you are there are incredible archeological sites to visit nearby. it's not just macchu pichu.
i can also say, we took buses to travel everywhere, including long distances to other cities. we went to small local bus depots and i was usually the only person on them that wasn't from peru. i found that traveling this way was very cheap, and i saw extraordinary scenery, and there were sometimes good food vendors on the bus, or on very long distance drives, the driver would sometimes stop at a good restaurant that was very cheap. i loved it. one time going back from huancayo to lima, the bus did break down a bunch of times delaying our trip by several hours, but even that was one to the most extraordinary experiences of my life. driving through those mountains and forests, down into the vast desert and towards the coast, during the most beautiful sunrise ive ever seen in my life, made the inconvenience and discomfort more than worth it. these long distance buses are usually pretty nice, too, they're very similar to an american greyhound. so i would really recommend that especially if you know someone there or are balling on a budget.
on the practical side of things, do not drink or brush your teeth with unboiled tap water. you'll get sick. my friend didn't drink any but brushed her teeth with it, and she got sick as a dog and couldn't come to nazca with us.
also, peru has very strict wildlife exportation laws, so be cautious about bringing home any souvenirs made out of wild animals or wild animal products, bc they will probably be confiscated from you when you get back home. alpacas are domesticated so you're good there.
also i think you should buy a huge bottle of vanilla from a local market bc the vanilla there is delicious
it's been my observation that peruvian culture is very kind and polite. ppl don't make a lot of eye contact but everyone is really cool. idk if you're fluent in spanish or anything but don't be nervous about trying to speak it if you're not that good, and try to be very kind to ppl, bc there's a really generous and welcoming spirit, ppl will be kind to you.
if you need a doctor, just go, bc it's super cheap, like twenty bucks for an appointment.
don't worry about the elevation. just drink a lot of water and bring some excedrin. don't be a weenie it's a once in a lifetime experience!
i love peru so much it's very close to my heart. im so glad you're going, please tell me how things go!!!!!!!
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soloorganaas · 8 months
Travel ask #11 and #21 💜
Let me live through your words.
ahh blèine! you sweet thing
11. What place is the highest on your bucket list that you HAVE been to?
I am incredibly incredibly lucky that I live within a few hours drive of my favourite US national park which has been high up my bucket list before I even new the place’s name. although by luck I mean very specific choices and sacrifices. but I’ve been there ~30 times in the last two years and I’m very grateful for that
21. How many "Wonders of the World" have seen/visited?
I’ve been to Petra, the Colloseum, Chichén Itzá and Macchu Pichu. the last two were mostly ruined by (american) tourists and the Colloseum I found v stressful. Petra was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I was on a week-long trip round Jordan as part of an Arabic course and we got dragged round the entire park (and there’s a lot) in the July Jordanian sun. it was no joke. but the remains were absolutely otherworldly and it was more awe-inspiring than the pictures could possibly capture. then instead of trekking all the way back i rode for an hour with a Bedouin chap who gave me a lift on his donkey and told me some brilliant stories. very much your standard 20-something European studying Arabic in the Middle East kinda trip
travel game
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
you alluded to “truth and facts” in a post, can you elaborate? A couple of people have mentioned similar things to me but I have yet to get a response that explains it to me fully. I think im on board but I don’t understand well yet.
Truth is what you know, facts are what you can prove they don't require any faith.
That's the short version.
I was doing bible stuff when I brought it up I think, but even if not it's a good place to go from.
Tower of Babel, story of how languages came to be and people came to be scattered over the earth, Noah's ark and the birth of the Rainbow as a symbol of God's promise to never flood the entire earth again.
Those are taken as the truth by biblical literalists and at one point were also accepted as fact by people as well, but as we learn more the "facts" of what the cause of things is can change.
People knew for a fact that the earth was flat and the center of the universe at one point, which obviously changed.
As a Christian I take it as the truth that I am saved by grace and will eventually join my heavenly father and all my loved ones in paradise.
Can't prove it so it remains the truth, to me, since different people can have different truths and their truth may not be truth to me and vice versa.
There's perspective involved in truth.
The truth is that my cat Salem is the sweetest ball of fluff to ever grace this earth, I also take that as a fact but will accept that others may disagree, even though they're wrong.
When you go on the witness stand in a trial they ask you to tell the truth, ect. they don't ask you to tell the facts, which they could be the same thing or not, the truth may be that I saw X person assaulting Y victim, and I can be totally convinced that that is what I saw, making it true to me.
Even if that person was at Macchu Pichu communing with the llamas and alpacas.
So again, what you know vs what you can prove.
Which a lot of the time are the same thing, but not always because perspective and all that good stuff plays into it.
I hope this makes sense.
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cruisesitaly · 7 months
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I'm surev this IS the highest I've ever been on Earth (and it feels it!) [ Macchu Pichu:
The path up was steep and narrow, and easy to lose balance, and feel a little dizzy...Above a layer (?) of clouds!
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tollingbells77 · 9 months
So em and my wife have been watching J Decker, the 90's mecha anime that my wife has been calling Transformers For She, and this show is going to Kill me.
Tonight, we started with the most "And The Protags Are Also Here" shit with a fuckin gay rivalry between a detective and a phantom thief resolving after 20 years, then the next episode was a mind control statue from Fake Macchu Pichu that made the crane one confront his humanity and superiorty complex and No Shit ends with him getting SMOOCHED by the cute military lady and thenh the next episode pregiew happens and ITS A GIANT PANDA. THE. THE ENEMY IS A GIANT PANDA. ITS JUST A GIANT PANDA.
it's giving me *whiplash*
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ivanreycristo · 11 months
TRANSFORMERS : EL DESPERTAR DE LAS BESTIAS se ha rodado en la selva de Tarapoto con sus imponentes cascadas, desafían las carreteras del Valle Sagrado y corren por las angostas calles de Cuzco e incluso bailan en plaza de Armas que se llena de color gracias a la celebración del Inti Raymi o festival del sol...DONDE CRISTO estuvo en 2023 y donde tiene q volver xq x LOS CORTES DE CARRETERA x las PROTESTAS fue imposible ir a MACCHU PICHU.
X cierto..Este coche a la entrada del CARREFOUR [=ENCRUCIJADA] DE MAR DE CRISTAL [=citado en APOCALIPSIS 15.2]..es un CAMAROn [=autor del cd LA LEYENDA DEL TIEMPO en el que no quiso participar MALOGRADO en MEXICO Paco de LUCIA en cuya casa reconvertida en HOTEL estuve x NAVIDAD de 2019..aunque si colaboro el grupo VENENO=KIKO VENENO cuyo hijo es ADAN LOPEZ y es autor de cd ECHATE UN CANTECITO q incluye LOBO LOPEZ y EN UN MERCEDES BLANCO q me recuerda a MERCHE q la dedique mi desnudo frente a un espejo en la habitación COSITAS BUENAS apuntándome con el SECADOR DE PELO la cabeza=SEX PISTOLS..cd COSITAS BUENAS con el q ganó en los PREMIOS DE LA MUSICA ESPAÑOLA de 2005 mientras q en categoría femenina fue BEBE con cd PA'FUERA TELARAÑAS publicando a continuación "Y." en cuya portada una mujer se funde con una SERPIENTE y da SOMBRA..para luego publicar cd CAMBIO DE PIEL muriendo su amiga y representante PURIFICACION MORA]
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martonpederneiras · 1 year
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Um sonho de 10 anos do tamanho da América já começou! Já estamos na estrada para percorrer toda a América em 2 rodas. Deixamos o Brasil rumo ao extremo sul: o Ushuaia e depois seguiremos até a última fronteira ao norte: o Alaska. Serão 80.000 kms em 10 meses na novíssima Harley-Davidson Pan América 1250cc Special. E a gente sempre dá um jeito de inventar mais! No caminho cruzaremos a Cordilheira dos Andes várias vezes. Percorreremos por completo as icônicas Ruta 40 na Argentina e Route 66 nos Estados Unidos. Enfrentaremos a inóspita Carreteira Austral, o Salar do Uyuni e a Cordillera Blanca e Negra no Peru. Nos emocionaremos em maravilhas do mundo como Macchu Pichu e Citzén Itza. Saborearemos gostos diferentes, nos abrigaremos do frio intenso e nadaremos em rios em dias de calor. Mas, mais que tudo, viveremos as pessoas que encontrarmos pelo caminho e aprenderemos muito por onde passarmos. E temos certeza que não estaremos sozinhos! Muitos amigos estarão acompanhando a gente nas redes sociais, mandando golinhos de gasolina para dar um empurrãozinho para vencermos essa estrada longa! Vem com a gente!!! … e encaminhe para os amigos que gostariam de acompanhar essa viagem também! Nos vejo na estrada! 👊✊✊✊ Golinhos de Gasolina: 11 99512-1382 (PIX para Bruna) #viagemdemoto #ushuaiaalasca #vidanomade #hdpanamerica #harleydavidson #destinoincerto (at Ushuaia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnyFuBFu7h-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I've been drinking for the sake of inspiration to create, yet I haven't created anything of value lately. I must be dealing with a massive backlog.
I can experience a mild stirring of the spirit, followed by a brief shivering; but the distance to the cock is shorter than to the pen. A consequence of existing on the crest of inspiration is that it subsides quickly. Just like in a lucid dream, at the moment when you become self-aware and are ready to violate the woman closest to you, you awake back into reality.
For all of these reasons, cultivating inspiration is tricky. Although alcohol is a dependable tool, it seems to require a gentle guidance into a creative inclination, seeing as how shotgunning a beer on the way home from work hasn't resulted in any deeper insights. Yet there seems to exist an evident correlation between drinking and the subsequent awakening into the realm of inspiration.
Having spent considerable time there and gotten somewhat familiar with its various orifices, I can also begin to look back at those first few occasions when I first started to get acquainted with inspiration. The landscape behind me seems to rise and fall like a series of erections, some attended to and some sorely ignored.
If I peeked into this realm earlier, it must have been as far in the past and as disjointed as the earliest memories of Thailand. The earliest continuous presence here belongs in the late days of university, while I was still maturing into adulthood and experiencing an excess of creative flow from the barely accepted thesis. I started a blog just like this one in order to have somewhere to place all by overly ambitious, somewhat elaborate, off-topic thoughts. The blog kept being added to in mainly the following year, featuring everything from brief, hateful diatribes to longer intellectual analyses. Yet something eventually caused the blog to be successively abandoned; most likely my first ever full-time employment which consumed the bulk of my creativity. Nevertheless, the knowledge of the tome of inspiration remained never-too-deeply beneath the surface, always well-remembered by disinterested brain cells, almost like the creativity-drained Quechua locals around the ruins of Macchu Pichu.
A particularly tasteless woman, who unfairly occupied my interest for roundabout a year's time, managed to drag the ruins of creativity's antiquity to the surface by her own brief foray into expressive exploration. The last time I checked, she hadn't updated her own blog in almost five years, in spite of professing a genuine interest in the art. In consideration of her temporary enthusiasm, I unearthed my collection of hateful knowledge in order to somehow draw usefulness from the past intellectual labors. The revival amounted to nothing more than ruins. I carefully salvaged a few defendable passages and bestowed upon them a place in a new blog.
It amounted to barely anything at all creatively. However, the recognition was made, and every time I returned to the realm of inspiration, I did so with a familiarity that begat both pressure and pride.
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shiguresouma · 10 months
¡Isabela Merced será la nueva Hawk Girl! ¡Primicia chocherita!
Aquí en Perú hemos estado de plácemes con el hecho de que la película de “Transformers: The Rise of the Beast”, séptima entrega de la franquicia, se haya filmado y desarrollado en el Perú, más específicamente en Cusco y su reliquia arqueológica y patrimonio de la humanidad, la ciudadela de Macchu Pichu. Y ahora volvemos a sonreír de oreja a oreja al enterarnos que Isabela Merced (antes conocida…
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"I have seen the hoary, sky-confronting walls of Macchu Pichu amid the desolate Andes, and the teocallis that are buried in the Mexican jungles. And I have seen the frozen, giant-builded battlements of Uogam on the glacial tundras of the nightward hemisphere of Venus. But these were as things of yesteryear, bearing at least the memory or the intimation of life, compared with the awesome and lethiferous antiquity, the cycle-enduring doom of a petrified sterility, that seemed to invest Yoh-Vombis." - Clark Ashton Smith, The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis.
Very evocative, and I want to give some parts of my own sci fi a similar vibe, but the effect is somewhat spoiled if you know that Machu Picchu isn't actually all that old; it was built in the fifteenth century, it's late Medieval!
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loulicate-recs · 1 year
Hello Hanis, today december 8th and I hope you got to enjoy yourself. My computer decided to stop working so it's been stressful for me, so I hope your day went better than mine! I'm sending you lots of love and kisses anyways :)
You're right when you say England's countryside looks nice! From the few pictures, I've seen it looks very green and lovely overall. It must be a a lot less suffocating than big cities, too, so I very much do understand the appeal. And to answer you're question, I'd very much like to climb up the Macchu Pichu in peru one day, but I'm so out of shape that I'm not sure it will ever be possible—that and I don't even like physical effort to begin with, I just think the view would be beyond this world. I also would like to live abroad, at some point. Somewhere in Europe, not too far from my family and friends. And not necessarily forever either but I've been craving it lately. Not really sure it will be possible though.
I feel like I should have guessed you're an english major with the way you write so beautifully! Must be really tough, so I hope you're enjoying it!
And damn! I feel like we're very much alike. I don’t hate going out but if we do I want it to be planned ahead so I can prepare for it!! And if I go out one day, I want to be able to stay home the following one. I do prefer small gatherings than big crowds, though, it just is easier to me to blend it this way and to have a nice conversation. I like chatting more than partying hdjsksks
I had read your fairy!louis fic before but I spent the morning rereading it because I wanted to remember what exactly you were talking about and mwah it was so damn cute!! Louis was adorable. And babee was really cute! I love them even more now that i know how they came to be. And the sceneries you desrcube are always so special so I can't imagine how beautiful it must look irl! l also reread the fic you wrote about louis initially surrogating before yurning into a full blown mummy and I wanted to kill myself because of how soft everything was. So yeah, I really like your writing so yhank you for filling me in on how it all comes to you!!
The girl you mentionned is an asshole, what even was her problem?? She sounds incredibly pretentious but at the end of the day I'm not that surprised, people love looking down to other people for some reason (that is beyond me and I'll never understand it). I'm really sorry she hurt you and that you don't feel comfy sharing that part of yourself anymore.
Btw, you mentioned being a theatre kid, do you mean you've taken drama classes? Do you like musicals?? I'm sorry I'm so curious!
I also must mention that your taste is immaculate. I would say we're quite similar in that aspect too but I'm once again not so surprised cause I enjoy your fics a lot so it must say something. I'm particularly fond of fairy louis and mummy louis for instance and I can tell how much you love them!! And that specific trope you mentioned is perfect, because after all, Lou, baby amongst babies, goddess amongst goddess, can do no wrong, right jdjjdjddk. What are you reading atm?? Any recs to share? Also!! Do you listen to music when you read?? I find it fascinating that people manage to have music on while reading so I never fail to ask when someone tells me they love to read djdndn
I'm so sad he snipped his hair, it looked so fluffy and made him look like a baby kitten!!! He still looks gorgeous though, and I can tell he's so happy to do the signings and to meet the fans!!! Wanna put him on my pocket and keep him safe because I'm sure he's not taking care of his arm himself, always putting others first. His kindness is beyond this world and I'm living for the small interactions he has with louies. He was so omegaesque with the heater close to his feet, poor bubba gets cold easily!! Safe to say I'd wrap him in a blanket and give him flowers!!! Speaking of which, do you have a favourite flower/plant? I love plants but I can't seem to keep them alive fjdjsj
I think that's all for today!! Love you so much, and take care bubba <3 You seem like a delight and I'm grateful I'm getting to know you more <3 and sorry for the typos!!!
hello hello my beloved santa 🫶 i’m sorry that happened to your computer and you, how is its condition now? if it’s still not working, have you tried plugging in your charger for awhile? usually it’s the problem with the battery :o or did it stop working for a different reason? either way i hope the problem won’t last too long, i know how difficult it is to go on with our daily life without a computer, especially when you’re a student :( and thank you for the love and kisses 🥺 sending mine back (doubled) to hopefully ease your struggle!
this is the first time i heard of machu picchu, i googled it and gosh! it truly got such a scenic view 😭🫶 i hope you’ll get there one day, you will you will no matter what it takes! imagine the feeling of being so high up there… oh how about your high tolerance by the way? do you enjoy being on top of a high place? also, since we both have the same desire to move to europe, i’m gonna start a manifesting circle for the both us 🕯️ do you have any particular reason why europe? as for me, maybe it’s due to the pressure from the society i’m being surrounded with ever since i was a child, but i’d feel like if i just got there, england or at least other countries in europe, i’d be left to my own devices and that’d make me so satisfied.
thank you thank you ❤️ am an english major! english is a really fun thing to do, it leads you to so many opportunities and the fun in it makes it less harder than it seems! although, as i’m particularly majoring in teaching english as a second language, the teaching part makes things a little bit difficult actually. and to think that i’ll be teaching the primary kids after degree when tackling children is certainly not my forte as for now… idk hope i’ll survive!
oh so you like to have conversations :o that’s cool actually, as for me i prefer to settle with silly little jokes and empty comments when i *have* to be around people. honestly i’ve never really confided in in real life people, but i enjoy it when they tell me everything about them! and that’s when those silly little jokes and empty comments from me get in within people’s stories. seems like we’re compatible with each other, if you were up to chat and talk about everything i’d be happily listening to all that you have to say!
YOU reread the fics omg 😭💓 this just made me do a happy little dance thank you thank you for taking your time to read them for the second time 🥹 the pregnant louis fic is one of my favs, i was in my comfiest phase while writing that so it was a great writing for me, that fic. and i can never thank everyone who’s read it enough including YOU my precious, love you <3
sdfgh she’s always been so ‘blunt’ with everyone, everyone in the class are used to it and me too, like i’ve learned not to be offended with what she says after being her classmate for 3-4 years, there are a lot of things that i do not take it to the heart but it’s just that one particular thing about fanfic that got me so 😔❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹 on the brighter side i now know not to over share with just anyone so i won’t end up feeling upset and silly <3
this answer is getting so long im sorry you have to read this 😭 but now you’ve asked about theatre, it’s actually my fav thing to talk about! yes i’ve taken a few drama courses throughout the semesters, did 3 proper drama adaptations and staged all 3 of them! there are some that i did for tutorials during the drama courses too! most recent drama that i joined was a competition in may, it was a one act drama and it’s my most fav cus i was the main character 🥺🫶 the title of the drama was named after the character that i played and we got the third place <3 it was a memorable experience sdfhh i’d show you the pictures if i could tho 😔 i LOVEEEEE musical theatres it’s so fun to watch but i’ve never done it (NOT YET), would love to one day if i have the chance <3
omg again we’re really compatible w each other! i wonder if you’re a writer too 👀 you’re sooooo right louis is perfect could never do wrong 🫶 i’m currently reading the fics in the blff 2022 thread! theres sooo many good fics 🥹 theres so soo many that i want to recommend honestly, currently i’m still recovering from this fic that I’ve just finished. like i said this one makes me justify everything that louis does so in this fic it’s exactly what i do! i literally cried to this fic i wanna defend her honour with all i have! and to answe your question i don’t, CAN’T listen to music while reading! it amazes me to see people do that, i get jealous sometimes when they can vibe to their reading with the music background acting as the catalyst to the reading mood especially when the genre of the music fits the genre of the book??? but i could never… there’s a scientific name for this kind of personality but i can’t remember what it’s called, i can only focus on one task that i’m doing 😭 when i really want to listen to music i will lay down on bed and do nothing! if i listen while doing my chores… either i’ll burn the clothes that i’m ironing or can’t comprehend what song i’m listening to, choose your fighter! so same goes with reading,call me picky but when i read i really need everything to be silent and dark? i can’t even read in peace if there’s sunlight scorching through the curtains god i sound so complicated but it is what it is 😭 what about you? what kind of reader are you :o
“omegaesque” your brain is too pretty for this word! it captures louis as a whole (an hole) i’m not really big on plants/ flowers but i can say that i’m fond of plumeria because of its delicate and small physical! a plumeria looks like what i imagined a perfect flower would look like if i was a kid <3 and YOUR favs? pleasesdfghj have you ever considered just adopting the cacti since they’re the easiest to care for?
this is such a long answer god i’m really really sorry i usually tend to get lost in the way when i write my thoughts… truly contradicts to what i’d speak 😭 btw i hope that your computer is all good now and if it doesn’t please let me know about it! i’ll try to help you as much as i can to solve the problem, sometimes my dad knows how to work with computers so maybe i can ask him!
i want to ask you something but since this is already so long i’ll do it in my next answer! mwah ❤️ thank you for taking your time to talk to me <3
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nedsecondline · 1 year
Abenteuerliche Busreise nach Macchu Pichu — Senioren um die Welt
Abenteuerliche Busreise nach Macchu Pichu — Senioren um die Welt
Machu Picchu, die sagenumwobene “Stadt in den Wolken” selbst zu sehen, war ein Traum von mir, seitdem ich als junges Mädchen einen Dokumentarfilm über die rätselhafe Inka-Stätte gesehen hatte. Die Reisemöglichkeiten waren für mich damals sehr beschränkt, da ich wenig Geld hatte. Vor vielen Jahren konnte ich mir jedoch diesen Traum erfüllen, auch wenn die […] Abenteuerliche Busreise nach Macchu…
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gaelic-symphony · 1 year
Top 5 places you have visited/want to visit
I haven't traveled nearly as much as I'd like to, but my top five places I've visited are:
Rosh HaNikra in Israel
Prince Edward Island in Canada
Acadia National Park in Maine
The Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg
The Morgan Library in New York
And the top five places I would like to visit are:
Galway, Ireland (where my dad's family is from)
The Costa Brava in Spain
The Louvre in Paris
Macchu Pichu in Peru
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voyageenterreinca · 2 years
Jour 19 et 20 : Persévérance
Pour faire simple le site officiel du Macchu Pichu fonctionne très mal et de nombreuses personnes sont dans notre cas. Nous nous sommes rendu compte 2 jours avant d’aller au site le plus connu du Pérou que nos billets d’entrée achetés le 22 septembre avaient été annulés sans réelle raison. Après avoir cherché à contacter les différents organismes gouvernementaux qui s’occupent des entrées au Macchu Pichu (qui se rejettent tous la faute) nous avons dû nous résigner et trouver une autre solution pour aller au Macchu Pichu.
Donc on change nos plans pour les 2 prochains jours après avoir tout annulés, on a une seule solution monter au pied du Macchu Pichu un jour avant et essayer d’avoir des billets. (Pour la version longue il faudra attendre notre retour !)
Donc on part de notre lodge vers 5h30 pour 1h30 de voiture sur une route en travaux, puis vers 7h début de la rando de 12km le long des rails pour arriver à Aguas Calientes. A notre arrivée vers 9h30 on va direct au ministère de la culture pour s’inscrire sur un registre et attendre 14h pour pouvoir acheter des places. On se pose un peu et on va manger et on trépigne pour attendre 14h. Puis on attends dans la file longtemps et Micka se fait manger par des mouches des sables (il a environ 100 piqures sur les jambes) et victoire on a nos places pour demain 7h !!!
On rentre faire la sieste puis on ressort pour visiter un peu ce village entièrement tourné vers le Macchu Pichu.
Le lendemain réveil vers 5h15 pour être dans la file du bus vers 6h15.
On arrive la haut, les « circuits » obligatoires depuis le début Covid commence par une petit marche dans la forêt pour arriver sur les terrasses supérieures. Et la magique, on est dans le nuage, donc pas de Macchu Pichu … on attends une petite demi heure et là à travers les nuages ce dévoile la 5ème merveille du monde, c’est incroyable 😻
On déambule dans le site en évitant les groupes et en suivant plus ou moins les circuits. On n’est pas déçus du site mais juste un peu des circuits imposés puis c’est la redescente on va manger un bout et on doit faire la rando d’hier dans l’autre sens, la fatigue se fait sentir un peu plus. Retour à la voiture après avoir fait la fin de la rando avec un anglais qu’on avait croisé chez Roger et direction Santa Maria pour la nuit.
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