#NTM the soundtrack!!!!???
arachine · 1 month
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sanguinitic · 11 months
I always forget how severely the deltarune soundtrack fucks. toby was in the studio doing lines while composing chaos king
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ohimsummer · 4 months
✎ . . .❝…YOU LITTLE THIEF! ❞
—poly! stsgverse, some light shoko x reader, implied stsg x reader (?), ntm just some goofy silly antics
⭑ ࣪ ˖ sum’z notes.ᐟ reader is able to skate like this during their getaway >:3 ( read the sequel! )
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The Jaws theme is playing on the soundtrack within your mind. They’re both clueless, none the wiser to the incoming threat that slowly creeps up behind them. Whatever is on Gojo’s phone must be life changing, the way he and Geto are so transfixed, smiling and laughing as if they’re not about to be pulled into the depths. The perfect opportunity reveals itself when they part, leaving a gap just big enough for you to squeeze through. Locked on the target, you pick up speed, careful to avoid any stragglers between you and your prize, until…
“Hey!’” Gojo exclaims as you zoom between them, gaping at the bare hand that just held his phone. “Give that back!”
Twirling around, you stick out a tongue in reply, still gliding away as both men try and fail to run after you on their own skates. Both are stuck fumbling through groups of people, pros or others clinging to the rail just to stay upright. Your escape is swift, efficient, and they haven’t even covered half the distance by the time you’ve kicked off your skates and scurried over to the booth Shoko has claimed.
“Lookie!” Your squeal is eager, victorious, mischievous. She squeezes in next to you as you switch on Gojo’s phone, unfortunately having locked during your get away, but lucky for you, opening his camera doesn’t require a password. “Say cheese!” And Shoko leans in close, hand braced on your thigh, as you snap the first photo. And then another. And another. Picture after picture, photo after photo in rapid succession. A video of you and Shoko faux pouting, before bursting into laughter. Your selfie. Her selfie. A short clip of you puckering your lips, holding up a peace sign and blinking your lashes. You’re doing another where you and Shoko’s hands are forming a heart when something catches her eye.
“Move, move!,” she warns, and tugs you away from the wall of the booth, shared with the roller rink. You don’t question her, having spotted the tuft of white during the frantic turns of your head, and Gojo’s fingertips just brush the collar of your jacket as you settle into Shoko’s lap, mere inches out of his reach.
“Hand that over, you little thief!,” he pouts. Geto, leaning on the rail, mutters aloud ‘And how the hell were you running in roller skates…?’ but it’s mostly drowned out by Gojo’s next exclamation. “What do you think you’re doing with my property?”
You switch the camera, holding it up to snap a quick photo of them both. “I’m taking pictures, duh. Souvenirs. Something to remember us by.”
“Oh, are we dead?” Shoko squeezes her arms around your waist, and then answers her own question. “I suppose we will be, for this, right?”
The two of you share a girlish giggle, before Gojo, unamused, holds out his palm. “Phone, now.”
You don’t think you like this tone. “Why don’t you get out of the rink and come take it from me?”
Shoko, ever the instigator, mumbles an ‘oooh!’. She and Suguru are audience to the brief standoff between you and Gojo, before he straightens up, nibbles his lips in contemplation, narrows darkening blue eyes at you.
“Oh, just wait, you are gonna be in for it.” And you three watch him roll off towards the nearest rink exit.
Geto lingers a second longer, and so he spots you tucking his friend’s phone beneath your shirt, before leaping from Shoko’s lap. Gojo reaches one of the openings where the rink ends and black carpet begins, making eye contact with your fleeing figure and running for his shoes as you disappear into the darkness outside. Shortly afterward comes Geto. He leisurely slips off his skates, replaces them with his boots, and strolls over to join Shoko at the booth.
“Those idiots.,” she laughs as he slides in opposite of her. “How’d he let her steal his phone anyway? Thought Gojo had spidey senses?”
“We were…looking at something.” Geto hesitates on his words.
“Something?” Shoko sends you a text that goes unread and unanswered. “As in another picture of some model?”
A selfie of you, specifically. But Geto will never admit that, especially not to Shoko. “It was.”
She gives him a teasing grin. If she knows, he can’t tell. “Must’ve been quite the looker, huh?”
He props a hand under his chin. “Oh, yeah. You have no idea.”
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tagz: @anthoosies @staryukis
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lemongogo · 1 year
legit question for yyou; you've seen both tristamp and tri 98 right? i want to start getting into the series btu dont know which one to watch first
OOOHH good q.. i actually havent finished either of those (~3 eps of stamp and ~15 of 98), but im going to give you my opinion anyways based on what i have seen / my personal opinion as a trimax advocate <3
if youre interested in reading trigun maximum at any point, my objective answer would be to start with 98 -> read trimax -> watch tristamp. because stampede is more of a “re-imagining” than it is an adaptation, it has a tendency to introduce end-of-series plot devices / “spoilers” early on bc of the restructured framework.
trigun 98 isn’t a true adaptation either, as it was released before most of maximum was even written, but !! it follows the first 3? volumes of trigun+trimax before going off to fulfill its own version of the story. so i think if you’re committed to getting the feel of trigun’s intended charm and commentary, i think trigun 98 is a good starting point .
i personaalllyyy don’t like tristamp for rzns i can get into w another post, but i suppose its a good start for anyone looking to immerse themselves w/i the setting and to get an idea of the story’s potential. the animation and soundtrack are its golden eggs imo so even if the writing is lackluster, it’s got a fun & contemporary style. ntm stampede introduced soo many people to the series (myself included) so it’s not w/o its merits yk :-)
anyways . i recommend starting with 98 but if anyone else wants 2 comment w their own opinion feel free ^__^ i hope you enjoy the series !!
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lesbianallytoriel · 6 months
What do you like the most about the gen 9 soundtrack? Not casting judgement here, just curious to hear your thoughts :D
it's hard to articulate since i'm not knowledgable about music but it just sounds good to me. granted it's mostly the battle themes i like but i love the instrumentation. everything instrument they picked out sounds clear and deliberate. like the intense synths and spanish trumpets in the elite 4 theme really sell the whole 'intimidating final test' angle. + while it's been a point of contention, i love the jazziness of the gym leader battle music, it's less melodic than prev generations but i honestly think it's good (up until the terastal phase i don't like the swsh chanting they shoehorned in). ntm the team star stuff good lird penny's theme is NUTS
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roobylavender · 1 year
Seeing your reblog of akagami no shirayukihime, what other manga you love to read? Ngl i thought you're more an anime watcher than a manga reader at first
this is so funny bc it's quite the opposite for me i have little to no attention span for anime but i tend to devour manga when i get hooked enough lol! off the top of my head some of my favorites:
honey and clover
march comes in like a lion
sket dance
aishiteruze baby
kitchen princess (trigger warning for anorexia)
yumeiro patissiere (for this one i would actually rec the anime it's longer than the manga and the slow burn romance is better executed ntm the anime was super popular! for good reason)
kanata kara
7 seeds
princess tutu (anime only)
ojamajo doremi (anime only)
blue exorcist
koe no katachi (also adapted into a wonderful movie but trigger warning for suicide)
nagi no asukara (anime only. everything anohana thinks she is and better. chisaki and tsumugu leftovers romance of all time)
naruto (the manga is literally better every popular misconception there is out there about naruto can be disproven by the manga)
fullmetal alchemist (same as above. while i adore brotherhood a lot the fact that it facilitates hohenheim slander is not okay with me he did NOTHING wrong. also brotherhood skims a lot from the beginning chapters it's very annoying)
kids on the slope (the manga is fabulous but i would also rec the anime bc that is what you do when you have a yoko kanno soundtrack and an op sung by legendary songstress yuki)
cross game
balancing toy
wolf's rain (anime only. lots of violence and death. last ep will send you into sobbing hysterics so please have tissues at hand)
any work written by clamp ever but my personal favorites will always be tsubasa reservoir chronicle and x1999 (please never watch a clamp anime though every single one is terrible it is our curse)
akatsuki no yona
azumanga daioh (the manga and anime are both creations of comedic perfection. this is also the origin of the term waifu. please watch the english dub it sends me into tears)
lovely complex (the anime is so good romcom of all time)
cat street
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bikerboyfriend · 2 years
I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME WHO THOUGHT THE MIX WAS WEIRD IN THAT VIDEO!!! There was no bass in that performance 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nah that shit was off fr. Ntm they made their mics WAYYYY too loud (or the backingtrack was too quiet) and from memory, the only person there who was rlly giving VOCALS (im p sure the rest are known for dancing) was the Woodz guy. so it was ???????????????????????? and the way the chorus was mixed. the weird twanging noise. too much treble over bass. they fr arranged mirotic like it was supposed 2 be in the tron legacy soundtrack...ik whoever was in charge of sound engineering did not give a FUCK.
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wanderfan2000 · 1 year
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Looks like the new score soundtracks just can’t stop being a thing. I’m pretty sure I’ll make a lot more of these, then i have just leaked the ENTIRE score for Scared McBrayer 3! XD 
But luckily, this baby is the LAST new score volume in the series. Because when October rolls around, Scared McBrayer 3: The Soundtrack will be released to the public…IF I find a BGM score for The Heebie Jeebies and an instrumental of The True Terror Begging’s. Andy Bean’s score dosen’t quite have a huge role in this film unlike Scared McBrayer 2 did, but I want to find ways to incorporate his music in my fan made soundtrack. (NTM, he is one of my favorite Craig McCracken cartoons composers EVER!) 
Anyway, Now that I’ve got that out of the way, lets get onto the tracklist!
Tracklist: 1: Adia Appears\Fighting The Ghostly Phantoms!.  2: Journey Through The Abandoned Forest.  3: Static Attack! 4: Wander Gets Lost and Found.  5: Adia The Determined Electric Alien.
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ongsasun · 4 years
before the finale
I wanna say that no matter what happens in the 2gether finale, I am so grateful for this show! personally for me, authentic queer asian rep of any kind was unheard of. this is the first BL show I actually sat down and watched, and I'm so so glad it was this one!
from what I've gathered the BL industry has come a long way & the growth rlly shows in this series. 2gether is funny, it's romantic, it's light and aesthetic and refreshing-- but still v capable of making you sit back and go "damn". one second we're laughing along with Boss and Man's antics, or wondering how Ohm, Fong & Phuak can function with one shared braincell... and the next we're hopelessly yearning alongside Wat, Phukong, and Man. we're watching Tine grapple with his feelings for Wat, Phukong choose between his crush and his brother. whats great abt 2gether is that it wasn't made specifically to cater to a straight audience; so many LGBT+ viewers saw themselves in these characters & their struggles & decisions. and i love that.
I don't think i'm alone in saying that 2gether has been a welcome relief during quarantine. It was nice to take a break from the madness every week and watch a show that's not riddled with unnecessary angst, triggering scenes, or excessive miscommunication plots. just something soft to cheer ya up.
the cast in itself is a blessing, they're so good at respectfully representing lgbt+ poc both on-screen and off. the chemistry, the talent, i could go on forever. and the writing for this show, UGH the characters & their dynamics with one another are so refreshing and multidimensional. there is SO much going on, we were fed so well! 😭 wish we had gotten more insight about the girls tho (pearearn is canon, i don't make the rules) ntm the whole show is so beautifully shot?? the soundtrack aka pure bliss?? paired with the content you talented people put together (gifsets, vids, edits, fics, etc.) they really made the whole 2gether experience that much better.
obv I know it wasn't all smooth sailing, and that both Bright and Win got their fair share of crap during this series. I just hope both of them can manage to look back at their 2gether days/memories with fondness. i know i will!
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sangfielle · 4 years
whats ur favorite borderlands game & why...
UM honestly its a 3-way tie between bl2/tps/bl3 for different reasons?
bl2 is like. the game that actually got me into borderlands and it’s the game i’ve spent the most time on, i had tried playing bl1 before but since it’s a 2009 game and they never bothered to patch a lot of the issues in the goty edition (which is the one i own) i couldn’t get super into it? like i liked the series but it wasn’t exactly….playable for me. bl2 is actually moderately functional and the story is decent to good even if it isn’t exactly the best video game ever written. ntm that Where Angels Fear To Tread has enough of an emotional punch that when juliet and i finished it for the first time we just sat there in the room after beating it in almost silence for, like, 20 minutes? and the vault of the warrior is Amazing environmentally, and the warrior is one of if not the single most engaging boss fight i’ve ever played imo. everything about that fight is really, really good and its quality is something that the vault monsters in the other borderlands games are severely lacking from what i’ve seen.
bl3 is the most like, up and down fun to play even if it is much weaker than the other games storywise, and the soundtrack is amazing. i don’t like it for any super deep reason, but it’s a fun game to just go mindlessly through and i really enjoy how fl4k plays and the fact that each character has multiple unique action skills that let you further customize how you play them beyond just their 3 skill trees. i also appreciate that health regen has stopped being a thing confined to class mods and shield mods unless you’re specifically playing a character built for healing and instead seem to be available in at least one skill tree for all of the characters? it’s definitely the best mechanically and i also appreciate that the characters aren’t so much the silent protags they are in bl1 and bl2 (they Do have voice lines in those games but they aren’t really on the same level imo)
the presequel is probably the best storywise, and i love worldbuilding A Lot so i’m super into it for that reason. i love that all of the protagonists of tps are either villains (nisha/wilhelm/aurelia) or supporting characters (claptrap/timothy/athena) in other borderlands games, and i love seeing how the stuff in borderlands 2 and tales from the borderlands actually came together? it’s got good emotional beats even if it does fall into the usual borderlands trap of valuing cheap comedy over story sometimes and the comedy isn’t always……good….but it’s got aspects that every other game in the series lacks, like actual unique interactions with the npcs depending on who you’re playing, an emphasis on the fact that You Are Not The Only Person On This Mission Even If You’re Playing Alone (all of the other borderlands games are technically like this canonically too but they treat you like a solo adventurer even if you’re playing co-op, and the fact that you’re technically part of a group of all of the vault hunters from that game is only something that really gets brought up in sequels outside of tps), and the player characters all having unique interactions with each other when you’re playing co-op encourages co-op play and like, gives you a better understanding of the fact that this is like, a group of friends, essentially, on this mission? and whoever you play is just 1/6th of that, they aren’t doing it by themselves. i also really really like aurelia (if that was not exceedingly obvious), i love that she’s actually got more of a fleshed out personality than most of the protags in the series seem to (tho that all gets thrown to the wayside in bl3 but. talking about tps she’s one of the only characters that will like, say what jack is doing is fucked up if she feels like it is, she shows a level of kindness to the other pcs at some points, and she’s one of the only two characters who will actually apologize to claptrap for treating him badly, which is a thing i bring up a lot, but it’s very telling about her character, when timothy/nisha/wilhem will not even though timothy, at least, is shown on a surface level to be nicer and more generally understanding than aurelia usually is), and i’m really fond of janey.
and at the same time i can’t really like, say that bl1 isn’t really one of my favorites even though it’s not a game i particularly enjoy playing? i love the bl1 vault hunters more than any other crew as a group from the game. they have more of a real feeling of all of them actually being close friends and caring about each other, and i’m more attached to them than i am most characters, not to mention that if i didn’t have a fleeting interest in bl1 then i wouldn’t have gotten into the rest of borderlands and i also wouldn’t have met a couple of my friends who i initially met because i talked to them when i was in my first borderlands hyperfixation. the only game that i can definitively say isn’t in some way my favorite is tales from the borderlands, i think? that’s not to say, like, i didn’t like it, i did, but tales grates on me in a way that the other games don’t and it doesn’t quite have the redeeming qualities to back it up. it’s a little bit more openly racist than the other games tend to be, rhys and vaughn and handsome jack’s ai are a tolerable crew at best in my eyes and at worst were actively annoying when i played the game. i love sasha and am fond of fiona, and i like athena and janey’s relationship in it and zer0′s interaction with the tales crew, but it doesn’t have as much of a saving grace in my eyes as the others do.
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raponscreens · 3 years
"La Haine" by Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995
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A normal low-income housing project, with no specific problems, wakes up one morning under siege. The youths of the Muguets neighborhood have spent the night waging war on the police. The reason? Abdel Ichah, 16 years old, is between life and death, wounded by a police inspector during an interrogation... One more blunder for one more riot.
The idea for the film was born by Kassovitz the day after the Makomé M'Bowolé case. Named after the young man who was shot in the head at point-blank range by a police inspector who wanted to intimidate him while he was in custody in a police station in the 18th arrondissement of Paris.
A quarter of a century after its release, "La Haine" is an almost sociological testimony of life in the suburbs. If they have changed, the question of religion, omnipresent today, is for example totally absent from the film, what Kassovitz describes seems unfortunately always current: violence, drugs, insalubrity, promiscuity ... But also good humor, brotherhood and creativity.
The choice of black and white gives a very urban, graphic character, allowing to distinguish itself from the French realistic film. The suburbs are fantasized by the aesthetics and the staging with many sequence shots. Kassovitz feeds his film with what was his main influence for his political commitment: hip-hop. We can thus see DJ Cut Killer mixing "Nique la Police" by NTM and "Je ne regrette rien" by Édith Piaf, but also young breakdancers. The soundtrack of the film is also signed Ministère A.M.E.R. and its famous song "Sacrifice de poulets". The French director deals with the suburbs on a background of rap music, the appropriate medium. This use of rap music gave birth to a mythical scene in the film, that of DJ Cut Killer, setting up his set on the window sill at the top of a low-income housing project so that the whole city could enjoy it.
"It's the story of a society that falls and as it falls, repeats itself over and over again to reassure itself: "so far so good, so far so good, so far so good". The important thing is not the fall, it's the landing. "
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fungus-fag · 5 years
listen I know noone really gives a fuck about the movies anymore but I'm crying in the club about lotr/the hobbit series again ldhgjdjfd
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Online Poker Tracker - Poker Tool To Beat The Machines!
In the end it was hard getting a hold of the 11.5g Deluxe Pyramid Custom Poker Chips. They are a hot commodity and while shipments come in every week, it's hard to keep up. Oh and one more thing before I get back to cleaning. Since the colors are scarce, I recommend adding your own unique design to the center. It will allow people to focus more on your logo, instead of the color. This is just a relaxing way to get out some frustration you get from work, or life. They are often playing music and are decorated in a mildly relaxing sort of way. The one that I go to shows movies in one area and offers couches, pool tables, and Dominoes in the other room. The owners sit upstairs while the facility is running in case something is needed. Since the one we go to is owned by Saudi Arabians they actually smoke as well. Sometimes, they will come down and share a hookah with the people inside, offering conversation and stories of their lives. They say that prevention is worth a pound of cure. What they often fail to say is that prevention is dependent upon knowledge. In this vein, Matusow has made a very valuable contribution of knowledge for all of humanity, especially for those who are suffering. I suppose that enlightenment can travel in the most unlikely of packages. A full slate of events are on the schedule for the weekend of May 13-15, beginning with the Meet & Greet Brews Cruise (part of the VIP exBEERience) on Friday, and culminating with the Top it Off Charity Golf Tournament on Sunday. Along the way get your fill of beer-centric happenings as you enjoy various contests, culinary demonstrations, and homebrewing workshops all set to the soundtrack of live local music. Plus, if you're feeling lucky, go all-in for your chance to win a seat at the WSOP by taking part in the Charity judi online android. The Name Yahweh has great importance because of what it signifies. Intrinsic to Yahweh's Name is the very verb of existence. In Exodus 3:14 He tells Moses: "I am that I am," or "haYah asher haYah" in the Hebrew. It means I am existence itself. I cause everything to come into being. His Name Yahweh describes Him, defines Him, and expresses His attributes as the one who causes us to exist in this life and the one who can give us everlasting existence, too. Step by step people find more and more ways to earn money silly little things like playing gaple online, earning chips and selling them to some poker maniacs! (100M on Facebook is equivalent to 100$ in real life). Near The Money Stage or NTM. Oh, Dan Harrington and Phil Gordon didn't mention this stage did they? No bother, it didn't really matter did it? Of course I am poking fun at them. It is actually a critical stage because many players have a lot of things on their mind in this stage - most of them having to do with money. There is quite a shift in thinking when real money is on the line. Many players' bankrolls are going to be their mind as well, and this creates a different playing environment. Some will tighten, some will loosen, and some will become prone to error and over betting. For a lot of fresh players, this is the most stressful part of the tournament.
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The Guidebook to French Rap
Kaaris mp3 In America, we really don't actually pay as well a lot interest to French rap. The factors for this are evident we’re below, rap originated right here, and we presently have hundreds of thousands of men and women placing out sucky tunes on Soundcloud (in English!) each 3 minutes. So, by natural means, focusing on non-American rappers (other than Canadian and new Massive Tymers member Drake) is variety of a activity. Humorous thing is, even although rap was pioneered here in the states, France has been a near, unheralded second because the early 80s. In 1984, a confirmed named H.I.P.H.O.P aired on Tv every single Sunday in France, beating out our 1st hip-hop Tv set show Yo! MTV Raps by 4 a long time. It was mostly centered close to breakdancing and popping (the video clips are hilarious). When men like Kurtis Blow and Afrika Bambaataa ended up touring, they’d end by the present. Other than that, we have entirely owned the French in rap but there is some very interesting things going on with their scene in Paris, and it has been for a even though now. The OG’s in the French rap recreation are NTM (Nique Ta Mere a.k.a. Fuck Your Mom) and IAM—groups that commenced in the mid-late 80’s. In essence, they’re the NWA and Public Enemy of France. The place NTM was at first driven by violence and anger in reaction to the shitty situations in Parisian suburbs, (the burbs are the ghetto in Paris and the inner metropolis is exactly where the higher class lives, reverse from The united states...kinda) IAM was big on politics, Islam and pan-Africanism. There’s MC Solaar as well, an acid-jazz sort,who was the very first rap superstar in France and was featured on Guru’s 1st Jazzmatazz album as effectively as Missy’s And if you’re gonna dive into the French rap entire world, you HAVE to observe La Haine first. It is a black and white film composed and directed by Mathieu Kassovitz (the Gothikadude, do not allow that scare you away) and most view it as the French equal to Boyz in the Hood. It follows three youthful kids from Parisian projects who, in reaction to riots, are consistently combating with cops. It’s also, remarkably, like the 1st movie in Paris to present stick-up-their-asses abundant people what was heading on in the projects and its soundtrack, which featured NTM, gave youthful children anything to recognize with. At this stage, French rap is just as huge as it is in The us. There are tremendous-mainstream fellas like Booba—he’s the largest star in the recreation proper now and sounds like most American radio regulars, but in French. Turns out practically nothing seems weirder than a French dude rap with AutoTune above fake-lure beats. Also, in stupid rapper tradition, he’s beefing with one more mainstream male, La Fouine (he AutoTunes way too). Some “footage” of them combating at a health club in Miami surfaced not too long ago, presumably over who’s gonna sign with We The Ideal 1st, phrase to Mavado. If you’re into “real hip-hop” verify out vets like Oxmo and Zoxea. Oxmo is a single of those older rappers who has transitioned properly into geezer lifestyle. Back again in the working day he was like most 90’s fellas, he could spit his ass off even though nevertheless chatting about how fucked up the streets ended up. He’s on more of a developed and sexy, acid jazz idea now. Zoxea is equivalent he started out out in a team referred to as Les Sages Poetes de la Rue (Smart Poets of the Avenue). If you wanna keep it all-the-way-hood, Mac Tyer is your dude. His video clips typically recreate huge mobster stories of dealing coke and being hated on. Both that, or he’s in the hood with one,000 folks all around or just chilling on police cars. Some considerably less fashionable, a lot more fascinating rappers in the game appropriate now incorporate a self-sustaining scene of youthful guys that by our requirements are underground World wide web artists: L’Entourage is a enormous collective of videographers, graffiti artists, and rappers. Their musical design and general look is similar to that of Pro Era—they’re huge on streetwear and their production is an evolution of growth-bap 90’s New York rap combined with more progressive seems. After forming in 2008 and performing the Paris open-mic scene and repeated freestyle YouTube movies, they obtained large on the Internet in 2011. A big portion of their accomplishment is owing to 75e Session, a ill online video collective in Paris that specializes in sequence their ideal work is the “John Doe” sequence where they film nameless French rappers freestyling more than random beats. The collective is also affiliated with two of the far more extraordinary upstart rappers from their scene. Georgio is a twenty-calendar year-outdated rapper who is element of 75e Session and his generation, even though making use of growth-bap components, also samples classical French audio, which is even now quite unheard of. The other guy is Guizmo he’s one particular of the a lot more adaptable rappers in Paris right now because he’s rapping about street-level shit although even now subsequent the crisp route of the French backpack. 75e Session filmed some of his early perform and he utilized to be component of L’Entourage but his hardcore raps ended up a little bit significantly for their truly feel-very good cyphers.
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best-albumscom-blog · 7 years
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[Telecharger] Gnosis Green money Album Download
Rap evolved in France in a very similar way to what happened in the States but on a slight time delay, as it was the mid-90s where legends really started to be created. Some of this was thanks to the influence of Mathieu Kassovitz's iconic film, La Haine (which is basically a French Do The Right Thing), and its thumping hip-hop soundtrack that included pioneering groups such as Assassin and NTM. The French hip hop scene is still booming today, especially in Paris, which has a fierce underground scene and where most of the country's prominent rappers reside.
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The Information to French Rap
Rap Francais Mp3 In The us, we really do not actually pay as well considerably interest to French rap. The factors for this are evident we’re here, rap originated right here, and we currently have hundreds of thousands of individuals placing out sucky tunes on Soundcloud (in English!) each a few minutes. So, by natural means, focusing on non-American rappers (apart from Canadian and new Huge Tymers member Drake) is type of a process. Funny issue is, even however rap was pioneered listed here in the states, France has been a close, unheralded 2nd since the early 80s. In 1984, a showed known as H.I.P.H.O.P aired on Tv every Sunday in France, beating out our 1st hip-hop Tv present Yo! MTV Raps by four several years. It was mostly centered about breakdancing and popping (the movies are hilarious). When guys like Kurtis Blow and Afrika Bambaataa were touring, they’d quit by the display. Other than that, we’ve entirely owned the French in rap but there is some extremely fascinating stuff likely on with their scene in Paris, and it has been for a even though now. The OG’s in the French rap sport are NTM (Nique Ta Mere a.k.a. Fuck Your Mom) and IAM—groups that began in the mid-late 80’s. In essence, they’re the NWA and Public Enemy of France. Where NTM was originally pushed by violence and anger in reaction to the shitty conditions in Parisian suburbs, (the burbs are the ghetto in Paris and the interior city is where the upper course life, opposite from America...kinda) IAM was massive on politics, Islam and pan-Africanism. There’s MC Solaar also, an acid-jazz type,who was the very first rap superstar in France and was highlighted on Guru’s initial Jazzmatazz album as effectively as Missy’s And if you are gonna dive into the French rap world, you HAVE to watch La Haine 1st. It is a black and white film created and directed by Mathieu Kassovitz (the Gothikadude, do not let that scare you away) and most check out it as the French equal to Boyz in the Hood. It follows 3 youthful youngsters from Parisian tasks who, in response to riots, are constantly battling with cops. It is also, remarkably, like the initial movie in Paris to display stick-up-their-asses rich individuals what was going on in the tasks and its soundtrack, which featured NTM, gave more youthful little ones one thing to discover with. At this position, French rap is just as extensive as it is in America. There are super-mainstream guys like Booba—he’s the largest star in the recreation right now and appears like most American radio regulars, but in French. Turns out nothing at all sounds weirder than a French dude rap with AutoTune over fake-lure beats. Also, in silly rapper custom, he’s beefing with yet another mainstream dude, La Fouine (he AutoTunes too). Some “footage” of them combating at a fitness center in Miami surfaced lately, presumably in excess of who’s gonna signal with We The Best 1st, phrase to Mavado. If you are into “real hip-hop” examine out vets like Oxmo and Zoxea. Oxmo is 1 of these more mature rappers who has transitioned effectively into geezer daily life. Back in the working day he was like most 90’s guys, he could spit his ass off while nonetheless chatting about how fucked up the streets ended up. He’s on much more of a developed and alluring, acid jazz idea now. Zoxea is comparable he commenced out in a team known as Les Sages Poetes de la Rue (Sensible Poets of the Avenue). If you wanna preserve it all-the-way-hood, Mac Tyer is your dude. His movies usually recreate massive mobster tales of dealing coke and being hated on. Possibly that, or he’s in the hood with 1,000 individuals all around or just chilling on police autos. Some less trendy, far more interesting rappers in the game appropriate now contain a self-sustaining scene of youthful fellas that by our standards are underground Web artists: L’Entourage is a massive collective of videographers, graffiti artists, and rappers. Their musical fashion and all round look is comparable to that of Professional Era—they’re big on streetwear and their production is an evolution of growth-bap 90’s New York rap mixed with much more progressive appears. Soon after forming in 2008 and undertaking the Paris open-mic scene and regular freestyle YouTube videos, they acquired enormous on the Internet in 2011. A huge portion of their success is due to 75e Session, a unwell video clip collective in Paris that specializes in collection their best operate is the “John Doe” series the place they movie nameless French rappers freestyling above random beats. The collective is also affiliated with two of the much more extraordinary upstart rappers from their scene. Georgio is a 20-12 months-old rapper who is component of 75e Session and his production, whilst utilizing growth-bap aspects, also samples classical French music, which is still fairly uncommon. The other man is Guizmo he’s 1 of the much more functional rappers in Paris proper now simply because he’s rapping about avenue-level shit while still adhering to the crisp route of the French backpack. 75e Session filmed some of his early work and he employed to be element of L’Entourage but his hardcore raps were a bit a lot for their feel-very good cyphers.
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