The Circus  Leaves Town. Maggie, Tony and Scott Pack Their Trunks. Trumpity Trump Trump Trump!
The hullabaloo, the lights, the excitement, the entertainment, the tricks, the illusions, the atmosphere, the bustling crowds, the catering, all the fun of the circus. But for Lewes the circus is over for now, For many it feels flat. Like the atmospheric excitement of pre-Christmas dragging into the anti-climax of Boxing Day and the temporary escape of seasonal goodwill seamlessly tapering off…
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Connecticut's first cannabis grower Theraplant sold
One of the state’s four active cannabis producers has new ownership following foreclosure proceedings, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The new owners of Theraplant is a company called NewCo, which is a subsidiary of East Hampton N.Y.-based DXR Holdco, according to a report filed on July 21 with the SEC. Theraplant was owned by the Greenrose Holding Company,…
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beerbani-womenfasion · 7 months
Discover Your Style with Women's Co-ord Sets - Online Store Launch
Discover the latest fashion wave with our chic and versatile co-ord sets for women, now available at our new online store. Discover stylish and trendy matching outfits designed to redefine your fashion statement. Dive into a world of coordinated elegance, curated just for you. https://beerbani.com/collections/co-ord-sets
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cathkaesque · 2 months
Relentless direct action has secured another victory in the fight against Israel’s arms trade, as Elbit Systems are forced to sell their ‘Elite KL’ factory in Tamworth.
The company had previously manufactured cooling and power management systems for military vehicles, but was sold on after stating that it faced falling profits and increased security costs resulting from Palestine Action’s efforts. 
After the sale was completed last month, Elite KL’s new owners, listed as Griffin Newco Ltd, confirmed in an email to Palestine Action that they will have nothing to do with the previous owners, Elbit, and have discontinued any arms manufacturing:
“Following the recent acquisition of Elite KL Limited by a UK investment syndicate, the newly appointed board has unanimously agreed to withdraw from all future defence contracts and terminate its association with its former parent company”.
This victory is a direct result of sustained direct action which has sought, throughout Palestine Action’s existence, to make it impossible for Elbit to afford to operate in Britain. Before they sold the enterprise to a private equity syndicate, Elbit had reported that Elite KL operating profits had been slashed by over three-quarters, with Palestine Action responsible: Elbit directly cited the increased expenditure on security they’d been forced to make, and higher supply chain costs they faced.
And these actions did, indeed, cost them. The first action at the site, in November 2020, saw Elite KL’s premises smashed into, the building covered in blood-red paint. Between March and July 2021, the site was put out of action three times by roof-top occupations – drenched red in March 2021, with the factory’s camera systems dismantled, before again being occupied in in May. Another roof-top occupation in July, despite increased security, saw the site forced closed – once again painted blood-red, and with its windows and fixings smashed through.
In February 2022, activists decommissioned the site for weeks – closed off after an occupation that saw over £250,000 of damages caused, the roof tiles removed one-by-one. After this, Elbit erected a security perimeter around the site – but to no avail. One month later, six were arrested after Palestine Action returned to Tamworth – again taking the roof and smashing through, preventing the production of parts for Israel’s military machine.
Elite KL is a ‘specialist thermal management business’. Since the sale, the company focuses on cooling systems for buses and trains, but it had, under Elbit, manufactured these systems for military vehicles. Until December of last year, Elite KL’s website was advertising its military and defence products, and it was known to provide parts for Israel’s deadly Merkava tanks, with export license records demonstrating its provision of ‘ML6a’ components for military ground vehicles to Israel. The company was also known to manufacture crew cooling systems, for the military vests of tank operators.
Elbit Systems itself provides 85% of the drones and land-based military equipment for the Israeli military, along with a wide range of the munitions and armaments currently being used against Gaza’s beseiged population. Its CEO, Bazhalel Machlis, has claimed that the Israeli military has offered the company its thanks for their “crucial” services during the ongoing genocide in Gaza
A Palestine Action spokesperson has stated:
“Each activist who occupied and dismantled Tamworth’s Israeli weapons factory did so in order to bring an end to Israel’s weapons trade, and to end the profiteering from Palestinian repression. Every defeat Elbit faces is a victory for the Palestinian people.
Kicking Elbit out of Tamworth shows once again that direct action is a necessary tactic. It is one which must be utilised and amplified in the face of the Gaza genocide.”
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commiepinkofag · 2 months
Elite KL’s new owners, listed as Griffin Newco Ltd, confirmed in an email to Palestine Action that they will have nothing to do with the previous owners, Elbit, and have discontinued any arms manufacturing: “Following the recent acquisition of Elite KL Limited by a UK investment syndicate, the newly appointed board has unanimously agreed to withdraw from all future defence contracts and terminate its association with its former parent company”. This victory is a direct result of sustained direct action which has sought, throughout Palestine Action’s existence, to make it impossible for Elbit to afford to operate in Britain.
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another-heroine · 10 months
A/N: I'm started to think that every time when I post my wip, it gets finished right away. And that's not a complaining lol
CW for mention of gore, a bit of blood and dark humor, after all it’s about Knave :v
Thank you for lending me your creature, @iwoszareba 🥰
“Uh oh, there he is again.”
“Seriously? He never learns!”
“What a dumbass.”
“Shush, he is waking up, run!”
Knave opened one eye, and then another. The First World air was funny, though to be there was never pleasant. In fact, it was annoying. That meant he had fallen in battle again or his psychotic dreams were being a pure mayhem as usual.
At least he wasn’t looking at the ugly mug of some demon. The conscious ones in the other plan would get by on their own, while he was strolling in the park. Or kind of.
The magical fog was thicker than ever. Knave looked around, trying to distinguish where he should head, but it was hard to say. There is no sound but his breathing.
In the end, he just shrugged; he was screwed anyway, so whatever. If he did not end up in a hydra or owlbear’ belly, it was a victory.
“The absence of an answer is an answer too.”
He heard his own voice. Knave glanced at the figure hanging on a slope. It was him indeed, without the mask, with his head upside down and looking very comfortable.
“The absence of an answer is an answer too. The absence of an answer is an answer too. The absence—”
His clone kept repeating and repeating the phrase. Even when Knave took his distance, until the voice was nothing but a distant murmur.
Crossing a path totally concealed by the fog, Knave got to a clearing, and in the center of that place there was a high table prepared for a feast. Taking a close look, he realized that it was actually a kind of tea party. And every guest had his face, from the youngest to the oldest — even the fox among them looked like him, wearing a party hat.
The person who seemed to be the host grinned when he approached and raised his teacup. “Look who came to join us!”
The fox giggled. The Old Knave narrowed his eyes to the Newcomer Knave. “Who?”
The Drunken Knave gave a side look to the other guests and filled his teacup with something from a silvery flask. The Bloody Knave was sucking a crimson bone and reached his teacup with his free hand to the drunkard comrade.
“You are still here?” The Newcomer stared at them. “What pathetic losers.”
The Host shrugged. “You know, you are offending yourself as well.”
“It doesn’t matter, if not for me, you would never exist!” Knave smirked.
The fox giggled again, and that time it sounded like a human laugh. The Old grimaced and protested, “If not for you? Boy, we owe anyone but you.”
The Crazy Knave slipped from under the table with his eyes wide open and deformed face. “Mama…”
The Host waved. “Yeah, yeah, the old witch.”
The Bloody licked his lips like he heard about a tasty dish. The Mourning Knave, one of the youngest ones, cringed in his seat, pouting.
The Drunken scratched his back. “Every time when you rock bottom, we go along for good or else. It’s your fault.”
“So we sit and wait until you fall for good.” The Host sipped from his cup. “It’s a matter of time.”
The Newcomer opened his arms and puffed his chest. “Well, it’s good that you are already sitting, then. Because it will never happen.”
The-Almost-Headless Knave cleaned his throat on the table’s corner — holding his severed head with a steady hand, “Famous last words. Look what you've done to me!”
“Hey, that wasn’t my fault. Woljif who didn’t see that trap coming!”
Bloody hissed, “Never trust anyone, you punk”.
Mourning and Crazy started to sob, “Mama…”
Host rolled his eyes. “Nice, now our little party has turned into a funeral.”
Bloody suddenly jumped from his seat. “It’s only a funeral if there is a death…”
Although Old Knave had an awful eyesight, he knew what was about to happen for the thousandth time. He only had time to grump, “Fuck”.
Everybody kept drinking while the table was painted red as their clothes as well.
The Newcomer sighed. “How boring.”
The Host agreed, “Yeah, I know. But he will be ok. Bloody, dear, you have something in the corner of your mouth”.
Bloody smiled like a child and wiped the blood with the tip of his tongue. Old Knave was dead over the table, his face buried in a cake. Crazy took a bit of ice and tried it. By his face, it had a curious taste, to put that mildly.
“Well, gentlemen,” the Newcomer announced, “It was all fun and games, but someone has to do the Trickster work around here. And it’s about time to come back to it.”
The Host shook his head. “Anytime. It isn’t like we could disappear, after all.”
The Old grumbled something with his face down. Bloody frowned.
Knave looked at the fox. The creature was observing him with its mischievous dark eyes, and then he heard a voice inside his head, “You always provide a true spectacle, you know? You and everybody who you were, will be, weren’t and will be not.”
The tea party vanished, and only him and the creature were there.
“What can I say? I’m charming!” Knave shrugged.
“I couldn’t choose a better partner. Farewell, Commander.”
And then Knave woke up feeling a hellish headache. Another shard of him for the next party.
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themanbexl · 2 months
This NewCo lady looks like a disney villain ngl
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reddragdiva · 6 months
by Amy Castor and David Gerard
* The SEC helpfully hits Kraken with a hammer marked “regulatory clarity”;
* Celsius Network’s plan to transition to a NewCo falls afoul of the SEC needing proper accounts for pre-bankruptcy Celsius — and their QuickBooks and Google spreadsheets aren’t quite sufficient;
* North Korea’s man in Spain is arrested over money laundering;
* The FCA advocates a very odd plan for regulated UK stablecoins;
* Bitfinex definitely doesn’t have a data leak of any significance whatsoever!
Picture: Jesse Powell of Kraken, the evil Kurt Cobain from the mirror universe (no goatee)
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tumblers-today · 1 year
The way I'm up for a huge pay raise but the hiring process with newco has been such a disaster and a cluster. Like I'm still lucid so I recognize what a huge opportunity it is it just doesn't bode well.
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trendingvintageretro · 2 months
‘It’s So Unfair,’ The Death of Women’s Egalitarian Football. Lewes and Durham Women to be Sacrificed at the Altar of Greed.
“There might be some casualties,” Campbell says, “but that’s going to be the reality.” Thus Sue Campbell, Head of Women’s Football with The Football Association 2016-23, glibly evaluates the future of the  Lewes FC Women and Durham FC Women continued presence in the top 2 flights of women’s football. I have argued ever since the start up of the Women’s Premiership and Championship that women’s…
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realnews20 · 12 days
Dopo la rottura del rapporto con Vieri e l’uscita dalla Bobo tv, Lele Adani, Antonio Cassano e Nicola Ventola sono pronti a fare il loro grande ritorno con un programma tutto loro: Viva el Futbol. L’iniziativa è stata affidata a Dorvan, una nuova compagnia (newco) fondata da Marco Valenti e Alberto Gugliada. Viva el Futbol , che inizierà le trasmissioni via streaming con l’inizio della prossima stagione del campionato di Serie A, si definisce come una “formula di analisi calcistica e intrattenimento completamente rinnovata e orientata alla massima interazione col pubblico“. Il nuovo programma del trio si presenta come un “format multimediale capace di adattarsi agilmente tra tutte le piattaforme, dal web ai social”. La data ufficiale è il 19 agosto e, per almeno due settimane, Viva El Futbol sarà raggiungibile su tutte le piattaforme social, sia in diretta che con contenuti esclusivi on demand. Dorvan, ovvero la società di consulenza artefice della progettazione di Viva El Futbol, ha spiegato: “Ogni piattaforma sarà utilizzata sfruttandone al meglio le caratteristiche uniche, garantendo che il dialogo con i fan sia sempre fresco, inclusivo e coinvolgente”. Gli stessi Marco Valenti e Alberto Gugliada, i fondatori di Dorvan, hanno poi aggiunto: “Siamo molto felici di aver contribuito alla nascita di questo format, che in tanti attendevano, e che da un punto di vista progettuale e tecnologico ha rappresentato un’entusiasmante sfida da vincere. Siamo certi che anche i brand e le agenzie che scelgono di investire nello sport e nella narrazione sportiva vi sapranno scorgere un’opportunità di visibilità e un punto di incontro con gli utenti molto interessante”. [ad_2] Source link
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Boston Life Science Actual Estate Services Biotech Actual Estate
Churchwell has had to cope with an ongoing pandemic, rising prices, an influx of patients due to the closing of Tufts Children’s Hospital, and ongoing threats from opponents of gender-affirming care. Meanwhile, he’s been making an attempt to attract national leaders’ attention to a childhood and adolescent mental health disaster. Jackson, a frequent presence in the civic life of Greater Boston, also retains her 52-year-old school on the innovative. We also frequently work with our purchasers to achieve their charitable-giving goals by planning charitable items, organizing charitable entities, and managing charitable trusts and foundations that they set up. As your private household CFO, your wealth advisor helps you grow your family’s wealth and defend it from taxes. Our group has more than 50 years of mixed expertise serving to households and businesses manage their advanced financial lives and formulate a plan for his or her wealth creation, preservation, transfer, and management. Securities, investment advisory and financial planning services supplied through certified registered representatives of MML Investors Services, LLC, Member SIPC. Investing in the future is not just about funding analysis but in addition securing your financial well-being. Biotech investment planning Boston offers focused advice on creating a sturdy investment portfolio. You could also enlist one of the many consulting groups that may analysis the sector for a charge, ranging anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000. If your establishment has an entrepreneurship center, this might also be a supply of guidance. What you should discover out is whether or not or not there is a viable and finally profitable customer base (i.e., ‘total addressable market’) in your invention, technology or product. It is feasible that, after the assessment of FTO and market alternative, the TTO might not agree that your thought merits IP protection and that the chance is appropriate for a startup (see Box 1 for subsequent steps). But if the FTO search and potential market opportunity are encouraging, and you and the TTO are in settlement, that creates the initial momentum for forming a NewCo. Under his leadership, the Boston Foundation has continued to supply wide-ranging grants while delivering key analysis on climate, housing, and fairness. It has also moved nimbly in response to real-world change, remodeling its Equality Fund’s LGBTQ+ technique to focus on racial and ethnic inequities, and launching a new Fund for Reproductive Health following the 2022 Dobbs ruling on abortion. Please don't embrace any confidential or delicate info in a contact type, text message, or voicemail. Most recently, she made Cambridge College a founding member of the brand new CyberTrust Massachusetts consortium. And its concentrate on adult learning now extends to age 92—a report set when Carlos Rezende of Dorchester graduated last 12 months. She’s added Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts to the listing of powerful boards on which she sits. Any release by the institution shall be limited to what is disclosed to the establishment. This return-of-rights course of could be sophisticated, and the arrangement requires the inventor to tackle all obligations and liabilities for advancing the IP. These may embody funds again to the establishment, growth reports and requirements to indemnify the institution from any liabilities that arise through the commercialization of the invention. If, as a researcher, you discover yourself in a position where you have secured the rights again from the institution, you have to rigorously navigate the issue of not doing any further work on the subject matter of the invention in your academic lab. You will have to find reasonably priced regulation corporations that may file patent purposes on your firm. New life sciences corporations are almost always founded round a novel concept, expertise or invention. When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis routed practically 50 Venezuelan migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, Espinoza-Madrigal jumped into action, finally filing a lawsuit on their behalf. That intervention earned him a Lawyer of the Year nod from Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, but it’s a matter after all for Espinoza-Madrigal, who has the eye of Boston’s most needy and the ears of its strongest. Kate Walsh—who left to join Governor Healey’s administration—is a tricky act to follow, however the newly named interim head of BMC Health System appears to be as a lot as the duty. He’s already guided BMC’s financial turnaround and the growth of BMC Health System, hired a new COO, and signed on to the National Health Care CEO Council on Gun Violence Prevention & Safety. After a formidable run as city councilor, Edwards is now within the state Senate—and has already been elevated to chair of the crucial Joint Committee on Housing. As a spin out of a bigger company, Agena had lower than 12 months to rent an executive management team and construct the infrastructure to help a new company with worldwide revenues approaching $50 million. This included IT systems, finance and administrative teams, as properly as a model new company headquarters together with R&D and manufacturing. Hughes Marino listened intently and helped information an efficient and highly effective, accelerated process of selecting and negotiating a new facility in just four months. Clients value his investment expertise, listening expertise, and a focus to details. In the dynamic world of biotechnology, professionals often find themselves focused intently on innovation and research. This is the place biotech wealth management steps in, providing tailored financial strategies that cater particularly to these in the biotech sector. Bisnow events deliver together the largest power players in the trade to determine opportunities, build your community, and broaden your small business. With the biggest audience of business real estate professionals on the planet, no one knows tips on how to assist your small business more than us. Aligning pay and performance is central to most compensation philosophies and of upmost significance to traders.
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0xalzzy · 1 month
Can I be business partners with my friends or vice versa?
[vc_row el_id=”blog__prefix-audience”][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text animation=”animation bottom-to-top”] Start up founders, entrepreneurs, programmers or early stage startup and project teams considering a NewCo, building a new project team for a venture, most likely long-term venture prospects etc. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] Business…
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notiziariofinanziario · 2 months
Lavazza rafforza l’investimento nel settore del vending
Lavazza lancia un’opa volontaria per cassa sulla totalità delle azioni di Ivs Group, finalizzata alla revoca della societa' dalle negoziazioni di Borsa. L’offerta del Gruppo torinese, che già controlla una quota di circa il 20% di Ivs attraverso il veicolo Torino 1895 Investimenti, incorpora un premio del 18,9% rispetto alla media aritmetica ponderata dei prezzi ufficiali del titolo registrati negli ultimi sei mesi. L’operazione, anticipata sul Sole 24 Ore in edicola oggi, prevede una serie di accordi firmati da E-Coffee Solutions (società controllata da Luigi Lavazza spa) e da Ivs Partecipazioni (azionista di maggioranza di Ivs Group), ma il veicolo con cui sarà lanciata, è una newco ad oggi interamente controllata da Ecs. Il corrispettivo dell’Opa è di 7,15 per ciascuna azione portata in adesione all’offerta e incorpora un premio pari al 11% rispetto al prezzo di chiusura delle azioni Ivsg rilevato il 22 aprile, un premio del 6,9% rispetto al prezzo ufficiale delle azioni Ivsg al 19 aprile (ultimo giorno di borsa aperta prima della data di annuncio), un premio del 18,9% rispetto alla media aritmetica ponderata dei prezzi ufficiali registrati dalle azioni Ivsg degli ultimi 6 mesi. L’Offerta è finalizzata a ottenere la revoca delle azioni Ivsg dalla quotazione, e potrà essere conseguita anche attraverso una fusione in presenza delle relative condizioni. Nel contesto della complessiva operazione, sono previste opzioni di acquisto e vendita esercitabili dal 2027 in seguito alle quali, subordinatamente all’ottenimento delle necessarie autorizzazioni regolamentari, il Gruppo Lavazza verrebbe ad acquisire il controllo su Ivs. «La struttura dell’operazione nel caso in cui, a partire dal 2027, venissero esercitate le opzioni previste dagli accordi consentirebbe al Gruppo Lavazza di rafforzare la propria capacità di misurarsi con gli altri grandi player del caffè a livello internazionale, grazie a una dimensione sempre più di rilievo, anche nel canale strategico del Vending, strutturandosi in modo ancora più solido per competere nel complesso scenario macroeconomico attuale – ha commentato Antonio Baravalle, ceo del Gruppo Lavazza –; con questa operazione Ecs avrà la possibilità di proseguire il suo percorso di crescita nel settore del Vending, in coerenza con l’obiettivo di rafforzare i diversi canali in cui operiamo a vari livelli. L’adozione di tecnologie e strategie di omnicanalità da parte del Gruppo Lavazza, inoltre, consentirebbe di implementare il presidio del canale, facilitando l’accesso diretto al consumatore. Ecs, e con essa il Gruppo Lavazza, potranno diventare sempre più un punto di riferimento globale in un settore molto frammentato come quello del Vending, un canale sempre più strategico che continueremo a presidiare con i nostri prodotti». Tra i patti firmati ieri è stato sottoscritto, in particolare, un accordo di investimento tra Ecs, Torino 1895 Investimenti (società controllata da Finlav che, a sua volta, controlla Luigi Lavazza spa), Ivsp e Grey. Questa intesa è finalizzata a disciplinare la promozione da parte di Grey dell’Opa, volta ad acquisire massime 25.842.024 azioni di Ivs, rappresentative del 28,36% del capitale sociale (incluse 10.702.112 azioni pari all’11,74% del capitale sociale di Ivs, che Ivsp si è impegnata a portare in adesione all’Offerta). Inoltre, subordinatamente al positivo completamento dell’Offerta, l’accordo disciplina l’impegno di Ivsp a conferire a Grey le rimanenti complessive 46.243.640 azioni Ivsg, pari al 50,75% del capitale sociale, nonché l’impegno di Torino 1895 ed Ecs a trasferire a Grey le 18.588.139 azioni Ivsg di proprietà di Torino 1895, pari al 20,4% del capitale sociale di Ivsg. Pertanto, in caso di esito positivo dell’Opa, Ivsp verrebbe a detenere una partecipazione almeno pari al 51% del capitale sociale di Grey e, indirettamente, di Ivsg, Ecs verrebbe a detenere una partecipazione compresa tra il 39% e il 49% del capitale sociale di Grey e, indirettamente, di Ivsg, mentre Torino 1895 si troverebbe a non detenere più alcuna partecipazione, diretta o indiretta, in Ivsg. L’accordo ha previsto anche la firma di un patto parasociale tra Ecs e Ivsp, con la partecipazione anche di Grey, volto a definire la disciplina della governance e dei trasferimenti delle azioni di Grey e di Ivsg, subordinatamente al positivo completamento dell’Offerta. Previsto infine un contratto di opzioni reciproche tra Ecs e Ivsp, subordinato al positivo completamento dell’Offerta, che prevede opzioni di acquisto (opzioni call) di Ecs e opzioni di vendita (opzioni put) di Ivsp sulle azioni detenute da Ivsp ad esito dell’Offerta in Grey (ovvero nella società risultante dalla eventuale fusione di Ivsg e Grey). Le opzioni call e put saranno esercitabili dopo l’approvazione del bilancio consolidato di Ivsg al 31 dicembre 2026 (e quindi a partire dal 2027 e fino al 2034). «Per la variegata e numerosa compagine azionaria di Ivsp, costituita da oltre 50 azionisti che rappresentano più generazioni del settore del Vending - ha detto Paolo Covre, Presidente di Ivs Partecipazioni - l’operazione con il Gruppo Lavazza è coerente con l’approccio industriale e non finanziario tipico di un gruppo di imprenditori, pur consentendo di liquidare, a valori giudicati interessanti, anche una quota di minoranza della propria unica controllata». Read the full article
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drivesolutions · 2 months
🚗 Vantaggi del Noleggio a Lungo Termine (NLT) per Privati, Aziende ed anche NewCo 🚗
Il noleggio a lungo termine sta guadagnando sempre più popolarità sia tra i privati che tra le aziende. Vediamo i vantaggi chiave di questa soluzione:
Vantaggi del NLT per Privati:
Possibilità di noleggiare senza anticipo: Senza dover sborsare una grande somma iniziale, puoi guidare un veicolo nuovo e moderno.
Costi certi senza imprevisti: Il canone mensile fisso include spese come assicurazione, manutenzione e assistenza stradale, semplificando la gestione finanziaria.
Servizi accessori inclusi: Il NLT spesso include servizi come soccorso stradale e manutenzione, senza costi extra.
Nessun onere gestionale e burocratico: Evita la complessità della gestione del parco auto e concentra le tue energie altrove.
Più tempo per te e la tua famiglia: Con il NLT, non devi preoccuparti della rivendita o della manutenzione del veicolo.
Vantaggi del NLT per Aziende:
Controllo dei costi operativi: Il canone mensile prevedibile semplifica la pianificazione finanziaria a lungo termine.
Eliminazione dei rischi di rivendita: Evita la svalutazione e la gestione dell’usato.
Accesso a veicoli moderni e sicuri: Proteggi i tuoi dipendenti con auto dotate di tecnologie avanzate e standard di sicurezza elevati.
Flessibilità contrattuale e personalizzazione: Adatta la durata del noleggio e il chilometraggio alle tue esigenze.
Vantaggi del NLT per NewCo:
Disponibilità immediata dei veicoli: Le offerte in pronta consegna eliminano i tempi di attesa.
Condizioni economiche vantaggiose: Tariffe preferenziali e risparmi sul canone di noleggio.
Flessibilità e varietà di scelta: Scegli tra un ampio inventario di veicoli in pronta consegna.
Per maggiori informazioni, visita www.drivesolutions.it o chiama il numero +39 0506207307
📍 Indirizzi:
Via Sconigiana 44, Ospedaletto (PI)
Viale Europa 1199, Lucca (LU)
Via della Repubblica 124, Fornaci (LU)
📞 Contatti:
Tel. Pisa: +39 0506207307
Tel. Lucca: +39 0583082941
Tel. Fornaci: +39 0583569558
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stranotizie · 2 months
- Il consiglio di amministrazione di Eukedos, società quotata su Euronext Milan che opera nel settore sanitario e medicale italiano, ha deliberato e ha conferito i poteri al CEO per costituire una società interamente partecipata che sarà attiva nell'acquisizione di beni immobili da destinare prevalentemente a residenze per anziani e adulti inabili. Fonte
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