#Nobody! Rozaria
zwy01 · 1 month
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Noble OCs - Agvain
Making five OCs for every clan!
Typhon Agvain: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Lagus’ generation.
Typhon was the father and predecessor of Calytrix, the mother and predecessor of Urokai. He was also the father of Rubino Elenor, the father and predecessor of Rozaria. Typhon pretty much raised Calytrix with free-range parenting. He was happy to let her run around and play to her heart’s content, which defined her childhood as one filled with pure joy. His fellow Clan Leaders raised their eyebrows at him once they learned that he never really pushed his daughter with her education either. He ignored the standard successor training procedure which was an extremely unusual decision at that time. It still is mostly unheard of in the present day. Typhon’s philosophy of life emphasized how children should be able to enjoy their childhood while it lasts and the work can happen later. No one needs to be shackled to a suffocating life of grinding just because “ancient tradition” said so or whatever, he thought. His predecessor raised him with a fairly relaxed attitude, and he turned out fine. Typhon had full faith in little Calytrix. If she took after him, then she’d naturally fall in love with studying just like how he himself suddenly went from neutral to passionate during his teenage years, so he had no worries. Even if she didn’t, he would’ve fully supported her as her father anyway. If Calytrix wanted a carefree life of leisure and freedom even after succeeding Typhon, he’d gladly do Clan Leader work in her stead for as long as she wanted him there. He wouldn’t mind. After all, he chose to bring her into this world and of course he’d want the best for her. In Calytrix’s case, she did find clan duties to be somewhat entertaining so naturally she integrated the studying and training into her routine without any influence from external pressure. Her beloved father asked her if she did it because she truly wanted to and not because of the adults’ whispers, to which she giggled and responded of course, why would she ever lie to her amazing Pa. Typhon was extremely grateful towards his predecessor for letting him decide his own pace of life and thus parented his daughter the same way. Calytrix’s peers watched her with admiration and envy as she laughed and rolled around in the grass while they drowned in piles of books. Luckily for them, Calytrix was very smart and helped them sneak out to play with her and snuck them back in before their tutors noticed. Typhon’s so proud of his little girl, aww. Isn’t she so generous. Father and daughter treasured each other very much. When Trixie’s younger half-brother Rubino was born much later, Typhon suggested raising him free-range like his older sister but the Elenor Clan Leader rejected the idea and insisted on following tradition. Welp, guess that couldn’t be helped, Ruby wasn’t Typhon’s heir so he had no say in his upbringing. Still, with a wink and a playful smirk, he let little Ruby know he was welcome to come visit Pa’s home anytime. Typhon’s love for his family meant he stuck around for a long while. He was present for the entire duration of Calytrix being Clan Leader and only entered eternal sleep after her retirement. Typhon’s partner was an unnamed Blerster, the mother of Calytrix.
Lerna Agvain: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Gejutel’s generation.
Lerna was the mentor of Urokai. Her placement in such an important position wasn’t a mere coincidence. Everything she had ever worked for was an effort on her part to approach the Agvain heir. She didn’t do it because she cared about him, though. As a matter of fact, her concern for any of the Agvains was minimal. Lerna simply wanted to see chaos unfold and she’d be the one to make it happen. That’s right. She approached Urokai to sabotage his life. And she started early to achieve the ideal results. It would be wrong to say Lerna is just another amongst the crowd, because she isn’t a nobody; she was actually Calytrix’s childhood companion, by pure luck. Typhon was a kind-hearted man and one day, he passed by a young clan member who seemed unhappy and after he knelt down and talked to her, he found out it was due to her less-than-ideal family. He wanted to offer her a chance to escape from that environment, so he asked if she was interested in becoming her future Clan Leader’s playmate, and she accepted because she desperately needed the opportunity. Little did Typhon know that his single act of kindness would result in disaster in the far future thanks to the snake he invited in his den. But of course he wouldn’t have known, because she was just a child. Perhaps Typhon underestimated what children were capable of. In Lerna’s case, it was the amount of hatred she could manifest inside her. Turns out Lerna wasn’t exactly grateful for the opportunity she was given. She made sure to look like she did, though. She’s an excellent actress and even fooled Calytrix into thinking they were best friends. In reality, Lerna despised Calytrix. Her position as companion just allowed her to witness Calytrix’s wonderful life up-close which fueled her discontent and jealousy. Typhon spoiling his beloved Trixie, the servants adoring her, their clan members promising to serve her well, etc… instead of being happy for her future Clan Leader, Lerna grew bitter and hateful. It didn’t matter if Typhon was super nice to her and treated her as if she were Calytrix’s sister and part of their family. She simply wanted to destroy them just because, and she had to do it discreetly. So she waited. All those years of pretending to love Trixie paid off. When Urokai was born, naturally Calytrix asked Lerna first whether she’d like to be his mentor. She pretended to cry happy tears and hugged Calytrix as she exclaimed yes nonstop. Great, now she could finally get her schemes going. Urokai was a difficult child. That’s just in his nature. He could’ve turned out a bit more normal with proper guidance but any efforts to improve him would be countered by Lerna in the shadows. Long story short, she slowly poisoned his mind. She never turned away from opportunities to smite any budding hope in his character and constantly fed him with hatred to keep him angry. She whispered into his ears “You’re the best in the world and everything you do is right”, “Those who disagree with you are wrong and deserve punishment”, “When you’re denied of what you desire, cry and scream and fight for it until you get it” and “If someone doesn’t love you back, get rid of them”. Again, Lerna pretended to love Urokai. As expected, Urokai genuinely loved her back. He soaked up her “teachings” and heavily relied on them for guidance and comfort. It’d be a lie to say Lerna didn’t care for Urokai at all because she kind of did have affection for him though her feelings were too complicated and twisted thus difficult to convey through words. Lerna was successful at molding Urokai into an angry, explosive, agitated, and violent person. She even got him to turn against his other parent, Isolde. After learning of Urokai’s execution, Lerna is silent then laments the loss of her prized source of entertainment. Unbeknownst to her, someone may or may not have unintentionally eavesdropped on her confession monologue. In the present day, Lerna works as a babysitter for Agvain children. Unbelievable, right? Lerna’s partner is an unnamed Ru.
Hammurabi Agvain: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Gejutel’s generation.
Hammurabi works in the judicial branch of the noble government. He is a just legislator who places a strong emphasis in balance. The law should be neither too relaxed nor too strict, and they must find a suitable middle ground between the two extremes. Hammurabi’s greatest rival is his colleague and fellow legislator Phachoen Mergas, an advocate for extreme justice and unreasonably harsh punishments as a full-on authoritarian who refuses to see things any other way. Unfortunately, Phachoen has many strong networks in Lukedonia at his fingertips. His group of loyal followers support him in whatever he does. His excessively harsh laws get passed one after another while the more reasonable and humane ones by other legislators don’t, to Hammurabi’s dismay. The two of them argue constantly which mostly results in Phachoen winning because the court at the time leaned towards authoritarianism thus favored the extreme over the reasonable. Hammurabi tries to alert everyone of the dangers of total blindness towards nuance and perspective but his voice gets buried and almost no one votes for him. Centuries pass and nothing has changed as Phachoen still dominates the court and Hammurabi starts to give up. Feeling utterly defeated and frustrated, he quits his job as legislator and goes back to his home in the Agvain territory to make intricate voodoo dolls instead. He also maps out backup plans for his family and himself to move out of Lukedonia in case things become a total wreck with the ever-increasing terrible laws. Hammurabi manages to convince all but one of his family members, his own son Samsu-iluna Agvain. Under the effects of Phachoen’s laws, more torturers are being hired and the job is in high demand. Samsu-iluna is one of the torturers and frankly he quite enjoys the work and thinks his father is being over-sensitive and delusional. How bad can it get, he scoffs at his father. Hammurabi once again admits defeat to his stubborn son and makes plans with the rest of his family instead. He then decides to scout the human world by himself for potential new homes to move to. During his travels, he may or may not have bestowed upon a group a humans some legal texts on a stele to give them a starting point in civilization. He could have lent his name to them too. Hammurabi neither confirms nor denies these claims. Phachoen, at one point, makes a remark on how his “dear old colleague” is aimlessly loitering in the outside world because he’s unable to live with his own inferiority and mingling with the humans is his only way to feel validation. Phachoen’s basically pitying Hammurabi for bringing himself down to the humans’ level. Meanwhile Hammurabi thinks humans have much more potential than nobles, and those who can’t see past that are too sheltered and deeply buried in the nobles’ closed ecosystem. Hammurabi eventually returns to work as a legislator after Phachoen gets assassinated. He doesn’t exactly want the job anymore but sees it as necessary to help fix Lukedonia back in the right direction after a certain someone screwed it up. Hammurabi’s hobby is making voodoo dolls, and he’ll never stop making them. His favorite voodoo doll with pins all over the torso area has short grey hair and an ugly frown on its face. That sounds familiar, doesn’t it.
Sangria Agvain: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Sangria is the study buddy, playmate, and sparring partner of Raskreia. She’s also Raskreia’s not-so-distant relative from her mother Desdemona’s side. The two children didn’t get along too well because little Raskreia suspected that her mother chose Sangria to be her companion in order to monitor her even though that wasn’t the case at all. In reality, Desdemona picked Sangria for her competence and potential as Lord’s heir’s companion and the Previous Lord approved the decision. They promptly made arrangements for the children to meet each other. Upon Sangria’s arrival, Raskreia scowled at her for two seconds but was polite enough to acknowledge her with a proper greeting and introduced herself as the Princess, saying the standard filler of how she looks forward to spending time together blah blah blah. Sangria wasn’t dumb either and immediately realized that Raskreia was hesitant if not reluctant to accept her as her companion. She knew even if she tried her hardest to bond with the future Lord, her efforts wouldn’t be reciprocated easily. Still, Sangria wanted to give it an honest shot. After all, she admired the mysterious Lady Desdemona and was willing do it for her even if it meant spending the next couple hundred years dealing with her difficult daughter. Sangria truly cared for Raskreia’s wellbeing despite the latter always keeping a distance between them; she was polite, but not nice. Raskreia needed Sangria but wouldn’t admit it, and pushed her away when she got too close. Raskreia didn’t realize what she was doing, but she basically used her companion as a crutch: one she didn’t fully accept but couldn’t let go of either. Sangria felt hurt at times. Nevertheless, she never stopped trying to form a bond with Raskreia in hopes that she’d let down her guard one day but her efforts only made things worse. They were just “proof” of Desdemona picking Sangria to conveniently spy on her daughter for whatever reasons. Raskreia was too proud to ask questions and consequently her only option was to internally reinforce her misunderstandings of Sangria, to the eventual detriment of the latter’s mental health. The Previous Lord and high-ranking nobles in Lukedonia all praised the heir-companion duo for their excellence, friendship, and how they set up a great example of “model peer relationships” for noble youth. That’d be a superficial observation, of course, because somehow the two of them have an unspoken agreement where they’d pretend to be best friends when the older adults were watching.
Eventually the stress takes a toll on Sangria’s mind in her teenage years and she resorts to self harm. At some point she discovers that her blood, in certain conditions, develops a fruity, almost alcoholic aroma. Out of curiosity, she tastes a drop and to her surprise, it’s sweet and delightful. Soon enough Sangria starts self-harming to relieve stress and to drink her own blood. Her routine is serve Raskreia, go home, self-harm, drink, then heal up before returning work the next day. Curiously, Sangria stays with Raskreia even after the latter reaches 200 years old and no longer needs a companion by noble traditions. Perhaps she still feels like she has a responsibility to take care of the princess. Meanwhile Raskreia never tells Sangria to pack her bags and go away permanently either. Her feelings regarding her companion are complicated, specifically how she “knows too much”. Sangria has a good understanding of Raskreia’s habits, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses etc. Even though Raskreia feels uneasy about someone knowing so much about the details of her life, it’s oddly comforting and thus a possible explanation of why she allows Sangria to stay. Raskreia suspects her, but is attached to her. In the present day, Sangria works as one of Raskreia’s secretaries. She knows her Lord still suspects her of being Desdemona’s spy, which hurts more or less. She keeps it to herself and copes with the stress by self-harming as usual. Sangria’s hobby is plucking seeds off strawberries and collecting them in a small treasure chest. As for the strawberries, she doesn’t eat them and instead hangs them from the ceiling with clips and throws them out once they dry up. Sangria’s partner is an unnamed Mergas.
Rojas Saffron Agvain: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Rojas has a weird hobby which she calls her job. It might as well be one, but that depends on who witnesses her do it. An Agvain would call it a job while others would frown and walk away in disgust, confusion, or both. Rojas likes to decapitate herself. Burning or freezing it off, cleaving it off in a single quick blow, sawing it off inch by inch, or twisting it around so her spine cracks and the muscle fibers snap until it’s easily pulled off… she gets real creative. She has tons of ways to experiment with her body. There’s several reasons behind her rather violent “fun”. Firstly, Agvains are the only nobles who are impossible to kill through decapitation. Or, near impossible, to be considerate of the slightest possibilities. There are no records of any Agvain being killed from getting their head blown off, though it’s worth noting the rest of their body parts are more fragile as a balance. It’s one of the many strange abilities of the clan and some are quite proud of it. So Rojas here is simply testing how true this statement is by challenging the odds. So far it’s true according to her “data”. As soon as her head gets detached from her body, her neck muscles bunch up to halt blood loss. If her head is still lying somewhere, she can place it onto where it’s been cut off and it’ll seamlessly reattach itself to her body. If her head is destroyed, she’ll just grow a new one though it’d take a few decades. If she were a pureblood, it’d only take a few months. With special potions, the head regrowing process can be expedited though it partially depends on the individual too. Rojas thinks it’s fascinating. No Agvain would constantly chop off their heads just for the sake of studying themselves yet clearly dear Rojas here is crazy enough for it. Agvains feel pain like normal people after all, leading to the second point of how Rojas enjoys the sensation of losing her head. It’s kind of addicting and therapeutic, in a way. It’s also pretty to look at and she thinks the blood is a really neat tool for artistic projects. She insists it’s romantic though those who run away screaming when she asks them out by using her head as a paintbrush to write “Will you go out with me?” on the walls say otherwise. Curiously, one of them doesn’t reject Rojas and agrees to the proposal, and that is Rojas’ current partner named Poppy Tradio. They are head over heels for each other and the Poppy is completely smitten with Rojas’ dedication to her “research” and even helps her with it. Maybe that’s also because both of them are pretty unhinged. They think they’re the normal ones and everyone else is weird. Poppy uses her noble superpowers to invent new kinds of flowers and gives one of her creations her lovely Agvain girlfriend’s middle name; lo and behold a beautiful purple and red flower just like the two of them when they’re together. How romantic! Rojas is super flattered. Currently, Rojas has a gig in the human world as a model for the fashion industry and people always praise her for how realistic her “special effects” are. They don’t need to know that she really is walking without a head there.
Thank you for reading! Kravei is next!
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 526 - Funny that Crombel is still unaware of the noblesse. Idiot.
- Once again when in danger, Suyi and Yuna immediately hugged each other :)
- 'All right I am'? Who the hell made Raizel watch star wars?
Chapter 527 - I don't think searching for Lukedonia is dumb in of itself, but yes it is stupid to do so on a tiny boat with no room for more than a day's worth of supplies.
- I'm of the opinion that if Raizel had more lifeforce, he could have destroyed all the satellites from one spot instead of having to run around to below where they were orbiting.
Chapter 528 - So Ikhan lives in a house with his uncle who's a policeman, Yuna lives in a very pink place with her family (or at least her mother), and Shinwoo lives alone in an apartment. Ikhan's home and room are pretty nice though his bed's the wrong way around, the living room we saw way back when was also cool.
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- Ikhan being able to basically unblur images is both impressive and very very uncomfortable.
Chapter 530 - I do think Crombel improved First's face.
Chapter 531 - The newest translator really changed the speech patterns completely. Not a fan. Raizel also keeps doing Yoda lines every now and then :/
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- How is Raizel finding the places of the coordinates anyway? Is Tao projecting a map into his brain???
- Huh. A flashback with Lunark advising M-21. Good for them.
Chapter 533 - They should have made Crombel look younger in his flashback.
- Seeing the results of your experiments, I don't particularly want a new world with your 'creations' bro.
- Karias and Amore!!
Chapter 534 - See! Even Karias is wondering how the modified ppl keep regenerating endlessly!
- Hi Lunark.
Chapter 535 - Muzaka and Raizel in an alleyway is so suspicious hsjskksks.
- No Frankenstein's rude to everyone, Crombel. You aren't special.
Chapter 536 - Karias looks very cool. Big fan.
- Takeo killed Aris. Poetic <3
Chapter 537 - Rip Yuri and Mark.
- Raizel "I wish I was home instead of in the damn USA".
Chapter 538 - I still think it's hilarious that DarkSpear built Frankenstein a throne inside of itself. Why?
- What are you? A librarian? Stop complaining about shit you knew would happen Frankenstein. Only I'm allowed to do that.
Chapter 539 - Can you imagine seeing that eccentric girl who came to your school like twice on TV because it turns out she was actually the ruler of an OP supernatural species? Would be awkward.
Chapter 540 - Speak for yourself Crombel, I've wanted to be rich but I've never wanted power. At most I've wanted wings to fly with.
- Raskreia just sounds like she's saying she/nobles don't give a shit about humans with her phrasing and it's not true and ajjaksksk.
- Have we considered the only reason all these bloodstone users are turning into monsters is because they're using artificial ones? The only one who used a real one is Lagus and he only got it in the invasion itself so... He probably was embedded with an artificial one too. I know there's that one guy from the sidestory but maybe the stranger who gave him the bloodstone was Lagus and thus it was also an artificial one. Or maybe he becomes monstrous since he's a human who absorbed other humans and nobles' power. Probably the latter actually.
Speaking of artificial bloodstones, they become useless when broken unlike the real ones which are crystals and even a broken part is useful as seen with the guy from the sidestory.
Chapter 541 - The only person I care for in this room of nobodies 🥺
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Chapter 542 - Shinwoo's the only one not crying about Raizel going off to die.
- Raskreia just say noblesse oblige and walk off. It may not be as heartwarming but it wastes less time. These missiles truly be slow as fuck.
Chapter 543 - Personally, I understand how Raizel, Raskreia, and Rozaria could contribute, but how are Kei and Muzaka gonna help? Punch a missile?? That's counterproductive.
- 'My soul echoes nothing different'. Damn Raizel, that's also very quotable. I'm going to hc that that's a common reply to someone saying I love you (be it platonic or romantic) in noble culture. He and Muzaka are truly besties.
- :(
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- :(
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- Idc if I know they aren't dead. My beloved characters don't and that's iwiwiwiwiwi.
Epilogue - I don't think it's particularly strange that the kids forgot about Raizel and everything else. One can just assume Raizel suppressed their memories once again when he knocked them out.
- Shinwoo cried this time too :3
- Dw Muzaka. Give it another century and my darling Jinan will beat your ass for the position.
- Lukedonians <3
- My hc for the end part is just Frankenstein and Third trying to figure out what the fuck was in those missiles to heal Raizel and the other 3 once destroyed, noble biology because actually he knows jack shit even after his experiments 1000+ years ago since he didn't do much, etc etc. Which actually is useless because my hc is that aside from Muzaka and Kei who did survive because like I said, them being there is dumb so they didn't contribute much, Raizel, Raskreia, and Rozaria did die and produce their red glowy dust. They were just lucky that the next time the universe aligned was like a month later so they then revived <3
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See the Red, start Running
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 442 - So mvp lord bragged about Raskreia to Muzaka, huh? Interesting interesting. Just imagining him talking happily about his beloved daughter while Muzaka listened on content.
Chapter 443 - Funny how Rozaria doesn't have her glasses for this fight. Why does she like her decorative glasses so much?
- I love Rozaria so much 🥺 magic circles are very pretty.
- Rip Gaura
- The fact that Roctis wouldn't have betrayed the nobles if Raizel had actually given the traitors attention and Roctis betraying the nobles because he loved you, his darling daughter, are two fact that can coexist Ignes. Also why else do you think he betrayed them... He isn't Urokai. He's not gonna do dumb shit just because Raizel doesn't talk to him.
- Ah Titan... I get that it's a strong chimera of werewolves but honestly I feel like we should give it some kids toys and go from there. Just a little baby. Feed it some mashed potatoes.
Chapter 444 - I like how nobody considers that Raizel would go as far as saving someone jsjsksk. The noblesse? Caring about a normal individual? Unrealistic.
- "Found family? Sounds fake. We don't do that shit here." is what I imagine is going through Lunark's mind lol.
Chapter 445 - The fact that Dorant didn't accept Muzaka's offer to travel with him... it's a travesty. Just imagine him getting to know Erin, being Ashleen's uncle, etc.
- Surely there's a better way to get people out of the experimentation tanks without breaking them? I just feel like that may be detrimental to the person inside. Maybe break it after you get them out to prevent further misuse? Just a thought.
- The way Ignes treats Raizel is definitely something. It's the same way as the other traitors who put him up on a pedestal and then got angry when he wasn't the revered god they made him out to be but more fucked up since here reverence was more calculated and less genuine. Good for her though.
- I mean. It's really not possible to be stronger than the noblesse unless you don't have blood due to the noblesse being able to blood bend and Titan most definitely has blood, Ignes. Also if the noblesse is young because they can literally just use up all their life-force to destroy the planet imo. Ofc the latter situation won't happen as long as the noblesse isn't crazy but yanno. By my hcs nobles who shapeshift to not have blood are thus at an advantage, but that's extremely difficult because you'd need to figure out how to make a functioning body without it. The Kravei find it easiest since water and slime bodies are second nature to them, hell Kravei likely shift to water whenever they don't feel like walking around something, but even that won't be useful since you also need to be aware of the extent of the noblesse's power which... they don't. Also like... kinda useless if the noblesse just pulls out mind control unless you've practiced good mind defenses.
- The fact that Dorant just chilled out after being beat up and isn't trying to capture Kentas is pretty funny. Like okay you learnt Muzaka saved your ass and Garda is actually alive so you realised the errors of your ways ig?
Chapter 446 - I just think if Titan is a chimera he should look less like one big hulking beast and more like an amalgation a la FromSoftware style. Like as it is, my guess is they took one ww as a base and grafted on samples from others layer by layer or interweaved or something in the muscle, or they took an amalgation of wws and assembled a base using samples to create a large frame then built upon that. Yet the countless souls part obviously means Titan is the bodies of many wws even if it doesn't look it (and also refers to all the experimentation leading up to a 'successful specimen' but that's irrelevant here). Would have been more fun if they did it the Mary Shelley way even, but nah. Just a big blue guy. Which. Why does a ww chimera look like that? Wws don't look like that. They don't have wings.
...Okay I'm thinking about it more and going crazy now. I'll spare y'all the details.
Chapter 447 - Ignes crying at Raizel destroying himself truly drives me crazy like. Okay you're insane ily lady. Insane characters like this are so fun, it's a shame Ignes is nowhere near the evil manipulative long lived level that other characters like this often are.
Chapter 448 - Frankenstein, there's little sense in other scientists not using your work as a base if it works well. That's how science is. Also stop leaving your work and notes everywhere bro, people find your shit way too easily if every single one of them is using it. Also like, I personally don't get how the 'element' he added only prevents healing from those using his work as a base unless he literally changes the genetic makeup of the person being modified. Since otherwise you'd think he'd just prevent healing in everyone regardless. Yet, because this is noblesse, both him literally changing people's genetic makeup or him preventing regeneration in everyone instead of just those based off of his work is believable. Except we know the latter isn't true since Urokai could have healed his eye no problem so... must be the former ig?
Chapter 449 - Raskreia looks so cool in her cape,,,
- I wonder what that 'one more thing' was that Ignes wanted to add to Titan but couldn't due to time restraints. And also how long Titan would have lasted since it was previously mentioned that it's body would have broken down after a while.
Chapter 450 - Since Ignes experimented on Muzaka and her base is Frankenstein's, and Garda's mods means she prevents Muzaka from healing, doesn't that mean she essentially is the same as Frankenstein and can prevent anyone whose mods are based from his from healing?
- Frankenstein might not give a second thought to Ignes going "you can even have me ;) " but... actually I probably wouldn't either but I would act like it did and use it to capture her so she can be judged properly by the law.
Chapter 451 - Yes I know the blush is meant to be for Raizel but idc idc for me it means she's thinking about her beloved gf Rozaria.
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- I like how Lunark upon being blamed for shit she didn't do just goes "yeah and what about it ( ◡‿◡ *) . But also idk what ur talking about ヽ( `д´*)ノ"
- Either Lunark flexed her cloak off again or Urne destroyed it with her attack. Or both.
- Rip to all the wws who were decent ppl and believed in/listened to Muzaka only to get murdered or experimented on due to Maduke. Like yeah there were probably only 5 of them but it truly is tragic. Okay, jokes aside, I do believe it was only a small minority who agreed with Muzaka and maybe a small group of neutral wws who followed Garda. 10% of the warriors and population at most. Ofc it was the warriors and vocal supporters who'd be targeted, the other civilians would just need to keep quiet to stay safe which they probably already did considering most wws are horrible ppl lmao. So like 10% of the warriors and a handful of citizens. Ofc this would mean more if I actually had hcs for ww population size but I dont aside from having them be less than 50k since that's my population size for nobles. Warriors.. i mean there's probably a hundred at most considering the canonical amount we see? So uh. 10 warriors and maybe 50-100 civilians got ruined?
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 380 - Still interesting that Gechutel was willing to vouch for the Tradio but not the other clans. Was he just unaware of their inner workings compared to the Tradio?
- Berserker mode Gradeus with the cool eyes and mouth,,, big fan.
- Yeah Gradeus' strength is definitely something
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- Love how Gradeus straight up has the video game passive ability of an inverse relationship between the attack and hp stat.
- Rozaria just standing in the throne room,,, saying nothing,,, just hanging out with the lord as one does.
Chapter 381 - Okay nevermind Ludis not calling Gradeus sir isn't a him thing, nobody calls him sir. My guess now is that he was like that even as clan leader during mvp lord's time and was just really casual or something.
- ...Wait a fucking moment. Is the lack of sir actually just a mistranslation? The central knight refers to Ludis without a sir once so... This is all from the official transaction which isn't exactly great but hmm. Probably not. Would be a weird constant mistranslation. With Ludis it only happened once after all.
- Idk Lagus, I'm pretty sure exposure to bloodstones did drive you insane actually.
- Your strong ruling the weak speech would be more convincing if you weren't a decrepit looking old man grandpa.
- I'm just saying, if mvp lord didn't enter eternal sleep there probably would be less problems. For one a 'complete' Ragnarok and his experience would likely make beating up the traitors easy.
- Wiping blood away with Garant doesn't seem particularly effective, Kei.
Chapter 382 - Rajak kneeling and formally apologising for not joining RK because he's a lord stan ahjsjsjsj. And Frankenstein having no idea what's going on as Raizel just sips his tea ignoring him 🤣
- Aaaaand then Raizel looking sad as he finishes that flashback. Rip.
- The way Kaiyo (and Kuharu's) lips are drawn are... not good tbh.
- Garant's tiger!
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- The manlet on manlet violence is truly sad to witness 😔 Be nicer to your fellow comrade Gradeus.
- Yeah that's cool!! No iris pupil nothing!
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- Oh my god his previous skill was a green tech like prison and now he has giant yellow crosses that are glowing! Son boy ily. I'm glad to know you don't actually succeed in taking Gradeus down with you in advance.
- Yup Lagus here to stab Ludis and inadvertently save my son boy!
Chapter 384 - Having flashbacks to Presentable Liberty everytime Lagus refers to Gechutel as friend. Except the Presentable Liberty guy was actually a great guy and Lagus is evil.
Chapter 385 - Grandpa 😥 Stop bullying your fellow grandpa Lagus 😡
Chapter 386 - Oh no the blood's dripping and going all over your breasts, Rozaria.
- Completely ignoring my previous comment... how the fuck is her dress staying up that thing isn't even over the thickest part wtf. It's only flirting with it. Superglued to her skin.
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- Ludis being able to make attacks target him... His skills are crazy.
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- Raskreia stepping in to save Kei is feminism actually.
Chapter 388 - Once again... what y'all are doing is a bit more than just 'thinking differently'.
Chapter 390 - Frankenstein and Gejutel bullying each other is peak friends behaviour.
Chapter 391 - People need to realise Frankenstein is still the strongest human alive... They're always like "ah the one who used to be the strongest human back in the day" like no he's still better than you.
- Seeing how quiet Edian is the entire time is so damn boring but also pretty good storytelling after you see all her flashbacks because she isn't a quiet doll! She's a drugged woman who straight up half threatened Frankenstein and only wished to help Raizel. It also gets even more interesting when you realise that she was also drugged (though she was likely on a much lower dosage or on something more 'recreative' than the ones Lagus later used to control her) during the entire time Frankenstein was around since she's been manipulated by Lagus ever since Raizel executed his own brother. My guess is she was even more outgoing before that and the combination of the tragedy, her role in it, and the drugs, made her the extremely subdued person she is shown to be rather than her being naturally reserved. Works even with my own hcs where events occur differently and the added factor of her simply being more respectful around the lord and noblesse.
Not to say that her basically being fridged isn't questionable because it is. Would have been better to have this be a male character's motivation (like idk, Zarga) and make her more unique. As it goes, the reserved quiet female character archetype is already very full. And the crush is just the final nail in the coffin.
- Raskreia canonically disliking Frankenstein <3
Chapter 392 - Yeah why Mount he's a five year old :/
- Grandpa shit talking Frankenstein to Raskreia and Rozaria,,, love you too Gejutel.
- Damn Gradeus mentioning Urokai. Good for them.
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Nobody! Raskreia, Rosaria and Kei Ru
Facts on them as a whole:
Don’t follow Noble customs should it inconvenience them
Instinctively protect humans though
Yellow ring around pupils is from the influence of Darkness and Xehanort/Xmenas
Though they aren’t affiliated with Organization 13
Despite not remembering their past selves they still stick together
They follow Rai’s brother, but with caution
Nobody’s name is Kresaxria (Krii-sash-re-ah)
Raskreia- Kresaxria
Most curious of her past life
Is a bit of a loner due to that
Like her whole self, she is conventional and serious, but is surprisingly more emotional or, as emotional as she can get as a Nobody
Therefore she is drawn towards things she remembers like Ramen and video games
But in battle she becomes way more aggressive than her whole self, even cruel should her enemy have information
Her weapon is an imitation of Ragnarok and is a Nobody version of Excalibur
Her Limit Break is called ‘Bloodied Cries’
Nobody name is Arorazix (Aa-row-ra-zii)
Rozaria - Arorazix
Perpetual smile (not like Yuri’s however it’s close to it)
Likes manipulating people for her amusement
And is very good at it, she could blend in with humans and no one would know
Enjoys setting fires to stuff
If she gets in trouble or something happens that she doesn’t like, she gets grumpy and pouts
Despite wielding fire, she would like her coat to have fur in it
Also gets really cold
She also has multiple hair accessories so her hair doesn’t get in the way
Sometimes will set living things on fire just to watch it squirm
Is cruel to her enemies for enjoyment not for information
Do her wrong and she’ll be out to get you
pretty friendly but very violent
Limit Break is called ‘Burning Gaze’
Kei Ru:
Nobody’s name is Ekxi (Eck (like heck without the h)-shi)
Kei - Ekxi
Is curious about his past life as well
But doesn’t actively pursue it like Kresaxria does
Is apathetic to everything
But really chill
Is basically the Mom Friend to the both of them, Arorazix especially
Outlines his scars a lot from curiosity
He’s more of an observer than fighter
Puts his hair up in a messy bun because he gets hot easily
Limit Break is called ‘Tigers Roar’
@mevekagvain what do you think Kei Ru’s and Rosaria’s weapon would be/look like?
@argentinecosmos 😏
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