#Panchito saga
lunalovecomics · 8 months
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Happy birthday Tanya! There is a meme in the Spanish Youjo Senki community where Visha is a construction worker "Panchito". And Tanya is her superior "el pollo García". Based on that, this is Tanya's quinceañera dressed with a co-rooster dress. 80's prom dress panchito. cringe. I love it
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disneyat34 · 4 years
The Three Caballeros at 34
A review by Adam D. Jaspering
Mickey Mouse is, and always has been, the face of the Walt Disney Corporation. Perhaps it’s because of legacy or favoritism, because Donald Duck has often proven himself more popular. To expand on a quote from Walt Disney, it all started with a mouse, but a duck pays the bills. Never was this more apparent than in the 1940s.
As morbid as it seems, World War II was a great boon to Donald Duck’s popularity. Mickey Mouse represented an unflappable, upbeat everyman. He became popular during the Great Depression when people needed their morale lifted. Donald Duck was an angry fighter who got knocked down, and stood right back up, fists swinging. That sensibility was celebrated by many during the war. Seeing the influence he had, Walt Disney capitalized on his creation.
Donald was commissioned by many sources during World War II. The US Treasury, the United Way, and the Canadian Film Board all commissioned cartoons from Disney Studios. His likeness was merchandised in countless other places. Within months, Donald Duck was promoting war bonds and celebrating American resilience coast to coast.
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Later, Donald joined the US Army, encouraging enlistment. As an act of patriotism, Disney produced seven of these shorts at cost for the armed forces. Why he opted for Donald to join the Army as opposed to the Navy, as is often suggested by his sailor outfit, is a mystery. Donald wasn’t the official face of the war effort, but not for lack of trying.
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In 1944, three separate events lined up. First, World War II was still ongoing.  Second, Disney Studios was celebrating Donald’s tenth anniversary. Third, the follow-up to Saludos Amigos was nearing completion. It was time for another cinematic saga of comradery in the western hemisphere, this time featuring Donald Duck front and center.
Saludos Amigos was a rush job. Disney Studios churned it out for immediate financial returns. The writers and animators had unused ideas leftover. Some ideas were more dynamic and required money and time, not available in 1941. Now with a foot-hold on the Latin American film market, the studio was able to make a proper follow-up. That was The Three Caballeros.
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The Three Caballeros uses the 10th anniversary of Donald Duck’s creation as a framing device. Throughout the film, Donald opens a multitude of gifts from friends and well-wishers. Each gift prompts or frames a new vignette. Like Saludos Amigos, the vignettes of The Three Caballeros were created to foster international goodwill between Latin America and the United States.
The first gift is a projector and film canister. The movie is The Cold-Blooded Penguin. It features a penguin named Pablo who dislikes living in Antarctica. Pablo hates the cold, and wishes to live in a tropical climate. One day, he pools his resources, and sets out on an ice floe for warmer weather.
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Astute readers will notice the error immediately. What on Earth is a cartoon about a penguin doing in a film about Latin America?
It’s true, Pablo’s journey takes him around some of the coastal geographic features of South America’s west coast. These aren’t so much landmarks as name drops. We hear the narrator mention the Straits of Magellan, Cape Horn, Juan Fernandez Islands, Vina Del Mar, Lima, and the Galapagos Islands. But what’s depicted onscreen are rather nondescript landforms. These could be any straits, any coasts, and any islands.
The Cold-Blooded Penguin’s ties to South America are incredibly tenuous. Plainly, it does not belong as part of the film. So much so, it’s not even worth commenting on the animation or story. You could make the greatest rotisserie chicken in culinary history, but if you serve it atop an ice cream sundae, no one will care how the chicken tastes. 
The short shamelessly tries to mask itself as an extended cutaway from a larger feature called “Aves Raras,” or “Rare Birds.” The non-penguin half of this short does indeed focus on the indigenous fauna of South America. Somewhat farcically, but also with an informative nugget. This infotainment is what The Three Caballeros aspires to be, and achieves in certain quantities. 
Unfortunately, the filmmakers either get lazy or distracted. Strewn among the cultural aspects are nonsense and unsupportive jokes. Either the filmmakers were padding the film or afraid of losing the attention of a younger audience. The end result bogs down quality with unnecessary jetsam.
The highlight of the Rare Birds segment is the Aracuan Bird. This bird has a high-pitched, sped-up voice, and a warbled laugh. He has a screwball sense of humor, and an innate ability to antagonize all those who he comes into contact with. He has a bright red crest, a yellow beak, and oversized eyes. He debuted four years after another cartoon bird with alarmingly similar characteristics: Woody Woodpecker.
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Woody Woodpecker first appeared in the 1940 short Knock Knock. Walter Lantz created the character, and licensed him to Universal Studios. The similarities between The Aracuan Bird and Woody cannot be ignored. I can find no information explaining this coincidence. There were no complaints filed, and no legal action by Lantz or Universal. It’s rather unlikely Disney’s animators resorted to plagiarism; we can only assume it was an unintentional, subconscious reproduction.
The Aracuan Bird appears here, and in two more brief scenes. He then disappears for the remainder of the film. One would think he would be a running gag, appearing regularly throughout the movie. Or at the very least, he would be a main feature in his own vignette, his other appearances being callbacks. He would certainly be more on-theme than The Cold-Blooded Penguin. 
The Aracuan Bird is an unpleasant reminder that The Three Caballeros was a pile of ideas leftover from Saludos Amigos. He is introduced, then subsequently forgotten. The movie was the production of different animators and writers, working independently. They each had their own ideas, and didn’t seek consultation. These ideas are threaded together as best as possible, but big gaps in style and substance exist.
The next vignette is The Flying Gauchito, set in the pampas of Uruguay. It is the story of a child, looking for the approval of the gauchos of his village. The boy goes on a hunting expedition, finding the rarest game of all: a winged donkey. 
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The donkey is named ‘Burrito,’ the Spanish word ‘Little Donkey’ (which existed long before the popular Tex-Mex dish). Gauchito returns home with his newly acquired winged steed. Rather than show him off, Burrito is entered in a horse race. It’s one thing to show-off your luck. It’s another thing to demonstrate your worth.
What makes The Flying Gauchito special isn’t its story. Will and determination overcoming the established norms is a common moral. The true strength of the short is its utilization of an unreliable narrator. Gauchito’s journey is narrated by his older self, narrating from an omniscient standpoint in the future. It would be easy for him to tell the story accurately. Instead, he’s forgetful, indecisive, and admittedly unsure of specific details. 
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This narrative style creates not only a humorous structure, but humorous accompanying animation. Whenever a detail is “corrected” or second-guessed, the corresponding imagery is swapped out. In quick succession, the characters onscreen are left helpless as their world is ad hoc corrected. They must endure a shifting landscape and environment before they can react accordingly. This gives them a sense of instability, like they’re wearing roller skates, or walking a tightrope. It’s an advanced narrative technique, and it’s executed well.
With two and a half shorts finished, Donald Duck moves onto his next present. Inside is his friend and Saludos Amigos costar Jose Carioca. Jose is just as jovial and passionate as ever, but now smoking a giant cigar shamelessly for all children to see. We’re a long way from the warnings of Pleasure Island.
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Jose introduces Donald to the Brazilian city of Baia. In a combined mood of nostalgia and admiration, Jose begins a long musical serenade. As his memories and thoughts are manifest to reality, we are swept away in the romantic imagery. The pinks and purples of the city at sunset are wonderfully done.
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The two avian friends find themselves at a celebration on the streets of Baia. They’re joined by singer and dancer Aurora Miranda, plus a small army of samba dancers. The interplay of cartoon and human is outdated by today’s standards, but to an audience in 1944, it must have seemed groundbreaking. The technique is used extensively throughout the remainder of The Three Caballeros, and to great effect. It’s a gimmick, but a gimmick employed and accomplished well.
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Exiting the glory of Baia, Donald opens his next gift from a stranger in Mexico. The unfamiliarity is temporary. Inside the gift is the loud, ecstatic, pistol-packing Panchito Pistoles. This firebrand is so eager to meet both Donald and Jose, he declares the trio “The Three Caballeros.” Finally, forty minutes into the picture, well past the halfway mark, we meet the last of our title characters.
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After a fiery song and dance number, Panchito introduces Donald to the piñata. Panchito identifies it as a Mexican Christmas tradition (The Three Caballeros was scheduled for a December release date). Until this point, Panchito has been a quite vocal and boisterous individual. Hearing him tell a reverent and humble tale of Christmas tradition displays his hidden depths. Panchito could have been a shallow and one-note character. Instead, we see him capable of many things.
Cracking open the piñata, Donald is treated to a tour of Mexico’s most popular sights. Panchito summons a serape, which flies like Aladdin’s magic carpet. The Three Caballeros visit the exotic locales of  Pátzcuaro, Veracruz, and Acapulco. 
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Until this point, both Donald and Jose were nothing more than enthusiastic partygoers. They enjoyed the celebrations and sights of their destinations. And they never shied away from the pleasant company of a gorgeous woman. For whatever reason, upon visiting Mexico, something stirs in the mind of Donald. 
Going forwards, every woman Donald encounters is an object of lustful desire. Singing girls, dancing girls, sunbathing girls; Donald wants them all. Jose and Panchito do their best to subtly remind Donald he is a cartoon duck in a G-Rated movie, but Donald is driven by his id. 
It’s a common cartoon trope for a character to be so blindsided by a woman’s physical attraction, they lose control. From the works of pre-Hays Code Betty Boop shorts, to the then-contemporary Tex Avery, it was a well-established joke. Donald, however, is completely insatiable and unstoppable. It starts funny, gets ridiculous, and then turns downright disturbing. Donald Duck is insatiably in love with these Latin beauties, and cannot be tamed. It’s a running gag that runs far too long. Panchito shouldn’t have shown Donald a hot beach, he should have shown him a cold shower.
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The movie ends in quite an interesting way. Instead of a traditional song and dance number celebrating Mexico, the remaining twenty minutes of film is a surreal, avant garde display. More than ‘Toccata and Fugue’ from Fantasia. More than ‘Pink Elephants on Parade’ from Dumbo. Things are odd, formless, wild, and baffling. And lots of fun.
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The Three Caballeros’s primary problem is how unbalanced it is. Any ten minute stretch is vastly different from any other. But it is unbalanced in a linear fashion. As the movie progresses, it becomes more cohesive and more audacious. Things are always building towards the (literally) explosive climax.
It begins with one short that doesn’t belong in the film at all. It moves onto a second short that, while more appropriate, could easily be excised. Jose is introduced, giving the movie more structure and narrative harmony. With him, more advanced animation techniques are employed. Panchito is introduced, giving the film a solid shape and definition. Finally, we’re treated to a grand tour de force. Disney’s animators use every trick to deliver a mindboggling trip for the eyes and ears.
The Three Caballeros as a group existed as Disney second-stringers for many years. Donald Duck remained as popular as ever, but it was rare to see Jose or Panchito acknowledged by the studio. Early in the 21st century, the cult popularity of the film prompted a resurgence for the forgone trio.
The Three Caballeros are featured at the Mexican Pavilion of Epcot Center (despite only one of the three members being Mexican). Don Rosa wrote two sequels for the trio, published in comic form. They’ve appeared in Disney television shows, such as House of Mouse, and 2017′s DuckTales. They even star in their own series on Disney+, where they become globetrotting fantasy heroes.
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The Three Caballeros expands on the ideas of its predecessor, Saludos Amigos. A multitude of animation techniques continues the celebration of harmony in the Americas. Music, laughter, and a love of exploration unite us all. While the end result is something of a mixed bag, the highs are demonstrably high. It will stimulate some viewers while outright confounding others. But in the end, the wild, surreal adventure is a voyage worth taking. Hasta luego.
Fantasia Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Pinocchio Bambi The Three Caballeros Dumbo Saludos Amigos
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superwolfiestar · 5 years
Super Caballeros Rewritten Ch.1
New Tenderfeet City is one of the most well-known cities in the world. A huge, thriving place where all types of cultures come together. A place where people go to fulfill their dreams of wealth and prosperity. For many, New Tenderfeet City is the big-time. In a three story brick house lived two men who were just trying to keep themselves afloat and brace their romantic relationship to the world.
A red rooster hand hit the alarm clock as he groaned and began waking up. Rubbing his face as he pulled the sheet and get off the bed as he stretched his body.
His name is Panchito, a strong and a little muscular yet athletic rooster plumber who is the owner of his own business called Caballeros Plumbing.
The house they had was a part of a complex that was used to be a run down due to age, but since they have been remodeled their home with enough money they save so the two of them can able to have their nice home style aesthetic and pay a tribute to their proud heritage cultures.
It had 2 bedrooms, a simple kitchen and a bathroom, small simple living room, a balcony with small few plants. These which is all they ever really needed in life. Sure they had a few fine luxury items, but the money was never a concern for them as they enjoyed just being in each other's company as inseparable couple.
Panchito grab his red towel and head to the shower. After a nice seven of warm shower. Panchito grab his plumber and dressed in a red shirt, blue overalls, brown shoes, white gloves and a red hat with a red P in a white circle on the brim of his hat.
"I wonder where Jose is…" The rooster thought as he went to check up on his green parrot boyfriend. To Panchito's surprise, it turns out he was wrong. Jose was in the kitchen cooking up some delicious breakfast.
Panchito smile as he walked over to him and been down and began to move his beak to Jose.
"JOSE!" Panchito yelled as he spook Jose.
"Ahh…!" Jose yelled in surprise as he spoke by Panchito as he was laughing. "Panchito, would you stop scaring at me." Jose replied as he looked at his rooster.
"Sorry Jose,” Panchito apology as he chuckles. “what are you making?” He peak over Jose’s shoulder to see what he is making.
“Pancakes.” The green bird reply. “Will you be a dear and go pour us some glass of milk?” Jose ask. “And can you go watering the planted please? It’s your turn.”
“Sure.” said Panchito. He grabbed the reg
Jose rolled his eyes as he continued making pancakes for them. Jose is a short green parrot with a pear body plumber who was just as athletic as his boyfriend Panchito but not as strong as him, was the other partner in their business.
The outfit consists of a green shirt, dark blue overalls, brown shoes, white gloves and a green hat with a green J in a white circle as the same style as Panchitos hat.
Panchito pour the milk in two cup of glasses for them. He then put the milk away and head to the window and grab a metal watering can and pour the water to the flowers outside the balcony.
Jose finished making pancakes and place them on the dinner table as he and Panchito began to eat and drink the milk. While Panchiot eating the pancake that Jose made. He read the local newspaper.
“Hey Jose check this out! I’m on the front cover!” Panchito told him, Jose got up and walked over to him, standing right beside him, and look at the newspaper. “It said: Panchito Pistoles, the owner of his own company, Caballeros Plumbing, rescue Mayor Daisy Duck from Tenderfeet on top of the New Tenderfeet City Hall. He stop Tenderfeet and help Mayor Daisy down to the ground safely. Luckily, neither Mayor Daisy or Mr. Pistole are injury but Tenderfeet fall down of his death and was defeated. Mayor Daisy thank him for rescuing her and reward her hero with a golden medal.”
“Wow, it has been one week since that incident and now they published?” Jose was still looking at the new paper.
As the plumbers finished the remains of their crust, they each let out a heavy sigh. "Boy that taste so good" Panchito said.
Just a few minutes, the phone started to ring. Panchito ran over and picked it up quicker than he had ever done while Jose is cleaning up the dishes. "Hello. This is Caballeros Plumbing!" He shouted happilyinto the phone. There was a elder woman on the other end who seemed startled. "I'm sorry, did I call at a bad time dear?" she asked.
Panchito jumped, "n-no no! I'm sorry It's just, I-I didn't mean to shout señora. How can I help you?" The elder woman began to explain to Panchito about a problem she had with her shower drain then gave him the address and Panchito have a bright smile on his face.
"So do you think you can help me dear?" the elder woman asked. Panchito responded, "Si! And we'll be right over!"
The elder woman happily said, "Wonderful! See you soon!" then hung up the phone.
Panchito quickly hung the receiver up and dashed into the kitchen to get Jose. "Mi amor!" Panchito shouted. "Jose! Grab your tools, we have work!"
"Wha-what? Don't play jokes on me, Panchito!"
"This isn't a joke! I just got off the phone with an old woman who has a clogged shower drain!"
"You get the van started and I'll grab my things!" Jose jumped out of his chair and the two Caballeros ped off in different directions.
The Van was nothing special unfortunately. It was a cheap business truck they got from a junk dealer about a year ago. It was surprisingly still able to chug along in the condition that it was in then and the condition that it had been in now with all the experience the Caballeros had in driving around New Tenderfeet.
“So what exactly do we have on our plates this time?" Jose asked, curious as to what today's events would be like for the Caballeros as he kissed his beloved boyfriend in a cheek.
"Let's just say it's a big one." Panchito replied in a somewhat amusing tone.
“That's what I was afraid of." Jose said, getting a few chuckles from the duo. Jose then cleared his throat as Panchito was driving along as they both were listening to some rock songs on the radio.
After a few minutes of driving. Panchito stopped the van in front of the house. "Let go" Panchito shouted, signaling the green parrot trademark phrase as they were ready to work.
They take their tools out of their van and they walk up from the stone step as Panchito ring a doorbell. The door open as it was a elderly pig woman. “Buen día señora!” Panchito greet her as they tip their hats at her.
“Goodie, you boys must be the Caballeros plumber. Please do come inside.” The Caballeros plumber walk inside the building as the elderly pig woman close the door and lead them to the bathroom. In the bathroom, a tub full of dirty water was the Caballeros project. "Well, I guess I'll leave you guys to it." The elder woman said. "Just give me a call if you need anything to drink dears, okay?" Panchito and Jose smiled as the old woman shut the door behind them and left them to begin on the drain.
"Can you believe this, Jose?" Panchito said heavily while he plunged the drain. "All we gotta do is unclog this thing and we'll be paying off our alquilar in no time!" He continued to use the plunger as he stood knee-high in the water, but it was no use. "Need some help there?" Jose asked. He jumped into the tub with Panchito and they both grabbed onto the plunger, but the water pressure seemed to be getting tighter until they could barely move it. They both began to get sweaty and exhausted.
"Okay, we're gonna have to really pull to get the pressure out, so on the count of three." Panchito explained. They both grabbed the plunger again and Panchito started to count. "Uno dos…" They both geared up for one big pull as Panchito said, "TRES!"
With one final pull the plunger came loose and the drain began to quickly lose the water. They gave each other a high five and began to exit the tub.
It had been a job just like any other, but things took an unexpected turn as the last of the water drained out. Jose tried to step out of the tub, but was stopped by something. He looked down as his shoe seemed to be getting pulled into the drain. "Uh, Panchiot?" Jose said with a shakiness to his voice. Panchito saw what was happening and jumped back in to help pull his brother out.
“Panchito! O que está acontecendo?" Jose yelled as the force pulling him grew stronger. Panchito yelled back, "I don't know, just keep pulling!" Panchito tried his hardest but couldn't pull his lover back out.
The drain widened as Jose's body was almost completely inside of it. Panchito held his hand as it began to drag both of them in. "P-Panchito! Please don't let me go!" Jose screamed. "Don't worry, mi amor, I got ya!" Panchito shouted back to him. With nothing they could do, the drain continued pulling until Panchot and Jose were both sucked down straight into it. As Panchito went headfirst into the drain, once his feet were in the drain's pressure began to drop and it reverted back to it's normal size. The bathroom was now quiet, with only the Caballeros's tools left.
The elder pig woman came upstairs holding a tray with two glasses of lemonade. She politely knocked on the door before letting herself in. "Hello? I heard a lot of banging up here and figured you boys were working really hard so I brought you dear some-" As she opened the door she dropped the tray and saw the drain was no longer clogged, but there was no sign of the two plumbers.
Mario’s House - Mario & Luigi: SuperStar Saga + Bowser’s minion
Metro Kingdom: New Don City Daytimes - Mario Odyssey
Goomba Village - Paper Mario 64
Serious Trouble - Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
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Lia’s Duel School - How I Got This Crazy Idea
Welcome to the opening of Lia’s Duel School for Aspiring YGO Writers.
This is a blog that I’ve had thought of for the past month or so, but at now, you must be thinking, “Why make a blog based on this crazy idea?”
It’s a long story, so sit by my side as the lights darken and the curtains pull.
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(Ah memories...)
I’ve been a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh since I was 10-11. I was a big fan of Ancient Egypt at the time, and when I learned of Yu-Gi-Oh having basis on the kingdom that was born from the Nile River, I fell in love with it at first site. I remember asking my father to get me a pair of Yu-Gi-Oh sneakers with little Millennium Puzzle zippers that I would wear to school practically every day, asking my aunt for a Pegasus Starter Deck because I loved all the cute Toon Monsters (although if I were to play a deck these days, I’d go for Gravekeeper’s with a Dark Horus card beacuse it’s my favorite monster ever) and watching in fear watching Yami Yugi vs Yami Bakura in the Duelist Kingdom anime when the souls of the characters were trapped in their favorite Duel Monster Cards.
This love expanded when I found about fanfiction when I was 12. There, I wanted to write stories like how I always dreamed of for all to share. Of course, my drafts were...pathetic, but I still kept watching the anime, writing my stories and reading fanfics, under the name of Green Phantom Queen
(And yes, I know the card is “Green Phantom King” but after learning about the mythology of the Morganna, I rolled with it.”.
It was around this time that I learned of the fanfiction.net writer, Cyber Commander (who now goes by the name of 0ccam’s Razor) whose Yu-Gi-Oh story: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Messiah kicked me into writing my first ever duel fic that would be what I defined myself under: “Between My Brother and Me”, the title of an old fanfic series I once planned that was a Pokémon/Yu-Gi-Oh crossover in which Valon was actually the older brother of May and Max and the two set off to find him.
Of course, I was 13 at the time, but three to four years later, I became a better writer and the plot of that became, “May and Max decide to go to Domino City for vacation before May goes to the Johto Region and get entangled with the Waking the Dragons Arc” (which is currently going into a rewrite that I totally need to update...)
Years passed, college and life happened, going to Burma with my mom happened when I was just 22 for only three weeks, and I wasn’t writing due to lack of internet connection. But I STILL had a desire to.
So in 2017, I started again. Using my phone and an Internet card to write as much as I could. I had already planned on a collection of Pokémon/Yu-Gi-Oh crossovers with an added twist: the characters existed in an universe where ALL characters, regardless of what series they came from all existed in some sort of community. So you can have Seto Kaiba still running Kaiba Corp. while Team Satisfaction cleans up Duel Gangs in Satellite, or Yuma Tsukumo and his friends go to school with Judai Yuki along with (human) Pokémon characters playing Duel Monsters and getting into crazy adventures.
But, the thing is, while the crossover aspect got my brain fired up, I still wasn’t ready to make the plunge into this blog yet.
And you may be asking, “What changed your mind?”
Well, you’ll be surprised at what happened next.
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Come June/July 2018. I have just learned that the Philippines has uploaded a cartoon known as Legend of the Three Caballeros, an action-adventure oriented cartoon series where Disney’s Three Caballeros (Donald Duck, Jose Carioca and Panchito Pistoles--or Gonzoles in this case) were tasked to stop the evil Lord Felldrake by teaming up with Xandra, Goddess of Adventure in fighting strange monsters all around the world.
And by coincidence, one of the episodes had our heroes go to Peru and enter the Nazca Realm.
Someone on the comments section of that video (which has sadly been removed) commented on how the Nazca Lines IMMEDIATELY brought back the Earthbound Immortal saga of Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds, one of my favorite arcs due to its supernatural elements and how freaking dark it was. The Dark Signers already existed in my Pokemon/Yugioh crossover verse (with each and every Dark Signer a Pokémon character whose role is to cleanse humans of sin and await the day that the open the “Gates of Hamunaptra” in Satellite) and a thought of “What would happen if Disney characters became Dark Signers” entered my head, resulting in the story known as “Legends of the Three Caballeros: Dark Signs of the Sun”: in which the Three Caballeros fight off against the Dark Signers in a Kingdom Hearts like adventure through the use of Duel Monsters.
Published at the end of August, I have been amazed to find people so interested in this story. But...why?
Was it its novelty? It is the only fanfic of a Disney/Yu-Gi-Oh crossover that involves dueling.
Was it the writing? I wasn’t sure about that, seeing as I had a few reviews from ACTUAL readers rather than spam.
I thought and thought about it for a while, and then lightning struck.
I may not be able to understand WHY it was becoming so popular, but perhaps I could use it as a stepping stone to help others get into writing duelfics.
After all, when it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh, we come for Duel Monsters and the epic battles first.
So with this, I announce that Lia Duel School is open and anyone and everyone willing to follow me in a curriculum based on writing will have a blast as they understand what it takes to make a story such as this.
And who knows? Perhaps one day I’ll be reading fanfics in the future by these aspiring writers.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your notebooks and pens, get that internet up and running, and get set to learn all there is about the Art of Duelfics.
Next time: The definition of a Duelfic comes first.
See you then!
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superwolfiestar · 6 years
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So today while I was thinking and coming up an another Au. I just have an amazing Au idea. This Au is base on my favorite childhood video game throughout the years. I work so hard, this drawing just took one day to finish! I have trouble decided which characters will play as who. You all better appreciate it. I call it! MarioTales Au!
I just smash their name into the Mario characters name. I'm so sorry I can't put read more I'm on mobile. So here are their name:
Donald as Princess Peach
Personally, I think Donald would be perfect to be Princess Peach because they are both have responsibilities they have, they are both generally known for being sweet, graceful, calm, and well mannered. They both care to other and their friends.
Panchito as Mario
The reason why I pick Panchito to be Mario is because they are both like the color red. They have same personality; they are both brave, kind-hearted hero with a strong sense of justice, morality and righteousness. And they are willing to risk their life to save millions of others and their friends and families from the forces of evil.
Jose as Luigi
I think Jose will be perfect to play Luigi in MarioTales Au because they both like green, they both like cross dressing. In Mario and Luigi: SuperStar Saga, Luigi disguise himself as Princess Peach in order to fool Bowletta and Fawful. In Super Mario Adventure comic, Luigi disgusts himself again as Princess Peach in order to save Mario and fool the Koopaling. I think Jose as Luigi would be perfect in MarioTales Au.
There are more characters in the Mario Au on the way! So stay tune for more!
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