ilblogdellestorie · 2 months
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ideeperscrittori · 7 months
Per affrontare la questione dei migranti il governo vuole aprire altri 12 nuovi lager. Ma i media non usano la parola "lager", anche se in quei posti qualsiasi trattato sui diritti umani firmato dallo stato italiano diventa un mucchio di coriandoli. Non li chiamano col loro nome per evitare titoli come: «Il governo vuole aprire altri 12 lager». C'è il rischio che la gente capisca quando usi parole così esatte. Non si può mica parlare di lager durante una riunione della buona società capitolina. Non si possono mica dire cose come «il senso di responsabilità ci impone la costruzione di lager» o «l'Europa ci chiede altri lager». Non vogliamo mica turbare appuntamenti conviviali e aperitivi milanesi con parole così descrittive, vero? Per questo non li chiamano lager. Usano asettici acronimi, come CPR. Ma sono lager. Orribili lager. Da anni le persone migranti vengono imprigionate in lager presenti sul territorio italiano. E invece di chiuderli ne vogliono costruire altri 12.
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soldan56 · 2 months
L'eterno sbirro
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b0ringasfuck · 2 months
e mentre si segue la pista anarchica per qualsiasi cosa...
né di destra, né di sinistra... ma una costola di FdI...
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ilfascinodelvago · 1 year
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Carico residuale
Ph.  Francesco Malavolta
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immensoamore · 1 year
Loro "non dovevano partire".
Lui non dovevano farlo Ministro.
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salvo-love · 9 months
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#lastampa #LaRepubblica #domani #corrieredellasera #africanjournalist #africanjournalism #vergogna #vergognosi #shameless #africans #african #africa #africanfashion #africanprint #asia #asianfood #asianboy #asianbride #asianmodel #cgil #sinistraitaliana #sinistraitalianaverdi #SinistraItaliana #MovimentoCinqueStelle #Movimento5Stelle #movimento5stelle #movimentocinquestelleacasa #La7 #la7 #LA7 #InOndaEstate #inonda #CLANDESTINI #noclandestini #stopbusinessimmigrazione #stopsostituzioneetnica #stopbusinessaccoglienza #stopsbarchi #partitoantidemocratico #partitodemocratico #partitodisastri #partitoantidemocratico #Pd #PD #pdacasa #partitodemocraticoacasa #partitocontrogliitaliani😢😢😢 #EllySchlein #ellischleinsegretariapd #ELLYSCHLEIN #ellysclein #Boldrini #LauraBoldrini #lauraboldrini #acasa #immigrati #immigrazionisti #immigrazione #immigrazionefuoricontrollo #immigrants #immigration #stopclandestini #stopinvasione #Stopinvasione #stopinvasion #bastabuonismo #bastapd⛔️ #bastaimmigrati #stopsostituzioneetnica #nopianokalergi #europeanUnion #europeancommission #europeancouncil #UrsulavonderLeyen #CharlesMichel #RobertaMetsola #Unitednations #Unchnur #CommissioneEuropea #PapaFrancesco #bastailludere #confuturomigliore #laUE #NONLIVUOLE #NONHANNO #futuroinEuropa
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Calabria locals blame the government for migrant deaths
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At least 67 migrants, including children, have died and more are feared missing after their boat sank in rough seas off southern Italy.
The vessel broke apart while trying to land near Crotone, in the southernmost region of the Italian peninsula, in Calabria, on February 26, 2023. Migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Iran were on board.
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Babies were among the dead, Italian officials said.
Bodies were recovered from the beach at a nearby seaside resort in the Calabria region.
The coastguard said 80 people had been found alive, "including some who managed to reach the shore after the sinking".
The exact number of people who were on the boat, which had sailed from Turkey several days ago, is not clear.
Rescue workers told the AFP news agency that the vessel had been carrying "more than 200 people", which would mean more than 60 people unaccounted for.
Italian authorities are now facing scrutiny over their response to the tragic shipwreck near their shores, in which at least 67 people died. Local prosecutors say a lack of coordination may have contributed to the tragedy. But political anger is also growing.
Opposition leader Elly Schlein is demanding a thorough investigation to determine the timeline of the authorities' response, after the migrant boat was first seen on Saturday night.
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Her request came after Matteo Piantedosi, Italy's Minister of Interior, said that the migrants should not have departed in the first place. "You shouldn't expose women and children to dangerous conditions," he insisted.
These words have caused outrage among the country's opposition parties, which called on him to resign.
"Your declarations have transformed victims into culprits," Schlein told Piantedosi during a parliamentary session. "Who are you to judge from the height of your privileges whether one should choose between death at sea and death in one's own country?"
In addition, Calabrian locals living next to the beach where the boat crashed are wondering why rescuers took so long to arrive when the boat was first spotted.
"The state knows when the migrant boats are coming and they let them arrive, but despite knowing this they didn't intervene," local resident Domenico told CGTN. "Now all those people had to die, all those children, the women."
"If I had seen them, I would have helped them," adds Francesco who lives in Botricello, a town nearby.
Meanwhile, Italy's coast guard blames the system used by the European border agency, Frontex. It says because Frontex didn't officially alert Italian rescuers, it meant their hands were tied in their response.
And while the search for the still missing migrants continues on the beaches of Calabria, protesters are hitting the streets in Rome demanding a change in Italy's approach to offshore rescue missions – and to migration as a whole.
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xenomorfoalieno · 2 months
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silencioinvade · 1 year
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aitan · 1 year
"Mettere fine alle partenze illegali verso l'Italia e alla tragedia delle morti in mare”...
E che ce vo'!?
Basta cambiare il modello di sviluppo, la distribuzione delle ricchezze e il modo di vivere del mondo intero e di ognuno di noi!
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ilblogdellestorie · 1 year
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Il pensiero di Anna Foglietta sul Ministro Piantedosi
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ideeperscrittori · 1 year
Stanotte Life Support di Emergency ha salvato 105 persone di fronte alla Libia.
Carità cristiana del governo: il porto assegnato è Brindisi, per aumentare la sofferenza delle persone a bordo, impedire altri soccorsi e far aumentare a dismisura il costo dei carburanti.
Però a Natale il presepe sarà difeso a ogni costo. Il mondo è salvo.
E poi niente paura: per fortuna da quelle parti c'è lo stato italiano pronto a soccorrere, giusto? Sbagliato, come dimostrano i fatti recenti.
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rosaleona · 1 year
Magi a Piantedosi: “I migranti devono chiedersi cosa possono dare al proprio Paese? Cosa può fare un bimbo afghano in un regime talebano?”
Magi a Piantedosi: “I migranti devono chiedersi cosa possono dare al proprio Paese? Cosa può fare un bimbo afghano in un regime talebano?” https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2023/03/01/magi-a-piantedosi-i-migranti-devono-chiedersi-cosa-possono-dare-al-proprio-paese-cosa-puo-fare-un-bimbo-afghano-in-un-regime-talebano/7081882/
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b0ringasfuck · 4 months
dov'erano le femministe Piantedosi e Nordio quando...
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ginogirolimoni · 2 months
Piantedosi: "No a processi sommari ...", si a manganellate ben assestate.
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