flthys · 2 months
plot idea i've been thinking about ... it's gross so 👀
plot where a brother and sister were involved in some incestious shit and the sister oops ends up pregnant. when their parents find out, they send the sister away and forbid them from seeing each other. some time later the brother, who is more of the perpetrator / obsessed one goes looking for his sister and child, only for his sister to be all reformed and tells him to leave or she'll call the cops. he's obv not happy with it so he continues stalking her and woah ... they had a daughter and she looks just like his sister when she was younger !! cut to him being obsessed with her now . either confronting her and telling her who he is and coaxing her into a relationship with him OR approaching her like a stranger and starting a "real" relationship with her !
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ty-isnt-there · 17 days
here's part 1!!
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slowbrns · 6 months
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anomiahq · 3 months
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foi extremamente rápido. todos seguiam seus dias normalmente, inconscientes de que o fim já havia começado. tudo inicia em um incidente inocente num laboratório francês. um segmento específico de cientistas trabalhava havia alguns meses com a manipulação de um vírus na tentativa de gerar algo experimental, novo, que fosse auxiliar no tratamento de cânceres cerebrais. era esperado que esse patógeno sintetizado fosse atacar células cancerígenas sem a destruição de tecidos adjacentes, e os resultados iniciais haviam sido promissores… ou pelo menos até a pequena explosão que fez com que o material manipulado entrasse em contato com os cientistas. toda a equipe foi a óbito nos dois dias seguintes. alguns primeiro, outros mais tardiamente, mas todos eles voltaram. o resultado é bem conhecido pela população mundial.
foram necessários apenas dez dias para ser declarada uma pandemia. não muito depois de deixar a frança, o vírus wildfire se alastrou por todo continente, progressivamente derrubando países. as forças militares de alguns países conseguiram montar pequenas resistências, mas estas não duraram muito: maioria foi derrubada pelo povo ou pela doença dois meses depois. a anomia já estava perfeitamente instaurada, e pessoas representavam um perigo tão grande quanto os próprios infectados.
numa tentativa de proteger os mais fracos e estabelecer alguma espécie de resistência, nasceu o armagedom. negan tinha um propósito puro, em seu início (provavelmente), a tentativa de fazer com que os mortos fossem a única preocupação existente. as perdas e conflitos com outros grupos fez com que progressivamente aqueles que pertenciam ao grupo mudarem. algo sobre serem os detentores da arma, serem numericamente maiores e já terem perdido gente demais. uma nuance um tanto quanto agressiva, territorialista. todos aqueles que não eram ou não queriam fazer parte do grupo eram, automaticamente, seus inimigos. e àqueles, restava apenas duas opções: se submeter e servir ou morrer. era simples. 
em contraponto, constantinopla era uma pequena cidade “sustentável”, criada para ser um refúgio para aqueles muito afortunados antes do apocalipse. distante o suficiente do centro urbano, e ainda despovoada, ou pelo menos era antes de meredith fincar seus planos no bairro. esposa de um arquiteto, um pequeno grupo de pessoas foi responsável por erguer e iniciar o primeiro projeto de cidade, murando tudo o que ficou conhecido como constantinopla. os meses que seguiram a sua criação marcaram prosperidade para aqueles que ali moravam, que por vezes, se davam até o luxo de esquecer da existência do apocalipse. 
nos cinco anos que se sucederam, ambos os grupos se fortificaram, expandiram e eventualmente acabaram descobrindo a existência um do outro. não agradou nada para negan descobrir dois moradores de constantinopla em seu território. ouvir que estavam em algum tipo de missão? cidade? ele estava genuinamente feliz de descobrir uma nova cidade, pois estava sim sentindo que faltava uma faixa de prefeito sobre seus ombros. constantinopla, entretanto, não estava pronta para ceder.
eles não representavam nenhuma chance, entretanto. estavam despreparados. morreram todos aqueles que negan achou essencial matar para mandar sua mensagem: havia um novo líder ali. nem mesmo meredith e seu marido, fundadores da cidade, foram deixados vivos. mas, pessoas eram recurso, então todos aqueles que sobreviveram se submeteram ao que se arrependiam de não ter feito antes. agora, religiosamente toda semana, produziriam e entregariam tudo que negan mandasse. 
em dezembro daquele ano a população de constantinopla, junto de alguns descontentes do grupo armagedom e outras comunidades submissas, se revoltaram. o conflito terminou em perdas massivas de ambos os grupos, e acredita-se que em uma tentativa de salvar seu próprio pescoço, negan desapareceu. esse momento foi aproveitado pela cidade para tomar o controle da fábrica do grupo rival, o que a oficializou como a vencedora do conflito. 
como fruto da união, foi assinado um tratado pelas comunidades que cercavam aquele pedaço do país: armagedom, constantinopla, a islandshire e ashborne. um ano após este contrato, acreditava-se que haviam atingido alguma espécie de paz. não poderiam estar mais errados, sim? no primeiro dia do ano, os moradores de constantinopla encontraram seu mais novo líder morto, assassinado em circunstâncias ainda não esclarecidas. seria aquilo um indicativo para o início de uma nova guerra? a necessidade do fechamento dos portões? ninguém realmente sabe.
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fllthya · 6 months
kind of want something w a naive bright eyed up who's willing to do anything to make their dream come true & coming popstar and a sleazy music producer who's willing to do that for them, with a price
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thoselips · 6 days
hm   ,   kinda   want   a   t/lou   x   f/allout   kinda   plot   . . .   apocalyptic   vibes   . . .    maybe   even   y/ellowjackets   . . .   i'm   a   wh*re   for   it   all
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fairymint · 7 months
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Sinking into his couch, he made it. A house of his own. A home. It took a little time, since it had to be built, but custom was....nice. Somewhat built 'into' a very large tree, but not supported by it, Branches and hollows twisting around the outside. A mutually beneficial structure, in all honesty, with the tree and beams able to lean into each other during heavy weather.
Deep into White Forest. It seemed like a happy medium between all of the unovan locations he'd want to be. It's a little secluded, but he'd promise his future kids access to the cities, whenever they wanted within reason. Not as secluded as Nuvema's distance, subway disregarded. And, reminiscent of Viridian's wild space, off into the mountains where Mintale was nested. Enough space to keep pokemon as well, if he wished! Daycare style, only for raising and protecting the property, nothing official...which was fine by him.
It was a place very hard to locate on one's own alone, without knowing the forest floor, what with the twisted trees around it.
Now to just rest for a while. He'd show close friends where it was, by his own discretion. It's the coziest 'tree' house, with modern amenities.
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canis-umbrarum · 11 months
lane. lane look away. i dont like them.
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gareis · 1 year
mattie's dad letting him down one last time by becoming a hunter after mattie nearly fucking chomps him 4 trying to come back into his life after 20 years.
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flthys · 3 months
i need a f / f / m plot where one of the f is dating the m who is like ... a sadistic nasty fuck ( possibly a criminal or somethin ) and convinces his gf to help lure her friend / sister / enemy / etc to be his plaything n making them do nasty shit w each other .
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overprtected · 2 years
tbh    kind    of    want    sumn    like    married    /    dating    lead    singer    of    the    band    ,    but    is    the    rest    of    the    members    personal    f.ck    toy    behind    their    back
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slowbrns · 6 months
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rythiansuggestions · 2 years
Hiss in pain as you try to keep at your work despite the bloodied wound on your back.
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rivalishq · 2 years
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                                        𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐀 𝐈𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐀 𝐄𝐒𝐓
mu·tant /ˈmyo͞otnt/
resulting from or showing the effect of mutation.
In 1951, the first mutant was born. The child, given the name of Hollis Navarro, could turn anyone into stone with a touch. It started with their babysitter, and would continue with many of the scientists that ‘took care’ of them in their adolescence. The second mutant, followed shortly after in 1956, but they were not discovered. Thus, they were spared the physical experimentation, emotional neglect, and psychological abuse. This child, Harold Knox, was the son of two wealthy British socialites, and was raised with all the privileges one could ask for. No one knew that he could manipulate dark matter, and he was smart enough to keep it secret. These two mutant would be the start of a new era. They would change everything.
oc·u·lus /ˈäkyələs/
a round or eye-like opening or design.
Thirty-four years later, Harold Knox would reveal to the world that he would be stepping down from his role as the CEO of Spectacle, the most popular eyeglass retailer in the world. But the more exciting news that day was that he was not human. In a display that made global news, Harold showed the world his ability to create dark matter, and extinguish it like a flame in his palm. He called out to the mutants of the world, asking them to come to him for aid in controlling their abilities and promised their safety. Many marked it off as a trick, but there were a few that saw this broadcast, and knew immediately the display of power was real. Harold was contacted by one other adult mutant and eight concerned parents. He offered them a deal: he would raise the children as his own and guarantee their safety. But only under the condition that the parents could never see their child again. That day, The Oculus Academy was formed and would raise the first generation of mutant superheroes.
e·nig·ma /iˈniɡmə/
a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
Hollis Navarro had a different approach to finding community with other superhuman beings. It began with a fellow mutant at the lab. This one could sniff our mutants like a bloodhound but was sick of being used a government tool. The two escaped the lab together and burned it to the ground. They set out to find others like them and managed to locate seven, most of them young children abandoned at orphanages or foster homes. Hollis offered the children a home and a family. Ten years later, a new organization appeared on the streets of New York City: The Enigmas. They were a collection of young mutant vigilantes with brutal methods but altruistic ideals. No one knew who they were or where they came from, but it was clear they were attempting to do good.
a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.
The Oculus Academy were the darlings of the world, a perfect shining example of heroes that showed their faces, shook hands with government leaders, and saved kittens from trees. On the other hand, The Enigmas were a source of a constant scandal. People wondered who they were, wondered where their money came from, and wondered how the police could keep letting them get away with murder. They were judge, jury, and executioner, and no one was exempt from their justice, not even U.S. senators. Naturally, the world pondered if The Oculus Academy and The Enigmas would ever go toe to toe. They were fighting for the same causes: peace and equality. But neither was shy about their disdain for the other group, and spoke out against the other’s approach to attaining a more lawful society. The two were pitted as rivals and this rivalry would not die, even as the groups grew up, split apart, and faded in obscurity.
rup·ture /ˈrəpCHər/  
an instance of breaking or bursting suddenly and completely.
a breach of a harmonious relationship.
Two weeks ago, ten years after the height of the mutants’ fame, Harold Knox died. The father of The Oculus Academy was gone before any of his children could say goodbye. A heart attack took him in the dead of night and his body was found in the hallway of the academy by his eldest student. The funeral is this weekend, and the leader of The Enigmas has stated that they and the rest of their team will be in attendance to pay their respects. However, the living members of The Oculus Academy may not be so happy to see their former rivals at such an event. The world waits with baited breath to see the two teams meet in person for the first time.
RIVALISHQ is a 21+ skeleton rp inspired by X-Men, The Umbrella Academy, and Romeo & Juliet. It follows two rival superhero groups as they contend with the falsehoods they accepted as children, mourn the loss of a leader, embrace adulthood, and meet a foe unlike any that they’ve faced before. This rp will feature frequent plot drops, events, and tasks and will be very plot and writing heavy. 
For a chance to gain early access to the main (including the masterlist of skeletons) and choose which skeleton is posted first REBLOG this post. For more news about the development and calendar of this rp FOLLOW this teaser blog! 
                                          COMING SOON! 
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asteroidtroglodyte · 8 months
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 month
Some writers: *meticulously plan out every plot point and the tone and meanings before they start writing*
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