#SI: ⚔️⚰️
harlowsbby · 2 years
I used to say I don’t mind sharing Jack and we can all be sister wives but after that video I’m willing to go to war for it 🤺⚔️🪦⚰️
That’s a fight you not gonna win sis cause ima fight for my man trust 😭😭😭
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kneedeepincynade · 8 months
The DPP can sell itself all it wants,it sill never be able to doom the Taiwan island to slavery under the us
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Oggi, 11/10, il Compagno Chen Binhua - Portavoce dell'Ufficio per gli Affari di Taiwan del Consiglio di Stato, ha nuovamente sottolineato l'erratico, ingenuo e codardo comportamento della cricca di separatisti e molestatori sessuali del Partito Democratico Progressista di Taiwan 👍
🤮 Le osservazioni del DPP sulla possibilità di un'operazione militare dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione nello Stretto dato che si è verificata un'escalation nel Conflitto Israelo-Palestinese, dimostrano che i separatisti e molestatori sessuali del regime-fantoccio sono sia spaventati che ingenui: pensano che gli USA non li abbandoneranno al momento più opportuno 🤦‍♀️
🤔 Come tutte le pedine, come tutti i fantocci delle tigri di carta statunitensi, anche il DPP verrà abbandonato 👍
💬 «Dalla caduta di Saigon alla fuga da Kabul, dall'Iraq all'Afghanistan, passando per la Libia, gli USA hanno alimentato ovunque le fiamme per i propri scopi egoistici, e - quando la situazione non è favorevole, si ritirano, scaricando il problema sugli altri», ha sottolineato il Portavoce 🇨🇳
🇺🇸 L'ignobile comporamento degli USA negli eventi sopracitati convalida a pieno l'oscura quanto sincera frase di Henry Kissinger: «Essere un nemico dell'America può essere pericoloso, ma esserle amico è fatale» ⚰️
👍 Le persone, a Taiwan, sanno che l'illegale separatismo del DPP significa "guerra", e vendipatria come Tsai Ing-wen e Lai Qingde mettono a rischio la Pace e la Stabilità della Regione ⚔️
🇨🇳 Il Processo di Riunificazione Cinese è inarrestabile ed inevitabile, e né gli USA né i loro leccapiedi del DPP potranno esercitare la coercizione contro il Popolo Cinese sulla Questione di Taiwan ⭐️
🐲 Yok Mu-ming: "Gli USA hanno un «piano di distruzione» per Taiwan" 🇺🇸
🤮 Le farneticazioni di Lai Qingde promuovono la distruzione di Taiwan per consacrare la totale genuflessione dei separatisti agli USA
🇹🇼 Scoppia lo scandalo delle molestie sessuali nel partito separatista pro-US del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, coinvolto anche un "attivista pro-democracy" che partecipò al tentativo di golpe del 1989 🤮
🇹🇼 L'ignobile cricca di separatisti pro-US del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan raggiunge il picco della follia: i Cinesi della RPC non saranno più riconosciuti come "connazionali" | Quale "ROC"? Solo individualismo sfrenato senza valori! 🤮
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇨🇳 Today, 11/10, Comrade Chen Binhua - Spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, once again highlighted the erratic, naive and cowardly behavior of the clique of separatists and sexual harassers of the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan 👍
🤮 The DPP's remarks on the possibility of a cross-Strait People's Liberation Army military operation as there has been an escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict demonstrate that the puppet regime's separatists and sexual harassers are both scared and naive : they think that the USA will not abandon them at the most opportune moment
🤔 Like all pawns, like all puppets of the US paper tigers, the DPP will also be abandoned 👍
💬 «From the fall of Saigon to the escape from Kabul, from Iraq to Afghanistan, passing through Libya, the USA has fanned the flames everywhere for its own selfish purposes, and - when the situation is not favourable, it withdraws, unloading the problem on others", underlined the Spokesperson 🇨🇳
🇺🇸 The ignoble behavior of the USA in the aforementioned events fully validates Henry Kissinger's dark yet sincere phrase: «Being an enemy of America can be dangerous, but being a friend is fatal» ⚰️
👍 People in Taiwan know that the DPP's illegal separatism means "war", and traitors like Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Qingde put the Peace and Stability of the Region at risk ⚔️
🇨🇳 The Chinese Reunification Process is unstoppable and inevitable, and neither the US nor its DPP toadies will be able to exercise coercion against the Chinese People over the Taiwan Issue ⭐️
🐲 Yok Mu-ming: "The US has a «destruction plan» for Taiwan" 🇺🇸
🤮 Lai Qingde's ramblings promote the destruction of Taiwan to consecrate the total genuflection of the separatists to the USA
🇹🇼 The sexual harassment scandal breaks out in the pro-US separatist party of the Taiwanese puppet regime, also involving a "pro-democracy activist" who participated in the 1989 coup attempt 🤮
🇹🇼 The ignoble clique of pro-US separatists of the puppet regime in Taiwan reaches the peak of madness: the Chinese of the PRC will no longer be recognized as "compatriots" | What"ROC"? Just unbridled individualism without values! 🤮
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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letras2wi · 10 months
Funeral - Danielson (Video Oficial)
Funeral – Danielson (Video Oficial) Letras, Lyrics: Funeral – Danielson (Video Oficial) ⚰️ CANCION EN SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/4pqPQVynZan9xxdDvqCBX3?si=25c973261c0446dc Esta es mi canción mas profunda y personal hasta la fecha. Muxo amor para todo el mundo al que le llegue mi energía ⚔️🖤⚰️ prod by @waytoolost mix & master by @rocket.flp film by @scar_law & @ferradalruben video…
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thebutcherkane · 1 year
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seahydra · 26 days
Lazarus knew he was going to die by the way 👍
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seahydra · 6 months
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OUUHHHHHHHH YAY HI I redesigned my MC slash S/I a little and actually drew her full body for once!!! What if there was a gal who was a prince who was also a knight???
TAGS yippee I hope you guys don't mind if it's only one half of bitcrush though x_x !!! @gible-love-nibles @sweethardtz @taintedloveletter @nep-ships @selfrinsert
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seahydra · 2 months
mm 9 and 11 (oh no) for the ask game
9 is here!
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
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Stuff like this Often and Frequently. Even just for going to the grocery store. I actually kind of regret giving her such a simple outfit ww but it's for the best if I want to draw him consistently 😭
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seahydra · 2 months
3, 5, 9, and 12!! :3 - @prismaticuniverses
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
Generally positively, since he doesn't give anyone much reason to dislike him in the first place... he's a bit distant, sure, but when he interacts with other people he's polite enough and seems to say all the right things. At MOST some of the more perceptive characters would find her a bit off putting because when you look closer, her smile never feels truly genuine and everything she says sounds like it was rehearsed. And both of those things are true LOL
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
Outside of the magic stuff she learns at RAD? Not much. I like to think her pact w/ Levi brings her the ability to breathe underwater and have weird glow-in-the-dark eyes though (but that one's just for extra weirdguy factor ww) –
Actually post-resurrection I think he can both see and talk to ghosts + casts spells more efficiently in graveyards. Sometimes if you look at him in just the right lighting she looks like a skeleton
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
All of my mutuals' self inserts and I'm so serious about it you all exist in the cybergoth universe to me. If we're talking canon characters outside of Levi, though? I think he gets along with Mammon and Asmo fine enough.
She has fun with them :] would PROBABLY get along with Simeon and Satan also but he still keeps himself at a bit of a distance (as she does with near everyone really) so they're more like just very casual friends
12. how would the fandom view your character?
Dude I have NO CLUE... I feel like there's a lot of room for misinterpretation (alongside reducing her to just being "cool goth guy" and not much else) but true Lazarus fans would draw him as the tbh creature sitting in a stock photo of a coffin
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seahydra · 3 months
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lazarus board btw
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seahydra · 3 months
I don't know if he comes across like this well enough but every time I draw Lazarus I want her to give off the feeling of like... one of those kinds of characters that's like always smiling but very unsettlingly. Even in some of the worst most horrifying situations
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seahydra · 2 months
5 10 and 14!!! :3
I answered 5 here!
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
At least for when they become close, I think initially everyone is surprised that Levi 1.) Managed to pull someone at all and 2.) It was THAT GUY of all people. They feel so different from each other it's hard to really believe... but it's accepted kind of quickly I think.
After all, it's nice to see them positively influence each other. Levi doesn't seem as lonely anymore and Laz appears genuinely happy this time :}
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
Painting! Prefers using watercolors and likes to paint flowers the most. Especially the very interesting flora in the Devildom. Of course he also paints his wife but she'll get embarrassed if he shows her so they're mostly secret :} also a big fan of reading. And baking. Would be an excellent tea party host
Used to play the violin for a little but doesn't touch it much anymore.
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seahydra · 2 months
2, 9 and 16 for lazarus plsss
OK!!! :D
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
Follows game canon- randomly wakes up in the Devildom and is incredibly confused because he did NOT apply to any sort of exchange program. It's kind of conveniently timed though because the night before had been rough LOL. Going to bed after having a Moment over feeling frustrated and like your life is empty then waking up in hell ⚰️
9's been answered here!
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
HEY GUYS FUN LAZARUS LORE: I disregarded mostly everything in lesson 16. So Laz is NOT Lilith's descendant, they're not even remotely related (i hated that plot twist sooooo bad)
Lazarus DOES bear a little bit of a resemblance to the human man Lilith fell in love with. I imagine it kinda like this ⬇
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So that's why Lilith gets attached to her and wants to help her out instead.
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