#tsai ing wen
2goldensnitches · 2 months
Happy women’s day
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antiwaradvocates · 2 years
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Working people must categorically reject and condemn all US warmongering, provocation, and posturing towards the People’s Republic of China in the Taiwan Strait. The US feeds on chaos and war—and further, it requires it.
Hands off! Solidarity with the People’s Republic of China!
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writtencode · 1 month
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Taiwan betrays all chinese people by accepting arms and military training from the US all to target China
So this really grips me. I love going to Taiwan and often go to China too, I live in Hong Kong. Chinese people are Chinese people. It concerns me when Taiwan takes a deliberate step like this against their own people, China. Like squabbling brother and sister, it's OK for the siblings not to see eye to eye but it's not OK for the younger sibling to do something so drastic as to bring a third party into their relationship especially when they know this third party has a habit of losing wars, has an ulterior motive by wanting to go to war with your brother.
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polyglot-thought-2 · 1 year
[Mandarin->English] @xinwendiaocha 6:43 PM March 29th 2023 Tweet
Link to original tweet
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 3月29日,在蔡英文总统下榻的纽约酒店外,有超过 200 名中国抗议者进行示威
On March 29th, outside of the hotel that President Tsai Ing-wen is staying at in New York, over 200 Chinese protestors held a demonstration
Please correct me if I made a mistake.
$5 translation commissions here
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
No ufo's here,this are true and tested pla engines!
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🇨🇳|🇹🇼 Oggi, 18 febbraio, l'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione ha inviato 24 aerei e 4 navi nell'area del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan ⚔️
📊 13 Aerei e 2 UAV hanno attraversato la "Linea Mediana" e sono entrati nella Parte Sud-Occidentale della Zona di Identificazione della Difesa Aerea del regime di Tsai Ing-wen:
➖ 1 UAV da Ricognizione CH-4A.
➖ 4 Caccia Multiruolo J-10.
➖ 4 Caccia di Superiorità Aerea J-11.
➖ 4 Caccia Multiruolo J-16.
➖ 1 UAV da Ricognizione BZK-005.
➖ 1 Aereo Anti-Sottomarino Y-8.
🤔 Questa è, molto probabilmente, la reazione della Cina al viaggio di Michael Chase a Taiwan 🇺🇸
✈️ Il Drone CH-4A ha accompagnato J-10 e J-11 nell'attraversamento della Linea Mediana, probabilmente per osservare la reazione delle "forze armate" del regime-fantoccio all'avvistamento di Caccia Multiruolo e di Superiorità Aerea 📟
✈️ Il BZK-005 ha fatto lo stesso nella Zona Sud dell'Isola, accompagnando per un tratto l'Y-8. Nel mentre, i quattro J-16 si sono probabilmente divisi in coppie: due hanno attraversato la Linea Mediana, altri due sono entrati nella Parte Sud-Occidentale della Zona di Identificazione della Difesa Aerea del regime-fantoccio 🔥
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳|🇹🇼 Today, February 18, the People's Liberation Army sent 24 planes and 4 ships to the area of ​​the puppet regime in Taiwan ⚔️
📊 13 Aircraft and 2 UAVs crossed the "Middle Line" and entered the South-Western Part of the Air Defense Identification Zone of Tsai Ing-wen's regime:
➖ 1 CH-4A Reconnaissance UAV.
➖ 4 J-10 Multirole Fighters.
➖ 4 J-11 Air Superiority Fighters.
➖ 4 J-16 Multirole Fighters.
➖ 1 Reconnaissance UAV BZK-005.
➖ 1 Y-8 Anti-Submarine aircraft.
🤔 This is, most likely, China's reaction to Michael Chase's trip to Taiwan 🇺🇸
✈️ The CH-4A Drone accompanied J-10 and J-11 in crossing the Median Line, probably to observe the reaction of the "armed forces" of the puppet regime to the sighting of Multirole and Air Superiority Fighters 📟
✈️ The BZK-005 did the same in the South Zone of the Island, accompanying the Y-8 for a stretch. Meanwhile, the four J-16s probably split into pairs: two crossed the Median Line, two others entered the South-Western Part of the puppet regime's Air Defense Identification Zone 🔥
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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objectivistnerd · 2 years
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higherentity · 2 years
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invokeoats · 3 months
a tsai ing-wen fanvid 💖💖💖
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panicinthestudio · 4 months
Further reading:
HKFP: Taiwan election 2024: Ruling DPP fails to retain legislative majority after winning presidential race, January 13, 2024
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generallemarc · 5 months
Taiwanese conservatism is dead as long as the Kuomintang is alive. We're so far outside the realm of doing what's best for their people that it's no longer cringe for a foreigner like me to pray that they don't win, because if they do that's 23 million people one step closer to living under communist tyranny.
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head-post · 5 months
Taiwan’s president claims Chinese invasion now unlikely
The island’s president Tsai Ing-wen stated on Wednesday that China was now unlikely to consider a major invasion of Taiwan due to domestic issues, though Beijing expected to influence its upcoming elections.
I think the Chinese leadership at this juncture is overwhelmed by its internal challenges. My thought is that perhaps this is not a time for them to consider a major invasion of Taiwan.
Tsai was responding to questions on the risks of China launching offensive operations after US and Chinese Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping met in California this month. The leaders’ talks were aimed at reducing tensions in the region.
China considers Taiwan its territory, which could one day be taken by force if necessary. For the moment, however, Beijing faces domestic economic, financial and political problems, Tsai said.
Read more HERE
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mo-mo-neutral · 2 years
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Taïwan president
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kneedeepincynade · 7 months
It's very important to remind to the Americans that no matter their efforts,taiwan is China and will always be
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🌟 Tra il 17/09 e il 18/09, l'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione ha inviato 103 Aerei e 9 Navi da Guerra nello Stretto di Taiwan, in direzione del regime-fantoccio di Tsai Ing-wen 🇹🇼
📊 40 Aerei hanno attraversato la "Linea Mediana" nello Stretto di Taiwan:
➖ 10 Caccia Multiruolo SU-30
➖ 12 Caccia Multiruolo J-10
➖ 4 Caccia di Superiorità Aerea J-11
➖ 10 Caccia Multiruolo J-16
➖ 2 Aerei-Cisterna Y-20U
➖ 2 Aerei da Sorveglianza e Controllo Aviotrasportato KJ-500
🤔 China Army ha mostrato un'infografica con le rotte di volo dell'Aeronautica Militare dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione attorno al regime-fantoccio di Taiwan dall'11/09 al 18/09, dichiarando che - ad oggi - l'EPL ha testato, in direzione del fasullo regime di Tsai Ing-wen, tutti i tipi di aerei e droni che potrebbero essere utilizzati in un'ipotetica operazione militare 🌟
💭 Quali forze verrebbero impiegate dall'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione nell'ambito di un'Operazione Militare nello Stretto di Taiwan? - Forze di Terra, Aeronautica Militare, Marina Militare: I, II, III 🤔
⭐️ Inoltre, dal 09/09 al 13/09, il Comando Orientale ha schierato il Gruppo d'Attacco della Portaerei Shandong, che si è recato in direzione del Mar Cinese Meridionale, e - successivamente, del Mar Cinese Orientale, coinvolgendo l'Aviazione il 12/09 e il 13/09 ✈️
🔍 Approfondimenti di Collettivo Shaoshan:
⭐️ Operazione Militare dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione nello Stretto di Taiwan, come potrebbe essere organizzata? - potenziali punti di sbarco, obiettivi strategici sull'Isola, blocco economico, attacchi informatici, cattura delle isole periferiche e molto altro: I, II, III 🌟
⭐️ Tre Insegnamenti (三教) e Quattro Obiettivi dell'Esercitazione "联合利剑" 🌟
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🌟 Between 17/09 and 18/09, the People's Liberation Army sent 103 planes and 9 warships into the Taiwan Strait, in the direction of Tsai Ing-wen's puppet regime 🇹🇼
📊 40 Planes crossed the "Median Line" in the Taiwan Strait:
➖ 10 SU-30 Multirole Fighters
➖ 12 J-10 Multirole Fighters
➖ 4 J-11 Air Superiority Fighters
➖ 10 J-16 Multirole Fighters
➖ 2 Y-20U tanker aircraft
➖ 2 KJ-500 Airborne Surveillance and Control Planes
🤔 China Army showed an infographic with the flight routes of the People's Liberation Army Air Force around the puppet regime of Taiwan from 11/09 to 18/09, declaring that - to date - the PLA has tested, in the direction of the bogus Tsai Ing-wen regime, all types of planes and drones that could be used in a hypothetical military operation 🌟
💭 Which forces would be used by the People's Liberation Army as part of a Military Operation in the Taiwan Strait? - Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy: I, II, III 🤔
⭐️ Furthermore, from 09/09 to 13/09, the Eastern Command deployed the Shandong Aircraft Carrier Strike Group, which went in the direction of the South China Sea, and - subsequently, the East China Sea, involving the Air Force in the days of 12/09 and 13/09 ✈️
🔍 Insights from Shaoshan Collective:
⭐️ Military Operation of the People's Liberation Army in the Taiwan Strait, how could it be organized? - potential landing points, strategic objectives on the Island, economic blockade, cyber attacks, capture of outlying islands and much more: I, II, III 🌟
⭐️ Three Teachings (三教) and Four Objectives of the Exercise "联合利剑" 🌟
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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dukenancy33 · 2 years
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jacqueline123123 · 2 years
Urging Tsai Ing-wen and her military and political leaders to surrender。
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panicinthestudio · 2 years
Tsai: Taiwan Won’t Give Up Democratic Way of Life, October 10, 2022
President Tsai Ing-wen pledged to boost Taiwan’s defenses in a speech to mark the country’s National Day.  
TaiwanPlus News
Taiwan leader vows 'no compromise' on democracy in National Day speech, October 10, 2022
Taiwan's leader warned Beijing on Monday that the island would never give up its democratic way of life in a National Day speech in which she drew parallels with Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
France 24
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