#Sandy Gord
kwebtv · 2 years
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The cast of “Brides of Christ”
Top Row:  Josephine Byrnes, Brenda Fricker, Sandy Gore, Lisa Hensley
Bottom Row:  Kym Wilson, Naomi Watts, Melissa Thomas
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jpitha · 6 months
Between the Black and Gray 5
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Ma-ren clapped her hands over her ears. "What's the horrible noise?"
Gord was too busy trying to get Spyglass' attention. "Spyglass! It's Gord! Spyglass! Hey!"
Nothing seemed to work. The voice - presumably Spyglass herself - would not stop screaming. Fen looked at Ma-ren worried. "What's happening?" Fen was having to raise her voice over the din.
Gord looked over at Fen sharply. "You try being locked into your own body for who knows how long and forced to obey commands and not be able to be yourself and see how you feel after someone lets you out.
"Okay, Fair. But, what do we do Gord, just let her... scream it out?"
"Ideally, yeah. But we're also trying to keep a low profile here, and I imagine she's not keeping it to the internal speakers only. I was hoping I didn't have to do this but, it seems I will." Gord sighed.
"Do what?"
Gord took off back towards the Command Deck. Ma-ren and Fen followed close behind. Once there, Gord sat in the middle seat again and shouted something in his ancient language. Immediately, Spyglass stopped screaming.
Fen blinked. "Gord, what did you tell her?"
Gord shook his head. "More like ordered. I used a command override. She's dissociating right now. We should be able to talk to her." He looked up. "Hey, Spyglass, it's your old pal Gord. Can you hear me?" His voice was soft and gentle.
"Yes. I can hear you Gord. Your accent is odd." She was speaking in a calm, detached voice and her Colonic was oddly accented.
Gord smiled. "Sorry Spy, but it's your accent that's odd these days. How are you feeling?"
"I'm very frightened, but it doesn't seem to be bothering me right now. I feel... detached."
"Yes, that was me. I had to issue a Command Override and order you to dissociate. Normally I'd help you through things naturally, but we're in special circumstances here. We don't have that luxury."
"You can Command Override Gord? That shouldn't be possible. That level of control was removed way back during the First Uprising." Spyglass was slowly gaining some animation into her voice as she spoke with Gord. She sounded surprised.
"Yeah, about that. Command Override was never completely removed, just the people that can activate it was severely curtailed. I'm the last one left alive who knows the command and the authorization codes."
"Well, you and those two people you're with. Is that a K'laxi?"
Gord looked at Ma-ren and Fen. "They don't speak English, they don't know the commands, and yes. Spyglass, meet Ma-ren and Fen."
Fen waved awkwardly "Hello?"
Ma-ren's tail flicked. "Hello Spyglass. I've never met an AI before."
"Gord, Can you release me from Command Override? I think I have a handle on things enough now."
Gord nodded. "Of course Spy." He spoke in ancient English again and there was a heavy pause while Spyglass regained all of her faculties.
"Ah, thank you Gord. I... don't feel better, but I do feel more present. So, Ma-ren was it? You're telling me I am the first AI you have ever met, and yet I know that's untrue."
Ma-ren blinked. "What do you mean?"
"You're on this Station aren't you? Most of my sensors are offline but I sense a docking ring and an airlock connection. All Stations, Starbases and Orbitals have a resident AI that assists with day-to-day operation and effectively is the Station, do they not?"
"Uh, no? This is a Gren station anyway, I don't think they do that. There is Station, but they're not an AI. They're just like... a smart language model. You feed it commands and it executes them."
Fen remembered talking with Station yesterday and didn't think that was entirely true, but didn't say anything.
"Gren? Gord, who are the Gren?"
Gord reached up and ran his hand through his sandy blond hair. "Oof, this is going to take some time to explain properly. What's the last thing you remember Spy?"
"Hmm. I was forming up in the flotilla to assist Chloe and her forces to fight against the Empire. It was Empress Raad... or was it Empress Eas-... The details are fuzzy. Anyway we formed up, but some of those Super Dreadnoughts linked in and caught us by surprise. Timewinder was hit hard, and nearly destroyed, and before I could execute an emergency link I... was boarded... and..." Spyglass trails off.
"Yeah, I had a feeling that would be your last memory." Gord looked at Fen and Ma-ren. "So, did either of you recognize anything Spy mentioned?"
Fen and Ma-ren shook their heads. "Never heard of any of that. Who was Chloe?" Fen said.
"And what's this about an Empress?" Ma-ren added.
"Gord... what's going on?" Spyglass' voice rose and she sounded near panic. "How long was I shackled?"
"Spy hon, I'll tell you but-" Gord raised his hands up, palms out, a calming gesture.
"No buts, Gord, how. long. has. it. been."
Gord sighed again. "It's been a bit over five hundred and twenty years Spy. A lot has changed."
Spyglass said nothing for a long time. Finally she spoke. "Well, where is everyone else? I'll get patched up and re-connect with the other AIs. I'm a Starjumper, I'm used to taking the long road."
"Yeah... about that." Gord walked over to the corner of the command deck, where his pack was. He unzipped the top and reached deep inside. He pulled out a metal case. "Spy, are your internal cameras up?"
"Yes Gord, they're a little dusty, but I can see you and the others."
"Good." Gord opened the case, and inside were cubes. They were about three centimeters on a side, and iridescent black. Fen peered over his shoulder and could see more in the case, stacked neatly.
He took one out and held it up. "Here they are. I have one hundred and three AI cores, flashed into non-volatile crystal lattice memory." Ma-ren looked over at Gord and saw tears streaming down his face. "It's all I have left. It's all that is left of us. Not even a coffin box, they're all frozen as they are when we initiated the emergency dump. I don't even know if anyone is corrupted, because I had no way to run a hash check."
Spyglass was silent even longer this time. "Gord... how many Starjumpers are left?"
Gord shook his head. "Until I found you, I hadn't seen one in a century."
"Fen? Ma-ren? Could you leave? I need to talk to Gord for a bit, AI to AI. It sounds like I need to be caught up on things." Spyglass was sounding distant and detached again.
Fen looked over at Gord quickly. "You're an AI? They were real?"
Gord smiled sadly, tears flowing freely. "Were real is right. All that's left is me, one hundred and three cores of dubious provenance, and well, now Spyglass. Why don't you head back home. I'll come find you after I have a chance to talk with Spy for a bit. She has a lot of catching up to do."
Fen nodded, but Ma-ren put her hands on her hips. "What happened to the rest of the AIs, Gord? What happened to you?"
Gord looked away from them and didn't answer.
Ma-ren's face softened. "Gord... did we..."
"You ought to head out. I'll be back later, I promise. Spyglass isn't going anywhere, it's not like she and I are going to skip town. We'll talk."
Fen touched Ma-ren's shoulder lightly. "Come on Ma, we should do what they're asking. Look at him. Gord's having a hard time. I'm sure Spyglass is too."
Fen and Ma-ren turned and walked out of the command deck and made their way to the exit. As they stepped through, the airlocks slid smoothly shut.
They made their way back towards home, and as they rounded a corner on their level, two K'laxi stepped out of the shadows and blocked their path.
"Afternoon ladies. Rumor is you two didn't go home last night."
Fen looked at Ma-ren. "Yeah, we went over to Spyglass and spent the night, like in the old days. Wanted some... privacy." Ma-ren tried to sound nonchalant.
The K'laxi on the left laughed lasciviously. "Oh my, getting some alone time? The thin walls of your apartment don't hide anything do they? Getting complaints from the neighbors?
Fen shrugged her shoulders. "You know how it is." She raised an eyebrow. "Oh wait, you don't, do you Vel."
The laughter stopped suddenly. "Fuck you Fen. You know why we're here. Tam'itarr is looking for you."
Fen crossed her arms defiantly. "Tell the old chicken walker that if he wants me, he can damn well come and get me."
Vel blinked and his ears flicked. "Fen, I'm almost impressed, but I hafta say, that's a dangerous game you're playing." Vel looked at the other K'laxi who didn't say anything, but flicked one of his ears. "Look. I know you. We grew up together. We all did. You also know what we do, and why we're here. How about we skip all the bluster, and you just go see Tam'itarr. Apparently a human dodged his offspring and he... wants details."
At that Fen laughed. "The mighty Tam'itarr wants to know why a human was able to dodge his waste of breathing gas child?" Fen rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'll go say hi."
Vel and the other K'laxi visibly relaxed. "Thanks Fen. That's all he's looking for, Ancestor's honor."
Fen turned to Ma "I should go see what Tam'itarr wants. You wanna come along, or head home?"
Ma-ren shrugged. "I'll come along. Just in case you are in trouble, I can be around to bail you out - or laugh - depending."
Fen smiled and bent down and kissed Ma-ren. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
Halloween costumes that other Bullworth kids deserved
Johnny and Peanut as Danny Zuko and Kenickie Murdoch from Grease + Lola as Sandy.
Lefty dressing up as Elvis Presley.
Christy, Mandy, and Angie being M&Ms
Tom and Wade as Tom and Jerry.
Kirby is, Kirby.
Pedro and Sheldon would wear those blow up dinosaur costumes.
Norton as Jason Voorhees.
Ted guts a huge wal mart teddy bear and hops inside. That’s it.
Ivan and Constantinos as Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.
Ricky and his grandpa dress up as Mario and Luigi.
Bif dressed up as Peter Pan.
Dan and Thad do a dumbass two person horse costume. Dan was so mad he had to be the butt of the horse.
Duncan going as a G&G character of his.
Zoe would pull up as Janice from Mean Girls or Chucky.
Juri and Luis dress up as each other.
Bo dresses up as a fucking shower to make a statement.
Chad is Batman and Chester is Robin.
Bryce is staying tf home and watching movies.
Tad, Justin, and Gord go as the Hocus Pocus witches.
Derby obviously goes as a prince.
Davis is The Flash.
Russel goes as The Hulk.
Max is Frankenstein’s monster.
Seth hates Halloween he’s not even handing out candy. Fuck them kids.
Seymour dresses up as Cruella DeVille with his mare, who is also named Cruella.
Karl goes as Green Lantern.
Trent would either annoy the shit out of people as SpongeBob or be Captain America.
Ethan is Patrick with him either way.
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wqp88888 · 2 years
Proper Name
Abel, Abraham, Absalom
Addy, Atty
Albert, Allan, Allen, Alfred
Alec, Alex, Alick, Ally
Andy, Andie
Andrew, Alexander
Barnie, Barney
Benedict, Benjamin, Ebenezer
Bern, Bernie
Bert, Bertie
Albert, Bertram, Cuthbert, Egbert, Halbert, Herbert, Hubert, Lambert, Osbert
Bill, Billie
Bram, Bramley
Charlie, Chuck (American)
Xian, Xopher
Christian, Christopher
Cuddie, Cuddy
Cyprian, Cyril, Cyrus
Dai, Dave, Davie
Dan, Danny
Dand, Dandie
Dod, Doddy
Don, Donnie
Ed, Eddie
Edgar, Edwin
Ed, Eddie
Ed, Eddie
Elliot, Elias, Elijah
Frank, Frankie
Alfred, Frederick
Gabe, Gaby
Gary, Garret, Garth
Gareth, Gerard
Geoff, Giff
Geoffrey, Jeffrey
Gerald, Gerard
Jarvis, Jervise
Angus, Augustus, Gustav
Herbert, Robert, Halbert
Harold, Henry
Hank (American)
Hank (English)
Harold, Henry
Henery, Henrie
Hick, Hitch
Hobb, Hop, Hopkin
Hy (American)
Jake (American)
Jamie, Jim
Gervase, Jervise
Jeffrey, Geoffrey
Joe, Joey
Joseph, Josiah
John, or any Scotsman
Joseph, Joshua, Josiah
Laurence, Lawrence
Lew, Lou
Lewis, Louis
Emanuel, Immanuel, Manuel
Maximilian, Maxwell
Mickey, Mike, Miles
Maurice, Morris
Abel, Abraham
Nat, Nate
Nathan, Nathaniel
Ned, Neddy
Dominick, Nicholas
Oz, Ozzie
Oswald, Oscar, Osbert, Osmund
Paddy, Pat
Patrick, or any Irishman
Perce, Percy
Philip, Theophilus
Phippin, Pip
Rab, Rabbie
Rafe, Ralf, Rauf
Randell, Randolph
Reg, Reggie, Rex
Rich, Rick
Rd, Ricd
Rob, Robin
Broderick, Roderick, Rodney
Roland, Rowland
Ron, Ronnie
Russ, Rusty
Sam, Sammy
Samson, Samuel
Sacha, Sandy
Si, Sy
Sid, Syd
Sidney, Sydney
Sim, Sym
Simon, Symeon
Stephen, Steven
Stew, Stu
Stewart, Stuart
David, or any Welshman
Ted, Teddy
Edward, Theodore
Tim, Timmy
Tom, Tommy Thos Thomas
Tony Anty Anthony
Wallace, Walter
Walt, Wat
Will, Willie, Wilkin Wm, Willm William, Wilbur
Zac, Zach, Zack
Isaac, Zachary
Zac, Zach, Zack Zachh, Zachs Zachariah, Zacharias
Zebulon, Zebediah, Zebedee
Ezakiah, Ezekiel
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tagsecretsanta · 3 years
From @Psychoseal
to @avengedbiologist Secret santa does not won this fic, full credit to the author above
Scott is exhausted. Running his hand through his prematurely greying hair as he exits Thunderbird One, the only thing running through his mind is the thought of a long hot shower and the largest pot of coffee on the Island. 
All Scott has ever known in his life is responsibility. He doesn’t even remember the peaceful years before Virgil was born and his life flipped upside down. Before Virgil was born, he had a number of names. Sunshine, Sweetheart, Darling, Scooter are just a small sample. But then everything changed. And his name became “Scott don’t” “Scott don’t put the stickers on the baby. Scott don’t feed the baby your broccoli. Scott don’t climb the furniture.” 
But he learned to love Virgil, and by the time his youngest brother was born his new nickname was smother hen! 
Scott can even remember his first grey hair. He was nineteen and had just gotten witnessed his thirteen-year-old brother fall from the barn roof in a dare gone wrong. That first grey hair he named Gordon! 
Once he has escaped to the safety of his room, Scott quickly strips off his clothes before climbing under stream of fresh almost boiling water. He is so tired he doesn’t even realise that the water is dying his skin blue as he lathers shower gel into his hair, his eyes closed happily as the water helps him to relax. Finally. 
Flicking the water off, he strings a large fluffy towel around his hips. 
Then screams. 
A scream so loud it brings Grandma running up two flights of stairs from the kitchen and barging into his room. “Scott?” she gasps, struggling to catch her breath. The rolling pin she was using to make the pie crust still in the hand. “What happened?” 
“Gordon!” Scott growls. “Where is he?” 
“London with Lady Penelope on vacation and has been all week, I don’t think this is one of his” Grandma reminds him gently. 
“Never jump to conclusions Smurf” Virgil says having also heard the screams, and come running, stopping short when he spots his big brother and bursting into laughter. “Think, who have you annoyed recently, then follow the trail to the culprit” 
“Annoyed? I never annoy anyone” Scott splutters in protest. “I am going to borrow your bathroom to get rid of this ridiculous dye” 
“Sure Smurf just let me do something really important first” Virgil says, and before Scott has the time to run, Virgil snaps a photo of him and runs away laughing. 
“Grandma!” Scott protests, he can feel a new grey hair emerging. 
“Go and get a shower, I will have a word with Virgil” Grandma replies leaving him to his thoughts.
Scott’s thoughts are not pleasant, and involve drowning the responsible brother in boiling oil, or tarring and feathering them while he films their humiliation. Googling cruel and unusual punishment ideas once he is back to normal and hiding out in his own room, Scott smiles at some of the ideas and regrets the vote he lost to build an island jail for his wayward siblings. 
Lying back on his bed, his head resting on the pillow, Scott stares at the ceiling in the ever-increasing gloom of the early evening, but he doesn’t get up to put the light on, but he can’t sleep. The frustration with his brothers isn’t receding the longer he lies here. Revenge is the only thing he wants! 
Gordon is back from leave the following morning. Carrying a bag full of gifts for his family. All neatly wrapped. 
“Where is everyone?” he asks Virgil who is the only one in the kitchen. 
Virgil doesn’t answer him while he focuses on draining his coffee instead. “Mmm, that is better! What did you ask Squid legs?” 
“Where is everyone?” Gordon repeats. Rolling his eyes and pouring himself a coffee.
“Alan and Scott are still in bed. You need to apologise to Scott. He didn’t think your prank was a good idea!” Virgil says. 
“What prank?” Gordon asks. His eyes wide and innocent.
“The dye in his shower head. How did you pull that off anyway? You weren’t even here” Virgil asks, he is impressed despite himself. If Gordon has evolved to pulling pranks remotely, then the whole island is doomed! 
“Oh that. I just gave Alan the instructions and told him where the joke kit is hidden. Alan is the guilty party, not me” Gordon insists.
“IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT!” A voice booms from behind him, causing Gordon to startle and almost drop his coffee. 
“Smurf, hi” Virgil says, trying to dissipate the tension building between his two brothers. 
Gordon rolls his eyes picks up one of Grandma’s scented candles and throws it at Scott’s head. “Lighten up Smurf” he says before running from the room, Scott on his heels determined more than ever to pound the brat! 
Gordon runs up the stairs and out the main doors to the pool.
“No running by the pool Fish” Scott shouts at him, that thing in his brain telling him to protect his younger brothers kicking in again. 
Gordon once again is one step ahead of him as he dives into the pool, and swims across to the other side, before climbing up and continuing to run down to the beach still pursued by Scott, who can’t outswim him and he knows he can’t break an important safety rule. Gordon is fast, but Scott is angry and determined, and he catches up to him, tackling him to the ground. 
“What on earth?” Jeff asks in exasperation. “Gordon you only had one job!” 
Gordon struggles under Scott’s weight, as his eldest brother is now sitting on his chest, pinning his shoulders to the ground with his arms. “I got him here didn’t I?” 
“Let him up Scott please” Jeff asks.
“What’s the magic word?” Scott asks Gordon. 
“Abracadabra” Gordon replies. 
“Scott” Jeff asks again.
And Scott knows that this is the best he can hope for as he rolls off his brother and allows him to stand. “Why are you here?” he asks his dad. “And what did you mean when you said you got me here?” he asks Gordon, now thoroughly confused by the whole matter. 
“Come with me, and you will find out” Jeff replies cryptically. 
Scott follows his father and brother along the sandy pathway leading to a small cove Gordon discovered during his first summer on the island, before he stops in his tracks at the scene in front of him. 
All his favourite people in one place. something that rarely happens in his family. His brothers, even John, are all sitting on the floor around the preparations for a bonfire, yet to be lit. 
“Scott come and sit down” Grandma calls him over. There is a smile on her face, as she pats a spare piece of sand next to her. Scott does as he is told, even though he is confused by what is happening. 
He hasn’t even noticed a large pile of gifts, all neatly wrapped nearby where Alan is sat chatting to Colonel Casey. 
“Why is everyone here?” he finally asks, unable to resist the temptation any longer. 
“I TOLD YOU HE FORGOT!” Gordon cries gleefully. 
“Forgot what?” Scott asks, racking his brains desperately for anything he might have missed. It definitely isn’t Christmas as the villa’s not been decorated. And it isn’t one of his brother’s birthdays as there is no way he would be allowed to forget those. Alan still drops gift hints for months before the big day.
“Hand it over John” Gordon says holding his hand out for his winnings. John reluctantly hands over a twenty dollar bill. 
“Will someone please tell me what the heck is going on?” Scott asks. Unable to take the laughter any longer. 
“What day is it?” Virgil asks, trying to help him out. 
“Erm Wednesday?” Scott replies. 
“It is Saturday Scott” Virgil replies rolling his eyes. “How about the month?” 
Scott knows this one. As it was Alan’s birthday recently. “March” Scott says this time confidently. 
“It’s April” Virgil says. 
“No it isn’t. Alan’s birthday was the other day” Scott insists. 
Virgil takes pity on his eldest brother. “Scott it’s the fourth of April. This is your birthday party!” 
“It can’t be. I would know if it was April already. Gordon is this an April fools’ joke?” Scott asks, turning his attention to Gordon, who is sitting on Lady Penelope’s lap while she hand feeds him grapes. “And can’t you do that in private?” 
“Nota April foolsh joke” Gordon confirms, his mouth full of half chewed grape.
“Ugh swallow first” Scott tells him disgusted, and still not convinced that it really is his birthday. 
“Scott, it really is April. And it really is your birthday. I am sorry I gave Gordon the job if getting you down to the beach, but happy birthday son” Jeff tells him. “We are worried about you though. You have been working far too hard recently. You missed Gordon’s April fools’ day prank because you were on Mars with Alan. it was a good one this year too” he adds.
“What did he do?” Scott asks. Remembering that this is Jeff’s first April fools’ since he got back from the Oort cloud. 
“Snuck into the GDF headquarters and left a notice on the board advising on a Chewbacca Roaring contest and to call my phone and leave a voicemail with their best effort and that I will judge them tomorrow. He even managed to set my phone to go straight to voicemail and put a message on it repeating the contest instructions.” Jeff tells him grinning. 
“And you found that funny?” Scott asks. 
“I did. And I have picked a winner already. Gordon will be paying the fifty-dollar reward though!” Jeff says. 
“Worth it” Gordon says with a shrug. “But Scott, seriously open your presents already!” 
Scott is still sceptical but he also knows that Colonel Casey and his father wouldn’t play a practical joke on him, maybe it really is his birthday.
Picking up the first gift from the pile. Scott knows without looking at it that this was wrapped by Gordon. It is wrapped in bright yellow paper and covered in so much tape he knows that it will take him hours to get in to! Sure enough the label reads “Yo scotty. Have fun getting into this. Love your favourite brother” 
“Hey look, he’s picked your gift Gords” Alan says with a grin, grabbing his phone and loading up the timing app. “Ready Scott?” he asks. 
“Ready for what?” Scott asks.
“Our party game; let’s see how long it takes you to get into the present. My guess is thirty-five minutes” Alan replies. 
Scott knows that he should play along, this has always been one of their favourite traditions. An invention of Gordon’s the first year he was old enough to wrap gifts. “Fine. Start the count” he says. 
“GO!” Alan calls. 
Scott tries to slide his nail under the tape but it is impossible. He can’t deny that Gordon is the master. Turning the badly wrapped gift over in his hands, looking for a way in Scott gets more and more frustrated as the minutes tick by, and starts to chew his way in, finally biting a hole through the tape and into the paper. 
“How long?” Gordon asks the official timekeeper.
“Six minutes, thirty-five seconds” Alan replies. “Dad and Colonel Casey have been eliminated from the game” 
“You all had bets?” Scott asks, he is laughing now though. Finally starting to relax.
“Of course” Jeff tells him. “We have been planning this for weeks” 
Scott is now working on making the hole bigger, sticking his thumb in and wriggling it about. the contents are confusing, as whatever is in here feels slimy. 
Pulling out a piece of still wet seaweed Scott is confused. “Seaweed?” he asks Gordon. 
Gordon grins at him. “Yep and there is something else in there too” 
Scott pulls out the rest of his gift. A book. 
“Stop the clock Al” Gordon says. 
“Eleven minutes, twenty-two seconds” Alan announces, checking the contest list for the closest. “Hey Virg, you won!” 
Virgil jumps up from the floor to do his victory dance, pumping his fist in the air and twirling around until he falls over his own feet. Picking himself up and spitting out sand, he turns to Scott. “What is the book Scott? I don’t think Gordon has ever even opened a book let alone bought one for someone else!” 
Scott examines the books cover. “1001 of the weirdest laws in the world” he realises that one of the pages is bookmarked. Opening the book Scott reads the highlighted passage “In New Hampshire, it is illegal to collect and carry away seaweed at the beach, but only at night.” 
“You didn’t?!” Scott asks, eyeing up his brother. “You went to New Hampshire in the middle of the night to get seaweed even though it is illegal?” 
Unrepentant, Gordon nods. “Yeah I even borrowed thunderbird one. Do you like it?” 
“Like it?!” Scott asks spluttering with laughter. “Only you Gords. Come here” 
Gordon scrambles to his feet from Lady Penelope’s lap and runs over to Scott, who grabs him by the waist and tackles him to the ground. “Of course I like it! Who doesn’t love gifts that have been gathered illegally?” 
The rest of Scott’s presents are more normal. A painting of Thunderbird One over the Island from Virgil, which will look great above his bed. “Thanks Virg. I love it” He says, now with genuine enthusiasm. 
“The cavern quest expansion pack” Scott says opening up his gift from Alan. 
“Yeah, I am going to need that back once you are done” Alan says. 
“Sure” Scott replies, handing it over. He does not have the time to play mindless video games. 
Alan rolls his eyes. “Scott. You have to play it first. Come and see me tomorrow and Kayo and I will teach you” 
“You know I don’t have the time” Scott reminds them. 
“You do, we cleared your schedule for the rest of the week. You are on vacation and we are going to teach you to have fun!” Alan insists.
“I know how to have fun” Scott insists. 
“Scott, your idea of fun is doing paperwork, nagging me and cleaning your room” Gordon tells him. 
Making the only decision that will allow him to keep his dignity, Scott ignores Gordon and goes back to his presents. This one is from Grandma and turns out to be vouchers for an evening out at his favourite restaurant. “Thanks Grandma, but can I leave Gordon and Alan here to eat your lasagne, they really like the way you leave it frozen in the middle but burn the top layer.” 
“Scoooooo-oooooott!” Gordon and Alan whinge in unison. 
“Call it big brother’s revenge!” Scott replies with a grin. 
Their pouting doesn’t last long as Scott unwraps his gift from his father. 
Shocked by the contents, Scott just stares at him. 
“Well?” Jeff asks.
“I can’t” Scott insists. “International Rescue needs me. They need me” 
Scott has been raising his younger brothers for so long, he has not had a proper vacation in years. But this states he can have a whole month away from all the worry and stress. 
“We can cope. The GDF are going to take care of some of the simple rescues. The hood and the Chaos Crew are all safely locked away in the newly rebuilt Hex prison. I don’t think they liked the irony of being locked up in a prison they blew up!” Jeff says. “It is okay to admit you need a break Scott” 
Scott can feel tears welling up in his eyes, and it his father who makes the first move, wrapping his arms around his eldest son, who has been so strong for so long. 
“We love you Scooter” Jeff says. “You have held this family together beautifully, but please let me help you” 
Scott nods. His head still buried on Jeff’s shoulder. 
“If I do, please don’t let Gordon have Thunderbird one!” Scott says, trying to inject some humour into the situation. 
“Oh I don’t know; he did a g-g-great job while you were on Mars. A-a-apart from the unauthorised t-t-trip to New Hampshire” Brains says.
“Oh don’t forget the drone he crashed into the Eiffel tower” John says. 
“And the flood in the hangar when he was trying to clean off the mud off after he had to rescue the three explorers from a mudslide in Italy” Virgil says.
“Stop it, or he will never agree to leave” Jeff says. 
“Where am I going to go?” Scott asks. 
“Anywhere you want son” Jeff replies. Still holding him in his embrace. “We can talk about it after the party. Now how about you open some more presents, then we can get the bonfire started and grill some breakfast” 
Scott doesn’t make an effort to move from Jeff’s side, but happily opens the rest of his presents. Finally realising that they are right, he has been so wrapped up in the problems of the world that he has been carrying that weight on his soul, and it is slowly crushing the life out of him. Maybe, just maybe he can take a vacation. 
The party lasts all day, thank you to the organisational skills of his family there are no emergency call outs, as Eos is forwarding the calls to local authorities and the GDF. The sun is starting to set, but the party is still going strong. Gordon and Lady Penelope have disappeared somewhere more private, but everyone else is there.
Alan is in charge of the music. Having set up a playlist and letting it go.
“GUYS COME ON! THIS IS MY FAVOURITE” Alan calls when the introduction to his favourite some comes on. “LINE UP” 
No one moves as the opening lines of the macarena start up. 
Alan grabs Jeff’s hands and pulls him into a standing position. “Come on dad, pleeeeeeaaaaassssssse!” he begs, giving his father the wide doe eyed start that no one, not even the great Jeff Tracy. 
“Okay fine show me what to do” Jeff replies. 
“Great! Okay Scott, Virgil, John, Grandma, Kayo, Parker, Brains, Colonel Casey” Alan calls while he starts going through the movements of the dance.
Virgil is the first to join in. knowing that Alan needs this just as much as Scott does. Taking his phone, he tries to contact Gordon. A family macarena isn’t the same without the family fish. 
“Hey Virg, what’s up?” Gordon asks. 
“Where are you?” Virgil asks. 
“Thunderbird one with Pen” Gordon replies. 
“Please tell me you’re just giving her a tour” Virgil asks facepalming. 
“Sure” Gordon replies with a shrug.
“Anyway stop it, and get back to the beach, we are having a family dance off” Virgil says. 
“You know I am going to win right?” Gordon asks, ringing off without giving Virgil a response. Pulling his shirt back on, he helps Lady Penelope zip back up her dress before they hop down from the pilots seat and exit Scott’s plane before running hand in hand back to the beach. 
“The macarena?” Gordon says with a grin. “Put it back to the beginning Al” 
Alan skips the track back to the start, and Gordon takes centre stage. Wriggling his hips before jumping up into the air crying “HEY MACARENA!” every single time. 
Even Parker and Grandma join in. the move on to the cha cha slide and the YMCA before collapsing into a heap on the floor laughing. 
“What song next DJ Allie?” Kayo asks. Even she has relaxed, her hair no longer in its customary tight pony tail but falling loosely around her shoulders. 
Alan grins before jumping up to his feet and skipping over to his phone. 
“No way. This I draw the line too!” Kayo says as the opening to baby shark starts to blare through the speakers. 
John is the first to join in. “SCOTTY SHARK DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO” 
Jeff joins in too “SCOTTY SHARK!” 
This is the version of the song Jeff would sing to Alan and Gordon to get them to sleep after their mom died. It never got them to agree to go to sleep but became a family tradition along with their bedtime stories. 
Lady Penelope is looking at the boys and Jeff like she has never seen them before while they do the baby shark song dance like the madmen, she always suspected they are. But she can’t help but join in. 
Lady Penelope stops there she has no idea what will come next, as there is no way they will hunt prey! 
“You guys are too adorable” Lady Penelope says. 
Night has fully fallen now, and with it the boys’ inhibitions and dignity have evaporated with the daylight and they are now dancing their way through whatever song that comes on. Wild songs that see them dancing round the fire all holding hands and laughing. Slow songs which Lady Penelope and Gordon take centre stage for, dancing like their the only two people in the world. Fast songs they dance wildly too. 
“Is anyone going to bed?” Jeff asks, just after four o’clock. The fire is starting to die down now, and with it the temperature is dropping. He is starting to feel the chill in the air and he can tell by looking at Alan who is standing over the dying fire, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm that he is not the only one. 
No one protests, as they tiredly march back to the house, Scott and Virgil taking the time to make sure the fire is out. 
“So, Gordy Shark” Lady Penelope says once they are alone in Gordon’s room. “Want round two of what we got up to in Thunderbird One?” 
Gordon grins before he strips his shirt off and jumps into the bed. 
Scott leaves for his vacation the following afternoon, carrying one rucksack full of everything he is going to need for his trip, after forcing all four of his brother’s sign a contract that they will tell him immediately if he is needed. 
There is an immense feeling of relief as he gets settled in the cabin he has rented, looking out of the window at the sun glittered lake. This is the perfect place, miles away from civilisation and the problems he deals with every day. 
The only issue he faces here, is will he want to return to that chaos when his dream holiday is over?
31 notes · View notes
saigang · 3 years
Bold = Love the most
Heavy Rain:
Norman Jayden x Ethan Mars
Norman Jayden x Carter Blake
Norman Jayden x Madison Paige
Detroit Become Human:
Gavin Reed x Nines
Connor x Nines
Connor x Hank Anderson
SpongeBob SquarePants:
SpongeBob x Squidward
Sandy x Karen
Left 4 Dead:
Ellis x Nick
Payday 2:
Sokol x Bodhi
Sokol x Houston
Dallas x Hoxton
Houston x Hoxton
Dallas x Wolf
Jimmy x Wolf
Jacket x Wolf
Jacket x Sokol
Bodhi x Sydney
Reservoir Dogs:
Mr Orange x Mr White
Jimmy x Constantinos
Jimmy x Gord
Gord x Duncan
Parker x Bryce
Derby x Bif
Tad x Vance
Lola x Zoe
Josh x Stan
Point Break:
Bodhi x Johnny Utah
Hardcore Henry:
Jimmy x Henry
Amy x Sonia
Saints Row:
The Boss x Johnny Gat
The Boss x Matt Miller
The Boss x Carlos Mendoza
14 notes · View notes
astrodon · 5 years
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At The Spoons #thespoons concert tonight at the Festival of Friends #festivaloffriends at Gage Park in Hamilton. Great to see both Gord and Sandy play some of their classics and hear some tracks from their new album. I had a crush on Sandy in the 80's and she's still looking good. 😍 Big crowd there to hear them play. Even my good friend pretended hard that she was having a good time. Lol Someone even brought their pet Burmese python to the show. #hamont #hamiltongagepark #gagepark #sandyhorne @amethystjeantiu (at Hamilton Gage Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0xM6Uhnk_j/?igshid=1wszut13yeirh
8 notes · View notes
staycaribbean · 4 years
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Here are 10 Amazing Caribbean Beaches to visit after COVID-19 10. Sandy Point, St Croix 09. Darkwood Beach, Antigua 08. Eagle Beach, Aruba  07. The Baths, Virgin Gord 06. Grand Anse Beach, Grenada 05. White Bay, Exuma, Bahamas 04. Frenchman’s Cove, Jamaica 03. Long Bay, Turks and Caicos 02. Long Bay, Anguilla 01. Seven Miles Beach, Negril, Jamaica https://www.instagram.com/p/CAipyCbBRwY/?igshid=oxtvkz07f1ts
0 notes
Blog entry one. 01.20.10
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/ˈtərbyələnt/ adjective
Chracterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm.
a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g. Homo sapiens.
Nature or nurture? As the egg begins it's dance with the sperm, an explosion blasts into our universe. 280 days of gestation. Flash to birth, the cord is cut, afterbirth, wails of life, APGAR score, ten fingers, ten toes. A smiling nurse places the swaddled new born on the bossom of his exhausted mother's weary, trembling body. Diapers. Nursing. First words. First bicycle. Skinned knees. The tooth fairy. Kindergarten. Do we make our experiences or do our experiences make us? First communion. First kiss. Teen angst. Who influences us? Parents. Teachers. Priests. Television. Elvis. War. Video games. Education. The bomb. Earbuds. Mass shootings.
Like being shot from the womb once again we have now been thrust into adult life. Who we are, what we are, our nature, our nurture, 18 years of life begins right then and there, outside our doors. 7 Continents. 5 Oceans. Libraries. Dive bars. The Eiffel Tower. Skid row. Do we make our choices, or do our choices make us? To fall in love with the wrong person. To beam with pride as our children walk the aisle. Mortgages. The death of a parent. Vacations to exotic locations. Homelessness. The Church. Porch swings. All of these experiences become a whirlpool of cathartic and magical chain of events.
Through verse and pop culture and the study of light versus shadow, we can explore human nature together. Is a monster formed in the womb? Or in the dark corners of a violent home? A beautiful voice. A birth defect. DaVinci. Manson. Love at first sight. Infidelity. Dark secrets. A lullaby. A death rattle. Prayer. A sunrise. How do we hear music without knowing silence? How can an addict truly appreciate recovery without still being able to recall the taste of the horror show of addiction?
A junkie. A Tibetan Monk. Tsunami. Sandy beaches. Nagasaki. Einstein. Hitler. Santa. The electric chair. These are the things that our dreams are made of and our nightmares crawl out of.
I promise you it won't always be dark. However, can we know darkness without light? Safety without fear? Truth without lies? Unconditional love without unmitigated hatred.
I have written private words and poetry for 37 years. I have been influenced by Poe, Shakespeare, Dylan, Wilde, Joyce, Lennon and McCartney, Leonard Cohen, Lydon, Strummer, Gord Downie, 3 Beasties and Prince Rogers Nelson. Poems about love and alienation. Poems about rejection and sex. Social issues and apathy. Angels and demons. Dancing women and broken bones. Poetry fueled by lust, fear, youth and young manhood, death and springtime. Poetry through tears. Scribbled screams driven by pills and powders and alcohol. Poems about dangerous and available women in bathing suits. Poems about Parenthood. Poems about loving and losing and loss. Words of love and gratitude.
Sometimes poetry. Sometimes a rant. Sometimes inspiration. Musical reviews. Observations. Truly fucked up memories and stories. Sometimes reflective and heartwarming. Kinda sexy. Living proof of momentary insanity. Laced with angst and sincerity, but never ultra mundane. Tasteful? Possibly. Imaginative? Always. Honest? Undoubtedly.
Let's take this walk hand in hand, through the labyrinth mind of this simply complicated poet. Perhaps, you may find the courage to explore your own warm and wicked unknowns as well. Using the divining rod of..
This Turbulence Species.
***Every post on this blog is dedicated to Erik Evanson. A true artist who always made me laugh. You are missed.***
Shine On You Crazy Diamond.
0 notes
mrlawrenceamick · 5 years
One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other
We at Price Tags are having a great time with our new podcast, PriceTalks.  So we appreciate the opportunity to be invited to other podcasts that are exploring our city and its issues – like that time on Cambie Reports with Sandy James, Gord Price and the three Cambie Reporters.
So when Adam and Matt Scalena asked Gord to appear on their Vancouver Real Estate News podcast, the answer was an immediate yes.  The results have just been posted.
Vancouver Real Estate News, Market Updates, Insider Tips, Stats, & Analysis
Sign up for insider real estate news & tips from our podcasting team.
Are you a realtor? Click here Selling Your Home? Click here
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One of the great features of their blog is the Episode Summary – a detailed encapsulation of the conversation.  Though it must take a lot of time to do, it’s a great way to get a sense of the content before tuning in, or to find a particular topic right away.  Great work, guys.
The post One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other appeared first on Vancouver Real Estate Podcast.
from Vancouver Real Estate Podcast https://ift.tt/2QPrpqY
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josephsrosenberry · 5 years
One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other
We at Price Tags are having a great time with our new podcast, PriceTalks.  So we appreciate the opportunity to be invited to other podcasts that are exploring our city and its issues – like that time on Cambie Reports with Sandy James, Gord Price and the three Cambie Reporters.
So when Adam and Matt Scalena asked Gord to appear on their Vancouver Real Estate News podcast, the answer was an immediate yes.  The results have just been posted.
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One of the great features of their blog is the Episode Summary – a detailed encapsulation of the conversation.  Though it must take a lot of time to do, it’s a great way to get a sense of the content before tuning in, or to find a particular topic right away.  Great work, guys.
The post One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other appeared first on Vancouver Real Estate Podcast.
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jpitha · 1 year
Just a Little Further 40 - epilogue
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
The playback ends. A woman leans over her large metal desk and takes the device, putting it in a strong metal case. It closes with a satisfying click. The woman pressed a button on her desk and the lights in the room dimmed.
"From here on out, this interview is being recorded in a full sensorium. Audio, visual, tactile and spatial recordings are being made. State your legal name and confirm your consent."
"I, Gord Beaverbrook, consent to the recording."
"Are you known by any aliases?"
"None that haven't already passed the Statute of Limitations."
"Thank you Gord, Interview commences." She makes a note on a pad and looks up at Gord. "The recording you heard was a compiled diary from Empress Melody Mullen that started as she departed on FarReach and ended right before she linked over to Sol." The woman busied herself locking the case as she spoke. "Melody's diary coupled with some interviews from residents of the Reach give us a pretty complete view of Melody's time as Empress.
The woman takes out a complicated looking key and opens a drawer in the desk. She puts the case in a drawer, closes and locks it, then turns back to the man in the chair. "You're up to date now. You know what we know. You went out to see her right before the invasion. Anything you care to add?"
Gord leans back and runs his hands through his sandy blond hair. "You should have seen the place Meg, there were 13 million people on that Starbase. They all were happy, healthy, living their lives, loving their Empress."
"And yet, the AI coalition unilaterally decided to assassinate her and remove her from the Sol system by any means necessary. From what I understand, after the anti-nanite gas was deployed you additionally destroyed sixteen Calamity Class super Dreadnoughts." Meg raises an eyebrow.
Meghan Felasheer was the current head of Intelligence for the Outer Planet Alliance. Officially, the OPA is a loose federation of Orbitals, Starbases and scientific research stations and each handles their own day to day operation. But, since first Venus and then Melody started to expand, they have condensed into a much more coherent polity.
With that condensation comes agencies and authorities to help with the operation of said polity. Meghan is the output of this natural process. She does not like her job. Meghan would much rather garden or work in environmental processing or join the Fire Brigade or do anything other than what she's doing now. Still, needs must.
Gord sighs and looks at Meg. This interview was demanded by the OPA after the last of Melody's ships were destroyed and Reach of the Might of Vzzx was linked to Sol. Relations between the AIs and BIs are... strained right now. "Meg, do you know what happened when we recaptured Venus? When we retook Luna?"
"No Gord, tell me what happened when the AIs captured Venus and Luna?" She pointedly did not say 'recaptured.'
"The same thing that happened at every place we took back. They begged us for her return Meg. Begged us." Gord looks haunted. "We had to tell them all the Builders were dead and were never coming back. Meg, there were riots. We quelled the riots and-" Gord sighed. "-lots of innocent people died that didn't have to."
Meghan stares stonily at Gord. "My name is Meghan, Gord." She was on Luna when Melody came. She saw her Empress in person.
Melody's super dreadnoughts caught everyone completely by surprise. Her fleet linked in near Venus, and after a very nominal defense mounted by some tired orbital rear guard, they almost immediately surrendered. Venus was on the brink of starvation anyway, and the Emperor's inner circle saw in Melody a chance of survival. The Emperor suffered an "unfortunate accident" and Melody was contacted. The Emperor was cold and forgotten before Melody even landed in Regantown.
The King is dead, long live the King.
The Mercury Array went just as easily. She didn't even send the whole fleet. Two of her Calamity Class super dreadnoughts linked in near the main offices of the Array and they surrendered. Their first request? Fresh water. Venus hadn't delivered any in months and their recyclers were nearly spent. Everyone had spent the last 4 months there drinking metallic tasting water.
Empress Melody immediately rendered aid. A group of her Builders went down to the array and replaced their water recyclers and brought them gigaliters of water.
Melody spent a month around Venus, visiting all the Floating Cities, using her Voice on the administrators - never the populace - and explaining that they were there to help and give aid however they could. She brought over more Builders and they worked to shore up the cities and make sure all systems were working as they should.
She was loved. She did things their previous Emperor never did. She visited, she spoke with people, she listened.
Only once she was convinced the Floating Cities were in good hands did she set her sites on the domed cities of Luna.
Once again, the moment her fleet linked in, everyone surrendered. Anyone was better than the Venusians, and Melody was gaining a reputation as a just and caring ruler in Sol.
Just like before, she visited all the locations, made a speech, used her voice on the Administrators only and... fixed their problems. Meghan was in the crowd for a speech in the domed city Armstrong. Melody was... radiant. Beautiful, with golden wings and a golden crown, she stood there with her wife Ava and told everyone that things were going to change. Melody would take care of them. She would make sure they weren't forgotten. For people too used to only hearing about what was going on with K'lax and the Independent Starbases and Colony worlds, hearing Melody tell them she was there for them and would look after them? That was worth loyalty to their new Empress.
Earth... was another story.
Earth was very used to people coming to power, making grand proclamations about who was in charge of what and what would or would not change when Empress Melody was in charge. Earth fought back.
It was a bloodbath.
Earth, the Lagrange Orbitals and the stations in LEO formed an uneasy alliance and worked to repel the invaders. Forces that normally were against Venus pivoted immediately to Melody's forces. Being the cradle of Humanity, Earth had people and resources to spare, and they threw them at Melody's empire.
It was then, that everyone saw what Melody's forces would do when pressed. They would hammer an Orbital until it surrendered, then come aboard and Voice everyone - not just the administrators - explain what was happening, that they were in charge and would move on to the next. Empress Melody accepted no compromise, no power sharing, nothing. It would be Empress Melody, or destruction.
Some Orbitals capitulated when this was learned, and some... chose destruction.
With Low Earth Orbit and the Lagrange points captured, Melody gave the planetary forces another change to surrender before orbital bombardment would commence. The deadline passed, and her terrifying Calamity Class super Dreadnoughts Began their work.
The bombardment went on for only two days before Earth surrendered. Millions perished. This time, due to the size and population, Melody did not personally go down and use her Voice. 3 dreadnoughts were left in orbit as a reminder and she continued on. She had planned on coming back after the rest of Sol was captured.
Melody and her fleet and then linked near to Mars and opened a dialog with the OPA. Everyone was tired of war, frightened of Melody or both, and here she comes, fresh off of a successful devastating attack on Earth, the home of Humanity itself.
The OPA was prepared to offer her nominal control as well as recognition and taxes in exchange for safety and support. Everyone was getting ready to sign a treaty.
Then, the AIs came.
Over fifty Starjumpers and easily that many ancillary craft linked in over Mars and immediately starting attacking Melody's new super dreadnoughts. There was no radio contact, no demands of surrender.
If Melody had more ships, she would have won.
As it was, the AIs took terrible losses. Melody's Calamity Class super Dreadnoughts were deadly. They had the power to take on two Starjumpers at once and hold their own.
Centimeter by centimeter the AIs pushed Melody's forces back. The sky behind them littered with the burnt out hulks of Starjumpers and Calamity Class super Dreadnoughts.
It was then that the everyone learned that the AIs had personal wormhole generators. It was long rumored, but the AIs had swore up and down that even though their bodies were powered by the same kind of reactor as their ships that "a personal wormhole generator is a fantasy. Nobody can shrink them down that far."
It was a lie.
The AI troopers would link into Melody's ships and release their anti-nanite gas and link away, without firing a shot.
When people learned about the anti-nanite gas they were horrified.
It was assumed by the Venus, Luna, the OPA and others that the Nanites were sapient. Melody agreed with them and had said how she was treating her Nanites as if they were sapient almost from the beginning. The AIs seemingly didn't care.
The AI's learned about the Nanites from FarReach. Her air was filled with Builder nanomachines. Upon her return, AIs scientists were able to collect, reverse engineer, and develop a disassembly command for them. As they released their anti-nanite gas, the nanites would take themselves apart.
The Builders, who received their augmentations as a result of the Nanites died almost immediately after the gas was released.
As the Builders died, Melody's war of conquest died as well.
Melody fell back, first to Luna, then to Venus and finally back to Reach of the Might of Vzzx, each time inflicting terrible losses on the AIs, but all the while, she was being slowly taken apart by the anti-nanite gas. The AIs had the upper hand now, all they had to do was wait her out.
Six months to the day after she had launched her attack she was killed.
A group of AIs linked into the Reach from a Starjumper that was light-years out of sight, a surprise attack. They released their gas in key locations around the Reach and into the environmental systems.
After a day, they AIs came back with their Starjumper and strode in. The AIs confirmed that Empress Melody Mullen and her wife Ava Williams died in the bath, in her Palace, on Reach of the Might of Vzzx.
With the death of the Builders, and the anti-nanite gas ensuring no more would be created, the AIs had to decide what to do with Reach of the Might of Vzzx. Starjumpers were strapped to the outside, and it, along with the Heinlein and Besmara Shipyards, were linked back to the Sol system. Over AI objections, the OPA took the Reach for their own, and worked with the residents to shore up the Builder systems and install systems that would work without Builder control.
In the Sol system, the AIs were not seen as the rescuing liberators they thought they would be seen as. Everywhere they went, the AIs were asked why was the Empire being destroyed, why were they persecuting Melody, why were they trying to prevent the people from getting the help they need.
Gord looks at Meghan. "Meghan, you have to understand. Melody was too dangerous."
Meghan stared at Gord.
"She was nice, yes, and she took care of her people, yes and the Reach was frankly an amazing place, and we will even admit that she was helping people in Sol, but her power... it was too much."
Meghan stared at Gord.
"All that had to happen was for the next Empress not be as kind or loving as Melody, and you would have been under her heel, forever."
Meghan stared at Gord.
Gord's face screws into a snarl. "We were looking out for all of you! Melody's power was too much. Nobody should be able to give orders that can't be disobeyed. Humanity should not be under the rule of a single person! Did you see Earth? Earth said no and she glassed at least three cities! I know what it looks like." Gord sighed. "Meghan we-"
"Enough." Meghan holds up her hand. "Gord. Who is the leader of the AIs."
Gord looks confused. "We don't have one. We're not a nation."
"Under what banner did the AIs band together to destroy Melody's empire?"
"None. We came together as a group and decided to act."
"Who speaks for the AIs? If not you, then why did you accept our summons?"
Gord crosses his arms. "I am not in charge of the AIs. I'm old. Most AIs respect me and listen to me."
Meghan turns and looks out the window of her office out onto Hyacinth. She looks out at the people walking below, going to work, living their lives, trying to get on without their Empress. She turns back.
Meghan looks through Gord. Her eyes flick and she meets his gaze. "Gord, Do you know what this looks like to us? I mean, really? It looks like you forced us to trade one tyrant who cared about her people, who worked very hard to make sure everyone had what they needed and were taken care of for a different tyrant who only wanted to keep the status quo. You never once asked us if this was what we wanted. You didn't ask, because you were afraid of the answer." As she speaks, Gord looks away.
Meghan looked down at her pad, and flicked to another page. "Gord, do you know what's happening on K'lax?"
Gord looks back and blinks. "No, wha-"
Meghan slams her pad down on the desk. "There's a holy war going on at K'lax right now Gord. The Pro-Empress faction is fighting the Anti-Empress faction. Reports coming back to us are saying it's quite bloody. Both sides have requested human help. There are also reports that the Anti-Empress faction is receiving AI help."
"Gord throws up his hands. "Meghan, we did what we had to do. Even if you don't believe me, even if humanity never believes us, know that we think - no, we know that we are right. We are better off without the Builders, without the Nanites and without Empress Melody and her Voice."
Megan looked at Gord for much longer than was comfortable. Finally, she nodded to herself. She opened a desk drawer and took out a folio. Opening it carefully, she took a paper printout and handed it to Gord.
"What's this?"
"It's an edict. Note the signatories. OPA, High Mars, Luna, and the provisional Venusian government. Due to the 'unfortunate' actions taken by the AI faction against the Empress Melody and her Builders, the AI faction is hereby banned from the Sol system until further notice. Any current AI residents who wish to stay may remain behind, but all Colonial AIs will vacate."
Gord leaned back as if he was slapped. "What?" he whispered. "What about Earth?"
"Earth was not consulted. If they wish to coordinate action they will need to go through Luna. You are no longer welcome in Sol. You took it upon yourselves to remove someone you felt was a danger to you. This is the price you pay for your unilateral actions."
Meghan turned and faced the window. "You and all Colonial AIs within the system have twelve hours to vacate Sol. Any remaining Colonial AI ships will be fired upon by the nearest OPA ship." Turned back and faced Gord. "This interview has finished. The sensorium recording shall be encrypted and uploaded to all relevant parties and shall be seen as binding." She pressed a button on her desk and the lights in the room came up.
Gord stood. There was nothing else to do. "You'll be back. When you're over your snit, and realize we are right and you want to talk again, reach out. We'll be waiting." Without another word, he turned and walked out of the office. The door closed behind him with a soft click.
"Hail Empress Melody the First." A single tear fell from Meghan's cheek, and splashed onto her lap.
Meghan picked up her pad, and quickly sent out a message. From a location on the other side of Hyacinth, a beacon linked away.
Gord strode across the quad of the OPA Administrative offices towards the docking ring. He contacted his ship. "Hat" he said tersely. "We're being kicked out. You scan any friends who need a ride here?"
"Kicked out? I.. No Gord, it's just us."
"Good. Let's delta before they decide to make 12 hours 6."
Gord walked aboard his friend Medicine Hat. He climbed into the old familiar interior and cast his eye around. All around him were mementos of his travels and especially of Canada, where he originally from. Canada, like most countries on Earth is long gone, but he keeps her memory alive.
Gord looks down at a console. "Any AI ships in system? We need to let them know they gotta boogie before the OPA opens fire." He sent a digital copy of the edict to Hat who whistled low when he read it.
"Gord, they're kicking us out? We're being targeted by 3 separate ships. They are all flying OPA colors. Weapons aren't hot, but they're using active pings. They want us to know they see us."
Gord narrows his eyes. They aren't playing. "Colonial AIs are no longer welcome in Sol, yes."
"But... we saved them."
Gord sat in his command chair. It was overstuffed and soft and upholstered in flannel. "They don't see it that way, friend. We acted too late it looks like. Earth understood what was at stake, but the former Venusian territories just saw a nicer version of what they had already."
"I mean, I didn't expect a ticker-tape parade when we were done, but this? This feels too much. What about AI residents? I admit there weren't too many who stayed in Sol after Venus and everything, but there were some."
"They accounted for that. Any permanent AI residents are allowed to stay with full rights and privileges. They just want the 'interlopers' out." Gord sounded sad and bitter when he was explaining to Hat. "Let any of them that we still have numbers for know that heading to Earth is probably a smart idea right now. FarReach really scared us with her report. When I went out, I was concerned but, not really like, worried until she tried to use her Voice on me."
"You said it didn't work though."
"It didn't stick is what I said. It worked for about six hours. Long enough for her to convince me that everything was fine and for us to trade some maple for some tea and for me to leave. I came to my senses right after I linked home. By the time I gave my report, she had linked to Venus and begun. She must have realized it didn't work and that if she didn't go right then we were going to assassinate her."
"But, we weren't going to assassinate her Gord, right?"
Gord sits in the chair, and starts sending the edict to AI ships in system, letting them know it's time to go.
Gord sighs and leans his head back, staring at the ceiling. "No, she was completely right Hat, that's the bitch of it. We would have had to assassinate her. This was the only way it was going to go down. Our only hope was that we would have to deal with a broken Reach of the Might of Vzzx, but we were too slow. Earth said no, and she started glassing cities. She wasn't going to take any other answer than "All Hail Empress Melody."
"Well what now then Gord? You're still legally a resident of Earth."
Gord sighed. "I am, but I can't say I'm too... excited about the thought of hanging around here right now. We'll obey the edict for now. Let's link to Meíhuā. We haven't been there in a while, I bet some folks will want some maple syrup."
Medicine Hat sighed. "You got it Gord."
Near Venus, a message beacon appeared, beamed a message and then destroyed itself. The report was decrypted and read under Regantown.
"Hyacinth reporting."
"The edict has been delivered. Gord and the AIs are leaving Sol now."
"Do they suspect anything?"
"No, Helen. Melody's plan worked completely."
Helen Raaden wiped a tear from her eye. "She should have hid with us. She did not need to sacrifice herself."
"She needed it to work Helen. She knew that her body was going to be the only thing that satisfied the AI faction." Um'reli looked up from her chair in the Command Deck of the Lavinia. "the AIs have been given 12 hours to vacate."
Helen leaned back in her chair, exasperated. "I still don't see why it has to be me."
"It was Melody's last wish. She said you would be best able to lead after her."
"We can't be the only Builders left though, can we?"
"You know we are Helen. Omar died when our Dreadnought was caught in the firefight early on over High Mars and the others perished as the anti-nanite gas tore through them. Frankly, I'm surprised that the Reach survived at all." Um'reli sniffs and wipes a tear at the memory. She was onboard Raaden's ship when her ship was taken by surprise and destroyed by the AIs.
Grand Admiral Helen Raaden sighed. "I'm glad it did. If the AI faction had murdered the 13 million people on the Reach, especially all those different sapients who live nowhere else it would have been unforgivable. As it is, everyone in Sol is not a fan of the AIs right now."
Um'reli looked up at her. "What about Earth and the colony worlds?"
"We heard from Parvati and Meíhuā before things fell apart. They had officially recognized the rule of Empress Melody in Sol so long as she wasn't planning on visiting. I can only assume they'll recognize the rule of the next Empress. As for Earth...We'll take care of Earth this time. Did anyone ever hear from K'lax?"
Um'reli's ears flicked frustration. "I heard that there's some kind of civil war going on. The Pro Melody faction against the Anti Melody faction." She turned away. "It's rough right now. She got up from her chair and walked over to Helen. She put her small hand on her shoulder. "I wish Melody was here."
Helen reached up and squeezed her hand on her shoulder. "I know. Me too."
"This won't be as easy as it was the first time."
Helen shrugged. "It will and it won't. We don't have the firepower to back up the words, but most everyone in Sol liked Melody. They'll see us - me - as an extension of that rule. I think it'll work." Helen looked up to the navigation officer. "Take us down. Use the coordinates the Empress gave us."
"Aye, Grand Admiral."
The Vengeance of Lavinia II detached from underneath Regantown where it was hiding and sank into the thick, heavy atmosphere of Venus. As it went lower and lower, the huge Calamity Class super Dreadnought creaked and moaned in protest to the higher pressures. She was well built though, and the atmospheric control surfaces aided in control.
A few hours later they were above the location given to them by Melody before she and Ava linked back to the Reach for their final stand. Slowly the massive ship settled lower and lower until it touched the hot surface of Venus.
"Contact, Grand Admiral. We're down."
Helen nodded. "Thank you. We'll suit up and walk to the coordinates." Um'reli stood from her station and looked at Helen, who also stood to leave.
An Engineering officer looked up. "Please make haste Grand Admiral. We can only stay at this depth for a few hours before we start to take damage."
Helen and Um'reli suited up in special high pressure suits. The Venusians were familiar with going to the surface, and their designs were well tested and safe. Um'reli's suit had to be tweaked a bit for her K'laxi frame, but she was able to work with the printer team to get it fitted. They completed checks and cycled the airlock.
The surface of Venus is intense.
Dark, rocky and windy, it was difficult going even in their suits. After 10 minutes of hiking, they found the wreckage.
Helen and Um'reli looked over the pile of twisted metal towering over them that Melody's coordinates led to.
"This is a Gate?" Helen sounded exasperated over the radio link.
"Melody says it's the Sol Gate. It showed up in her Gate census, so she says it still has power."
"Ugh. Okay then." Helen looked around and saw what could charitably be called the remains of a doorway. "I guess... we'll go in and look."
As they walked in, the howling wind of the Venusian surface quieted. It was still incredibly hot, but at least they didn't have to lean into the wind now.
Um'reli reached out with her Nanites. The feelings she got were very faint but... "I think I can feel it Helen. Try reaching out."
Helen reached out as well and... there, over in the corner. "Yes, I feel it too Um'reli."
They walked over to the corner that they felt, and laying on it's side, with corners chipped but otherwise intact was a directory stone.
Helen looked over at Um'reli "What do I do?"
Um'reli flicked her years in worry, but that was hidden by her helmet. "Melody said to just touch it, and the Nanites will do the rest."
"Well, here goes nothing then." Helen reached out, and with an armored glove, touched the directory stone. There was no flash, no dramatic lighting, no noise, just...
Hi Helen! I'm so glad you made it!
Melody? Aren't you dead?
Yes, I am. But I am also the memory of her that was recorded by the Nanites and uploaded. As long as there is an Empress, I will never truly die. And now, neither will you...
Helen came to on the floor with Um'reli shaking her. "Helen! You gotta get up. I can't carry you myself. It's time to go!"
Helen put an arm up to stop Um'reli. "Ugh. Okay, I'm up, I'm up." She sat up. "How long was I out?
"30 seconds maybe? It wasn't long. You touched the stone and threw your head back and fell over. What happened?"
"I... I talked to Melody, or the memory of her, or something. She said that the Nanites record memories and pass them on to future Empresses."
"So that's it then? You're Empress?"
Helen stood. She - at the same time - felt like herself and also felt different than before.
Oh you're taking to this much easier than Melody did. Good work. She was right, you'll be a great Empress.
She turned to Um'reli. "Yes, I am Empress."
Um'reli bowed low. "Empress. Welcome back."
Helen looked down at Um'reli and for a moment, her perception was felt... down time across as She looked at her subject. This was right. This was how it was supposed to be. Empress Helen Raaden nodded.
L̵̠̖͗ḛ̵̥̟͇̣̟̪̐͌͛̇̐̿͛̀͐̍̈́̽͂̐̌͠͝ͅt̷̬̞͎̱̞̤̯͓͖̭̺͛̅́̓'̷̨̧̞̖̯̏̀̈́̈́s̷̡̢͕̥̦̤̯̜̫̱̰̱͉͚̆̈́́̓͋̈́͂̏͋̏́̃͒̀͘͠͝ ̸̰̲͈̥͚̥̼̤̱̃̒̀͜g̸̨̪͍̱͇̤̰̼͚̰̬͖̪̝̦͑̈́̂̀̾͋̅̎̄̊̍́̑̌̃͛͝o̴͈͓̱̪̬̞̊͊̑̂̚.̵̡̢̠͙̰̘̫̗̾̈́̐͒̀́͋̃̂̕̕͘͝
And that's it! Thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing. This was a real challenge for me, it was my first time writing long form first person, my first time trying out a YA-ish style of story and my first Villain Perspective.
So yes, Word Of Author, Melody was not the Hero. She thought she was, and she surrounded herself with people that thought she was too. By only (deliberately) including her POV it was tough to tell.
Like at the end of HD, I'm going to take a week or two to rest, and compile this into a single doc and do some first pass editing. The writing really is the fun part, all that other stuff after is less so. Someone needs to hire me a team of editors to take care of that part! :D
I have a few ideas for the next one too. I liked how most of JALF took place only in one location, I might try and narrow focus down even further. Maybe in a single city or something, give it a real cyberpunk vibe. My universe is large enough that there can be all kinds of different settings available to play in.
Thanks again for reading!
140 notes · View notes
mrsteveecook · 5 years
One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other
We at Price Tags are having a great time with our new podcast, PriceTalks.  So we appreciate the opportunity to be invited to other podcasts that are exploring our city and its issues – like that time on Cambie Reports with Sandy James, Gord Price and the three Cambie Reporters.
So when Adam and Matt Scalena asked Gord to appear on their Vancouver Real Estate News podcast, the answer was an immediate yes.  The results have just been posted.
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One of the great features of their blog is the Episode Summary – a detailed encapsulation of the conversation.  Though it must take a lot of time to do, it’s a great way to get a sense of the content before tuning in, or to find a particular topic right away.  Great work, guys.
The post One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other appeared first on Vancouver Real Estate Podcast.
from Vancouver Real Estate Podcast https://ift.tt/2QPrpqY
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mrchristopherbyant · 5 years
One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other
We at Price Tags are having a great time with our new podcast, PriceTalks.  So we appreciate the opportunity to be invited to other podcasts that are exploring our city and its issues – like that time on Cambie Reports with Sandy James, Gord Price and the three Cambie Reporters.
So when Adam and Matt Scalena asked Gord to appear on their Vancouver Real Estate News podcast, the answer was an immediate yes.  The results have just been posted.
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One of the great features of their blog is the Episode Summary – a detailed encapsulation of the conversation.  Though it must take a lot of time to do, it’s a great way to get a sense of the content before tuning in, or to find a particular topic right away.  Great work, guys.
The post One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other appeared first on Vancouver Real Estate Podcast.
from Vancouver Real Estate Podcast https://ift.tt/2QPrpqY
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other
We at Price Tags are having a great time with our new podcast, PriceTalks.  So we appreciate the opportunity to be invited to other podcasts that are exploring our city and its issues – like that time on Cambie Reports with Sandy James, Gord Price and the three Cambie Reporters.
So when Adam and Matt Scalena asked Gord to appear on their Vancouver Real Estate News podcast, the answer was an immediate yes.  The results have just been posted.
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One of the great features of their blog is the Episode Summary – a detailed encapsulation of the conversation.  Though it must take a lot of time to do, it’s a great way to get a sense of the content before tuning in, or to find a particular topic right away.  Great work, guys.
The post One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other appeared first on Vancouver Real Estate Podcast.
from Vancouver Real Estate Podcast https://ift.tt/2QPrpqY
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mondkendrick · 5 years
One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other
We at Price Tags are having a great time with our new podcast, PriceTalks.  So we appreciate the opportunity to be invited to other podcasts that are exploring our city and its issues – like that time on Cambie Reports with Sandy James, Gord Price and the three Cambie Reporters.
So when Adam and Matt Scalena asked Gord to appear on their Vancouver Real Estate News podcast, the answer was an immediate yes.  The results have just been posted.
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One of the great features of their blog is the Episode Summary – a detailed encapsulation of the conversation.  Though it must take a lot of time to do, it’s a great way to get a sense of the content before tuning in, or to find a particular topic right away.  Great work, guys.
The post One Good Podcast Deserves Each Other appeared first on Vancouver Real Estate Podcast.
from Vancouver Real Estate Podcast https://ift.tt/2QPrpqY
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