phantasieandmirare · 2 years
I'm reading Wheel of Time and just got to An Event in Knife of Dreams, putting it under the cut in case anyone else is reading them as a fresh face to the WoT universe too cause I don't want to spoil it
I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW MOIRAINE WASN'T DEAD, and right as I had just reached the point of 'What if she is and I'm just reading too much into this and I'm just going to be disappointed in the end when there's no pay-off to the foreshadowing I created in my head' but NO, I WAS RIGHT AND SHE'S ALIVE AND WE'RE GONNA HAVE A RESCUE ARC, LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Advice please? There's an RP partner I've been friends with for years and we've had tons of fun together, but now I feel our friendship is done. I'm the one who starts all our OOC conversations which always end up the same unfulfulling back and forth, they never appreciate anything I give them and they spend all their time talking to everyone else while holding me at arm's length. Worst part is, they keep calling me one of their best friends and tell me they miss me a lot all the time (*1/2)
despite not even trying with me anymore. I don't know if I'm just overreacting but this is a person I went and got myself seriously invested in, so it hurts more than it should. Should I cut this friendship off before I get really frustrated over it? What would be the best way to do that? (*2/2)
Unfortunately, I feel that you aren’t as alone in this situation as you might think, anon. I, for one, have had this happen multiple times, even right down to the ‘best friend’ claims, so I understand how upsetting and hurtful it can be. I’m sure there will be others out there who can confirm that it happens all too frequently. It seems that it’s a lot easier to ignore/drop online friends, as they are not in close physical proximity most of the time. At the same time, the lack of closeness in location also makes it easy to accidentally forget to message someone, so there are always situations where lack of communication is unintentional.
No friendship, be it online or in real life, should frustrate you or stress you out. Friendships are two-way streets, with both people putting in equal effort for it to work. If this is not happening here, then I do recommend doing something about it, as it is obviously becoming more one-sided for you. Sometimes friendships just run their course, no matter how much you want them to continue on, it’s healthier for both parties to go separate ways.
One option, as I’ve suggested to a few people here, would be to talk it over with them first. I did this with a now-ex friend on here, I explained how I was feeling, that they were making me feel pushed aside, that they were never making any effort with me and that I was hurt by it. In my situation, they apologised and did make a bit more effort for about a week, then it was back to the way it had been and I was forced to drop them from my life. If you wish to give that a try, there is every chance they could see the error in how they have been treating you and they could try to fix things and prioritise you more. But you have to know that there is also the possibility that they will not see anything wrong with how they are treating you, so it might not work.
I do think that it is worth doing something, though. Whether that is just talking it over with them first, or just stopping talking to them. Deal with this in the way that will be best for you, but if you feel like this friendship is no longer what it was, then you should take action for your own benefit. This is tumblr RP and this is your happiness/enjoyment. As much as it hurts, we can’t cling onto friendships if they are sucking the happiness out of us. I wish you the best of luck with this situation, anon!
--- mod Louise
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