#The Lonely King Endiemon
translunaryanimus · 2 months
Halfstack SMP character updates
The Lonely King, Endiemon
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[ID: The image depicts Endiemon, an enderwalker with short white hair and blue eyes and Gills. He has horse like ears with 3 piercings and wears a purple and white formalwear ensemble with a tailed vest. Sometimes, he wears a black cloak pinned on with an Eye of Ender service medal. The image also shows his rapier like sword and the palms of his hands, both of which have star patterns. :END ID]
He lived. He lived and died and lived again. He left a warning behind in a story and was long thought gone. And yet he lived, and he keeps living, and he keeps living because The Lonely King cannot let go of his own loneliness. Not all morals are black and white, and those who hate the universe sometimes still get to live...
Endiemon. Ever lonely, ever buried. God of the Soldier's Heart. He ascended ages ago in the middle of a war and was buried in stasis shortly afterward, deemed too dangerous by his own kingdom to continue being on the surface. But nobody was so bold as to try and kill him. Godslayer is a title few want.
Endiemon has somehow persisted in the modern day after his unearthing. He is going to mandated God therapy, but it's been slow progress (literal centuries' worth of progress).
He's lost a lot of the fear factor he once had, but being a children's book monster does not help his public image. The Fable of The Lonely King, while objectively untrue now that Endiemon has entered the public eye again, has not been taken out of printing. Endiemon has made no such requests and seems to find it to be of moral value for the youth.
The Lonely King, Endiemon is for the @halfstack-smp
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translunaryanimus · 1 year
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The Lonely King, Endiemon
A character of Fable, only known as a tale of what grief does to a man when left untreated for years. A warning against falling out of love with the universe itself.
For the @halfstack-smp
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translunaryanimus · 1 year
The Fable of The Lonely King
-A @halfstack-smp story-
CW: Death, Vaguely worded descriptions of depressive spirals and grieving, Victim Blaming
Long ago, just after the Bastions collapsed, an Enderwalker warrior returned from a war, shaken and stiff. He had lost his Dearest friend to the illnesses of the Nether and fought until his body gave out on him. Despite all he had seen, he was welcomed once again with open arms and celebration to the kingdom he had left.
But he could not enjoy them. For how could a grieving man enjoy the opposite of his sorrow when he was so buried in it?
"Endiemon!" Their companions called, "Join us and celebrate the return of our soldiers!"
But Endiemon did not join. He sat, lonely and sad, diving into the memory of his Dearest friend. How could everyone celebrate when he had lost someone so dear to him? How could they be happy when he was not? How could they not notice how upset he was?
And through all the celebration, and over the many prosperous generations to come, Endiemon became bitter and cold. If he could not have what he had lost, then they could not have their new kingdom. Why should they get to move on? Why should they be allowed to grow when so much had been lost.
And so Endiemon continued to grow bitter and hateful towards the people of his home kingdom, unable to think about anything but what he had had before, and nothing about what the future had in store for him.
Endiemon began to hate life itself.
Despite the hundreds of years passing, the thought of their dear friend continued to weigh on Endiemon, deeper and deeper, until he was fully consumed by grief.
And in his grief, Endiemon slipped.
One night, while the king was asleep, Endiemon crept into his bedchamber and threw him from the window, ensuring his demise. The king had not noticed he had been attacked until he was already in the air, falling to his death.
With the king gone, Endiemon stole his robes, dressing himself up in his place and placing the far too small crown atop his hornless head.
And that is how the citizens found him in the morning.
"What happened to our king?" They asked.
"He slipped and fell from the window, I tried to save him." Endiemon lied. "He shouted that I was to take his place as he fell"
And so the populous buried their king.
And the kingdom mourned.
And Endiemon sat on the throne, the new and ever lonely king.
And yet, the sadness soon lifted, but Endiemon was still sad. He could not be happy, for he had lost more than the kingdom ever had.
They should not be allowed to be happy, Endiemon decided, and so once again they grew bitter and cold, pushing away all that drew near to them.
And the colder and colder Endiemon grew, the more his kingdom began to hate and fear him, and the more and more began to leave.
Finally, it was just Endiemon and one more citizen.
The young Qilin, thick hair tied back, approached the ever lonely king. In one hand she held a sword and the other, a single cornflower, and her face was set in a strong but confident frown.
And she spoke.
"King Endiemon, why do you drive all of us away? You cannot mourn forever."
"I can mourn for as long as I wish!" Endiemon snapped, getting to his feet. The Lonely King towered over the young Qilin, clawed hands outstretched in front of him, grasping towards her form for something longer past. "You will never understand what it feels like to lose all that you had! There is no forgetting what happened, why do you all move from it so quickly?"
"Because Life is beautiful and the Universe holds untold stories for our futures." The young Qilin responded, for she was wise beyond her few years and loved the universe as it loved her.
"The universe does not love me any longer" Endiemon spat, drawing his own axe from its sheath. "So I cannot love it. I cannot love something that hates me so much as to destroy my Dearest friend. I cannot love something that has made me so sad for all these years."
"Then you cannot love yourself." The young Qilin steadied her sword. "You looked too far into the past and have forgotten your future."
"I HAVE no future!" The Lonely King hissed, swinging his axe in wide arcs at the young Qilin, but she stood firm, hopping nimbly over each blow.
And when The Lonely King raised his arms to strike down on the young Qilin, her sword struck through his chest, causing him a moments pause.
"You only have no future because you couldn't bring yourself to see it." She said, bringing The Lonely King to his knees as he slowly began to perish.
"You were too focused on all that you had lost that you could not see how bright your future was. And now you will forever be known as Endiemon, The Lonely King."
With a final hiss, The Lonely King Endiemon spat on the floor of the castle, cursing it with his dying breath to crumble along with him so that he would be lonely forever.
And so it did. The young Qilin buried The Ever Lonely King in a bed of cornflowers, laying her last gift to him atop where he lay.
And the kingdom crumbled around him as he lay.
So do not covet what you lost in the past like The Lonely King, for you will forget what lies in the future, and fall out of love with life. And there is no greater sadness than the sadness of one who has fallen out of love with the universe itself.
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