translunaryanimus · 2 months
Halfstack SMP character updates
The Lonely King, Endiemon
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[ID: The image depicts Endiemon, an enderwalker with short white hair and blue eyes and Gills. He has horse like ears with 3 piercings and wears a purple and white formalwear ensemble with a tailed vest. Sometimes, he wears a black cloak pinned on with an Eye of Ender service medal. The image also shows his rapier like sword and the palms of his hands, both of which have star patterns. :END ID]
He lived. He lived and died and lived again. He left a warning behind in a story and was long thought gone. And yet he lived, and he keeps living, and he keeps living because The Lonely King cannot let go of his own loneliness. Not all morals are black and white, and those who hate the universe sometimes still get to live...
Endiemon. Ever lonely, ever buried. God of the Soldier's Heart. He ascended ages ago in the middle of a war and was buried in stasis shortly afterward, deemed too dangerous by his own kingdom to continue being on the surface. But nobody was so bold as to try and kill him. Godslayer is a title few want.
Endiemon has somehow persisted in the modern day after his unearthing. He is going to mandated God therapy, but it's been slow progress (literal centuries' worth of progress).
He's lost a lot of the fear factor he once had, but being a children's book monster does not help his public image. The Fable of The Lonely King, while objectively untrue now that Endiemon has entered the public eye again, has not been taken out of printing. Endiemon has made no such requests and seems to find it to be of moral value for the youth.
The Lonely King, Endiemon is for the @halfstack-smp
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cryptkeeperkain · 1 year
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I finally got a real commission, for Kestral who idk if they have a tumblr account???
As always- @halfstack-smp
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beelittle · 6 months
c!benchtrio take a nap on the couch - well, two of them do at least
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Michael joins them later
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fandomtrashonfire · 6 months
Brainrot took over - have some enderwalking Ranboo sketches
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tobi-smp · 6 months
the problem with talking about ghostbur's relation to wilbur is that going too far in Either direction muddles the waters.
people like to think of ghostbur as an entirely separate entity from wilbur, where nothing about him informs wilbur as a character. this often comes packed with dehumanization, either of Wilbur (with ghostbur being the Good version of wilbur while wilbur is the bad) or of Ghostbur (why does it matter how anybody treats ghostbur when he isn't Really wilbur).
and it's strange and uncomfortable ! because ghostbur so clearly gives us an insight on wilbur as a person. we learn so much About wilbur Through ghostbur. it's just ! absurd to use one to lessen the other when they're so clearly different views of the same Whole.
but at the same time, I Remember ghostbur begging for personhood. I Remember ghostbur begging to have his feelings taken seriously, to be seen as more than just a joke. I remember ghostbur building tommy a home in logstedsire and mourning when it was lost. I remember him mourning new l'manberg. I remember him wanting to bring wilbur back. I remember how tommy mourned him. built him a grave a Grieved him when nobody else did because they didn't think they had to. why would they, when wilbur was right there in front of them? I remember, I Remember.
and the thing About ghostbur is that I Do think that he is a reflection of wilbur. it's ridiculous to try to say that one doesn't inform us of the other.
but I think about how much of his character is wrapped around this desperate want for Personhood. trying to figure out who he is, to carve a place for himself as the memory of someone who was already gone and yet a fully formed being perfectly capable of feeling emotion.
and I think that, too, is a reflection on wilbur.
ghostbur didn't want to be wilbur because Wilbur didn't want to be wilbur anymore. but wilbur didn't know What to be either. trying to break out of the mold he made for himself and figure out what it means now to live as a Person with agency and feelings that matter.
wilbur didn't kill himself because it was an inevitable part of his story as the villain, he did it because he was sad. learning how to be someone who can admit that was Hard.
he'd cried as the president of l'manberg over the pressure of being responsible for everyone, of not being able to live up to what he thought he had to be. and we learned that from ghostbur.
and like ! it's exactly Because of all of this that I can't find it in me to deny ghostbur his personhood. to look at someone who once begged people to realize that he has feelings that Matter, that the things that happen to him Matter because he has agency, because he's a person, and to say No.
I had a theory, once, that the thing that made ranboo Ranboo is that he was half dead. there was the enderwalk that remembered everything, and there was ranboo who lived as a separate antonymous person. ranboo is, in a way, a reflection of this other person, and yet he's not Lesser as a person either. ranboo being formed around a smaller pool of memories means that he grows Differently from this enderwalk version of himself. his personality shifts, the choices he makes are different, even if fundamentally the building blocks are shared.
I had a theory, then, that the whole point of ranboo dying was to have this enderwalk and our ranboo Fuse. not into the whole person that ranboo was split from, but into the New person that they make together.
and that's how I like to conceptualize wilbur and ghostbur. not two unrelated entities and yet both People in their own right.
moreover, that's exactly what I would've liked for them as well.
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disabledalliums · 2 months
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My @mcythorrorgiftexchange for @needlebeetles! I decided to draw a cRanboo enderwalking and i had a ton of fun drawing it!
Please Reblog my art!
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cirrusea · 11 months
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I can never sleep, even in my dreams
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transbeeduo · 1 year
thinking about the horrible characterization of Enderwalk Ranboo back in like 2021 what the fuck was everyone doing. Why was there so much angst where it’s just “oooo they KILL. Their FAMILY oooo”
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nocinovae · 5 months
Eggza is q!Phil’s enderwalk.
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boygirlctommy · 4 months
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guys i miss killjoysmpau :( maybe ill go back and finish the comics i drew...
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michaels-two-dads · 11 months
Anyone else feel like the Joker when they think about how we never really got a fucking explanation for whatever the fuck was going on with c!Ranboo and c!Dream. Like WHAT THE FUCK WAS ALL THAT ABOUT
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translunaryanimus · 1 year
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The Lonely King, Endiemon
A character of Fable, only known as a tale of what grief does to a man when left untreated for years. A warning against falling out of love with the universe itself.
For the @halfstack-smp
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cryptkeeperkain · 1 year
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Hipaa hates big events. Even if its science related. So, emotional support wife helps them out.
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well dang, they weren't lying, that false really can symmetry
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tylernolbottle · 1 year
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benchtrio scribbles— idk i was 😶‍🌫️
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[reblogs appreciated even though it’s a scribble]
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 8 months
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Why do the Lovejoy/Wilbur lyrics keep reminding of this guy
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