#They're now moving on to play the 50 by 50 pixel game Transform-mice.
demonboyhalo · 3 years
Techno has been waiting 3 weeks to play Monopoly. Tommy pushes it back an hour to do lore. They hadn't tested to see if Monopoly would work before stream. Wilbur's office has the game banned. They try and play it on Tabletop, but Wilbur misclicks and downloads Talisman instead. SBI is forced to play whatever the fuck Talisman is. Wilbur is the only one who knows how to play, and he does not know how to play. Philza is naturally evil, and does not role high enough to become good. Technos mic is cutting out. Tommy fights the Sentinel 3 times despite the fact that it has triple his attack damage. Philza finds a wife. Tommy gets beat up by Techno so hard that Wilbur's game crashes. This is 4 out of 4 content.
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