#Thunderbird feather core are able to sense danger and could cast curses on their own
evenifitrains · 3 years
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Basics: Name: Charity Burbage. Pronunciation: cha-ruh-tee burr-bed-ge Meaning:  Latin origin, meaning dear and beloved. Birthday: August 7th. Age: 22. Pronouns: She/her. Sexuality: Pansexual. Siblings: Perry Burbage, Merrick Burbage, Walter Burbage and Lucile Burbage. Parents: Nick Burbage (muggle) and Mia Burbage (pure-blood). Both deceased. Other Family: Two grandparents (maternal), one uncle (maternal) and one aunt (paternal). Languages: English. Current Residence: Kingston, London. Hometown: Londonderry, Ireland.
Wizard Fun: Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Year of Graduation: 1977. Occupation: Secretary for the Muggle Liaison Office. Pet: One ginger cat named Iago. Blood Status: Half-blood. Species: Human. Patronus: Dolphin. Boggart: Standing by and watching her house burn down again. Amortentia: Vanilla, her old farmhouse when it rained, old books, herbal tea. Wand type: Yew wood: Yew wands almost never embrace an owner who lacks courage or skill, that much has been clearly established. Interestingly, they are known to grow into adult trees when buried along with their partners Thunderbird-feather Core: The feather from the tail of a Thunderbird makes for a wand skilled in Transfiguration, well-able to sense danger and even cast curses on their own, but are, for all these reasons, exceptionally hard to master, for all their sheer power. Affiliation: Neutral.
Appearance: Height:  5’4 Hair Color: Light-brown. Eye Color: Brown. Typical Hair Style: Just grazing her shoulder, spelled to curl up at the ends. Fashion Style: Comfortably rich. Preppy dresses, cardigans, headbands, red lipstick. Distinguishing Features: Calculating eyes and a constant almost smile. Scars on her hands from cigarette ash. Personality: Fiercely loyal, smug, not afraid to ask for what she wants, attentive to those she loves most. Positive Traits: Protective, empathetic. Negative Traits: Know-it-all, egotistical.
Quick Facts: Theme song: Femme Fatale - The Velvet Underground. Queen of Disaster - Lana Del Rey. Head-canons:
Only uses ribbons to tie her hair.
Always has two different lipsticks in her handbag.
Talks in her sleep.
Is almost determined to prove she hasn’t been traumatised by her childhood. Buys candles, uses the fireplace as much as she can, smokes.
Cannot whistle.
Buys lots of hats, but rarely wears them.
Amazing liar, but can always tell when someone is lying to her.
Tendency to notice every single little detail about everything.
Incredibly small handwriting.
Has a horrible sweet-tooth.
Likes to make direct eye-contact, especially when the other is uncomfortable with it.
Rather mean-spirited.
Knows a lot of constellations and always points them out.
Can be overbearing to those she loves, isn’t afraid to tell them the hard truths.
Charity Burbage is the youngest of five children born to Nick and Mia Burbage, and the only child to be given such a pompous first name. She and her siblings were raised in Northern Ireland, sharing a farmhouse with her fathers side of the family. For muggles, they took the news of Mia’s magical status surprisingly easily and seemed to be more excited to see the magical potential of the children than Mia was herself. On Charity’s fifth birthday, she demanded a cake just like one she’d seen in a commercial. Her older brothers and sister took her out to a nearby lake while they waited, running around and playing and testing out the new toys she’d gotten that morning. They were very harshly interrupted by the sound of the town’s one and only fire-engine barreling towards their property. They all ran so fast that Charity remembers it more like flying. There was nothing left of their house or belongings by the time they arrived. She can’t properly remember what exactly had happened, always too hesitant to make one of her siblings relive it. Something about the oven being faulty.
All five of the Burbage children survived, and their aunt Nora - but being only freshly twenty herself, she could not look after them. So they were sent to live with their second set of grandparents, lugging their un-charred belongings all the way to Surrey. Her grandparents were both of pure blood, and they tried their hardest to love the children even though they were not. Her mother’s decision to accept her father’s proposal had caused a ridge in the family, but luckily that grudge was not put onto the children. They essentially assimilated into pure blood society, only interacting with the muggle world when absolutely necessary. Charity remembers how quickly her older sister lost her accent and started speaking like the adults around them. As the youngest, Charity was often overlooked. Pushed aside in favour of her older brothers who had already started representing the family name at Hogwarts. She quickly learned that disruptive behaviour was her only surefire way of being seen. As a result of this, she was quite often pawned off to be babysat by her uncle, a tough man who wouldn’t bat an eye no matter how much mischief she found her way into. The only thing she’d liked about that man was the large book collection he had in his study, so the two of them quickly came to a compromise. If she left him alone, she was welcome to which ever books she pleased. By the time she was ten, he started ordering them in especially for her as she’d finished with all the others. It was no surprise to him when she was sorted into Ravenclaw.
Hogwarts was nothing special to Charity, appearing exactly as it had in the books on her shelves and the stories from her siblings. What she really loved were the other students. Watching them learn. No two students were the same there, even the children from the ridiculously long lines of pureblood families. She must’ve offended her siblings with the amount of times she blew them off in favour of listening to her peers. She especially loved the muggle-borns, catching up on the world she’d been forced out of. The books on muggle culture here uncle owned were terribly outdated and had never helped quench that thirst she’d had since the night of the fire. The combination of this and her 100% grade in Muggle Studies led to the revelation that she wanted to do this for the rest of her life - study muggles. Her grandparents weren’t thrilled, spending weeks and weeks trying to talk her down. The compromise they eventually came to was: “you’ll be a secretary for some kind of muggle office, a secretary is a proper job for a respectable young lady to do.” Charity took it and ran, moving in with her uncle before they could change their minds. She applied for any business that had ‘muggle’ in the title as soon as she graduated, giddy with the right to decide her own destiny for once and spending every spare second pooling over muggle media. Of course, she knew a secretary was not expected to know much beyond typing - she’d learned that at the secretarial classes her grandfather had gifted her. But Charity Burbage would rather die than not be knowledgeable.
She sides with the order, but quietly. Her career is too important to her to involve herself in politics, having seen people being fired for doing such. She knows it hypocritical, to capitalise off of muggles and yet stand silently by while a threat to their freedom lurks. But she knows she’ll be of more help to them the higher up she climbs.
Wanted Connections: Twin Flame: The two of you are exactly the same. Or couldn’t be further apart. Either way, you fit together perfectly. The line between romantic and platonic are always a little bit blurred for you two, ready to do whatever the other needs. Charity doesn’t need her game face around you, she feels safe to say and do whatever she wants. Workmates: You both share the same passion for the muggle world and don’t do much else other than talk about it. You have witnessed to full front of Charity’s drive, and perhaps fallen victim to it too. Maybe you are closer to rivals than colleagues. Friends: You can put up with her arrogant appearance enough to get to the girl underneath. She would do almost anything for you, things you’d probably never expect from how she acts. You’re probably a muggle-born or half-blood. Maybe a pureblood with a good personality, but Charity has yet to find one of those. “Victims”: Despite her great desire for a relationship, Charity has little patience for dating. She can be elusive and detached and excruciatingly picky. She leaves a steady trail of peoples she’s hurt - sometimes deliberately - do you resent her for it?
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nightmaresart · 4 years
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"Words are free, it's how we use them that may cost us"
She knows what I think about
And what I think about
One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirt, no blouse
Just us, you find out
Nothing that wouldn't wanna tell you about no
Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood
Name: Reachelle Corbyn
Nicknames: Rachel, Rache, Ray, Corbyn
Birthday: 25-06-1987
Blood status: Half-Blood
Nationality: Half British Half Scottish
House: Ravenclaw
Patronus: A corgi
Wand: Hawtorn, Thunderbird feather core, 12 ½ inches
Hawtorn: The wandmaker Gregorovitch wrote that hawthorn ‘makes a strange, contradictory wand, as full of paradoxes as the tree that gave it birth, whose leaves and blossoms heal, and yet whose cut branches smell of death.’ While I disagree with many of Gregorovitch’s conclusions, we concur about hawthorn wands, which are complex and intriguing in their natures, just like the owners who best suit them. Hawthorn wands may be particularly suited to healing magic, but they are also adept at curses, and I have generally observed that the hawthorn wand seems most at home with a conflicted nature, or with a witch or wizard passing through a period of turmoil. Hawthorn is not easy to master, however, and I would only ever consider placing a hawthorn wand in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent, or the consequences might be dangerous. Hawthorn wands have a notable peculiarity: their spells can, when badly handled, backfire.
Thunderbird Feather: The tail feather of the Thunderbird was used as a wand core by the American wandmaker Shikoba Wolfe. Wolfe's wands were powerful but difficult to master, and were good for transfiguration work. Wands with Thunderbird tail feather cores, like the birds the feathers are taken from, are able to sense danger and can cast curses on their own.
Personality: A happy yet goofy girl who can be very serious when necessary. She loves to mess around with friends and often goofs off with them. She is go lucky and open minded, creative and witty. She is just a friendly and caring girl who makes the best out of ever situation
Myers Briggs Type: ENFP
Sexuality/Gender identity: Asexual, Cis-Female
Born in London, England, to a half blood mother and father, Reachelle had a house filled with laughter and plenty of love to go around
At the age of four she was send to a muggle school and this is where she met two of her live long best friends, Brianna and Yusra
The three girls hit it off immediately and all discovered they came from magical families each
Years later her Hogwarys letter arrived and she was extremely happy she could go there with her friends
Arriving at Hogwarts she was curious about everything and everyone she saw and met
She was sorted into Ravenclaw and is prideful about it, because after all she is a true Ravenclaw at heart
Her years at Hogwarts went by smoothly for the most part, if you dont count wheter it was that the golden trio was doing
She has set up several dates along with George, Anne and Yusra for Brianna and Fred, the couple has yet to figure out it was Reachelle who was behind it all
Other facts:
She is quite the sporty type so she actually plays quidditch as a chaser for Ravenclaw
She cheers her friends relationships on and will sometimes pull aside their significant other to interrogate them
She loves the books of Sherlock Holmes and often talks about them with Yusra
She has dyed her hair a couple times and is considering to do it again for funsies
She cried when Brianna and Fred asked her to be the Godmother of their eldest daughter
She is fiercely protective over her goddaughter and tends to spoil the girl alot, no one tell Brianna, the Hufflepuff will lecture her best friend
If you have a normal Harry Potter oc you think would be friends with her, then feel free to message me and I'll add them to her friends list!!
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antigoneawake · 3 years
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a n t i g o n e   k e n n e d y   g r a v e s
name: antigone kennedy graves. pronunciation: an·ti·guh·nee keh·nuh·dee grahvs. meaning: antigone- in place of a mother, unbending, against, compared to, like. kennedy- misshapen head or fierce headed. birthday: september 13th. age: nineteen. pronouns: they, she & her. sexuality: pansexual. siblings: archibald graves (triplet), ajax graves (triplet). parents: john graves & elaine graves nee kennedy. other family: darcy kennedy (grandmother). languages: english. current residence: the graves triplet’s london flat. hometown: boston, massachusetts; new york city, new york.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: ravenclaw. year of graduation: 1979. occupation: intern at the department of mysteries. pet: none. tig does bring home many strays to care for, though. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: goldfish. it symbolizes prosperity. it brings good luck and good fortune. with its golden scales and colorful patterns, they are associated with much wealth which it will share to those it guides. the gold fish is naturally strong. a big fish for its kind, it swims powerfully to get to where it wants. it also symbolizes a dragon in ancient eastern and oriental traditions, with legend holding that it can transform into a water dragon. its transformative powers make it a sign of power and virility. they exist in naturally serene environments. to view the goldfish and koi is to be reverted into a meditative state. this brings about a feeling of calmness and peace to those that see this animal as a guide. it causes those that see it to be still as well, easing their worries and letting their minds work more freely.  boggart: the memory of her parents bodies in their caskets. the idea of her brothers there with them. amortentia:   candy apple.  one of tig’s favorite treats that reminds her of the best memories of carnivals and festivals with her brothers back at home.  lavender.  lavender has always been tig’s favorite scent. her mother wore it in her perfume and tig also wears it. they used to grow small planters of lavender in their back yard too.  sea salt.  antigone loves the ocean. she always has. it is a life long dream of hers to live her life on the beach next to the ever present waves.  wand type: 9″ willow wood, thunderbird tail feather, springy.  willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. while many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.  thunderbird wands were powerful but difficult to master, and were good for transfiguration work. wands with thunderbird tail feather cores, like the birds the feathers are taken from, are able to sense danger and can cast curses on their own. wands with thunderbird tail feather cores have been known to fire curses pre-emptively when supernatural dangers are present. affiliation: neutral.
height: 5′4″. hair color: strawberry blonde. eye color: teal. typical hair style: antigone wears her hair long. it has soft curls that almost look beach like in their waves. she often wears her hair up in a simple ponytail with a big bow.  fashion style: tig wears sneakers, straight lined skirts or dresses, peter pan collars, and sweaters. she likes a soft palette of pastel colors. she occasionally wears overalls and high waisted shorts. her skates are always on her person. she loves floral patterns, simple colors, and plaids. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: tig has a look of otherness about her. her eyes are never quite focused on what is in front of her. she has a sprinkling of freckles on her face and a few scars on her arms from being caught in a rose bush as a kid.
positive traits: contemplative. amiable. open-minded. negative traits: unreliable. naive. nervous. theme song: something wild by lindsey stirling ft andrew mcmahon
tig doesn’t usually have pockets, actually. if she does, it’s because she’s wearing her overalls and if that’s the case, she has rocks and sticks in her pockets. she usually wears a dress or skirts that lack pockets, but she makes up for it by almost always having a pink knapsack with her. it was a gift from her brothers on one of their birthdays. in her bag, she almost always has a deck of tarot cards, a tiger’s eye and turquoise, bandages, dice, mints, bubblegum, an ink pen, a quill and ink pot, colored pencils, ribbons, sheet music, and there is always an assortment of sticks, leaves, and flower petals.
antigone has always been partial to the spring. she likes to watch the world bloom. tig has always had a special and loving connection with nature and it certainly feels the most powerful during the spring. the air is refreshing and breezing, and she will spend hours just laying in the grass on those days. 
she’s a rainy day kind of girl. is there anything better in this life than being caught in a spring shower? antigone graves thinks not. rain is even more beautiful to her because it can make her divinations decidedly more clear. she will stand letting the raindrops in her face for hours and has been caught doing it before. as a younger girl, her grandmother would chide her for coming home soaking wet and catching colds from it.
TW: death, parental death
The Graves family is one of the most well-known and revered pureblooded families in America and has been so for generations. John and Elaine met through an arranged engagement. However, unlike many who found themselves in a similar position, the couple fell deeply in love. They took up residence in a large colonial house right outside Boston. John focused on climbing the political ladder at MACUSA while Elaine delved into a promising fashion career.
Their pregnancy came as a bit of a shock several years into their marriage. That is, to everyone but John’s mother, a well-known seer who had long said they would have a rare miracle arriving. While they hadn’t planned it, they were both very pleased to begin a family. The surprises continued when they were told that they would be having triplets. Elaine opted to take a step away from the world of fashion so that John might continue his work in Congress. His career was at a crossroads that could not be put on hold. In fact, the choices he made during this time would change the course of his entire family.
The triplets were born just as the Massachusetts leaves had begun to change color and fall. Autumn welcomed them to the world. Antigone was born the middle of the three. A brother on either side and all born just before midnight.
Their childhood was one filled with incredible privilege and opportunities. The triplets were very well educated. Even before they started school at the Salem Institute for Witches, they were well versed in both general education and magical theories. From the beginning, Antigone showed a particular proclivity towards divinations, herbology, and care of magical creatures. Her grandmother was happy to groom her seeing abilities. She always had an innate curiosity. Her wonder for the world often drove her to study anything that she could care for, whether it be flora or fauna. No one could deny that she had a desire to care for things. A trait that was always praised and encouraged by her family.
It was in the triplet’s third year that rumors began to swirl about her father’s political dealings. He had obviously been angling to become President for some time. However, his staunch belief in pureblood supremacy and ties to controversial movements left the public torn in opinion of him. Antigone struggled to believe that her father, one of the most loving and kind men she knew, could ever be how these people described him. They even portrayed her mother as some sort of icy woman. That’s how she knew it all to be untrue. Her father even publicly stepped back from his more controversial views, appeasing most.
What she thought of the rumors would cease to matter as they ended their fourth year of school. An owl came to their headmistress in the dead of night. John and Elaine Graves had both been found dead in their Boston home. An angry citizen who disagreed with his views was the final word, but Antigone certainly didn’t believe it. It didn’t feel right, and all seers knew to trust their instincts above everything. There were too many signs that indicated it was not any wizard. It had to have been a hitwizard, although there was no telling which side ended up hiring them.
While their mother had no siblings or much family to speak of, John had a previously estranged sister in Europe who agreed to take in the now orphaned triplets. It was a large paradigm shift for Antigone and her brothers, who had always been taught that halfbloods and purebloods who did not remain so were dangerous to their way of life. Their father had not said more than a few sentences on his sister for the entirety of their lives. Frankly, Antigone forgot that she had an aunt more often than not. For the woman to show such open kindness and hospitality has her questioning everything that she’d ever been taught growing up.
Moving to a new country and beginning school in an entirely new place still feels like the carpet was pulled out from under her. However, Antigone realized her potential for change here. The last thing she wanted was to end up like her father and mother. Perhaps there was more she could learn from being more open-minded. That being said, she is realizing that there is more to learn and unlearn than she ever realized before and at times, it was all impossible to keep up with.
Hogwarts held its own set of challenges. The curriculum was different, there were people who had known each other for a lifetime that she’d barely remember, Antigone never knew who she could trust and who she couldn’t. What’s more, the world outside was storming. There was a brewing war that they had all been thrust into, and she had no idea where to stand. What she did know was that the images in the leaves told her horrible stories of the future. Stories that terrified her.
Graduation came before she knew it. With her father’s name in politics and her grandmother’s reputation as a seer, Antigone was offered several jobs off the bat. Finally, she decided to take on an internship in the Department of Mysteries as it felt like where she was most needed and useful. Working inside a government that she barely understands in a job that is nearly impossible to explain is a trial in and of itself. Luckily, it does the job to distract her from everything which wants to pull her towards either side of the conflict surrounding her.
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antigoneaway · 4 years
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__________________________antigone kennedy graves.
age & birthday. sixteen, september 13.
sign. virgo.
house & year. ravenclaw, fifth year.
blood status. pureblood.
character pronouns. she, her. they. them.
sexuality. unknown.
siblings. archibald graves, ajax graves.
other relations. darcy kennedy - grandmother. john graves - father. elaine graves - mother. desiree caruso - aunt. giuseppe caruso - uncle. amabella caruso - cousin.
clubs. care of magical creatures club, gobstones club, herbology club, rat race club, wizard card collector club.
favorite classes. divinations, transfigurations, ancient runes.
least favorite classes. potions.
height. 5′4″
hair color. strawberry blonde.
eye color. teal.
hair style. antigone wears her hair long. it has soft curls that almost look beach like in their waves. she often wears her hair up in a simple ponytail with a big bow. occasionally, she will braid it in pigtails.
fashion style. tig wears sneakers, straight lined skirts or dresses, peter pan collars, and sweaters. she likes a soft palette of pastel colors. she wears overalls and high waisted shorts often and her skates are always on her person. she loves floral patterns and plaids. [ fashion moodboard ]
distinguishing features. tig has a look of otherness about her. her eyes are never quite focused on what is in front of her. she has a sprinkling of freckles on her face and a few scars on her arms from being caught in a rose bush as a kid.
9″ willow wood, thunderbird tail feather, springy.
Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.
Thunderbird wands were powerful but difficult to master, and were good for transfiguration work. Wands with Thunderbird tail feather cores, like the birds the feathers are taken from, are able to sense danger and can cast curses on their own. Wands with Thunderbird tail feather cores have been known to fire curses pre-emptively when supernatural dangers are present.
Antigone feeds many strays, but none technically belong to her.
candy apple.
one of tig’s favorite treats that reminds her of the best memories of carnivals and festivals with her brothers back at home.
lavender has always been tig’s favorite scent. her mother wore it in her perfume and tig also wears it. they used to grow small planters of lavender in their back yard too.
sea salt.
antigone loves the ocean. she always has. it is a life long dream of hers to live her life on the beach next to the ever present waves.
the memory of her parents bodies in their caskets. the idea of her brothers there with them.
it symbolizes prosperity. It brings good luck and good fortune. With its golden scales and colorful patterns, they are associated with much wealth which it will share to those it guides. the gold fish is naturally strong. A big fish for its kind, it swims powerfully to get to where it wants. It also symbolizes a dragon in ancient eastern and oriental traditions, with legend holding that it can transform into a water dragon. Its transformative powers make it a sign of power and virility. they exist in naturally serene environments. To view the Goldfish and Koi is to be reverted into a meditative state. This brings about a feeling of calmness and peace to those that see this animal as a guide. It causes those that see it to be still as well, easing their worries and letting their minds work more freely.
tw: death, parental death
The Graves family is one of the most well-known and revered pureblooded families in America and has been so for generations. John and Elaine met through an arranged engagement. However, unlike many who found themselves in a similar position, the couple fell deeply in love. They took up residence in a large colonial house right outside Boston. John focused on climbing the political ladder at MACUSA while Elaine delved into a promising fashion career.
Their pregnancy came as a bit of a shock several years into their marriage. While they hadn’t planned it, they were both very pleased to begin a family. The surprises continued when they were told that they would be having triplets. Elaine opted to take a step away from the world of fashion so that John might continue his work in Congress. His career was at a crossroads that could not be put on hold. In fact the choices he made during this time would change the course of his entire family.
The triplets were born just as the Massachusetts leaves had begun to change color and fall. Autumn welcomed them to the world. Antigone was born the middle of the three. A brother on either side and all born just before midnight. 
Their childhood was one filled with incredible privilege and opportunities. The triplets were very well educated. Even before they started school at the Salem Institute for Witches, they were well versed in both general education and magical theories. From the beginning, Antigone showed a particular proclivity towards divinations, herbology, and care of magical creatures. She always had an innate curiosity. Her wonder for the world often drove her to study anything that she could care for, whether it be flora or fauna. No one could deny that she had a desire to care for things. A trait that was always praised and encouraged by her family.
It was in the triplet’s third year that rumors began to swirl about her father’s political dealings. He had obviously been angling to become President for some time. However, his staunch belief in pureblood supremacy and ties to controversial movements left the public torn in opinion of him. Antigone struggled to believe that her father, one of the most loving and kind men she knew, could ever be how these people described him. They even portrayed her mother as some sort of icy woman. That’s how she knew it all to be untrue. Her father even stepped back from his more controversial views, appeasing most.
What she thought of the rumors would cease to matter as they ended their fourth year of school. An owl came to their headmistress in the dead of night. John and Elaine Graves had both been found dead in their Boston home. An angry citizen who disagreed with his views was the final word, but Antigone certainly didn’t believe it. There were too many signs that indicated it was not any wizard. It had to have been a hitwizard, although there was no telling which side ended up hiring them. 
While their mother had no siblings, John had a previously estranged sister in Europe who agreed to take in the now orphaned triplets. It was a large paradigm shift for Antigone and her brothers, who had always been taught that halfbloods and purebloods who did not remain so were dangerous to their way of life. Their father had not said more than a few sentences on his sister for the entirety of their lives. Frankly, Antigone forgot that she had an aunt more often than not. For the woman to show such open kindness and hospitality has her questioning everything that she’d ever been taught growing up. 
Moving to a new country and beginning school in an entirely new place still feels like the carpet was pulled out from under her. However, Antigone has realized her potential for change here. The last thing she wanted was to end up like her father and mother. Perhaps there was more she could learn from being more open-minded. That being said, she is realizing that there is more to learn and unlearn than she ever realized before.
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persephone-chen · 5 years
HPHM Character Profile
Thanks for tagging me @changeling-fae !
**Warning: Extremely long post since I put a lot of effort into building Persephone and her life**
-General Information-
Name: Persephone Chen
Age: 17 (currently)
Gender: Female
•Pip/my adorable Mei Mei (Jacob)
•Cursed Siblings (other families gossiping)
•Mud-Blood (students who don’t like her)
Date of Birth: August 30th
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Ethnicity: Chinese/ Siren
Nationality: Chinese
Species: Witch + Siren
Blood Type: O
Blood-Status: Half-Breed
Father- Qiao Chen
•Qiao name meaning is pretty/handsome in Chinese
•As a child he was a risk taker and a bit of an adrenaline junkie
•Questioning/breaking rules and authority if it didn’t make sense and he did it all without an ounce of guilt
•Pretty popular because of his looks but his troublemaking ways made it impossible for anyone to even think about confessing to him
•Older he matured and was known to do crazy and dangerous missions all the while keeping level headed and was a great leader
•He taught his children to follow what they believe in and took caution with any ministry
•He was the oldest and had a younger brother
•He is the reason Persephone and Jacob can see Thestrals
•How he died is still a mystery
•If he didn’t like someone you would know it (he’s very blunt and not very tactful about it)
•His contribution to the family Grimoire was making a spell that could allow a species to change into another one and phase between the two at Will with no drawbacks
•Has thick skin since there was a huge expectation on all members of the Chen family
•Fell in love with Leta at first glance and was the one to confess
•The scar on his face is a constant reminder of what his younger brother did
•Despite being the oldest since he was not the family head he was sent to America to spread the reach of the Chen family
•Didn’t make any friends outside his house
•Did successfully have the America Ministry under his thumb (aka blackmail on all members at all levels)
•Job: Auror to Curse Breaker after getting second wand (Dogwood is not a quiet wand so element of surprise is lost)
* Owl: Eurasian eagle owl
* Hippogriff (tamed for transportation)
* Patronus: Bear (Learned in last year of Ilvermorny
* House: Ilvermorny: Wampus
* Wand Core: Phoenix Feather
•1st wand:
Redwood wands possess the admirable ability to fall on their feet, to make the right choice, to snatch advantage from catastrophe.
•2nd wand:
Dogwood refuse to perform non-verbal spells +rather noisy. Quirky and mischievous; playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun.
Mother- Leta Chen
* Leta is Joyful in Latin considering that was where her origin was
* As a full blood Siren she got separated from her family at a young age and washed up in Japan
* A Japanese Wizard couple who recently lost their daughter to disease adopted her and used magic so she could live on land (short term) and was their replacement daughter who enrolled in Mahoutokoro
* As a child she was pretty quiet and was seen as serious in school since she didn’t want to draw attention to herself
* Since she had the highest markings in class her absences from class were ignored (When the spell wore off and she became a Siren again)
* She was the best Quidditch player in the school and training thru those Tsunamis weren’t a problem because of her Siren blood
* After Graduating and trying to avoid anyone who would try to uncover the secret she went to America where she meet Qiao
* She was the reason Qiao made a spell for the Grimoire
* She always had a mistrust for the Ministry since she was a huge secret from them
* She is very elegant and even tempered. It takes a lot for her to snap
* Her children helped her thru the death of her husband
* Once Persephone and Jacob were adults she went back to the Ocean and became a Siren and never looked back
* Gave each of her child a pearl which is tradition among Sirens
* After her husband’s death she
* moved her family to Europe to keep them safe
* Became a True Seer since they are so rare and held in high regards and would be her ticket for protection
* Job: True Seer
* Owl: Striped owl
* Siren: warm water=exceptionally beautiful use singing voice
* Patronus: occamy
* House: Mahoutokoro, gold robe (highest robe color)
* Pet: Kelpie
* Wand Core: White River Monster Spine- produce spells of force and elegance
•1st wand:
Cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
•2nd wand:
Cherry is very rare wand wood that makes for a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core
Brother- Jacob Chen
•Everyone describes Jacob as bright, cheerful, and easy to get along with but that’s just a front
•Seems nice but if people try to get close he gets annoyed and treats them coldly
• make sure he only gets along with others on surface level or enough to charm them if the need to use them ever arise
•He likes messing with his friends and making them stressed and tends to do stupid things with them
•While he seems easy going once someone messes with Persephone he’ll make their life hell and they’ll have no proof to show authority
•Like the rest of his family his grades are amazing but he is a troublemaker
•He sweet talks the female Professors as a front/ attempting to get out of trouble (example: Professor McGonagall you look amazing today as well! Did you do something different with your hat?)
•He originally wanted to be a professional Quidditch Player but after being trapped in the vaults he changed is mind
•He has an affinity for metal so became a Metal charmer (Makes snitches and incorporates magic into metal items without them losing magic over time or when creator dies)
•Professional Quidditch players look up to and aspire to be as good of a player as him
•He’ll sometimes help/ train professional Quidditch players like Victor
•While he doesn’t play pranks as an adult he likes to make people have misconceptions of his job by the way he dresses and loves their reactions of fear and wary
•He’s not as rowdy as when he was younger but he will hold grudges.
•Unlike Rakepick he doesn’t manipulate people into doing what he wants
•He despises his Siren voice because of it and he never sings
•Also for the right price among his friends he’s a very skilled part time thief. (Still liked messing with people for fun and entertainment)
•Was the ace of the Slytherin Quidditch team
•While he is ashamed of his Siren Blood he wears the pearl his mother gave him on the braid in his hair
•When he doesn’t want to put on a facade he’d go hide/hang out in Hagrid’s Hut
•Unlike his sister his fashion sense is more modern Asian street ware
•Owl: Great Horned Owl (are mottled gray-brown, with reddish brown faces and a neat white patch on the throat)
•Half Siren (hides that fact by dying hair gray. As adult isn’t ashamed and use lighter gray dye since he likes that color)
•Fire Crab- Sushi (got as pet from Persephone)
Thunderbird tail feather cores Powerful + difficult to master, particularly prized by Transfigurers. Can sense danger and cast curses on their own.
•1st wand:
Pine independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives. most sensitive to non-verbal magic.
•2nd wand:
Hornbeam quickest to adapt to owner’s style and become personalized Others find difficult to even cast simplest of spells. take on owner’s code of honor and refuse to perform acts (good or bad) that doesn’t go with master principles
Bibby: (House Elf of the Chen Family)
* Speaks and referees to themself in third person
* Really likes the Chen family so always does whatever they can to be of assistance
* Loves cooking/ getting items for Persephone
* Cleaning/ polishing Jacob’s broom/ items
* Cleans the house for Leta
* Helps gather info/ spy for family
* While Bibby does a lot for the family they are actually pretty shy but can be very protective of the family
* Despite their shy nature they don’t mind breaking rules/ lying to others to help the Chen family
Chen Family History
•One of the most powerful and influential Wizarding family in China
•Always has blackmail on every Ministry they’re tied to... just in case
•Every member in family will always get a second wand at some time during their life either because they lost it, got it broken, stolen, or sacrificed it... there has never been an exception
•Because of the second wand tradition many call the Chen family cursed
•High expectations is expected from all members regardless of age, gender, or birth order but not required (The family is quite nice to each other)
•When a member picks a field they always excel in it
•They are not new in breaking rules/laws or following a morally gray lifestyle
•No one knows why but the Chen family has never had a ghost in their entire history
•While they can be traditional with arrange marriages they are very adaptable so they have gone thru many traditions which has help them maintain their high status
•Has a secret family Grimoire
•During birth each member is registered by the Grimoire by placing a drop of their blood on the gem on the cover
•Over the generations the Grimoire has become semi sentient
•Each generation adds something to the Grimoire that could chance the whole wizarding world... spells, curses, hexes, potions, plant, creatures, etc.
•If any generation is ever low on funds they can use a page of the Grimoire and share it to the Wizarding world to get their fortune back (granted whatever they share is a way weaker version with drawbacks or requirements)
•Any member can summon the Grimoire and multiply copies can be an existence
•The Grimoire will not allow itself to be used for evil and can revoke any Chen member from its use if attempted
* Many go thru a process of living among muggles for a short time to learn to blend in and learn things so they won’t become heavily reliant on magic
•It is said that if a member of the family produces a Dragon patronus it is a calamity for the family which is odd since dragons are well respected and prized in the family
•Qiao’s younger brother’s patronus is a dragon
•During his time or regime the calamity prophecy was true. There was a rebellion and many of the Chen family members were killed but their knowledge,secrets, and power did not dwindle
•The Chen family is very private and if a member does wrong the family will deal with them behind close doors
•If multiple children are born from the main family one will be chosen as the head and the other sent to a different part of the world to spread their influence
•It is not a dishonor or a punishment if you are not chosen as the head of the family
•If the Head dies and has no heir the remaining sibling will gain the title
•Hence Qiao became the Head
•Among Qiao’s children while each excel in their studies the head was bestow on Jacob Since Persephone has no interest in it
•To the world the Chen family is all but wiped out with the exception of the Qiao’s family...for now
•The remaining Chen family members are currently keeping a low profile and keeping their ear to the ground to find out what happened and how
•No one knows Leta is a Siren except Qiao, Jacob, Bibby, and Persephone
•Hence no one knows Jacob and Persephone is half-Siren
•Only a few friends of the children know
•While Jacob doesn’t seem serious he takes being the head of the Chen family so serious that he ended up resenting his Siren blood until he came to terms with it when he was an adult
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s):
•Hogwarts (Slytherin)
•Frog Choir
•Hufflepuff tutor
•Magical Creature Reserve Volunteer
•Hospital Wing volunteer
•Head Girl/ Prefect
•Magical Creature/ Fantastic Beast disease researcher/ cure developer
Magical Characteristics
•Form of Boggart: Jacob dying a horrible death over and over again and blaming her
•Form of Patronus: Buffalo
•Form of Riddikulus: Jacob doing something reckless that ends up making her laugh because the absurdity of it
•What do they see in the mirror of Erised?: Being surrounded by creatures, her family (immediate and extended) prospering, and a life with her crush
**Check out @thecloveryone . I love how in-depth the wand analysis are and I can’t wait till I get mine done💚**
•1st wand:
-Wood: Applewood
-Core: Vampire fang
-Length: 10 1/4 inches
-Flexibility: surprisingly swishy
Description: Applewood wand users have an unusual ability to converse with with other magical beings in their native tongue. Vampire Fang Core make wands exceptional potion stirring also good with Charms and divinations.
•2nd wand:
-Wood: Ebony
-Core:Siren hair
-Length: 11 3/4 inches
-Flexibility: surprisingly swishy
Description:Ebony wood Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider. Siren hair are good with enchantment and binding.
Animagus: Crow
•What She smells like to others: A storm by the ocean with a hint of smoke (from a campfire) and whatever lotion she used that day
•What She smell: Max Nightclaw ( @diddy00 I don’t know his scent so I just put his name lol)
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 120 lbs
Complexion (skin tone/ conditions):
* pale skin
* shimmering when in water
* can get pretty dry so usually stays where it’s a bit damp or slathers on lotion/ body creme
Hair Color/ Style:
* white long wavy hair
* has the tips and root dyed blueish green
* usually kept up in a bun all through school with her wand
* Once grown had hair half down and half up in a ponytail
Eye Color:
•Topaz glow whenever underwater
Hogwarts Information
Worst class(es):
* Flying: doesn’t like the way the broom feels when sitting on it and how demanding everyone is in Quidditch so she half assess the class
* Herbology: as a Siren she’s more connected with water than the land
Best class(es):
•Care Of Magical Creatures: Since she always had a great love for them of course she would put in the most effort into her favorite class
•Charms: She seems to have a knack for this class and finds these spells fun
Least favorite teacher(s):
* Rakepick: at first she liked her but as time passed she got on her nerves and then the end of 5th year happened...
Most favorite teacher(s):
* Flitwick: he gives good advice/ hears her out, also one of the few professors that didn’t judge her base on her family, brother, or rumors
* Not a big fan of playing Quidditch but loves watching her brother play
* Fan of the professional team the Ballycastle Bats because of their cute mascot
* She makes an amazing Beater which is usually rare among witches
Favorite spell(s):
•transformation jinx :Tentaclifor
Trivia (random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc.):
* Home is on an island in the middle of the lake which is connected to a river that leads to sea
* Many water creatures lurk in the lake so they always warn guest not to get in... of course it’s fine for them
* The woods around their house leads to a mountain range which houses the Basilisk, in the deep caves, Jacob and Persephone Hatched by accident when they were children
* Because of an incident where Persephone ended up in a snake pit with a high fever she learned Parseltongue from the Basilisk they accidentally hatched
* Persephone is very good at speaking to creatures (mostly water creatures) in their natural tongue
* Her mother, brother and her are pretty dense when it comes to people flirting with them since they can’t tell if people are interested in them because of the Siren effect or actually interested in them
* The only 3 times Persephone has tried to drown someone using her voice was because they really irritated her... those people being Rita, Emily, and Umbridge
* Only became a Prefect because of their Bathroom
* Is admired/ idolized by all Hufflepuffs
* Favorite prank item is Fanged Frisbee
* Really good terms with Bloody Baron
* Has attempted to fight Whomping Willow
* Is a VIP member of Honeydukes
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dreamyarcana · 7 years
arcana + harry potter {muriel}
Asra ~ Nadia ~ Julian ~ Muriel ~ Portia ~ Lucio ~ Overview
House (canon): Hufflepuff
Pet: Toad
Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Wand: Blackthorn & Thunderbird tail feather
Blackthorn wands, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation of being best suited to a warrior. These wands appear to need to pass through danger or hardship with their owners to become truly bonded. Given this condition, the blackthorn wand will become as loyal and faithful a servant as one could wish.
Thunderbird tail feather wands are powerful, but difficult to master, particularly prized by Transfigurers. They can also sense danger and cast curses on their own.
Patronus: Bear
The bear is an extremely strong symbol of healing and personal strength. Bear medicine is often tied to bear Bear introspective healing; the need to go within oneself to find answers. The bear is also a symbol of bear direction and of being able to know when you are on the path that is truly right for you.
Credits |  Wand wood info here | Wand core info here | Patronuses list here and also here | List of magical sweets here
Thank you for reading! :D
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