#Update core juni
oodlyenough · 8 days
aa5 update while i'm thinking of it:
finished 5-3 turnabout academy the other week and honestly i enjoyed the hell out of that entire case, lol. i thought the npcs were all funny (robin is the MVP), a lot of the reveals were hilarious, i am dual destinies klavier's #1 fan apparently.
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assigned prosecutor at birth
the lore of Law High School was something i'd seen mentioned in fandom sometimes and i always rolled my eyes at how stupid it was but in true ace attorney fashion it was in fact SO stupid it came all the way around to being hilarious. themis pumping out under-educated self-described prodigies who only know how to eat hot chip, forge evidence and lie. funny as hell. junie and apollo's weird oedipal moment right in front of klavier and athena's salads was hysterical.
i love the idea that japanifornia has stricter age limits for being a crane operator than for being a lawyer or a judge. hugh the 25 year old deciding to go to themis instead of ... regular law school.... so he could experience the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school mock trials is funny as all hell
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athena's ptsd sprites are pretty haunting looking, i have to say.
have since started 5-4 turnabout cosmos and so far it's not quite as bonkers fun but i'm enjoying it ok. more under the cut:
it feels like we're finally going somewhere and building to something, with athena lore and apollo lore and blackquill lore, etc. i remain ambivalent to simon but i am thrilled to have finally met his hotter meaner gayer sister and i can't wait for more of her. truly what dual destinies has lacked to this point is a mean woman. deliver me, aura.
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unfortunately all the clay-apollo lore is goofy as hell to me, but "goofy" is still more enjoyable than "boring" so i'll take it. the "i'm fine!!!!" thing is IMO a classic example of when a prequel tries to explain something that never needed explaining. it's just not that poignant of a phrase to make the crux of this relationship, and clay never being mentioned before is so mels pond/Jack Black in that one episode of Community-core.
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ah yes, we all remember that classic scene from ace attorney 4: apollo justice where apollo talks to his best friend clay.
finally: this is the funniest thing they could possibly have written to follow up on a game that ended with apollo's long lost mother knowing exactly who he and trucy are ...and fucking off out of the country to sell albums without ever telling him.
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why do we bash deadbeat moms for not being there for their kids and never question if the child has bad vibes or is unpleasant to be around
a lot of my earlier complaints about DD stand -- primarily and foremost that it's ridiculous how much this game doesn't want to be a game. we are skipping so many opportunities to investigate, to present, to connect the dots ourselves as a player, even fingerprint minigames and stuff like that just get auto-completed by athena. i like athena as a character, but i have to wonder if part of the "mary sue" criticism i've sometimes seen is just misguided frustration about how much she autonomously solves puzzles for the player instead of letting the player participate lol.
but considering how much i really thought 5-2 monstrous turnabout was just. like. absolutely brutal. a devastating low point for the franchise ... at least 5-3 and, to this point, 5-4 are more interesting. thank god
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usernoneexistent · 2 years
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Juniper Hamia Hasni-Moss
This will be updated regularly but I wanted to freshen up Juniper's profile to match with the aesthetic of my others.
Nicknames: Pip (by Jacob), Hamia (by her dad and his side of the family), Juno (by her mum), Junie (by Charlie).
Born: 16th January 1973.
Hometown: Tentsmuir magical community, Fife, Scotland.
Nationality/Ethnicity: mixed race - 1/2 afro Algerian & 1/2 Scottish white (Holds both British & Algerian citizenship).
Language(s) spoken: English (Scots), French, and Arabic (Darja).
Blood status: halfblood.
Gender identity: witch (she/her).
Sexuality: heterosexual.
Face claim: Jordy Hathfury (from Instagram).
Myers-Briggs Type: ENFP (The Campiagner)
Alignment: chaotic neutral.
Strengths: extroverted, loyal, smart, curious, tenacious, open-minded, playful.
Weaknesses: disorganised, hot-tempered, impatient, secretive, slight attention seeker.
Interests/hobbies: duelling, solving ancient runes, curse breaking, conspiracies (Most are about the MoM), nifflers.
Favourite colour: indigo.
Favourite food: peppermint toads.
Favourite drink: irn bru.
Height: 1.63m/5'3ft (stopped growing at 15).
Weight: 49kg/108lbs (roughly but loses a lot after her torture injury).
Hair: blue, slightly grey straight hair but keeps it wavy regularly.
Eyes: brown almost black.
Skin: light to medium brown depending on the season.
Defects: some small scars from duels and quidditch (as teen), animal scratches, vampire bite on neck, burn scars from magic attacks on her shoulder and torso, major ice burn on her right side from torture (as adult).
Style: goes from basic 80s kids fashion of mum jeans, oversized tops and jackets to more mature witchy goblin core aesthetic but loves a good dramatic coat and boots.
1st wand: hornbeam and dragon heartstring, 11 inches, inflexiable (destroyed by Rakepick).
That hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession (though I prefer the term ‘vision’), which will almost always be realised. Hornbeam wands adapt more quickly than almost any other to their owner’s style of magic, and will become so personalised, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells. Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner’s code of honour, whatever that might be, and will refuse to perform acts – whether for good or ill – that do not tally with their master’s principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand.
2nd wand: ebony and dragon heartstring, 11 1/4 inches, flexiable.
This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
Animagus form: Russain blue cat.
Former patronus: tiger.
Patronus memory: her day trip to Edinburgh with Jacob.
Current patronus: monarch plain tiger butterfly.
Patronus memory: spending time with Marwa.
Boggart: a hospital bed calling her mad and insane as personification of her fear of hospitals.
Riddikulus: the bed bursting into feathers.
Amortentia (what does she smell?): honeysuckle and grass.
Amortentia (what does she smell like?): coast, butterbeer, and pine.
Magical abilities: born legilimens, trained occlumens (as an adult), skilled in wandless and verballess magic.
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw.
Best subjects: arithmancy, charms, DADA.
Worst subjects: herbology, history of magic, and astronomy
Third-year options: arithmancy, ancient runes, care of magical creatures.
O - charms, DADA, transfiguration, and arithmancy.
E - ancient runes, CoMC, and potions.
A - astronomy and HoM.
T - herbology (but who is surprised).
N.E.W.Ts: ancient runes, charms, DADA, potions, transfiguration (but never got to sit them as she was expelled a month before the exams).
Quidditch position: seeker (year 2 and quit mid season in year 4).
June 1991 - May 1993: Junior Curse-breaker, Gringotts Bank - British branch.
May 1993 - September 1993: Junior Curse-breaker, Gringotts Bank - Egyptian branch.
August 1998 - March 2000: Freelance Curse-breaker, focusing more East Europe, Asia, and Oceanianas.
September 1993 - May 1998: Oooooh, mystery blank period...
March 2000 - 2004: Maternity break.
2004 - ?: Resumed her freelance Cursebreaking career.
Julia Moss (mother) - A Scottish witch who previously worked as a secretary at the international co-operation department in hopes to save up money to move to Paris ended up pregnant while unwedded so she has a shotgun marriage with Jalil from family pressures. She was present in Juniper's life until Jacob disappeared leaving her to fall deep in her depression. Despite being emotionally absent, Julia has been trying her best to heal.
Jalil Hasni (father) - A pureblood Algerian wizard who works up in the top of international co-operation department left Britain back to Algeria when Juniper was eight. This left Juniper to resent her father for leaving but kept in contact to ensure that her and her mother still had money until she was old enough to earn.
Jacob Hasni-Moss (brother) - Juniper looked up to Jacob who was her biggest role model who refused to believe that Jacob was mad or dead. She pursued the cursed vaults to find her brother who disappeared in the summer of 1981.
Aileen, Theodore Jr, Lilianna, Harvey, Paige & Clover Sweets (Second cousins) - They're Juniper's relatives in America whom they try to visit at least once a year but contact waned a little after Jacob's disappearance.
Marwa (adopted sister/child) - An orphaned muggleborn girl that Juniper and Bill found in Egypt who turned out to be an obscurial. They took her in and shown kindness and acceptance that helped Marwa. Juniper took main custody when she was fired from Gringotts and started freelance work.
Tarragon Weasley-Moss (daughter).
Duncan Ludwig (nephew).
Rowan Khanna (BFF).
Ben Copper (second closest friend).
Tulip Karasu & Badeea Ali (dormmates).
Penny Haywood (gossip buddy).
Bill Weasley (adopted big brother and each other's love adviser).
Charlie Weasley (they would die for each other).
Nymphadora Tonks (serial plant killers together).
Andre Egwu (fashion adviser and quidditch buddy).
Barnaby Lee (fellow Scots and soft boi).
Jae Kim (detention buddy and mischief supplier).
Chiara Lobosca (tags along to the transformation).
Other MC friends:
Alvina Arcane-Zheng @oneirataxia-girl (distant relatives).
Ywa Hana @oneirataxia-girl (plant saver).
Cato Reese @catohphm (fellow Ravenclaw).
Madeline Orionswan @madelineorionswan (fellow Charlie stan).
Love interests:
Charlie Weasley - her crush on charlie crept slowly until she realised her feelings for him by 4th year but was crushed when he wasn't interested in dating. They had a chance in 5th Year but both missed the opportunity to go out and thus it ended with six more years before they finally confessed their feelings and became a couple eventually marrying too.
Talbott Winger - Juniper only asked Talbott out of curiosity to know what it was like dating and same was for Talbott. They broke up in 4th year and remained friends. However, when Alvina broke up with Talbott and Juniper realised that she missed her chance used each other a pseudo replacements in 6th Year and remained together until they were 20 before Juniper broke up with him via a letter.
Merula Snyde (just a unhealthy rivalry on Merula's part).
Skye Parkin (Tend to butt heads over most things).
Patricia Rakepick (Juniper could never trust her from the start).
R (why won't they leave her alone?!?!)
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seoboxx-webdesign · 7 days
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WordPress Update auf Version 6.5.4 (Maintenance Release) am Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2024 erschienen
Seit Mittwoch, den 5. Juni 2024 steht das WordPress Update auf die Version 6.5.4 zum Download zur Verfügung. Das WordPress Update behebt 5 Fehler und enthält zahlreiche Neuerungen und Verbesserungen.
Wir empfehlen daher die zeitnahe Installation des WordPress Updates und weisen zudem noch einmal darauf hin, dass durch Updates wichtige Sicherheitslücken geschlossen werden und somit Fehler in WordPress selbst behoben werden. Vor allem das Schließen von Sicherheitslücken steht immer im Fokus der Entwickler des WordPress CMS, wobei die Sicherheit beziehungsweise die Datensicherheit Ihrer WordPress Website auch im Sinne Ihrer Websitebesucher ist.
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Alle Fehlerkorrekturen, Neuerungen und Verbesserungen des WordPress Cores können Sie auf https://core.trac.wordpress.org/query?status=closed&milestone=6.5.4 einsehen.
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Die Listen der behobenen Fehler und/oder behobenen Fehler sowie die originalen Releasenotes stehen zum Teil nur in englischer Sprache zur Verfügung und es gibt aktuell hierfür keine Übersetzungen. Sollten Sie jedoch eine Übersetzung benötigen empfehlen wir ihnen die Nutzung des kostenlosen DeepL - Übersetzers unter https://deepl.com/.
Erfahren Sie mehr über dieses WordPress-Update in unserem News Blog auf https://seoboxx-webdesign.de/blog-news/ oder lesen Sie den vollständigen Artikel auf https://seoboxx-webdesign.de/blog-news/wordpress/wordpress-update-auf-version-6-5-4-am-Mittwoch-5-Juni-2024-erschienen-maintenance-release
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Huawei Luncurkan Dua Laptop Ringan Generasi Terbaru dengan Full Bodi Metal dan Spek Tinggi
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Huawei Device Indonesia meluncurkan dua produk laptop premium dengan pembaruan terkini, HUAWEI MateBook D 14 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-1240P Processor dan HUAWEI MateBook D 15 dengan dukungan prosesor AMD R7 5700U untuk pasar Indonesia. Kedua laptop yang dapat dibeli pada 23 Juni mendatang ini hadir dengan full metal body yang ringan dengan tampilan premium. Selain memberikan kesan premium, bodi laptop dengan material metal memiliki durabilitas lebih dibandingkan dengan laptop bodi plastik yang kurang tahan banting. HUAWEI MateBook D 14 dibekali oleh serangkaian update teknologi terdepan yaitu 12th Gen Intel®Core™ i5-1240P Processor akan mulai dibanderol dengan harga Rp10.499.000, dan pengguna dapat menggunakan program cicilan mulai dari Rp3.499.667 per bulan (periode cicilan 3 bulan). Selain itu, untuk pelanggan yang membeli kedua produk laptop terbaru ini melalui platform e-commerce, pelanggan dapat klaim early bird voucher sebesar Rp100ribu mulai 16–22 Juni 2023, pelanggan juga dapat menikmati cicilan sebesar 0% untuk pembayaran melalui SpayLater sampai dengan 6 bulan. Laptop ini juga hadir dengan material bodi full metal yang ringan dan layar lebih besar dengan 90% screen-to-body dengan golden ratio 16:10 yang cocok untuk mendukung produktivitas. HUAWEI MateBook D14 hadir dengan varian warna Mystic Silver, dan teknologi Metaline Antenna yang memungkinkan pengguna mendapatkan koneksi Wi-Fi yang lebih baik. Pelanggan dapat membelinya melalui platform e-commerce Huawei Official Store di Shopee, Tokopedia, dan Blibli. Pelanggan juga dapat membeli dan merasakan pengalaman menggunakan laptop ini secara langsung di HUAWEI Authorized Experience Store terdekat, jaringan retail Erafone, dan toko rekanan Huawei di seluruh Indonesia. Sementara itu, HUAWEI MateBook D 15 hadir dengan warna Mystic Silver dan dibekali dengan AMD R7 5700U processor siap dipasarkan di Indonesia seharga Rp8.999.000 pada 23 Juni mendatang. Terdapat program cicilan mulai dari Rp2.999.667 per bulan (periode cicilan 3 bulan). Selain itu, untuk pelanggan yang membeli laptop terbaru ini melalui platform e-commerce, pelanggan dapat klaim early bird voucher sebesar Rp100ribu mulai 16–22 Juni 2023, pelanggan juga dapat menikmati cicilan sebesar 0% untuk pembayaran melalui SpayLater sampai dengan 6 bulan. Pelanggan dapat membeli laptop HUAWEI MateBook D 15 generasi terbaru ini melalui platform e-commerce Huawei Official Store di Shopee, Tokopedia, dan Blibli. Pelanggan juga dapat membelinya secara offline melalui HUAWEI Authorized Experience Store terdekat, jaringan retail Erafone, dan toko rekanan Huawei di seluruh Indonesia. Patrick Ru, Country Head of Huawei Device Indonesia, mengatakan, Huawei memegang teguh komitmen untuk terus berinovasi menghadirkan terobosan mutakhir pada teknologi dan desain setiap produk yang diluncurkan. Seperti halnya pembaruan yang dilakukan pada kedua laptop ini membawa keunggulan berupa desain full metal yang ringan dan premium dengan fungsi dan durabilitas terbaik di kelasnya. “Hadir dengan spec tinggi untuk performa terbaik, kedua laptop ini hadir dengan harga terjangkau terutama bagi pelajar, mahasiswa, dan pekerja. Hal ini memperkuat upaya berkelanjutan Huawei untuk menghadirkan berbagai perangkat yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan semua kalangan,” jelasnya, Jumat (16/6/2023) HUAWEI MateBook D 14: Desain premium full metal body yang ringan dan performa tangguh siap dukung produktivitas dan portabilitas   Meraih prestasi gemilang dan cemerlang tentu saja butuh persiapan yang matang, tak hanya persiapan materi pembelajaran maupun pekerjaan saja, dukungan perangkat dengan performa cepat juga dapat menunjang penggunanya menggapai potensi dan prestasi terbaik. HUAWEI MateBook D 14 terbaru hadir dengan performa sistem optimal berkat dukungan penuh dari CPU dan GPU produknya, dibekali dengan 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-1240P Processor untuk menunjang segala bentuk produktivitas dengan lancar dan cepat, serta dilengkapi dengan Intel Iris® Xe graphics dengan jumlah maksimum unit eksekusi adalah 80 untuk performa pemrosesan grafis yang luar biasa. Laptop ini hadir dengan RAM sebesar 8GB dan storage sebesar 512GB untuk pemakaian sehari-hari terutama bagi fresh graduate maupun mahasiswa sebagai solusi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan laptop berperforma tinggi. Selain performa yang canggih dan cepat, HUAWEI MateBook D 14 seri terbaru ini hadir dengan desain full metal body namun ringan dengan bobot 1,39 kg yang mudah dibawa ke mana saja. Dengan dibalut dengan material metal yang kuat, HUAWEI MateBook D 14 seri terbaru ini mampu menghadirkan kesan premium. Selain itu, bodi laptop yang terbuat dari metal dapat memberikan tingkat durabilitas tinggi karena mampu meredam temperatur panas saat pemakaian dibandingkan dengan laptop bodi plastik yang kurang tahan banting baik dari sisi ketahanan material maupun kemampuan meredam panas saat pemakaian. Laptop ini hadir dengan rasio screen-to-body sebesar 90% dan aspek rasio paling sesuai untuk produktivitas (golden ratio) 16:10 yang menjadikan ukuran layarnya lebih luas dari versi sebelumnya, membuat tampilan visual yang dihadirkan lebih hidup saat menonton video dan mampu menampilkan tampilan data yang lebih banyak saat membuat dokumen atau mengolah data. Selain itu, D 14 ini hadir dengan layar anti-glare yang cocok untuk digunakan di tempat silau maupun di tempat terbuka dan mengantongi sertifikasi Low Blue Light dan Flicker Free dari TÜV Rheinland yang menjamin keamanan mata pengguna dan tidak cepat lelah meski menatap layar untuk waktu lama. Engsel laptop ini dapat dibuka hingga 180 derajat, yang memungkinkan perangkat diletakkan dengan rata di atas permukaan, selain itu laptop hadir dengan port yang lengkap seperti USB Type-C, port USB 3.2 Gen1, port USB 2.0, port HDMI, dan port tambahan 3.5mm. Huawei juga menyematkan teknologi Metaline Antenna di HUAWEI MateBook D14 generasi terbaru yang mampu menangkap jangkauan jaringan hingga 270 meter, sehingga pengguna dapat menikmati koneksi yang lebih stabil dan luas, yang bermanfaat untuk mengunduh dokumen, mengurangi lag saat bermain game online maupun video conference. HUAWEI MateBook D 14 seri terbaru ini hadir dengan penempatan posisi kamera di atas layar walau tetap mempertahankan bezel yang tipis, selain itu laptop ini hadir dengan fitur Follow Cam dengan kemampuan identifikasi kamera yang cerdas yang dapat mengikuti penggunanya saat bergerak dan memastikan posisi pengguna tetap di tengah layar saat bergerak, menjadikan mereka terlihat lebihs profesional saat meeting atau presentasi online. Selain itu, laptop ini hadir dengan Personal Voice Enhancement yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk merekam suara 360° dari jarak hingga 5 meter yang kompatibel dengan earphone nirkabel, dan fitur AI noise cancelling yang immersif, dual-mikrofon di setiap sisi laptop, dan kemampuan identifikasi suara dengan algoritma AI Model. Laptop ini hadir dengan kapasitas baterai 56 Wh yang dapat bertahan hingga 13 jam sesuai dengan pengaturan laptop dan penggunaan. Selain itu, laptop ini didukung dengan berbagai fitur yang mampu memberikan kemudahan bagi penggunanya seperti Fingerprint Power Button yang sangat sensitif memungkinkan pelanggan untuk login lebih cepat dan menjaga keamanan privasi laptop. HUAWEI SuperHub yang menjadikan pengalaman transfer file lintas perangkat Huawei dengan sangat mudah. Fitur ini mendukung beragam jenis file, kapasitas penyimpanan file sementara yang besar, dan transfer data antar perangkat, dan AI Search yang memungkinkan pelanggan mencari file dengan mudah dan cepat bahkan dapat melakukan preview tanpa membuka dokumennya. HUAWEI MateBook D 15 AMD Ryzen™  7 5700U: Generasi D 15 terbaru dengan memberikan pengalaman lebih gahar dan serba cepat Sementara, bagi pelanggan yang mencari pilihan layar lebih besar, Huawei turut meluncurkan generasi terbaru dari HUAWEI MateBook D 15 AMD Ryzen™ 7 5700U.  Laptop ini hadir dengan desain full metal body dengan bobot ringan 1,63 kilogram serta ditenagai oleh prosesor AMD Ryzen™ 7 5700U. Laptop D 15 ini menonjolkan pengalaman canggih khas Huawei, mulai dari konektivitas Super Device, recessed camera, untuk keamanan dan privasi penguna, hingga sertifikasi Low Blue Light dan Flicker Free dari TÜV Rheinland untuk kenyamanan mata pengguna di depan layar. Laptop ini juga dilengkapi dengan layar dengan aspek rasio 16:9 Eye Comfort FullView yang nyaman untuk mata, sleek full body metal yang tipis dan ringan, pengisian daya yang compact dengan daya tahan baterai yang tinggi, serta Fingerprint Power Button untuk login lebih cepat. Tukar Tambah Laptop Lama Anda dan Dapatkan Berbagai Bonus Penjualan Menarik Kedua laptop ini juga hadir dengan harga terjangkau di kelasnya dengan penawaran menarik yang bermanfaat bagi penggunanya terutama pelajar, mahasiswa, dan pekerja yang mencari perangkat PC premium dengan durabilitas tinggi. Untuk setiap pembelian dua produk PC terbaru ini sudah mendapatkan printer Canon PIXMA TS207, backpack Huawei, Microsoft 365 Personal, dan wireless mouse dengan total hadiah senilai Rp1.900.000 dengan garansi selama 2 tahun untuk pembelian secara offline maupun online. Selain itu, pelanggan juga dapat tukar tambah laptop lama mereka dengan HUAWEI MateBook D 14 dan D 15 generasi terbaru melalui program Trade-In Huawei dengan total value hingga lebih dari Rp11 Juta. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai program trade-in ini, pelanggan dapat langsung mengunjungi HUAWEI Authorized Experience Store terdekat. Untuk pelanggan yang membeli kedua produk laptop terbaru ini melalui platform e-commerce, pelanggan dapat mengeklaim early bird voucher sebesar Rp100ribu mulai 16–22 Juni 2023, dan dapat digunakan pada periode penjualan perdana 23 Juni – 9 Juli 2023. Selain itu, terdapat juga cicilan sebesar 0% untuk pembayaran melalui SpayLater sampai dengan 6 bulan. Pelanggan yang melakukan pembelian dengan kartu kredit di Shopee, Tokopedia dan Blibli akan mendapatkan cashback sampai dengan Rp500ribu. Khusus pembelian melalui Shopee dan Blibli, pelanggan akan mendapatkan gratis pengiriman sampai dengan sampai dengan Rp100ribu dan untuk pembelian melalui Tokopedia, akan berkesempatan mendapatkan voucher Tukar Tambah sampai dengan Rp1juta. Baik dari segi desain yang terbuat dari full metal bodi dengan bobot ringan serta performa dan spec kencang, HUAWEI MateBook D 14 memberikan penawaran lengkap yang menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat untuk mencari laptop dengan spec gahar, harga terjangkau, serta desain yang durable dan premium. Selain itu, laptop yang sudah teruji durabilitasnya ini mampu menjawab kebutuhan konsumen untuk produk yang tahan lama untuk pemakaian jangka panjang dengan proteksi pemakaian garansi selama 2 tahun. Tingkatkan Koneksi Internet 4G CPE Anda dengan Huawei Huawei juga memperluas solusi internet yang andal dan terpercaya bagi perumahan melalui kolaborasi dengan produk Telkomsel Orbit Pro H2. Perangkat ini mengusung teknologi modem 4G CPE pada jaringan Telkomsel 4G/LTE yang membuat tangkapan sinyal selulernya senantiasa bertenaga di seluruh Indonesia dengan kemampuan download hingga 300 Mbps dan upload hingga 100 Mbps. Modem portabel ini telah menerima pembaruan teknologi dan dilengkapi dengan chipset handal Huawei yang menjamin transmisi jaringan internet yang lebih stabil. Selain itu, kolaborasi dari Huawei dan Telkomsel ini membuat pengguna lebih praktis ketika pemasangan modem dan pemilihan paket internet melalui aplikasi myOrbit, yang mana modem ini dapat terkoneksi hingga ke 64 perangkat. Untuk fungsi keamanan, pengguna dapat menggunakan HUAWEI AI Life dari mulai memutuskan perangkat yang tidak diinginkan atau tidak dikenal hingga memanfaatkan pengaturan Parental Control Setting. Secara keseluruhan, teknologi terbaru yang dihadirkan oleh Huawei adalah bukti nyata komitmen terhadap inovasi dan produk berkualitas tinggi. Dengan fitur canggih, desain yang elegan, dan performa yang kuat, perangkat ini merupakan lompatan signifikan dalam industri teknologi. Baik penggemar teknologi, profesional yang mencari alat produktivitas, atau seseorang yang ingin meningkatkan pengalaman digital mereka, perangkat ini memiliki sesuatu yang ditawarkan untuk semua orang. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk tetap mengikuti perkembangan teknologi bersama Huawei.(bpn) Read the full article
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josehepat · 2 years
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Google Melakukan Update Core Juni 2021 : inilah yang dilihat oleh penyedia data
Google Melakukan Update Core Juni 2021 : inilah yang dilihat oleh penyedia data
Google Melakukan Update Core Juni 2021 – Pembaruan ini membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk diluncurkan daripada pembaruan inti sebelumnya; kami mengharapkan lebih banyak dari pembaruan inti Juli 2021. Pada 2 Juni, Google mulai meluncurkan  pembaruan inti Juni 2021 . Data awal tampaknya menunjukkan peluncuran sebagian besar dirasakan beberapa hari setelah mulai diluncurkan, tetapi seperti yang…
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CCN schließt nach Google Core Update
CCN schließt nach Google Core Update
Durch die Veröffentlichung des Google Updates im Juni 2019 verringerte sich die Reichweite für viele Nachrichtenseiten erheblich. Für CCN bedeutete dies einen Rückgang von 53,1% bei Desktop-Nutzern und 71,5% bei Smartphone-Nutzern. Dies zwang die Seite dazu den Betrieb einzustellen.
CCN selbst sprach davon, dass der Seitenumsatz um mehr als 90% zurückgegangen und nun auf dem gleichen Niveau wie…
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Recently Microsoft has released an updated version of Microsoft Visio 2016. It is for 64 bit. For this update, Microsoft Visio is able to fix the problems of its which is mainly created in a 64-bit operating system. This update also improves the performance of Microsoft Visio. The minimum file size for this is 45.1 MB. All the versions of Windows will support this update.
This is a brief description of Microsoft Visio 2016. Many users prefer this type of update for the features. But many of them do not want to use this type of file. For that, we mention the downloading and the installation process as well as the uninstallation process. If users follow this article briefly then they are able to use this Microsoft Visio without any difficulties.
Powerful Features Microsoft Visio 2016
After this update users are able to open the one drive application. From anywhere they are able to access the synchronized files. This is helpful for office purposes. Because this user can open the right file at a time and they can also preserve their documents.
This is also very much useful for sharing any kind of information.
Users are able to edit their files in offline mode also.
When users are online the offline works will automatically be synchronized. This is also a very useful feature of this Microsoft Visio 2016.
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Downloading details of Microsoft Visio 2016
For downloading, users must have to know the proper process of downloading this file.
For starting download users must have to click on the “download” option. At this time they can choose the language. They are also able to change their language at this time. After this users have to run this for starting the installation process. Then they can choose the save option for installing.
This update is very much useful for business purposes. The one drive facility is updated in this update. It will give it’s the latest performance to the user. For business improvement, it will be very helpful online as well as offline users. It will also help to synchronize the file configuration.
Users can also use the Microsoft update. It will help them to download automatically.
During the downloading process, the file is scanned. This scanning process is done for virus detection. It will take a few minutes only. But if a virus is detected it can not be downloaded so that the system will not harm. After downloading the file is saved in an authorized folder so that unwanted changes will be prevented automatically.
For this, Microsoft Visio 2016 users must have to install Microsoft 2016. After installing this updated version users must have to restart their PC (computer or Laptop).
For starting the installation process users will start the Microsoft office 2016 application at first. Then they have to go to the File menu to create their account. If they have an account they will sign in their account. Or users have to create their account. After pressing the option “run” the user will wait for some time and then update options will display. In the case of the MSI installation, the update option will not be displayed.
Some important information regarding the downloading process of Visio.
Users must have to associate Visio with their accounts.
If the file is already attached to the link they have to follow the following steps: they must have to log in with their existing account and at that time they also have to enter the key for continuing. This process is required to connect the visio with the user’s account. After this, it will easily manage the rest settings.
If the file is not attached to the link then they have to follow the following processes. At first, users must be sure that they will download the latest version of Visio. Then they will create their Microsoft account from the official website. After login, they are also able to update or download any Microsoft versions. They are also able to select any header files under this. The home page option will be there. From that user can install an office (Microsoft office).
Users can also choose and change their language under the Visio column.
Microsoft Visio 2016 Full Version Free Download Windows 7
After this, Visio will start to download successfully.
Microsoft Visio 2016 Full Version Free Download Windows 10
The installation process is dependent on the users operating system.it will take some time. According to this, the user must have to run and install the file. They also can save the file for future installation. Users have to agree with all the agreements and the options and press the next button for continuing further. If they disagreed with any option then the user is not able to move forward. After that the user can open the file easily.
Uninstallation process Microsoft Visio 2016
If users don’t want the Microsoft Visio 2016 version they can also uninstall the update. The process of uninstallation will mention below:
In Windows 10 users have to go to the search bar. There they can find the previously installed updates. They have to start this by pressing Enter.
From the list, the user can select the proper option which they don’t want. After selecting then can choose ‘ok’ for uninstalling that particular update.
In cases of windows, 8 and 8.1 users are also able to uninstall this.
For that, they have to swipe right for the search bar.
After searching, users are able to select the updated versions. Then they can uninstall this as per their requirement.
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In Windows 7 also users can uninstall this visio 2016. For that user must have to select the “start” option. After that run the file. Then the user will be able to view the list of updates. Then they can uninstall this very easily.
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We hope that you are satisfied with the information we have delivered to you. If you are a Windows user then you should be way familiar with the system and it won’t take much time to understand the behavior of Microsoft visio 2016. This application has a good amount of feasibility while operating.
Also, after installing Microsoft visio 2016 will get extremely handy and easy to function. Learn additional features and functionalities in your operating system up-to-date. If you have any queries regarding the Microsoft visio 2016 you can drop down your concern in the comment section and we will get back with the solution in minimum time.
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calonsiswadotid · 3 years
Update Google Core Juli 2021 diluncurkan dengan cepat
Update Google Core Juli 2021 diluncurkan dengan cepat
Pada 1 Juli, Google mulai meluncurkan  Update Google Core Juli 2021 , ini terjadi sekitar satu bulan setelah pembaruan inti Juni 2021 . Sementara pembaruan inti Juni 2021 membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu untuk diluncurkan dan dirasakan, pembaruan inti Juli 2021 ini segera dirasakan secara besar-besaran. Sulit untuk mengetahui dengan pasti pembaruan mana, pembaruan inti Juni atau Juli, yang lebih…
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A Dazed article comes across your Facebook newsfeed: “Photo Gallery Captures Berlin’s Booming Underground Queer Scene.” The photo gallery comprises 700 photos of thin cis white gays with shaved heads and stick-and-poke tattoos, dancing in runners and jockstraps. "In Berlin you can always expect the underground to be at the vanguard of European nightlife, especially in the queer community.” Some of the gays have on chest harnesses. No one has ever worn fetish gear before the men in these photos have. “This photo gallery of 8,000 identical thin cis white gays with shaved heads and stick-and-pokes and chest harnesses on Special K, dancing in an abandoned East Berlin S-Bahn station, wearing only runners and jockstraps, shows you just how dynamic the Berlin party scene is. Here you see four of them making out as a form of rebellion. Here you see six leather daddies tag-teaming a seventh leather daddy in a sling.” Your acquaintance, a permanent fixture in the DC club scene who doesn’t care about what pronouns you use in reference to him because he has smashed the gender binary by wearing lipstick, has shared the link, and that’s why you see it. “So who’s going to Berlin with me?” he asks. Vice has done it! Dazed has done it! It has captured the spirit of big-middle-finger queerness! It is thin, it is white, it got into Berghain, it is being penetrated at the glory-hole-wall.
“Queer” is a verb now, an action, something done unto, a process. It has been for some time. Spaces are queered, revolutions are queered, ideologies (or lack thereof) are queered, bodies are queered. It is also a gerund, implying a sort of peristalsis that indicates an ongoing undertaking. It is a participle adjective, implying that the done-unto noun has arrived at queer. It has been queered. Who is doing the queering? How is the queering being done? When has something been queered? Passive voice. In Berlin it often feels like a sticker slapped onto an electrical box by a bicyclist who pedals on without looking back. To queer is an infinitive applied to infinite done-untos, it is punk, to queer is a home-run sales pitch, to queer is a tourist attraction. A queered space – a museum, a bar, a club, a party, a café – can be queered in the same way that you can wake up one day and decide to go around telling people you’re an entrepreneur or a venture capitalist. Or a communist, or an opportunist, or a classical violinist. You repeat it until you’re convinced you’re understood, you’re believed. There is nothing different about you except that you are now this thing because you said you were. So let it be written, so it shall be queered.
This is the problem with many spaces in Berlin. Perhaps a fundamental difference in understanding of language is the core issue here, that many native-German-speaking peoples’ understanding of queer goes as far as “not gay as in happy but queer as in fuck you,” that queer sounds better than gay now because queer is the gritty anti-pride parade in Kreuzberg and gay is the ungainly lurching caravan of commercial excess that slogs down the Kurfürstendamm while blotto tourist twinks in sparkling fairy wings and assless underwear lie passed-out on the sidewalk. Christopher Street Day on the Kurfürstendamm. Me late for my shift at the Schwules Museum because I gave up on waiting for a bus from Zoo Station and sprinted to Lützowstraße, charging straight through the parade the twink in assless underwear and fairy wings having a pils dumped over him. A conspicuously sanitized funeral procession for politicized radical queer anything that plods past Nollendorfplatz and heads for the Siegessäule, a giant memorial penis a straight shot down the Straße des 17. Juni from the Brandenburger Tor, where the whole affair finally comes to an end. Straight through the Tiergarten, where you can still spot the cruisers strolling nude between the trees from the windows of a bus. Wraiths of cigarette smoke from the patrons of the Eldorado curl up into the sweltering blue sky as the apparitions of bygone Berlin look on, pink triangles, shaved heads, rough-hewn tattoos. Are they asking if this is what they were sent to Sachsenhausen for, to Dachau?
Over aluminum containers packed with basmati rice and Vietnamese curry, Tanno and I sat on the floor of the dining room and flipped through an issue of Siegessäule magazine, probably picked up from the counter at Silver Future, a dive we frequented on Weserstraße “for Kings and Queens and Criminal Queers.” Siegessäule is a monthly report on what all of the same people are up to: where is Alexander Geist performing tonight and which cultural costume will they be appropriating this time? Yony Leyser is making a new film. Any updates since we last spoke with him four weeks ago? Let’s see! Oh, look, he’s making a new documentary about what makes queer punk, or what makes punk queer, in which he interviews the same group of people he interviewed for his Burroughs documentary. Peaches was spotted going into the bathroom at veganz. Mika Risiko was at Berghain again, sauntering across the steaming pulsing dance floor in a rather aggressive faux-fur coat. “WE ARE QUEER BERLIN,” its audacious slogan, adorned the cover (are we?), as did the artwork of Stefan Fähler, a Berlin-based artist whose obsession with gaping mouths, anuses, staticky-surrealism-meets-confetti-butt-plug-themed-pop-art, made him a perennial figure in the scenesterkreis. He did artwork for all of GEGEN’s promotional materials, for Ficken 3000’s ICKY party. Wherever a phallus was needed, Stefan was summoned to render it in hues of in-your-face pink and radioactive green, erupting neon yellow and blue polka dots. Everything he drew, from dildos to tits, had a blood-red yelling mouth. Presumably yelling that we were queer Berlin. At the Schwules Museum I would perch on the stool at the cash register and flip through the latest issue, which was stacked alongside Exberliner and other Denglisch publications intended for the consumption of German-speakers and English-speakers alike, tourists or permanent fixtures of the city who could somehow navigate the bureaucracy without needing to speak any German. Every month the same cast of characters paraded across the pages: this one DJ’ing at Schokoladen, that one premiering a five-minute film at Villa Neukölln, another one grabbing a drink at Gelegenheiten. Some of my friends’ bands and art installations made it into the “shit you might be interested in doing instead if you can’t catch Mika slinking through Berghain this weekend, if you make it into Berghain at all” – Tanno’s band performing at Urban Spree, Nika’s show in Kreuzberg. They had made it to the fringe of the scenesterkreis.
I flipped to the back of Siegessäule, which included a large map of the city with an old-fashioned coordinate system and corresponding key below. Each queer establishment in the city was sub-divided into categories: bars, clubs, museums and cultural spaces, bath houses, darkrooms, sex clubs, cafés. I was struck upon realizing for the first time that many of the nightlife spaces were annotated with the Mars symbol, the Venus symbol, or both – demarcating which spaces were strictly male, which were strictly female, and which were open to both. I pointed this out to Tanno, who had also never noticed this: “I don’t even look at this part of the magazine. I flip through it and then just leave it on a table somewhere.” I reached into my bag and pulled out a pen and proceeded to circle each establishment that allowed only men; I marked the establishments that allowed only women with asterisks and underlined the ones that claimed to allow both. Most importantly, I squiggly-underlined the ones that claimed to allow both, but where I had personally felt uncomfortable or had heard from non-cis-male friends was an unwelcome space (Fran, a Canadian artist who had arrived in Berlin around the same time I did and returned to Canada earlier this year, told me that apparently Ficken’s resident rock-out-with-your-cock-out regular who sat at a corner booth stroking his erect cock the entire night was paid to do so in order to ward off unwanted visitors to the bar.
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erklaervideoagentur · 5 years
Google Core-Algorithmus-Updates und die Leistungsfähigkeit von Nutzerstudien: Wie echtes Feedback von echten Nutzern Website-Besitzern dabei helfen kann, Probleme mit der Website-Qualität zu erkennen (und mehr)
Google Core-Algorithmus-Updates und die Leistungsfähigkeit von Nutzerstudien: Wie echtes Feedback von echten Nutzern Website-Besitzern dabei helfen kann, Probleme mit der Website-Qualität zu erkennen (und mehr)
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Google Core-Algorithmus-Updates und die Leistungsfähigkeit von Nutzerstudien: Wie echtes Feedback von echten Nutzern Website-Besitzern dabei helfen kann, Probleme mit der Website-Qualität zu erkennen (und mehr): Google hat am 3. Juni ein weiteres umfassendes Update für den Kernalgorithmus herausgebracht (das von Googles Danny Sullivan angekündigt wurde). Auch hier war das Update für das…
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Jose Mourinho to wait for Real Madrid boss Zinedine Zidane – Euro Paper Talk | Football News
By Tom Bodell, Football Whispers 
Last Updated: 25/08/19 10:38am
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Jose Mourinho has elected not to sign for a club as he waits to see what happens with Zinedine Zidane at Real
Serie A returned on Saturday meaning all of Europe’s major leagues have resumed yet the transfer market shows no signs of slowing ahead of the September 2 deadline.
So we asked our friends at Football Whispers to round up all the latest news and gossip from the continent.
Barcelona are pessimistic about their chances of bringing Neymar back to the Camp Nou. The Catalans believe Paris Saint-Germain do not intend to sell the Brazil forward to them. (Mundo Deportivo)
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Barca are pessimistic about their chances of bringing Neymar back to the Camp Nou
Real Madrid, meanwhile, have sent Juni Calafat to negotiate with PSG’s sporting director Leonardo and hope to tie up a deal so they can unveil Neymar at the Bernabeu as early as next week. (Sport)
Real Sociedad have agreed a deal with Arsenal defender Nacho Monreal. The 33-year-old left-back will sign a two-year deal with the La Liga club with the option of a third. (Marca)
Keylor Navas will only be allowed to leave Real Madrid if Zinedine Zidane has a replacement lined up first. Maarten Stekelenburg, Pepe Reina and Willy Caballero are three options to succeed the Costa Rica goalkeeper. (AS)
Jose Mourinho has elected not to sign for a club yet as he waits to see what happens with Zidane at Real Madrid. The Portuguese has a good relationship with Real president Florentino Perez from his first stint at the club and believes he could return for a second spell. (AS)
Paris Saint-Germain are attempting to resolve the rights issue which prevented Tottenham Hotspur from clinching a deal for Juventus forward Paulo Dybala as they step up their interest in the Argentine. (Calciomercato)
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PSG are attempting to resolve the rights issue which prevented Spurs from clinching a deal for Juve forward Paulo Dybala
Napoli coach Carlo Ancelotti has not given up hope of signing James Rodriguez from Real Madrid after a summer-long saga. The Colombia playmaker reportedly has his heart set on a switch to Naples, too. (Corriere dello Sport)
Negotiations between Inter and Manchester United for Alexis Sanchez have advanced over the weekend and coach Antonio Conte expects a positive update regarding the pursuit of the Chile forward on Monday. (Corriere dello Sport)
Sampdoria are interested in signing Aston Villa’s Croatian goalkeeper Lovre Kalinic, who is surplus to requirements at Villa Park. (Il Secolo XIX)
Roma are interested in Real Madrid misfit Mariano Diaz, who is available after a single season in the Spanish capital. However, they are prioritising moves for Atletico Madrid’s Nikola Kalinic and Roman Yaremchuk of Gent. (Tuttomercato)
Fenerbahce have submitted an offer for Bayern Munich defender Jerome Boateng but the 30-year-old would like to continue playing in the Champions League. (Sport1)
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Fenerbahce have submitted an offer for Munich defender Jerome Boateng
A decision on whether Timo Werner will extend his contract with RB Leipzig is expected next week. The Germany international has been heavily linked with Bayern and Borussia Dortmund and will become a free agent next June if he does not renew with RBL. (SportBild)
Raphael Guerreiro was left out of Borussia Dortmund’s fixture against Cologne, prompting speculation he had been holding a meeting with Paris Saint-Germain about a potential move. PSG are, however, refusing to meet Dortmund’s €25m (£22.9m) asking price. (Le10Sport)
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Raphael Guerreiro was left out of Dortmund’s fixture against Cologne
Guerreiro later came out to deny reports he had met with the French champions, tweeting to say: “False…I rarely answer but please stop sharing fake information.” (L’Equipe)
Marseille do not expect any new arrivals, according to assistant coach Ricardo Carvalho who said: “The club can not spend a lot of money. It’s the hardest for us. We are counting on the players who are here.” (La Provence)
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blockchain-hero · 5 years
CCN schließt nach einem größeren Google-Search-Update die Pforten
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Einer der Top Anlaufstellen für Krypto-News, CCN wird mit 10. Juni, geschlossen, wie eine Ankündigung auf ihrer Website zeigt. Zu dieser Entscheidung kam es, nachdem der mobile Traffic aufgrund einer kürzlich erfolgten Aktualisierung der Suchrankings von Google um 71 Prozent gesunken ist.
CCN wird nach einem größeren Google-Search-Update geschlossen
Gründer Jonas Borchgrevink veröffentlichte die Nachrichten auf seiner Website und sagte: "CCN wurde im Sommer 2013 als CryptoCoinsNews gegründet. Wir sind seit sechs Jahren dabei. Wir sind (waren?) die kryptobezogene Nachrichtenseite mit dem höchsten Traffic weltweit. Obwohl CoinDesk und CoinTelegraph in den letzten sechs Jahren freundliche Konkurrenten für den #1 Alexa Spot waren." Der Beitrag, geschrieben von Jonas Borchgrevink, besagt, dass der Grund für die Schließung ein großer Rückgang des Datenverkehrs von Google-Suchen nach einem Google Core Update vom 3. Juni ist. Borchgrevink schreibt, dass der Traffic der Krypto-News-Seite über Nacht über 71 Prozent auf dem Handy gesunken ist. Der Gründer stellt fest, dass die Besucherzahlen in der Vergangenheit zwar gering waren, aber die Aufnahme neuer Mitglieder in das Team bedeutet, dass sie unter diesen Bedingungen nicht mehr mit den Einnahmen der Werbetreibenden arbeiten können. Der Beitrag zitiert Daten von Sistrix.com und stellt fest, dass die Krypto-Nachrichtenseite CoinDesk einen Rückgang von 34,6 Prozent verzeichnete, während Cointelegraph Berichten zufolge auch auf dem Handy einen Rückgang von 21,1 Prozent verzeichnete. Das Update scheint auch Seiten wie die Daily Mail zu betreffen, was Borchgrevink und andere dazu veranlasste, zu spekulieren, dass die konservativen Beiträge von CCN zu einer Verringerung der Suchaktivitäten führten. Borchgrevink schrieb: "Obwohl CCN als Nachrichtenseite unvoreingenommen ist - was bedeutet, dass es keine politische Agenda der Redaktion gibt - haben wir alle möglichen Meinungen von Journalisten und Gastautoren zugelassen. Von ganz links nach ganz rechts. Viele unserer politischen Op-Eds waren "Pro-Trump". Denkt daran: Wir sind hauptsächlich eine kryptozentrierte Nachrichtenseite. Kryptowährungen begannen mit Bitcoin im Jahr 2009 als Gegenmaßnahme gegen den finanziellen Zusammenbruch und die kartellähnliche Macht der Banken und der FED (die sich in Privatbesitz befindet). Bitcoin ist oder sollte zumindest dezentralisiert sein. Wir sind der Krypto-Community mit unserem Slogan treu geblieben: We Are Anti-Elite, We Are Anti-Centralization." Quellenangaben: cointelegraph Bildquelle: Pixabay Read the full article
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kabargames · 3 years
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7 Game Paling Ditunggu yang Akan Rilis Bulan Juni 2021
(function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function();e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_1oV9EjXP'); Pengembang CyberConnect2 dan publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment akhirnya merilis game Dragon Ball Z Kakarot pada tanggal 17 Januari 2020 yang memiliki gameplay open world. Perilisan game open world RPG ini diperuntukkan untuk wilayah Jepang dan seluruh dunia di platform PS4, Xbox, dan PC melalui Steam. Game ini dibuat dengan mesin Unreal Engine 4, bergenre RPG, dengan mode single player dan harganya dibanderol sebesar Rp. 499.000. Nah buat Kamu yang penasaran dengan trailer, gameplay, review dan Spesifikasi PC game Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, langsung saja simak di bawah ini yah ulasannya. Baca Juga : Rekomendasi 7 Game Terbaik Persembahan Ubisoft, Mana Favoritmu? Ini Alasan Gamecom Tunda Perilisan Parakacuk Sampai 2022 Update Cheat GTA San Andreas (SA) PC Bahasa Indonesia Worth It! 12 Rekomendasi Emulator Android Terbaik, Cepat, & Paling Ringan untuk PC di 2021 15 Game Zombie Offline PC Terbaik di 2021, Asli Serem! googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Gameplay Dragon Ball Z Kakarot DBZ: Kakarot diplot di sebuah wilayah yang berbentuk semi open world yang di dalamnya dibubuhi dengan elemen RPG. Game yang masih masuk ke dalam genre petualangan ini mengikuti plot serial anime Dragon Ball Z dengan karakter protagonis utama Son Goku. Karakter lainnya yang dapat dimainkan dalam game ini adalah Gohan (muda, remaja, dewasa), Vegeta, Piccolo, Trunks masa depan, Gotenks, dan Vegito. Game Dragon Ball Z Kakarot terbagi atas individual hubs yang akan terkunci sampai pemain mencapai poin tertentu dalam cerita, yang akhirnya membuat wilayah baru terbuka untuk dijelajahi. Di dalam game ini, terbang menjadi aspek besar dalam gameplay karena menjadi cara bepergian utama menjelajahi dunia. Namun, berlari dengan kecepatan yang sangat tinggi, dan mengendarai kendaraan serta awan kinton bisa menjadi pilihan juga. NATIVE CONTENT Kimi Hime: Biodata, Fakta, Meme, Foto & Thumbnail Seksi di YT KameAam: Biodata, Fakta & Foto Cosplay Seksi Mobile Legend Lola Zieta: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Cosplay Seksi Sarah Viloid: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Seksi Bertarung di dalam game Steam ini merupakan kombinasi dari beberapa pukulan, tendangan, menghindar, dan ledakan energi ki yang dikeluarkan dengan gerakan spesial serta kombo. Di luar pertarungan, para pemain dibebaskan menjelajah ke berbagai lokasi yang berbeda, mengumpulkan mineral, dan juga sejumlah ikan. Pada awal permainan, Goku sebagai karakter yang dimainkan tidak disertakan gerakan terkuatnya. Gerakan ini harus dibuka melalui pohon skill dan kemajuan dalam cerita permainan. Untuk meningkatkan karakter, terdapat empat cara, yakni dengan bertarung, menemukan ki-orbs, makan, dan membuat komunitas. Menghubungkan karakter dengan pemimpin komunitas dari tipe yang berbeda dapat memaksimalkan experience yang didapatkan. Orbs dapat ditemukan melalui eksplorasi, dan berguna sebagai mata uang dalam meningkatkan pohon skill. Makanan berguna dalam meningkatkan status karakter secara permanen. Dengan bertarung dalam pertempuran, poin experience akan didapatkan. Loading… (function()var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:';var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142")[ac](i);tryvar iw=i.contentWindow.document;iw.open();iw.writeln("");iw.close();var c=iw[b];catch(e)var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142");var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=398142;c[ac](dv);var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src=wp+"//jsc.mgid.com/k/a/kabargames.id.398142.js?t="+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);)(); Di game ini terdapat misi sampingan selain yang utama. Misi sampingan tidak harus diselesaikan, tetapi kisah di dalamnya menyambung dengan cerita misi utama. Menyelesaikan misi sampingan akan mendapatkan poin experience dan tambahan barang jarahan.  Selain misi sampingan, ada juga kegiatan memancing. Kegiatan memancing ini merupakan mini game yang disediakan developer game CyberConnect2 yang hanya dapat dimainkan dengan cara menekan tombol yang dibutuhkan pada momen yang tepat. Memancing dengan karakter Goku, tidak menggunakan alat pancing, melainkan buntutnya. Baca Juga : Senjata Terbaik untuk Berperang di Warzone Game Call of Duty 11 Game Petualangan Android Terbaik di 2021, Ngebolang! Worth It! 12 Rekomendasi Emulator Android Terbaik, Cepat, & Paling Ringan untuk PC di 2021 11 Game Offline Petualangan Android Terbaik di 2021 8 Mouse Pad Gaming Terbaik dan Berkualitas di 2021 Total jam untuk menyelesaikan permainan yang dihitung berdasarkan penyelesaian semua kisah misi utama dan beberapa misi sampingan diperkirakan memakan waktu sampai dengan 30 jam. Namun, jika ingin menyelesaikan semua misi di game Dragon Ball Z Kakarot ini tanpa terkecuali, maka akan memakan waktu lebih dari 100 jam. Spesifikasi PC Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Oleh karena DBZ: Kakarot diluncurkan di platform PC melalui Steam Store, maka terdapat informasi spesifikasi PC yang dirilis pengembang. Ada pun spesifikasi PC yang diumumkan adalah minimum dan rekomendasi, seperti yang dijelaskan di bawah ini dengan lebih detail. Spesifikasi Minimum PC Sistem operasi Windows 7 SP1 64-bit. RAM PC sebesar 4 GB. Kartu grafis Radeon HD 7950 atau GeForce GTX 750 Ti. DirectX versi 11. Tempat penyimpanan sebesar 36 GB. Spesifikasi Rekomendasi PC Sistem operasi Windows 10 64-bit. Prosessor AMD Ryzen 3 1200 atau Intel Core i5-3470. RAM sebesar 8 GB. Kartu Grafis Radeon R9 280X atau GeForce GTX 960. DirectX versi 11. Tempat penyimpanan file sebanyak 40 GB. Review Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Tutorial dibuat menarik melalui pertarungan Goku melawan Piccolo. Dari pertarungan tersebut, para pemain mendapatkan banyak informasi mengenai pertarungan dalam game yang cenderung tidak kompleks. Para pemain diperkenalkan dengan serangan jarak dekat, ledakan ki, dan serangan super untuk menghasilkan kerusakan pada musuh. Opsi bertahan pun diperkenalkan pada tutorial, yakni menahan, serangan menghilang, dan serangan rentetan yang bersifat area yang mampu memukul mundur lawan. Ki dapat ditumpuk yang berfungsi sebagai energi dari serangan spesial. Pendekatan visual cell-shading disematkan pada game untuk menangkap tampilan anime Dragon Ball seperti yang diharapkan para pemain. Konsep dunia open-world yang ditawarkan dalam game ini memang belum memuaskan, meskipun masih ada banyak tempat yang bisa dijelajahi. Penyebab konsep open world belum memuaskan karena begitu banyaknya loading screen yang mengganggu, dan tempat yang harusnya dijelajahi tidak memikat pemain. Suara efek ikonik disertakan dalam game ini untuk memberikan pengalaman familiar kepada para penggemar Dragon Ball. Game ini memiliki animasi gerak yang tidak sebaik dan semulus Dragon Ball FighterZ. Selain itu, terdapat masalah lain, yakni pada UI yang muncul pada saat pemain akan menjalankan misi sampingan. Scene ikonik DBZ: Kakarot membosankan karena menawarkan yang sudah ditawarkan pada seri-seri Dragon Ball yang lain. Sistem pertarungan cukup seru untuk dinikmati karena dikemas dengan super cepat, dan berisikan serangan ledakan ki yang cepat dan intens. Sistem RPG di dalamnya unik dengan sistem kategorisasi skill berbasis level kedekatan dengan NPC yang berhasil direkrut. Tidak perlu grinding meski RPG, karena experience bisa didapatkan melalui bertarung, misi utama, dan misi sampingan. Patch DBZ: Kakarot Pembaruan terakhir dari game Dragon Ball Z Kakarot saat dirilis adalah patch 1.02. Perubahan terjadi pada peningkatan konten agar para pemain mendapatkan pengalaman bermain yang lebih baik. Ada pun detail dari perubahan, disebutkan, dan dijelaskan, di bawah ini! Patch 1.02 Perbaikan waktu loading. Buat perjalanan secara langsung ke Puncak Korin Tower, dan Capsule Corporation dari peta dunia jadi bisa. Menambahkan cerita sampingan. Menyesuaikan tarif masuk dari waktu serangan. Beberapa penyesuaian lainnya. Catatan Patch Perbaikan, dan penyesuaian konten dalam permainan sangat terasa daripada versi sebelumnya, seperti perbaikan waktu loading, dan juga penyesuaian waktu serangan. Sedangkan penambahan konten berupa cerita sampingan terasa menyegarkan permainan. Hanya saja, terdapat satu kendala, yakni besaran ukuran update permainan Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. Untuk PS4, mengunduh update ini memakan tempat penyimpanan sebesar 11 GB. Sedangkan untuk pengguna Xbox One harus menyediakan tempat sebesar 38.44 GB. Trailer Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Pada intinya, DBZ: Kakarot adalah game yang menyenangkan, tetapi banyak potensi yang bisa membuatnya menjadi game spesial belum teroptimalkan dengan baik. Apakan kamu tertarik untuk mencoba game Dragon Ball terbaru yang rilis pada Januari 2020 ini? Untuk PC, download game bisa dilakukan via link Steam ini. Jangan lupa, nantikan terus informasi terbaru mengenai Dragon Ball, anime, dan review game lainnya hanya di Kabar Games! (function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function();e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_KoEP9KXB');
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tourneyid · 3 years
Lunox akan mendapatkan buff dan bisa menjadi hyper carry
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Seperti ketika pertama Lunox rilis, ia sering dijadikan sebagai core, lalu beberapa update setelahnya menjadi support dan kini akan menjadi hypercarry kembali. Lunox akan di buff pada patch berikutnya, yaitu sekitar pertengahan Juni, ini bebarengan dengan Lunox yang akan mendapatkan skin Epic Limited terbaru, seperti Moonton pada biasanya ketika sebuah hero akan mendapatkan skin biasanya hero tersebut akan di buff. Prinsip Moonton: Skin baru -> buff heronya
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from WordPress https://tourney.id/lunox-akan-mendapatkan-buff-dan-bisa-menjadi-hyper-carry/ via IFTTT
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