#VM’s performance. skating skills
tutuandscoot · 1 year
Me: um yeah so that SD scoring at worlds 2013 was a complete joke!
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macaroni-rascal · 4 months
Until recently the only DW programs I’d ever watched was their Olympic performances, as well as 08 and 09 worlds. Then I found a full(ish) replay on YT of 2012 worlds FD- VM won obviously with Funny Face which was phenomenal, but even they said maybe wasn’t their very best. I had known VM won both the short and FD, and I knew they won by a fairly big margin. I figured DW must’ve had a fall or missed an element entirely for there to be like a.. I think 4 or 5 point gap.
Then I watched their FD..
O M F G. I had never appreciated what you and others say about their shit skating skills till this point (I’m a dancer so my ice dance judgement comes from the waist up and performance quality- skating skills I can’t quite pick apart as thoroughly).
It was sooo fucking frantic. They did not stop for one second. THE RUNNING TO GAIN SPEEED 😵‍💫. Her arms swinging all over the place. It is genuinely a miracle they didn’t trip over. Her leg lines were god awful! Constantly bent and toes not pointed. He skates like he just snorted 5 rails before getting on the ice. I was actually dumbfounded.
On what fucking level could they have been considered in the same realm as vm (fairly)???? I for one adore Funny Face and think they performed it to near perfection. Not my fave free dance but even if you knew nothing about ice dance and watched the two teams you’d see VM’s ease in holds, calmness, control over their edges, their rock solid lifts. Tessa’s ballerina arms. They perform to the back row of the arena, they are believable and genuine. It’s LIGHT YEARS difference. I really was left quite speechless.
Then hilariously, in the kc DW score was like 4 points below their SB, with no obvious mistakes, and meryl says ‘that’s abit low’.. I’m thinking omg babe how much more could you possibly want for that burning trash heap of a skate??? (The cynic in me says that was the moment Marina set out burning VM’s career to the ground for her future daughter in law 🫠)
So ok that was an easy win for vm. But then how could there have been such a shift the other way in less than a season?? Like actual legitimate shift in skill in talent?? (there wasn’t, and the impending shit show through to 2014 (and beyond) on the judging side was proof of that) DW’s heads (and scores) were clearly being inflated through their asses enough by marina for them to start so easily winning without actually improving.
If vm make big mistakes that cost points fine. But they were rock fucking solid performing the most difficult programs ever attempted in the sport, only minor booboos (4CC excluded). Ok seasons was not the most stand out program but the performers and dancers and skaters they are could make even the most mundane Bock program an Oscar worthy performance. Charlie’s flailing fruit bat/butterfly at the end of sherizarde (I know what it is I just cbf spelling it right) is burned in my fucking brain and yeah ok Scott’s heavy breathing at the end of seasons wasn’t great and idk where I’m going with this at this point but even looking 12 years back this sport manages to shit me off.
Sincerely.. the gal who made the ‘Madi’s bad skating skills’ meme yesterday
Your lips to god's ears! You spoke no word of a lie and I clapped half way through. I could not agree with you more. D/W being V/M rivals would be laughable if it wasn't so rage inducing. Personally, I wish it had been a Virtue/Moir and Pechelat/Bourzat rivalry, that would have been far more interesting, not to mention, made infinitely more sense. Le sigh.
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sunskate · 7 months
I’m having some weird feelings about ice dance that stems from the subjectivity of the sport. On the one hand, it seems absolutely ridiculous that a talented team should have to “wait their turn” to get to the top of the sport because of seniority and politics. On the other hand, I see the meteoric rise of Zingnik and I question how they could be threatening the spot of H/B who have the most stunning skating skills or CPom who have brilliant programs for the second year in a row. This is truly not meant to be a dig at Emilea, but how could she be beating or threatening teams with decades more experience in ice dance? She’s so talented and they obviously have chemistry but in my head I think well it’s not their turn. Which brings me right back to how stupid that idea is that it’s not their turn. Ugh. I wish we’d get compulsories back or at least patterns in the RD so that comparison was easier. It’s so hard to fall in love with a team and their programs and not see the scores that you think they deserve (even though I’m nowhere close to having a good technical eye!). Gah! Dance! Is! Hard! Also the last four ice dance Olympic champs that we’ve had were such established teams with decades of history. So it’s just all confusing in my head. Thank you for reading my rant, no one in my life watches ice dance so you are sadly subjected to my crazy brain.
i feel you - it does hurt the head to watch ice dance judging. i’d say leapfrogging good if it’s because they’re giving great performances- VM coming out as teenagers and skating Valse Triste? it would be criminal to hold them back. but leapfrogging bad if it’s bc of politics and what’s on the ice doesn’t warrant it.
considering PC went from 13th at worlds to winning it in a single year, if that’s the bar for meteoric, ZK mostly have buzz and promise so far. they haven’t won anything or threatened anyone in reality yet. and from the RD last night, we can see they're still untested and that inexperience shows in unpredictable ways. for them to really rise, they have to show some consistency and the ability to deliver under pressure. the buzz on them before they’ve even competed makes it harder for them to meet the expectations. Gr/Pa in their breakout season had no expectations on them - the bar was lower - those programs were a pleasant surprise and made judges and fans look at them in a new way. but it’s been hard for them to sustain that momentum - it takes a lot of smart decisions, mental focus, drive and performing well (usually) on the big stage
so it’s a longer game, ZK have to deliver, and the other teams having more competition might help them discover more of their own fire. i’ll be as upset as anyone if the judging looks unfair, but i’m not there with ZK now (though that might change in the next hour😅)
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anewbeginningagain · 2 years
I don't understand why people are coming into your inbox trying to attack L/L. I really like them too. Of all the young teams coming up in North America, I think they have the best skating skills, speed, and performance quality. Plus, they've shown themselves capable of some range in terms of what they can dance to, and that's always exciting for me as a fan. They aren't VM. They have their own strengths and weaknesses, but I think they're finally starting to have some awareness from the judges and support from the fed this year, and it's nice to see them have some success.
It's always like that after they compete, people come at me and at @macaroni-rascal for comparing them to V/M and for saying they are the best ever or that they are the saviors of ice dance - none of these things we actually ever said LOL.
L/L are exciting to me, they have the speed, the skating skills, they have decent to great packaging and material and it's fun to watch a time rising who actually deserved to rise. I enjoy watching them fulfill their potential. I have no idea why that seems to ruffle so many feathers LOL.
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saucylittlesmile · 2 years
Care for a list of VM Qs to answer when you have the time/interest to? :)
What do you think are VM’s best and worst elements?
Which elements do you think they improved on throughout their career, and were any you thought changed a lot (not necessarily for better or worse)?
What are their best and worst compulsory patterns??
What about their best and worst components (if you look at consistency across career)?
Is there anything from their early career you missed later in their career?
What are the biggest compliments you have of VM?
What are the biggest criticisms you have of VM?
Just because I’m all literal, and am assuming that the person asking is also on the same wavelength, I’m using “element” and “component” as used in the rule books/scoring.  So for elements, I’m thinking through: step sequences (patterns, diagonal/midline/circular/partial, and non-touching), lifts, twizzles, spins, choreographic elements.  For components, I’m thinking through: skating skills, transitions, performance, composition, and interpretation of the music/timing
Best element: midline step sequence
I feel almost wrong to say this, LOL, because they are a team that excels in their partnering abilities, and a midline is (was) one of the only elements in which they were exhibiting their individual skills.  But yes, every single one of their seasons when they had a midline step sequence, I just adored it.  Their edges and their lines, their posture and ability to inject character into even the most difficult versions of this element were just impeccable.
Honourable mention to their diagonal step sequences - add all the midline love with strong partnership skills and it was really a 50/50 on how I answered this LOL.  (please enjoy this link to VM step sequences, of varying types)
Worst element:  spin
I don’t say this just because they said their least favourite element was a spin. ;)  I would just say that while obviously, they weren’t actually bad, given how strong the rest of their programs were, the spins were probably their weakest point, and not one that they ever really, truly improved upon over the years.
Improved element(s)/ Changed element(s):  lifts
Absolutely, there is something to be said for a lift that is simple (as I always said, simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy).  But for VM to change their lift style so drastically between their senior debut and their sophomore season, was impressive and helped propel them into the top teams and vying for a medal.  Beyond that, to recognize the need to improve themselves, and to apply themselves to the task by seeking the right kind of help and then putting in the work to achieve those changes, speaks well of them as competitors and of their personal motivations.  (And then, they rarely settled - they could have coasted  on the Goose for a while, but retired it to show programs; they kept creating and changing their lifts to keep things fresh and character-driven.)
:Best compulsory pattern:  All of them?
Okay, fine.  Um... I’m going to go with Midnight Blues, though I am putting a little asterisk next to it because the sample is small.  That is, they only did the part of the pattern required by the rules and, unlike the days of the compulsory dance when skaters would repeat the same pattern 2-4 times, which gave a better idea of maintaining speed and edges etc, this was just the smallest portion.  Still, it was just the kind of pattern that they excelled at in particular - long, sustained lines, deep edges, great holds, lots of interpersonal connection.  That they got to perform it when they could a) have Tessa wear a jumpsuit that emphasized all those beautiful matching lines and b) when they were at their peak of combining technique, finding time to connect together, and yet project outwards to the audience so well, was just the icing on the cake.  (And yet, probably my favourite one to watch is the Tango Romantica, which I saw a ridiculous number of times, and even as I type this, the ISU-provided music has popped into my head.)
Worst compulsory pattern: polka...
...if I am going to play by the rules and actually answer this, and also with an asterisk, because I didn’t go back and re-watch anything, and there were compulsory dances they would have performed earlier in their career that I could probably put instead.
That said, my bias against the polka might also be showing, LOL.  And it wasn’t as though they couldn’t do the polka well.  But the polka shows does almost nothing to show off edges or lines for any team - but as I count both of those as VM highlights, to not see them is always a shame to me.
Best component:  skating skills
Again, is there really an an answer to this best/worst section, LOL?  I’m going to say skating skills, just because they really did have such amazing abilities.  I was thinking the other day about an old comment from... maybe 2010 era?  I think it was possibly Tracy Wilson who said it, but I’m actually not sure.  In any case, at the time, she said that VM were compulsory/original dance skaters, because of their tendency to do so well with them.  Now, this was during the Farrucas/Mahler era, and Farrucas had given them so much trouble at first and then their was their jewel of Mahler and it was just ????? to me.  But I’ve come to understand it.  I may think of their FD’s most often when I think of VM, and I may be most emotionally attached to their FD’s, but their compulsory and original/short dance record really just shows that often, if they were going to win a medal/a competition, it was the compulsory/original/short that ‘saved’ them even if they didn’t have the same result with the free dance.  (Or, conversely, if they did badly at the compulsory/original/short, it wasn’t often that their FD would change the result, if they were against their direct competitors.)  Anyway, it was their ability to nail down those technical marks in the SD, and for me, the skating skills of that is key.
That said, haven’t I gone on and on about all those components, LOL?
Okay, no I can’t let it go.  They are so impressive at all of them, LOL.  Performance, especially during the comeback after having a year and a half of shows, was so spot on.  Transitions - it was a rare program that had them doing more than a couple of crossovers to enter an element - otherwise it was just chock full of transitions.  And musical interpretation/timing - just the best in the business.  They were dancers, on ice.  Their programs kept growing, as they played with the music and their movement; they could skate to any style and make it their own (polkas included lol).
Worst component:  Um.  You are mean, anon.
Okay.  Composition.  Because while they had a say, for sure, it is the one component that was at least partially out of their control. Blame the choreographers. ;)
Blast from the past:  their sparkle
This is a bit of a cheated answer.  It wasn’t something I noticed, exactly, at the time, because it was too close, and because it can be explained away.  But during the 2011-2014 era, they had lost some of the sparkle they had when they were younger.  They were still dynamic skaters, capable of achieving great things, and emotionally touching me with their programs.  And it wasn’t a constant for them.  But the “work” showed more - the struggle, the battle, the stresses. And with it, some of the eager ‘kids aiming for Olympic gold!!’ shine had dulled.  But it seemed natural at the time - they were changing, they weren’t the kids anymore, they were the defending Olympic champions with what seemed to be the ISU undermining them.
But the comeback?  Oh my gosh, it was like they were lit up from inside again.  More relaxed even when they were serious and working hard.  Having more fun.  They had found that love of skating again and it showed.
Biggest compliment:  Their drive
Especially looking back at some of the struggles that we knew about, it kind of amazes me that they were both ready and willing to keep skating together for so long - her CECS and surgeries, coming back for more than one Olympic cycle after winning gold, and also coming back after winning silver, moving away from home so young, etc etc etc.  And yet, even though they were at the top of the ice dance tiers for almost their entire careers (and as seniors, hitting the medals and never leaving them again), they were never content to just rest on their laurels, or to settle into a style and stay there, or even let a program get stagnant.  They were constantly pushing to make themselves better, to make their skating better, to make their programs better.  It was so impressive.
Biggest criticism: They retired.
Just kidding.  No wait, I’m not.  Though I do wish them well anyway.  ;)
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Do you think Scott will be too short/out of shape to compete on BOTB?
I don’t know what your intention is with this ask but frankly its gross.
You are in no position to question whether Scott is in shape or not. Is he in Olympic shape? No but to assume that he’s currently out of shape is rude and uncalled for. Scott has not been out of shape since the Olympics finished, he and Tessa put on two full figure skating/dancing shows across Canada where they performed over 20+ times in the course of two months, how dare you say he’s out of shape.
This is such a gross thing to say, to assume that men don’t face body issues. Andrew also competed at BoTB and no one is questioning his weight. VM performed in two tours, he only performed in one-why are we assuming he’s stayed in shape?
You want to question whether Scott is a good fit for the show because he’s not the type of ice dancer that can hold a skater over his head? Okay. But don’t assume that’s because he’s not in shape. Scotts skill level with lifts has never been about holding Tessa over his head but certainly VM never disappointed in the lift department, so to assume he wouldn’t be able to perform because of that height issue, is silly. He’s the most talented ice dancer in the Sport (I’m biased but I’ll stand by it), i am sure he could find a way to create just as great programs despite his apparent height issue. 
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cp3killer · 4 years
VM get to know me
I was tagged by the beautiful @cantigasdetanjaouia​ thank you darling!
*Disclaimer: I probably won't answer just one thing as a fav, and also CREDIT TO THE OWNER OF EVERY SINGLE PICTURE.
What does your @ mean?
Well it’s self explanatory, it a reference to Tessa when she was a redhead. I think the main reason why i decided to go with that name, is because I think that was a moment in their career where you could genuinely still see her be herself just a 18 year old athlete having fun (and i also like to think that she got her belly piercing around that age) idk something about her vibe back then is so attractive to me. (also i think her natural hair color is more brown/ginger than her current color)
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Any nicknames you go by?
If you know me from a young age you might call me lulu, but im more commonly known as Layla.
Favorite VM program?
Mahler, and I'm approaching this like “if you could only watch on program for you whole life which one would it be?” it’s just a magical program, truly a fairytale. I could write more, but i feel like the performance talks for itself.
here is the link to my favorite performance of the program (and no its not in the olympics)
Least favorite VM program?
The seasons.
Which VM program has made you cry the most?
Well, I think Umbrellas  was truly a performance that cemented me as a fan, I just remember seeing it and being so speechless of the artistry. I didn't even think about their age, skill, or difficulty. it truly felt like I was simply watching a man and a woman show their emotions for one another. This program has this weird dynamic where the choreography is incredibly melancholic because it obviously follows the plot of the movie, but when you juxtapose that with hoe naive and young their look, Scott and Tessa were able to create both something sad and something hopeful, and that's why i feel in love with them.
Favorite VM costumes?
*disclaimer I'm not going to use pics that showcase the costume bcz I'm pretty sure you al know them by now, so i’m just going to insert my fav pic while they are wearing it.
okay so the MR custom are legendary forverandever, because they truly are the epitome of how you show your a couple while being individuals, the whole concept behind those costumes was just revolutionary (literals considering how every male skater was basically in mesh after that, and im not complaining)
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I love their comeback customer (prince and latch) they are just simply superb
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and then we have some of my  pre-olympic favs 
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Least favorite VM costumes?
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there are more but mainly this one.
Favorite off ice moment?
I really love the energy of this interview a day after their olympic win in 2018
A song that you wish VM had skated to?
i don't know because they have a good balance of traditional and modern, maybe do something more like The Great Gig in The Sky which till this day is a concept I haven't seen that often, something more abstract and alternative. idk i don't think about it often.
Which program would you most like to see VM skate to again?
UMBRELLAS i mean that program is so mature and the choreography is so fresh even to this day! but add the creativity of the choreography to the their current flawless skating abilities, i mean .... Also i feel like that program is a cult classic or mahler.
What is your favorite picture of them?
it goes without a saying that i love my profile picture, but yep, you guessed it, you're getting more than one!
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How long have you been a VM fan?
like three month sadly, maybe a bit more, I become a fan the week they announced that they were retiring, I learned more about figurate skating after watching Spinning Out, which tells its won story too...
I tag whoever has been seeing this post circulate and hasn't been tagged but want to do it!!
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Technical anon here! Thanks so much for sharing!! Can we just take a moment to appreciate VM's skills as performers. They just make everyone else look so lazy when they're dancing next to them (even if some of them are really good too!!!!). They were the only couple in the AOI Maneater number who really committed to the routine (everyone else half assed that little kick on the floor) and it's insane how excellent they are at skating real close to each other (the trust!!!!)
They’re so good!! I forget who said it, but someone on here said that in group numbers, always watch Tessa because she commits so hard and is so good at the routines that you can always see how the choreographer envisioned it.
Their talent really jumps out
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suzygl · 4 years
Do you think VM's skills on ice did diminish quite greatly during RTR in comparison to their Olympic Season? if yes, can you please elaborate, especially during the Rolling Stones step sequence.. I am no expert but I feel like they were a lot slower and didn't look as 'light'..
No, I don’t think their skills diminished, at all. No offense anon, but I find this kind of questions and comments a bit silly. Comparing show performances to competitive performances is pointless. You can not really determine the exact level of someone’s skating skills based on a show performance. They were on tour, having fun, not trying to hit every edge or be as fast as possible. Because they didn’t have to. The rinks for shows are smaller than actual competition rinks, they were not trying to appease a set of judges, etc, etc. 
The same kind of comments were made about them in 2015. People were sure that their SS were deteriorating, and Scott was looking heavy, and they were looking slow, and a comeback was out of the question. We all know how that ended! 
Bottom line, when not practiced every day, on the highest level, with an Olympic Gold on the line, of course their skating will look different. The comeback was proof enough that VM can turn on their SS like no other! Because they work hard but also because their talent for the sport is second to none. 
I am sure that knowing they will always be compared to the 2018 version of themselves, was one of the main reasons for them to retire from skating definitively. And I truly respect that! 
PS: I thought their Rolling Stones SS at RTR was FIRE! 
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luvtessascott · 5 years
Battle of the Blades: Epi 1 Write-Up (Live Taping)
Last Thursday, I got the opportunity to attend the Battle of the Blades live filming with Danielle, her mom, and my mom. We had dinner at this great German restaurant in town and had amazing Schnitzel. [[Danielle wants you to know that Schnitzel and Spaetzle is the love of her life]]. Since Danielle was shooting the event, we got to the venue quite early around 5:45pm. Danielle went straight in while the rest of us stayed outside for a bit. We saw Mike Marinaro and Alma Moir outside so we chatted with them for a while (Danielle's Mom knows them more personally).
After that we headed into the venue and local skating clubs and hockey teams had some skaters paired together for a little show. These were the skaters that Scott had worked with a few weeks prior. They were all very cute, each pair containing a figure skater and a hockey player. Tessa, Scott, and Colby (the 3rd judge, who used to be a contest) came out to watch the little kids perform. Tessa looked like an ABSOLUTE DIVA in the black jumpsuit and the bangs and updo. I LOVED IT! My mom didn't even recognize Tessa with her hair and outfit. I pointed them out and my mom said "That's Scott but that doesn't look like Tessa". At that time they were in shoes so I had no clue they were going to wear skates. From the first time they sat in the judges chairs, you could sort of tell that Scott was uncomfortable in the tall chairs. He like sat down and then got up and sat on the edge with his feet on the ground. They left right after the performances and didn't come back till being announced at the beginning of the show.
The venue was nicely set up with the judges on one short end of the rink and the skaters entering from the other. They had giant screens on both sides of the rink and the Battle of the Blades signs on both sides with lots of sparkles. Just before the taping started they had all of us move down as close as possible to fill in all the empty seats. That worked out great for us as we ended up being 3rd row! So close that it was a better shooting location for Danielle that she came to sit with us.
When they introduced Tessa and Scott there was an arena wide standing ovation! I was surprised they were in skates while being real clothes, it was kind of funny LOL. It was so nice to see such a warm response to them and have the whole crowd on their feet. Since everyone was talking about the hand grab thing, it was one of those reaching for her hand without looking and landing on her wrist. If you watch my video again they turn to go back to their seats and hold hands properly, so calm down. Right after they launched into their retirement spiel. I have a video of it that I posted on my Youtube, linked here (x). Sorry about them being in portrait, you'd think by now I'd remember to make them landscape but it was a fast record it and I forget!
For the show itself, I was super excited to see Natalie Spooner because I'm a fan of hers. She was really great with Andrew, I thought her posture was so great for a hockey player. For sure Shelley and Kaitlyn were my biggest surprise. Danielle and I were SCREAMING when they started doing the polka-- how adventurous for a first outing! The crowd had a great atmosphere and was reacting well to everything it was a nice crowd to be in. The costumes for the most part were really well done-- kudos to Matthieu of course! I thought that the judges might change out of their skates after the intro but they were in them the whole time. Kurt was the first one to jump up and show a skater an example of what they’d like to see from them and then it made sense to why the judges were so far from where the skaters were standing to get their scores! The tv crew wanted the judges to stand up and show the skills as needed and left them ice space to do that. Danielle and I got the vibes really quickly that Tessa and Scott were playing good cop bad cop on judging. Tessa being positive and Scott giving those coaches corrections, it seemed to be working well. I wonder if they’ll switch that up next time.
During commercial breaks, all the judges would get make-up and hair touch-ups! Kelly was there fixing Tessa's hair as well as the make-up person. Scott was always quick to jump out of his seat (which he had been fidgeting in the whole time) and skate around or talk to Kurt. Tessa would also chat with Colby some of the time. Other times, Scott would stand in front of Tessa and they would chat. It was nice to see them looking at each other when dancing in their seats to the music, laughing, and whispering with each other as usual (typical VM dynamic!).
Since Tessa and Scott represented one score, they would whisper to each other during the performances. Tessa often holding up her cue card for them to look at and then they would quickly decide on a score. I know there was lots of talk about Scott talking over Tessa but I have to mention that the judges chairs were pretty far apart and there was a mic delay. Tessa and Scott were also seated side by side where in interviews they can usually sit on angles so they can anticipate when they finish speaking. I think it was just honest mistakes when they overlapped.
At the end of the night, we ran into Cara and Alma and had another quick chat with them. And just before leaving in the parking lot we saw QUEEN KIRSTEN MOORE-TOWERS!! She always has such great outfits and is SO SWEET-- she remembered me and HUGGED me (I DIE). After chatting with her for a bit, we called it a night. We had a really good time! We were planning on going to the finale but when we went to get tickets they were ALL SOLD OUT. So as of rn, I don't have ticket but hopefully they'll release more. I'm looking forward to watching the season on tv!
(This was a second time I wrote this, bc it got deleted so if I remember anything I add it after).
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tutuandscoot · 7 months
Ice Dance Falls, Fails and Flubs
Part 1
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1. “Stationary Lift BASE?! “😱🫠
Classic HD fuck up 1.0
By now y’all know my distain for HD, not that I have any love lost for Bock either.. or WeaPo.. or gilorier.. so basically this is me missing VM at 4CC and HOLLERING at the cocky ness HD display for a rushed, messy, careless program with a travelling stationary lift guys come on what are you doing sitting there pep-rallying for +5’s.. you look like idiots. Btw. who tf is this lady on the right ↗️??
Also feat. Evan ‘employee of the month at Taco Bell’ Bates
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2. Belbin/Agosto blow it in the Compulsory Dance
They came to these world champs in 2008 expected to win, with the Russians D/S out with injury. But down Tanith goes on a twizzle in the CD.. the point of CD’s is that you are in hold basically the whole time therefore it’s extremely unlikely to fall bc your partner holds you. This put them 6th after the CD, 5th in the OD, rising to 4th after the FD.. they would never win a worlds or Olympics despite being an incredible team* (for the time.. )
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3. FP/M- Torino addition
Maybe the funniest thing ever in Ice dance. This happened after at least 3 teams had already had serious falls (including Marie and Patch which I won’t be talking about bc of the seriousness of it- that was not funny) this on the other hand is HILARIOUS. Firstly: the costumes. WHAT? WHY? Maritzio looking like a pimp. Even before the fall this performance reminds me of your cringe aunt and uncle getting up to dance at a wedding. They had not competed since SLC 2002.. we won’t discuss that bc How and WHY- what sport was ID in 2002 where this team wins a medal over Bourne & Kraatz?????
Then.. the fall.. yes BESP uncles.. it was the too much outside edge that did it, that’s where the problems started, never mind mags’ shithouse skating skills.
My favourite part is when she just *reverse Homer Simpson’s out of a hedge* towards him and he does that *nod* as if to say “hey that was pretty damn good” seriously, what a flop, even in the K&c it continues to be hilarious him just man spreading looking at the scores while she looks like she’s gonna kill herself (and him), he’s looking as if ‘yeah that’s not bad’ well you wouldn’t know bro there’s been a new system introduced since you seemingly last stepped on an ice rink.
Just omg.. iconic. all I can think about is god forbid this ever happened to vm and the polar opposite their reaction would be (except S never dropped T and S actually had skating skills)
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4. The piece of shit that is Didier Gailhauget
(Thankyou to @iluvausten for finding this for me)
I don’t need to translate this right y’all get it..
This tweet and subsequent result is the reason the acronym LMFAO was invented. Guess the Russian mob didn’t feel like helping out on this one sorry boo 🥲
(And/Or the bby angels were just too damn good)
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5. Bourne/Kraatz 2002
This is kinda a sad one..
But what I love is the contrast between B/K reaction and FP/M..
No blame, no hate, no making a scene.
They were in 4th place going into the FD with a good chance of capturing bronze, but fell in the last 5 seconds.
It was so unfortunate but you know what: you skate to MJ you should expect karma..
They finished 4th- same as they had in 1998- a fixed event
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6. Classic HD fuck up 2.0, Worlds 2017
I don’t want to talk about this to point where I’m gonna get hate for it and I also don’t want to be that person who says ‘I don’t talk bout what I don’t know’ and then talk about what I don’t know but since this post has a bit of a ‘blunt and direct humour about it’, why do I get the feeling that the whole ‘we don’t have faith in ourselves’ thing was a bit of an act with these two and training with the goats gave them this false sense that they were better than they were and took that cocky confidence too far to the point where (he especially) couldn’t stay on his damn feet?? The whole ‘Gabrois podium sweep’ thing they were going for at these worlds and olys gives me side eye..
Ok. That’s part 1, part 2 coming soon
Reminder this is all in good humour, every team that competes at this level is highly skilled in some respect and then others are just a$$holes🥰
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macaroni-rascal · 2 years
aside from VM, which other ice dance teams do you think are the best/your favorites and why? i really love reading your skating analysis!
Oh, fun!
I love Hubbell and Donohue's skating skills, I think they should have been fighting for more golds in their career, and easily surpass P/C, but alas. Their power and speed is unmatched, they have wonderful edges, and really commit to their material, it's just a shame that in this last quad, they had about 2 and a half good programs.
I also enjoy Hawayek and Baker, him more than her, but she's improved steadily since moving to Montreal. Their free dance this last season was one of my favourites, and it really showed off all they do well. He was wonderfully soft knees and stunning edges, it's so calming to watch him skate, it's just effortless.
I like Lajoie and Lagha, they have great speed, fun programs, and are shaping up to be excellent performers. I think they still need some finessing, and to learn to take their time with some movements, they can sometimes get frantic rather than controlled, but I think they have great potential.
I enjoyed Pechelat and Bourzat a lot while they were competing, they had such fun and interesting programs, stellar lifts, and some great skating skills. I'm still on team they-should-have-got-bronze-at-sochi-and-also-won-worlds-in-2014 and I always will be.
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sunskate · 6 months
Ok so first of all I want to preface by saying that I think Lilah and Lewis get a lot of hate online. I am coming to this blog because you’ve historically been so nuanced and critically kind when talking about most ice dancers. So with that in mind, can we talk about the result at NHK?
I just don’t get how Rocky is a program in the same sport as Mahler or that Lilah and Lewis are getting the same scores that Madi and Zach got at the Olympics. I don’t pretend to be an expert in ice dance and am still trying so hard to learn about turns, edges, components, skills etc. It seems like Lilah and Lewis have found their brand, have heavily leaned in, work very hard, and are extremely good performers. But I just don’t get the lying down on the ice, the rolling around, the push ups, the way they started the horrible trend of holding on the boards mid program? How, seriously how is this the type of program being rewarded?
I can’t help but think about where they’d be placing against VM, HD, DW, and PC. But even putting relative scores aside, on an absolute basis, isn’t 130 sky high? What’s the max a program can receive? I know it’s a subjective sport but why are the judges taking the scores up to the level of perfect? How does that incentivize room to grow? I’m a little lost and sad, and don’t mean to take away from the accomplishment Lilah and Lewis achieved by winning. They are working the system well. And are by all accounts working hard. I just…don’t know what to think.
lots of good questions. all the teams at the international level let alone the GPs are working incredibly hard and have been for years, including Lilah and Lewis. so what we're questioning isn't about that-
"I just don’t get how Rocky is a program in the same sport as Mahler"
“…why are the judges taking the scores up to the level of perfect? How does that incentivize room to grow?”
i’m strongly with you on both these points
a win doesn't feel cleanly like an accomplishment of the team if the judging doesn’t follow the rules - in part it feels like it's being handed to them. when diana davis falls on twizzles and gets the same PCS that they do when they're clean or C/B falls at worlds and they get 9.75 PCS which shouldn't be possible under the rules- it feels wrong. this program and these skating skills being scored this way isn't obvious like falls, but it feels off because the judging isn't following their own criteria
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anewbeginningagain · 2 years
I saw your discussions yesterday re HD and was moved to share some of my personal experience from being at Nationals in person. In short, I thought they were wonderful - as did everyone around me. Their skating skills, ice coverage and power are really something to behold in person. I was 10 rows up center ice behind the judges amongst a lot of very seasoned and knowledgeable long time fans, many who had their favorites … but I heard nothing but respect and informed analysis for all the teams, which was refreshing to experience (although I have no idea what they were saying in private when they grabbed their phones and furiously text between performances🤪). When I was leaving, I passed multiple groups on the concourse chattering about HD’s lift (and the people I was sitting around were talking about how great their lifts were in general compared to other years). I have no idea how all of this will play out in a largely empty arena in Beijing, but they were beloved at Nationals. So were Madi and Evan, but in a completely different but just as unique way. I was actually charmed by HD the whole week, and having attended the FD practice and the Gala, I got to see them in action in less stressful environments. In person their “relationship” is more natural … not like they’re playing it up for points as some think it comes across on television (the ones who say HD are trying too hard to emulate VM’s chemistry). There is genuine (now platonic) love and caring, and I applaud them for transitioning from “lovers to friends” so well and for having a very strong sincere healthy and authentic friendship. Anyway, there’s a little context for you - and getting ahead of Anons who might think I am a blatant HD stan, I am not. I am a stan of figure skating, having followed it closely for almost 40 years. I live in the South, within driving distance of Nashville - and I never miss an opportunity to attend a US Nationals if I can easily get to it. I saw Tara Lipinski beat Michelle Kwan in Nashville in 1997 (still not over it) and sat in the first row in Atlanta in 2004 when Michelle won her 8th National Title. This is the first time I had an all-session ticket, and I saw upcoming juniors, all the seniors, and got up close (in practices and around the concourse) with Igor, Marina, Patch, Dave Lease and others I recognized but couldn’t name. I had a long discussion with an Olympics-bound team member’s mom, and a very enlightening convo with a couple from Houston who were technical advisors for Igor’s junior teams. This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me, and I savored every moment. Sorry in advance that this is so long - it’s actually the short version!
Honestly, nothing that I can say will make this story better so I'll just recommend reading it LOL.
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inkstained-wretch · 5 years
There are so many people that love scackie nowadays. Even in figure skating confessions and vm fanfic. Never mind everybody in ilderton. It’s a losing battle, ink.
trolls be trolling.
do you know how many of vm’s haters are absolutely LIVIN right now? to see their skating skills get neutered all because of a former skating partner? to see them end their career this way? p/c stans must be particularly happy that vm wont be coming back to “steal” p/c’s 2022 OGM... the reason why they love jackie so much is because she practically NEUTERED VM’s amazing skating and performance skills to the point of no return. there is NO WAY to comeback from this.
also isn’t it ~inch resting~ that besides tim k*leto, non of vm’s peers acknowledged their retirement? its cause they are probs celebrating. jackie must be a HERO to them.
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lunalilith19 · 5 years
Fantasy on Ice 2019, Japan: Yuzuru Hanyu  Dec. 7, 1994
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2-time Olympic men’s champion Yuzuru Hanyu is a hometown hero from Sendai where the shows are this weekend. He is a Sagittarius with Aquarius moon:  independent, idealistic, and very expressive. The dash, optimism, and foresight of Sagittarius combined with the originality and independence of Aquarius. Artistry and a sense of the dramatic are his forte, with an excellent sense of performance and of a crowd. Natural leadership skills.
Olympic gold medalists are driven people, and he has a tremendously powerful placement: Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in Scorpio, with Mars in Leo square Pluto  unusually close to exact, pretty rare. Mars square Pluto is action combined with power, and the more exact the aspect, the more intense it is. This gives him tremendous ambition and drive, with endless energy reserves and perseverance. A strong Mars translates to athleticism, too. He also has Mars square Jupiter which gives strength, courage and more energy. Bold action is the positive side, rash impulses are the flip side. He’s been known to push himself through injuries to compete, only to hurt himself worse. But he won his gold medal in Pyeongchang after badly injuring his ankle less than 3 months before.
Yuzuru’s Sun is at 14° Sagittarius, same as Scott’s Saturn.  There is respect both ways, but Yuzuru would respect Scott as older, with more life and skating experience.  Scott’s Saturn is the placement that fits into the yod in Tessa’s chart to represent their skating partnership, so Yuzuru’s Sun would fit there, too, in the activation point where their energies are channeled. So he would resonate or feel a kinship with VM’s skating.
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