#Wheel Studs  market
stark2131 · 10 months
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manjiroscum · 2 years
her, her, her
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Character/s: Emma Sano
Warnings: f!reader, explicit sex, mature language, w|w, cunnilingus, tribbing, characters are aged up/18+, squirting, and pet names are used. Minors do not interact.
Note: this is my piece for bby @kazuwhora’s pride month collab🌈
Synopsis: Emma wants to show off her new nails and the watermelon lipgloss she bought.
WC: 1k
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She had a way of capturing everyone’s attention, commanding eyes to follow the curve of her lips to the way her blonde hair swayed with every decisive step her legs took. Sano Emma was just as charming as her brothers—perhaps even more so than the three who had their own unique quirks. She’s perfect and she knows this. Long honey eyelashes batting and glossy lips in a pout for the poor sucker behind the taxi wheel to agree on having the ride back to your apartment for free.
It was getting late—having her swear to come home before dinner to avoid crowds and strange individuals tailing her. However, she didn’t want to take the bus or train. Not thinking twice to hail a taxi, she was quick to use her charms.
And to none of anyone’s surprise, he agreed. Thoughts of the ongoing increase in gas prices and his efforts in making money are murked by Emma’s cheeky ways. It wasn’t like that was her only choice to get home, though. A wad of cash still filling her wallet, enough for a trip to the fast food chain she loved.
Her reason for doing this? She just loves to exercise the power of her appeal.
All the taxi driver received, other than no rise in his cash, was a flying kiss from the youngest Sano sibling. A low melodic hum filled the staircase as Emma climbed up to your apartment.
“Hun, I’m home!”
Your girlfriend drawled upon entry, shutting the door behind her before sauntering in, pink floral dress fluttering due to the breeze that entered through the open windows. The dainty new nails she paid for in the shade of gold and lightly studded with tiny gems shone under the afternoon glow that streamed through the thin curtains. Her tongue tasted the flavored gloss on her lips as she looked for your familiar figure around the homey apartment. Her honey-hued irises found you lounging on the bed, a book stuck between your nose. Your head lifted up at the movement by the doorway, lips curling into a smile at the sight of Emma. You gestured for her to come hither, giggling when she swung her hips exaggeratedly as she made her way towards you. A pink paper bag hanging by her wrist which she gently threw onto the armchair by the corner before jumping on top of you.
“Oomph—Em, easy…” Laughter bubbled up to your throat at the ticklish sensation of her glossy lips kissing up the flesh of your neck. Despite it being sticky against your skin, the scent of watermelon was inciting. Lips meeting hers halfway, you hummed in delight as your tongue darted out to swipe on Emma’s bottom lip. “Tasty. Is this the lipgloss you’ve been waitin’ to hit the market? The one you couldn't stop talkin’ about for days? The same lipgloss you—”
“Ha, ha. Very funny. I don’t hear you complaining though.” Emma let out a puff of air, straddling you easily. A smirk on her beautiful face, cheeks pink as she wrapped her hand around your neck. “Do ‘ya like my nails, babe?” She continued once she saw your lips curl up, laying there and taking it. Her golden strands of hair almost acted like a halo around her head to which she tilted playfully. Honey-hued eyes slightly squinting at the scene before her. “Not gonna lie, my hand looks so much better now.” A squeeze halted you from responding, especially when it was accompanied by a grind of her hips.
A moan slipped past both of your lips as Emma started to grind continuously against your clothed pussy. But it never stays that way forever, especially the moment her needy whines started to pour out of her mouth and her fingers reached down carefully to remove your pajamas along with your underwear. Your hands reached down instantly to bury your fingers into her hair as those glossy lips started to peck down kisses straight to your aching core. Pussy lips were pampered by Emma’s long licks and sucking on the throbbing clit. The action had you mewling, fisting into strands of sunshine to show how much you were pleasured by her.
“Mhm, ‘s sweet…” Emma giggled, the vibrations shooting straight to your throbbing clit. Pussy lips wet in your arousal and her saliva. “Taste ‘s good, hun. My fav… Can’t get ‘nough.” Her tongue slowly entered your cunt, a small whine slipped from your tongue as the feeling of her mouth and fingers rubbing on your clit was heavenly. To eat her out on the couch, bed, or even under the shower was your favorite pastime that was slowly becoming a habit such as it was for Emma. Yet, for your girlfriend who loves to be on the receiving end all the time to go down on you like this—despite it not being so rare it certainly felt like you won the lottery today. It was either she wasn’t lazy or she just wanted to show off her new stuff.
Lips drenched in your juices, Emma suddenly sat up, leaving you a whimpering mess who hasn’t been given the high you expected yet. Eyes catching her teasing grin and the show of licking your essence to a point it was what coated her mouth instead of the watermelon lipgloss she bought, you were instantly up. A mess of giggles and squeals erupted. Your hands started removing the rest of your clothes and Emma’s as well. Pretty much everything that was blocking your access from her pretty pussy that was glistening under the afternoon glow got acquainted with the floor. A hiss left your lips, parting Emma’s legs like it was a gift, and settled down in between them. Your aching clit found hers before your hips started to thrust, searching for the right rhythm and friction that would have you two mewling and whining. It didn't take long before you two found it. Emma sobbed, nails finding purchase in the plush of your thighs.
“Cum for me, Em,” you groaned at the writhing beauty below you. Emma was quick to listen to your requests, squirting against your pelvis and abdomen. Both of your backs arched at the feeling. Her moans were high-pitched as you continue to thrust your hips despite already reaching both of your highs. A playful smirk etched on your lips, you leaned down to kiss her mumbling lips. Endlessly babbling for more. “We’re not done yet, babe. Ask nicely and I’ll use the strap.”
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🎐taglist: @ranilingus @wakaslut @meganemoon @eroscastle @tobidabio @zuuki @chloee0x @leavemealonebutinpink @kamisoria @festive @keijisprettygirl @httphaitani @marism @stffychn @blueparadis @tokyometronetwork @sanoinc
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greysfic · 1 year
Irina, Count of Powderscar
Irina, Count of Powderscar, The Rust-Feather Crane, Shadow Of The Killing Rain, Demon Noble of the Sixth Circle. Subsidiary Soul: Beza, The Rust-Feather Crane
Irina takes the form of a tall, thin woman - unnaturally slender, her body corded with muscle. Her skin is rust-red, her head adorned with scarlet feathers like a thick mane. Her eyes are black holes ringed with bright steel; meeting her gaze is like staring into the barrel of a gun. She dresses in elegant robes in more shades of red and brown, with wings upon her back. Her weapon of choice is called Leadfire Wheel, a ringblade studded with pistols.
Her demense, Powderscar, is a dense and tall city wreathed in gunsmoke. The gunsmithies ring with hammers and testfire at all hours, almost drowned out by the bustle of the markets. It is surrounded by the bullet paddies that bring it wealth; oil-flooded fields where ammunition is grown by serfs and patrolled by stilt-legged guards. It sits on the edge of a canyon and the bridge to the far side is controlled from her palace.
She is known to be decisive and merciless; not cruel, but without hesitation in meting out punishment, quick to apply to the death sentence by her own hand. She is also well known for her taste and fondness for fashionable attire; her preferred colour palette may be limited but she delights in designs which make interesting use of pattern, texture, and shape. She practices pyrography, searing detailed and delicate scenes of nude figures lounging in gardens. Her private chambers are decorated with abstract sculptures of smoke and her favourite guns from her personal forge.
She serves Earl Ruthven of Kanon with fidelity, but feuds with her closest peers; Titus Ironhand covets her gunsmiths and she despies his boorish manners, while she and Lelka the Cutting Scream have never forgiven each other over being punished for infighting by having a rare material over which they battled taken by Ruthven. She is ever at war with her neighbour of the Fourth Circle, Count Lenshi of the Bitter Coast, who rules the demense wildward of her own. The great cannons of Powderscar shout their rage every few hours in a effort to sink his fleet. She takes lovers in secret and their names are not known.
Expressions: Hunter's Eyes: When sighting a target, Irina gets one use of the Hyper-Appraisal Blasphemy for free. Cannon Queen: Ballistic cannon revere Irina; they will try to miss her when fired in her direction. Bullet Ballet: Irina can use her Perform Skill in place of Evasion when avoiding gunfire and kick off bullets to propel herself.
Her subsidiary-soul, Beza, takes the form of an immense crane with rusting iron feathers. He soars above the demense, his shadow causing terror in Demons who fall under it. Traitors, spies, and criminals feel the piercing besk of Beza, whether falling from the sky like a spike of doom or exploding from a perfectly still one-legged posture. Beza enjoys harp music and eating Imps.
Expressions: Steel Beak: Beza's beak attacks ignores up to 5 Soak. Stillness to Violence: Beza blends into his home territory when still. When doing so, his Composure is doubled for determining Initiative and his next attack counts as if from stealth.
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hillslicensing-blog · 1 month
Masculine Fashion: Trending Leather Biker Vest for Men's Motorcycles
New Post has been published on https://ashipwreckinthesand.com/masculine-fashion-trending-leather-biker-vest-for-mens-motorcycles/
Masculine Fashion: Trending Leather Biker Vest for Men's Motorcycles
Latest Men’s Motorcycle Leather Vest Trends
Two-wheeling is about flair and safety, not just the ride. Innovations in a leather vest for men motorcycle combines fashion, comfort, and usefulness. These vests are durable and designed for motorcyclists’ weatherproofing and storage needs.
Due to their durability and traditional style, leather vests have long been a biker staple. However, recent trends have made them wearable and interpretable differently. Designers are infusing modern fashion trends into these vests while maintaining their authenticity. This includes trying out non-black leather vest cuts, colors, and details.
The popularity of hybrid leather vests is one example. Leather, denim, or canvas vests are adaptable and can be worn on and off the bike. The hybrid design adds a modern style and improves airflow, which is helpful in summer.
Another trend is color variety. While black is still the classic choice for hiding grime and grease, more riders are choosing brown, tan, or distressed leather to stand out. These classic colors attract riders who seek to mix retro and current bicycle gear.
Men’s motorbike leather vest detailing has also changed. More than functional pockets are needed. Modern vests have intricate stitch patterns, embossed logos, and hand-painted designs to express the rider’s flair. Lace-up sides or metal hardware like studs and zippers make vests more attractive and adjustable.
Fashion is as much about utility as style, especially for protective gear. Hidden pockets, watertight compartments, and secure zip closures enable riders to carry personal things safely and conveniently in modern vests.
Leather vest safety has improved. Modern vests have armored panels for more excellent protection without sacrificing style. High-tech layers like Kevlar are deliberately placed to safeguard key areas from falls.
The latest designs emphasize fit and comfort. Bulky traditional vests hampered movement. Recent vests are ergonomically built. They have personalized fittings that improve comfort, mobility, and rider protection. The vest fits the rider ideally thanks to adjustable straps and elastic panels.
The motorbike leather vest market has followed the green fashion trend. Sustainable leather and eco-friendly tanning and manufacturing are becoming more popular among designers. This movement is driven by consumer demand for durable, ethically made items.
Motorcycle gear firms and high-fashion designers have collaborated to make these vests chicer. These collaborations create distinctive motorcycle gear that blends runway design with practicality, allowing riders to make a fashion statement on and off their bikes.
Finally, motorcycle vests with electronics improve riding. Vests with built-in LED safety lights, GPS trackers, and hydration packs are more than fashion statements they’re safety equipment.
In the future, men’s motorbike leather vests will have more unique characteristics. From superior protective materials to interactive technologies, these clothing can significantly improve riding. Today’s styles combine timeless styles with cutting-edge technology for modern motorcyclists, catering to their preferences and needs.
Essential Men’s Leather Motorcycle Vest Features
Besides expertise and safety, riding a motorbike requires the correct clothing, and a leather vest for men’s motorcycles is essential. Modern motorcyclists need leather vests for safety, comfort, and convenience, not just for aesthetics or cultural homage to the iconic biker image.
Riders have chosen leather for decades due to its durability and abrasion resistance. This material protects against slides and provides a versatile platform for several practical upgrades in a leather vest. The leather thickness and treatment provide durability and comfort on short rides or cross-country treks.
Ample pocket capacity is a critical element of modern vests. Most bikes have limited storage, but vests with several pockets make phones, wallets, and keys easier to access. Pockets are strategically positioned and constructed for security, generally with zippers or sturdy snaps to prevent loss during high speeds or accidents.
Adjustable vests are essential for accommodating diverse body shapes and sizes and weather-appropriate underlayers. The vest’s elegant profile and comfort are enhanced with side laces or adjustable straps that tighten or loosen the fit. Customizability optimizes protective insert distribution and retention for maximum protection and comfort.
In warmer climates or summer rides, ventilation is crucial. Leather vests with perforated panels or zippered vents allow airflow, which helps riders stay cool on extended rides.
While traditional vests lack armor for a sleeker look, modern ones frequently include it. Padded reinforcements or safety-certified armor may be used at essential impact locations like the back and chest. Such elements increase the vest’s protection without sacrificing weight or comfort, giving riders peace of mind and style.
Motorcycle visibility is often an issue, especially in low light. Vests with reflective detailing address this safety issue. Vest producers make cyclists more visible at night and in bad weather by sewing or adding reflective materials.
Thanks to technology, leather motorbike vests are now modern. To accommodate modern riders’ needs, these vests have built-in headphone loops, Bluetooth capability, and UV-reactive fabrics that change color in sunshine.
Motorcycle vest lifetime and performance depend on leather quality and upkeep. Premium hides treated with weather-resistant chemicals can prolong the vest’s life, look, and function. Regular conditioning with the right products keeps the leather supple and crack-free, preserving its durability and comfort.
Vest design and aesthetics are essential. Although black is still the primary color for combining with other clothing and accessories, new dyes and treatment procedures have expanded the color and finish options, allowing riders to customize their style. The vintage look of distressed leather can stand out or suit a bike style or personal taste.
Contemporary leather motorcycle vests have many features that go beyond their traditional roles. They’re no longer only a symbol of motorcycle culture but essential gear designed for safety, functionality, and style to satisfy current riders’ needs. From leather to fasteners to technological upgrades, every detail is examined to improve the riding experience, illustrating that even the most straightforward motorcycle clothing can be groundbreaking in design and utility.
Continuing the stylistic focus, new vests meet riders’ changing aesthetic choices while providing safety and comfort. Designers are adding handmade accents for fans of artisanal gear. The rider’s personality can be shown in bespoke embossing, stitching, and hand-painted designs.
Vest functionality is being rethought to accommodate modular components. Some vests have replaceable thermal liners or waterproof overlays that provide abrasion, thermal, and water protection. This modular design suits vests for summer and cooler, wetter months, making them year-round companions.
Every element of the current leather motorbike vest is designed to improve riding. Due to their high road demands, these vests are essential gear for severe riders, from cutting-edge materials and safety features to thoughtful comfort and convenience features. The appropriate vest protects and expresses the rider’s flair, whether on city streets or in the wilderness.
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market-spy · 2 months
Embarking on a Whimsical Journey through the Global Portable Toilet Market
Welcome, dear reader, to the fascinating world of portable toilets, where necessity meets innovation, and convenience reigns supreme. Join me on a whimsical adventure as w delve into the intricacies of this booming market, sprinkled with a dash of humor and a pinch of satire.
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The Portable Toilet Market: A Tale of Convenience and Innovation
In a world where construction projects thrive, outdoor events flourish, and disaster-stricken areas cry out for relief, portable toilets emerge as the unsung heroes of sanitation. With a market valued at a staggering USD 19.52 billion in 2022, these humble abodes on wheels are poised to soar to new heights, reaching a staggering USD 37.43 billion by 2031. But what fuels this remarkable growth, you ask? Let's find out!
The Rise of the Portable Toilet Empire: A Story of Necessity and Ingenuity
Picture this: a bustling construction site in need of relief, a sprawling music festival yearning for convenience, or a disaster-stricken area crying out for basic sanitation. Enter the portable toilet, a beacon of hope in times of need. With the ability to provide hygienic and convenient facilities wherever they're needed, these marvels of modern engineering have captured the hearts (and bladders) of millions around the globe.
From Power Trailers to Lifting Toilets: A Symphony of Versatility
In the realm of portable toilets, diversity reigns supreme. From the mighty Power Trailer Mobile Toilet, equipped with all the bells and whistles of a conventional restroom, to the nimble Handling/Lifting Moving Toilet, designed to traverse even the trickiest of terrains, there's a portable toilet for every occasion. Whether it's a construction site in need of a quick fix or a music festival craving a touch of luxury, these versatile units have got you covered.
North America: The Throne of Portable Toilets
Ah, North America, where portable toilets roam free and sanitation reigns supreme. With nations like the United States and Canada leading the charge, the region has cemented its status as the largest player in the portable toilet market. From bustling construction sites to star-studded events, portable toilets are the backbone of North America's sanitation infrastructure, ensuring cleanliness and comfort for all.
The Competitive Landscape: A Battle of Wits and Innovation
In a market teeming with innovation and competition, only the strongest survive. From industry giants like United Site Services to up-and-coming startups like FlushBox, the portable toilet market is a battleground of wits and ingenuity. With each player vying for the top spot, the race to revolutionize sanitation has never been fiercer.
Recent Developments: A Glimpse into the Future of Portable Sanitation
In the ever-evolving world of portable toilets, innovation is key. From solar-powered toilets to compostable commodes, the latest developments in portable sanitation are nothing short of revolutionary. As the world embraces sustainability and eco-friendliness, the future of portable toilets looks brighter than ever.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/lyophilized-injectable-drugs-market
Final Thoughts: A Whirlwind Adventure through the Portable Toilet Market
And so, dear reader, we come to the end of our whimsical journey through the global portable toilet market. From construction sites to music festivals, from North America to Europe, portable toilets have woven themselves into the fabric of modern society, providing comfort and convenience wherever they go. As the market continues to grow and evolve, one thing is certain: the portable toilet is here to stay.
So, here's to the unsung heroes of sanitation, the knights in shining armor of cleanliness, and the champions of convenience. Long live the portable toilet!
And with that, dear reader, I bid you adieu. Until next time, may your toilets be portable and your adventures whimsical!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
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SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
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Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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ledenews · 2 months
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aminadesthink · 3 months
Niiiinth WEEEEK🥳
That when I returned home, I thought for a long time about my idea of a device for a car and incredibly annoyed everyone around me for help and approval of my idea.After analyzing for a long time, I realized that my device, which I thought about last week, would be difficult to implement, namely, to convey the main idea so that people who evaluated would understand my device.
I started coming up with ideas and immediately checking them for the presence of ahaha in the real world. I wanted to create a car that would change the color of the body on a button or depending on the weather, but it turns out there is already one: a BMW patent. There is also a car that can separate from the wheels. An amphibious car also exists. And then, asking the environment what problem and difficulties they face with cars, I realized that today the problem is the roads and the lack of preparation of cars for Frosts. My brother always changes tires to studded tires in advance, because he knows that if he does it a little later, he will spend more than 4 hours 🫣 at the service station. People spend a lot of resources for this process: time, money, patience. Therefore, after analyzing the market, I realized that it would be great to create tires that, with one click and analysis of the weather forecast, can release or remove tires at the right time at the right frequency. I made a beautiful sketch and device, gave it to you and I'm terribly waiting for my assessment.
In addition, we evaluated the fakes of the guys and understand what kind of item this device belongs to. I came across a device for feeding bricks with cement at once, which are lined up, which would speed up and facilitate the construction process at times. I immediately realized that this object is connected with the "Building". This device was immediately reflected in me and after evaluating all the stages, I gave a score of 97, removing points for the absence of a sketch.😭💔💔
Is it even possible to implement our devices? And would there be a great response from their creation?)
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threadaid · 10 months
Thread Rolling Machines: The Unsung Heroes of Modern Manufacturing
The Advantages of Thread Rolling
1. Increased Strength and Durability
One of the key benefits of thread rolling machine is the significant increase in the strength and durability of threaded components. The displacement of material during the rolling process ensures that the grain structure of the metal follows the contour of the thread, resulting in threads with improved fatigue resistance and tensile strength. This, in turn, leads to products that have a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and repairs.
2. Superior Surface Finish
Thread rolling machines are capable of producing threads with exceptional surface finish and precision. The process eliminates the need for additional finishing operations, saving both time and costs. The smooth and uniform threads not only enhance the aesthetics of the final product but also play a vital role in reducing friction and wear, making them particularly valuable in high-performance applications.
3. Enhanced Production Efficiency
In the world of manufacturing, time is money. Thread rolling machines can work at remarkable speeds, generating threads at a much faster rate compared to traditional cutting methods. Moreover, thread rolling eliminates the need for secondary operations such as chamfering and deburring, streamlining the production process and significantly reducing lead times. This efficiency boost allows manufacturers to meet tight deadlines and stay competitive in the market.
4. Cost Savings
While investing in advanced machinery might seem like a significant upfront cost, thread rolling machines offer substantial long-term savings. The enhanced strength and durability of the threads lead to a reduction in product failures and warranty claims. Additionally, the elimination of secondary operations and the ability to produce threads at higher speeds result in lower production costs, contributing to a healthier bottom line for manufacturers.
Types of Thread Rolling Machines
1. Flat Die Thread Rolling Machines
Flat die thread rolling machines are among the most common types used in the industry. They utilize two flat dies to form threads on the workpiece. These machines are well-suited for producing threads on cylindrical parts, such as bolts, screws, and studs. The flat dies come in various configurations, allowing manufacturers to produce different thread profiles.
2. Cylindrical Die Thread Rolling Machines
Cylindrical die thread rolling machines, as the name suggests, employ cylindrical dies instead of flat dies. These machines are ideal for creating threads on larger workpieces or parts with non-cylindrical shapes. The cylindrical dies allow for greater flexibility in thread design and are often used for specialized applications.
3. Planetary Thread Rolling Machines
Planetary thread rolling machines are the go-to choice for high-volume production of threaded components. They feature multiple rolling heads that can simultaneously work on different parts, drastically increasing output rates. Planetary thread rolling machines are highly automated and can handle complex threads with ease, making them suitable for industries with large-scale production requirements.
Application of Thread Rolling Machines
1. Automotive Industry
The automotive industry heavily relies on threaded components in various assemblies, from engine parts to suspension systems. Thread rolling machines ensure the production of reliable and durable threads, vital for the safety and performance of vehicles. Manufacturers can efficiently produce bolts, studs, and wheel studs, among other parts, to meet the demands of the ever-growing automotive market.
2. Aerospace Sector
In aerospace engineering, precision and reliability are paramount. Thread rolling machines provide the aerospace sector with threads that meet strict quality standards. Applications range from aircraft engine components to critical fasteners used in aircraft assembly. The exceptional strength and fatigue resistance of rolled threads are crucial in ensuring the integrity of aerospace structures.
3. Construction and Infrastructure
Threaded components play a crucial role in the construction industry, providing strong connections and joints in various structures. Thread rolling machines contribute to the construction sector by producing threaded rods, anchor bolts, and structural fasteners. The ability to mass-produce these components efficiently ensures timely completion of projects and maintains the structural integrity of buildings and infrastructure.
Thread rolling machines have undoubtedly emerged as the unsung heroes of modern manufacturing. Their ability to produce threads with superior strength, surface finish, and efficiency makes them indispensable in industries where precision and reliability are paramount. From the automotive sector to aerospace engineering and construction, these machines shape the backbone of countless products that surround us daily.
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weighbridges1 · 10 months
livestock animal weighing scale for cattle sheep with fence
Veterinary weighing scales for vet clinics in Kampala Uganda
Accurate weighing scales offers one type of veterinary weighing scale for weighing dogs, cats and other small animals that no vet should be without. By weighing an animal, it is often possible to determine its medical condition both quickly and accurately. Small animal scales are primarily used to weigh pets and allow the vet to calculate the appropriate medication dosage.
 Veterinary weighing scales are ideal for small dogs, puppies, cats, rabbits, large fish or turtles. Bird scales are used to determine the weight of parrots, pigeons and many other bird species. They consist of precision scales with an integrated perch. Horse scales are used in horse clinics, but can also be found at studs and in riding clubs. Rabbit scales are obviously particularly popular with rabbit breeders, who might however use baby scales to weigh their animals.
High-quality single animal weighing scales in Kampala
You can reduce sort losses considerably by weighing pigs. High-quality single animal weighing scales that can also be used as sorting scales. The key features of these livestock scales are listed below:
 ⦁             Portable Weigh Crate for Pigs
⦁             Made entirely of V2a-grade stainless steel
⦁             Weighing technology: 4 load cells á 1000 kg
⦁             Step height only 35 mm
⦁             Non-slip slatted floor
⦁             Waterproof stainless-steel indicator with large 30 mm display
⦁             Rotatable indicator
⦁             Sorting lights with three-color status display
⦁             Total weight just 54 kg
⦁             Simple single-handed operation of the entrance gate
⦁             Remote unlocking - the front gate can be controlled remotely by a lever mechanism
⦁             Two large rubber wheels (150 mm) and one retractable guide wheel mounted on the front for easy transportation
⦁             Animal weighing software for accurate weighing even of restless animals 
⦁             Optional: Integrated battery with automatic, power-saving switch-off feature for up to 15 hours of continuous operation 
⦁             Pen and spray can holder included
⦁             Dimensions: 1600 x 525 x 900 mm
⦁             Optional: Data transfer of weight, date and time to a USB stick
⦁             1 year warranty
Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.
For inquiries on deliveries contact us
 Office +256 705 577 823, +256 775 259 917
 Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036
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marryp · 11 months
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ezaccessory · 11 months
Black & Red Spike Lug Nuts vs. Traditional Lug Nuts: Which Is Better
Shop for Red/Black Spike Lug Nuts online!! When you are seeking to add a touch of personal style and customize your car, lug nuts can be a good option.
What Are Spike Lug Nuts?
Spike lug nuts are popularly known for their stunning appearance and security features. These lug nuts feature decorative spikes that give a unique and aggressive appearance making them a popular choice. Also, they secure your wheels to the axle hub. They can be easily compatible with the wheel studs and are easy to install, tighten or loosen using a lug wrench or socket.
While traditional lug nuts serve a practical purpose, quality Red Spike Lug Nuts have gained popularity for their bold and eye-catching appearance.
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Traditional Lug Nuts & Red/Black Spike Lug Nuts- Let’s Compare Them-
Aesthetics and Personalization- A black and red spike lug nut features a unique design with spikes, ensuring a striking visual appeal. You will find them in different sizes and designs thus ensuring customization based on your preferred style. On the flip side, traditional lug nuts come with a conventional appearance, available in plain chrome or silver finishes. Moreover, you can expect a superior aesthetic advantage from Spike Lug Nuts.
Security and Theft Prevention- Spike lug nuts are designed with unique patterns or specialized keys, making them more secure. They act as a deterrent as they cannot be easily tampered with. Whereas, Traditional lug nuts are common and familiar, are also relatively secure. However, they can be theft owing to their standard design. If security is a significant concern, using spike lug nuts can be a smart endeavor. They give a slight advantage in theft deterrence.
Compatibility and Versatility- In this category, both the traditional lug nuts and spike lug nuts are compatible and versatile. Traditional lug nuts have a standard thread size and can fit different vehicles. You can easily find them on the market and compatible with various wheel types. On the flip side, spike lug nuts have specific thread sizes or designs and make sure you choose the right one for your vehicle.
Durability and Longevity- Both the spike lug nuts and traditional lug nuts are made from premium materials. However, Black/Red Spike Lug Nuts come with additional decorative elements and ensure reliable and long-lasting performance. Spike lug nuts can be a better option in terms of visual appeal and durability.
It all depends on your personal choice and budget. Spike lug nuts excel in terms of aesthetics and theft deterrence. They are also durable and reliable, made from high-quality materials. You can customize them as per your desired style, compatibility requirements, and security concerns. However, choosing the right one can make a difference. They can improve the safety and performance of your vehicle.
Find a reliable and professional supplier for the best quality spike lug nuts. This is where you can rely on EZAccessory which presents a new spike lug nut line. EZAccessory is a famous manufacturer and seller of the most popular designed lug nuts in their unique and appealing spike form. You can buy Red/Black Spike Lug Nuts at competitive pricing. Visit https://www.ezaccessory.com.
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sarraalejo022 · 1 year
Qi Coins Trick! Cheating The 선파워 바둑이! - Stardew Valley
The jokers are two additional cards, usually distinguishable from one another by color or style, that come alongside the other traditional 52 cards of a French-suited deck.In addition, the dealer uses a blank plastic card, which is never dealt, but is placed toward the bottom of the pack to indicate when it will be time for the cards to be reshuffled. It used to be worse: in 1866, a version of the game featuring an American Eagle symbol added yet another opportunity for the house to win it all. With the advent of computer-simulated card games and Internet card rooms, poker surged in popularity in the early 2000s.
Latin decks usually drop the higher-valued pip cards, while Germanic decks drop the lower-valued ones.Tables games, such as blackjack or craps, involve one or more players who are competing against the house (the casino itself) rather than each other. Each $1,000 incremental bet would be represented by a marker that is used to specifically identify the player and the amount bet. There is an optional $2 bet you make at the same time you place your Ante. This qualifies you for the progressive jackpot. If your hand is a Flush, Full House, Four of a Kind, Straight Flush or Royal Flush you may win large bonuses.
The gaming industry is big business in the U.S., contributing an estimated US$240 billion to the economy each year, while generating $38 billion in tax revenues and supporting 17 million jobs.The one described above is a Play’n’Go RNG Caribbean Stud Poker table. When it comes to the Playtech table, you begin by choosing the table limits, then on the left side of the table you will notice the progressive jackpot paytable, then the jackpot and ante wagers, the betting options, and the normal bets paytable. Sure, you have the best of the best out there and mentioning a titan of the industry is all the argument you need to enjoy a live game right now. Poker made easy – only with the Live Caribbean Stud Poker table powered by Evolution Gaming. So, what are you waiting for? Play Caribbean Stud Poker today! The play -- Caribbean Stud Poker. Caribbean Stud Poker is the copyrighted, trademarked, and patented poker variation game, the rights to which on June 1, 1999 were owned by Mikohn Gaming Corporation of Las Vegas, Nevada and which may be transferred or assigned. Caribbean Stud Poker rules:
During the first part of the 20th century, the only casino towns of note were Monte Carlo with the traditional single zero French wheel, and Las Vegas with the American double zero wheel. In the 1970s, casinos began to flourish around the world.and in the inclusion or exclusion of an extra series of (usually) 21 numbered cards known as tarocks or trumps, sometimes considered as a fifth suit, but more properly regarded as a group of special suitless cards, to form what is known as a Tarot deck.The bets of winning players’ hands are paid according to the following payment schedule, which shall be displayed by table signage or on the table layout:Royal flush pays 100 to 1,Straight flush pays 50 to 1,Four of a kind pays 20 to 1,Full house pays 7 to 1,Flush pays 5 to 1,Straight pays 4 to 1,Three of a kind pays 3 to 1,2 pairs pays 2 to 1,1 pair or less pays 1 to 1 (even money). As of 2015, Japan's pachinko market generates more gambling revenue than that of Las Vegas, Macau and Singapore combined.
French playing cards (jeu de cartes) are cards that use the French suits of trèfles (clovers or clubs♣), carreaux (tiles or diamonds♦), cœurs (hearts♥), and piques (pikes or spades♠). Each suit contains three face cards; the Valet (Knave or Jack), the Dame (Lady or Queen), and the Roi (King). Aside from these aspects, decks can include a wide variety of regional and national patterns which often have different deck sizes. In comparison to Spanish, Italian, German, and Swiss playing cards, French cards are the most widespread due to the geopolitical, commercial, and cultural influence of France and the United Kingdom in the past two centuries. Another reason for their expansion was the simplicity of the suit insignia which simplifies mass production and the popularity of Whist, Contract Bridge, and the recent Poker boom.Under the law, pachinko balls won from games cannot be exchanged directly for money in the parlor, nor can they be removed from the premises or exchanged with other parlors; however, they can be legally traded to the parlor for so-called "special prize" tokens (特殊景品 tokushu keihin), which are then legally "sold" for cash to a separate vendor located off-premises.The minimum hard way bet can be a minimum one unit. A number may be backed along with the two numbers on the either side of it in a 5-chip bet.
Many other games may also be found in some casinos—for example, sic bo, fan-tan, and pai-gow poker in Asia and local games such as boule, banca francesa, and kalooki in Europe.This reflects the fact that the player is churning the same money over and over again. A 23.6% hold, for example, would imply that, on average, the player bets the total he brought to the table five times, as 23.6% is approximately equal to 100% − (100% − 5.26%)5. For example, a player with $100 making $10 bets on red (which has a near 50/50 chance of winning) is highly unlikely to lose all his money after only 10 bets, and will most likely continue to bet until he has lost all of his money or decides to leave.What is less obvious to many is that the long-term experience rarely occurs at the player level. The game was founded in France, as the game of 21, or Vingt-et-un in French.
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The street version of craps was popular among servicemembers who often played it using a blanket as a shooting surface.The probability of dice combinations determine the odds of the payout. 선파워 바둑이 Montagu didn't invent the meal - it's meat between bread, after all; people had likely been eating this combo for centuries - but he did give it a name and a cool story to go with it (whether he liked it or not!). Of these, Delaware, Rhode Island, and West Virginia formerly participated in a shared VLT game, Cashola.
Traditionally, the buy bet commission is paid no matter what, but in recent years a number of casinos have changed their policy to charge the commission only when the buy bet wins. Some casinos charge the commission as a one-time fee to buy the number; payouts are then always at true odds.By 2003 a particular type of poker known as Texas Hold 'Em emerged as the game of choice.Alternative methods of play try to increase participation by creating excitement. At table games, each table has a rectangular sign detailing minimum and maximum bets.
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collinssaskia39 · 1 year
This is your perfect opportunity to learn 우리카지노계열 and become a winner
In a large and popular category of trick-taking games, traditionally called whist-style games although the best-known example may now be bridge, one suit may be designated in each hand of play to be trump and all cards of the trump suit rank above all non-trump cards, and automatically prevail over them, losing only to a higher trump if one is played to the same trick.As a result, states where tribal properties dominate, such as California, receive fewer gambling taxes than would otherwise be the case. Therefore, it should be valuable to prudently explore how local residents in Asian regions, particularly those with similar ethnic and cultural heritages, label meanings or viewpoints toward the universal developments of casino gambling. Harrah's Entertainment explains that Profile of the American Casino Gambler is based on two studies:
How all these variations on the basic idea came about is not fully understood. One plausible theory is that some of them arose from midunderstandings due to language differences, which resulted in something like visual puns.Thus, with an ace and a six (7 or 17), the player would not stop at 17, but would hit. For the side bet to have no house edge in this game the meter would need to reach $149,389.47. For a $5 minimum game to have no house edge the meter would need to reach$238,716.85, and for a $10 game the meter would need to be $328,044.23. If the point is a 4 or 10 players can bet as little as $2 if the table minimum is low such as $5, $10 or $15 tables. If the player requests the don't pass odds to be not working ("Off") and the shooter hits the point or sevens-out, the don't pass bet will be lost or doubled and the don't pass odds returned. Unlike a standard lay bet on a point, lay odds behind the Don't Pass line does not charge commission (vig).
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In Montana, VLT-type poker, keno and bingo machines are legal to operate in the private sector.Each Knave is clothed in armour, armed with a sword and leans on a halberd. The Knave of Hearts has a lyre-shaped badge representing arms, replacing what used to be placed, the Lion of Theirs. However, it may be that the first deck of cards ever printed was a Chinese domino deck, in whose cards we can see all the 21 combinations of a pair of dice. Among the early patterns of playing card were those probably derived from the Mamluk suits of cups, coins, swords, and polo-sticks, which are still used in traditional Latin decks.
A hand counting 21 on the first two cards (an ace and a 10 or face card) is called a natural or a blackjack.If you'd like to pass by the games of chance, you'll want a hefty bankroll and a knowledge of How to Play Poker in a Casino.A major rule change from Five Card Stud Poker is that Caribbean Stud Poker is played only against the dealer, and not against any of the other players at the table. Due to this aspect of the game, there is no bluffing or other means of deception involved. A few more subjects from the Piemontesi deck can be viewed by clicking here.Furthermore, in some editions all Genoese courts feature pink or flesh-colured skin, a detail never found in the typical French and Belgian styles (with the exception of very few editions produced for overseas markets). Lastly, in some editions the doubling line is no longer marked by a band or stripe (see picture on the right), but by a simple line.
In practice, players employing betting systems may win, and may indeed win very large sums of money, but the losses (which, depending on the design of the betting system, may occur quite rarely) will outweigh the wins.The pass line bet is a contract bet. Once a pass line bet is made, it is always working and cannot be turned "Off", taken down, or reduced until a decision is reached – the point is made, or the shooter sevens out.The other gambling game where your decision matter is video poker. The pockets of the roulette wheel are numbered from 0 to 36.
2nd column numbers 5 to 32 cost 40 chips each to complete. The payout for a win on these numbers is 392 chips.The former Portuguese colony of Macau, a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China since 1999, is a popular destination for visitors who wish to gamble.You'll need to stick to quarter slots, and at that you risk being finished for the day in about 15 minutes. Do not take this system for granted, however; a few casinos have signs all of the same color or use different color coding.
The house edge tells them what kind of profit they will make as percentage of turnover, and the variance tells them how much they need in the way of cash reserves.This number then permits calculation of rate of loss per hour, and per the 4 day/5 hour per day gambling trip: 우리카지노계열 Some gamblers simply take things too far: addiction counselors say that some problem gamblers are so impaired by their addiction that they simply urinate all over themselves or wear adult diapers rather than step away from the table or slot machine. Forwards/backwards – All numbers beginning or ending with the wild number.
Casinos may charge the vig up front thereby requiring the player to pay a vig win or lose, other casinos may only take the vig if the bet wins.The player must specify otherwise if he or she wishes to have the bet not working.Payout is the percentage of funds ("winnings") returned to players. By the 1940s there were Bingo games throughout the US.
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digitalgenral · 1 year
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sbknews · 1 year
ADSS97 Kawasaki announces star‑studded World Endurance Line Up
UK-based World Endurance team ADSS97 Kawasaki is upping the ante for 2023, announcing an exciting new rider line up of Chris Walker, Levi Day, Chris Platt and Craig Currie. All four riders will be competing on a freshly prepared Superstock spec Ninja ZX-10R.       2023 will mark a big step forward for the ADSS97 Kawasaki team. After several seasons competing in the Endurance World Championship Superstock class, the squad are now setting their sights on success with its strongest line up to date. Spearheading the effort is Kawasaki legend Chris Walker, who will be returning to the competitive world of endurance racing for the first time in over two decades.  Joining him on the Ninja ZX-10R will be Australian rider Levi Day, who has enjoyed great success in the National Superstock class in the UK. Team owner and experienced rider Chris Platt completes the team, having ridden Kawasaki machinery in both the British and World Endurance Championships. Craig Currie is on hand as reserve rider for the season as well as competing on three wheels in the World Sidecar Championship and Isle of Man TT. The ADSS97 Kawasaki team truck will also be the K-Tech Suspension Service Centre for the entire EWC Paddock. Chris Walker: “What an opportunity! To race within a team full of my pals on a proven bike, the ADSS97 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R, and at the Le Mans 24hr again after a 24-year gap is mega! I had always hoped my career would head me back in the direction of endurance racing as it reached its latter years, having enjoyed it so much in the past, but it didn’t quite pan out. A few years in Sidecars and TriOptions Cup, coupled with old age and obesity, sent me down a different path, so I’ve been Zip testing for RST for a while now, but the chance to go and ride the 24hr EWC series in the stock class is something I couldn’t turn down. So with the help of a few of my old sponsors coming along and supporting the team, I’m back on track, back on a Kwak, back to Le Mans and back on a racers regime of training and eating properly. Testing starts in Spain in a matter of Days, and I can’t wait!” Levi Day: “I’m really looking forward to the Endurance World Championship this year, and it’s something I’ve been keen to get into over the last few years. I’ve had the pleasure of doing Suzuka and an eight hour at Estoril a few years ago, so doing the three 24-hour races this year really excites me! It will be something very different to what I’m used to, but I will be working hard to do the best for the team, and I’m looking forward to teaming up with Chris Platt and Chris Walker on the ZX-10R and working together with the team to do our very best. There is a great crew involved, and I’m excited to get going!” Chris Platt: “I’ve competed in all sorts of racing, but I have to say that Endurance is one of the friendliest and most supportive paddocks. After cutting our teeth with the UK No Limits Endurance series, we stepped into the EWC paddock in 2021 and have now raced four 24hr races with a 100% success rate! For 2023, with new bikes, the backing of K-Tech Suspension, a strong team structure and new riders with a great mixture of youth and experience, we’re taking the next step, and I can’t wait to get going!” Ross Burridge, Head of Marketing & Racing Department at Kawasaki UK: “The ADSS97 Kawasaki team have gone from strength to strength over the past few seasons, and we have been watching their progress closely. With a very strong rider line up this year, we are sure they will do a great job on the very competitive world stage.”  Checkout our dedicated Kawasaki Motorcycles UK News page Kawasaki Motorcycles UK News/ or head to the official Kawasaki Motorcycles UK website kawasaki.co.uk Read the full article
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500kg electronic animal floor cattle weighing scale for sale
Veterinary weighing scales for veterinarians and clinics
Accurate weighing scales offers one type of scales for weighing dogs, cats and other small animals that no vet should be without. By weighing an animal, it is often possible to determine its medical condition both quickly and accurately. Small animal scales are primarily used to weigh pets and allow the vet to calculate the appropriate medication dosage.
They are ideal for small dogs, puppies, cats, rabbits, large fish or turtles. Bird scales are used to determine the weight of parrots, pigeons and many other bird species. They consist of precision scales with an integrated perch. Horse scales are used in horse clinics, but can also be found at studs and in riding clubs. Rabbit scales are obviously particularly popular with rabbit breeders, who might however use baby scales to weigh their animals.
High-quality single animal weighing scales digital type
You can reduce sort losses considerably by weighing pigs. High-quality single animal scales that can also be used as sorting scales. The key features of these livestock scales are listed below:
 ⦁             Portable Weigh Crate for Pigs
⦁             Made entirely of V2a-grade stainless steel
⦁             Weighing technology: 4 load cells á 1000 kg
⦁             Step height only 35 mm
⦁             Non-slip slatted floor
⦁             Waterproof stainless steel indicator with large 30 mm display
⦁             Rotatable indicator
⦁             Sorting lights with three-color status display
⦁             Total weight just 54 kg
⦁             Simple single-handed operation of the entrance gate
⦁             Remote unlocking - the front gate can be controlled remotely by a lever mechanism
⦁             Two large rubber wheels (150 mm) and one retractable guide wheel mounted on the front for easy transportation
⦁             Animal weighing software for accurate weighing even of restless animals 
⦁             Optional: Integrated battery with automatic, power-saving switch-off feature for up to 15 hours of continuous operation 
⦁             Pen and spray can holder included
⦁             Dimensions: 1600 x 525 x 900 mm
⦁             Optional: Data transfer of weight, date and time to a USB stick
⦁             3 years warranty
Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.
For inquiries on deliveries contact us
 Office +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917
 Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036
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