unfug-bilder · 1 year
Ich gebe zu: bei NEUEN Autobahnen ist das in Deutschland BISHER eigentlich nicht passiert. Aber einmal ist eben immer das erste Mal.
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rwpohl · 16 days
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cosmetic4uvn · 1 year
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🌻🌻[NEW] SON KEM #BLACKROUGE AIR FIT VELET TINT #VER_9 [HOT]🥰🥰 🔹️Tiếp nối sự thành công của những season trước, Black Rouge chính thức cho ra mắt bộ sưu tập son Air Fit Velvet Tint Ver 9 🔹️Lấy ý tưởng từ sự mới mẻ của bài hát được cover lại bằng đàn ghi ta, concept lần này tựa như một playlist bao gồm 7 màu son tượng trưng cho 7 nốt nhạc. Mỗi màu son sẽ mang lại cho bạn một giai điệu cảm xúc khác nhau giúp bạn chìm đắm trong từng khoảnh khắc khi thoa son lên môi. 🔹️Bề mặt vỏ son mờ lì và mịn như nhung. 🔹️Thân son được in logo màu đen tạo nên sự sang trọng, quý phái khi cầm trên tay. 🔹️Vỏ son có tông màu nâu hồng tương tự như dòng Blackline ra mắt vào nửa cuối năm 2022. 🔹️Son mang một mùi hương của món bánh mì nướng Grilled Brulee. 🔹️Thành phần Polymer: chống thấm nước giúp tăng cường khả năng cố định, do đó son lì, không dễ bị trôi bởi các kích thích bên ngoài và duy trì màu trong thời gian dài. 🔹️Phức hợp gel ẩm cải thiện độ lì và độ ẩm để giảm thiểu kích ứng keratin. 🔹️Kết cấu son mềm mịn như nhung, tăng cường hiệu quả dưỡng ẩm. Bảng màu màu son #A46 - Dot Clair Red: Sắc đỏ hoa táo cho đôi môi thêm căng mọng #A47 - Lemonade Pink: Sắc hồng chanh đào nhẹ nhàng cho vẻ ngoài thanh lịch #A48 - Mimosa Coral Peach: Sắc hồng đào san hô cho tông da bừng sáng #A49 - Pastel Rose: Sắc hồng tông trầm hòa cùng sắc đỏ pastel dịu dàng #A50 - Soldout Chili: Sắc đỏ chili phá cách, độc đáo #A51 - Rad Brick : Màu gạch cổ điển với tông đỏ lạnh và nâu ấm #A52 - Cinnamon Brown : Sắc nâu quế cho khí chất mùa thu thanh lịch https://www.instagram.com/p/CmvuqabvIec/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fallingforfandoms · 2 years
Highlight meines Tages ohne Kontext:
Mit sechs Nichtraucher*innen unter 30 in 'ner absolut urigen Raucherkneipe aufm Dorf versacken, Discofox zu deutschem Schlager tanzen, vom Wirt darum gebeten werden, dass wir "dem Anton endlich mal die Haare schneiden" und mal wieder merken, dass man absolut keinen Alkohol verträgt - natürlich genau am Abend vor einem der beiden stressigsten Tage des Jahres.
Lieb ich.
Will ich öfter, bitte, danke.
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nixgle · 1 year
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joseandrestabarnia · 1 year
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Bertel Thorvaldsen 1770-1844
Musa triunfante y Cupido
Tener una cita: 1827
Tipo de trabajo / Tipo de artículo: Escultura > Estatuilla
Numero de inventario: A49
Numero de catalogo: A49
Versión / Edición: modelo original
Altura: 65,5cm
Oficio del arte: Escultura / Escultura
Cultura / Periodo: Europeo > Modernidad (1800 - 1914)
Dirección de Arte / Estilo: neoclasicismo
Dueño: Museo de Thorvaldsen
Método de adquisición: Donación testamentaria de Bertel Thorvaldsen
Año de adquisición: 24 de marzo de 1844
Información e imagen/es de la web de la Arte y colecciones de Bertel Thorvaldsen.
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RE.CON.TRA. | Una interpretación de la constitución porteña con Tintin Marsal
(gracias, ahí les va una reforma peyorativa para un cielo con derechos.)
Nos, los representantes del puelo parisino, nos reunimos bajo confreso comun del presidente, para vigilar y castigar a las esperanzas del futbol-tennis que nusetro consentimiento informado precisa para atarse los cordobes.
-Perdón, ¿donde se publica esto? -Es un boludo que hace denuncias irónicas por instagram, pero esta todo bien. -Ok.
A la Honoráble cáma de la conchus lorus.
Soberanía, territorio y crestado:
A1. Buenos Brailes, e un estatus quo con libre ejercicio del futbol-tennise. A2. Sin perjuicio del ingreso de los calamaes al nuevo gasómetro, entre los Toti Ríos San Juan y Boedo, con correspondencia en las Islas Sacheri. A3. Su religiónes católica-caramelosanto-romana. El estado esta obligado a otorgarle self-respect (Marshal B, Slims Shady)
A6. Son ciudados argentinos, todos los nazidos en él, siendo mayores de reite años.
A7. Tintín, sín embargo, el derecho de sufragio los menores de esta edad enrolados en la guardia nacional y los mayores de 18 años, casados.
A8. Son también ciudadanos todos los hijos de pastores argentinos y argentinas, entrando al ejercicio de la ciudadanía desde el acto de pisar el territorio del Estado.
A14. Artículo 14. El gobierno del Estado de Buenos Aires es popular representativo.
A15. De martes a domingo, mandala a la sección de internacional.
A16. El correr legislativo del Prestado reside en la casamcrem que se cópolla en la Cámara de los perros sin pastor.
A17. A las 15, no hay nadia.
A17. La Cámara de Representantes se compondrá de diputados elegidos directamente por el pueblo con arreglo a la ley de elecciones.
A19. Se elegirá un representante por cada seis mil almas, o por una fracción que no baje de tres mil.
A22. Las funciones de representantes durarán dos años, pero la cámara se renovará por mitad cada año. La suerte decidirá luego que se reúnan los que deben salir al primer año de la ciudad y de cada sección de campaña.
A23. Ninguno podrá ser representante sin que tenga las calidades siguientes: Ciudadanía natural en ejercicio, o legal adquirida conforme al artículo 11, veinticinco años cumplidos, o antes si fuere emancipado, un capital de 10.000 pesos al menos, o en su defecto profesión, arte u oficio que le produ2ca una renta equivalente.
A26. El servado de compota de sellados elegidos diretamente por Tom Riddle. (PAISTE/SABIAN/CDGIAN)
A27. Che faltan algunas que onda. Vos mandala al boludo ese de Saavedra que seguro lo sube así como esta.
A28. Tarjetas sube. Eso no boludo como pensas que piden prestamo en el segundo.
A34. Hermaioni no sabe jugar al paddle, es una caprichona.
-Se dice capricornio, Tintin. -Vó so medio mago capria. -Eu, sigan.
A35. Las seionas duran cinco messi, con el correr de los barras del gallo de morón.
A49. Compete no se juega, es demasiado ruck sin empuje.
A50. Fijar dos caños al gasto público.
A81. El joder ejecutvio del préstamo se Rodriguez Peña a la huelta hacen bondiola ahumada.
A85. Los porteros electricos serán elegidos por la casamcrem de salsa golf. Esta buena esa.
-Che, me voy a comer- Tintín.
VERSIÓN ORISHINAL: http://www.argentinahistorica.com.ar/intro_archivo.php?tema=8&titulo=14&subtitulo=&doc=143
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beautiful-girls-villa · 9 months
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hyper3vd · 1 year
hi again
ต้นปีก็พบเจอกับความผิดหวังว่าโปรเจคที่อยากให้สร้าง - ดันไม่ได้สร้าง
แต่เข้าใจจิตใจของดีไซน์เนอร์ที่รอคอยผลงานมั้ย ห๊าาา
ล่มจมหมด ล่มจริงๆจ่ะ
ทำงานกับจารย์ฝน แล้วโดนด่าอย่างหนัก
กุมันโง่กว่ารุ่นน้องจริง เห้อ
แต่มีชอตนึงที่นางโทรมาตอนเที่ยงคืน แล้วเถียงกันเรื่องแบบ
แล้วก็มีจุดนึงที่รู้สึกตื่น แบบตื่นรู้55555555
จบ ยอมแพ้ เลิกศรัทธา log out ทันที
จุดนั้นแม่งดีมากเลยอะ แบบจบแยกจ่ะ บาย
ชีโอศร. ดีไซน์เนอร์ที่ชั้นปลื้มในผลงาน
อีกแล้ว ชั้นศรัทธาคนในผลงานอีกแล้ว!!
แต่ความเป็นจริงตัวตนของเค้านั้น..... คือ.... คนเหี้ยที่สุดที่เคยเจอ55555555
กูจะบ้า ไม่อยากจะเชื่อ5555555555
แล้วก็ระเบิดลง เพราะความชอบตั้งคำถามของชั้น55555555
โดนไล่ออก จบ แยกไปอีกหนึ่งค่ะ!!
อยู่ๆก็ได้งานใหม่ มีคนโทรมาจากเวปหางาน
ไม่อยากจะเชื่อก็ต้องเชื่อ ได้งานใหม่ภายใน 2 วีค ถือเปนบุญ
หลังๆเริ่มแบบ.. กุเปน Draftman ชัดๆ
สิ่งที่ชั้นไม่ถนัดที่สุด แต่ชั้นได้ทำมัน555555555
ออกแบบอะไรอ่อ ไม่มี๊ เห้อ
อยู่ด้วยเงินล้วนจ่ะ เปิดโหมด auto pilot เหมือนชั้นเปนเครื่องจักร 
ไม่ได้ใช้ความ creative ใดๆๆๆๆเลย
เซงนั่งแกรบยาวๆด้วย นั่งเรือกลับอีก มึน
เอาไงต่อดีชีวิต energy ไม่ค่อยดีเลย มืดๆหม่นๆ ซึมเปนส้วม
งานหายากและทุกอย่างคือการแข่งขัน กุห่วยเอง จบ
งาน A49 เข้า มีปัญหาอีก 
เจอเพื่อนร่วมงานใหม่ โคตรขี้จั๊ด ลำไยมาก แต่ต้องอดทน
ชั้นทำทุกอย่างผิดไปหมด ปีนี้ เหมือนใส่เสื้อกลับด้าน 
ออกแบบ ดีไซน์ ที่มีความปัจเจกสูงเนี่ย
คือชอบนะ แต่ไม่อยากอยู่ในระบบของใครอะ TT_TT
แล้วเงินจะทำไงอะ TT_TT
หมด passion และ burn out สัสๆๆๆ
หรือย้ายสายดี มันยากนะ ทุกอย่างต้องเริ่มใหม่จาก 0 เลยอะ 
เกิดคำถามขึ้นในหัวหลายอย่างมากกก หยุดคิดไม่ได้ อยากจะบ้า
อยากอยู่เฉยๆ ไม่ต้องทำไรเลยได้มั้ย
เราเกิดมาแล้วต้องมานั่งปวดหัว ซึมเปนส้วม
แล้วไอ้ความรู้สึกแบบนี้ มันสามารถหายไปได้มั้ย คนที่ทำให้เราเกิดมาน่ะ
ถ้าเราเลือกเกิดไม่ได้ ขอเลือกตายได้มั้ย แฟร์ๆ
แล้วนี่กุกำลังวิ่งตามลู่วิ่งใครอยุ่ปะวะ งง
เพื่อน heal อะไรไม่ค่อยได้ละ แงเง้อ
ตนเป็นที่พึ่งแห่งตน me ล้วนจ้า
money is everything! เลยจ้า 
- เวลาหลังเลิกงาน 1 ชม. ที่ได้อยู่กับตัวเองล้วนๆ
- good food
- เปลี่ยนการแต่งตัว / ทรงผม
- แอคหลุม 
- bnk48
- แมวใหม่ คลาวดี้ กลับบ้านมาแล้วก็จะแฮปปี้! :3
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Best midi keyboards 2022
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A MIDI controller keyboard is an essential piece of equipment in any studio. The best MIDI controllers can take your recordings to a whole new level. If you're not sure where to start, we've got all the information you need right here. USB-based MIDI controllers offer an easy and convenient way to play and record software instruments with your computer. They can be plugged directly into your PC or laptop via USB, or in some cases they can operate wirelessly over Bluetooth. This makes them a central performance hub for your studio, allowing you to play and record software instruments with ease. Some MIDI controllers also double up as a control interface for hardware synths, making them an essential piece of kit for any producer or musician. There are a variety of different MIDI keyboards to choose from, depending on your needs. You can go for a smaller, more portable model that fits comfortably in a laptop bag, or you can go all out with a full-sized 88-note keyboard with weighted keys. The most important factors to consider include the number of keys (some models have 88 keys, while others have fewer), the type of action (weighted keys or not), and whether or not you need additional features such as knobs, pads, buttons and faders. When shopping for a MIDI keyboard, it's important to consider what you need in order to make the best purchase. You can get a cheap model for less than $100 if you look around, but if you're looking for a higher quality option with more features, you'll likely have to spend a bit more. In general, MIDI keyboards that cost more tend to be more rugged and able to stand up to travel. So, if you're looking for something to take on the road with you, it might be worth spending a bit more. Finding the right one for you can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be hard to know where to start. Our price comparison widgets have found the best deals online right now, so you can be sure you're getting the best possible price. If you need more guidance, head to the buying advice section at the bottom of the page. There, you'll find tips and advice on how to find the perfect product for your needs.
The list of the best midi keyboards - our choice
- Nektar SE25 MIDI keyboard - Novation Launchkey Mini Mk3 MIDI keyboard - Akai MPK Mini Mk3 - IK Multimedia iRig Keys 2 Mini - Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol M32 - Korg microKEY2 Air-25 - M-Audio Oxygen 49 MKV - Novation Launchkey 37 Mk3 - Arturia Keystep 37 - Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol A25 - IK Multimedia iRig Keys I/O 49 - Nektar Impact LX88+ MIDI keyboard - Arturia Keystep Pro - Arturia KeyLab 49 MkII MIDI keyboard - Novation 49 SL MkIII - Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 MkII - Roland A-88MKII - ROLI Lumi Keys Studio Edition - M-Audio Keystation 88 MK3 - M-Audio Oxygen MKV 61 - Nektar Impact GX Mini - CME XKey 25 - Nektar Impact GX49/61 - M-Audio Keystation 49/61 MK3 - NI Komplete Kontrol A49 - Keith McMillen QuNexus - Alesis V61 - Nectar SE49 - Roli Seaboard
MDI keyboard selection criteria
The best piano replacements don't have to strictly follow the 88 weighted key rule. There are many great pianos that don't follow this rule, and can still produce beautiful music. So, don't be afraid to choose a different type of piano if it speaks to you. Ultimately, the best piano for you is the one that you feel most comfortable playing and that makes you happy. What are we looking for: - High build quality; - Soft touch keys; - Pitch-bend and modwheel; - Velocity/pressure sensitivity. Choosing a MIDI keyboard can be a difficult process, especially if you don’t know what to look for. There are a few important factors you need to consider, such as the build quality and playability of the keyboard. This list is short due to those factors, but it will ensure that any recommendation we make will feel well-built and playable. You won’t regret your purchase if you take these factors into consideration. When it comes to MIDI controllers, there are a few different things you'll need to decide on before making a purchase. The first decision is the keybed size- some controllers come in miniature 25-key sizes, while others are full sized with 88 keys. Aside from the number of keys, the controllers are essentially the same. The following parameters will need to be guided subjectively at your own discretion: - Number of Keys. The number of keys on a keyboard can affect its price and bulkiness. More keys mean a higher price and more bulk, which might be unnecessary if you’re not playing classical pieces. 49 keys are good enough for synthesizer-focused players, whereas 61 keys are a good amount for keyboardists who need; - Key Type. Synth-action keys are the most common type of keys found on digital pianos. They are generally more lightweight and responsive than weighted keys, but still provide a sense of resistance that is often desired in piano playing. Weighted keys, on the other hand, offer a heavier touch that can be more advantageous for certain types of music. Semi-weighted keys are a rarer option that falls somewhere in between the two, offering players the best of both worlds in terms of responsiveness and resistance; - Number of Controls. It's good to have knobs and buttons for assigning software functions with MIDI Learn, but most of us don't need a full digital mixing board. If we did, we'd be buying something else. Knowing what you need is key. If you don't need the controls, you can get the same keybed on the Nektar SE49, which is a stripped-down version of the Nektar GX49. Knowing what you need is key to getting the right product; - Number of Controls. It's good to have knobs and buttons for assigning software functions with MIDI Learn, but most of us don't need a full digital mixing board. If we did, we'd be buying something else. Knowing what you need is key. If you don't need the controls, you can get the same keybed on the Nektar SE49, which is a stripped-down version of the Nektar GX49. Knowing what you need is key to getting the right product; - Aftertouch is one of the most unique and expressive features on a keyboard. Unlike typical pressure sensitivity, aftertouch continues to detect how hard you’re pushing down until you let go. This can be used to add extra layers of expressivity to your performances on instruments like organs, where aftertouch can be assigned to control the rotary speaker speed; - 5-Pin MIDI Support. If you're using a MIDI controller that doesn't have a MIDI port, you can use a USB MIDI interface to send MIDI signals through a traditional 5-pin MIDI cable. However, this can be inconvenient because USB ports are limited on laptops. Here's an example of how to connect a USB MIDI controller to legacy hardware: USB MIDI Keyboard -> Computer -> USB MIDI Interface -> 5-Pin MIDI Cable -> Legacy Hardware. Although it's possible to use USB MIDI controllers without a MIDI port, it's not as straightforward; - Pads. Pads are an important part of a keyboard, but they are not a necessary component. They are essentially larger buttons, which can be helpful for playing on a main keyboard. Finger drumming is a popular activity, but I find that keyboard-drumming is more precise. Your own experience may vary; - Pedal Support. When looking for a keyboard, it's important to consider whether or not the model has a pedal jack. Not all keyboards have this feature, particularly the smaller, portable 25-key models. However, it's always better to be safe than sorry, so it's best to make sure that the model you're interested in includes pedal support. This can be either through a proprietary jack or otherwise; - Software Support. MIDI controllers that are designed to integrate well with specific software can be a great option for musicians who want the best possible experience with their music-making tools. By choosing a controller that is specifically tailored to work well with your software, you can eliminate many of the compatibility issues that can arise when using different programs. This can lead to a smoother, more efficient workflow and help you get the most out of your music-making.
Best MIDI-keyboards reviews
1. Nektar SE25 MIDI keyboard
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Compatibility: PC, Mac No of Keys: 25 Key size: Mini Key type: Velocity-sensitive Controls: 6 function keys; assignable PB1 & PB2 buttons for pitch bend, transpose, volume, pan & track; assignable ‘Part Two’ button for octave, MIDI channel, transpose, layer & latch; S button for sustain & modulation Connectivity: Micro USB port, sustain pedal input Power: USB Software: Bitwig 8-Track Dimensions (mm): 335 x 100 x 2 Weight (kg): 0.4 A MIDI controller keyboard can be an essential item if you're always making music on the go. The Nektar SE25 proves that features and playability don't need to be sacrificed for the sake of size and portability. This MIDI controller is small enough to fit in a laptop bag, but it still has 25 keys with full-size velocity and aftertouch. There's also a 4-way joystick for pitch and mod control, as well as buttons, knobs, and faders for even more control over your sound. Plus, the SE25 is USB powered, so you can just plug it into your laptop or computer and start making music right away. If you're looking for a small MIDI keyboard and don't want to break the bank, Nektar's new SE25 is well worth considering. It's not the cheapest option out there, but it offers good value for money, and we found it to be thoroughly impressive during testing. It's a simple, compact product, but it does everything you need it to do - no more, no less. 2. Novation Launchkey Mini Mk3 MIDI keyboard
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Compatibility: PC, Mac, iOS No of Keys: 25 Key size: Mini Key type: velocity-sensitive Controls: Octave shift, Transpose, Pitch and Modulation strips, 16 velocity-sensitive backlit RGB launch pads, 8 rotary encoders, 10 function buttons Connectivity: USB B port, 3.5mm TRS Type A MIDI out, Sustain Pedal input Power: USB Software: Ableton Live Lite, two months of Splice Sounds, AAS Session Bundle, Softube Time & Tone, Spitfire Audio LABS Expressive Strings, Klevgrand DAW Cassette and R0Verb, XLN Audio Addictive Keys, membership of Novation Sound Collective Dimensions (mm): 330 x 172 x 40 Weight (kg): 0.69 The Launchkey Mini Mk3 is a powerful pocket-sized controller that is packed with features. Many of these features were missing from the previous version, including pitch bend and modulation touchstrips, a hardware MIDI out on a TRS jack, an incredibly flexible and versatile arpeggiator, a chord memory feature, and a great software bundle. The Launchkey Mini Mk3 is a great keyboard controller for Live users, but it doesn't work perfectly with every DAW. If you're looking for the best solution at this price point, the Launchkey Mini Mk3 is definitely the way to go. The Launchkey Mini MK3 is a great choice for a small, velocity-sensitive MIDI keyboard. It has an impressive range of connectivity options, making it perfect for traveling or using in a variety of settings. 3. Akai MPK Mini Mk3
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Compatibility: Mac/PC/iOS No of Keys: 25 Key size: Mini Key type: velocity-sensitive Controls: Eight assignable encoders, eight MPC pads, full transport controls, 4-way joystick Connectivity: USB Power: Bus-powered Software: MPC Beats, Bassline, Tubesynth, Electric, Hybrid 3, Mini Grand, Velvet Dimensions (mm): 32 x 18 x 4 cm Weight (kg): 750g The Akai MPK Mini Mk3 is a great MIDI keyboard for most people, particularly those looking for a quick and easy way to add melodies, basslines and simple chords to their projects. It's small and easy to use, with a ton of features that make it perfect for musicians of all levels. The MPK Mini MK3 is much more than just a keyboard. It also has eight encoder knobs which can be easily mapped to any parameter of your DAW, and eight full-sized MPC style drum pads. This makes it an ideal controller for studio use or live performances. At its heart, the Nano studio is a portable production powerhouse. Its small size makes it easy to transport, while its wealth of features and functions make it a valuable addition to any studio setup. Whether you need to record vocals, guitars, or other instruments, the Nano studio has you covered. Plus, its intuitive controls make it easy to use, even for beginners. So if you're looking for a versatile and portable recording solution, the Nano studio is definitely worth considering. 4. IK Multimedia iRig Keys 2 Mini
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Compatibility: Mac/PC No of Keys: 25 Key size: Mini Key type: Velocity sensitive Controls: Volume, Octave up/down buttons, Program up/down buttons, Setup button, assignable data push encoder, 4+4 assignable knobs, Modulation Connectivity: MIDI in/out, micro-USB, 1/8" headphones output Power: USB Software: iOS SampleTank, Syntronik Pro-V Cubasis LE. Mac/PC: SampleTank 4 SE plus one of your choice from seven titles Dimensions (mm): 32 x 14 x 5 cm Weight (kg): 0.58kg The Keys 2 Mini 25 is a small and affordable keyboard that has 25 mini keys. It is one of the smallest and cheapest models in the iRig Keys range, which also features keyboards with 37 mini keys and Pro (37 full-sized key) options. Mini 2 25 is small enough to place on any desktop, and it is sturdy enough to stay in place. It also features direct connectivity to iOS devices. The keyboard has a variety of controls that you can use to customize your sound. These include the standard controls such as volume and pitch, as well as more advanced options like MIDI assignments and editing. The keyboard also has a set of program buttons, assignable rotaries, and a data knob to give you easy access to all of its features. The keyboard is solid and well-sprung, although it may not be the player's dream come true. There are no dedicated pitch-bend or modulation dials, but if this is important to you, there are workarounds that you can explore deeper with Edit Mode. The Irig Keys 2 is a great keyboard controller that is a bit on the expensive side. This offers many of the same features at a smaller size and for less money. Plus, it comes with a decent software bundle. 5. Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol M32
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Compatibility: PC, Mac No of Keys: 32 Key size: Mini Key type: Velocity-sensitive Controls: Eight touch-sensitive control knobs, two touch strips, four-directional push encoder Connectivity: USB Power: USB Size: 47.5 x 16.7 x 0.5cm Weight (kg): 1.45kg The Komplete Kontrol A-Series is a USB 2.0 bus-powered keyboard that manages to squeeze 32 mini keys and the full complement of Komplete Kontrol controls into its tiny frame. It delivers almost the same functionality as the Komplete Kontrol S-Series (see below), making it an excellent mobile option for producers on the go. The Komplete Kontrol M32 replaced the pitch and modulation controls with a pair of short touch strips. Also, the controller is equipped with 8 capacitive knobs, a 4d encoder, as well as numerous buttons that are incomparable in their tactile sensations. All this provides a high comfort of control, working with the operating Maschine, as well as using the interface of your DAW. The OLED display and Smart Play features from the A-Series are also in place on the B-Series, allowing you to scale snap, chord trigger and arpeggiate with ease. As a regular MIDI controller keyboard, it also works with any other software. The mini keys were the only downside to this keyboard for us. We found that we could live with them after some getting used to them, so if you can live with them too, this is the best portable and affordable MIDI keyboard you can buy. 6. Korg microKEY2 Air-25
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Compatibility: PC, Mac, iOS No of Keys: 25 Key size: Mini Key type: Velocity-sensitive Controls:Joystick, Arpeggiator button, Sustain/TAP button, Octave Shift buttons Connectivity: USB, Bluetooth Power: USB or batteries Size: 39.5 x 13.1 x 0.52cm Weight (kg): 0.67kg The line of microKey 2 Air midi keyboards is represented by 4 models depending on the number of notes: 25, 37, 49 and 61. Each works via Bluetooth communication. Power is supplied via AA batteries or via USB. If you're looking for a MIDI controller keyboard that's easy to set up and operate, the microKey 2 Air 25 is a great option. It may not have as many bells and whistles as some of its rivals, but it delivers on the basics, and plays far better than many other keyboards in its class. 7. M-Audio Oxygen 49 MKV
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Compatibility: Mac/PC No of Keys: 49 Key size: Full-sized Key type: Velocity sensitive Controls: 8 velocity-sensitive trigger pads, 8 assignable knobs, 9 assignable faders, transport buttons Connectivity: USB, sustain pedal Power: USB Software: Ableton Live Lite, MPC Beats, Skoove and Melodics instrument learning, Air Hybrid 3 and Mini Grand instruments Dimensions (mm): 81 x 24 x 9 cm Weight (kg): 2.9kg The Oxygen 49 MIDI keyboard controller is a lower-priced alternative to the M-Audio Pro 49. It has a 3-segment LED display, instead of the OLED display on the Pro, and it has 8 back-lit red pads instead of 16 multi-coloured ones. However, it still provides access to 16 sound sources from the front panel when programming. The Oxygen 49 lacks a dedicated MIDI out port, but it does have other features that make it stand out from the crowd. These functions are mostly triggered via soft keys and via 'secondary modes' from the keybed itself. Read the full article
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unfug-bilder · 3 months
Wie schon vorher bei Reichsbürgern, Nazis, umsturzwilligen Reaktionären ... Die Medien lernen es nicht.
Das sind KEINE "Bauernproteste".
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black-mosquito · 2 years
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Wald statt Asphalt! 🌳
Zur Kategorie:
»Unser Bündnis hat sich ursprünglich gegründet, um die Proteste gegen die A49 und für den Erhalt des Dannenröder Waldes zu unterstützen. Heute fördern wir Austausch & Vernetzung der vielfältigen Akteur:innen der Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung, die sich gemeinsam mit uns entschlossen gegen die Zerstörung unserer Lebensgrundlagen durch die fortschreitende Versiegelung natürlicher Flächen einsetzen.
Wir sind das Bündnis Wald Statt Asphalt. Doch wir stehen noch für viel mehr, denn wir brauchen Land, Acker und Wald statt Asphalt um die Mobilitätswende und klimagerechte Welt für alle zu erreichen.«
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deblala · 5 days
Biden's Big Blackout
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postalvalhalla · 17 days
A49 Alice Must Turn Back
"The land ahead ," said Mallard the rubber duck, "is the Sandwich Kingdom."
"Which we wish to avoid," replied Bungle the glass cat.
"Is the king a Ham and Cheese Sandwich?" asked Alice.
"Indeed," replied the duck.
"If you ask me," she said, "a Ham and Cheese hardly deserves to be called the King of Sandwiches."
The duck noted, "Defamation of the king is a capital offense."
"If we were us," said Bungle urgently, "which we are, we should turn back now!"
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regioonlineofficial · 3 months
De aannemer start woensdag 6 maart 2024 met het vernieuwen van de kademuur aan de Langbroekerdijk in Langbroek. Dit werk is nodig, omdat de kademuur is verzakt en niet meer stabiel is. Het betreft het gedeelte tussen de Doornseweg (N227) en de Brink in Wijk bij Duurstede. De weg is geheel afgesloten voor alle verkeer van 11 maart tot begin juni Van 11 maart tot begin juni 2024 is de Langbroekerdijk tussen Doornseweg (N227) en de Brink afgesloten voor al het verkeer. Een uitzondering hierop zijn de voetgangers. Voor het doorgaande verkeer, het vrachtverkeer en het landbouwverkeer komt een omleidingsroute. Het plaatselijke autoverkeer en fietsers worden omgeleid via het Kerkeland. Ook het vaarverkeer op dit deel van de Langbroekerwetering is, net als nu, afgesloten tijdens de werkzaamheden. Bereikbaarheid restaurant, makelaar, woningen, kerk en huisartsenpraktijk Tijdens de werkzaamheden blijven restaurant Torbijn en Makelaar GroeneRaedt te voet bereikbaar via het trottoir. De klanten kunnen hun auto parkeren bij de Versmarkt of op het parkeerterrein naast Langbroekerdijk A49. De Brink blijft open. De woningen, de Hervormde Kerk en de huisartspraktijk blijven (op een uitzondering na) dus bereikbaar. Wethouder Jeroen Brouwer geeft uitleg over de werkzaamheden Langbroek ‘Het is fijn dat de werkzaamheden binnenkort starten,’ zegt wethouder Jeroen Brouwer (beheer openbare ruimte en milieu). ‘De veiligheid van de inwoners en de weg- en watergebruikers krijgt de laatste maanden extra voorrang. Dat is bijvoorbeeld waarom we tot 11 maart voor eenrichtingsverkeer en het afsluiten van een rijbaan hebben gekozen. Van 11 maart tot begin juni moet iedereen omrijden. Niemand vindt dat prettig, maar het is nodig. De direct omwonenden kregen eind vorige week een brief over de werkzaamheden. Over ruim drie maanden heeft Langbroek een veilige kademuur, die lange tijd meekan. Het metselwerk lijkt dan op dat van de Brinkbrug. De leuningen langs de kade passen binnen het Rijksbeschermd gezicht Nederlangbroek.’ Heeft u nog vragen? Dhr. André Vervoort (projectleider) geeft u graag antwoord. U bereikt hem telefonisch: 0343-595595 of per e-mail: [email protected].
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macwantspeace · 3 months
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"Monsters & Mayhem A49" Early voting sites are listed on the County Elections Page. "Wonderland Mall (by the Food Court)" Each year they relocate to another vacant store front. For two years it shared a big store space with that Spirit Halloween ghosty stuff store. I voted, Boo. One year I walked all around two levels, couldn't find it. I asked a clerk in a boots store. He led me by the hand down and around the corner. There it was hiding behind the escalator. One year they were having a Halloween Festival and every inch of floor space was tacky orange and black stuff, with sometimes fairy sparkles. Dozens of the tables had a boom box playing their personal tunes. A hundred people wandering in costumes with full makeup. This year.... It had a little waiting line rope next to a potted planter and a tiny carousel. I stood at the Stand Here sign. Had to step aside for a mall walker. I played with one of the three tiny horsies. I was allowed inside. Presented photo ID at the table. They don't give a fuck that I have an official voter registration card. Nobody has asked for that card for years. "Is this information valid?" Well, I think to myself in exasperation, I had to spend a whole day, and $6, and present seven documents to get that bloody ID. "Yes. The same for 30 years." Move over. The signature clipboard. I signed ***** above the line. "Do it over." Same signature a bit lower. "Follow her." Little girl starts to lead me into the next room with the vote boxes. She's saying something but it's Charlie Brown's teacher to me. I had forgotten to set my hears on high. "I can't hear you. Just point." She waves vaguely indicating everything in the room. But she led me to a box up on a chest high shelf. "This is great. I can see this." I dread going to the elementary school with the knee high tables. I pulled my list out of the backpack and commenced. Every blursed touch screen button was spaced wrong. It has a tiny check box next to the name. I touch the box with my big finger. Nothing. Crooked index finger. Nothing. Hammer it. I slowly learn that the tiny check box is not a button. The touch box is the name. I herein curse the programmer to live forever with festering fingertip blisters. I only got it wrong another fifteen times. But I finished. The machine printed out the strip of paper with my choices. I read it. Put my outdoor glasses back on. Backpack strap over shoulder and turned. Whence now? Ah. There is the machine that eats papers. I feed it. Then I start to walk back to the entrance. "SIR!" "Hmm?" "You need to exit this way." Oh.
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