#np 20
rwpohl · 1 month
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chronologiical · 11 months
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what better way to clear lb6 than to bring all of arturia's worst nightmare to britain as mvps!
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glassedplanets · 1 year
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everyone has their price.
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grasslandgirl · 8 months
I genuinely can't comprehend the level of discipline it takes to hold back a 100k+ piece until it's completed. In vague terms if needed, what scene in noble pining are you most excited for people to read?
awww thank you!!!! i've just found for me personally that like. i tend to get blocked on wips and jump between projects really frequently depending on what i feel interested/inspired/motivated by at any given time. and a big motivation for me in my wips is like. getting to a point where i can post and share this thing that i'm working on!! and i've found that when i post multi chap works as i write them instead of finishing and posting all at once, i tend to give up on them halfway through because it's weirdly easier for me to abandon a wip i've half posted than it is to abandon a wip in my docs forever-- maybe because i feel like it's easier to go back to an unposted wip than one that people have already read?? idk there's not a clear a-to-b reason it just. is how my brain works skfjnsb
so yeah. ive been working on noble pining for three years now, and i've gone like. over a year at times and not worked on it or touched it all !! and a step i take when im blocked is to go back and reread and workshop and edit old chapters, so the whole thing is a little bit fluid and always under progress, even chapters i wrote back in 2020 !! i ike having the option to go back and change things early in the story to suit what i'm actively working on later in thes tory, and ifeel like i wouldn't like having to go into ao3 and edit an already posted chapter if i needed to <3
all this to say, it doesn't really feel like self control to not post noble pining until it's done, that's just always been the plan from the beginning- even before i knew how long and involved this story was going to end up being!! and i don't think i ever anticipated having so many people be so excited for an invested in this story !! in my head, noble pining was always jsut for me as a silly little passion project and for my close friends who i'd bully into reading it for me; so the fact that there are people on here that are enthusiastic about a story just from what i've blogged and talked about it is amazing to me forever <3333
ALSO. its not a full scene but my aelwyn pov chapter is one of my favorite things in the whole of noble pining thus far, it makes me crazy to think about and reread it, and so i'm sosooo excited for people to get ur hands on it :))
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lanliingwang · 4 months
giving fate zheng chenggong (in my fgo style stats sheet for him) the ability to change NP types between Buster and Quick hyped me up too much I think. now I'll just be disappointed if fgo gives him something more subpar if/when he debuts lol.
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tariah23 · 2 months
Ohhh, they buffed Jalter and Jeanne.
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homeinchaldea · 3 months
Finished the LB1 Super Recollection quests!
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Also got Moth Emperor to bond 8 in the process
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chapter five of it was futile is up! if a rottmnt reverse-crossover future fic sounds in any way interesting to you, i am currently ~20 000 words in with another 20 000+ written for Arc I (setup) alone
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applecherry108 · 2 years
There is….something off-kilter. About a show. Doing a parody. And you think, “wow. That’s a great impression of someone famous.”
But it is not an impression.
It’s just that person. Reprising their role.
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channelrat · 2 years
ah yes my favorite bob urnham song
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chaos-coming · 2 years
My aunt and cousin dont understand why my sister and i are fucked up, bc our parents abused us and did not make decisions based on our wellbeing, only their own. But my aunt was not abused by her parents the way that her brother (our dad) was, so she isnt fucked in the head like our parents are, and so in turn she did not abuse her son (our cousin), and neither of them can comprehend just how badly our parents treated us in comparison to how she raised her family. And it makes it really hard for me to see how my aunt did everything so that my cousin would have good experiences and grow and learn and explore, while our parents did everything to make their own lives easier, and their children were just a nuissance that gave them anxiety and whom they disposed of at the earliest convenience (lock them in the house) or else needed micromanage because they had too much anxiety and no desire to view children as humans instead of housepets who obey orders and produce academic successes they can brag about, and never have needs of their own or want to leave the house. My aunt took my cousin travelling all over the country, we were taken to the house and dropped off like luggage, forbidden to leave or interact with anyone. To say that i'm jealous my cousin had a childhood that didnt come straight out of a shrink's notebook would be a wild underexaggeration. I resent our parents so much for being shit at being parents and my aunt and cousin have zero clue how terrible they were and all they can say is stop being so negative not everything is your parents' fault. Which is super frustrating and invalidating bc its like if YOUR parents had abused you the way my parents did and their parents did, then youd understand just how thoroughly and deeply abusive parents can fuck your life up
#also hes an only child so hes not used to sharing. anything#which becomes really obvious every time we travel together as a family#and also like my aunt will be like stop asking ke every 5 seconds if im ok or mad at you#and the time i accidentally sbapped the handle to her tote bag bc it got stuck in the car door and i didnt realize#then was so so scared to tell her i broke it and apologized profusely for like 5 full minutes#and she was like calm down its not a big deal its a plastic strap#and im like np you dont understand if this was MY mom id get a 20 minute scream-lecture about how i was a bad person for breaking it#and not taking care with her things amd how upsetting it was that the strap was broken and its my fault and now i need to make it up to her#if this had happened when i was a kid i would have been punished and screamed at for at least 30#min#(not even getting into the fact that my mom is autistic and very very emotionally attached to inanimate objects#and they must be kept in their perfect original condition or she would tell her kids that they are a bad person)#(and also she is so mentally ill and literally made of anxiety that the idea of any permanent alteration to literally anything makes you#a bad person#basically doing anything except being an inanimate object makes you a bad person#and a problem child#and because im therefore a problem child it justifies the abuse#now in all fairness i dragged them to fsmily therapy for a year (well my dad got kicked out halfway for being uncooperative.#there is no salvaging an ego that big and hes an academic to boot. completely intolerable.)#but at least they were forcibly told in session that they were abusive parents and i think they kind of see it#at least reflected in how fucked up their kids are. my sister is literally nonfunctional and so volatie that we#cant be around her for more than a few hours at a time. max.#but my aunt doesnt understand amy of this she thinks its completely unnecessary to do family therapy and that im just trying to blame them#for all my problems. bc she only ever heard their perspectives for 25 years and also never saw how her brother was abused bc she was spared#its like no you dont understand i got shit parents and my upbringing was hell. you did such a wonderful job raising your son tjat#you literally cant comprehend how shitty our childhoods were#you put your son first but our parents put themselves first and if we were miserable nonfunctional and traumatized it wasnt their problem
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g00melo5-art-blog · 8 months
ヨドバシ.com - カシオ CASIO NP-20 [EXILIM用リチウムイオン充電池] 通販【全品無料配達】
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gachaparadise · 10 months
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The idea of a start dash gssr is cool, I think newer players being able to get 2 ssrs quickly (if they shell out like $20) is good. They'll have a better time of the game with better servants after all.
But... as an established player this pool is NOT exciting at all. I did my patented have/want scribbles on it and there's only 2 servants that I would actually be happy to get.
If I had paid quartz just kicking around I might consider it, but I've got maybe 2 left over from previous gssrs. I just don't feel like getting out my credit card for something that's likely going to give me a servant I'm neutral on. You gotta excite me to get my cash buddy.
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darabeatha · 11 months
@ardenssolis​ replied ; Nod nods
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    Enthusiastically he quickly waves their now joined hands in circles as if by gesturing the action itself, the magic would end up being much more effective― ( or well, such was the intention ) .   ❝ Evening shroud E X LEVEL 3~☆!! ❞   Oberon suddenly shouts his skill’s name with determination as he keeps swinging their hands like a windmill, and immediately; 3 little stars fall directly on the ground making a dry THUD sound ... Fwooh ! that took quite the energy ! but he’s managed to charge Ozymandias’ noble phantasm up to 3 !!
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mattkoelling · 1 year
TGIF witta fresh 21st ep of #DaBomcast for yoūse to pop the cork on…talking Early Birds #NFLDraft victories, 40 Years of the Sixers losing to Celtics misery, perennial Joel Embiid injuries, #NBAPlayoff Picks, plus Derby Day Tips.
Have A Great Weekend and Enjoy The Trip.
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