#aden bitterroot
duckapus · 6 years
Fairly Oddparents Halloween Costumes
Timmy’s Group
Timmy: Vampire Hunter, compete with real monster hunting equipment (never can be too careful)
Chloe: Princess Peach
Chester: Ventus
AJ: Secret Agent (Real spy gear because he’s a super-genius and can do that)
Elmer: Biker
Sanjay: Cleft (Timmy lent him the actual utility chin)
Tootie: Vicky
Poof: The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog
Vicky and Mark are chaperoning, as per usual.
The Rich Kids
Trixie: Pokemon Trainer Dawn (justifies this to the others by pointing out how stylish the outfit is)
Veronica: Britney Britney
Tad and Chad: Valiant Knights
Remy (not with Tixie’s group): Vampire
Real Monsters
Lord Dorian, self-proclaimed King of Vampires
Alden Bitterroot
The Headless Horseman (ended up with a Ducky Momo mask for a head instead of the traditional pumpkin this year)
Bucky McBadbat as a Werewolf
Vampirized Doug Dimmadome
Metal Timmy (A robot Crocker made that went rogue, thinks it’s the real Timmy and will do anything to “take his life back from that imposter.” currently very damaged)
various lesser monsters (zombies, ghosts, turned vampires and werewolves, things like that)
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