#african grey parrot lifespan in captivity
tiktokparrot · 8 hours
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uglyandtraveling · 1 year
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couldcarefewer · 2 years
I just have a lot of feelings about Misty choosing an African Grey parrot as a pet.
They’re extremely intelligent creatures. They can hold simple conversations that go beyond pure mimicry. They’re incredibly emotionally complex, and very needy, requiring a level of dedicated care that many first-time owners aren’t prepared for - they will quite literally go insane if they aren’t given enough attention. They bond intensely with their owners. They’re ridiculously long-lived in captivity, with an average lifespan of 60+ years.
And yet they’re still pets. It’s considered not only acceptable, but desirable to keep them under your close supervision, to have a cage you can put them in when you need to, to make decisions about their lives for them, and to not give them the opportunity to escape the controlled environment you’ve created for them.
In short, Misty chose a pet that is arguably as close as possible to her idea of an ideal long-term human companion - and because it’s a pet, she can ensure that it will never, ever leave her.
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Parrots are a diverse group of birds known for their intelligence, vibrant plumage, and ability to mimic sounds and human speech. They belong to the order Psittaciformes, which includes more than 393 species.
Here are some general characteristics and information about parrots:
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1. Size and Appearance: Parrots come in various sizes, ranging from small species like the Budgerigar (parakeet) to large ones like the Hyacinth Macaw. They have strong, curved beaks, zygodactyl feet (two toes facing forward and two toes facing backward), and a short, hooked upper beak. Their plumage displays a wide array of colors, including vibrant greens, blues, reds, yellows, and more.
2. Intelligence and Mimicry: Parrots are renowned for their high level of intelligence. They have complex problem-solving abilities, keen observational skills, and the capacity to learn and mimic sounds, including human speech. Some species, such as the African Grey Parrot, are particularly known for their exceptional language and cognitive abilities.
3. Natural Habitat: Parrots are found in various regions around the world, primarily in tropical and subtropical areas. They inhabit diverse habitats, including rainforests, savannas, woodlands, and deserts. Parrots are native to regions such as Central and South America, Australia, Africa, and Asia.
4. Diet: Parrots have a varied diet consisting of fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, flowers, and in some cases, nectar and pollen. Some parrot species also supplement their diet with insects, larvae, or small vertebrates. In captivity, it’s important to offer a balanced diet that includes high-quality pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats.
5. Lifespan: The lifespan of parrots varies greatly depending on the species. Smaller parrots, like Budgerigars, may live around 5 to 10 years, while larger species, such as Macaws and Cockatoos, can live for several decades. Some parrots, like the African Grey Parrot, have been known to live beyond 50 years with proper care.
6. Social Behavior: Parrots are highly social creatures that thrive on social interaction and companionship. In the wild, they often form flocks and engage in complex social behaviors. In captivity, it is important to provide parrots with ample socialization, mental stimulation, and opportunities for social interaction with their human caretakers.
7. Care and Ownership: Owning a parrot requires commitment and dedication. They need a spacious and enriched environment, including a properly sized cage, perches of various sizes and textures, and toys to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and mental engagement are necessary for their well-being.
It’s important to note that parrots are long-lived, highly intelligent, and social animals that require significant time, attention, and care. Before considering a parrot as a pet, it’s crucial to thoroughly research the specific needs of the species you are interested in and ensure that you can provide them with the appropriate environment and care throughout their lifespan.
There are several species of parrots that are commonly kept as pets due to their appealing traits, including their intelligence, ability to mimic sounds, and colorful plumage.
Here are some examples of popular parrot species kept as pets:
1. Budgerigar (Parakeet): Budgerigars, often referred to as parakeets, are small parrots native to Australia. They are known for their playful and social nature, ease of care, and ability to learn simple tricks. Budgerigars are available in a variety of colors and can be great companions for first-time bird owners.
2. Cockatiel: Cockatiels are small to medium-sized parrots native to Australia. They are known for their charming crests, friendly personalities, and ability to whistle and mimic sounds. Cockatiels are relatively low-maintenance birds and can bond closely with their human caretakers.
3. African Grey Parrot: African Grey Parrots are highly intelligent parrots native to the rainforests of West and Central Africa. They are known for their exceptional talking and mimicking abilities, as well as their complex problem-solving skills. African Grey Parrots require a significant amount of mental stimulation and social interaction.
4. Amazon Parrot: Amazon Parrots are medium-sized parrots native to Central and South America. They come in a variety of colors, and some species are known for their talking abilities. Amazon Parrots are social birds that require mental stimulation, social interaction, and consistent training.
5. Conures: Conures are a group of small to medium-sized parrots native to the Americas. They come in various colors and have playful and outgoing personalities. Popular conure species kept as pets include the Green-cheeked Conure, Sun Conure, and Nanday Conure. Conures are active birds that require regular social interaction and mental stimulation.
6. Macaws: Macaws are large parrots known for their vibrant plumage and impressive size. Popular pet macaw species include the Blue and Gold Macaw, Green-winged Macaw, and Scarlet Macaw. Macaws are highly intelligent and require ample space, socialization, and mental stimulation.
7. Cockatoos: Cockatoos are large parrots known for their crest and affectionate nature. Popular pet cockatoo species include the Umbrella Cockatoo, Moluccan Cockatoo, and Goffin’s Cockatoo. Cockatoos can be demanding pets in terms of attention and care, and they need a lot of mental stimulation and social interaction.
It’s important to note that each parrot species has specific care requirements, and potential owners should thoroughly research the needs, behavior, and lifespan of the species they are interested in before making a decision. Additionally, adopting a parrot from a reputable rescue organization or breeder is recommended to ensure the bird’s well-being and to support responsible parrot ownership.
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marryjojo · 3 months
How Long Does a Parrot Live?
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When considering adding a feathered companion to your home, one of the most common questions potential bird owners ask is, "How long does a parrot live?" Understanding the lifespan of a parrot is crucial, as it can greatly influence the commitment and care required. Parrots are not just vibrant and interactive pets; they are also long-term companions, with some species living as long as humans. In this exploration, we delve into the various factors that influence the lifespan of parrots, ranging from species-specific traits to the impact of care and environment. Whether you're a seasoned bird enthusiast or a curious newcomer, gaining insight into the life expectancy of these remarkable birds is essential for fostering a nurturing and lasting relationship with them.
Common Parrot & Pet Birds Average Lifespans
Parrots, known for their vivid colors and ability to mimic human speech, are popular pets worldwide. The lifespan of a parrot varies significantly across species, influenced by factors such as genetics, environment, and quality of care. 1. Budgerigars (Budgies)  Often referred to as "budgies," these small, sociable birds are favorites among pet owners. In the wild, their lifespan is typically around 5-8 years, but with proper care in captivity, they can live up to 10-15 years. 2. Cockatiels These Australian natives are known for their distinctive crest and are among the most popular pet birds. In the wild, they live about 10-14 years, but in captivity, their lifespan extends to 16-25 years with appropriate care. 3. African Grey Parrots Renowned for their intelligence and speaking abilities, African Grey Parrots are large birds that can live a long life. They typically live 40-60 years in captivity, but some have been known to reach 70 years. 4. Amazon Parrots These are medium-sized parrots known for their playful nature and talking ability. In captivity, they often live for 25-50 years, with some individuals reaching up to 60 years. 5. Macaws Macaws are large, colorful parrots, famous for their size and vivid plumage. They have one of the longest lifespans among parrots, with many species living 50-60 years in captivity, and some individuals even reaching over 70 years. 6. Lovebirds Small in size but big in personality, Lovebirds usually live for 10-15 years in the wild. In captivity, with proper care, they can live up to 20 years. 7. Eclectus Parrots Known for their striking sexual dimorphism in coloration, the male being green and the female red and blue, Eclectus Parrots can live for about 30-50 years in captivity. 8. Conures  These are medium-sized parrots found mostly in South America. Their lifespan varies by species but generally ranges from 15 to 30 years in a domestic setting.
What Makes Some Parrots Live Longer Than Others?
The lifespan of parrots varies widely among different species. However, several key factors influence why some parrots live longer than others, making this a fascinating aspect of their biology and care. Understanding these factors is crucial for anyone interested in keeping parrots as pets. Species and Genetics The type of parrot plays a significant role. Larger species, like Macaws and African Grey Parrots, generally live longer than smaller ones like Budgerigars (Budgies) or Lovebirds. This difference is largely due to genetics. Diet Nutrition is crucial for a parrot's longevity. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and specially formulated pellets contributes to better health and a longer life. Poor diet can lead to malnutrition, obesity, and health issues, shortening their lifespan. Environment and Housing  Parrots need a clean, spacious environment that stimulates their physical and mental activity. Overcrowded or unclean conditions can lead to stress and disease. Adequate space for exercise and toys for mental stimulation are important for their overall well-being. Social Interaction  Parrots are highly social creatures. Loneliness and boredom can lead to stress, which negatively affects their health. Regular interaction with their human caretakers or other birds can improve their quality of life and longevity. Healthcare  Regular veterinary check-ups, including vaccinations and parasite control, are essential for a parrot's long life. Early detection and treatment of health issues can prevent complications that might shorten their lifespan Exercise  Adequate physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing diseases. Flying in a safe area or playing in a spacious cage helps keep them fit and prolongs their lifespan. Breeding History  Parrots bred in captivity might have different lifespans compared to their wild counterparts. Responsible breeding practices can lead to healthier birds with potentially longer lifespans.  Exposure to Toxins Parrots are sensitive to environmental toxins, such as smoke, certain fumes, and household chemicals. Minimizing exposure to these toxins is essential for their long-term health.
Factors That Can Affect Parrot Life Expectancy
When discussing "how long does a parrot live," it's important to consider various factors that can significantly impact their life expectancy. These factors can either shorten or extend the natural lifespan of a parrot, depending on how well they are managed.  Diet and Nutrition A balanced and nutritious diet is paramount for a parrot's longevity. Feeding them a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and specially formulated pellets ensures they get all the necessary nutrients. A poor diet can lead to obesity or malnutrition, both of which can drastically reduce how long a parrot lives.  Quality of Care  Regular veterinary check-ups, proper grooming, and maintaining a clean living environment are essential aspects of care that can extend a parrot's life. Neglect in any of these areas can lead to health problems, reducing their lifespan. Mental and Emotional Well-being Parrots are highly intelligent and social animals. Mental stimulation through toys, interaction, and training is crucial. Lack of mental engagement can lead to stress and depression, adversely affecting how long a parrot lives. Exercise  Adequate physical activity is necessary to keep parrots healthy. Lack of exercise can lead to obesity and related health issues, impacting their overall lifespan. Genetics The genetic background of a parrot plays a role in determining its lifespan. Some species naturally live longer than others. Additionally, genetic disorders can also affect how long a parrot lives. Social Interaction  Social interaction with humans or other birds can improve a parrot's quality of life. Isolation can lead to psychological stress, negatively impacting how long a parrot lives. Breeding Practices The breeding history of a parrot can influence its longevity. Birds bred in captivity without consideration for genetic diversity may have a shorter lifespan due to inherited health issues. Stress Management  Managing stress is crucial for a parrot's health. Chronic stress can weaken their immune system, making them more susceptible to diseases, which can considerably shorten how long a parrot lives. Access to Sunlight and Fresh Air  Adequate exposure to natural sunlight and fresh air is essential for the well-being of parrots. It helps in vitamin D synthesis and maintains a healthy respiratory system, contributing positively to their lifespan.
5 Best Ways to Improve a Parrot's Lifespan
Improving a parrot's lifespan involves a combination of proper care, nutrition, and environment. Here are five effective ways to ensure your feathered friend enjoys a long and healthy life: Provide a Nutritious Diet A balanced diet is crucial for a parrot's health. This includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and high-quality pellets. Fresh foods provide essential nutrients and help prevent obesity and nutrient deficiencies. Avoid feeding them avocados and chocolate, which are toxic to birds. Ensure Regular Exercise Parrots need physical activity to stay healthy. Allowing them to fly in a safe, enclosed space or providing climbing structures in their cage helps keep them fit. Exercise prevents obesity, strengthens their muscles, and improves mental health.  Create a Stimulating Environment Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise. Parrots are intelligent and can get bored easily. Provide toys that encourage problem-solving, foraging for food, and mimic natural behaviors. Regularly changing these toys helps keep their environment interesting and engaging. Maintain Social Interaction Parrots are social creatures and thrive on interaction. Spend time talking to your parrot, teaching them tricks, or simply being in the same room with them. Lack of social interaction can lead to stress and behavioral problems.  Regular Health Check-Ups Just like humans, parrots benefit from regular health check-ups. A veterinarian specializing in birds can catch and treat health issues early, which is crucial for a long lifespan. Also, be observant of any changes in your parrot's behavior or appearance, as these can be early signs of health problems.
Why Do Parrots Live So Long?
Parrots have a remarkably long lifespan compared to other birds, and several factors contribute to this: Slow Metabolism Parrots generally have a slower metabolism compared to smaller birds. This slower pace of life is associated with longer lifespans in many animal species. Diet: In the wild, parrots have access to a diverse diet rich in fruits, nuts, and seeds, which provides essential nutrients for a healthy life. In captivity, a well-balanced diet contributes to their longevity. Natural Predation Parrots, especially larger species, have fewer natural predators. This reduced risk contributes to their ability to live longer lives in the wild. Social Structure Parrots are highly social and intelligent creatures. Their complex social interactions and bonds can contribute to mental well-being, which is linked to overall health and longevity. Reproductive Strategy  Parrots tend to have fewer offspring compared to other birds, but invest more care and time in each one. Species that reproduce less frequently often live longer. Care in Captivity  In captivity, parrots are protected from environmental hazards, predators, and have regular access to nutritious food and medical care. This can significantly extend their lifespan beyond what is typical in the wild. Final Words the question "How long does a parrot live?" reveals a complex interplay of factors, including species, genetics, diet, environment, and quality of care. Parrots are not just pets; they are long-term companions that require a significant commitment in terms of time, affection, and responsibility. Their lifespan varies greatly among species, with some living upwards of 70 years. This longevity calls for dedicated care and a deep understanding of their needs. By providing a nutritious diet, a stimulating environment, regular exercise, and proper veterinary care, parrot owners can ensure their feathered friends enjoy a long, healthy, and happy life. Whether you already own a parrot or are planning to welcome one into your family, remembering the profound commitment they require is key to a rewarding relationship with these intelligent and affectionate birds.
Which parrots live 140 years? No parrot species is known to live 140 years. The longest-living parrots, like some Macaws or Cockatoos, can live up to 80 years or slightly more under optimal conditions. Can parrots live over 100 years? It is extremely rare for parrots to live over 100 years. While some species have long lifespans, reaching or exceeding 100 years is not typical for any known parrot species. How long does a green parrot live? The lifespan of a "green parrot" depends on its specific species. For instance, Amazon parrots, which are often green, can live for 50 to 70 years, whereas a Green-Cheeked Conure typically lives for 15 to 30 years. How long does a parrot live as a pet? As pets, parrots can live anywhere from 10 to 80 years, depending on the species, with larger species like Macaws and Cockatoos living longer. How long does a parrot live in captivity? In captivity, parrots can live up to 80 years or more, with good care, nutrition, and environment playing a crucial role in their lifespan. How long does a parrot live in the wild? In the wild, parrots typically have shorter lifespans due to predators, disease, and environmental challenges, ranging from 10 to 50 years, again depending on the species. Read the full article
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apurbokumerdasantu · 6 months
All About African Grey Parrot for Sale
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African Grey Parrots are some of the most fascinating and intelligent birds in the world. Their unique abilities to mimic human speech and understand complex concepts have made them a popular companion pet for many bird enthusiasts. These parrots have a distinctive appearance, with their grey feathers and striking red tails. They are native to the rain forests of West and Central Africa, where they live in large flocks and roost in trees. African Grey Parrots require a lot of attention and mental stimulation, as they are highly social and curious birds. If you are considering getting an African Grey Parrot as a pet, it is important to do your research and ensure that you are prepared to provide them proper care and attention.
African Grey Parrot lifespan
African Grey Parrots are highly sought after as pets for their incredible intelligence and their ability to mimic human speech. These birds are fascinating creatures that require a lot of love, care, and attention. One of the most commonly asked questions about African Grey Parrots is how long they live. The lifespan of an African Grey Parrot can vary depending on a number of factors, including diet, exercise, and medical care. However, on average, African Grey Parrots can live up to 50 years, making them one of the longest-lived birds in captivity. It is important for owners to consider the long-term commitment of caring for an African Grey Parrot and to provide them with the necessary care to ensure they live a long and healthy life.
African Grey Parrot care requirements
As any pet owner can attest, caring for an animal comes with a great deal of responsibility, and owning an African Grey Parrot is no exception. These intelligent and social birds require adequate space, appropriate nutrition, and plenty of mental stimulation and socialization to thrive. Providing an aviary or a cage that is large enough for the bird to spread their wings and move around freely is essential. A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with a nutrient-rich pellet diet, will help keep your parrot healthy. Furthermore, African Grey Parrots are highly intelligent creatures that require mental stimulation and social interaction to live a happy and fulfilling life. Regular playtime, training sessions, and interaction with other birds or humans can promote the bird's health and well-being. Therefore, providing a dedicated and caring home can ensure that African Grey Parrots are not only happy but also healthy, vibrant, and full of life. Before looking to buy african grey parrot for sale must know about the care requirements. African Grey Parrots require a serious commitment from their owners. If you're ready for the responsibility that comes with owning an African Grey, birdmanspetsources  is a reputable breeder that offers African Grey Parrots for sale. But before making your purchase, be sure to research their specific care requirements and prepare your home for their arrival. With proper care and attention, an African Grey Parrot can become a beloved member of your family.
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ben1d · 6 months
The Complete Truth About Parrots as Pets: What You Need to Know
Parrots, known for their vibrant plumage and remarkable intelligence, are captivating creatures that have charmed bird enthusiasts for generations. As potential pet owners, it's vital to uncover the complete truth about parrots as pets to ensure a harmonious and fulfilling companionship. In this brief guide, we will unveil the essential facts and considerations that will help you make an informed decision about welcoming a parrot into your home.
Section 1: Parrot Personality and Characteristics
Parrots are renowned for their vibrant personalities and striking appearances. They exhibit traits like:
a. Intelligence: Parrots are exceptionally intelligent and can learn various tricks and even mimic human speech.
b. Long Lifespan: Parrots have a long lifespan, often living for several decades, which is a long-term commitment.
c. Social Nature: Parrots are social animals that require regular interaction and mental stimulation.
Section 2: Parrot Species Diversity
There are over 400 species of parrots, each with unique characteristics and requirements. Popular species kept as pets include the African Grey, Amazon, Cockatiel, and Budgerigar, among others. Research the specific needs and traits of the species you're interested in to make an informed choice.
Section 3: Parrot Care and Maintenance
Parrot ownership comes with responsibilities, including:
a. Diet: Parrots require a balanced diet of high-quality pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and a variety of nuts and seeds.
b. Cage and Space: Providing a spacious cage and regular out-of-cage time is essential for their well-being.
c. Mental Stimulation: Parrots need mental stimulation through toys, puzzles, and social interaction to prevent boredom and behavioral issues.
Section 4: Noise Level
One crucial aspect to be aware of is that parrots can be noisy. Their vocalizations, including squawking and mimicking sounds, can be loud and may not be suitable for quiet living environments.
Section 5: Lifelong Commitment
Parrots are a long-term commitment. Some species can live for 50 years or more. Potential owners should be prepared for a lifelong bond and the financial and emotional responsibilities that come with it.
Section 6: Legal Considerations
Check your local regulations regarding parrot ownership. Some species may be protected, and permits might be required in certain regions.
Section 7: Allergies
Parrot feathers and dander can trigger allergies in some individuals. Make sure no one in your household has severe allergies before bringing a parrot home.
Owning a parrot can be a rewarding experience, but it's essential to be aware of the complete truth about parrots as pets. Their intelligence, longevity, and social nature make them unique companions, but they also demand a high level of care and commitment. Before deciding to bring a parrot into your life, thoroughly research the species you're interested in and consider the long-term implications of their care. By understanding what you're getting into, you can create a loving and lasting bond with your feathered friend.
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mainsindo · 2 years
Rescue birds near richmond va
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He currently has 13+ bird feeders in his yard and also raises and races homing pigeons. Living in the suburbs he does his best to bring wild birds into his backyard. Robert has been an avid birdwatcher pretty much his entire life. area: Maryville, Tennessee category: Birds, Indian Ringnecks listing updated: 2 days ago Green cheek conures - 350. For Sale and Delivered to you by USPS 6 young white birds $249.00 Colored Birds also available at the same price. game chickens - $15 (Lenox) I got some game hens and stags that I pulled off the yard and am looking to sellI will do some pretty good prices on them I have 1 spangled penny hatch hen $403 black roundhead hens $40 each 4 grey hens $40 each And about 20-25 3 month old stags that are hatch/grey/roundhead crosses $15 each I would be interested in.Free Classifieds Puppies for Sale in TN Tennessee, Dogs for Adoption in TN Tennessee, Cats, Birds, Small Pets. Two young roosters, I believe they are Buff Orpingtons. URGENT: This animal could be euthanized if not adopted soon. Moore's Little Britts Whitwell - Tennessee.Adopt Pet Birds in Tennessee. Hunting Dog Breeds Raised: German Shorthaired Pointer. Hunting Dog Breeds Raised: American Brittany, English Pointer, Epagneul Breton, French Brittany Spaniel, Labrador Retriever. Sexing: African Grey Parrots are difficult to visually sex.Wolf River Kennels Williston - Tennessee. Lifespan: African grey parrots may live for 40 - 60 years in captivity, although their mean lifespan in the wild appears to be somewhat shorter at about 23 years. Poultry Show Dates Size: 13 inches, adults weigh between 418 to 526 grams. Quail birds - baby 1 week olds, 4+ weeks and Adults, 100% organic quail eggs. Swap Meet or Auction: Date: Auction Schedule: Flock Swap JanuFlock Swap FebruFlock Swap. These birds… View Details $175 Fresh Baby Redeye Latinos in NashvilleTennessee Poultry Swaps and Livestock Auctions. There are a few different shades of blue, teal and green. So,small!More Lovebirds in Nashville Price / Cut South Nashville, TN (58 mi) Species Peach Faced Lovebird Age Young Ad Type For Sale Gender Mixed Dutch Blue Lovebirds Price cut $25. The male is charting 8 pounds grown, the female is charting 6 pounds. Both are liver/chocolate and white parti's. I have 2 ADORABLE Imperial CKC Shih Tzu puppies for sale, in East Tennessee! The male is $1,500, female is $1,800. Enjoy the Great Outdoors! You can contact Meadow Brook Game Farm by calling Richard Denning at 61 for reservations or 61 to reach his cell and for information. You will only pay for the birds you shoot. X2 He will get you in position to get a good shot if you follow these instructions we will guarantee the hunt.
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calochortus · 2 years
Portrait of a Grey Parrot by Ben-ah Via Flickr: Portrait of Rudy, the Congo African Grey Parrot at Bloedel Conservatory of QE Park in Vancouver, BC Canada. African Greys are considered to be among the most intelligent of all birds, ranking alongside dolphins, and chimpanzees for their ability to associate human word with meanings, shapes and colors. The grey parrot is a medium-sized, predominantly grey, black-billed parrot. Its typical weight is 400 g (0.88 lb), with an approximate length of 33 cm (13 in), and a wingspan of 46–52 cm (18–20 in). It has darker grey than its body over the head and both wings. The head and body feathers have slight white edges. The tail feathers are red. Grey parrots may live for 40–60 years in captivity, although their mean lifespan in the wild appears to be shorter — approximately 23 years. The species is common in captivity and regularly kept by humans as a companion parrot, prized for its ability to mimic human speech, which makes it one of the most popular avian pets. An escaped pet in Japan was returned to his owner after repeating the owner's name and address. They are notorious for mimicking noises heard in their environment and using them tirelessly. They are highly intelligent birds, needing extensive behavioral and social enrichment as well as extensive attention in captivity or else they may become distressed. Feather plucking is a common symptom seen among such distressed grey parrots. They also may be prone to behavioural problems due to their sensitive nature. Social isolation hastens stress and aging. Their ability to reproduce noises has led to them exercising their vocal abilities in front of humans. --- wikipedia
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periwinkleparrots · 4 years
Bird of the Week- African Grey
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Lifespan: Around 40- 60 years
Latin name: Psittacus erithacus
Diet: Seeds, nuts, berries and vegetation; they particuarly like fruit from the African Oil Palm.
Personality: Their behaviour in the wild is not well-documented, as they are secretive birds (perhaps due to being prey animals, preyed upon by a number of raptors. However, they are very social, and rely on a flock-type structure. In captivity, they tend to be good talkers, and are highly intelligent. Due to their complex needs, they can be prone to feather plucking, amd need plenty stimulation to prevent this. Unlike some other parrots, greys are not 'cuddly', and will usualy only tolerate head-scratching.
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Native to: Also known as the Congo Parrot, they are native to equatorial Africa.
Habitat: Greys favour dense forest, but are also found at forest edges, and in more open savanna forests.
Conservation status: Endangered, numbers decreasing. This is largely due to deforestation and the pet trade.
Fun facts: Some African Greys are said to live in Florida- however, these are escaped pets, and no evidence of breeding has yet been discovered. One of the most famous African Grey Parrots was Alex, who could identify, request, refuse and categorise around 100 items.
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tiktokparrot · 8 hours
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sandersstudies · 5 years
 Y’all wanna hear something crazy about octopuses? 
Most other intelligent animals have long lifespans. Look at humans, of course, but also dolphins (up to 60 years for some genuses), elephants (up to 70), African Grey Parrots (up to 60). Our primate relatives like bonobos and chimps live about 40 years.  Even corvids can live 20 years in captivity.
Average lifespan for an octopus (the only invertebrate on this list)? Up to five years. Much less for some species. They tend to pass away very shortly after reproducing. That’s about a species that can solve complex puzzles, self-expresses, dreams, and uses tools. 
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todaysbird · 5 years
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the african grey parrot (psittacus erithacus) is a medium-sized gray parrot native to africa. these social parrots live in flocks and form monogamous pair bonds. they are mainly frugivorous, but will also eat nuts, seeds, snails, and insects. in the wild, they average a lifespan that ends in their early 20’s, but in captivity they often reach 40-60 years. african greys are known for their incredible intelligence, which rivals 4 to 6 year old humans in some cognitive tests. one notable african grey, alex, was known for his vocabulary of 100+ words and ability to count and recognize shapes.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
i have an african grey. i got her before learning that they’re apparently impossible to ethically keep in captivity. i love her so much, she gets all day out and about and she was a direct rescue from an abusive home. i just feel bad because i didnt know about them in captivity and stuff.
Unfortunately, they already exist in captivity! While there are things we can do to change that (like no longer breeding them or buying from breeders/pet stores), they’re still going to exist in captivity for a while longer, given their long lifespans, even if we stopped all breeding tomorrow.
It sounds like you did a great thing by rescuing your girl and giving her a safe home! ♥ You absolutely shouldn’t feel bad about that. They are extremely difficult to take care of and provide enough enrichment for, but just try to do your best. It’s a huge thing to undertake and if you do end up feeling overwhelmed & like you’re not doing what she needs, there’s no shame in rehoming to someone who’s better prepared to provide for such a smart & active animal.
But just merely having her doesn’t mean that you’re a horrible person or anything, at all. Like I said, parrots still exist in captivity and need to be cared for. The best we can do for them (along with educating people & trying to stop breeding) is to make sure they’re in homes that realize what an enormous task their care is and does their absolute best to provide what the birds need to be happy and healthy.
If you don’t already follow her, @flock-talk is a wonderful parrot owner & resource & has talked before about how much work it is to provide proper enrichment and environments for parrots. She might have some more advice & reassurance for you if you have any more specific questions on how to best provide for your bird or if you need ideas on ways to keep her life enriched!
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parrotfertileeggs · 4 years
African grey parrot|Congo African grey parrot|African grey parrot for sale
African grey parrot|Congo African grey parrot|African grey parrot for sale
The grey parrot, also known as the Congo grey parrot, Congo African grey parrot or African grey parrot, is an Old World parrot in the family Psittacidae. The Timneh parrot was earlier treated as a subspecies but has since been elevated to a full species. 
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Lifespan: 40 – 60 years (In captivity) Family: Psittacidae Mass: 410 g Order: Psittaciformes Kingdom: Animalia  
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parrotsinfo · 3 years
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