#ahhhhh <- keeps accidentally biting down on my tongue
extervus · 2 years
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Idk why but I literally actually love taking selfies with this exact expression and angle. It's like so amusing to me, like not even in the lol way but in the just pure delight way. Literally cannot describe it beyond that nor can I explain why but it's just so fun to me
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Ma’am I NEED that bunny hybrid au so bad…even in ask form. Hoseok’s bunny desperately needing her because of his rut and wanting to bury his nose in her smell everywhere and fuck her over and over again 🥺
(NSFW: references to s&m, master! hoseok, Sub! koo, knotting, belly bulge, cumplay, voyeurism, referenced double penetration, humiliation kink, clit slapping, slight panty sniffing? jungkook just really likes the smell of her slick okay, bunny jungkook in rut) ahhhhh why is like? the idea of them having rut and heat playdates so hot? like maybe Hoseok calls up Yoongi and is like “Hyung my bunny is in rut again can you bring yours over?” and Yoongi can just like- sense how sore Hoseok is over the phone. bunny heat/ruts are no joke because bunny hybrids have ridiculous stamina and the only thing that can really satisfy a bunny hybrid during a rut or a heat- is another bunny hybrid or several partners. 
and of course, they need to supervise you and Jungkook and make sure nothing bad happens. as much as they all love kookie he’s a little non-verbal during his ruts. He’s already made the living room a kind of nest- but they’re no reason why Yoongi and Hoseok can’t sit on the couch and have a coffee while you and Koo tangle in the little blanket nest. 
Jungkook pulling you down until your back is up against the blankets, already starting to growl and chuff as he takes off your underwear and buries his nose in it. you send yoongi a panicked glance because you’ve never seen your sweet bunny friend act this way- act so...animalistic. Kookies brown eyes are almost completely blown black.  but Yoongi soothes you with a little look. 
Your expression suddenly Blissing out as Jungkook decides he’s had enough of your underwear and instead- leans down to smell your slick just from the source. lapping at your entrance but completely neglecting your clit- Hoseok gives you a wince in sympathy. But, unfortunately, the only thing that Jungkook cares about during his rut is slick and a firm pressure around his own knot. Hoseok’s been edged enough times by Jungkook accidentally to know your pain- the attention just enough to keep you on edge but not enough to let you cum. 
Yoongi and Hoseok just talk while you play, catching up on each others lives and at times completely ignoring your moans and squeaks, punctuated by Jungkook’s low grunts.  They just want to catch up after all, having you there to help kookie is only part of the draw to having you both over. 
occasionally Hoseok glances over when he hears you give a particularly loud squeak. a caution to his voice “gentle bunny, wouldn’t want to hurt Yoongi’s little princess” when Jungkook tries to fuck his fully formed knot in and out. and when he doesn't stop- Hoseok leans over and grabs Jungkook by the ears to pull him up to face his owner instead of keeping his head buried in your neck. “I said stop bunny” 
“yes, master, sorry master” Hoseok loves the way Jungkook’s hips quiver, wanting to thrust forward- but Jungkook’s desire to be a good boy outweighs his need to fuck- only barely. Yoongi leaning down to give your ears a stroke, soothing your heavy panting breathes. you get so pretty like this- so sniffily and overwhelmed with a knot. The kind of look Yoongi and jin can only get out of you if they give you both their cocks at the same time. 
“one second” yoongi retrieves a pillow for you to bite down on to keep your little cries down. “you’re vocal little bunnies” Hoseok teases, and you whine- the humiliation at interrupting their conversation burning hot through you. Jungkook’s tongue lapping at your throat and chest, pulled out of the top of your lowcut shirt, happily drinking down your spiking pheromones. Yoongi and Jin know you have a little bit of a humiliation kink. and he’s happy to indulge you in it now especially if Jungkook enjoys the way the words make you gush around his knot.  
both of the humans ignoring how hard they are in their pants watching a rut addled Jungkook knot you again and again in the span of only about an hour, eyes heavy on each other because yeah- maybe Yoonjin bring hoseok in as their third partner sometimes but still- they usually have their jin Hyung to supervise. Hoseok enjoys the sight of Yoongi shifting, obviously turned on by the impressive display of breeding that Jungkook’s putting you through right now- Yoongi didn’t know Jungkook could cum quite that much. 
 maybe when you leave later at night Yoongi doesn't even let you clean up, instead preferring to have jin do it when you get home (jin might have texted yoongi to tell him not to let you clean up), and a hint of humiliation tickles down your spine as yoongi leads you to the car, and you can actually feel the cum dripping down the edge of your thigh. hoping no one is around to see or smell it on you. 
you’re just as messy when you get home, jin heaving you up on the edge of the kitchen counter. turning up the edge of your rumpled skirt and examining your puffy and pink entrance. your tummy a little bulging, a little full from the amount of cum jungkook fucked into you. Your hybrid anatomy keeps most of it inside, but only just- a little spilling out and down your thighs that jin swipes his fingers through. “messy baby” jin would coo- “did you have fun on your rut playdate?” 
and jin absolutly preens at the way you blush and smile at the memories, “yes jinnie,” they’re definitly going to make jungkook come over during your heat- the idea of you both like that at the same time is enticing. jin and hoseok talked about it on the phone a few minutes ago- the other calling the elder to update him on the day. and he remembers the other man's words “I wonder how tight she gets when jungkook knots her? have you ever wondered hyung?” 
 “tell me your favorite parts?”  ahhhhh why do I love the idea of jin making her describe her time with Jungkook in detail as he slowly rubs the cum into her clit. punishing her with a little spank to her clit whenever she gets too distracted to continue. and jin and Yoongi both deciding that yeah- they want to add to the bulge in her tummy just a little bit by fucking their cum into her. playing with her neglected clit (because Jungkook was so deep in the throes of rut he didn’t bother to pay attention to it) until she’s squirting and clenching so hard it forces some of the cum out. 
yeahhhhhh- bunny jungkook and bunny reader are a whole kink.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Hiii! I was wondering if I could request a revali x reader where revali and reader are best friends and are in love with each other but they’re both too oblivious to notice until one day something happens and they find out? i love your writing! thank you so much😊
Hey there! Sorry this took so long, but here it is! This is gonna be a two parter because I got super carried away with all the banter and scenes. Thanks for the request because I had a lot of fun with this! So, here is
Oblivious Actions Part 1 of 2
4015 Words (sorry it’s so long)
Revali x Reader
It was a perfect day to disobey your elders.
The sky was just waking, strokes of rose and honey painted the edges of the horizon. The wind was crisp, and playful, ruffling through his feathers as he flew. Lake Totori glistened below. Sunlight shone across a bright blue expanse, laced with only a few, white clouds. The plateaus surrounding the area were dotted with pine trees, their umber trunks rooted to the ground. The air was open and infinite. Gliding through the sky and observing the tiny specks of nature below filled him with a sense of wonder. Revali flapped his little wings down towards the forest.
HA! See? I’m already an expert flyer! I can explore as much of the world as I want, without any adults. I’m not a kid anymore!
The Rito baby blush marks that painted his cheeks said otherwise.
Even though Rito under 10 years of age were heavily discouraged from venturing beyond the bridges, Revali had decided he was big enough to go where he wanted. Behind him, the towering spire of Rito Village continued to shrink. To his left, the jutting figure of a wooden horse head could be seen. Hylians are so weird, needing other animals in order to move around. The stable in the distance then drowned into an evergreen sea. Gliding closer to the earth, the view of the sky was now covered with dry pine needles and brittle branches. He focused his attention to what was under him, trying to find a safe place to land. The breeze cooled and quickened. Revali angled his wings downward, trying to move his body to land gracefully among the trees.
He would fail.
There was a small clearing in the middle of the grove, a dirt path that travelers would use to hike between Warbler’s Nest and Rito Stable. Supposedly, following the trail even further up would lead to the infamous Hebra Peaks, a mountain range that lay just outside the view from his house, full of secrets and sights that no one has ever explored. Being the child that he was, naivety clouded his judgement, as Revali had ignored the warnings given to him about monsters nestled in the woods. The Rito was desperate to get out of the village in any way he could, even if it meant learning to glide all on his own.
Trying to plan his descent, he positioned himself at an angle, moving his weight backwards, ready to land. His feet shifted forward, ready to grip onto something solid, but the wind suddenly changed. It’s direction altered only slightly, but it was enough to catch him off guard. Flailing his wings, Revali tried to catch the current under his wings again, but it was no use, the current keeping him in the air was gone, and his baby wings weren’t big enough to flap a large gust of his own. A stray branch knocking into his side, the little Rito tumbled into the dirt. 
“Gaah!” he grunted, panic coursing through him.
Revali plunged through the trees, not unlike how a snowball tramples down a mountain slope, picking up debris as it rolls. Falling through the branches, his feathery features caught sticks, leaves, and pinecones, until he connected with the earth with a thud.
The impact caused dust to cloud around him. It got in his eyes and settled on the edges of his feathers. The dirt wasn’t the worst place to land, but it still hurt. His crash had broken a few branches, causing a couple of pinecones and leaves to break loose. One stray, falling leaf hovered through the air, delicately. Its flight was much more elegant, dancing in the wind. It landed gracefully on the tip of his beak, its cinnamon hue and crinkly features mocking him. Revali blew it off with a “hmph!”
Sitting in the dirt, Revali brushed off the dust and twigs on his tunic as best he could. It was one thing that he had snuck out of the house, but coming back all dirty wouldn’t do either. Mumbling to himself, he sat there, taking in the sights and sounds of the woods. A much better setting than sitting in the house all day. Then there was an abrupt shuffling in the bushes. 
Looking up, Revali searched for the source of the noise. Getting to his feet, he picked up a twig and held it in front of him like a sword. Was it the monsters everyone had warned him about? His heart quickened, his mind raced. The trees still swayed in the wind, and the birds and bugs chirped, but suddenly everything was looking a lot more ominous. Another rustle. He hastily faced his left side, where a single dark green bush greeted him. Do I move closer? Back away? Revali was frozen in place. Finally, he dared to whisper.
“W-who’s there?” he asked.
Instead of a cliché silence, his question was immediately answered with a loud scream from the bush.
“AHHHHH! IT’S TALKING!” the bush yelled.
Revali followed suit and screamed himself, as it was only natural to be scared of shrieking plants.
This exchange of confused and fearful yelling went on for a few seconds. A few sparrows took off for the sky, startled by the noise. Then, silence took hold again, with only the wind brushing through the woods. The bush and Revali stared at each other for another eternity. Finally the bush spoke again.
“Why are you pretty?”
“AGH?! What?” the Rito took a step back, bewildered. “W-wha…what’re you talking about??”
Suddenly, a small face peeked out from the bush. Their eyes were wide, and curious, but their expression was still wary. “I said, why are you pretty? Monsters are supposed to be ugly.”
Revali tightened his grip around the twig. “I’m not! You’re the one hiding in a bush, so you’re the monster if anything. I’m a Rito!”
“A Rito?” a small, Hylian child stepped out of the bush. They were wearing a maroon tunic, along with stable gloves and boots. The collar of their shirt was lined with cotton. A loopy scarf, that was far too big for them, was wrapped around their shoulders, etched with the emblem of the Hylian Stable System. Their hair was messy, probably from hiding within the bush. Gripped in their hands was their own makeshift sword, a wooden spoon. They waved it in Revali’s direction. “You’re way too tiny to be a Rito. The ones who visit the stables are always taller than my mom.”
“W-well, then maybe you’re mom’s short!” Revali sputtered out.
He stomped his foot. “Obviously, I’m not a monster. I’m just of a… different height, because kids don’t leave the village without supervision. It’s only the adults you see. So quit being dumb. I mean, I can talk can’t I?”
The Hylian crossed their arms, tapping the spoon against their elbow. They considered his argument… I guess a tiny monster couldn’t eat me in one bite anyhow. “Fine then. If you’re not a monster, then you should have a Rito-sounding name, right? So what is it?”
Revali held his beak in the air and turned his back, crossing his own wings in imitation. “Hmph! Well why should I tell you when you’re a complete stranger! I thought you were a monster too, you know.”
The Hylian squinted their eyes thinking. “Well… fine. Your name probably sucks anyway! Thanks for scaring me half to death, tiny Rito!”
With that, the child turned around and started marching back in the direction of the stables. They made an effort to pound their boots on the ground to make as much sound as possible. Revali was left with his beak hanging open. How dare they! They’re the one with a sucky name, whatever it is.
He ran behind them, trying to catch up. He fluttered his wings to shake off any other dirt and twigs. He matched their pace, and puffed out his feathers. “I’ll have you know that I have a supercool nickname! Nicknames are always cool, therefore my name doesn’t suck. So, Ha!”
The Hylian raised an eyebrow. “Well, what is it then? What’s your fancy name?”
“They call me…” he stopped and posed, both wings outstretched in front of them, “…the Supreme Master of the Sky!”
They Hylian clutched their stomach, laughing hysterically. “HA! There’s no way that’s true. I saw you crash through the trees earlier! Some master you are, that’s probably even dumber than whatever your real name is.”
Revali narrowed his eyes, “Nuh-uh!”
“Hmph! Well at least I have a cool nickname. I bet you don’t even have one!” 
“Nope. People just call me [Name], because my name is already great and I don’t need dumb nicknames or titles.” They stuck out their tongue at him.
Revali made a dumb face in retaliation, before responding. “Fine, if you won’t call me that, you can just stick with ‘Revali,’ and you better remember it!” 
[Name] shot him a look, then huffed. “Yeah. Sure.”
The two of them continued their walk through the woods. Revali trusted it was the route back to the stable. They talked and jeered, laughed and scowled at each other, their conversations about nothing in particular. At one point, the Rito attempted to show off by gliding through the air. It would end with another crash, and the Hylian child chuckling.
“It’s cause you still have a bunch of stuff tucked in your wings!” [Name] said with a sigh. Removing a pinecone and several bits of dried leaves, they cleaned up the rest of Revali’s wing. When taking out a twig, they accidentally took out a feather.
Revali yelped, “Ow! What was that for?”
“I’m so sorry! I was just trying to get rid of this.” [Name] chucked the twig over their shoulder. The feather they had taken out was mainly white, but faded into a deep, indigo color at the bottom. It was like a star had shot across the sky, and its streak had colored this single, delicate feather. [Name] brushed it against their fingers, and stared at it in awe. It’s so pretty.
“Pfft. I know that. Anything from me is great.” Revali’s feathers puffed up in pride.
Oh no! Did I say that out-loud?? “Uh…yeah.” [Name] mumbled. They suddenly became very interested in the condition of their boots, turning their head to the ground as the two of them walked. 
A silence fell between them. Then, 
“Can…can I keep this?” 
Revali cast them a glance. “Uh…sure, why not. Not like I need it anymore. I’ll have plenty next time I molt.”
[Name] looked up, eyes wide. “Really?! Are you sure? This doesn’t, like, curse me or anything right?”
He scoffed. “No, of course not. It’s just a feather. I’ve seen adults trade them all the time. It’s fine. Whatever…”
The large horse head was now in front of them. The trees were more dispersed, and piles of lumber scattered the ground. The muted colors that decorated the stable billowed in the wind, the breeze blowing loose cloth and banners across the sky. To the left were the wooden bridges. They led up to a towering spire, the familiar shape of Rito Village casting over the two of them. The two of them stopped by the back side of the stable. [Name] forced themself to plaster on a grin.
“Well, guess I’ll see you never!” they jeered.
“Ha! If I’m lucky, I’ll never see you or your wooden spoon again!” Revali stuck his tongue out at them. 
After staring at each other for another eternity, [Name] finally turned around and ran back towards the entrance to the stable. Revali then began his walk back over the wooden bridges.
The next day, Revali would be punished for sneaking out of the village. His grounding would include having to do extra chores, specifically by having to help around Rito Stable for the rest of the month, much to [Name]’s surprise. Neither of them minded.
- - - - - 
Years Later…
- - - - - 
The Champions had arrived. 
The letter had reached the village around a week ago, but they had come a day earlier than scheduled. But, that was to be expected, as the princess was always eager to go out and explore the shrines. The sun was set high in the sky, Rito Village’s shadow cast down on the woods below. The breeze exposed the pine cones nestled in the trees. The birds sang a familiar tune. However, the state of Rito Stable was very much unusual, or at the very least, uncustomary. Hylians and Rito alike were bustling. What was usually a quiet setting was now full of life and movement. People scrambled to set up decorations and supplies, most of which was being transported towards the village. Some were preparing lanterns, others setting up bright blue banners, adorned with the Hyrulean Family’s crest. The colors of the stable were now even brighter than usual, even the Rito flying about added streaks of bright colors in the sky. Children ran through the boxes of cargo, and stable hands moved barrels of goods towards the bridges that led to the towering stone spire. Among the chaos, a few individuals were chatting by the roadside. 
“I’m just saying, I don’t wanna accidentally break the bridge! It wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened…” Daruk scratched the back of his head, chuckling. 
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. The bridges are sturdy enough to handle the strongest of winds, after all.” Mipha gave him a reassuring smile. She glanced at Urbosa for confirmation, “Don’t you agree?”
The Gerudo nodded, “There’s no need to worry about such things. The whole point of throwing a party is to sweep your worries away. Besides,” she cast a glance towards a particular Rito’s direction, “we owe it to everyone who worked hard to organize it to be there. Isn’t that right, Revali?”
The Rito Champion was busy observing… something, but it was clear he wasn’t listening. He kept watching people file in and out of the stable, as if waiting for something. Revali kept fiddling with the edges of his blue scarf, smoothing it out to make himself more presentable. 
“Hmm?” Finally snapping out of it, he turned to face the other Champions. “Ah yes, sorry. Daruk, there’s no need to be concerned, if you break the bridge all the Rito are perfectly capable of flying home, so it won’t matter anyhow. Plus Lake Totori is quite refreshing, so when you fall—”
Urbosa elbowed him on the side, cutting him off. He mumbled something about practicing honesty. She sighed, “Why did I expect you to add something genuine to the conversation…”
Revali scoffed, “Tsk. Your mistake.” Mipha gave a small laugh. The Zora princess tilted her head before chiming in, “Revali, Urbosa does have a point. You’re going to come to the celebration this time, yes?” The Rito Champion had a habit of not attending events that weren’t necessary or mandatory. He had skipped out on nearly every noble party, feast, and nightly social gatherings, on the pretense that “diplomats were boring,” “it’s utterly useless,” “I didn’t come here to socialize,” and “I’m busy doing something that’s actually important.”
However, it would be a bit more difficult to opt out of something that’s held right in your hometown. Revali turned and sighed. “Unfortunately, my schedule is quite clear for tonight. So, unless something more significant comes to my attention, I suppose I’ll attend the damn p—”
The Champions turned in the direction of the voice. The feathers on Revali’s neck fluffed up in surprise, or was it embarrassment? Well, some sort of combination of the two. A Hylian stable-hand, carrying an assortment of wildflowers in their arms, made their way towards the group. 
Mipha snickered, “Master of the Sky?” The Rito shot daggers in her direction, before facing back towards the stable-hand. 
“Are you ever going to live that down? I was six. I think I’ve grown out of that.”
A bright grin grew on the Hylian’s face. “Hmm. Not vertically you haven’t!” They stood on their toes and used a hand to pat the feathers on the top of Revali’s head like a puppy. “I mean, you’re taller than me and I can still make fun of you for being a short Rito. That’s an achievement all on its own!” 
Daruk didn’t try to hide his laughter that time. Revali shot more daggers at the Hylian. Although no one could notice it (and he would certainly never admit it), there was the slightest creep of a smile on his face when they patted him. He responded with his own quip. “Funny hearing that from someone who awarded themselves the title of ‘Number One Horse Boss,’ don’t you think?”
Their cheeks flushed, their grin was replaced with an awkward smile. “I was nine…”
“Oh? Does age matter now?”
The two continued to laugh among themselves about things the other Champions couldn’t really understand. Daruk was scratching the back of his head again, clearly it was new seeing the Rito so carefree. Mipha also watched them curiously. Urbosa’s gaze continued to switch between Revali and the Hylian. She then asked, “So Revali, are you going to continue insulting each other, or are you going to introduce us?”
He quickly coughed and straightened himself out. “Right, sorry. Well, esteem fellow Champions, this is [Name], they’ve been working at Rito Stable for as long as I can remember.” He wrapped his wing around their shoulder, pushing them forward. “Say hi, [Name]”
Snapping their attention to them, [Name] turned to greet them with a beaming smile. They excitedly shook everyone’s hand, a bundle of wildflowers still in their other arm. “It’s great to finally meet you all! Revali’s told me so much about you guys.” 
Urbosa raised an eyebrow, looking at Revali. “Oh, what sort of things has he said?”
Before he even had a chance to stop them, [Name] gestured to Daruk. “He said that your optimism and laugh are very contagious,” they turned to Mipha, “And that you’re one of the nicest people he’s ever met.” Mipha blushed, Daruk had a grin plastered on his face. Turning to Urbosa, [Name] added, “And he said that you basically act as everyone’s mom in the group.”
Urbosa put a hand on her chest fake offense. The Rito turned back to [Name]. “So you’ve met everyone now, maybe now’s a good time for you to leave and not say anything else about our old conversations, got it?”
“Oh! Wait before I go,” [Name] took a wreath of yellow wildflowers from their arm, “The, uh…the Rito children were making these flower crowns…I, uh…I thought you all might want some..?”
[Name] draped them over Revali’s head before he could object. The flowers were a bright, bumblebee color, with small blushes of white. It matched well with his indigo and white feathers. “See? Now you look, uh, pretty…” they said. Their cheeks were beginning to rose in color.
Urbosa took three flower crowns from [Name], blue, green, and red in color. She took the red flowers and placed them in her own hair. “Thank you [Name]. I’ll give these other two to Link and Zelda. He’s off somewhere chasing the princess near the shrine at Tabantha. So I’ll just give them these later.” 
[Name] nodded. Daruk took a pink flower crown, the salmon color bright on his white hair. It was more of a bracelet if anything. Mipha draped some on her own head, the pure, pearly white hue seemed to glow along with her other jewelry.   
Revali then took lavender ones. “Don’t forget yourself, don’t think you can escape without also wearing one of these ridiculous crowns…” He gently set them on [Name]. They mumbled a meek “thank you” to Revali.
“Awww” Daruk gushed, “you both look cute together.”
Revali and [Name] stared at him in confusion. 
“Uh, yes. The flowers are pretty…neat.” the Rito mumbled.
“Yeah,” [Name] whispered, “It’s pretty…swell…?”
Another silence fell over the group. Urbosa seemed to be barely holding it together, ready to snicker at any moment. But [Name] didn’t notice, they turned to Revali, slightly flustered. 
“And, uh, Revali?” He glanced at them with a raised eyebrow. “Since you’re back in town, maybe we can hang out later? Or tomorrow? Maybe sometime before your big Champion party, we could hang out at our usual spot? You up for it?” Their ears and cheeks were starting to red, perhaps from the cold…
The Rito smiled, “Yeah, I think I can make room in my schedule for it. I’m very busy, but I’ll make it work.”
The two just stared at each other for a moment, both oblivious to the other Champions staring wide eyed at Revali. Then [Name], broke their gaze, giving a forced cough. “Well, *cough* I think I should get back to work. There’s probably a bunch of guests I need to serve inside.” They turned to the other Champions, “Feel free to stop by and I’ll whip up something for you to eat! On the house!” With that, they cast one last glance at Revali, and then started walking back. The purple petals in their hair rustled in the breeze. 
“Uh, right. I’ll see you later.” Revali mumbled. He watched them walk away. “AND, um, Y-YOU LOOK NICE!” he called. [Name] turned, fumbling, and gave him a thumbs up, before joining the other workers inside the stable. 
Revali turned back to the other Champions. They were all staring at him in silence. 
“Tsk. What are you looking at?” he asked with a grimace. 
Urbosa finally broke the silence, half laughing as she spoke. “What in the hells did I just witness?” 
This cued all sorts of chaos in the group. Mipha started to barrage Revali with questions about his relationship with [Name]. Daruk was gesturing wildly at him, mouth agape, as if to wordlessly ask who are you?? How come you never smile like that when you’re around us? What’s the deal here?!
In the end, it was Urbosa who had to get everyone off Revali’s back. Placing an arm around him, she said, “Ok, now, now. Let’s leave our fellow Champion alone. We’ve been traveling for awhile, so I’m sure he’s eager to get back home without us all pestering him.”
Revali shook his wings and held his head in the air. “Hmph! That’s correct. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Giving a mighty flap, he summoned his gale and took off into the air in one smooth, fluid motion, literally leaving the other Champions in the dust. It seems he couldn’t get out of there quick enough.
Mipha turned to Urbosa with a teasing expression on her face. “Are we really going to pass up the chance to see how Revali’s gonna act around his obvious crush?”
“Oh don’t worry,” a knowing smile spread across the Gerudo’s face, “I’m not gonna let this opportunity go to waste.
- - - - - 
“So is it your title as Champion, or Gerudo Chief that entitles you to lurk on my property?”
Revali gave a condescending glare at Urbosa. While it was one thing that she had the audacity to visit him so early in the morning, he was mainly just embarrassed she had caught him with his hair still messy. She gave a smug smile. “Neither, it’s simply my role as a concerned mom.”
The Rito hopped off his hammock. He fitted messy ribbons into his braids, before wrapping a white scarf around himself. Glaring back at her, he added, “Just to clarify, I don’t need any additional parental figures in my life.”
Urbosa sighed. “Just follow me when you’re ready. I’m gonna take up [Name]’s offer on the free food.”
Revali clicked his tongue. “Tsk. I don’t see why it’s necessary that I tag along.”
“Just for the company, we can chat over a drink.”
“About what?”
“Well, I have a few interesting conversation topics,” she turned back towards the wooden stairs, a grin still shone on her face.
 “It’ll just be you and me, but I find the topic of your love life quite interesting.”
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haru-desune · 6 years
Can i plz has a Hayaryuu sick fic. Hayato taking care of a sick Ryuuichi~ (established relationship or not it's your choice)
So I am a sucker for sick fic. I hope this meets yourexpectations! Also found on AO3 and FF.net
When Ryuuichi woke up that morning, there was an itch in histhroat that no amount of coughing could subside. After his 5thattempt at clearing his throat at the breakfast table, Saikawa had offered hima hot ginger and honey tea and advised him to stay home from school that day.Ryu took the tea, but politely declined the offer to stay in bed. A sore throatwasn’t too serious, really. That was his first mistake.
The walk to school seemed longer than usual, due partiallyto the biting autumn wind that blew strongly against them. Ryuuichi picked upKotaro and held him tightly against his chest, half afraid that the little boywould get blown away by the wind. He felt his brother shiver a little againsthim, despite the extra jacket the two of them wore. Without stopping to think,Ryu used his free hand to unwind the scarf from his neck and wrap it aroundKotaro, who sighed in contentment and snuggled closer. They continued theirwalk, and Ryuuichi ignored the chill on his neck and the heaviness in his legs.That was mistake number two.
The real nail in the coffin, however, was gym first hour,before the sun had been out long enough to really warm up the ground. Ryuuichiand his classmates stood huddled together, shivering in shorts and thint-shirts, waiting for their warmups to start. Even Kamitani looked mildlyuncomfortable. The boys chatted aimlessly in an effort to distract themselvesfrom the bone-deep chill. Ryu found himself zoning in and out of the conversationaround him, his ears filled with a strange sort of buzzing noise.
“Man, its cold! I wish the day care kids were out on a walkagain today! Think you can do anything about that Kashima?” Usokawa asked witha grin, playfully elbowing him in the ribs hard enough to make him stumble.
Normally, Ryuuichi would just laugh in response. Todayhowever his vision swam, the world tilted on its axis, and the last thing hesaw was Kamitani’s panicked expression before everything went black.
When Ryuuichi woke up he was lying down in the nurse’soffice, and Kamitani was sitting on the counter across from him, reading hismagazine. Ryu blinked the sleep from his eyes and tried to sit up. He let out asoft groan, and Kamitani and the nurse were by his side in a second.
“How are you feeling Kashima-kun?” asked the nurse as sheheld a glass of water to his lips, Kamitani hovering behind her. He seemed asemotionless as ever, but his furrowed brow gave away his worry.
“Heavy. And warm all over.” said Ryu, gratefully acceptingthe drink.
“Well that is to be expected. You seem to have caught a variantof the flu.”
Ryu nodded, before catching Kamitani’s eye.
“Thanks for staying with me Kamitani, sorry for the inconvenience.”
“Don’t worry about it. I got to skip class for this.” He replied,before heading back to his spot on the counter and Ryuuichi felt a strange stabof disappointment at the casual statement. The nurse seemed to notice.
“Kamitani-kun is a good friend, huh? We couldn’t make himleave your side until your temperature went down.” she said with a smile andwink as she tucked the blanket around his chin.
He shot a glance towards the counter where Kamitani wasseemingly absorbed in his magazine. But upon closer inspection, Ryu could seethe other boy sneaking glances towards him out of the corner of his eye. Feelingsuddenly at ease, he closed his eyes and settled into another deep sleep.
Ryu woke up to soft sunlight playing across face and acomfortable weight against his waist. He stretched backwards languidly, thenfroze as he collided with something solid and warm. There was a soft groan andhe manoeuvred himself into a better position for observation, letting out ahigh pitched squeak when he identified the obstacle. There, just inches fromhis own face was Kamitani, sleeping peacefully with his arm around Ryu’s waist.Shirtless. As Kamitani’s eyes fluttered open, he shoved himself backwards,spluttering.
“K-kamitani, I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean-”
Instead of looking flustered, Kamitani smiled sleepily andpulled him closer.
“Shhh Ryu, go back to sleep. It’s too early to be awake.”
“Huh?”“Taka and Kotaro are sleeping over with the twins, and we rarely get to sleepin.”
The sleepy haze cleared from Kamitani’s eyes, and he lookedat Ryu in confusion. He propped himself up on his elbow and reached out withhis free hand to cup Ryu’s face.
“My love, are you feeling okay?”
Ryu rocketed backwards until he slammed into the wall, hisface turning a deep scarlet. Kamitani’s confused expression turned into one ofworry.
“Ryu?” he asked quietly.
Ryu’s heart was thumping so loudly he almost missed him.
“Ryu?” asked Kamitani “Ryu wake up.”
Wait. That was an odd thing to say.
“You need to wake up, Kashima”
Suddenly the world snapped into focus, and Ryu found himselflooking at a puzzled, fully clothed, Kamitani. Oh. So it was a dream. Why hewas having absurdly domestic dreams about Kamitani was something he wasn’tquite ready to think about.
“Kashima, are you okay? You were making some strange noises.”
Kamitani looked even more concerned. Ryu swallowed, tryinghard to forget the phantom sensation of those long fingers so gentle againsthis cheek. He was failing.
“Kashima you’re turning red. Is the fever coming back? ShouldI call the nurse?”
“N-no, I’m okay.”
“Oh. By the way are you hungry? That weird butler of yoursdropped off some porridge if you want.”
“He’s a secretary… I think.”
“Of course.” Kamitani quirked an eyebrow, even as his mouth quirkedinto a smile.
Even the half smile was too much for Ryu’s already flusteredmind, and he quickly looked away.
“I- I think I’ll sleep instead.”
“Okay. Move over.”
“Move over, we can both fit.”
Was he having another dream? He stared at Kamitani inconfusion.
“You’re supposed to keep warm when you’re sick, right? It’llhelp if I sleep with you.”
Ryuuichi was sure his eyes were bugging out of his head, andKamitani flushed, realizing what he’d said.
“Not sleep with you! I mean sleep next to you! In the samebed!”
Ryu decided not to point out that that was hardly better. Heshould have refused, at least on the grounds that Kamitani would definitelycatch whatever Ryu had if he stayed so close, but a large part of him, the partthat came up with fluffy domestic dreams, prompted him to quietly move over.Kamitani folded himself into the offered space, and Ryu turned towards the wallto give him more room. He felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him and he wassure he stopped breathing for a moment.
“Is this okay?” asked Kamitani a low voice in his ear, andif Ryu shivered it was definitely because his fever was coming back, andnothing else.
He let his eyes close as he relaxed against Kamitani’schest. He was warm. It was nice.
“Just keep your shirt on this time.” He mumbled sleepily.
He was pretty sure he heard a strangled noise as he driftedoff to sleep.
Ryuuichi woke up to the sound of a camera shutter. His eyessnapped open, and he could tell that Kamitani was still asleep next to him bythe arm draped around his middle and the soft snores by his ear. The cameraclicked again, and Ryu shot into a sitting position, accidentally elbowingKamitani’s face in the process. As he muttered a quick apology to the otherboy, he finally located the source of the noise. Usaida was leaning against thedoor, camera in hand, and grinning like the Cheshire cat.
“Delete that or I’ll send you flying.” said Kamitani evenly,rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“You don’t scare me.” Usaida replied, sticking out histongue.  “Anyway, I just came by to dropoff this card the kids made,” He said, holding up a glittery construction papermonstrosity that Ryu was going to keep pinned to his wall forever “but I guessyou’re well on your way to getting better already. Sorry to interrupt!” Heexclaimed in a sing-song voice, practically skipping out the door in in glee.
Ryu groaned. That man was worse than the kids sometimes. Hefell backwards against the pillow with a half-hearted chuckle.
“Sorry about that, I’ll get him to delete the pictureslater.” He said turning his head towards Kamitani. His friend looked at himfondly.
“Kashima, go back to sleep.” Kamitani’s eyes were alreadyclosing. Ryu lay down, melting into his arms, and let sleep overtake him with asmall smile playing on his lips.
Ryurecovered soon after, but Kamitani was sick for a week. 
Ahhhhh I meant to havethis written yesterday, but life got in the way, sorry! Anyway since I've madea small promise to myself to write more this year, and also to maybe expandthis little corner of fandom as much as I can, I am open to taking prompts. I won't write anything that's ships an adultwith a minor (I don't care what the age of consent is in Japan) or a similarage gap (i.e. teen with child), and I'm very uncomfortable writing smut, butanything else is good to go. 
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Oblivious Actions (snippet)
A teaser appears!
This is for a request I got for a Revali x Reader, and its the thing I posted the “no context” memes about. This is just like, a third or maybe a fourth of the full thing. Any critiques or typos found are appreciated! Anyway, Enjoy :P
It was a perfect day to disobey your elders.
The sky was just waking, strokes of rose and honey painted the edges of the horizon. The wind was crisp, and playful, ruffling through his feathers as he flew. Lake Totori glistened below. Sunlight shone across a bright blue expanse, laced with only a few, white clouds. The plateaus surrounding the area were dotted with pine trees, their umber trunks rooted to the ground. The air was open and infinite, gliding through the sky and observing the tiny specks of nature below filled him with a sense of wonder. Revali flapped his little wings down towards the forest.
HA! See? I’m already an expert flyer! I can explore as much of the world as I want, without any adults. I’m not a kid anymore!
The Rito baby blush marks that painted his cheeks said otherwise.
Even though Rito under 10 years of age were heavily discouraged from venturing beyond the bridges, Revali had decided he was big enough to go where he wanted. Behind him, the towering spire of Rito Village continued to shrink. To his left, the jutting figure of a wooden horse head could be seen. Hylians are so weird, needing other animals in order to move around. The stable in the distance then drowned into an evergreen sea. Gliding closer to the earth, the view of the sky was now covered with dry pine needles and brittle branches. He focused his attention to what was under him, trying to find a safe place to land. The breeze cooled and quickened. Revali angled his wings downward, trying to move his body to land gracefully among the trees.
He would fail.
There was a small clearing in the middle of the grove, a dirt path that travelers would use to hike between Warbler’s Nest and Rito Stable. Supposedly, following the trail even further up would lead to the infamous Hebra Peaks, a mountain range that lay just outside the view from his house, full of secrets and sights that no one has ever explored. Being the child that he was, naivety clouded his judgement, as Revali had ignored the warnings given to him about monsters nestled in the woods. Revali was desperate to get out of the village as soon as he grew enough feathers for it. 
Trying to plan his descent, he positioned himself at an angle, moving his weight, ready to land. His feet shifted forward, ready to grip onto something solid, but the wind suddenly changed. It’s direction altered only slightly, but it was enough to catch him off guard. Flailing his wings, Revali tried to catch the current under his wings again, but it was no use, the current keeping him in the air was gone, and his baby wings weren’t big enough to flap a large gust of his own. A stray branch knocking into his side, the little Rito tumbled into the dirt. 
“Gaah!” he grunted, panic coursing through him.
Revali plunged through the trees, not unlike how a snowball tramples down a mountain slope, picking up debris as it rolls. Falling through the branches, his feathery features caught sticks, leaves, and pinecones, until he connected with the earth with a thud.
The impact caused dust to cloud around him. It got in his eyes and settled on the edges of his feathers. The dirt wasn’t the worst place to land, but it still hurt. His crash had broken a few branches, causing a couple of pinecones and leaves to break loose. One stray, falling leaf hovered through the air, delicately. Its flight was much more elegant, dancing in the wind. It landed gracefully on the tip of his beak, its cinnamon hue and crinkly features mocking him. Revali blew it off with a “hmph!”
Sitting in the dirt, Revali brushed off the dust and twigs on his tunic as best he could. It was one thing that he had snuck out of the house, but coming back all dirty wouldn’t do either. Mumbling to himself, he sat there, taking in the sights and sounds of the woods. A much better setting than sitting in the house all day. Then there was an abrupt shuffling in the bushes. 
Looking up, Revali searched for the source of the noise. Getting to his feet, he picked up a twig and held it in front of him like a sword. Was it the monsters everyone had warned him about? His heart quickened, his mind raced. The trees still swayed in the wind, and the birds and bugs chirped, but suddenly everything was looking a lot more ominous. Another rustle. He hastily faced his left side, where a single dark green bush greeted him. Do I move closer? Back away? Revali was frozen in place. Finally, he dared to whisper.
“W-who’s there?” he asked.
Instead of a cliché silence, his question was immediately answered with a loud scream from the bush.
“AHHHHH! IT’S TALKING!” the bush yelled.
Revali followed suit and screamed himself, as it was only natural to be scared of shrieking plants.
This exchange of confused and fearful yelling went on for a few seconds. A few sparrows took off for the sky, startled by the noise. Then, silence took hold again, with only the wind brushing through the woods. The bush and Revali stared at each other for another eternity. Finally the bush spoke again.
“Why are you pretty?”
“AGH?! What?” the Rito took a step back, bewildered. “W-wha...what’re you talking about??”
Suddenly, a small face peeked out from the bush. Their eyes were wide, and curious, but their expression was still wary. “I said, why are you pretty? Monsters are supposed to be ugly.”
Revali tightened his grip around the twig. “I’m not! You’re the one hiding in a bush, so you’re the monster if anything. I’m a Rito!”
“A Rito?” a small, Hylian child stepped out of the bush. They were wearing a maroon tunic, along with stable gloves and boots. The collar of their shirt was lined with cotton. A loopy scarf, that was far too big for them, was wrapped around their shoulders, etched with the emblem of the Hylian Stable System. Their hair was messy, probably from hiding within the bush. Gripped in their hands was their own makeshift sword, a wooden spoon. They waved it in Revali's direction. “You’re way too tiny to be a Rito. The ones who visit the stables are always taller than my mom.”
“W-well, then maybe you’re mom’s short!” Revali sputtered out.
He stomped his foot. “Obviously, I’m not a monster. I’m just of a… different height, because kids don’t leave the village, it's only the adults you see. So quit being dumb. I mean, I can talk can’t I?”
The Hylian crossed their arms, tapping the spoon against their elbow. They considered his argument… I guess a tiny monster couldn’t eat me in one bite anyhow. “Fine then. If you’re not a monster, then you should have a Rito-sounding name, right? So what is it?”
Revali held his beak in the air and turned his back, crossing his own wings in imitation. “Hmph! Well why should I tell you when you’re a complete stranger! I thought you were a monster too, you know.”
The Hylian squinted their eyes thinking. “Well… fine. Your name probably sucks anyway! Thanks for scaring me half to death, tiny Rito!”
With that, the child turned around and started marching back in the direction of the stables. They made an effort to pound their boots on the ground to make as much sound as possible. Revali was left with his beak hanging open. How dare they! They’re the one with a sucky name, whatever it is.
He ran behind them, trying to catch up. He fluttered his wings to shake off any other dirt and twigs. He matched their pace, and puffed out his feathers. “I’ll have you know that I have a supercool nickname! Nicknames are always cool, therefore my name doesn’t suck. So, Ha!”
The Hylian raised an eyebrow. “Well, what is it then? What’s your fancy name?”
“They call me…” he stopped and posed, both wings outstretched in front of them, “...the Supreme Master of the Sky!”
They Hylian clutched their stomach, laughing hysterically. “HA! There’s no way that’s true. I saw you crash through the trees earlier! Some master you are, that’s probably even dumber than whatever your real name is.”
Revali narrowed his eyes, “Nuh-uh!”
“Hmph! Well at least I have a cool nickname. I bet you don’t even have one!” 
“Nope. People just call me [Name], because my name is already great and I don't need dumb nicknames or titles.” They stuck out their tongue at him.
Revali made a dumb face in retaliation, before responding. “Fine, if you won't call me that, you can just stick with ‘Revali,’ and you better remember it!” 
[Name] shot him a look, then huffed. “Yeah. Sure.”
The two of them continued their walk through the woods. Revali trusted it was the route back to the stable. They talked and jeered, laughed and scowled at each other, their conversations about nothing in particular. At one point, the Rito attempted to show off by gliding through the air. It would end with another crash, and the Hylian child chuckling.
“It’s cause you still have a bunch of stuff tucked in your wings!” [Name] said with a sigh. Removing a pinecone and several bits of dried leaves, they cleaned up the rest of Revali’s wing. When taking out a twig, they accidentally took out a feather.
Revali yelped, “Ow! What was that for?”
“I’m so sorry! I was just trying to get rid of this.” [Name] chucked the twig over their shoulder. The feather they had taken out was mainly white, but faded into a deep, indigo color at the bottom. It was like a star had shot across the sky, and its streak had colored this single, delicate feather. [Name] brushed it against their fingers, and stared at it in awe. It’s so pretty.
“Pfft. I know that. Anything from me is great.” Revali’s feathers puffed up in pride.
Oh no! Did I say that out-loud?? “Uh...yeah.” [Name] mumbled. They suddenly became very interested in the condition of their boots, turning their head to the ground as the two of them walked. 
A silence fell between them. Then, 
“Can...can I keep this?” 
Revali cast them a glance. “Uh...sure, why not. Not like I need it anymore. I’ll have plenty next time I molt.”
[Name] looked up, eyes wide. “Really?! Are you sure? This doesn’t, like, curse me or anything right?”
He scoffed. “No, of course not. It’s just a feather. I’ve seen adults trade them all the time. It’s fine. Whatever...”
The large horse head was now in front of them. The trees were more dispersed, and piles of lumber scattered the ground. The muted colors that decorated the stable billowed in the wind, the breeze blowing loose cloth and banners across the sky. To the left were the wooden bridges. They led up to a towering spire, the familiar shape of Rito Village casting over the two of them. The two of them stopped by the back side of the stable. [Name] forced themself to plaster on a grin.
“Well, guess I’ll see you never!” they jeered.
“Ha! If I’m lucky, I’ll never see you or your wooden spoon again!” Revali stuck his tongue out at them. 
After staring at each other for another eternity, [Name] finally turned around and ran back towards the entrance to the stable. Revali then began his walk back over the wooden bridges.
The next day, Revali would be punished for sneaking out of the village. His grounding would include having to do extra chores, specifically by having to help around Rito Stable for the rest of the month, much to [Name]’s surprise. Neither of them minded.
- - - - - 
Years Later…
- - - - - 
The Champions had arrived. 
AAAANDD That's where that ends. Mwahahaha that’s right. I’m cutting it off right there. Take that nerds. Oh what’s that? You want more? You want to understand the no context memes? You want more Revali? And the Champions? More cute stuff? More dumb stuff? Well you’re going to have to wait.  So here’s a cliff for you to hang on
------------------------------------------------ [insert you hanging, here]
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