#alette and Odd
lairofsentinel · 1 year
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Credits Art of Banner Saga
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mgmttrust · 2 years
The banner saga egil
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No event or battle was played twice they were replayed a lot to get better results though. The events unlocked and the parts revisited are logic sensible and in chronological order. This save file is technically totally legit if RNG allowed for it and Rook wasnt a retard. I did modify the save file several times to go back to several locations and visit locked events but I never added resources. With the variables set for the caravan well being I fought at the gates x4. day 3&4: ash mead fight (only fought the battle once but got both rewards by sneaking with oddelif) Get permission to destroy a varl landmark.
I killed onef before his betrayal to keep Egil and Ekkil alive (variable in the save file) Whew.Egil made it the whole way Defeat an enemy with a Bowmaster.
Refer to Beat the Odds on keeping Egil alive.
I sleept at the lake town for the fights Stay outside Frostvellr (feel free to ambush the supply wagon for extra renown).
Before leaving the city I restarted the chapter and stayed outside fighting dredges.
Recruited Onef and assaulted the food supplies getting item and extra battle.
The gates were breached with Iver to save days. This has hopefully been fixed for good this time round.
Stayed outside Frostveller then played chapter again with same save and stayed inside. Egil is literally dying so much its breaking the causality of the game.
The only good event i missed is the one that gives back the stolen supplies with some kids. I reloaded a lot to get the random events I wanted. I recruited everyone possible and never let anyone leave, all events and decisions were the most optimal for the situation, like i.e getting morale +40 instead of a crappy lvl2 item(hogun event).ĭuring events I prioriticed recruiting>battle>resources Once i hit 0 supplies just hours from reaching wyrmtoe, not sure if this cancels the achivement. Today, almost all Web pages contain JavaScript code, a programming language scripts executed by the Web browser. If you enable JavaScript, this message will disappear.
I barely slept but had to renounce to several rewards in events to keep it high and farm random encounters. Trainers, cheats, walkthrough, solutions, hints for PC games, consoles and smartphones. No crappy Items (a couple from statues).Fasolt is level 5 to be able to equip an item for BS2 (other people too now.ALL battles were fought, even those exclusive (I went back in time in the save).EGIL is alive and so is EKKILL (I killed Onef before his treason in the save file).Day 119 in Boersgard just before picking the shooter.
Just download rook or alette to play as her. You can now just import to BS2, no need to intall BS1.
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cryingbecausecoatls · 7 years
The Return
Oh boy, having a full-time job sure does a number on your free time. I’ve still had time to keep up with Flight Rising and my various other video games, but all the side projects... suffered, this one included. Thankfully, landscaping is slowing down for the winter season. (Ha ha ha, a Nature Flight person is in landscaping. I bet no one ever saw that happening.)
Let’s get up to speed: Since my last post, I’ve completed 12 wishes. I will go over each one under the cut, for the curious!
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This Imperial was a really fast wish to complete - in fact, I finished it the day after I first posted about it! After haunting the various bloodlines of this rather common color combination, I managed to track down a founding pair of Imperials, and requested a breeding, getting him on the first try!
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This wish. After finally striking close to the requested colours (Black/Leaf/Obsidian), I decided to see if the wisher was interested in one of the rejects. They accepted this boy! Thank goodness, because this project was otherwise so very cursed with so many small nests.
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The next wish I completed, Alette, was, to my great surprise, a fluke baby! I was so shocked to hatch her so quickly, and her wisher didn’t even mind that she was a girl! The parents had a 1 in 104 chance of hatching her, and while those are not impossible odds, they were definitely not a pairing I was expecting the wish baby from.
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I’m seeing these past dragons and saying to myself, “Oh yeah. I remember that nightmare.” I finally struck lucky with this girl, from her parents. I was so relieved to see her in the crossroads from my Plague friend Verl, who has so patiently nested an endless amount of eggs for me.
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Well, this was a very fast, but expensive, wish granted. If I remember correctly, I found her on the Auction House, with everything correct, except for being a Coatl. Though buying her and a Skydancer scroll easily cost over half a million, the payback was in time. If I can grant a wish right away, instead of tying up a page of lair space for many months, it is well worth the cost. For every wish, we pay a price: Either time + lair space, or money. This one was money!
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...Actually, there are multiple wishes like the Skydancer above, and this Bognseak, where I found them on the AH, needing maybe a scroll, but otherwise perfect. In this case, I found his siblings, noticed the parents had a chance to breed him, so I messaged their owner, in hopes they’d hatch him. And they did! This new auction house, with the saved searches feature, is quite glorious for finding exact matches, near-misses, and potential breeding pairs, in 4 clicks!
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I kept getting tantalizingly close near-misses for this wish. Eventually, I decided, what if I tried offering the near-misses? And, it turns out, one of the near-misses was just fine!
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Another “thank you, AH!” wish! I found his mother on the AH, and decided, well, dang, genes don’t matter? So I went and found a father, and requested a breeding. Badabing-badaboom, wish done.
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Pfft, okay, this one is mildly funny. His parents were not super close. I was only hoping for babies that were closer to pair to other dragons that were also super close (if such a thing existed...) Additionally, I was contemplating nixing his mother from the project, because Underbelly was not great for inheriting Okapi or Gembond from. I had thrown her on a nest with his father first, since they were off cooldown, and I said “why not.”
When the nest hatched, the first thing I thought was “oh cool, one of the babies got Glimmer, versus Underbelly. Ha ha, what are the odds.” Then I looked at the babies in my lair, and saw him and thought, “oh cool, this one is Chocolate Tiger/Jungle Seraph/Blue Glimmer male Wildclaw, I can use him to breed a Chocolate Tiger/Jungle Seraph/Blue Gembond or Okapi male Wild-WAIT.”
His wisher liked him better with Glimmer, so no scroll even needed! For fun, I calculated the odds of getting him. With tert gene, breed, sex, and colours all included, I had a 1 in 25,600 odds of getting him. Now that’s quite the fluke.
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You know how hard triple colour projects are? They’re not, ha ha ha. I found her father on the AH, requested a breeding with her mother, and ta-da! She even had an identical brother for the wisher to choose between.
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So, I hatched this boy way before most of the above wishes. (I think only the first few were completed before he came into existence.) Now, he wasn’t a girl, but the wisher accepted him anyway, and for fun, I decided to try and breed them a girl from the pair I had. After all, it was a 1 in 8 chance! Well, apparently RNG does not care about that, and stubbornly refused to give me the girl. I eventually found one on the AH, said “screw it”, sent that girl instead, and finally marked this wish down as completed.
And now, the twelfth project completed. It’s been a long time coming. And it deserves its own post, its own spotlight. (If only to make linking to specifically just it easier.) DUN DUN DUN.
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noovadj-blog · 7 years
In Memoriam of Our Heroes: The Gods, The Fallen and The Darkness.
The Banner Saga is about making the hardest of decisions and fighting against all odds (even if you still lose), through our journey we may see some of our dearest companions fall to the hands of death itself, now i want all of you to keep your tears or mourn their deaths, and remember who is left of your caravan and what were the most meaningful choices you have made so far, i want you to tell me who is left of this caravan, who couldn’t continue and left, and what were the choices that led to who you are. So tell me, am i talking to the great leader called Rook, or is it his own daughter... Alette?
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Restaurants and Smartphones - Get Hooked on This Summer's Otherworldly Anime!
Looking to get away this summer? Two of our latest simulcasts are waiting to whisk you off to worlds of magic, dragons, and... beef stew?
  This week in The Hook, we're looking at Restaurant to Another World and In Another World with My Smartphone, two summer anime that put a different spin on journeys to fantasy realms. What are the first episodes like, and what will get you hooked? Let's find out!
  Restaurant to Another World
Usually when a restaurant closes once a week, it's so the owners can have a break. But the owner of Nekoya doesn't even let up on his days off. Once a week, the Western-style restaurant closes to its regular patrons, opening instead onto an alternate world of elves, dragons, demons, and other magical beings. 
  In the first episode, we meet many of these beings, but two in particular. One, simply known as the Red Queen, is a shapeshifting dragon who considers Nekoya -- and everything in it -- a part of her personal horde. Her regular order? Beef stew. And if she's to be believed, it's really good beef stew.
  The second isn't technically a customer. Alette is a half-demon whose demonic nature manifests only via a pair of goat horns. Not enough to make her powerful, but more than enough to make her lose her old waitressing job. Fortunately, the owner is in need of some help around the restaurant, and she's got the enthusiasm and the skill set for a part time job.
  The Hook: Remember the Red Queen? She may only stop in for beef stew, but she has very strong feelings about her "treasure." And when there's a new piece to her treasure, she's going to react in a very interesting way.
  Who Is It For: Is there a "food anime" fandom yet? If there is, this might be for you. So far there's more talk about the nature of the food than the specifics of the recies (as with, say, Piacevole or Yakitate! Japan), but you do get an eyeful of some super tasty looking treats. So you might want to make sure you're not hungry before you watch.
  Restaurant to Another World airs Mondays at 11:05 am PDT.
    In Another World with My Smartphone
All things consider, Touya is pretty chill about the fact that God accidentally killed him. It probably helps that God has offered him a second chance: a new life in an alternate world (can't be Touya's own world cuz Them's The Rules). To make things a little easier on him, God has offered to boost Touya's basic abilities, and grant him a request. Which, in this day and age, is an easy one: Touya wants to be able to use his smartphone.
  The world Touya wakes up in is straight out of a fantasy MMO -- almost literally. There are guilds, grinding missions, and very specific sets of magic rules. Which... do not apply to Touya. He's quite literally God Moding his life in this new world, mastering all forms of magic in a matter of seconds.
  His first new friends are Elze and Linze, a pair of adventuring twins who teach him the ropes after he rescues them from a couple of bad customers. Though, judging from the credits, they're due to meet a lot more people.
  The Hook: There isn't a cliffhanger or shocker per se in the first episode. Touya's "hacks" are a known element, so seeing him open interdimensional gates and wield six elements with zero training isn't terrible surprising. But there's something odd about the whole thing that makes one want to watch on and see what's going on.
For starters, Touya is really calm, and there's only so much you can write off as being either his personality or things "not feeling real." For another, this new world really does feel very much like an MMO. That's not just a comparison. Everything from the "go out and kill five wolves" quests to the structure of the guilds to the way they talk about the way the world works just feels like a game. Perhaps that's simply the story's conceit, but something about this second chance feels a little off.
  Who Is It For: If you can't tell from the title, the perfect male protagonist in an alternate dimension, and the gaggle of girls -- this is definitely based on a light novel series. (Specifically, a web novel series distributed on syosetsu.com). If you're over light novel adaptations, this might not be your thing. But if you're interested in something lighthearted and silly -- or if you're into MMOs -- then give it a try!
  In Another World with My Smartphone airs Tuesdays at 6 am PDT.
  Kara Dennison is responsible for multiple webcomics, blogs and runs interviews for (Re)Generation Who and PotterVerse, and is half the creative team behind the OEL light novel series Owl's Flower. She blogs at karadennison.com and tweets @RubyCosmos.
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