#alina quackery
cloud-quackery · 5 years
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Welp I officially ruined Alina
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
Alex and Alina’s redesign
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Alexander cedar Zachary Angelo Poe de spell-Quackery
Age: 12 (older twin by 3 minutes)
Personality: sweet, caring, trustworthy, intelligent,scientist,open minded,innocent,confident,independent,smart,bookworm
Nicknames: Alex (for short),Alec,zach (middle name),science kid,(submit a nickname for him)
Crush: ???
Friends: Alina,Leon,isadora,Athena, Sakura ( @webby-dings next gen),anyone?
Basically the one of the smart ones at school
He’s a bookworm
Older twin by 3 minutes
He gets bullied because of his eyes but popular at school
He tries to make Alina feel better
He remembers anything
Got attacked by a cat once (that’s why he’s afraid of cats)
He doesn’t have a love interest but he feels like that special person is out there
He’s “the scientist” at school
Alex is the creator of Athena (he made her for Ian and rosabella)
Does great in school
Made a science club at school
Does anything with his cousins
Alina lavender Angela Alice Agatha de spell-Quackery
Age: 12 (younger twin by 5 minutes)
Personality: sweet,kind, caring, intelligent, trustworthy,open minded,loner,shy,independent,depression,bookworm,innocent
Nicknames: Allie,Angela (middle name),flower,(submit a nickname for her)
Crush: ???
Friends: isadora,Leon,Alex,Athena,doesn’t have other friends cause she’s to shy but she wants friends
She’s a bit of a magician
Likes history and geology
One of the smart ones at school
Gets bullied
Does great in school
She’s a bookworm
Younger twin by 5 minutes
She remembers anything
Known as “the magician” at school
A bunch of bats attacked her once (that’s why she’s afraid of bats)
Doesn’t have a love interest but knows that special person is out there
She’s the co-creator of Athena
Her and her brother fix things for people
Apart of Alex’s science club
Doesn’t have any friends but wants some
Does anything with her cousins
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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Alina:Alex I don’t think this is a good idea
Alex: Alina you need friends
Alina: But Isadora and Leon are the only friends I have
Alex: they’re our only cousins we ever had
And this is what Alex tries to do, forcing Alina to make friends if she doesn’t do it he’ll just drag her
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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Sunburst and starburst, Alex and Alina’s pets ^u^
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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Another edit with the quackery kids 😊
(Oooo I should make them an ask blog)
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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Meet Athena duckerton
(Adopted daughter of rosabella and Ian)
Age: 10
Personality:sweet (like really sweet),clever,open minded, trustworthy,adventurous, caring,intelligent,artistic
Friends: Alina,Alex,Leon,isadora,nerida,Charlie,Charlotte,(anyone wants to be her friend)
She’s a robot that’s why she’s adopted
Alex is her creator (yup he’s that smart) he created her for Ian and rosabella
She’s always tries to make things good around her
Alex was working day and night to make her he was in the junkyard but he saw her (that was inspired from Alita:battle angel)
Athena love mythology about the gods and learns about it
Doesn’t exactly socializes with people
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
Isadora and Leon’s redesign
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Isadora quackery
Personality:sweet,open minded, trustworthy, artistic,kind,shy,brave,innocent,bubbly,bookworm,thoughtful,caring,wise,intelligent,adventurous
Condition: mute
Parents: Brayden and ???
Pets: owl named riverside
Friends: no one
Magic: water bender,wise,shape shifter,could turn invisible (like Alina an Leon),the blue part turns colour based on her mood,siren
She was born as a mute
If she’s in the moonlight she’ll act like a wolf and her eyes will turn yellow
She’s close with her cousins but doesn’t have friends
She gets bullied because she’s a mute
She doesn’t really want friends she’ll act like her father when he was a kid
Does good in school and teachers love her because she’s a good student and has good grades
Loves book and carries a bookbag everywhere
Has an eagle vision,hears things from far away
Can speak but a good singer
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Leon Quackery
Age: 12
Personality: attractive,flirty,sweet,nice, trustworthy,innocent,intelligent, caring, a bit self centred,open minded,lazy (sometimes),brave,thoughtful,adventurous
Conditions: none
Parents: Bridget and ???
Pets: hawk named firebolt
Best Friends: Ethan black and Ashley Dickerson
Magic:love,nature,turns invisible(like Alina and isadora),fire bender,psychic,flys,levitates stuff,good luck,teleport
He’s popular at school (and some girls fall for him I guess he inherited from his mother XD)
Doesn’t like school that much but he’s a good student and has good grades
His eyes could turn red if he’s angry
He knows if something good or something bad is going to happen
Doesn’t know his biological father
He is a quick thinker
Not interested in clubs but he is part of the photographer club
Most of his power were inherited from his mother
And he’s about to have a little sister soon
Gladstone is like his godfather too
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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(Alina’s twin brother)
Age:10/9 (older twin by 26 seconds)
Guardians: doesn’t have any cause he’s in a orphanage but it’s going to be Brooke
Nicknames: Alex (what most people call him), Alec (what some people call him),(add a nickname for him if you want)
Best friend:???
Personality: smart,energetic,sweet,kind,open minded,artistic,poetic,a bit of a romantic(sometimes),oblivious (sometimes),talkive,innocent,helpful,trust worthy,scared,adventurous,shy
Likes: robots,books,engineering,poems,sweets,magic,helping,fruits, vegetables,designing blueprints,geology,history,math,his mother (Brooke),his sister,his family,story’s,the duck family,singing,reading,guitar,animals,sports, movies/movie making,art,music,adventures, animating (he’s trying it)calligraphy,science,water
Dislikes/fears:mushrooms,trypophobia (fear of holes/like Brooke),bats,bugs,clowns,bullies or people bullying her sister,rude people,pranks,tricks(not magic tricks),talking to too many people,evil magic,accidents,crazy people
He a bit of a scientist and he grew up being friends with one
Loves her sisters magic tricks
He’s an artist
Loves school but he doesn’t get bullied
For some reason water like the ocean calms him down
Cares for sister and tries to make her feel better
He’s a club president of the science club at school
Plays the banjo and violin
Btw I’m not making Alina and Alex adopted just a side note
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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Before you say anything I was listening to Hamilton the world was wide enough and I drew this
Also this is a look on adult Bella but I think the outfit looks like Bella’s old look before I joined tumblr
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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Redesign on Alina
Age: 7 and a half
Personality: sweet,happy,smart,artistic,scared,depressed,shy,flustered,loner,stubborn,adventurous,curious,kind/nice
Friends: she feels like she doesn’t have any because she mostly hangs out with her cousins but Charlie,Charlotte,Jennifer,Sammy
Crush: ?
Info: she’s been adopted but she doesn’t know about it,she’s been lonely her whole life because she feels like she doesn’t have any friends,she loves her mother every much and tries to help her with everything,she loves reading with her cousin isadora and she wants to help Leon finding his biological father,she loves art and music cause both of them makes her feel calm,and well she’s depressed cause she been bullied because of her eyes and she talks to her cousins about it they’re the only people she trust,she’s close with her aunt Bridget and uncle Brayden,she tries her best to succeed and tries to make new friends but gave up cause she’ll knows that they’ll be embarrassed if they made friends with her,and she loves her family but always curious why she was born with raven black hair and purple eyes,but she secretly has a twin brother named Alexander but never met him but she’s about to,and let’s just say she’s a bit of a magician,but she also has trust issues,and wants to learn why she doesn’t have a father but Dewey is like a dad to her
Likes:art,music,reading,her family,adventures,writing,magic,clues and puzzles,board games,cards,magic tricks,geology,history,candy,swimming,her friends,the duck family,painting,her mother,singing
Dislikes:bullies,evil magic,being uncomfortable,cold,being alone,people,anyone who’s evil,knifes,guns,anything that has peanuts in it,dancing
Birthday: September 12th
Well that’s all hope you like this
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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Yeah I couldn’t sleep last night so I drew this and I was listening to Hamilton Laurens last song
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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(A new au coming soon)
Anyway I had an idea but I don’t want to tell spoilers (cause I sometimes do spoiler alerts)but it has Alina in it (but she’s 18) and adult Brooke,Brayden,and Bridget (even my other ocs) and 4 more kids,but anyway Its a little edit I did I took me about 20 minutes
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
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Here are Brayden and Bridgets kids Leon quackery and isadora quackery
Leon “acacia” quackery
Personality:nice,lazy(at times),sweet,curious,and self-centred (at times),attractive
Parent(s):Bridget bluebell quackery but he doesn’t know who his father is
Magic: nature,lifting things with his mind,sense things that might happen,love,fire bender,teleportation,warlock
Obsession:trying to find out who his father is
Family: doesn’t have siblings but his cousins are Alina and isadora
Fears:has a fear of cats after what happened when he was 6,and losing the people he loves
Knows any language:African
Information:he’s a nice boy but he’s desperate to find out a dark secret on who his dad is,he’s cousins with Alina and isadora,but Bridget is the only one who kept a the secret who his father is so she kept it and she doesn’t want him to meet his father cause after what he’s done to her so that’s why she added quackery for his last name instead of his fathers,Leon is a bit of a Brag but he only did that when he was little,he always wanted a younger siblings but he knows that his mom doesn’t,and so he’s a bit of a liar but he can be honest,but he doesn’t know what his purpose is.
Personality:nice,a little rude,sweet,childish,happy,sheepish,loner,and wise
Parent(s):Brayden sirenity quackery and (still figuring it out)
Magic:siren,mermaid/merduck,witch,water bender
Obsession: trying to find out about a family secret and she a bit obsessed with books and magic
Family:no siblings but cousins with Alina and Leon
Fear:has a fear of heights,darkness,and bats
Knows any language:Spanish and French
Conditions:can’t speak
Information:she inherited her fathers powers and she wants to know more about her family so she desperate to find out about the family secret,but she can’t speak but she can sing really good and her dad teaches her how to play the guitar,and she’s trying to be fluent in some languages and she loves to read,and she wants to be like her parents someday,and Brayden actually named her after his foster dads sister,and she wants to see the world one day.
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cloud-quackery · 5 years
Hey guys so I made an animatic on Alina and Charlie singing from rio 2
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cloud-quackery · 4 years
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redesigned the cousins!
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