#also 12 year olds r not the smartest sometimes
cringengl · 4 months
I honestly think that the biggest problem the percy jackson show has, which is basically where the trio manage to figure out everything, such as the lotus casino, crusty's waterbeds, medusa etc is because the showrunners wanted to fit all of these little details and point of the journey into the show to appease all the fans and be different from the movies, but with only 8 episodes and 30-40 mins per episode, they really don't have time to have the trio be tricked by all these things, get into serious danger, then figure it out
I really think the show would benefit from like 5-7 more episodes because the book is too long for the length of show they are making
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soft-trait · 4 years
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I just realised I’ve never actually introduced myself so I found this get to know me tag and thought I’d do it hehe
Rules: post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
My traits: gloomy, creative, lazy
Questions under the cut (there’s lots)
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Tessa (idk if I want to put my full full name lmao)
3. BIRTHDAY? July 25th 2000
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? I don’t really uhhhh, read
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? Aliens have to exist, like have to, ghosts I dunno about though
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? Do people still listen to the radio?
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know) by The 1975
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? Besides The Sims not really
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? I’m scared of way too many things but I think my biggest fear is being abandoned, not being financially stable, not being able to live comfortably etc
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? I think I’m pretty funny sometimes
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? Too many, I’m selfish, clingy, needy, lazy, incapable of acting like an adult, I overthink everything, the list goes on
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? Dogs, no offence but fuck cats
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Winter hands down
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? Sure am, for just over a year and a half
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? Not being scared of everything, never being anxious, being mentally and physically healthy
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? My boyfriend, I have no other friends, none
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? My bf (sorry he’s the only person I care about)
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? I’m excited to get McDonald’s again after lockdown is over
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? iCarly, Victorious, that shit
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? I don’t think so
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I have emetophobia (fear of vomit)
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT? Behind, I wanted to make movies, be a director etc for awhile but I change my mind lots
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ?  Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? The Miseducation of Cameron Post
40. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL? Monkies but only the cute ones
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? @bellessims @lunchsims @evoxyr @ridgeport @meatballteeth and so many more I love everyone on here
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? Probably in primary school when we were forced to
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? I’m afraid of falling from said heights
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? Ignorance and rudeness for no reason
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? Nope I luv chimkin
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? A model (hahaha), a SFX artist, a makeup artist, a director, a coroner/forensic pathologist, funeral director, now I want to be a tattoo artist
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? Sex Education, I just wanna be Otis’ friend
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? everything, I’m pretty much constantly worried about something or everything
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? Not if I know where I am, I’m scared of the unknown, not knowing where I am or what I’m touching in the dark
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? I like it but I’m horrible
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? I pretty much missed the last few weeks of my last year of school and didn’t go to my bio class for the last few months of it, whoops
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? 2 cats, they’re annoying as fuck
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? Night owl, I never wake up before 11am
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? Nope and I don’t want to
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? Alternative, Metal, Hardcore
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? ur mum
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? When people eat my food or when people get my order wrong
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? Brother and sister, both older
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′6, 169cm (nice)
75. CAN YOU COOK? I physically could if I had to but nope
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? My boyfriend, movies, tattoos
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? People, most food, when shit doesn’t work
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? I have lots, Pewdiepie, Sidney Lavin, Clare Siobhan, Poofesure, heaps more
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? Sometimes but I always look ugly in them
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? Canada, Italy, Greece, Europe in general, Japan
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? Neither, both scare the absolute shit out of me
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? Not that I’m aware of
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? Forest, fuck beaches
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? Sometimes
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? Depends on what they did
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? I mean I could always use more money...
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? Hell yes
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? Yup, both ears, septum and nostril
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? Yup, 5 so far
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? I’m not sure
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? Absolutely not
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? My whole life is an embarrassment
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? More often than not
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? Depends on what it is, I don’t really like going outside
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? Yup I was in an ad for Caprisun, I got paid to scream
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 19
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? I honestly can’t think of a single one right now
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omarbelloutiworld · 4 years
100 difficult riddles & Answers that kids and families will love
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1.    When you do not know what I am, then I am something. But when you know what I am, then I am nothing. What am I? A RIDDLE
2.     You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I? A REFLECTION
3.    The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? FOOTSTEPS
4.    When I am released to the wind, you look away and you pretend, but away your friends I will send. What am I? A FART
5.    What English word has three consecutive double letters? BOOKKEEPER
6.    Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out? STOP IMAGINING
7.    What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters? QUEUE
8.    When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don't have me. What am I? A SECRET
9.    A man is pushing his car along the road when he comes to a hotel. He shouts, "I'm bankrupt!" Why? HE IS PLAYING MONOPOLY
10.                       An English word has six letters, remove one letter, and twelve remains. What am I? DOZENS
11.                       What question can you never answer yes to? ARE YOU ASLEEP?
12.                       What invention lets you look right through a wall? A WINDOW
13.                       What s as light as a feather, but even the world's strongest man couldn't hold it for more than a minute? HIS BREATH
14.                       What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years? THE LETTER M.
15.                       I never ask questions but am always answered. What am I? A DOORBELL
16.                       If you go to the movies and you're paying, is it cheaper to take one friend to the movies twice, or two friends to the movies at the same time?
17.                       What gets bigger every time you take from it? A HOLE
18.                       What is full of holes, but can still hold a lot of water? A SPONGE
19.                       Which came first the chicken or the egg?
20.                       No matter how much rain comes down on it, it won't get any wetter. What is it? WATER
21.                       I'm flat when I'm new. I'm fat when you use me. I release my gas when something sharp touches me. What am I? A BALLOON
22.                       Three times what number is no larger than two times that same number? 0
23.                       What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don't want to use it? AN ANCHOR
24.                       I cannot hear or even see, but sense light and sounds that may be. Sometimes I end up on the hook, or even deep into a book. What am I?A WORM
25.                       Which ring is square? A BOXINGRING
26.                       Why are manholes round instead of square?
27.                       What tastes better than it smells? YOUR TONGUE
28.                       At night, they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen. What are they? THE STARS
29.                       The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it? DARKNESS
30.                       What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it? A TEAPOT
31.                       Say my name and I disappear. What am I? SILENCE
32.                       What is it that after you take away the whole, some still remains? WHOLE SOME
33.                       Forward I’m heavy, but backwards I’m not. What am I? TON
34.                       I am a box that holds keys without locks, yet they can unlock your soul. What am I? A PIANO
35.                       My first is twice in apple but not once in tart. My second is in liver but not in heart. My third is in giant and also in ghost. Whole I’m best when I am roast. What am I? A PIG
36.                       Remove six letters from this sequence to reveal a familiar English word. BSAINXLEATNTEARS BANANAS(REMOVED SIX LETTERS)
37.                       What has four wheels and flies? GARBAGE TRUCK
38.                       What has a forest but no trees, cities but no people and rivers but no water? MAP
39.                       Runs smoother than any rhyme, loves to fall but cannot climb. What am I? WATER
40.                       Take me and scratch my head. What once was red, is black instead. What am I? A MATCH
41.                       What is as big as you are and yet does not weigh anything? YOURSHADOW
42.                       It is an insect, and the first part of its name is the name of another insect. What is it? BEETLE
43.                       I'm where yesterday follows today, and tomorrow's in the middle. What am I? A DICTIONARY
44.                       How much dirt is there in a hole 3 feet deep, 6 ft. long and 4 ft. wide? NONE – IT IS A HOLE
45.                       Name all the numbers from 1 – 100, which have the letter ‘A’ in their spellings? NONE
46.                       What kind of coat is always wet when you put it on? A COAT OF PAINT
47.                       What kind of cheese is made backwards? EDAM
48.                       What can you hold in your right hand but never in your left hand? YOUR LEFT HAND
49.                       During what month do people sleep the least? FEBRUARY
50.                       What can never be placed in a sauce pan? ITS LID
51.                       I am always there, some distance away, somewhere between land or sea and sky I lay. You may move towards me, but distant I will stay. What am I?  THE HORIZON
52.                       I can only live where there is light, but I die if the light shines on me. What am I? A SHADOW
53.                       What kind of room has no doors or windows? A MUSHROOM
54.                       What can you catch but not throw? A COLD
55.                       What has a Heart but no other organs? A DECK OF CARDS
56.                     Two people are born at the same moment, but they don't have the same birthdays. How could this be? THEY ARE BORN IN DIFFERENT TIME ZONES
57.                       What's orange and sounds like a parrot? A CARROT
58.                       What always goes to bed with its shoes on? A HORSE
59.                       How can you make 7 even? REMOVE THE S
60.                       What am I? A QUESTION
61.                       I can bring tears to your eyes; resurrect the dead, make you smile, and reverse time. I form in an instant but I last a life time. What am I? A MEMORY
62.                       Mr. Smith has two children. If the older child is a boy, what are the odds that the other child is also a boy? 50 PERCENT
63.                       A man builds a house rectangular in shape. All the sides have southern exposure. A big bear walks by. What color is the bear? WHITE. IT IS A POLAR BEAR
64.                       What starts with an e but only has a single letter in it? ANENVELOPE
65.                       A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction but didn't break the law. How come? SHE WAS WALKING
66.                       If in a car race, the man who came two places in front of the last man finished one ahead of the man who came fifth. How many contestants were there? 6
67.                       A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him? THE THIRD ROOM. LIONS THAT HAVEN'T EATEN IN THREE YEARS ARE DEAD.
68.                       What's black and white and red all over? A NEWSPAPER
69.                       What flies when it's born, lies when it's alive, and runs when it's dead? A SNOWFLAKE
70.                       I am the only organ that named myself. What am I? THE BRAIN
71.                       You walk into a room with a rabbit holding a carrot, a pig eating slop, and a chimp holding a banana. Which animal in the room is the smartest?YOU
72.                       What always murmurs but never talks, always runs but never walks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never speaks? A RIVER
73.                       I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which Iam never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody. What am I? A PENCIL
74.                       I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I? A CANDLE
75.                       What house can fly?  A HOUSEFLY
76.                       What goes up and doesn't go down? YOUR AGE
77.                       No matter how terrible things get for the people of the Arctic, they will not eat a penguin. Why? THERE AREN'T ANY PENGUINS IN THE ARTIC
78.                       A group of ten people are going out for pizza but only two of them have an umbrella to keep them dry. But they manage to walk all the way to the pizza place without getting wet.How is this possible? IT ISN'T RAINING OUTSIDE
79.                       What runs around the house but doesn't move? A FENCE
 80.                       What goes around the house and in the house but never touches the house? THE SUN
81.                       A man finds a small iron coin dated 154 B.C., what's it worth? IT IS A FAKE. NO COIN CAN SAY BC
82.                       There is a one-story house. The walls are blue, the floor is pink, the stove and cupboards are red. What color are the stairs? THERE AREN'T ANY STAIRS
83.                       Why was the baby strawberry crying? BECAUSE ITS PARENTS WERE IN A JAM
84.                       I can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played. What am I? A JOKE
85.                       I can't go left, I can't go right. I am forever stuck in a building over three stories high. What am I? AN ELEVATOR
86.                       What goes back and forth constantly, but never in a straight line? A PENDULUM
87.                       What dress can you not wear? AN ADDRESS
88.                       What belongs to you but others use it more? YOUR NAME
89.                       I don’t have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thought, but am now white and empty. What am I? SKULL
90.                       What has hands that can’t clap? A CLOCK
91.                       Which three numbers have the same answer when added together and multiplied together? 1, 2 AND 3
92.                       What has a mouth but can't chew? A RIVER
93.                       How did Mark legally marry three women in Michigan, without divorcing any of them, becoming legally separated, or any of them dying? HE WAS A PRIEST
94.                       I have all the knowledge you have. But I am not much larger than your fist. What am I? I'M YOUR BRAIN
95.                       Everyone in the world needs it. They generously give it, but rarely take it. What is it? ADVICE
96.                       Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will. What am I? AN ONION
97.                       Lighter than what I am made of, more of me is hidden than is seen. What am I? AN ICEBERG
98.                       You heard me before, yet you hear me again, then I die, ’till you call me again. What am I? AN ECHO
99.                       If you were standing directly on Antarctica’s South Pole facing north, which direction would you travel if you took one step backward? NORTH
100.                 What has a neck but no head? A BOTTLE
0 notes
milquetoast-on-acid · 7 years
Backfire, A Reactionary Post
Okay, that may not have been the smartest idea...
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Major Crimes, S2xE10: Episode Review
back·fire ˈbakˌfī(ə)r/    (of a plan or action) rebound adversely on the originator; have the opposite effect to what was intended.
Actions that Backfire Emma's assumptions Shaw's Protection The Judge vs The Lawyer The Squad (Sharon & Andy) vs Taylor A Scene Full of Gold
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I love the intro it's similar to 'There's no place like home' although unlike that episode this one is a serious case. It really sets the mood. PAB is shut down, everyone has gone home for the day, except for them. It's probably in the am, there's takeout boxes on the table and their still negotiating with their suspect. One thing I really love about the intro is that it really high lights how deserted PAB is. 99% of the shots in this show are of the actors so it's really rare when there are no people in the scenes.
Actions that backfire
Emma's assumptions of the 'not gang' case "Your Girlfriend, just blew it." Even Amy, who is sometimes clueless about things going on around her saw Julio drooling all over Emma. And it seems after Julio blew up at Emma in the 'not gang' case his infatuation with her is over. I think that Emma does end up making some headway with Julio but it never gets the point of friends or romance before she's gone.
Shaw total protection of Brianna Shaw promised because of the tracker he'd be able to keep Brianna safe. There is no 100% sure fire way to keep someone safe. And he never should have promised her that he could because he sure couldn't keep it. 
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I can't quite get this guys game. In some instances he seems waayy to close to Brianna. That’s some rather intimate hand holding there. Other times he seems like he could care less about her as a person. 
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Also he looks about 12 years old.
The Judge vs The Laywer Now it seems that Judge Grove is putting Emma in her place! To him it's his court room, he rules the roost there. And he does not think that the deal they made with Goss is harsh enough, and he also believes that they didn't investigate the crime as well as they should have. MC and Emma rushing to trial have backfired on them all. And even set the back by throwing out some of their evidence. 
I've got mixed feelings here. I think both of them are right in what they say and both are wrong. Grove was right that he deserved a harsher punishment but Emma was also right in that Grove pushing out the case caused another murder.
The Squad vs Taylor Taylor appears from his office that he often hides in, in the guise of being helpful. To which Provenza is suspicious. Provenza is usually right on the money with seeing straight through people that he knows. 
"Just like the Judge I'm deeply effected by this murder." Provenza once again calls him out on this. How many times have things happened and he could really care less about them? Such as the time Amy was beat to a pulp by a suspect and he didn't even ask how she was? 
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What I find interesting is his appearance. He looks as if he's been up for three days working on this case. Instead of the squad being up all night with their suspect. He's rumpled; physically and emotionally exhausted. Taylor is a rather well dressed guy and he's always put together. So to me this makes no sense. Where we originally supposed to have seen Taylor up with the squad? 
Taylor is at the end of a very thin rope here and his suggest of trying to talk to Goss again is going to get them no where, if they have nothing new to confront him with. As Provenza points out. And then he goes there...
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"Chief Johnson could have found a way around this." This is probably the last time someone compares Sharon with Brenda. I'm not surprised by him making that statement just more so that it was done out in the open like that. Even for him, shit like that is usually reserved for his office. This goes back to him being at the end of a very thin rope. He's sort of had it with this case.
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Everyone is taken aback and there are some really wonderful and very silent looks the squad give each other. But it's Andy that comes to her defense. First we see this wonderful look of anger on his face and then he physically steps next to her. There's no way that Taylor could misinterpret what that means. Andy is firmly on Sharon's side and he's showing that with more than just his facial expression. 
Andy points out that Brenda would have been able to get around the case's stipulations. But that it wouldn't have been legal. Back in the day Andy would have backed up Brenda's sometimes not so legal work around of the law. Now that he's worked with Sharon for a year and a half now - he sees things in a slightly different way. 
Her skirting the law put them all in a very vulnerable place which opened them up to lawsuits. Andy doesn't want to go back there, especially now that they have someone who knows the law so damned well that she uses it to her advantage. 
And that plays into how they solve this case. Brenda would have used that car. Sharon doesn't because it was thrown out. But she finds ultimately finds another way back to it. 
Once again Taylor's mouth backfires on him. As he thought that they were all going to agree with this comment. They may have possibly agreed with him a year ago but their all acclimated to Sharon at this point. Plus the fact that Sharon, Andy and Provenza all haven't forgotten about the back stabby shit he's done to them.
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I love all of these hand signals they have. I wonder how many of them are officially used?
A scene full of gold: Provenza is frustrated over Sharon always following the Rules
I don't think I payed much attention to it the first few times I saw this episode but now I realize the total gold of this scene. 
Here's the dialog:
Provenza: "We can work that out later."
Mike: "If we knock on Stark's door, without probable cause and the Mercedes is not in the garage. We may never find it."
Sharon: "Mike's right and because I know you hate it when I go on about the rules. I'm hanging up."
"Do you always have to take her side, Mike. Would it kill you to agree with me just once?"
What this scene is really about...
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Remember this?
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"What are you going to do conduct a seance from his phone?"
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haha! Look at Andy in the background at Emma saying that. 
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Also Andy kicking in a door. I love it. 
What I don't like: There's not much that I don't like in this episode. Probably that FBI agent. As I mentioned earlier I can't quite place where he's at emotionally with the case. He just looks too damned young and frankly I just find him way too annoying. 
What I like: I can't say it's my favorite episode. Actually I find it's rather forgettable. It's not a stand out but I do like the format of this episode. From the beginning shots of the lone squad working through the night and later on having to work backwards on the case. It's more creative in format to the majority of episodes and that's what I really like here. I also like how much this highlights they way Sharon works verses the way Brenda works a case.
This episode really also shows how much the unit is working together. To the point that the squad definitely doesn’t agree with Taylor’s assessment of Sharon. A year and a half ago they might have agreed with him. And we even have Andy defending Sharon. At this point Andy’s not in love with Sharon - but I have no doubt that even here if Andy had a choice between Sharon and Taylor. Taylor would lose every time.
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irlheart · 7 years
hi i just wanted to infodump about one of my favorite cartoons atm….the loud house!! ik its kinda sillie i guess bc its a kids show but i love it a lot ahh..!!!!!!!!!
the story revolves around the louds, a family w 11 siblings, 10 girls and 1 boy (lincoln), hes the middle child so he has five older and younger sisters. episodes usually focus on lincolns every day life but sometimes his best friend clyde appears!! clyde mcbride is the same age as lincoln (about 12 years old), hes been going to therapy for about 9 years (presumably for anxiety i think?) and has two dads (harold n howard mcbride) who i love vry vry much!!!! all of the characters have rlly distinct personalities n i love them all dearly so here is some background on the 10 sisters!!!!
lily - about 1 year old!! cant say much about her personality shdhsjhskchd
lisa - 4 yr old child prodigy!! loves chemistry n has a phd or smn but shes so intelligent n has horrible social skills..relatable..but shes trying
lola and lana - the 6 year old twins!! lola is high femme and lana is high butch, both r really smart!! for example lola knows everything there is to know about brewing tea and cooking and beauty and lana is a mechanic and does handiwork n other things like tht!!!
lucy - 8 year old goth......shes rlly artsy and into divination!!!!! shes actually rlly insecure about her image and being forgotten but she is so important and vital and puts so much work into her look i love her!
lynn - 13!! incredible athlete.......can sometimes get overboard w how competitive she is but its ok bc she tries so hard to be a good sport and rlly just loves to compete
luan - 14 year old comedian..her dream is to be a stand up comic.......shes rlly good on the spot and can come up w puns n jokes immediately and she’s lethal when it comes to pranks..love her
luna - 15 year old joth gf of my dreams.....shes rlly rlly into music n plays probably every instrument you can think of.....shes also canon bisexual and i hope the best for her always wtf
leni - 16, portrayed as ditzy but actually one of the smartest characters, shes the most thoughtful sister probably n i adore her
lori - 17 years old and the only one who can drive cndhsjhsjxb she can be rlly short tempered and cynical but her bf (main support system) moved recently n shes just so stressed that shes nearly an adult so its understandable
anyway yeah that was so long oh gosh but srry im stupid but i love this show so much
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kennethherrerablog · 5 years
How to File Taxes: A Pain-Free Guide for the First-Timers and Everyone Else
We’re not going to pretend that taxes are fun. That paying them is fun. That filing them is fun. That anything remotely related to them is fun.
So, taxes are a drag. Got it. But for most people, getting our tax affairs in order isn’t actually that much of a headache. It’s just a thing we all have to do.
Here’s our friendly guide for how to file taxes. (Ibuprofen sold separately.)
How Much Do You Have to Make to File Taxes in the First Place?
Making more money is, in almost every way, a good thing. But it’s also true that the more money you make, the more taxes you’re required to pay — at least up to a point. (You know what they say: more money, more problems!)
On the opposite end of the spectrum, you may be exempt from filing a tax return if you don’t meet the IRS income threshold, which can change.
The main number to know is $12,200. That’s the income threshold whereafter filing is required for singletons under the age of 65.
But more specific requirements are determined by other aspects of your filing status, such as your marital status and whether or not you have dependents.
For instance, if you’re married and filing jointly, that income threshold doubles to $24,400 — and increases even more if one or both of you have already celebrated your 65th birthday.
The numbers also shift if you’re a qualifying widow or the head of your household.
There are many rules of thumb regarding tax filing, such as: you must always file if your paychecks have had taxes withheld and you can’t claim tax exemptions of your own if you’re a dependent.
The best way to determine whether or not you need to file a tax return is to use the IRS’s free online tool, which takes about 12 minutes and gives you a definitive answer.
How Are Your Taxes Calculated?
All right, so you’ve successfully determined whether or not you’re required to file a return.
Now for the real fun: figuring out exactly how much you owe — or are owed.
Your taxes are calculated based on a range of personal details, like how much money you made in a given tax year, how much you’ve already paid in taxes, and even your personal relationships. That is, your tax burden will vary if you’re single versus married filing jointly, or if children or other relatives depend on you for financial support. (Such people are known, in IRS-speak, as “dependents”).
Your federal income tax is determined according to income brackets, which scale up in percentage as your overall income increases. In 2018, there are seven federal income tax brackets, ranging from 10% to 37% of your income.
Rate For Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income Over For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns, Taxable Income Over For Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income Over For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns, Taxable Income Over 10% $0 $0 12% $9,700 $19,400 22% $39,475 $78,950 24% $84,200 $168,400 32% $160,725 $321,450 35% $204,100 $408,200 37% $510,300 $612,350
AlaskaAlong with federal income taxes and your contributions to Social Security and Medicare, you’ll also be responsible for filing a state return and paying state income taxes, unless you live in one of the seven states that don’t levy them. Those states are:
South Dakota
The other 43 states’ rates run from as much as 13% to almost nothing, and may vary by income or be assessed at a flat rate. Check with a professional in your area (or, honestly, run a Google search) to get the deets on tax laws in your state.
Deductions and Credits
You may be eligible for certain tax deductions, such as contributions to your 401(k) or student loan interest payments.
Tax deductions can add up and cut a nice chunk off of what you’d otherwise owe to the IRS, sometimes substantially increasing your refund by reducing your total taxable income. This is especially true if you’re a freelancer, in which case you can write off a whole slew of business expenses the 9-to-5 folk cannot.
You could also deduct the interest paid on your mortgage, charitable donations and more. Or, it may be in your best interest to take the standard deduction, which, for 2019, is a pretty generous $12,200 for single filers (or $24,000 for those married and filing jointly).
There are also certain tax credits you may be eligible for, such as the American Opportunity Credit, which offers eligible students up to $2,500 per year to offset college expenses, or the Child Care Credit, which offers eligible guardians up to $3,000 apiece to offset the expense of supporting a dependent.
Contributing to your retirement savings can also get you a tax credit of up to 50% of your retirement plan, depending on your contributions, account type and gross adjusted income.
Tax credits differ from deductions: while a deduction reduces your taxable income, a tax credit reduces what you owe the government, dollar for dollar.
Doing the Math
If you’re a first-time tax filer, chances are your situation won’t be too complex. You’ll likely be able to get away with the simplest version of IRS Form 1040. This document uses information about your income, withheld taxes, marital status and dependents to determine whether or not you’ll be writing or receiving a check.
Most people will fill this out using their W-2 as a guideline, which is a document issued by your employer. Your W-2 lists your total earned wages and withholdings, including federal income tax, Medicare and Social Security. It’s distributed by employers by no later than Jan. 31, and these days, it’s often digital.
The self-employed person’s equivalent of a W-2 is a 1099, although these documents don’t include information on tax withholding — because independent contractors are responsible for doing that themselves. Honestly, freelance taxes are a whole other ballpark, which is why we’ve got the full scoop for you in a separate post.
The more complicated your financial landscape is, the more complicated your filing will be, and the more forms you’ll need to add to your pile. For example, if you have additional sources of income through capital gains, unemployment compensation, gambling or prizes, you’ll need to file a Schedule 1 along with your 1040.
There are also additional forms for those who owe self-employment tax or can claim a refundable credit. (The IRS helpfully lists some of the most common additional-filing scenarios, and the necessary documents, on its “About Form 1040” page.)
Of course, dragging out your calculator and working out your tax burden longhand is only simple in theory, even under the most straightforward circumstances — which is why many people turn to tax software or professional services to help make taxes less of a chore. These costs range from a few bucks on a digital filing upgrade to putting an accountant on retainer.
How to Actually File Your Taxes
Now that you’ve got the hard part out of the way, it’s time to put away the calculator and actually file your income tax return. You’ve got a number of options, some of which are more convenient (and costly) than others.
You may:
E-file using the free IRS tool. This is a good option for those with relatively straightforward taxes, especially if you make less than $66,000. (Those who earn more than $66,000 can still use the tool, but the software only does basic math for you, and state tax prep is not available.)
E-file using a private tax software service, like TurboTax or H&R Block. Most of these services offer a free filing option, and they make the process super simple: just fill out some forms, click some buttons, and your tax return whooshes off, no problem.
The free service goes for basic federal and state taxes, making it more comprehensive than the IRS tool. However, if your financial situation is more complex — for example, income including mortgage interest or rental property profit — you may have to move into a paid tier, with fees running from about $80-$100.
Go old-school with paper filing, sending actual, hand-filled-out paper forms to the IRS in the mail, like the all-analog hipster you are. Paper filing is pretty cheap, of course, but it’s also a great way to make errors on your return if you’re not a tax wizard. But if you’re confident in your calculator-fu, here’s the full list of paper filing IRS mailing addresses by state.
Hire a tax professional. Although it’s easily the most expensive move on this list, it’s also the least stressful — and if you make enough to cover it without too much budgetary shuffling, it might just be worthwhile. A certified accountant or tax preparer can ensure you get the most generous refund possible… and best of all, your calculator can stay firmly ensconced in its layer of dust.
Once you’ve filed, you’ll receive your tax refund — if you’re due one — within about four weeks, either by paper check or direct deposit. Similarly, if you owe taxes, you can pay through the digital system via direct transfer or credit card, or mail off a paper check to the correct address for your state.
Be sure to account for your state taxes, as well, which may need to be shipped to a different address — which you’ll find on your state’s official taxation and revenue department website.
Although Tax Day is nobody’s favorite holiday, we hope this post has helped you see that filing taxes doesn’t have to be a total nightmare. And besides, for many filers, all that paperwork does have a silver lining: a fat tax refund check, just in time for summer.
Of course, as tempting as it is to spend that refund on airline fare or tacos, the smartest move is to find ways to turn it into even more money — which means even more tacos down the line. Here are some of our best ideas for what to do with your tax time windfall.
(I’d like to add an additional suggestion: use it to hire an accountant!)
Jamie Cattanach’s work has been featured at Fodor’s, Yahoo, SELF, The Huffington Post, The Motley Fool, Roads & Kingdoms and other outlets. Learn more at www.jamiecattanach.com.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
How to File Taxes: A Pain-Free Guide for the First-Timers and Everyone Else published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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thefinalriot-blog · 7 years
The Teenage Brain on Porn Video
This transcript continues to be immediately generated along with may not really be 100% accurate. Transcript for The Particular Teenage Mind in Porn When we hear about celebrities claims to become dependent on sex there's any collective eye roll. I wasn't positive what I would locate but in component simply because we realize therefore small concerning this. We're the particular pioneers. Just likely to go for any look. she began a website calmed "make not really porn" a kind of youtube video streaming channel on your internet where true for you to life couples give workplace the peek beneat their particular sheets. Many with the kids I know would trust our mother and father over 2 porn stars which we've in absolutely no way met. Reporter: Nathan, a teen throughout utah, ultimately admitted for you to what was likely onto his mother or father tsz and also was ultimately capable of quit but also for other people it is actually not in which easy. Throughout these images you'll become in the position to begin to see the pleasure centers associated with an addict's brain responding with their drug regarding choice. I would claim that this is one thing that was not just me. I tried receiving rid associated with my smartphone. Therefore annoying afterwards. We're the really first to have what we should have and there is nobody prior to us to manual us. Porn is a fantasy. I startsed in order to isolate myself since I hated what I had been doing. 1 black guy as well as what spannic guy and this blond woman and they were ferociously banging each other. They Will didn't want to be identified however these folks were willing to be scanned http://evelyn-lin.blogbugs.org/ and in contrast into a control team involving volunteers. Reporter: Wshe's section of this new order of teens showing that exapproximately sit images can be found anywhere. Why? Pertaining To which split second, I just feel like the smartest thing to do so which as soon as I've finished I'm just like why the particular does i recently do that. Reporter: Gail, the author involving a novel called "pornland" says pertaining to this the average teenage boy porn is actually his 1st formative impression of sex. for this girl, these pictures that many kids so a lot of of as well soon, just don't translate to end up being able to true life or even true love. The idea ended up being extremely -- I mean, I came house along with I had been balling my eyes out. Reporter: Way caleb he said it crept up in him. Better? Yeah. Reporter: Breeian is currently 23 however remembers how strong your ex addiction ended up being in the particular program of most regarding her senior high school years. Once the data was analyzed the outcomes were astounding. Reporter: We furthermore suspected porn cannot be excellent for that teenage mind however tonight a brand new study. I can't locate a way to stop. Reporter: Nevertheless if the world wide web porn compulsion the identical thing as a real clinical addiction? Can it truly adjust someone's brain? This kind of doctor, a new nur r neuropsychiatrist operating with cambridge college attempted to find out. Reporter: the compulsive user's reactions were doubly active as individuals in the manage group inside the pleasure center, identified because the striatum, matching your responses regarding drug and also alcohol addicts. I can't stop it. Sex is powerful. Reporter: Additional producers like this director are making whatever they say are generally softer, much more relatable depictions of sex. I'll by no means forget it. That's why what we're doing is so important. Reporter: As Well As these images can be traumatic. right in my phone with regard to anyone to access. replace hard-core on-line porn along with images regarding real love-making. Along With it can't actually stand in as sex education. and as powerful as drugs and also alcohol. The idea says if you dress in this way you'll be treated well as well as you'll be powerful. It's not necessarily as good because they are usually not as good as the porn. parents are able to speak with their children by what real love along with real sex afterwards is. This girl was just 12 yrs . old when she shockingly admitted she's not only seen porn but your woman understood all the innuendo. Reporter: Nevertheless for the child who is view these hard-core images, these people may be difficult to erase in the brain. Compulsive pornography customers have got parallels together with substance abuse disorder. Sometimes, with heartbreakingly young ages. Any time referring for you to porn, there's increasingly concrete evidence, science, that the addiction may be real. Presently there he goes. He's probably never had sex together with an additional human being. and it simply didn't compare. Yet even if we assume it's an addiction what's the cure? A New former advertisement exec turned entrepreneur feel she has a new solution. That became this sort of a part of my, virtually that day-to-day routine. at first I didn't know the boundaries and furthermore the bounds of what was extreme. Reporter: 1 study is not definitive as well as the frayed group for the porn market says unlike drugs along with alcohol, adult content material just isn't and can't be described as a chemical addiction a maximum of compulsive shopping, gaming or hoard. How can you really feel now? Pissed off. Reporter: According to one study, 7 regarding ten young adults get accidentally stumbled across porn online. There's no-one just before us. that sounds just similar to a drug addiction. He doesn't have a reservoir of their own encounter regarding sexuality along with some other people. Just Like every day I had been watching porn. Reporter: Along With not only boys. Through 12 to become able to 13, all associated with the way up to 14, it absolutely was kind of there, uninterrupted. Using scans involving young people having a porn compulsion display the same result. I hated which I couldn't stop. Youngsters are generally viewing hard-core porn many years and also a extended time and also many years prior to they'll possess their particular sexual encounter as well as it's shaken their particular look at what sex is. I became nearly numb to it. He's account putted right in to a woman of sexual violence. Your Woman located 20 younger men involving the ages of 19 and also 34 whose lives were thus controlled by simply porn these were willing to be a new part of your study. Reporter: Certainly Not shocking these images frequently color teens tips involving what sex needs in order to be like. The Particular topics had been demonstrated images associated with explicit porn to observe if their particular incentive centers would react in the in an identical way as drug users. Here's abc lindsay davis. Caleb can end up being a son coming from england having a long-time porn compulsion and he grew up with english journalist declaring he's had sex with girls also it just doesn't compare. the porn should go right straight into a lot more. Pertaining To "nightline" I'm lindsay davis throughout new york. http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/teenage-brain-porn-20750150. Your Ex friend, danielle, first discovered about sex on the porn site. How do you overcome that low? Reporter: He receives a glimpse regarding his hard-fought struggle after they drive past any fairly girl also it immediately triggers any reaction. Reporter: And Also along with pornography consequently ever-present, a few teenagers become hooked on it. Is Actually there now scientific evidence to be able to again that will up? Any time you place porn into google, exactly what does he feel is actually going to come up? probably images associated with produce a naked woman. I knew tons involving students who get been in my grade, my peers, have been performing exactly the same thing. Reporter: We spent each day with him to begin to determine the issue very first hand. However experts are generally asking may become the typical adolescent truly ready for this? Hard-core porn. so with pals and I'd find out how much they view porn. We discover an extremely obvious increase in activity in the incentive center. That is, virtually. Exactly why do you believe you've this relationship with porn? I don't know. Regarding many kids which can certainly access porn coming from his or her computers and smartphones it can go well beyond merely a dirty habit and flip into a hazardous one. the web site went public inside january and previously provides a lot much more than 100,000 users. That just seemed -- it was just something that my brain will need to always be able to have picked up
0 notes
kennethherrerablog · 5 years
How to File Taxes: A Pain-Free Guide for the First-Timers and Everyone Else
We’re not going to pretend that taxes are fun. That paying them is fun. That filing them is fun. That anything remotely related to them is fun.
So, taxes are a drag. Got it. But for most people, getting our tax affairs in order isn’t actually that much of a headache. It’s just a thing we all have to do.
Here’s our friendly guide for how to file taxes. (Ibuprofen sold separately.)
How Much Do You Have to Make to File Taxes in the First Place?
Making more money is, in almost every way, a good thing. But it’s also true that the more money you make, the more taxes you’re required to pay — at least up to a point. (You know what they say: more money, more problems!)
On the opposite end of the spectrum, you may be exempt from filing a tax return if you don’t meet the IRS income threshold, which can change.
The main number to know is $12,200. That’s the income threshold whereafter filing is required for singletons under the age of 65.
But more specific requirements are determined by other aspects of your filing status, such as your marital status and whether or not you have dependents.
For instance, if you’re married and filing jointly, that income threshold doubles to $24,400 — and increases even more if one or both of you have already celebrated your 65th birthday.
The numbers also shift if you’re a qualifying widow or the head of your household.
There are many rules of thumb regarding tax filing, such as: you must always file if your paychecks have had taxes withheld and you can’t claim tax exemptions of your own if you’re a dependent.
The best way to determine whether or not you need to file a tax return is to use the IRS’s free online tool, which takes about 12 minutes and gives you a definitive answer.
How Are Your Taxes Calculated?
All right, so you’ve successfully determined whether or not you’re required to file a return.
Now for the real fun: figuring out exactly how much you owe — or are owed.
Your taxes are calculated based on a range of personal details, like how much money you made in a given tax year, how much you’ve already paid in taxes, and even your personal relationships. That is, your tax burden will vary if you’re single versus married filing jointly, or if children or other relatives depend on you for financial support. (Such people are known, in IRS-speak, as “dependents”).
Your federal income tax is determined according to income brackets, which scale up in percentage as your overall income increases. In 2018, there are seven federal income tax brackets, ranging from 10% to 37% of your income.
Rate For Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income Over For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns, Taxable Income Over For Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income Over For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns, Taxable Income Over 10% $0 $0 12% $9,700 $19,400 22% $39,475 $78,950 24% $84,200 $168,400 32% $160,725 $321,450 35% $204,100 $408,200 37% $510,300 $612,350
AlaskaAlong with federal income taxes and your contributions to Social Security and Medicare, you’ll also be responsible for filing a state return and paying state income taxes, unless you live in one of the seven states that don’t levy them. Those states are:
South Dakota
The other 43 states’ rates run from as much as 13% to almost nothing, and may vary by income or be assessed at a flat rate. Check with a professional in your area (or, honestly, run a Google search) to get the deets on tax laws in your state.
Deductions and Credits
You may be eligible for certain tax deductions, such as contributions to your 401(k) or student loan interest payments.
Tax deductions can add up and cut a nice chunk off of what you’d otherwise owe to the IRS, sometimes substantially increasing your refund by reducing your total taxable income. This is especially true if you’re a freelancer, in which case you can write off a whole slew of business expenses the 9-to-5 folk cannot.
You could also deduct the interest paid on your mortgage, charitable donations and more. Or, it may be in your best interest to take the standard deduction, which, for 2019, is a pretty generous $12,200 for single filers (or $24,000 for those married and filing jointly).
There are also certain tax credits you may be eligible for, such as the American Opportunity Credit, which offers eligible students up to $2,500 per year to offset college expenses, or the Child Care Credit, which offers eligible guardians up to $3,000 apiece to offset the expense of supporting a dependent.
Contributing to your retirement savings can also get you a tax credit of up to 50% of your retirement plan, depending on your contributions, account type and gross adjusted income.
Tax credits differ from deductions: while a deduction reduces your taxable income, a tax credit reduces what you owe the government, dollar for dollar.
Doing the Math
If you’re a first-time tax filer, chances are your situation won’t be too complex. You’ll likely be able to get away with the simplest version of IRS Form 1040. This document uses information about your income, withheld taxes, marital status and dependents to determine whether or not you’ll be writing or receiving a check.
Most people will fill this out using their W-2 as a guideline, which is a document issued by your employer. Your W-2 lists your total earned wages and withholdings, including federal income tax, Medicare and Social Security. It’s distributed by employers by no later than Jan. 31, and these days, it’s often digital.
The self-employed person’s equivalent of a W-2 is a 1099, although these documents don’t include information on tax withholding — because independent contractors are responsible for doing that themselves. Honestly, freelance taxes are a whole other ballpark, which is why we’ve got the full scoop for you in a separate post.
The more complicated your financial landscape is, the more complicated your filing will be, and the more forms you’ll need to add to your pile. For example, if you have additional sources of income through capital gains, unemployment compensation, gambling or prizes, you’ll need to file a Schedule 1 along with your 1040.
There are also additional forms for those who owe self-employment tax or can claim a refundable credit. (The IRS helpfully lists some of the most common additional-filing scenarios, and the necessary documents, on its “About Form 1040” page.)
Of course, dragging out your calculator and working out your tax burden longhand is only simple in theory, even under the most straightforward circumstances — which is why many people turn to tax software or professional services to help make taxes less of a chore. These costs range from a few bucks on a digital filing upgrade to putting an accountant on retainer.
How to Actually File Your Taxes
Now that you’ve got the hard part out of the way, it’s time to put away the calculator and actually file your income tax return. You’ve got a number of options, some of which are more convenient (and costly) than others.
You may:
E-file using the free IRS tool. This is a good option for those with relatively straightforward taxes, especially if you make less than $66,000. (Those who earn more than $66,000 can still use the tool, but the software only does basic math for you, and state tax prep is not available.)
E-file using a private tax software service, like TurboTax or H&R Block. Most of these services offer a free filing option, and they make the process super simple: just fill out some forms, click some buttons, and your tax return whooshes off, no problem.
The free service goes for basic federal and state taxes, making it more comprehensive than the IRS tool. However, if your financial situation is more complex — for example, income including mortgage interest or rental property profit — you may have to move into a paid tier, with fees running from about $80-$100.
Go old-school with paper filing, sending actual, hand-filled-out paper forms to the IRS in the mail, like the all-analog hipster you are. Paper filing is pretty cheap, of course, but it’s also a great way to make errors on your return if you’re not a tax wizard. But if you’re confident in your calculator-fu, here’s the full list of paper filing IRS mailing addresses by state.
Hire a tax professional. Although it’s easily the most expensive move on this list, it’s also the least stressful — and if you make enough to cover it without too much budgetary shuffling, it might just be worthwhile. A certified accountant or tax preparer can ensure you get the most generous refund possible… and best of all, your calculator can stay firmly ensconced in its layer of dust.
Once you’ve filed, you’ll receive your tax refund — if you’re due one — within about four weeks, either by paper check or direct deposit. Similarly, if you owe taxes, you can pay through the digital system via direct transfer or credit card, or mail off a paper check to the correct address for your state.
Be sure to account for your state taxes, as well, which may need to be shipped to a different address — which you’ll find on your state’s official taxation and revenue department website.
Although Tax Day is nobody’s favorite holiday, we hope this post has helped you see that filing taxes doesn’t have to be a total nightmare. And besides, for many filers, all that paperwork does have a silver lining: a fat tax refund check, just in time for summer.
Of course, as tempting as it is to spend that refund on airline fare or tacos, the smartest move is to find ways to turn it into even more money — which means even more tacos down the line. Here are some of our best ideas for what to do with your tax time windfall.
(I’d like to add an additional suggestion: use it to hire an accountant!)
Jamie Cattanach’s work has been featured at Fodor’s, Yahoo, SELF, The Huffington Post, The Motley Fool, Roads & Kingdoms and other outlets. Learn more at www.jamiecattanach.com.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
How to File Taxes: A Pain-Free Guide for the First-Timers and Everyone Else published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
0 notes
kennethherrerablog · 5 years
How to File Taxes: A Pain-Free Guide for the First-Timers and Everyone Else
We’re not going to pretend that taxes are fun. That paying them is fun. That filing them is fun. That anything remotely related to them is fun.
So, taxes are a drag. Got it. But for most people, getting our tax affairs in order isn’t actually that much of a headache. It’s just a thing we all have to do.
Here’s our friendly guide for how to file taxes. (Ibuprofen sold separately.)
How Much Do You Have to Make to File Taxes in the First Place?
Making more money is, in almost every way, a good thing. But it’s also true that the more money you make, the more taxes you’re required to pay — at least up to a point. (You know what they say: more money, more problems!)
On the opposite end of the spectrum, you may be exempt from filing a tax return if you don’t meet the IRS income threshold, which can change.
The main number to know is $12,200. That’s the income threshold whereafter filing is required for singletons under the age of 65.
But more specific requirements are determined by other aspects of your filing status, such as your marital status and whether or not you have dependents.
For instance, if you’re married and filing jointly, that income threshold doubles to $24,400 — and increases even more if one or both of you have already celebrated your 65th birthday.
The numbers also shift if you’re a qualifying widow or the head of your household.
There are many rules of thumb regarding tax filing, such as: you must always file if your paychecks have had taxes withheld and you can’t claim tax exemptions of your own if you’re a dependent.
The best way to determine whether or not you need to file a tax return is to use the IRS’s free online tool, which takes about 12 minutes and gives you a definitive answer.
How Are Your Taxes Calculated?
All right, so you’ve successfully determined whether or not you’re required to file a return.
Now for the real fun: figuring out exactly how much you owe — or are owed.
Your taxes are calculated based on a range of personal details, like how much money you made in a given tax year, how much you’ve already paid in taxes, and even your personal relationships. That is, your tax burden will vary if you’re single versus married filing jointly, or if children or other relatives depend on you for financial support. (Such people are known, in IRS-speak, as “dependents”).
Your federal income tax is determined according to income brackets, which scale up in percentage as your overall income increases. In 2018, there are seven federal income tax brackets, ranging from 10% to 37% of your income.
Rate For Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income Over For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns, Taxable Income Over For Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income Over For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns, Taxable Income Over 10% $0 $0 12% $9,700 $19,400 22% $39,475 $78,950 24% $84,200 $168,400 32% $160,725 $321,450 35% $204,100 $408,200 37% $510,300 $612,350
AlaskaAlong with federal income taxes and your contributions to Social Security and Medicare, you’ll also be responsible for filing a state return and paying state income taxes, unless you live in one of the seven states that don’t levy them. Those states are:
South Dakota
The other 43 states’ rates run from as much as 13% to almost nothing, and may vary by income or be assessed at a flat rate. Check with a professional in your area (or, honestly, run a Google search) to get the deets on tax laws in your state.
Deductions and Credits
You may be eligible for certain tax deductions, such as contributions to your 401(k) or student loan interest payments.
Tax deductions can add up and cut a nice chunk off of what you’d otherwise owe to the IRS, sometimes substantially increasing your refund by reducing your total taxable income. This is especially true if you’re a freelancer, in which case you can write off a whole slew of business expenses the 9-to-5 folk cannot.
You could also deduct the interest paid on your mortgage, charitable donations and more. Or, it may be in your best interest to take the standard deduction, which, for 2019, is a pretty generous $12,200 for single filers (or $24,000 for those married and filing jointly).
There are also certain tax credits you may be eligible for, such as the American Opportunity Credit, which offers eligible students up to $2,500 per year to offset college expenses, or the Child Care Credit, which offers eligible guardians up to $3,000 apiece to offset the expense of supporting a dependent.
Contributing to your retirement savings can also get you a tax credit of up to 50% of your retirement plan, depending on your contributions, account type and gross adjusted income.
Tax credits differ from deductions: while a deduction reduces your taxable income, a tax credit reduces what you owe the government, dollar for dollar.
Doing the Math
If you’re a first-time tax filer, chances are your situation won’t be too complex. You’ll likely be able to get away with the simplest version of IRS Form 1040. This document uses information about your income, withheld taxes, marital status and dependents to determine whether or not you’ll be writing or receiving a check.
Most people will fill this out using their W-2 as a guideline, which is a document issued by your employer. Your W-2 lists your total earned wages and withholdings, including federal income tax, Medicare and Social Security. It’s distributed by employers by no later than Jan. 31, and these days, it’s often digital.
The self-employed person’s equivalent of a W-2 is a 1099, although these documents don’t include information on tax withholding — because independent contractors are responsible for doing that themselves. Honestly, freelance taxes are a whole other ballpark, which is why we’ve got the full scoop for you in a separate post.
The more complicated your financial landscape is, the more complicated your filing will be, and the more forms you’ll need to add to your pile. For example, if you have additional sources of income through capital gains, unemployment compensation, gambling or prizes, you’ll need to file a Schedule 1 along with your 1040.
There are also additional forms for those who owe self-employment tax or can claim a refundable credit. (The IRS helpfully lists some of the most common additional-filing scenarios, and the necessary documents, on its “About Form 1040” page.)
Of course, dragging out your calculator and working out your tax burden longhand is only simple in theory, even under the most straightforward circumstances — which is why many people turn to tax software or professional services to help make taxes less of a chore. These costs range from a few bucks on a digital filing upgrade to putting an accountant on retainer.
How to Actually File Your Taxes
Now that you’ve got the hard part out of the way, it’s time to put away the calculator and actually file your income tax return. You’ve got a number of options, some of which are more convenient (and costly) than others.
You may:
E-file using the free IRS tool. This is a good option for those with relatively straightforward taxes, especially if you make less than $66,000. (Those who earn more than $66,000 can still use the tool, but the software only does basic math for you, and state tax prep is not available.)
E-file using a private tax software service, like TurboTax or H&R Block. Most of these services offer a free filing option, and they make the process super simple: just fill out some forms, click some buttons, and your tax return whooshes off, no problem.
The free service goes for basic federal and state taxes, making it more comprehensive than the IRS tool. However, if your financial situation is more complex — for example, income including mortgage interest or rental property profit — you may have to move into a paid tier, with fees running from about $80-$100.
Go old-school with paper filing, sending actual, hand-filled-out paper forms to the IRS in the mail, like the all-analog hipster you are. Paper filing is pretty cheap, of course, but it’s also a great way to make errors on your return if you’re not a tax wizard. But if you’re confident in your calculator-fu, here’s the full list of paper filing IRS mailing addresses by state.
Hire a tax professional. Although it’s easily the most expensive move on this list, it’s also the least stressful — and if you make enough to cover it without too much budgetary shuffling, it might just be worthwhile. A certified accountant or tax preparer can ensure you get the most generous refund possible… and best of all, your calculator can stay firmly ensconced in its layer of dust.
Once you’ve filed, you’ll receive your tax refund — if you’re due one — within about four weeks, either by paper check or direct deposit. Similarly, if you owe taxes, you can pay through the digital system via direct transfer or credit card, or mail off a paper check to the correct address for your state.
Be sure to account for your state taxes, as well, which may need to be shipped to a different address — which you’ll find on your state’s official taxation and revenue department website.
Although Tax Day is nobody’s favorite holiday, we hope this post has helped you see that filing taxes doesn’t have to be a total nightmare. And besides, for many filers, all that paperwork does have a silver lining: a fat tax refund check, just in time for summer.
Of course, as tempting as it is to spend that refund on airline fare or tacos, the smartest move is to find ways to turn it into even more money — which means even more tacos down the line. Here are some of our best ideas for what to do with your tax time windfall.
(I’d like to add an additional suggestion: use it to hire an accountant!)
Jamie Cattanach’s work has been featured at Fodor’s, Yahoo, SELF, The Huffington Post, The Motley Fool, Roads & Kingdoms and other outlets. Learn more at www.jamiecattanach.com.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
How to File Taxes: A Pain-Free Guide for the First-Timers and Everyone Else published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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kennethherrerablog · 5 years
How to File Taxes: A Pain-Free Guide for the First-Timers and Everyone Else
We’re not going to pretend that taxes are fun. That paying them is fun. That filing them is fun. That anything remotely related to them is fun.
So, taxes are a drag. Got it. But for most people, getting our tax affairs in order isn’t actually that much of a headache. It’s just a thing we all have to do.
Here’s our friendly guide for how to file taxes. (Ibuprofen sold separately.)
How Much Do You Have to Make to File Taxes in the First Place?
Making more money is, in almost every way, a good thing. But it’s also true that the more money you make, the more taxes you’re required to pay — at least up to a point. (You know what they say: more money, more problems!)
On the opposite end of the spectrum, you may be exempt from filing a tax return if you don’t meet the IRS income threshold, which can change.
The main number to know is $12,200. That’s the income threshold whereafter filing is required for singletons under the age of 65.
But more specific requirements are determined by other aspects of your filing status, such as your marital status and whether or not you have dependents.
For instance, if you’re married and filing jointly, that income threshold doubles to $24,400 — and increases even more if one or both of you have already celebrated your 65th birthday.
The numbers also shift if you’re a qualifying widow or the head of your household.
There are many rules of thumb regarding tax filing, such as: you must always file if your paychecks have had taxes withheld and you can’t claim tax exemptions of your own if you’re a dependent.
The best way to determine whether or not you need to file a tax return is to use the IRS’s free online tool, which takes about 12 minutes and gives you a definitive answer.
How Are Your Taxes Calculated?
All right, so you’ve successfully determined whether or not you’re required to file a return.
Now for the real fun: figuring out exactly how much you owe — or are owed.
Your taxes are calculated based on a range of personal details, like how much money you made in a given tax year, how much you’ve already paid in taxes, and even your personal relationships. That is, your tax burden will vary if you’re single versus married filing jointly, or if children or other relatives depend on you for financial support. (Such people are known, in IRS-speak, as “dependents”).
Your federal income tax is determined according to income brackets, which scale up in percentage as your overall income increases. In 2018, there are seven federal income tax brackets, ranging from 10% to 37% of your income.
Rate For Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income Over For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns, Taxable Income Over For Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income Over For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns, Taxable Income Over 10% $0 $0 12% $9,700 $19,400 22% $39,475 $78,950 24% $84,200 $168,400 32% $160,725 $321,450 35% $204,100 $408,200 37% $510,300 $612,350
AlaskaAlong with federal income taxes and your contributions to Social Security and Medicare, you’ll also be responsible for filing a state return and paying state income taxes, unless you live in one of the seven states that don’t levy them. Those states are:
South Dakota
The other 43 states’ rates run from as much as 13% to almost nothing, and may vary by income or be assessed at a flat rate. Check with a professional in your area (or, honestly, run a Google search) to get the deets on tax laws in your state.
Deductions and Credits
You may be eligible for certain tax deductions, such as contributions to your 401(k) or student loan interest payments.
Tax deductions can add up and cut a nice chunk off of what you’d otherwise owe to the IRS, sometimes substantially increasing your refund by reducing your total taxable income. This is especially true if you’re a freelancer, in which case you can write off a whole slew of business expenses the 9-to-5 folk cannot.
You could also deduct the interest paid on your mortgage, charitable donations and more. Or, it may be in your best interest to take the standard deduction, which, for 2019, is a pretty generous $12,200 for single filers (or $24,000 for those married and filing jointly).
There are also certain tax credits you may be eligible for, such as the American Opportunity Credit, which offers eligible students up to $2,500 per year to offset college expenses, or the Child Care Credit, which offers eligible guardians up to $3,000 apiece to offset the expense of supporting a dependent.
Contributing to your retirement savings can also get you a tax credit of up to 50% of your retirement plan, depending on your contributions, account type and gross adjusted income.
Tax credits differ from deductions: while a deduction reduces your taxable income, a tax credit reduces what you owe the government, dollar for dollar.
Doing the Math
If you’re a first-time tax filer, chances are your situation won’t be too complex. You’ll likely be able to get away with the simplest version of IRS Form 1040. This document uses information about your income, withheld taxes, marital status and dependents to determine whether or not you’ll be writing or receiving a check.
Most people will fill this out using their W-2 as a guideline, which is a document issued by your employer. Your W-2 lists your total earned wages and withholdings, including federal income tax, Medicare and Social Security. It’s distributed by employers by no later than Jan. 31, and these days, it’s often digital.
The self-employed person’s equivalent of a W-2 is a 1099, although these documents don’t include information on tax withholding — because independent contractors are responsible for doing that themselves. Honestly, freelance taxes are a whole other ballpark, which is why we’ve got the full scoop for you in a separate post.
The more complicated your financial landscape is, the more complicated your filing will be, and the more forms you’ll need to add to your pile. For example, if you have additional sources of income through capital gains, unemployment compensation, gambling or prizes, you’ll need to file a Schedule 1 along with your 1040.
There are also additional forms for those who owe self-employment tax or can claim a refundable credit. (The IRS helpfully lists some of the most common additional-filing scenarios, and the necessary documents, on its “About Form 1040” page.)
Of course, dragging out your calculator and working out your tax burden longhand is only simple in theory, even under the most straightforward circumstances — which is why many people turn to tax software or professional services to help make taxes less of a chore. These costs range from a few bucks on a digital filing upgrade to putting an accountant on retainer.
How to Actually File Your Taxes
Now that you’ve got the hard part out of the way, it’s time to put away the calculator and actually file your income tax return. You’ve got a number of options, some of which are more convenient (and costly) than others.
You may:
E-file using the free IRS tool. This is a good option for those with relatively straightforward taxes, especially if you make less than $66,000. (Those who earn more than $66,000 can still use the tool, but the software only does basic math for you, and state tax prep is not available.)
E-file using a private tax software service, like TurboTax or H&R Block. Most of these services offer a free filing option, and they make the process super simple: just fill out some forms, click some buttons, and your tax return whooshes off, no problem.
The free service goes for basic federal and state taxes, making it more comprehensive than the IRS tool. However, if your financial situation is more complex — for example, income including mortgage interest or rental property profit — you may have to move into a paid tier, with fees running from about $80-$100.
Go old-school with paper filing, sending actual, hand-filled-out paper forms to the IRS in the mail, like the all-analog hipster you are. Paper filing is pretty cheap, of course, but it’s also a great way to make errors on your return if you’re not a tax wizard. But if you’re confident in your calculator-fu, here’s the full list of paper filing IRS mailing addresses by state.
Hire a tax professional. Although it’s easily the most expensive move on this list, it’s also the least stressful — and if you make enough to cover it without too much budgetary shuffling, it might just be worthwhile. A certified accountant or tax preparer can ensure you get the most generous refund possible… and best of all, your calculator can stay firmly ensconced in its layer of dust.
Once you’ve filed, you’ll receive your tax refund — if you’re due one — within about four weeks, either by paper check or direct deposit. Similarly, if you owe taxes, you can pay through the digital system via direct transfer or credit card, or mail off a paper check to the correct address for your state.
Be sure to account for your state taxes, as well, which may need to be shipped to a different address — which you’ll find on your state’s official taxation and revenue department website.
Although Tax Day is nobody’s favorite holiday, we hope this post has helped you see that filing taxes doesn’t have to be a total nightmare. And besides, for many filers, all that paperwork does have a silver lining: a fat tax refund check, just in time for summer.
Of course, as tempting as it is to spend that refund on airline fare or tacos, the smartest move is to find ways to turn it into even more money — which means even more tacos down the line. Here are some of our best ideas for what to do with your tax time windfall.
(I’d like to add an additional suggestion: use it to hire an accountant!)
Jamie Cattanach’s work has been featured at Fodor’s, Yahoo, SELF, The Huffington Post, The Motley Fool, Roads & Kingdoms and other outlets. Learn more at www.jamiecattanach.com.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
How to File Taxes: A Pain-Free Guide for the First-Timers and Everyone Else published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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