#also Cas has a tattoo of a daisy on his arm
gaytedlasso · 2 years
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you're the fire and the flood
and I'll always feel you in my blood
everything is fine
when your hand is resting next to mine
Fire and the Flood - Vance Joy
pages from Dean’s sketchbook
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Ask to be added or removed. Anyone is welcome! Please reblog original post. Don’t just remove reblogs. A couple times it’s removed the entire caption by doing that. Tumblr is certainly a website.  
@floral-cas @cas-natural @faithroad @emeraldcas @thenightwemetnatural @chrimmycas @alltoowellcas @only-cas @iheardyourprayer @ultimatekiller @mistletoeforcas @beeradgirlfriend @jactingjoices @ghostmary @billiewena @chapeldean @caskarass @supernatural-jaeger @pointyearedelvishprincling @jacobglaser
@sheepstiel @yourfinalbow @nightandwine @icantleave @just-gay-angel-things @subtlerainy @kellykline​ @naturallyathief @siriuscatbennett @casguy 
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catgroovical · 6 years
tagged by @handsomezack​
Objective: Answer these 85 statements about yourself , then tag others.
Drink- Water.
Phone Call- Called my mom to send her a receipt of a USPS package and I still need to do that. Fuck
Text Message- texted “The Winged Wild Buffaloes” to a friend
Song you listened to- BRODYQUEST
Last time you cried- can’t remember because I do it a lot. I think i cried in a dream and woke up dry-eyed.
Dated Some one twice- nope
Kissed some one and regretted it- yes
Been Cheated on- no, but it felt like it
Lost Someone special- y e s
Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up- i’ve only been tipsy in my life
Fav Colours- blue, orange, purple
In the Last Year, You…
Made New friend- yes
Fallen out of love- you bet i did
laughed until you cried - a lot, actually
found out someone was talking about you - yes, except I found out they liked me 
met someone who changed you - very much so
found out who your friends are - definitely, and it’s still developing as I find out which of my friends care about others or not
kissed someone on your facebook friends list - not at all
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - almost everyone but for a few people I tink
do you have any pets - two dogs and one of them is rubbing his ass everyway and making a fucking mess
what did you do for your last birthday - had a small event at a hotel. that was neat.
what time did you wake up today - 8 am and i want to fucking die
what were you doing at midnight last night - my favorite thing: being in a discord call with @dreshdae​ @coffee-spawn​ and @handsomezack​
what is something you can’t wait for - finding someone who has strong feelings for me, or finding that final break to just break down and become a hermit
what are you listening to right now - a discord call
have you ever talked to a person named tom - i... don’t think i have. wow
something that’s getting on your nerves - college, college debt, social mistakes, the constant regret of leaving friends behind at my old university
most visited website - either tumblr, reddit, or youtube
long or short hair - i’ve been told i have a mane
do you have a crush on someone - you bet i do lol, multiple
what do you like about yourself - my eyes, hair, eyelashes, straight teeth and clear skin
want any piercings - earrings, nothing else though
blood type - who the hell knows their blood type
nicknames - Enzo, slowly becoming the name I go by because it’s easier for people to say than Lorenzo
relationship status - singlerino
zodiac - Gemini
pronouns - he/him
fav TV shows - Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, Parts Unknown, Bizarre Foods
tattoos - don’t have any, been meaning to put a few on
ever had surgery - nope, at least none that I remember
sports - soccer/true football is #1. yeah i know people don’t like it because it’s boring, but tell that to commercialthon, ice punching, and big ping pong
piercings - zero
vacation - i just want to go the beach and hear the ocean. or go to washington dc to visit the smithsonian again
trainers - i don’t think i’ve owned any
eating - nothing. i had chicken and rice for dinner
drinking - water
about to watch - porn youtube documentaries
waiting for - the end of this school week
want - Nier Automata, a painless end, peace
get married - that’s some real stupid shit but sometimes really good shit if you have someone who you love and they love you back
career - teaching, being a museum employee, or being a baker
hugs or kisses - hugs fo sho
lips or Eyes - the eyes are called the gateway to the soul for a reason
shorter or taller - shorter because i’m also short
older or younger - older, probably. younger within reason
nice arms or stomach - stomach
hookup or relationship - hookup
troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant
Kissed a stranger - never
drank hard liquor - what counts as hard liquor
lost glasses - i capsized a jetski and lost my glasses in a lake
turned someone down - yes, whoopsy daisy
sex on first date - i don’t think i’ve had a date
broken someone’s heart - i think so, inadvertently
had your heart broken - and then they did it to me in return
been arrested - i’m a good boy
cried when someone died - yes. many times.
fallen for a friend - yes is too simple of an answer
yourself - sometimes
miracles - yeah i do
love at first sight - that’s called horniness.
santa claus - no. if around kids who believe, yes
kiss on a first date- if y’all feeling a chemistry
angels - yes and i fear them
best friend’s name-  (in no particular order) Max, Chris, Adam, Joey, Jeremy, Josh, Dan, Mateo, Zack
eye colour - mine are dark dark brown
fav movie - Der Untergang
fav actor - i forget which ones aren’t dead to me
tagging uhhhh @cold-lemons @meatchunk28 @matthebrawler @hatana-sinclaire
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