#altho he reminds me of an ex boyfriend
maxsix · 4 months
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misojohnist · 3 years
ok last time i read homestuck i liked rose, dave, and karkat. i was neutral on john and my best friend at the time hated jade and vriska so on principle i hated jade and vriska. i chose to like kanaya based on absolutely no knowledge of her character bc she’s the virgo one. i hated nepeta and eridan.i liked sollux and terezi.  
my predictions are liking dave, rose, and john the most and still hating vriska bc her vibes are rancid (also i believe she is a war criminal? everything i remember about her and have seen said about her points towards her being Extremely Evil which is not my scene). gamzee will be deeply uncomfortable to read again. i will not like the taurus one because he will remind me of my ex-boyfriend. i will develop a deep and unspeakable affection for sollux. i will continue to like karkat altho i don’t think i will like him as much as i did the first time around. i have no predictions about the other four homestuck kids bc i never got that far so i dont know anything about them or their vibes aside from mad’s recent posts
ships will be davekat and johndave and rosemary. thank u for coming to my press conference
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1. What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before? I went to Japan, graduated college, started teaching English in South Korea, and dated a Korean guy - a year full of traveling and adventures! 
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Last year I had two resolutions - eat better so I didn’t feel like I was gonna shit myself so often, and to stop looking for love and let it find me. TBH I followed them both - shoutout to Korea for helping me with them! Korea’s food is just much better on my internal pipes in terms of health, and the boyfriend thing kinda just happened. I’m more proud of myself for ending it when I wasn’t happy but I wasn’t forcing any sort of relationship, it happened organically; so I’m pleased that I stuck to my guns.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope! Most of my friends aren’t even married yet! (Not that you can’t have a baby without being married but ya know.)
4. Did anyone close to you die? No, thank god.  
5. What countries did you visit? Japan and Korea! 
6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? I would like to have more confidence to straight-up tell people when they are doing things that make me mad or irritate me or that I don’t like. That is my new years resolution this year. 
7. What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? March 23rd - the day I got my email saying I got into Fulbright! and June 7th - the day I left for Korea for a full year. 
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Fucking picking up my entire life and moving to Korea on my own. Like I have so many friends here in my program, but I was basically coming alone because I knew that I would be separate from them when we went to our placements after six weeks. 
9. What was your biggest failure? I don’t know, I felt like I succeeded in all the ways that mattered? I guess my biggest “failure” was confessing my feelings to my crush and him having to let me down because he had just gotten out of a serious relationship and wasn’t ready (altho I think he did like me tbh). So all things considered, that is a pretty good track record for an important year. 
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Nope! 
11. What was the best thing you bought? Netflix?? I had had it for like six months before Korea buutttt it has been a fucking lifesaver for me abroad. It’s a way to hear English from native mouths when I live in a homestay and don’t get to speak English with native speakers that often. It’s also great to do on traveling (like on trains and buses). Bless up to a great monthly investment. 
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? BURG, aka @officialff7remake. Homeboy was there for me when I was freaking out about MP or thesis or boys and just to pal around and drink with. The tightest of homies and I can’t thank him enough. <3 
13. Whose behavior made you appalled? I guess my Korean ex, Huijae? He literally had never dated ANYONE before me, Korean or otherwise, and he while he meant well, he had no emotional intelligence and really did things that bugged me and patronized me and was trying to be manipulative? and I didn’t need that shit? So I got out of that relationship after holding back my own feelings for too long and I’m so much happier and I don’t really talk to him anymore (he has texted a few times after we broke up to ask if he could come visit my host family because he “missed them” *eye roll* but i haven’t let him and he goes off to military service in like two weeks so I think i’m in the clear). 
14. Where did most of your money go? FOOD. I literally just buy food in Korea. Oh, and train tickets to go to Seoul or wherever. 
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? IT by Stephen King. I was fucking so hyped about it and luckily its release date in Korea was the same as in America so I saw it the night it came out! Also, obvi Fulbright and teaching in Korea. :) 
16. What song will always remind you of 2017? 빨간맛 by Red Velvet and DNA by BTS! Two songs that I have heard OVER AND OVER in korea and I still love them. 
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? I’m a. happier (or about the same - I was done with first sem and my thesis and had gone to Japan so I was probs p happy back then too), b. thinner! (I have lost like 10 or 12 lbs in Korea - wasn’t trying to but the food is just less fattening I think, and I walk more and go to an aerobics class like 3 or 4 times a week!), and c. richer! I’m not rich rich by any means but I have more money from fulbright than I was making as a waitress. :) 
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Idk - I did really what I wanted second sem of school, like hanging with MP and drinking and having spontaneous fun, and saw all the people I wanted to before I left for Korea, but I guess I wish I had done more solo trips in Korea? I want to do more before second sem starts too, and I want to visit my friends in their respective cities more because I didn’t get to do that so much in the fall because of my stupid fucking ex always coming to my town and taking up every literal weekend. I wish I was joking about that but it was bad. 
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Spend less time napping! I like naps but then I feel like i miss out on things, as well as have trouble falling asleep at decent times on school nights. Also, I wish I had spent less time being miserable about my relationship and ended it earlier. I gotta put myself the fuck first this year. 
20. How did you spend Christmas? I spent an early Christmas on the 23rd with 6 Fulbright friends in Gwangju, and ended up getting drunk and dancing at the airbnb with all the other tenants for the night! It was really fun. I then spent actual Christmas eve and day at a hotel with my host fam and close family friends, just seeing the ocean (in the freezing cold) and eating seafood stew. I was glad to be with them but I missed home SO fucking much during that time. I did Skype my fam on Christmas eve morning so I saw them a little! 
21. Did you fall in love in 2017? I don't know if I can call it love, but I had a serious crush that was more than just infatuation with a guy in my last sem of college. I didn’t know what I wanted because I was leaving America and he was still a sophomore but I just knew that I could see us together, and it didn’t work out but I still have hope for the future. And with my Korean ex, it wasn’t love at all but I did like him so there’s that? 
22. What was your favorite TV program? In terms of things that I watched in 2017 that I really liked? Breaking Bad, Dark, Stranger Things season 2, and Rupaul’s Drag Race!
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? My ex? Yeah, it’s petty, but whenever I talk about him or see his picture I get mad. I guess that only half counts on this bc I didn’t know him this time last year? But I don’t hate anyone else. 
24. What was the best book you read? It by Stephen King. That thing is a fucking masterpiece. 
25. What was your greatest musical discovery? Sam Smith, biiiiitch. His newest album is all amazing and I slept on him for too long! Like I knew he was good but this new album is amazing.
26. What did you want and get? I wanted Fulbright and I got it! 
27. What did you want and not get? I wanted to be with aforementioned crush but it was bad timing. Win some, lose some, live & learn. 
28. What was your favorite film of this year? I CAN’T CHOOSE
29. What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Going through second sem of senior year knowing I had a job after graduation? 
30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017? it has changed a little since coming to Korea in order to try and not stand out so much? I have switched to more solid color tops rather than lots of prints, and I dress more demurely? Like less cleavage showing because that’s how koreans do (not that I am against it, but I’m just tryna fit in). 
31. What kept you sane? Sydney, my best friend in the entire world. (This was my answer from last year and the year before that and the year before that AND THE YEAR BEFORE THAT but it still holds true) also everyone in the sv discord chat still AND natalie of course of course
32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? All the drag queens from Drag Race but especially Trixie & Katya? Ummm also BTS but what is new. ;) 
33. What political issue stirred you the most? everything trump and his administration do and the net neutrality repeal. :( 
34. Who did you miss? I miss my dogs and my mom and my sister and Brian and Cannon and grammy and my MP friends. <3 Being in Korea away from them has been really hard sometimes.  35. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017. If you really want something, strive for it. Keep your expectations low, but believe in yourself and what you are capable of shining through and getting you what you really want. <3 
36. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. “don’t you get lost in nostalgia, no” - Lost in Nostalgia, The Maine
“take me with you / cause even on your own, you are not alone” - Portugal, Walk the Moon
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quilline · 6 years
Yes I have a guy BFF and syempre lagi kami naiissue kasi sobrang close talaga namin. It was in college palang since we got this strong bond. Gano ka strong?
1. Lagi kaming tambay sa kung saan after classes na kaming dalwa lang. Sobrang click namin kasi nagkakasundo kami sa halos lahat ng bagay. Tipong trip ko, trip niya and vice versa. And even though there may be differences, we'd still be open to try because  masaya yung isa dun eh kahit na minsan ang weird or sadyang di mo lang din ganun katrip.
2. Syempre like any other bffs naman relate dito yung tipong no words needed kahit tinginan lang alam mo na. You know each other so well tipong pwede mo siyang ipang-order sa restaurant, ibili ng pabango, ipamili ng sapatos kasi alam mo taste niya. Given na din syempre na alam mo yung buong plot ng buhay niya hahaha
3. No awkwardness. We can share utensils. We can be physically close altho hindi yung hhww type. Ocassional hugs lang siguro like pag may major life events ganon haha. Minsan din yung susubuan mo kasi meron ka gusto ipatikim ganon. We can sit together in silence and feel perfectly fine. We can even sleep side by side and that's totally fine.
4. Partners-in-crime. Matic na to hahaha tipong kung anu-anong kalokohan na yung napasok niyo dahil sa impluwensya ng isa't isa. Madami kaming first na natry together and madami pa din kaming gustong gawin. We even have a list.  Sempre di rin mawawala meme-tagging dyan saka yung random messages na wala namang katuturan. Pati sendan ng pictures at selfie na sobrang highly confidential in a way na magkakagiyera pag nagleak hahaha but strictly no nudes k? haha
5. You go on to each other in tough times, and no one lets the other one down at these times. Mula sa gutom na ako hanggang sa ayoko ng mabuhay sa kanya mo irarant. Yung pag may nagsabi na ng ganun to the rescue na din yung isa by bringing food to reminding you all of the reasons to live.
For me yes, he's important to the point na madedepress talaga ako if we split apart  but I see it as platonic love. Walang sparks o kilig eh. Masaya lang talaga in a way na naeenjoy ko yung company niya ng sobra and on the other hand I feel free to be myself. There's no need for me to act out to impress him. Nafefeel ko naman din ganun siya sakin.
Alam din namin na we are not each other's type. We even talk about our crushes and so the more. Like him asking for advices and help para manligaw at ako naman I had a boyfriend din and he knows everything about it. He was even there nung first ako pinakilala ng ex ko sa magulang niya kasi hiya ako pumunta mag-isa hahaha
But lately it's been confusing me because I read about something na  (nv) meron at merong mafafall sa ganyang bff effect basta parang it won't stay the same na magkaibigan kayo forever. Osyempre nakulayan ko na agad, if I'm not the one inlove, could he be? COULD HE BE? OR it's actually possible that he also just see me as a friend for as long as time?
And surprisingly, I find myself asking that. I mean, should I even be bothered? I think I'm just so curious. I'm wondering how would I handle that.
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