#although to give a fun fact the wild type is naturally brown. the fun colored ones would be easy prey in the wild.
ssruis · 15 days
Aside from the noble platypus I also feel like rui would really enjoy these animals:
Mola mola/Sunfish
Horseshoe crab
#i have reasoning for all of these beyond ‘they look funny’ trust#mola mola are just. so fucking weird man. they’re so odd. their back fin grows back on itself? they’re so rigid it reduces drag#but they ‘swim’ really slowly? they swim similar to how a bird flies. just sideways. largest bony fish. they bask to get enough warmth#to allow them to dive super deep to forage for food (cold blooded so they’d be fucked without doing that)#anteaters are interesting. did you know they’ve (the giant ones) killed jaguars and humans before#because they walk on the knuckles to keep the huge knives on their feet sharp and their threat response#is basically just ‘swipe blindly (poor vision) at whatever comes close until it stops coming back’#echidnas are fellow monotremes (only ones besides the platypus) and are just as strange#they also have electrosensors (~2000 compared to the platypus’s 40000) and a similarly low body temp#(second lowest of all mammals after. u guessed it. the platypus) and are actually decent swimmers despite looking Like That#kiwis are weird beasts.#massive eggs compared to their body size. rely more on scent than sight because their eyes are so tiny and under developed.#kākāpō are the heaviest parrot and also the only flightless parrot. they also kinda resemble owls face wise? and they’re green.#evolved with no natural predators and are currently being fucked over by invasive rats#axolotl is self explanatory#although to give a fun fact the wild type is naturally brown. the fun colored ones would be easy prey in the wild.#& they’re capable of going through metamorphosis (like how tadpoles -> frogs) if exposed to the necessary hormones#but they don’t produce it on their own#horseshoe crabs despite having crab in the name are more closely related to spiders/ticks/scorpions than crabs#& gibbons are included because 1 I’m biased towards my favorite animal 2 only species of lesser ape. live in family units.#tbf I think he’d like all apes and probably prefer orangutans/chimps but I’m saving you the extensive lecture on great apes#here at ssruis we strive to be educational.#biology cool. despite me dropping out of the program (treated as premed at my college and I could NOT do chem let alone orgchem/physics) but#i liked biolab/the units abt animals ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#rui
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transportpiner · 2 years
Lemmings jumping off cliffs myth disney
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Their incisors are taller than other of their teeth which allows them to chew on stronger things and eat them. Since they live in the Arctic region, they have a thick sheet of fur around their bodies. Lemmings are small rodents with brown or white or gray fur. Lemming Fun Facts What do lemmings look like? Therefore, their population counts have been erratic, and although they have decreased, they are not extinct. And the young lemmings are also capable of reproducing in a mere month after their birth. In one go, lemmings can give birth to seven species of their kind. The lemming populations can be very uncertain based on their mating responses. Their conservation status is Near Threatened. Lemmings reach an age of sexual maturity in about one month of their birth. Often, they give birth to seven young lemmings. Lemmings mate with the female partner in the breeding season. They have a rather shorter lifespan but it is on par with other rodents. How long does a lemming live?Ī lemming can live for about one to three years. However, when it comes to mating, it is the only time that two lemmings stay together. Lemmings do not commit mass suicide, however. Generally, these areas can be surrounded by oceans or seas which has given hype to the myth that the lemmings jump into the seas for mass suicide. They form burrows in these areas to live. Lemmings are generally found in the natural habitat of cold areas like in the tundra biome or Arctic regions. They are generally found in places like Norway, Alaska, northern Canada, among other such places that support a winter-like atmosphere. Where does a lemming live?Ī lemming can live in houses as pets or can be out in the wild in their natural habitat in the Arctic and the tundra regions. Where there were about 300 lemmings per every million square ft previously, now there is just one lemming per every million square ft. The lemmings’ population is currently very low considering their reproduction rates in the past. How many lemmings are there in the world? This can be defined by the thick fur on their bodies and their tendencies to give birth to young ones and not eggs. What class of animal does a lemming belong to?Ī lemming belongs to the class of mammals. These species have several subspecies, such as the collared lemmings, the southern bog lemmings, the yellow steppe lemmings, the wood lemmings, bog lemmings, and the true lemmings, among others. They are very small animals and are associated with the myth of jumping off cliffs. Lemmings are rodents who have a thick fur of brown or gray or white color. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong.įamily Cricetidae Lemming Interesting Facts What type of animal is a lemming? Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so it’s important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world.
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felassan · 4 years
Some DA4 BTS vid analysis
The sentiments in PW’s recent word on concept art applied and were sensible to bear in mind before the tweet thread was made, and are of course still important to remember now. Dissecting and overanalyzing what we’re given is still fun as hell though, so now that I’ve slept and had yet another pass at it with fresh eyes and a non-vibrating mind, and with the caveat flagged, here are some more thoughts on and speculation about the DA4 BTS video. For context and contrast, here’s some of my initial main thoughts. Cut for length.
Yes in places it veers into wild speculation bc why not
The domes and domed architecture here and here don’t say Tevinter to me. Tevinter architecture has strong horizontals and verticals; it’s more about spikes and boxy blocks than domes and curves. I'm reminded more of Rivain 
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or Nevarra. 
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The figure here is dwarven in build. I want this place to be something dwarfy in nature. What kinda technology are we looking at here? The structures actually remind me of the Vaults in Mass: Effect Andromeda. It’s different enough to Orzammar-style structures that I’m hoping we can finally go to Kal-Sharok.
This isn’t Dorian. :[ Crow-style armor (the distinctive metal segments on the arms and legs), sword at his waist. I’m not fussed about this fact though because Dorian is still clearly shaping up to be in the game anyway from the Trespasser slides, TN etc. This guy is instead reminiscent of Mr Longhaired Rogue. Compare the hairline, hair color, length, rogueishness, general clothing style. I think this is the same guy, and I still think this guy is Lucanis.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that third from the right “Ezio” from the lineup is him too - assassin’s hood, AC-style belt insignia.
The brunette here could be a dwarf from her build and the fact that the swordsman next to her (who incidentally has Inquisition insignia on his chestpiece?) is kneeling. She’s reminiscent of the Harding-like woman in the underwater shot, and indeed of Harding. Compare the cape and bare upper arms. Not a surprise, given Harding’s presence in the Trespasser postcredits.
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Elsewhere in this shot, the architecture is Tevinter (that doorway and corner). As for the big guy, his clothing style bears a resemblance to Archon Radonis.
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This and this follow in succession and look to be of the same place just from different angles. Wings, griffons, blue pennants, the desolate brown rocky environ. I think we’re looking at Weisshaupt in the Anderfels and I hope this means we can finally go there. The dangling Warden plot thread is begging attention what with the civil war, the Warden weirdness in TN, the return of the griffons, etc.
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I’m not convinced that the presence of floating objects means the Veil has already come down. We’re going north, and in Tevinter there are buildings which float, so the magic capacity for buildings and similar objects to do is in the mundane world is established already. The boats are reminiscent of aravels though, and funnily enough, Dalish Keepers use their magic to allow aravels to move through forests. In Last Flight, Isseya remembers tales of how Dalish used their magic to float their aravels through forests, and fashions improvised aravels which are held aloft by magic and pulled by griffons.
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Zooming in here, the silhouettes of these nearby animals have antlers. These are straight up halla (so they’re horns, not antlers), not horses. I think this image is of an elfy place, perhaps from ancient times, or like the places we travel through in Trespasser (the hills and landscape reminds me of what we can see in the distance in there in the elfy bits), or one of the mysterious ancient elven enclaves which still persist in Thedas to this day, or in the heart of Arlathan Forest. 
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Our new reptilian pal is potentially along the lines of a lurker, deepstalker or dracolisk (and Tevinter is fond of its dracolisks!). Compare the body structure to lurkers.
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The pillars here look dwarven. I wonder if the snowy environment in that shot connects to the snowy environment from the now-infamous tree teaser, which is what follows next. This is unmistakeably dwarfy architecture too, but daylight in the upper levels? Somewhere like Kal Repartha, or perhaps upper halls of the Ambassadoria in Tevinter? The main part of the Ambassadoria is underground so the dwarves who work there don’t have to become surfacers, but there would have to be a part connecting it to the surface so that Tevinter diplomats and so on could go in to do business. 
This guy bears a resemblance to previously seen dwarven statues (DAO, dotted around in DAI).
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The Crow on the left here isn’t Zevran, I’m afraid. It’ll be another one like the blond lady in Crow-like armor, Lucanis, “Ezio”, etc. For the lady as an example, compare the waist sash and other aspects.
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Moving on, there’s a flimsy similarity in this lady.
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This place reminds me somewhat of DAI Temple of Mythal concept art.
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The candle bois in this clearly-Tevinter scene strike me as wisps bound to the candlestick bodies by Magisters for the purpose of serving, like the lil spirit the Mortalitasi had bound to stir her tea in TN. People do that kind of stuff in Tevinter, see Dorian’s banters with Solas. Also in this image the machine-hand form of transport is super notable in terms of implications for technology and accessibility in Thedas (note: I don't mean like there will be a plotbeat based around this or a 'hand', I just mean I find it notable lore-wise that Thedas has tech/magic that can do this and find that important when thinking about accessibility as with Neve's prosthetic etc).
If this person isn’t Maevaris I will cry. The outfit in the middle’s color theme and shoulder features reminds me of her comic appearance, and the one on the right reminds me of her Trespasser epilogue slide appearance. The leftmost image is the least Maevaris-y, but the other two definitely strike me as Mae.
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On guns: Not out of the realm of possibility for this world. Dwarves have lyrium-based explosives. Qunari have gaatlok, which is safer to use, and cannons. Varric’s Bianca is a repeating crossbow. An old Iron Bull concept has him with an arm-cannon. With technology like that in Thedas, guns aren’t far behind. Possibly a very recent invention in Thedas and still new to the vast majority of the population? In addition, the Sha-Brytol Earthshakers can manipulate lyrium into a unique explosive (though this is because they’ve drank lyrium and lyrium-infused armor has fused to their skin). Sha-Brytol Crossbow Bolters’ crossbows look very gun-like too, although they’re definitely crossbows, not guns (it’s in the name).
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I’m curious about the plot implications of guns in the setting, if they are indeed a thing now. I don’t want them to be too OP or too modern, don’t want the high/dark fantasy vibe diluted, but curious about how they might level the playing field in a world with magic, or might turn the tide in one of the setting’s neverending battles (like the Qun vs Tevinter war). From the look of the possible gun in the lineup, it gives me a “guns in Fable”-gun vibe. Also, I wonder what Varric would think, considering how his past was much concerned with the issue with the secret to making a repeating crossbow and everything that entailed.
Second from the right in the lineup looks like a hornless qunari.
The skeleton entity appears 3 times, almost certainly the same entity in each appearance, and imo from its multiple appearances likely a companion. It’s not Cole (I’ve seen that suggested). If a companion it would be the designated ‘notable’ one on the roster in the way that Shale, Justice-in-dead-body and Cole were. If it’s a spirit inhabiting a body I’m glad the body is a skeleton, because we’ve had a spirit inhabiting a rotting fleshy corpse before already (Justice in Awakening), so that’s been done. I don’t think the green flame is Veilfire or Fade magic; in TN it’s noted that the Mortalitasi Myrna’s necro/Mortalitasi-type magic is emerald green. I like the notions that this is Audricuriosity from TN, a char a la Fane in Divinity, or a Mortalitasi that’s undead in that they (or a spirit mimicking them) have managed to ‘remain’ ‘in’ their skeleton after death, as opposed to just “this is a spirit inhabiting a skeleton”. Anyway, the focus we had in TN on Nevarra, the Mortalitasi and the undead is continued in this video - the dragon dissection looks like it’s taking place in the Grand Necropolis. Or maybe the Fade? The windows in the background at the top look upside down. Btw there is great dissection of the dissection image (ehue) which I recommend to check out here.
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Compare his design with Nevarran styles.
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Davrin? Suitably heroic, Warden-esque.
Rapier lady is surrounded by crows which reminds me of Leliana’s raven motif (not saying I think this is Leliana). She looks rogueish and assassiny so with that + the crows it wouldn’t be wild to assume Crow. However Mark Darrah retweeted this tweet which compares her mask to this Orlesian fashion.
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The insignia on Solas’ new outfit in his concept art looks like the Mask of Fen’Harel from Felicia Day’s DA: Redemption.
This looks like the snowy environment from the tree teaser. Notice the statue of Andraste [?] in the background. The entity’s weapon looks like it would fit right into the Red Lyrium Weapons pack for DAI. Question: What happens when red lyrium infects a corpse or a corpse inhabited by a spirit?? Is that what we’re seeing here? elsewise it’s a darkspawn and red lyrium darkspawn.. [Mordin voice] Implications.. disturbing.
Davrin’s name is one letter off Davri as in Bianca Davri. Curious choice.
Hands-spider and the other Cetus-like monsters: Ghilan’nain, her original creations, and the Horror of Hormak.
The red lyrium tentacles being modeled look like what these guys are fighting off. Incidentally, with the sleek gold armor and advanced weapons/powers, maybe these guys are ancient elves. 
The red lyrium environment from the tree teaser now returns. Remember the spirited discussions about whether these tendrils were deep mushrooms corrupted by red lyrium? :D
Then it jumps back to the ominous snowy environment with the statues of Andraste [?]. The statue does however also remind me of the elvhen statues in the Raw Fade in DAI. Note the sky here in the corner which looks kind of like a breach. As for the red lyrium egg - now where have we seen red eggs before? In the Crossroads in Trespasser. iirc Inky uses them to extend bridges in the Crossroads. The egg in the vid even seems to have bits of gold on it. Does the egg have something to do with the weakened Veil here? Is it red lyrium?
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This shot is the same dwarven hall as before (see above speculation on the Ambassadoria, Kal Repartha etc). This time we can clearly see that the ceiling is open with ‘skylight’-type windows to the sky above. Possibly reaching, but the foreground structure looks like a dwarven take on the DAI elf tree statue asset. Some elves and dwarves did dwell together for a time in Cad'halash, and we find elven statues in the Deep Roads in Trespasser. 
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But this particularly sticks out to me because of the nature of Kal Repartha, how it was built on the surface (daylight from the ceiling), trees + Mythal, Mythal striking down the pillars of the earth and what some of the ancient elves did to the dwarves, Mythal + dragons, Kal Repartha + the urtok:
[quoting me] The scholar who was investigating Kal Repartha in the Hissing Wastes found pictures on walls of weapons with dragons (the urtok) worked into the decorations on them as part of an ancient crest. These were accompanied by an inscription of a verse that was passed down by Fairel’s ancestors for generations, from long before Fairel ever led his house to the surface and would have encountered dragons in the sky and from long before dwarves would ever have encountered Archdemons in a Blight. Curious. I suspect these are a holdover from when Mythal struck down the Titans and the ancient elves’ conflict with the dwarves/Titans. Given those events, it’s no wonder the dwarves of that time period had folktales about a dragon scourge.     
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Still with me??
Now here we are inside Weisshaupt or the Warden fortress from before. Note blue banners with the Warden griffon sigil again. I want to believe there are big open archways in the walls/out to landing-pad style ‘balconies’ in the way it’s suggested that it’s built here because in ye olden times you’d have Wardens on their griffons flying to and from the fortress. Is that Davrin? It looks like it could be the same warrior guy as before, only this time it’s definitely a Warden. What’s happening outside? Why is the light/sky outside sickly Fadey green? Reminds me of the sky in the corner of the egg pic. And of Fade Weisshaupt from DAO.
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If he’s not a Lord of Fortune, perhaps a Raider of the Waking Sea. Might tie into why Isabela is there in the underwater picture, or why there’s an Isabela-esque pirate-type lady in that pic at least.
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chchanging · 4 years
Oc Interview — Téa Ittai
I saw other people doing this and used the template for a few of my dragon age ocs, but I haven’t written for Téa in a while so~
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Name “Full name: Téa Ittai. Lovelady, if I’m working.” She winks, leaning back in her seat casually. “Everyone seems to call me something different, nowadays—I’ve learned not to be picky.”
Are you single She giggles airily, unbothered by such a question. Her eyes sparkle with amusement. “Depends who’s asking.”
Are you happy “And why wouldn’t I be?” She asks slyly. It isn’t an answer, but it seems to be as much as she’ll give.
Are you angry “I could get there, if you really want me to.” Another wink, as carefree as the first.
Are your parents still married “I would assume so, although you’ll forgive me if I’m not in a hurry to dig them up and ask.” She smiles lopsidedly, either unbothered by the memory of them or very good at acting like it.
Birth Place “I grew up in Drummond’s Point. Nice little place...” Her voice trails off a bit, eyes glazing over before she shakes herself out of it. “Maybe it’s just the nostalgia talking, but I don’t think I’ve ever found a place quite like it.”
Hair Color “Ah, it’s pretty dark, isn’t it? I’m not surprised you can’t tell. It’s brown, actually—although a lot of people mistake it for black if they don’t get a good look.” It’s styled into braids, wrapped in a colorful silk scarf. She twirls the ends of the scarf in her fingers as she talks.
Eye Color “I understand it was something of a surprise when they turned out so light. This pale a green isn’t a common color for someone who looks like me.” She hums, “I suppose the little glow would be more easily missed if they were darker, but I’ve always sort of liked them.”
Birthday She grins wide, and it slithers across her face in a way that might remind one of a snake. “Are you asking my age?” A click of the tongue, teasing, “Awfully bold.”
Mood “I like to have fun and I’m easily bored.” She drawls, “My blessing and my curse, respectively. Not much else matters, I’d say.”
Gender “Now isn’t that a nebulous concept?”
Summer or winter “Such extremes! I hate both, honestly.” She snorts, “I’d rather take spring or autumn. Those moments in between, when the weather hasn’t decided what it wants to be, yet.”
Morning or afternoon “When it’s so early in the morning that it’s almost still night—that’s about as good as it gets all day.”
Are you in love She sputters out a little surprised laugh. “Good one.” She manages between strained chuckles.
Do you believe in love at first sight “If it does exist, it’s too rare to ever consider it a viable option. There’s too many other explanations for too many similar feelings.”
Who ended your last relationship “I did,” She mutters, casting her eyes downward for the briefest of moments. “Was better that way. I was leaving, and he...he had plenty of other options. Probably didn’t even notice I was gone.”
She sighs and reclines further, eyes cast skyward thoughtfully. “It’s been nice to see him again, but I don’t regret it. Not really. I’m not the type to get mixed up with for too long, if you know what’s good for you.”
Have you ever broken someone’s heart “I doubt that very much,” She laughs aloud, “I generally don’t bother the ones looking for something deeper. That’d just be cruel of me, I think.”
Are you afraid of commitments There’s a mischievous spark in her eye at this. “Who’s to say I’m afraid of anything? I’m a mage—things are usually afraid of me.”
Have you hugged someone within the last week “Of course!” Abruptly, she straightens up in her seat, face uncharacteristically serious. “I have a daily quota to fill.” It’s unclear whether or not she is joking.
Have you ever had a secret admirer She waves the question off, barely even sparing a second to think it over. “That would be awfully foolish.”
Have you ever broken your own heart Unblinkingly, she smiles. That’s all she does.
Love or Lust “Well, one definitely comes with less entanglements.” She tilts her head, “Moving around as much as I used to, I didn’t often participate in much of either, to be honest.”
Lemonade or iced tea “Iced tea! Extra sweet, of course.”
Cats or Dogs “Don’t you think it’s kind of rude to ask a wild mage to choose?” She folds her arms behind her head casually, “But cats. Definitely cats.”
A few best friends or many regular friends “The more the merrier, right?”
Wild night out or romantic night in “I’m more used to being out and about at night. I’m usually working, now, though...or too exhausted because I was just working...”
Day or night “Night. Used to be that there were less people around to give me trouble if I was out and about. Now if I’m wearing the uniform it doesn’t really matter.” She shrugs nonchalantly.
Been caught sneaking out “If you can believe it, I used to be too worried I’d be caught to break rules too often.” There’s a wistful sigh to go along with the faraway look in her eyes. “Life comes at you fast, I guess.”
Fallen down/up the stairs “I refuse to answer on the grounds that Chase might be listening from somewhere nearby.”
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt “My, aren’t you digging deep?” She tilts her head, tone nonchalant but eyes twinkling sharply.
Wanted to disappear “I’ve been disappearing periodically since I was a kid,” She kicks one leg over the other, stretching them out in front of her, “If I suddenly get the urge again—you’ll know in that you’ll never see me again.”
Smile or eyes “Eyes tell you everything you need to know about a person if you know how to read ‘em.” The look in hers is almost clinical in nature. A scholar studying her subject with incalculable experience. The careless smile she wears belies the intelligence in her gaze.
Shorter or Taller “I’m not picky—height never really seems to have much impact on overall appearance, I don’t think.” Her shoulders bounce again in an uncommitted gesture, “I’ve been attracted to people taller and shorter than me. It doesn’t generally factor.”
Intelligence or Attraction “You could be the smartest person in the room and it isn’t gonna replace what isn’t there. If I don’t feel it, I don’t feel it.” She tilts her head, “I’ve too often seen intelligence translate into arrogance or cruelty. It isn’t all that.”
Hook-up or Relationship She sighs heavily. It would seem that the subject matter is finally starting to weigh on her for some reason. “Turns out relationships aren’t for me.” Is all she says.
Do you and your family get along “We certainly did at one point.” The smile slowly returns to her face. It’s different than some of the others she’s worn since the questions began—softer, in some ways. “My parents loved each other, and they loved me. That’s all I really could have asked for.”
Would you say you have a “messed up life” She laughs out loud, seemingly caught off guard. “I’d say I’m pretty cursed, wouldn’t you? Or maybe I am the curse...I can never decide.”
Have you ever ran away from home “Nope.” She pops the “p” sound, smiling widely. “I was perfectly well-behaved. Sort of.”
Have you ever gotten kicked out “Nah, my parents were never that heartless. Can’t work out a conflict if the other half isn’t there.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends She snorts derisively. It looks as if the idea puts a bad taste in her mouth, the way she scrunches her eyebrows together. “Sometimes it’s useful to stay on good terms with people you don’t particularly like—but if I hated them I wouldn’t call them a friend in the first place. Even if I was that type, I’m not so good at lying that I could hide something as strong as hatred.”
Do you consider all of your friends good friends “All?” She hums thoughtfully, casting her eyes skyward and bobbing her head from side to side, “No, probably not. I do what I can to keep things sweet, but there’s a lot of us now, Y’know? Not to mention it’s unrealistic to expect your personality to mesh well with everyone outside of a working environment.”
Who is your best friend “Chase gets me.” She chuckles fondly as if recalling a pleasant memory. “More than people usually do, I mean. Didn’t think much of him to begin with, but he’s...alright.”
Who knows everything about you One corner of her mouth lifts bitterly. “I don’t believe anyone’s had the privilege, now that I think about it.”
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leona-x-lancaster · 4 years
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[ ZENDAYA COLEMAN, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER] — If you’re strolling Derry today, you might see [ LEONA LANCASTER ] along the way! The [ TWENTY-TWO ] year old can usually be found at [ BARTINI as HEAD BARTENDER / OCCASIONAL DANCER ], when they aren’t busy with [ GETTING HIGH and PARTYING ]. I hear they seem to be [ LAID BACK and GENUINE ], but they are also rumored to be [ SARCASTIC and RECKLESS ].  I’m sure they’d never admit it, but they’re terrified of [ DEEP WATER ]
TW: Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Bullying, Attempted Murder, Insomnia, Eating Disorder, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse
Basic Info
Full Name: Leona Alexis Lancaster Nickname(s): Lee, Little Lion Age: 22 Occupation: Head Bartender at Bartini Dance Club Birthday: Sept. 13th Zodiac: Virgo
Father (adopted): Alistair Lancaster Father (adopted): Antonio Hernandez-Lancaster Birth Mother: Name is Unknown. She was a teenage mother, though, and possibly a drug addict herself Sibling(s): Older (adopted) Brother
Physical Appearance
Height: 5′10′’ Weight: 114 lbs Hair Color / Type: Dark brown / Naturally curly. She sometimes straightens it Eye Color: Dark Brown Piercings: Two piercings each on the right and left earlobes; once on the right and left cartilages
Wardrobe examples: X
(+) Independent, Genuine, Down to Earth, Genius, Fiercely Loyal (-) Unrestrained, Wild, Impulsive, Reckless, Sarcastic
She’s pretty nice to almost everyone, and tries her best not to judge others for their situations, seeing as she’s not exactly perfect herself. She’s very chilled and down to earth, and is super, SUPER smart but tries her best to hide that from people, because of all the hate she got during her high school years.
Has no restrains at the moment, and is very reckless and impulsive because of that. She gets high and drunk all the time and doesn’t really care too much what everyone else thinks of it.
VERY sarcastic, but moreso in a humorous way than her just being truly nasty (she doesn’t really have a malicious bone in her body)
Her Demons
She suffers from: Drug Addiction, Alcohol Addiction, Bipolar Depression, Insomnia, and an Eating Disorder.
She’s well aware that she is a fucking mess (she uses that phrase quite a lot to describe herself), and while she cares, she has no plans of actually stopping. Mostly because she doesn’t know how and also because she loves the feelings her highs give her far too much.
She lies and says that it’s only for fun and she could and will stop, but…she’s lying through her teeth.
She suffers from bipolar depression, which contributes heavily to her substance abuse. Leona was diagnosed at a very early age, and was on a thousand different kind of meds, as the doctors tried to figure out what the hell was wrong with her. These days, she’s opted out on her medication for actual drugs, to help her cope with her insomnia and severe depressive episodes.
She has very low self esteem and she has no self worth. You could tell her that she’s the prettiest girl in the room and she wouldn’t believe you. This comes from her school years where she was bullied severely, and from her depression. She was called every horrible name under the sun and she’s come to believe them all.
She’s a literal genius, but the bullying and hazing that she suffered in high school has caused her to hate that about herself. Her mind is always busy, racing with thoughts and she finds it so hard to turn it off when she’s sober…so she gets high to help her do it for her.
Due to her mind always constantly on autopilot, she suffers from insomnia, as she finds it extremely difficult to sleep because her brain just won’t shut off.
Her drug (and alcohol) addiction is getting more and more out of control. It’s pretty obvious, just looking at her most days, that she’s not okay.
You will catch her staring blankly at the walls, unresponsive. That can be really unnerving to witness, because her eyes look dead. This is her at the peak of her high.
She’s always had an aversion to food, but it’s gotten worse as her addiction to drugs got worse. Leona was practically starving herself. She hardly ever eats anything, even when she feels hungry which is pretty rare - it’s only ever the bare minimum. Her appetite is just non-existent and oftentimes when she does pick at food, her stomach just can’t handle it and she ends up getting nauseous.
She’s always been pretty thin and frail looking, but she’s getting thinner by the day. She doesn’t notice.
Thalassophobia -  is the persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water such as the ocean\sea, river or lake - any kind of body of water that seemed vast, dark, deep, and dangerous.
When Leona was thirteen, she had been invited by a few of the older girls that she went to school with to go sailing along the harbor. Getting the invite had been decidedly odd, since these girls had been her main tormentors for the last several years - ever since she had moved up to their grade (she’d skipped three grades). They’ve done nothing but bully and terrorize her, for seemingly no reason other than the fact that she was really smart - much smarter then them, and that seemed to offend them. Now all of a sudden they were acting all nice and as if they were her friends...it was really weird. 
While she was suspicious, her dads on the other hand had been been thrilled and even encouraged her to accept the invite, hoping that it meant that she was starting to make new friends, after years of having just a few close ones from her childhood. Leona hadn’t told them about her bullies so it wasn’t like they were to know, so reluctantly, she had agreed to go.
The first two hours on the boat was fine, if not really awkward. Always perceptive, Leona could see right through their phony smiles and friendly behaviors - they were definitely up to something. It wasn’t until the sun started to go down, that their demeanor changed, like someone had just flipped their on switch.  They lunged for her and started physically beating her, taking turns hitting her and kicking her and tearing at her clothes. Then the leader of the three - Lizzie - bound Leona’s hands in rope while the others held her down.
Once she was bound, Leona was hauled to her feet and then pushed overboard, where the fell into the depths of the open, ice cold waters of the Atlantic ocean. Though she was a rather strong swimmer, with her hands bound Leona was helpless and so she was quick to sink below the surface, all the while struggling to undo the bindings.
It was only thanks to Lizzie being terrible at tying knots that saved Leona’s life. It took a while, but she was able to loosen up the rope enough to slip her hands free, and she was able to make her way back up to the surface, with only just a few short seconds of breath to spare. When she re-surfaced, she saw that the harbor patrol had spotted the entire incident and had been quick to respond. Lizzie and her two accomplices - Marisa and Erin - were immediately apprehended. Upon seeing Leona floating precariously in the water, the officer was quick to throw a life preserver to her and helped pull her out and into the squad boat.
As all three girls were sixteen, they were tried in court as adults and sentenced to jail for attempted murder for several years. They would likely head to prison once they turned 18.
Due to this very traumatic incident, Leona has since been extremely terrified of deep, and dark water. Although she is adamant able never getting on another boat for the rest of her life, deep down she really wants to conquer her fear. She’d always loved going sailing on her dads’ boat and misses being on the water, but the thought of actually being on one and being surrounded by the wide, open sea just terrifies her to no end.
This incident is widely known around Derry, so the locals who’ve been in town for at least nine years would have certainly heard about it and the trial of the three older teen girls that followed. It was on the news - TV and newspaper alike.
Interests / Likes / Dislikes / Habits
She practically lives at Bartini, the local night club. She works there as head bartender, and has been there for a year, and it’s never really seemed like work to her. She thrives on the atmosphere of the place, and if it weren’t for closing times during the daylight hours, she’d likely spend all day there if she could.
Getting drunk and high constantly, practically every other day (she goes on day-long benders sometimes)
Likes going to a good party, and has a pretty good ‘partydar’ - in which she tends to find parties quite easily. She was such a good girl in high school, and now that she was an adult and living in her own place with her roommates, she felt free to do as she pleased.
Gets along with most everyone, especially those she considers her ‘inner circle’ - those that she’d ride or die for.
She’s a LOT more social now as a young adult than she ever was as a teen, and she actually enjoys being in the thick of things and having a good, strong network of friends or just friendly acquaintances all around her. Because of her job at Bartini and the fact that she spends ninety percent of her time either working down at the club, partying elsewhere in town or going on walks and bike rides around Derry at any give hour, she has a tendency to run into a lot of the locals. Because of that, a lot of people knew who she was, and she them.
 Of course, she knows that the incident with her near death was also a well known and talked about event several years back so most already knew who she was to begin with. She HATED being known as the Derry girl who was nearly murdered by some of her classmates - it was a terrible stigma and tended to bring back horrible memories whenever it was brought up. She much preferred being associated with her job or as the local wanderer.
LOATHES bullies, given her past with them. She refuses to be a victim, and she will not stand to see others being one as well.
LOVES to cuddle, and is super clingy to those she considers her closest friends and family members. Her friendship comes with it’s own little warning label - Warning: Don’t be friends with Leona Lancaster if you don’t like to snuggle.
Has a beautiful singing voice, and isn’t shy about breaking out into song at random, and sometimes in rather inappropriate places.
Has a fantastic fashion sense. She absolutely loves fashion and therefore, loves shopping. The part of her paychecks that don’t go towards her bills and drug addiction, goes towards her rather expansive wardrobe.
Was actually born in Chicago, IL., to a drug addicted teenage mother (although this fact is unknown to her) who wanted nothing to do with her after she was born. She was put up for adoption almost as soon as she came into the world.
Luckily, she was adopted just a short time later (at six months old) by Alistair and Antonio Lancaster. They were a happily married gay couple from Maine who were looking to adopt a second child. They already had a son, who that they had also adopted.
Leona grew up, alongside her older brother in Derry, Maine. In her early years, she was a happy child, easily making friends with the other locals who were close to you own age. She had a few neighbors who she quickly became besties for life with. To this day, adult Leona cherished every single one of them, and thought of them as an extension of her family.
From a very early age, it was clear to everyone in her family that she was highly intellectual - like, genius level smart. Leona had e a much higher IQ than most her age, and she quickly found her classes to be a breeze - so much so, in fact, that she was inevitably forced by both her parents and the school administrators to skip several grades. She found the entire experience mortifying and traumatic, as all the kids she now had to surround herself with were much older and bigger than her. She hated it.
Of course, being the smallest and youngest in her class resulted in several painful years of humiliation and bullying. Mainly from three specific girls - Lizzie, Erin and Marisa. They were three years older than her and tormented her throughout jr and high school. 
At the age of 13, her three main tormentors were arrested and locked away after nearly drowning Leona. The entire town was quick to learn about the attempt on her life and the subsequent arrest of the girls responsible, but it didn’t make her last year of high school any easier. 
 By the time her high school graduation came around, the then 14-year-old had been ecstatic and relieved to finally be leaving high school behind.
When her dads tried to push her into going to college right after, Leona had adamantly refused to go. She wanted to wait until she was 18 or even older, determined not to have another repeat of her high school years, where she was several years younger than everyone else.
When she finally turned 18, instead of heading to college like she said she would, Leona moved out of her dads’ house and headed to Portland, tired of being in Derry, and feeling like she needed to escape the stigma that still followed her around.
While in Portland, she became roomies with a few of young adults who were quick to introduce Leona into the life of drugs and alcohol and sex, and it hadn’t taken her long to get addicted. Not just to the substances, but to the lifestyle of partying and not giving a fuck about anything. With such an overactive and constantly running mind, she found that if she took enough drugs and drank enough alcohol, that her brain would finally be able to slow the hell down and be quieted, if only temporarily - sometimes enough to let her sleep a full eight hours, other times it was just a couple, but she'd honestly take what she could get.
She stayed in Portland for two years. At the age of 21, she attended a mixology course, and when she was finished Leona decided to move back to Derry, feeling homesick. She hadn’t seem her brother, or dads or any of her friends in the two years she’s been gone and she missed them terribly. 
Instead of moving back in with her dads, though - in fear of them discovering her addiction and forcing her into rehab - she became housemates to Prissy Goldwyn, one of her childhood best friends and someone she still remained close friends with throughout their teen years. It was an easy friendship to maintain, since Prissy lived just a few houses down from hers.
Her dads may not know about her plethora of problems with alcohol or drugs, but her brother certainly did and worried for her a great deal. The two were very close and he didn’t like that she was destroying herself and wasting her potential.
- W A N T E D   C O N N E C T I O N S -
Dad #1 - her adopted father. (50+, Hug Jackman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Robert Downy Jr, Idris Elba, UTP) Any ethnicity
Dad #2 - her OTHER adopted father. (45+, Oscar Isaacs, UTP) Any ethnicity, although I did picture him being of Latino descent.
Older Brother - Adopted. (28-32 - Ryan Guzman (first pick), Logan Lerman (second pick), Diego Boneta, UTP) He can be of any ethnicity, as well.
Childhood Friends (CAN BE MULTIPLE PEOPLE) - friends she’s had since she was very young. They used to play together all the time in their youth, and have either remained in touch over the years, or they’ve lost touch (since Leona ended up skipping several grades - she left 3rd grade behind to go into 6th).
Co-Workers - either someone who is also a bartender for Bartini Dance Club, or who works there as like a dancer or server or something. Leona does fill in as a dancer some times, when they’re short-staffed and need a fill-in.
Drug Dealer - she will definitely need a drug dealer around town. Whether they have a good rapport with one other, or it’s literally just a business exchange - either way will work and would be welcome.
Inner Circle - those that she considers “her people”. The ones she would do anything for, and who would do anything for her in return. She loves these individuals dearly and with her whole heart, and she is fiercely protective of them - whether they’re in need of her protection or not - but also they’re the ones she’s the most cuddly and clingy to.
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no6secretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas @aoicanvas, I heard you like AUs.
Have a Motorcycle/Mechanic AU from my heart.
- @secretagentfan
Born to be Mild
     If Nezumi had to pick one word to describe Shion it would be—without a shadow of a doubt­— dangerous.
     Most wouldn’t think this. Nezumi certainly didn’t, the day he met Shion, when he ambled into his repair shop on the sketchiest side of town in a light blue cardigan. Shion looked all parts youthful-grandpa-in-training and no parts actual nutcase but that’s the thing about first impressions: they lie.
     He had wandered around the poorly-insulated garage, examining the heavy metal board that listed all the prices for basic maintenance Nezumi was capable of, the types of vehicles he could work with, and recommendations for where to go if different or specialized help was needed.
     Nezumi loved that board. He welded it himself after dealing with a particularly difficult customer that couldn’t seem to understand that the shop was no longer run by his grandmother, that she wasn’t coming back, and that he had no idea what his “usual” order with her entailed.
     Customer service had never been Nezumi’s specialty. Performing was only fun with a worthy script and “No, your engine is smoking because you ran over a traffic cone, sir” was hardly Shakespearean.
     Since the genesis of the board, however, the necessity for customer service dwindled dramatically. Now when a customer came in, all Nezumi had to do was look up from one of his scripts, and point a thumb at it. Much easier. Saved everyone time.
      “Does your shop carry owner’s manuals?” Shion had asked that day, likely attempting to pull Nezumi’s gaze away from Life of Galileo.
      “A manual should have come with your vehicle,” Nezumi recited, turning the page.
      “I’m sure it did, but I wasn’t the one who purchased the vehicle. I only inherited it.”
     Nezumi looked up, barely. He recognized that this was indeed an issue that required a modicum his attention.
      “Type of car?”
     Shion shook his head, pulled out his phone, and showed Nezumi a picture of an old Suzuki SV650 motorcycle.
      “This is mine.”
     Really, that should have been the first red flag. The second came immediately after when Nezumi actually looked at Shion properly and noticed he had a full head of white hair under his beanie. Not blonde, not grey, but white. It was a color Nezumi had never thought could look natural on anyone, and yet there it was.
      “I didn’t dye it.” Shion says, returning Nezumi’s stare with a polite smile.
      “You brag on that to everyone, don’t you?” Nezumi returned, a half-tease, shutting his book.
     Shion only looked confused. He folded his hands on Nezumi’s desk. “I wouldn’t say brag. Most people are curious and ask. That’s why I wear the hat.”
      “Considerate, aren’t you?”
     Shion smiled, even though there was nothing to smile about. “I try to be.”
     Nezumi helped Shion find his manual on google. He gave him a few tips about maintaining balance when riding which Shion drank in with a kind of genuine admiration that didn’t make Nezumi’s heart flutter so much as stand still.
     The next day, Shion was back at his shop, only this time he brought his bike with him for inspection.
     Nezumi nearly screamed at the sight of it. “What the hell have you been doing on this?”
     Shion blinked. “Is something wrong with it?”
      “The tread’s almost completely worn down. I can see the wire.”
      “Should you…not? Is that dangerous?”
      “Only if you think catching on fire is dangerous.”
      “Please tell me you didn’t ride it over here.”
     Shion’s silence was damning. Nezumi put a hand on his forehead.
     This guy is going to die. Nezumi thought, but instead of voicing this thought, he pointed at the board. Shion followed his finger, but looked so perplexed Nezumi found himself explaining.
      “I can’t even start the inspection until these tires get fixed. You can do that here, but the new tires will come out of your pocket. Plus clearly something’s fucked up your chain— I’ll fix that too, but I’ll need to practically dismantle the whole thing and add new parts.”
     Shion nodded. “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”
     He wasn’t wearing his hat, today. Clearly Shion’s desire not to answer questions about his hair was surpassed only by hot weather. His hair was fluffier than expected; it reminded Nezumi a little of a sheep dog.           
      “Better get someone to pick you up, this will take a while,” Nezumi said, finally, undoing his own hair and tying it higher with the hair tie around his wrist. It was going to be a long day.
     Shion nodded again, and pulled out his phone.
     Nezumi showed Shion the customer couch, purposefully kept as far away from his work station as possible. Shion clearly didn’t understand why, because the second Nezumi got to work, he started talking.
      “Your garage is awfully small. I can see you from here.”
      “Astute observation. Maybe I should charge for the incredible view. ”
     Shion frowned. “You’re very sarcastic.”
      “Comes with the greasy mechanic image.”
      “Now you’re contradicting yourself.”
     Nezumi glanced up from the ragged tire he was currently removing. “What?”
      “You can’t be both an ‘incredible view’ and a ‘greasy mechanic’.”
     Nezumi clicked his tongue. “I contain multitudes.”
     Shion’s laugh echoed through the empty shop. Nezumi smiled, barely, and reached for a fresh tire.
     Mercifully, after the first hour, Shion had transitioned into focused staring and the occasional unobtrusive work question. At hour three, Shion stood and walked out of the shop, and Nezumi exhaled, finally able to give the bike his full focus—only for Shion to return a short while after with two brown bags.
      “I brought you one too, although, I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”
     Nezumi almost dropped his wrench.
      “Sandwiches. There’s a little deli right next door. It’s very good. I’ll set yours right here.”
      “Don’t you have someone coming to pick you up, Mr. Considerate?”
     Shion winced. “No. Unfortunately. My friend who would usually pick me up is out of town. I should have asked. If I’m bothering you I can wait at the deli.”
      “You aren’t. Thanks for the food.” Nezumi found himself answering. He wiped some sweat off his forehead to his immediate regret and reached for a rag to wipe his hands.
      “I brought you some water too. I wasn’t aware just how hot garages get in the summer.”
     Nezumi sighed, tossed the rag somewhere on the floor and greedily accepted the water. He downed half of it, bottle crunching.
      “It’s this garage mainly. Piece of shit.”
      “Is it that bad?” Shion blinked.
      “Yes,” Nezumi replied. He grabbed his sandwich and sank onto the customer couch next to Shion. He figured if Shion took the time to bring him food, he probably wouldn’t file a complaint if Nezumi sat beside him. “Roof leaks, insulation’s terrible, but the tools are here, and it’s mine so.”
     Shion hummed thoughtfully, unwrapping his sandwich. “That sounds kind of like my motorcycle.”
     Nezumi looked at Shion. “I didn’t actively break my roof, unlike you and your poor tread.”
     Shion held up his hands, looking ready to apologize again. Nezumi eased up on him, elbowing him lightly.
      “But you inherited the bike, so maybe it’s similar. Inherited goods, inherited problems.”
     Shion nodded “It was my dad’s. He left when I was a baby, so I never really knew him— not even well enough to feel much about that. Still, having it and driving it now…I do feel more connected to the past, if that makes sense.”
     Shion played with a string of his bangs as he talked. He was so open, perfectly comfortable sharing these facts about himself with a stranger. Nezumi stared.
      “I think what I’m trying to say is it’s important to have items like that. To remember those who came before you, and the imprint they left on the world.”
     Nezumi swallowed his bite of sandwich, and folded the rest up in the wrapper.
      “Well, let’s see if I can fix your imprint, Shion.”
      “Yes please!” Shion grinned, wrapping up his sandwich too.
     It was dark outside, by the time Nezumi finished. Shion had graduated from the couch to right beside Nezumi, and watched him work. If Shion were anyone else, Nezumi would have killed him, but there was something about Shion’s stupid cardigan and stupid sincere willingness to learn that made pushing him away seem…cruel.
     Shion was also unexpectedly quiet when close by: a welcome bonus.
      “Done.” Nezumi said.
      “That’s it?” Shion asked, head tilted, as if looking at the bike from another angle would reveal another broken component.
      “That’s it. Now I’m closed. You stayed way past time. Go home.”
      “Do you live far from here?” Shion asked, and Nezumi felt the frown form on his face. “I’m just asking because I didn’t see a car in the garage.”
     Oh why did Shion have to be so observant? “I walked. I live about 5 minutes from—“
      “I can drive you home!” Shion beamed, like this was a great idea and not a terrible one.
      “I’m not going to get mugged outside my own shop, Shion.”
      “Not with me driving you,” Shion announced, bright enough to raise the sun.
     Nezumi was tired. He stared at Shion, wondering exactly how he let himself get into this situation. Shion stared back, confused, before finally getting the hint.
      “Unless you don’t want to. That’s fine too. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to press.”
     Dammit, Nezumi wavered. This was all just so mind-blowingly stupid, and Shion had bought him lunch; he didn’t want to ruin his day. “You can drive me home, Shion.”
     Shion smiled, and Nezumi had to bite his cheek to keep from smiling back.
      “Have you ever ridden a motorcycle before?” Shion asked, easily mounting the bike in a way that made Nezumi’s mouth go oddly dry and made him question his place in the universe.
      “Once or twice,” he replied, climbing on the bike behind Shion. He didn’t touch him, yet.
      “I was sort of hoping it was your first time. It’s an exciting feeling.”
      “Adrenaline is a wild thing,” Nezumi drawled, as Shion revved the engine once. The bike thrummed to life underneath them.
      “It sure is!” Shion agreed, raising his voice over the hum of the engine. “Oh! I almost forgot—put this on!”
     A small blue helmet was placed in Nezumi’s hands. He looked at it, then looked back at Shion.
      “Go on. I want you to be safe.”
     Shion smiled warmly, and Nezumi’s stomach twisted. He put the helmet on to hide the heat on his cheeks.
      “Are you ready?” Shion asked. Nezumi wrapped his arms around his waist, hands on his stupid cardigan. He was warm. Solid. Nezumi wanted to lean closer. He shot the idea down immediately.
      “Go on Shion,” Nezumi grunted.
     Shion only smiled, and pushed them forward, into the night. He drove fast, fearlessly and laughed without inhibition into the wind.
     Nezumi held onto Shion and his own stupid melting heart for dear life.
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hm it's A Lot so u can skip questions but abc's for lael !!
i did all of this out of hubris and pride so here u go enjoy
A: Aptitude1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
they’ve had a little scientist’s/engineer’s instincts from a young age! they’ve always been very smart and had a good eye for figuring out how systems and mechanical things function, through observation and taking them apart
2. what activities have they participated in?
this is so vague but like. a lot of magitech stuff? and robot fighting when they were in school. and as a kid a lot of running around in nature, exploring and observing and messing with everything. 
3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
they have a natural knack for it, but all their knowledge of robotics, magic, and nature is stuff they took upon themself to study
4. what things are they bad at?
they’re not terrible athletic, and they really havent put much effort into developing people skills. 
5. what is their most impressive talent?
probably to other people the fact that they do magitech
B: Basics1. what is their hair color?
2. what is their eye color?
dark brown
3. how tall are they?
about 5′7″
4. how old are they?
5. how much do they weigh?
no clue! im bad at figuring this stuff out. body type wise tho, they’re on the leaner side bc elf heritage but also. very squishy.
C: Comfort1. how do they sit in a chair?
almost never with both feet on the ground, at least with one leg up or crossed, sometimes with feet on the seat, but generally with limbs going wherever, one arm hooked over the seatback, etc. there is no order here
2. in what position do they sleep?
they can sleep anywhere and tend to either splay out with limbs everywhere or curl up tight around a pillow
3. what is their ideal comfort day?
hang out at home, read some books, eat their childhood favorites, and hang out with their parents, maybe fuck around out in nature for a bit
4. what is their major comfort food? why?
this chicken and vegetable soup that their dad would make for them when they were sick, it’s heavy and comforting and magically makes them feel a little bit better
5. who is the best at comforting them when down?
their parents, but in different ways– their mom does more of the physical ‘taking care of them’ stuff when comforting, and their dad gets more into the emotional comfort stuff
D: Decoration1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name?
they do have a house! although it’s also first and foremost a lab, but that’s pretty on brand for them anyway. it’s a lot of tools and practical stuff, and a lot of the furniture is based off of personal comfort or use rather than style. for decoration though there’s some blueprints and pictures pasted to the walls. the colors in general are warmer ones, and the place overall gives the impression of not being necessarily Nice but comfortable and lived in. it’s very much Lael’s Space
2. how would they decorate their child’s room?
they. would not have children. 
3. how do they decorate their own room?
same with the house– very comfortable and useful, pictures and diagrams pasted on the walls, and lots of space for books and knick-knacks along with work room
4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear?
they have sort of a Style but it’s also pretty chill and comfortable, made to be moving around in their workroom or working outdoors. lots of basic light-weight short sleeve shirts or button-ups, pants w lots of pocket space, overalls, tool belts, etc. if they dress fancier it’s pretty basic and streamlined, look-wise, nothing very flashy or fancy unless it’s the holidays and someone makes them.
5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends?
not at all, that’s a lot of extraneous effort they’re not willing to put in, esp since they dont necessarily see a lot of other people regularly
E: External Personality1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality?
pretty much, yeah. lael doesn’t see the point in trying to put on a nice face for anyone else. they’re a little softer than they appear on the outside tho.
2. do they do things that conform to the norm?
they dont care much about the norm, but they’ll go along with some stuff for the sake if it being easier (although it’s not common for them). they always tend to grate against norms a little bit in general tho
3. do they follow trends or do their own thing?
do their own thing. they’ve always been something of an outsider, even in their own community, so they don’t see the value in trying to follow what others are doing.
4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads?
the internet doesnt exist but. no. they dont really follow fads or trends outside of their own fields, where they keep up with trends but ultimately follow their own ideas.
5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own?
in some ways, yes-- they tend to broadcast their own aggressiveness and weirdness so that people know what they’re about and stay away if they’re not interested. other stuff they let people find out on their own, esp emotional soft spots and their occasional gentleness, etc
F: Fun1. what do they do for fun?
science! studying bugs and stuff. and they like gardening a lot, and doing science on the plants. when they were younger they went out more and also participated in some robot-fighting circles in their spare time.
2. what is their ideal party?
they’d think back to the days when they lived in gelt and there were some wild parties with fellow magitechnicians their age– nowadays they’d like something a bit more chill, but a good party for them would entail hanging out and drinking with other people/friends in their field
3. who would they have the most fun with?
mostly old school friends
4. can they have fun while conforming to rules?
not really, no– they dont have to break the law, but they’re always going to rub up against restrictions. everything is more fun when you have room to explore and make a little bit of trouble
5. do they go out a lot?
nope, they live out in the country and spend a lot of time working. they went out more often when they were young, though
G: Gorgeous1. what is their most attractive external feature?
those high cheekbones!!
2. what is the most attractive part of their personality?
their passion! when they care about something they Care, and it can be a little bit infectious
3. what benefits come with being their friend?
long intellectual conversations & having a friend that will 100% fight for you if you’re close enough
4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
this is... not something they think about a lot, i’m not sure they are terribly introspective. but i think they like their own curiosity and novel approaches to problems, and dislike some of the issues they have interacting w others (but they dont think about it too hard)
5. what parts of others do they envy?
they’ll never admit it, but they’re jealous of people who can move through social situations with a ton of ease.
H: Heat1. do they rather a hot or cold room?
cold, they’re not a big fan of the heat
2. do they prefer summer or winter?
neither, but summer slightly more just because nature is much more active
3. do they like the snow?
it’s fine. pretty but also a pain in the ass
4. do they have a favorite summer activity?
bug huntin’! exploring nature! looking at plants and wildlife! taking notes!
5. do they have a favorite winter activity?
staying inside where it’s warm and working on projects. and they complain but they don’t entirely hate the rituals of going to see family during winter holidays
I: In-the-closet1. what is their sexuality?
bi/pan, idk if they have a preference label-wise
2. have they ever questioned their sexuality?
i’m not sure if they had a lot of expectations imposed on them in terms of what’s ‘normal’ sexuality-wise, but they def came to the realization of being not-straight at some point
3. have they ever questioned their gender?
im not sure they ever had a time where they didnt see themselves as non-binary, they maybe messed around w gender as a kid but fairly quickly settled on their current state of not giving a shit
4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT?
what’s homophobia this is fantasy land
5. how long would/did it take for them to come out?
idk if they actually came out ever, everyone just sorta knows
J: Joy1. what makes them happy?
magitech, exploring nature, weird bugs, learning new things
2. who makes them happy?
their family, their mentor, other magitechnicians who they can talk to and share ideas w
3. are there any songs that bring them joy?
songs that their parents would sing when they were young– either as lullabies or songs their father would sing while working
4. are they happy often?
lael’s emotions go all over the place, and i don’t know if they’re truly happy super often, but they’re overall content with the shape of their life right now
5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
those moments when they’re working and finally Get something or know exactly how something needs to work
K: Kill1. have they ever thought about suicide?
not really, no
2. have they ever thought about homicide?
…..yes, but more fantasizing than intent to act on it
3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who?
they would at least seriously consider it, and it’d be either their ex or whoever fucked gil up so badly
4. who would miss them if they died?
their family, a few friends
5. who would be happy they died, anyone?
hopefully no one? lael is not someone with a few friends, but while they certainly have people who dislike them, they have very few, if any, outright enemies. (to their knowledge?)
L: Lemons1. what is their favorite fruit?
they enjoy citrus but rarely get their hands on it, living in a more temperate climate. otherwise they like sour apples a lot! and blackberries
2. what is their least favorite fruit?
not a fan of pears (it’s a texture thing + they’re a bit too sweet)
3. are there any foods they hate?
not really, most of their food-dislikes are pretty mild. 
4. do they have any food intolerances?
lael is lactose-intolerant! this does not stop them from consuming dairy products.
5. what is their favorite food?
they really like the beef stew the had when they were younger! they dont get it as often now tho, only when they get home
M: Maternal1. would they want a daughter or a son?
they don’t want kids
2. how many children do they want?
3. would they be a good parent?
no, they’re too obsessed with work to take care of anyone else
4. what would they name a son? what would they name a daughter?
not only do they not want kids but they are notoriously bad at naming anything and should not be allowed to do so to an actual child.
 5. would they adopt?
N: Never Have I Ever1. what would they never do? 
i don’t think they could ever like.... willingly submit to someone else? whether that be a god or a ruler or a boss. they might go along with them in some circumstances but they could never be truly devoted to someone above them
2. what have they never done that they want to do?
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do?
kind of related to #1, they think it’s wild that people follow others w/o any questioning or thinking about it for themself. even w stuff as small as w/ reading a science book-- if lael has the ability to test something out for themself they will before they trust someone else’s perspective
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done?
once tried to impress a crush by giving them a bug. it did not go well.also that one time that they got a drunken tattoo (altho i dont think they regret it-- they just don’t show it off)
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?
lael never really thought of themself as the type to be a teacher, so the fact that they want to and are going to try to teach some stuff to arabella is unexpected for them, even if they themself suggested the idea
O: Optimism1. are they optimistic or pessimistic?
i think they alternate depending on the situation? they tend to be pessimistic when it comes to people and their motives, but optimistic in regards to progress/science/their own work
2. are they openly optimistic, throwing it on others?
they aren’t very openly optimistic, it only really shines through when they start talking about the future of magitech or some shit
3. are they good at giving advice?
not at all! unless it’s help with a project, then maybe. dont go them to them for personal advice though-- most of the good advice they have is just verbatim from other people
4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them?
their parents, esp their dad, are much more optimistic about things
5. were they always optimistic?
they’ve always been pretty optimistic about certain things, like magitech. but they learned pretty young to not be optimistic about others, and they became even more pessimistic in that area as time has gone on
P: Personality1. what is their best personality trait?
their intense love of knowledge and passion for their work
2. what is their worst personality trait?
they’re kind of an asshole and care very little about what others think of them, for better or worse. 
3. what of their personality do others love?
dm quote: “Other magitechnicians admire their ingenuity and focus, Gil and their parents love their quiet dedication and the joy they take in their passions”
4. what of their personality do others envy?
the fact that they seem to care very little of others’ opinions of them
5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
they tend to dislike others who are ‘fake’ and not straightforward with their intentions. as for themself, the fact that they do not have a lot of self control, ESPECIALLY when it comes to their shit taste in romantic partners
Q: Questions1. do they ask for help?
not often, if they can avoid it, but at the end of the day they’re more concerned w progress than pride
2. do they ask questions in class?
they’re the type of kid to ask too many questions in class, actually
3. do they answer questions that make them a little uncomfortable?
they might, but they’ll generally call out the other person for asking uncomfortable questions as well
4. do they ask weird questions?
very! they did moreso as a kid, they’ve developed SOME tact now
5. are they curious?
oh yeah they’re SUPER curious about stuff, but only when it’s in their field of interest (ex: they dont care much about gossip at all, not when cool bugs exist)
R: Rules1. do they follow rules?
only when it benefits them or it aligns with their own beliefs.
2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent?
they would… not be a parent. but if they were, a fairly distant and laid back one.
3. have they ever been consequenced for breaking a rule?
almost definitely, but mostly stuff like “taking worms inside the house” or “getting in fights w others” (rarely) or generally being a weird chaotic shit as a kid. they break less rules now but mostly bc they care about keeping their job
4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
hm. i don’t think so. they’re not the type to have many regrets.
5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous?
they have Thoughts about some Taliare rules that limit magitechnicians and impede progress. they also have issues w bureaucracy in general
S: Streets1. are they street-smart?
they are generally pretty good at reading others and judging their intentions, but they’ve def focused more attention on book-smarts
2. would they give money to someone on the streets?
honestly? probably not, but more out of not wanting to interact with strangers than any sort of malice
3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets?
realistically absolutely yes, once as a kid and one or two times when they were going through their first round of magitech school.
4. has anything happened to them on the streets?
they probably got pickpocketed once or twice in gelt
5. are they cautious when out?
only a bit, but they’re very capable of protecting themself if it comes down to it (they’ve got a knife! and magic!)
T: Truth1. are they honest?
on principle, and sometimes to a fault
2. can they tell if someone is lying?
usually yeah, they can get a good read on others
3. is it obvious when they’re lying?
they rarely lie they, so they don’t have a ton of practice at it, and i think someone who knows them well or is pretty intuitive they’d be able to pick up on it
4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about?
i don’t think they lie enough for this to be the case? it’s mostly white lies if anything
5. have they told truths that have been spread against their will?
nope, not really.
U: Underdog1. have they been bullied?
when they were younger, yes. partially bc of being a half elf in an almost entirely human town (which made them a very easy target) and partially bc they were just a weird fucking kid
2. have they bullied anyone?
they’ve been MEAN to people but not actively bullied anyone. they did break a kid’s nose once but he deserved it.
3. have they been physically attacked by a bully?
i dont think so, i think it was more teasing and ostracism. any physical attacks were pretty mild or on their possessions. i think once someone tried to get physical but they were scared off by the only other non-human in town (besides lael’s dad), an older half-orc boy named Cyrus, and they never tried to attack lael again.
4. have they ever been doubted?
i mean, yes almost definitely, altho i cant give u an example
5. have they surprised people with being good at something?
i feel like when they were young and first showed talent w magitech they surprised some ppl. also, when they lived in gelt i think the fact they knew so much about nature and medicine was unexpected to ppl who just met them, but for anyone who knew them well it wouldnt be surprising at all
V: Vomit1. do they vomit often?
not really, unless they’re sick
2. do they get lots of stomach aches?
not really, they dont eat particularly out-there food and their stomach isnt overly sensitive
3. are they good at comforting someone ill?
lael isn’t good at comforting period, they’re more the type to just go through necessary medical stuff but they do not have very good bedside manner.
4. what do they like as far as comfort goes?
they like to be in a place they’re comfortable, like home, and with people that Get them, w like a nice blanket, and more physical affection than usual.
5. do they burp, cough, or hiccup most when nauseous? when vomiting?
i do not know or care
W: Water1. do they drink enough water?
they probably forget while they’re working. their mom gets on them about this when they come home tho
2. have they learned to swim?
probably only the very basics, they dont live around any large bodies of water so they’re not super proficient
3. do they like to swim?
not really
4. can they dive?
o def not
5. can they swim without holding their nose?
i would hope so?
X: Xylophone1. what is their favorite genre of music?
i don’t know if they’re super up to date on music? in a modern day setting they’d be into all sorts of electronic music tho
2. do they have a favorite song?
again, not modern day so idk
3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer?
not in-game, but they’d probably be very into all sorts of weird electronic music and lo-fi stuff that mixes ‘real’ sounds, like snail’s house
4. can they sing well?
oh no they’re not very good at it at all
5. can they rap?
….probably not
Y: You1. how old were you when you created them?
21! i made them this year
2. what inspired you to create them?
i figured if i was gonna play a character in a magitech universe i wanted them to be related to that in some way. basically they were created with the idea of “i want to play a character with a robot arm” and literally their entire backstory and personality is descended from that fact. 
the other thing is that i was learning about biomimicry-technology in german class and i thought it’d be cool to have an engineer character that very much loved and was influenced by nature
3. were they different when they were first created?
oh i first thought that their personality would be more stoic and distant, but in reality the most core thing about their personality is how fucking passionate they are about things
4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters?
again, i dont really love playing one character more than others, i just love them for different reasons! but lael is particularly fun to play because it’s fun to not worry much about coming off as “nice” to others, and also I Love Magic. it’s also fun to play someone so passionate about their studies and work bc i can channel myself into that!
5. what’s your favorite thing about them?
man honestly it’s that aforementioned passion that they have for what they do, and their endless curiosity about how things work and how to make them better
Z: Zebra1. what’s their favorite animal?
spiders!!! they love creepy crawlys and bugs in general though
2. do they like animals?
yes but more in a scientific way than a ‘wants to have a lot of pets’ way. and it’s generally more reptiles/insects/arachnids than furry animals
3. cats or dogs?
4. what’s their dream pet?
a tarantula! or a cool lizard
5. do they have any pets at the moment?
nah, but they have plants
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