#and all of us were like ''??? What's wrong with Pac rn?''
royalarchivist · 5 months
Pac: I'm not going to say anything to you guys [Chat], I'm not going to say anything to you. I'm not saying absolutely anything, I'm not going to comment. Man, you broke me here, you broke me in 3 parts! I'm not going to- no no no no no, I won't fall for your game, I won't fall for your game.*
Pac's chat allows viewers to make music requests, which led to this very well-timed moment today where Careless Whisper started playing as soon as Pac met back up with Fit.
* [Approximate translation. I'm not a native Portuguese speaker, so as always, please feel free to let me know if there's a better way to translate things!]
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kamomie · 9 months
My thoughts as of rn on foolish's betrayal
The “arc” did just start, so things are subject to change. But this is my opinion/take on what happened yesterday and the things that stood out to me.
Long read ahead and this is the short version OTL
To me, even entertaining and trying to do an “well actually…” in this case is so unserious and disingenuous. Q!Foolish betrayed his friends. As of right now, he’s a traitor. I don’t know how you could watch q!Foolish arrest q!Pac and q!Mike, and not think that in itself wasn’t a major betrayal? He literally led them to the place of arrest without giving them any sort of indication that they were in potential danger. He arrested them for crimes they seemingly didn’t commit and gave them up to the federation. Just like that. This was at the very least betrayal of q!Tazercraft, but in my opinion, also a betrayal of all his friends. Especially the Brazilians and Richarlyson.
Part of the betrayal is also the fact that q!Foolish really doesn’t think he did anything wrong, he feels no remorse. Leading up to the arrest, he keeps saying stuff like “they’ll understand, they won’t get mad”, as if he’s not fully grasping the severity of his actions.
He really sat there in the federation office and just went along with Cucurucho’s plan with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement. And that just continues, he gets a bit nervous too, but mainly he’s super excited and happy.
Another thing I noted was the “I trust your strong sense of justice” book Cucurucho gave him. It doesn’t align with his person at all. Q!Foolish hasn’t ever been about justice, he’s been much more of a let live kinda guy. Even his answer to Cucurucho about what he thinks about Order, is a clear indication that he’s not really occupied by these themes, to him order is fine, if it doesn’t get restraining. That’s really all the thought he has about it. Q!Foolish is not someone with a strong sense of justice. He’s actively hiding an illegal item as we speak.
It felt as though Q!Foolish intuitively knew something was off, but he actively chooses to not think about it. He clearly doesn’t see himself as someone with a strong sense of justice, he does find it a bit weird Cucurucho asks him to do the arrests, when the federation usually does it fine themselves. But in his excitement, he ignores all the red flags.
Q!Foolish also seem to be under the belief that he’ll be easily forgiven and that no one will be mad at him, which shocks me, because by now, he should know that working with the federation and not sharing information is social suicide on the island. Especially when he really isn’t being threatened nor blackmailed. For all intents and purposes, he could’ve refused, but he didn’t even entertain the idea of not helping the federation.
Even when q!Cellbit makes it clear, that if q!Foolish is in any way omitting truth and not sharing information, he would no longer consider him a friend, q!Foolish still just talks in circles and refuses to elaborate and explain. Q!Foolish seems to think he can get away with his empty words and generally likeableness. The final nail in the coffin is his lie to q!Jaiden. Painting his actions as a last resort to protect Richarlyson is clever but also so underhanded. But if it ever comes out or people start to question it, it will also be his downfall.
He thinks he knows what he’s doing and that he’s in control, but in reality, I think Cucurucho/the federation are using him and he’s in way over his head.
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ceyrann · 2 years
PAC 1 : Messages For You
A very first PAC by your local mochi, me.
Just pick one you’re most drawn to see what are the messages you need to hear? 
The original poems are by their respective authors. BUT the arts and translations are by yours truly. It all started with me picking the poems but Chinese poems can be difficult to translate for it to still remain poetic, so I decided to add in the image I connect with those lines.
The piles go from left to right. The last image (bottom right) is a clear explanation of the piles, so you shouldn’t be getting it wrong.
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it.
Decks used: Linestrider Tarot Deck, Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana),  Flower Petals Oracle Deck
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Found your pile? Let’s go!
Pile 1
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月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中                      王维——《鸟鸣涧》
The moon she shines; the birds surprised;
From the mountains in Spring, they chirp, they fly.
I hear birds chirping. Not the noisy kind, tho. It’s like,,, a flock of birds chirping at the same time, forming one long, loud sound that resonates within the forest. The sound is loud, bright, and solid.
For this pile, I feel that y’all are probably steady and content with wherever you are in life right now. Y’all are smart, goal oriented, and more well balanced compared to the other piles I’ve done (oof). But also, y’all have gone through your downs, questioning why the universe wasn’t on your side. And y’all may also have been uhhh delusional (or daydreaming) too much at a certain point of your life.
To those who are satisfied with whatever you’re having rn, this pile is for you.
You’ve grown so much, fought so hard to reach where you are right now. I’m so proud of you. Keep going, keep growing; be unstoppable. Even if there are people who try to stop you, know that judgement will be waiting on them. You’ve learnt so much from your friends, now shine bright and show the world how great you are. Remember to hold on to your values, and the universe will work your ways.
Pile 2
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首夏犹清和,芳草亦未歇                      谢灵运——《游赤石进帆海》
Summer starting, fresh and anew;
Greens are growing, flowers still blooming
This image gives me a very clean and clear feeling. Maybe a sense of loneliness and emptiness as well. You thought the clouds were there and you looked up, but you ended up being blinded by the light of the sun, not knowing how and where to look. 
To those who are seeking healing, who want a hug, who want company, this pile is for you.
Walking away from past hurts is difficult, especially if you’re still bitter over it. But you still need to move on. Heck, you can even run and hide, but you need to stop staying in places that will hurt you. It’s difficult, but you need to practice courage, albeit a little bit each day. 
You are also called to reconnect with your roots, may it be your family or loved ones. Talk to them, listen to them. They’ll definitely have messages for you, messages that will ring loudly in your heart. 
Focus on getting yourself back again. Manifest your want for inner peace, for release, and you will get it. Your soul wants to be whole again. It has been feeling empty because you have not forgiven. Write things down, fold them into a paper boat and let it sail. Let go of the burden in your heart, and write new things down to fill your heart with them. Seek balance, have balanced meals. And most of all, love yourself.
Pile 3
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秋菊有佳色,裛露掇其英                      陶渊明——《饮酒二十首》之七
Autumn blossoms with lovely colours,
flower in hand with its dew still fresh.
For those who picked this card, I wanna give y’all a mug of hot chocolate and some hugs. I feel that y’all may be attracted to this pile cuz you want/need/crave the warmth the colours give out.
Have y’all been called impulsive, have you been getting into arguments, feeling burnt out from a one-sided competition with others? Are you feeling as though your life is out of balance? If yes, this pile is for you.
You’re told to not dwell too much in the past, or you’ll lose sight of your present and future. You’re called to realign your values, give yourself a realistic and practical aim. Get yourself a purpose and work towards it. Not for anyone, but for yourself. It’s alright to feel dejected and you wanna withdraw yourself, but you must remember to get out from the shell and step onto your new journey. Your life is not yours alone, and you probably will find more comfort if you could be there for others with willing hands and hearts. (I’m not asking you to be sacrificial, but some people are more towards the serving type, and you may be one of them. So try helping others, and maybe you’ll find content in it.) 
Most of all, remember to do yourself justice and get your life in balance. The cold is only temporary. Things will turn better when you light the fire (and set everything ablaze).
Pile 4
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淮南秋雨夜,高斋闻雁来                      韦应物——《闻雁》
Listen, the geese are here,
on this night of Fall in Huainan.
I feel heaviness, unease. You know that things will be alright, but there’s still this unknown fear in you. It’s like you’re still waiting for a sign to tell you to move.
If you feel as though you’ve been stalling, you’re waiting for a sign from the universe, then this pile is for you. 
You are told to get moving. Prompto. It’s alright to feel fear and worry, but you still need to move. Baby steps are fine, just,,, don’t just stay there. You have to remember you are worth so much more, and that you deserve more. So why remain at the same place? You may have a desired image of how you look, and you deserve it. You’re worth it.
There will be chances knocking at your door, but you’ll need to stop being passive, stop procrastinating, and throw out your resume or CV. Don’t be afraid. You need to take the first few steps, only then opportunities will come to you.
You’ll go on a brand new, exciting journey. And the universe has your back. Rest assured and march on ahead. Remember to also show appreciation to those who helped you. Surround yourself with good company as they will help you to set healthy boundaries on this new journey of yours.
I am also excited on your new journey and I wish you all the best in it!
Pile 5
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冬日诚可爱,不如夜漏多                      鲍溶——《冬夜答客》
Winter is lovely, yet its nights are long.
Firstly, the feminine energy in this pile is at its peak (three Queens and High Priestess say hi). I’m also… Hearing music boxes or wind chimes kinda sounds. It’s like glass clinking at each other lightly. It’s as though you can HEAR how clear the crystals are.
You’ve probably pulled yourself back from whatever that’s going around you. And you may have been a little too withdrawn cuz of betrayals? May it be people betraying you literally, or you felt betrayed cuz your expectations towards others weren’t met.
For those who are crying silently in the dark, this pile is for you.
You are called to find the missing piece in you. You need to believe in yourself that your tears are not weaknesses; your fears do not define you. Have more faith in yourself, try looking at yourself from your (real) friends’  point of view, how much they love you, how much they care for you, how they hope for the best for you.
You are so much more than you can think of, than you can ever imagine. Find your confidence, let your emotions be your shield and swords. However, Remember, that the sword isn’t for you to harm others, but for you to use it to free others from whatever that’s restraining them. Do yourself and others justice. Remember that you deserve love and happiness as well.
Song I had in mind as I was writing these down for y’all: Turbulence by ATEEZ. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder. You did well and I’m proud of you.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did it! 
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milkylammy · 4 years
Tag game: 50 Q
tagged by @xx-autmnlvr-xx
Thanks for the tag 😊
1. what is the color of your hairbrush?
= just black with a single silver band around the handle
2. name a food you never eat:
= I will never in my life, eat pickles. Even tho they sound super delicious when they crunch lol
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
= I’m too warm lol. Natural heater here.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
= Some homework for speech class
5. what’s your favorite candy bar?
= oh that’s a hard one uhhhh... I guess... snickers.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game?
= nah. Not into sports and even if I was, wouldn’t want to spend money to be surrounded by screaming people.
7. what was the last thing you said out loud?
= “oh, I didn’t knock. I just talked and you heard me thru the door and answered.”
8. what is your favorite ice cream?
= Cookie Dough. Especially from Rite Aid
9. what was the last thing you had to drink?
= Water.
10. do you like your wallet?
= My wallet is attached to my phone case (it looks like a camera and the lens part is the part that opens for my wallet). It’s convenient but I wish I had a wallet that had those picture slots lol.
11. what was the last thing you ate?
= Shakey’s. Aka, chicken, pizza and mojos. With a side of Pepsi.
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
= uhhhh.. I think so? Time is weird rn lol
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched?
= I don’t know if professional boxing counts?
14. whats your favorite flavor of popcorn?
= Just good ol simple buttered popcorn.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to?
= technically, my group chat with all three of my besties. Tho, singular it would be my mom.
16. ever been camping?
= nah.
17. do you take vitamins?
= once a month, but that’s only when my bro or sis offer some.
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship?
= No, not since I lived in Texas which was about... 3-4 years ago? I would like to but I got a bad case of social awkwardness and anxiety.
19. do you have a tan?
= only my right arm lol. That’s the arm that lays on the armrest next to the window.
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza?
= DAMN IT, MY WEAKNESSES AAAA! Hmm... I guess... ehh.. pizza?
21. do you drink your soda through a straw?
= No, but I really should lol. My friend has really clean teeth but that’s only cause she drinks everything with a straw.
22. what color socks do you usually wear?
= that’s a good question... hmm... I suppose black with yellow socks.
23. do you ever drive over the speed limit?
= nah I don’t know how to drive lol. I need to but I’m too scared of doing something wrong cause I get easily distracted.
24. what terrifies you?
= Being abandoned or unloved entirely.
25. look to your left, what do you see?
= my maternity pillow and ragged looking teddy bear.
26. what chore do you hate the most?
= Picking up my dogs’ feces from the yard. The smell is absolutely horrendous.
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?
= My online friend who I lost touch to :( I don’t know where he is now cause he deactivated his account but I hope he’s doing okay..
28. what’s your favorite soda?
= Cherry Pepsi babbbyyy 🤙🤙🤙
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
= the drive thru. It’s easier to order when there’s no one staring into your soul.
30. what’s your favorite number?
= 7, but realistically it’s 8. It’s the number my name always landed on in class or PE or a list in general.
31. who was the last person you talked to in real life?
= My brother.
32. favorite cut of beef?
= Sirloin?
33. last song you listened to?
= Pac Baby (2 Minutes) - Pac Man CE 2 Music
34. last book you read?
= Slappy’s Diary
35. favorite day of the week?
= Friday
36. can you say the alphabet backwards?
= nahhhhhhhh
37. how do you like your coffee?
= Iced. Sweet with a lot of cream. Especially if it’s pumpkin spice creamer.
38. favorite pair of shoes?
= what my family likes to refer to as, my “Jesus sandals”.
39. time you normally get up?
= 11am. Just a hour to wake up before class.
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
= Sunset. The colors are extremely beautiful ☺️💕
41. how many blankets on your bed?
= 2 but I only use one.
42. describe your kitchen plates:
= diverse lol. There’s the plastic plates, some with a single gold circle around, ones that are brown and ribbed, pure white or with cartoons on them.
43. describe your kitchen at the moment:
= alittle messy with a shit ton of soda at the kitchen corner.
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
= nah. Most are super bitter and sour to me and end up giving me bad heartburn. So nah, haven’t found my drink but I do want to try Sex On The Beach cause I heard it’s especially sweet and smooth.
45. do you play cards?
= does Loteria count?
46. what color is your car?
= grey. Yes, I own a car but I don’t drive it lol. My mom does tho.
47. can you change a tire?
= nope.
48. your favorite country?
= Japan 😭💕 It’s my dream to visit it one day and see all of it. It’s a very VERY lovely country with a special culture.
49. favorite job you’ve had?
= nope. Last and only job I had was McDonald’s and it was a very toxic environment with a bunch of McAssholes working there or customers that would shout at me for not knowing Spanish.
And I’ll skip 50 lol
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bravemccalll · 6 years
my heart is yours, my love
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Kazuichi Souda: did u change my instagram username to weebfucker ????
Kazuichi: dude im not a hacker how could i have
Fuyuhiko: thats true
Hajime Hinata to Kazuichi Souda: were u the one who changed fuyuhiko's username
Kazuichi: ya lol
Kazuichi: he left his phone open how could i not bro
Peko Pekoyama to peko is a nerd lol: Why is the group chat title aimed at me?
Hajime: kaz found out you passed the chemistry assignment
Peko: ?
Peko: That's a requirement to sit the exam.
Kazuichi: oh shit
Chiaki Nanami to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: can u tell kaz im not speaking 2 him
Fuyuhiko: why
Chiaki: he said that pac man is """"""shit""""""
Fuyuhiko: no I meant why me
Fuyuhiko: also is he fuckin insane pac man is great
Chiaki: idk u were the first contact I saw
Chiaki: also right!!!!!!!!!!!
Hajime Hinata to Chiaki Nanami: he's staring at her again
Chiaki: who?
Hajime: fuyuhiko
Chiaki: ah
Hajime: like he can't even stare like a normal person
Hajime: he keeps doing it out of the corner of his eye as if he can be more subtle that way
Chiaki: ya but remember when u used 2 do that
Chiaki: w/ me
Chiaki: n nagito
Chiaki: ;)
Hajime: I never stared
Chiaki: sure hun
Hajime Hinata to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: did I ever stare at Chiaki and Nagito before we started dating?
Fuyuhiko: yup
Hajime: damn it
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Peko Pekoyama: where are you?
Peko: I'm at home.
Fuyuhiko: ok
Peko: Do you want me to come over?
Fuyuhiko: no it's fine
Peko: I'm already on my bike.
Fuyuhiko: don’t text and drive!!!
Fuyuhiko: god
Fuyuhiko: but thanks
Kazuichi Souda to Hajime Hinata: hypothetically, if I were to buy Sonia 250 roses do u think she'd like them?
Hajime: jesus
Hajime: no
Kazuichi: ok
Kazuichi: hypothetically, if I had 250 roses how would I get rid of them
Kazuichi Souda changed the group name to operation: get fuyuhiko and peko together so we can finally know peace
Chiaki: omg
Hajime: oh no
Fuyuhiko: …
Peko: You do know that Fuyuhiko and I are in this group chat, yes?
Kazuichi: I think they're on 2 us guys
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Kazuichi Souda: why are you not in class
Kazuichi: what are you talking about????? Im in class
Fuyuhiko: I can literally see you outside, trying to light a firework
Kazuichi: problem?
Fuyuhiko: yes your education is suffering
Fuyuhiko: that is a problem
Fuyuhiko: why are you lighting a firework anyway??
Kazuichi: was gonna use it 2 show sonia how my love for her burns like a firework
Fuyuhiko: jesus
Kazuichi: ya I kno
Kazuichi: ive been called the new Kant by many
Fuyuhiko: ???
Fuyuhiko: Kant was a philosopher, not a poet
Kazuichi: oh that’s why hajime was laughing at me
Kazuichi Souda to when we go on x factor can we be called 'The Fearsome Fivesome': no one talk to hajime he's being a dick 2 me
Hajime: hey
Chiaki: hey hajime!!!!!
Fuyuhiko: hajime what's up
Peko: Hello Hajime.
Kazuichi: u all suck
Hajime: is someone talking?
Fuyuhiko: I don’t hear anything
Peko: Me neither.
Chiaki: kaz who????
Kazuichi: ughhhhhhh
Peko Pekoyama to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: I am three minutes away from lying to get out of here.
Fuyuhiko: is the party that bad?
Peko: Yes. I just don't know what I'm going to say.
Fuyuhiko: I don’t think you have to lie
Fuyuhiko: you could just leave
Peko: Perhaps. I wish you were here.
Fuyuhiko: oh
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Peko Pekoyama: I wish i was there too
Kazuichi Souda to jason derulo is a tru artist shut up h8ers: is the morally wrong to look at boobs
Fuyuhiko: go to fucking sleep
Hajime Hinata to Peko Pekoyama: did you see Nagito today?
Peko: No, why?
Hajime: he was iconic
Peko: How?
Hajime: he just was
Peko: Not to be rude, but why are you texting me this?
Hajime: Nagito doesn't have a phone and Chiaki is sleeping rn
Peko: Oh.
Peko: Why doesn't Nagito have a phone?
Hajime: his last one caught on fire
Peko: Oh. Ok.
Peko Pekoyama to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: How does a phone just catch fire?
Fuyuhiko: is this about komaeda
Fuyuhiko: because I really don’t know
Fuyuhiko: I really don’t
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Hajime Hinata: just realised that chiaki texts just like kazuichi
Fuyuhiko: hajime?
Fuyuhiko: I know you’ve read these
Fuyuhiko: are you ok?
Hajime Hinata to Chiaki Nanami: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Chiaki Nanami: ?
Hajime: nevermind
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to kaz stop texting me dick jokes at 3am, go to sleep: what are we doing
Kazuichi: our best
Hajime: speak for yourself
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu to Peko Pekoyama: you know youre important right?
Fuyuhiko: like you mean a lot
Fuyuhiko: to me I mean
Fuyuhiko: not that u don’t mean a lot to other people
Fuyuhiko: im sure there are other people that love you as well
Fuyuhiko: not that im saying I love u or anythign
Fuyuhiko: not that ur unloveabel
Fuyuhiko: why cant I delete messages
Peko Pekoyama to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: I love you too, Fuyuhiko.
Hajime Hinata to failing chemistry but im sexy so whatever: just saw Fuyuhiko and Peko kissing outside the school this morning!!
Chiaki: aw
Kazuichi: was there tongue
Hajime: dude
Chiaki: cmon man
Peko: …
Fuuyuhiko: we're still in the chat guys
Kazuichi Souda changed the group name to operation: we're finally @ peace
Fuyuhiko: shut up
Kazuichi Souda changed the group name to no u
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