#and since claude and Ana look similar
kunzoi-12 · 2 years
wmmap but ...honkai impact au ?
read the tags please
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
About your post about Athy's name in other languages ​​(which I loved) it reminded me that when I started reading the manhwa I always confused the name of Athanasia with Anastasia to the point that I went to find out if they were the same and found that both they have the same meaning and that they come from Greece but I did not find any page that will confirm that it is the same but different variants. I also couldn't help but notice how Athanasia's name resembles Anastacious (which is technically the male version of Anastasia) and yes, the fact that both names have the same meaning may be why these two names sound so similar but Aeternitas also means Immortality and it doesn't look alike beyond the fact that it starts with A.
I found it interesting how Athy's name and Anas are similar and it made me wonder if at some point Claude must have had a deja vu hearing Athy's name (not only does she look like the woman he loved but also her name sounds similar to of the brother who killed lol)
I also mixed up "Athanasia" with "Anastasia" the first time I read WMMAP, but now I do the opposite. I have to remind myself all the time that no, it's not Athanasia Nikolaevna-
Funny thing about Aety's name is that it's the name of a goddess, and it doesn't really have a male form. I guess finding so many different greek names that mean immortality was hard for Plutus(?
That's an interesting thought! Athy and Ana's names are really close, so indeed I think she must have reminded Claude of his brother. There's also the fact that only the current emperor can give an immortal name to their heir, which draws an immediate parallel between them. As a side note, Diana was very daring naming Athy, as Claude himself notes, not only because of the name itself but also because Athy is a girl. His wording implied women aren't usually rulers in Obelia ("and a girl at that"). This is curious to me, since Obelia's first monarch, back when it was a kingdom and not an empire, was queen Ambrose. But I digress.
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Athy speculates that Claude must have some sort of complex over the immortal names. Since he wasn't the empress' son he could only take the throne by force, but "he would never be granted the name of an emperor", unlike Anastasius and Athy. And well, there's also the fact that Claude means "the one who limps", "limping" or "crippled" (from the Latin “claudus”). Which makes one wonder if Aevum hated Claude that much to name him as an insult or what. Note that this is just one of Claude's meanings, but it's explicitly the one that Plutus used, as Athy refers to this plot point in the novel. Myself and others have theorized that Plutus based Ana and Claude's characters on real Roman emperors, and emperor Claudius indeed suffered from a limp and deafness, being ostracized by his family as a child. WMMAP Claude wasn't sickly as far as we know, but the ostracized thing definitely rings a bell.
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Now, as far as I remember, it was never confirmed that Claude indeed felt inferior because of his name compared to Ana's (and Athy's), but I can definitely see how he could have felt like that, at least in his youth when Ana was the crown prince and Claude was treated so badly.
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One thing I find rather sweet is that Claude remembered the bond he used to have with Ana when he spent time with Athy. It's because Athy melted Claude's heart and gave him something dear to him again that he started to remember Ana and to question their turbulent relationship. I adore how Athy's love and kindness had that effect on him (even though it wasn't enough for Claude to not want to execute Ana but shhh he still saved his ass because Athy asked him to. Small steps, you know?).
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Musings on LP!Jennette’s and WMMAP!Athy’s Debutante Dresses Part 1: Flowers 💐
Originally, I was going to try and analyze the similarities and differences between the dresses the LP and WMMAP versions of Jennette and Athanasia wore when I realized there quite a few similarities between LP!Jennette’s and WMMAP!Athy’s dresses.
Take a look at these two pictures:
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Not a lot seem similar at first. Athy’s one-shoulder high-low dress looks very different than Jetty’s more “traditional” ball gown, but there is one thing that is featured on both outfits: roses!
On the front panel of Jennette’s skirt features light and dark blue roses, while her headdress is adorned with blue and white roses. Let’s take a look at what they mean:
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Blue Roses: Blue roses do not exist naturally in nature, and therefore, the only way to create blue roses is through genetic engineering--just as how Jennette was created through Anastasius’s black magic. Blue roses also symbolize unattainableness, like Jennette’s dream to have a happy family. Even in the first timeline of The Lovely Princess, Claude is usurped by the Ana/Aety duo. One more meaning more relevant to the scene is that blue roses symbolizes new beginnings, which is fitting since it’s the scene where Jennette is introduced to Claude who recognizes her as his daughter.
White Roses: White roses are most notable for symbolizing purity and innocence, fitting Jetty to a tee as those are her defining characteristics. It also stood for secrecy in the Medieval era, as not only Jennette’s existence has been kept secret from the world, but also her true role in Ana/Aety’s plans. 
Other than those two flowers, in the fabric of Jetty’s gown, you can see a flower that seems to be white daisies.
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Daisy: Daisies share a common meaning of innocence and purity with white roese, so I won’t push further than that. Fun fact, Daisies are part of the sunflower family, and Claude is called the “Sun” of Obelia. 
Onto Athy’s dress, we predominantly see pink roses as well as a second flower embroidered on the fabric that I assume to be gardenias or hibiscus or another type of flower entirely, but since it’s not clear, I will not be commenting on them.
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Pink Roses: Pink roses generally symbolize poise, grace, and admiration, which fits Athy’s role in society as an intelligent and beautiful princess. It also represents pure love or budding love and I think we all know who it refers to. 
Well, that’s it for Part 1! Some of you may think I’m reading too much into this or that it’s all so obvious, and that’s okay! I just want to have some fun.
In Part 2, I will be musing more about the other parts of the outfit and how they relate to the characters and the story.
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 3 years
Hi have you checked out the new chapter. If yes then I would love to share one doubt with you. Did u notice that as long as there was red aura surrounding Ana, Lucas was being rude, stepping on the icicles, but then he helps Ana up, behaves nicely and we see sparks of blue in the panel where he dusts off Ana's dress. Could it be that aety left for jenny the moment Lucas tried to trap him in the circle. Like also we don't see red in Annie's eyes in Lucas-being-noice-with-him panels.
Hi, I just checked out the last chapter and it seems to be that way.
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It looks like the red sparks are leaving Ana's body. This might be an indicator that Aety either changed bodies or buried himself back into Ana's subconsciousness. If he left..well, I think they'd still be somewhat connected, because I'm not sure if the black magic trial had worked successfully, had Aeternitas left his vessel completely. Because Aety implies that Ana doesn't practice black magic himself but kinda borrows Aety's magic from a shared mana pool or requests his assistance. So if Aety had left Anastacius's body, taking his mana with him as well, chances are all traces of dark magic might've been gone with him & Athy would've been forced to free him from charges since his pure mana (blue) might be completely untouched by Aety's red mana (which was solely used for dark magic) = so no proof. This is just a speculation. For reference Lucas' & Aety's mana is mixed while Ana's & Aety's is not. a. Aety & Lucas' mixed mana:
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b. Anastacius' mana. It is pure & completely free from the red spots:
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So Aety didn't eat Ana's mana their power is still seperate, belonging to each owner. What I'm trying to say is if Aety had left Ana's body, Ana would be left with his uncorrupted own mana, which wasn't mixed with Aety's "bad" dark magic mana.
Also if Lucas treated Ana nicer because Aety left his body, then shouldn't he have rushed to tell Athy that? We also know Aety is capable of controlling multiple people at once (example Roger & Ana). So Aety might not have actually left Ana's body yet.
There's also the question if Aety is the only thing holding Ana's body together or not. Among us there is the common belief that Ana just drops dead the second Aety finds a better vessel and leaves him. Mhm if this is true...who knows.
As for Jennette: I'm a certified Anastacius stan and I'm sure we are going the love redeems route (preferably without redemption by death). Earlier I had speculated that if Jennette were in danger Ana might be more willing to join forces with his brother, this seems to be the case now. I believe Jennette might have been originally created as the perfect vessel for Aeternitas. I was always confused how she could be such a failure in terms of magic power when she was said to have been created with the means to surpass Claude & Athy. But this might not be true. This is probably a lie Aeternitas told Anastacius to get him onboard with his plan to create a black magic baby. His perfect vessel. Lithium has a similar theory (here). (c'mon she's a royal, yet her magic has less focus than that of a commoner or court magician. That's high key suspicious.)
Which leads me to the question: what does Anastacius exactly know about Aeternitas and his plans? Seemingly nothing as he doesn't even know his true name or that he is his ancestor. And second: What is the content of their deal? Let's be honest he gets nothing out of the whole ordeal: his body is a wreck (wounds opening whever he moves) and he can't become Emperor as he has been dethroned before (bad public rep). He know the relationship between him and Caracks is purely transactional. If he loses his value, he'll get discarded. Ana is aware that Caracks doesn't mind killing bystanders and doesn't mind abusing pawns until they are broken. It doesn't take much common sense to put 1+1 together
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By now Anastacius must have noticed that Jennette doesn't possess the magic power Aeternitas had promised. It's impossible that Aeternitas messed up the experiment accidentally as he is the most powerful Emperor of the past with the most ancient knowledge next to Lucas. Which should make him really wonder if Jennette was never created for the purpose Aeternitas had told him but for another.
who would you rather choose:
Anastacius: former tyrant, bad public opinion, almost no magic, body is falling apart, old -> useless
Jennette: next in line, lovely princess, uwu daughter, could never hurt a fly (nobody would believe it if Aety were to pursuit his darker hobbies with that appearance), body created out of his own black magic and therefore used to it, healthy, young
Really, did the thought never cross his mind that Aeternitas could discard him for a younger, healthier body? Athy and Claude are off the list because they are too hard to possess cause of their strenght and abundance of mana. So that really only leaves Jennette.
It should be obvious that the intention is to not make Jennette Empress but possess her body and rule though her the Empire. Aety suggested to brainwash her earlier which should have been a red flag to Ana.
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I'm sharing another theory: Since Jennette is made of Anastacius' and Aeternitas' magic, she could prove to play a major role in Aeternitas' downfall and the rescue of her father. That is to say if Aeternitas' magic is really the only thing keeping Ana alive. On top of that it would be a fitting ending if Jennette, the person who used to bring the people she loved misfortune, ends up to be the one who saves them with her powers in this timeline. (it's pure wish fullfillment of me. I also like the idea that LP Jennette wrote the Lovely Princess and send Athy back with her memories, which makes like zero sense but I want her to get some sort of redemption).
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (9/?)
me: i am not going to work on more lucathy ideas brain: I aM nOt GoInG tO wOrK oN mOrE lUcAtHy IdEaS
as you can see, my impulse control is brilliant
and by brilliant i mean nonexistent
also im ngl this idea post is filled with self-indulgent au’s of mine that i haven’t given much thought until now
obligatory warning: its a long post turn back to save yourselves
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | [9] | 10 | 11
we can’t wait to see what you do next -- Good Bro Anastasius + Athy gets a huge fam AU
• i blame @lithium-15 for making me think of this au (i dont even remember the post talking about it but i remembered it enough to know that it was lithium who made the post i guess lmao man past wyn sure does assume that i’m gonna remember to actually link the post istg)
• an au where athy gets aunts and uncles and anastasius didn’t decide to go batshit so athy has lots of family
• the divergence is that anastasius remains a good bro to claude
• penelope ends up falling for anastasius, and claude is understandably down in the dumps over it cause like. his older bro and his best friend, the girl he always thought he’d end up marrying, pretty much got together
• loo k. i want brother shenanigans between anastasius and claude. so im twisting things in order to get athy an even bigger family. and i also just love the idea of anastasius trying to shove paperwork onto claude
• since this is a good bro ana + athy gets a huge fam au, we’re gonna need a shit ton of aunts, uncles, and grandparents
• well
• let’s ignore the previous king and ana’s mom. the only grandparent that matters is claude’s mother who LIVES cause anastasius isnt a dirtbag in this au, therefore he doesn’t kill claude’s mom and she is a 100% doting mother and grandmother
• i guess we Will acknowledge the fact that the previous king was most likely a floozy so claude and ana would arguably have more brothers and sisters perhaps?
• because im a sucker for diana lives, she’ll get to live in this au!!! dont look at me im a simp!!!!!!!!!!
• athy doesnt get to grow up alone. she gets lots of cousins and older sibling figures, and a few younger sibling figures
• for funsies we could say that its wmmap athy, but she’s gonna be completely confused because this is Nothing like the novel that she read in her previous life
• anyways, rather than wanting to leave the palace, athy is more or less just incredibly curious and interested in learning about the world, so she occasionally ends up wandering around
• her meeting with lucas happens similarly, but if we want we could say that its lp lucas who recognized athy’s mana since he. well. y’know. took her mana in the lp universe maybe
• the overall conflict in this story would be the fact that, with athy’s intelligence, everyone’s placed into factions on their support for who gains the crown -- jennette, the daughter of the emperor, or the brilliant athanasia who was considered a born genius, among many cousins
• i’m ngl i’ve been rereading [I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life] so when it comes to this au, that’s the kinda vibe im going for???
• hmm. tbh, now that’s giving me Another idea,,,,,,
I’ll Be The Patriarch In This Life -- Crossover AU
• a [I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life] crossover with WMMAP
• i considered having lucas be the 2nd prince since athy and firentia share similarities, like how ambitious they both are, but i’m ngl, i just can’t really imagine it much? especially since i feel like lp athy would be better suited as the hated princess
• an au in which anastasius remains as the emperor; claude dies during a fight against anastasius, shortly after meeting diana, and so athy ends up being raised in the ruby palace. anastasius “graciously” adopted her as the 2nd princess, but pretty much leaves athy and diana abandoned in the ruby palace
• lowkey tempted to say it’ll also be a lucathy reincarnation au but i’ll have to sit and think on that for a while
• or maybe lp lucas and athy end up reincarnating into this crossover au? 🤔
• regardless, lily and felix are the only ones that take care of athy in the ruby palace when diana passes away
• lucas, being absolutely bored, decides that he’ll try his hand at becoming the next head of the hwang family and (eventually) succeeds
• his parents are still pretty shitty, but his brothers are. kinda ok, maybe? idk yet i literally came up with this idea 5 minutes after finishing the whole “Good Bro Ana + Athy has a Big Fam AU” idea
something i used to know -- Memory + Canon Divergence AU
• i thought of the word “familiar” when i was laying in bed trying to fall asleep at 2am, and my adhd took that and decided to bring back the whole steven universe song in my head and now i cant stop thinking of that song pls send help
• idk why but athy came to mind during the whole thing
• maybe it was because i was on tumblr when one of @lithium-15’s posts showed up on my dash literally one minute before my brain started to kickstart a mental musical (the post comparing younger claude and athy with “forgotten” being the only text and if future wyn remembers to find that post to like and maybe reblog then it’ll later be added with a “click here” link)
• so its a canon divergence from the tea party where the explosion affected athy which caused her to remember her first life, and so she becomes very hesitant being around claude before remembering that jennette never debuted as another princess. she might have blank moments in her memory
• she’s especially confused about lucas cause like. she does Not remember him in her memories from her first life
• lucas is extremely pissed that this happened while he was away and it turns out that only claude’s magic would be able to help her recovery the memories she lost (and maybe the curse thats sticking to her)
• although alternatively we could also just whack athy with the magic tree branch -- bam, she doesn’t feel like shes having an existential crisis, the curse on athy is dissolved, and yay happy ending
• except knowing me im gonna make all of y’all suffer (including myself)
• i dont actually know where i was gonna go with this au
cavalleresco -- Musician AU
• inspo from Your Lie In April, but i refused to let it be a sad ending hence why it’s simply just a musician au
• like crescendo, cavalleresco is a music terminology. cavalleresco means “chivalrous”
• i couldn’t reuse crescendo as a title no matter how much i love the term. i have too many fanfic docs with the title and i ultimately used it for bnha on ao3 shhhhhh i just Cant use it again
• athy would 100% be kaori while lucas would be kousei. but i didn’t really want to do the whole “faking a romantic interest to get close to her actual love interest” kind of thing, especially since i’ve ultimately decided on just making this a musician au instead of an actual Your Lie In April au
• so yeah. they’re all just friends
• the quartet will be helena, cabel, lucas, and athy, as per usual. plus, it works out because helena has a crush on lucas and cabel was infatuated with athy in canon, and we’re just crack shipping it up to get calena as an end result
• also, kaori was originally like lp athy -- a bit of a wallflower, probably considered to be gloomy, who would later get a personality change like wmmap athy: sociable, etc, etc
• i do want lucas to be under the impression that athy and kiel are developing feelings for each other (even though it’d be one-sided)
• diana lives because again i’m a simp for her, like claude is
funny how a memory turns into a bad dream -- To All The Boys I Loved AU
• recently started listening to “moral of the story” by ashe on repeat again, this time with niall too sometimes, and i just found out that the song’s in the sequel [To All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You]
• i’m ngl i’m using this au as an incentive to get me to watch the other movies of the series, cause i only watched the first movie in the year that it came out
• some of my oc’s are gonna show up, with some minor info written here (x)
• now, there’s two ways that i could have this au be. one is where athy is lara jean and peter is lucas, or the alternative is that jennette is lara jean, josh is ezekiel, and helena’s younger brother ends up being peter
route 1: the lucathy focus
• as mentioned before, athy would be lara jean while lucas would be peter. which makes sense storywise, because lucas 100% would have a strained relationship with his family, while athy would panic left and right if all her letters ended up getting delivered to everyone by accident
• i’m employing athanase from my twin siblings au to be athy’s younger brother and the culprit behind sending the letters out (except it’ll be a genuine accident because he saw the letters in an envelope, with names and addresses written on it -- literally what else was he supposed to think? actually. now that i think about it. the movie was kinda unrealistic in this sense unless lara jean’s little sister knew the addresses for all the people lara jean wrote letters for)
• the main reason why im a bit hesitant about going with this au focus is because, well, the only person i can think of using to fit the role of the antagonist would be jennette
• although now that i’m thinking about it, this au would probably better fit athy and kiel better, probably??? but because i’m stubbornly lucathy all the way, so i would never want to write it (for the multishippers who love athy and kiel feel free to take the idea and run with it)
• back to the lucathy. so jennette would probably be placed in the role of the ex-girlfriend (she’s lp jennette, the one we dislike/hate)
• also, one of the letter’s recipients is going to be one of the girls i wrote about here that’s for [in the back of my mind] (click here). it won’t be the same pairing for that story, but feel free to theorize which of these girls i’m gonna be pairing up haha. the girl i’m choosing will still be pretty fucking gay
• i don’t remember what else i had for this route, because surprisingly it wasnt my main focus when i was thinking of this au
route 2: the crack ship route
• while calena is indeed my guilty ship, its jennette and helena’s younger brother who’s the main focus!!! for simplicity’s sake, i’m gonna refer to helena’s younger brother as “chrysanthos” until i have a better fill-in name for the guy
• so jennette would be lara jean
• and, ok, im ngl, i dont remember the ideas that i had for this idea. if i finished working on this post a week ago, then i would’ve remembered it, but unfortunately i don’t
the world doesn’t owe you a cent -- Heathers AU
• with lp athy being veronica, and lucas being jd
• it’s self-explanatory tbh
• i was listening to beautiful and candy store on repeat the other day ok,,,,, and i’ve been listening to “freeze your brain” here and there, if the title wasnt obvious
• i don’t plan on writing this au, since it’ll end up being a pretty angsty ending, but i don’t want to give it a happy ending otherwise it’ll start feeling like im rewriting another au ideas of mine that just happens to have a different beginning at this point
it’s not an accidental child acquisition, i swear -- Single Parent AU
• so @lithium-15 and @hwang-lucas has given me ideas after the revelation that lucas apparently has a niece from his younger brother (does she even have a name? i forgot to ask, and at this point, i’ll probably name her iris instead, and to avoid the whole “whoops i have an oc named iris in another wmmap au thats awkward” i’ll probably be renaming that oc)
• naturally im taking that fact and running it through the au ideas
• technically this is an uncle lucas au but he might as well be a single dad
• it’s a modern au, and lucas’s younger brother isn’t capable of taking care of his daughter
• possible reasons: his wife is dead and he’s filled with grief, there’s a messy divorce going on and neither parent want to take care of her, he’s a businessman who often works abroad and can’t offer his daughter stability, or he’s stationed overseas (and in the military) with a wife that’s out of the picture.
• regardless, he can’t take care of his daughter, and he couldn’t really think to ask anyone else (maybe their older brother is a businessman and lucas’s younger bro wants someone who will actually be able to Care for his daughter)
• so yeah. lucas ends up becoming his niece’s guardian for like. a year or two (if we’re going with a military route)
• since im a sucker for the childhood friends trope, lucas and athy are still childhood friends in this au
• i have a few ideas for athy, like maybe she’s a child of divorce and lived with her mother for a few years before meeting claude after diana passes. regardless, athy Understands what its like to have a parent who’s there but isn’t Always there, which is gonna be something that causes athy to really get along with lucas’s niece
• lucas is pretty wealthy, maybe a big name freelance developer??? and idk about athy, but i want her to work with numbers -- maybe be an accountant or auditor? the main reason is similar to lucas, in the fact that she’ll have a flexible schedule
• as i mentioned to ilyusha, i have too many roommates au’s. and as im typing this i now realize that i don’t have a lot of neighbours au’s, so i’m gonna remedy that by making this au one of them
• so lucas and athy both live in the same apartment complex, they literally live right next door to each other and they didn’t even find out until they several months after moving into the apartment complex. im thinking that they maybe lost contact with each other at some point during high school
• a lot of the time they might as well just be roommates since they hang out all the goddamn time, but the reason why they dont is because they both firmly believe that they’d be terrible roommates to each other (sometimes lucas has to stay up late, and sometimes when athy cooks she ends up making too much noise that it wakes lucas up, etc, etc)
• so i mentioned that if i made them roommates, i was going to have there be this huge misunderstanding from lucas’s niece, in the fact that she thought that lucas and athy are exes who decided to stay as just friends, and she’ll be all like “omg they still love each other though i have to help them get back together!!!!”
• side note: athy 100% makes a comment going “oh wow i didnt realize you had a kid, dude” when she first meets lucas’s niece and lucas needing to clarify that she’s his niece, not his daughter
• spoilers: he practically adopts her as his daughter
• i’m thinking his niece would be maybe 5 y/o, and that she ends up starting school after she moves in with lucas. i have a lot of fond memories from when i was a kindergartener and my grandpa would walk me home. he always carried my backpack and would carry me if my legs got tired
• so yeah i guess i’m calling lucas an old man if im drawing inspo on my childhood memories
• in this au, i feel like lucas and athy would co-sign on a car together, since they’re both pretty much recluses and only ever need it for grocery shopping. so after lucas gets the adoption papers-- i mean,,, guardianship over his niece,he’s pretty much taking the car to drive her to and from school
• and like i told ilyusha,,,,,, i just really want his niece to say “auntie athy”,,,,,,,,,,
• and cause ilyusha suggested it she’ll also call lucas “uncle lulu” although i also have the suggestion of her specifically saying “unkie lulu” based off on a cute kidfic that i reread a while back and idk i just thought that was really cute??????
• as a 5 y/o she 100% assumes that athy and lucas are together. on father’s day she gives lucas a card. same goes for athy on mother’s day
• in this au i like the idea of athy and lucas both becoming best friends in a high school cooking class, and they end up developing cooking habits from the class thats been carried with them over the years to the point where they both kinda have their own little agreements on what to do whenever they cook together -- who handles the meat (athy), who handles the seasoning (lucas), etc, etc
• they also wash the dishes together -- one washes, the other dries, or they’ll make an agreement that whoever cooks doesnt have to wash the dishes
• guys please imagine lucas wiping his niece’s mouth with a napkin after a messy meal,,,,,,,, and athy just watching them with a lil smile
• athy teaching her how to make microwavable cookie in a mug
• they have designated movie nights that takes place at athy’s apartment in the living room, and lucas’s niece gets to bring all the pillows and blankets over and they Cuddle
• uncle cabel and aunt helena pls,,,,,, in which cabel probably fueled most of the misunderstandings involving lucathy
• when the niece becomes a teen/teenager, lucas gives her a vague form of The Talk??? except it wasnt Actually a Birds and the Bees talk, it was actually a “be careful about boys, i don’t see any point in you wearing makeup but if you need any advice, talk to Athy, but don’t listen to her advice when it comes to romance blah blah blah” talk
• idk why but i just Really like the idea of his niece having her first period and her only response to the situation is to just. Cry. she’s mortified and embarrassed about it, and lucas doesnt know what to do so he immediately turns to athy for help
• and athy just going “omg dude chill she’s just going through her first period”
• cue lucas buying chocolates and a bunch of period comfort things for his niece that he used to buy for athy (the chocolates especially)
• i want her to say “but uncle and auntie are more like a mommy and daddy to me” and lucas who’s eavesdropping is just clutching his chest, feeling extremely touched that his niece sees him as a father figure
• grandma lily was mentioned in the convo and i gotta say,,,,,, i just really cant help but imagine lily getting huge nostalgia from when she babysat athy, and is just “you remind me so much of athanasia when she was your age”• and i want his niece to respond with “like mommy?” in any convo that talks about how similar she is to athy when athy was younger
• im dying from the cute imagery send help
• is it obvious yet that im a sucker for found family because if not then let it be known that i’m a sucker for found family, guys
• back to the teenager phase of the niece’s life -- i 100% want her to have a rebel phase. like an argument that ends with a “you’re not even my real dad!” and cue her running out of the room
• in this case, she would run to athy’s apartment, and lucas would probably just sit on the sofa with her words echoing in his head, and athy giving him a comforting pat on the back before checking on the niece
• maybe it was because lucas ended up being one of those Dads who didnt approve of the boys that shes hanging around with
• spoilers: shes probably gay and in the closet and eventually comes out when she’s in her late teenage years
• at one point lucas just flat out asks his bro if he could adopt his daughter, and his bro agreeing to it
• bonus points if its a lucathy slowburn. so slow that it physically HURTS. so slow that they dont actually end up getting together until the later years, maybe when the niece is around 17
• i feel like i’d find that both Hilarious but also Painful if it took lucathy nearly 2 decades to get together
sounds fake but okay -- Fake Marriage AU
• did i need another fake marriage au? no. am i considering on another one anyways? yes.
• best selling author athy x bartender lucas
• pls imagine lucas wearing a suit ty
• like almost every other au in this post, there’s 2 ways for this to go
• update; 3 days after making this draft: never mind make that 3 different ways this could turn out to be
route 1: rip diana
• some backstory -- claude and diana pretty much broke up while diana was pregnant with athy, and claude finds out after 5 y/o athy ends up running into him and bam. baby athy brought her parents back together, and the tl;dr is that diana regrets never talking things out with claude before athy was born
• diana, in this au, ends up dying when athy turns 20, but the problem is that diana added a condition for athy in order to receive an additional thing from diana’s will
• and that condition involves athy being married
• the reason why the condition involves athy being married is because diana didn’t want her to make the same mistake that she did regarding her relationship with claude
• and athanasia was dating ezekiel several months prior to diana’s death, where they were both pretty serious and were even discussing marriage
• keyword: was
• as in they had the misfortune to break up a week or two before diana dies
• so then several months pass and athy’s pretty much stuck with both writer’s block and desperately trying hard not to think about whatever diana left for her that’s waiting for the day until athy actually gets married
• she considered asking helena to marry her early (cause lots of benefits from being married lbr), but unfortunately cabel finally proposed
• so when athy gets her writer’s block, helena decides to invite her and the girls out for a drink at a bar
• meanwhile, lucas who lost a bet with his brothers now has to work at a bar for several months
• athy ends up getting drunk and starts ranting to lucas about diana’s will and how she and ezekiel broke up (speaking of which, the idea of the breakup is essentially a “we drifted apart” type of situation, in which everything starts feeling like a dull routine to the point where it feels like they were together for the sake of being together, and while she’s a little heartbroken over it, she’s also a little relieved)
• eventually lucas ends up taking her mind off of things by telling her work-related stories since bartenders end up becoming unwilling therapists. and athy starts sobering up a little and more or less starts taking notes cause story inspo
• while the situation involving diana’s will doesn’t get solved, her writer’s block gets kicked to the curve, and athy starts occasionally dropping by the bar, keeping lucas company on slow nights
• and then a series of convoluted events happen, they fall in love, and eventually end up getting married to each other
• the only thing that diana left for athy that required her being married was a letter to athy, and a letter to her future spouse. there’s multiple letters to athy that diana wrote to her over the years
• the letter to athy’s future spouse is meant to be something heartfelt, something that was essentially just “take care of each other” or something along those lines idk
• i realize now after writing all this out that route 1 doesn’t actually follow the fake marriage au idea but tbh im too lazy to move it
route 2: the hwang family inheritance dispute
• ngl some inspo came from [Daisy: How to Become the Duke’s Fiancée], but of course, it doesn’t follow the story of that manhwa
• what happens is that lucas has a bunch of asshole family members that’s after his grandmother’s inheritance, the only exception being his younger brother who wants to be a scholar
• his grandmother is essentially annoyed to hell and back, so she decides that she’ll make her decision when her grandchildren actually gets off their lazy bums and be happily married
• now, to everyone, this comment seems unimportant. like a “maybe after you do this and this, i’ll actually start to think about it” or a “you’re already an eligible bachelor/ette -- why aren’t you married yet?! i want grandchildren!” kinda vibes
• but to lucas, he knows that it’s an actual requirement if he wants to gain his grandmother’s inheritance
• thus he decides to talk to cabel, who decides to introduce a friend of his -- athanasia -- who needs money to help pay for her mother’s medicine or else she’ll end up dying
• cue them having a deal and doing the whole fake marriage (although is it really a fake marriage if they’re both agreeing to get married?)
it’s only a matter of time -- Time Travel AU
• the sequel to [#fic: a chance for change] which is “Characters Watching Their Series” concept where athanasi fucked up on a magic circle and ends up spoiling the future for everybody
• except this is the time travel au that @hwang-lucas was 👀ing at, with Attheia “second (unofficial crown) princess” de Alger Obelia being the protagonist who fucked up a spell incantation that was meant to turn back time on a tree
• remember the huge ass tree featured during one of athy’s get togethers with the girls or the one near the lake where athy almost drowned? thats the tree and that’s where she ends up popping up when she travels back in time
• there are two routes that i could go for this time travel au
route 1: the route that i’ll most likely be going with
• attheia is only 14 y/o and she meets both of her parents who are around 18 y/o and she’s kinda freaking out because her parents aren’t together yet, as she was led to believe that they were both in love at this point in life
• which is a misconception on attheia’s part, because athanasia only told her that she realized that she loved lucas when she was 18 -- she did Not say that they got together when they were 18
• cue attheia freaking out over this misunderstanding and thinking that her existence is going to cease to exist thanks to her showing up out of nowhere
• so attheia resolves to play matchmaker for her parents
• unfortunately
• ok, so right off the bat, claude is the first person she runs into. and claude is staring at this girl dumbfounded because “what the fuck why is there a younger athanasia with black, less wavy hair”
• when attheia introduces herself as athanasia’s daughter in 674984987 years in the future (idk i wasnt keeping track of athanasia’s age in comparison with her kids ok, all i remember is that she gave birth to the twins when she’s 21 shhhhh), claude more or less gets annoyed
• not at attheia, no, but at the fact that he knows who her father is
• cause like. attheia is insanely talented in magic. and on top of that, she has long, straight black hair. and even if she’s as polite as athanasia, she’s as “insolent” as a certain tower mage. so like. it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out
• anyways
• everyone knows that attheia is athy’s daughter, but they dont know who her father is. all they have is speculations and attheia is essentially just “yeah lmao i probably shouldnt say anything i like being born thank you very much”
• while internally screaming because again. her parents aren’t together-together. and she’s 99% sure that her being there is fucking up the future
• she ends up talking to her aunt jennette who’s curious about who athy ends up marrying and asks if she marries ezekiel
• cause like. yeah sure concubines are normal for the emperor/empress right so by logic it means that its possible for athy to have multiple lovers
• except athy and lucas dont have any other lovers besides each other (ignoring whatever happened in the past for lucas coughs a headcanon that @lithium-15 has me high key Considering coughs)
• so yeah, attheia confirms that it’s not ezekiel at the very least, and that he’s happily married to another noble lady. and attheia has to confirm that he didn’t marry jennette after further questioning, and that her “aunt jennette married into the iraine family”
• which causes jennette to recognize helena’s younger brother as a potential suitor (she thought of him as a good brother of one of her friends, but never thought of him much more than that)
• cue attheia matchmaking everyone
• everyone except her parents
• cue more panicking
• it also doesn’t help that athy’s hard for her to figure out, since whenever they talk about lucas, athanasia seems to look disinterested or red in the face with “anger and irritation”
• except athy is high key in love and adamantly refuses to do anything about it yet
• and attheia tries to figure out what’s going on with lucas, only to later have a one on one convo where lucas goes “yeah, i know i’m your dad -- you’re being really obvious about trying to get me and athanasia together” and is just “we’ll get together at our own pace”
• eventually attheia is successful in getting her parents to go on a date together (although it was pretty much the same as the first lucathy date where they basically held hands and nothing major happens, except this time lucas is more aware of his fondness for athy)
• by the time attheia returns to the future, there’s only 1 major change that she ended up causing
• the kids were born 2 years earlier
• (jk. her siblings found out about her time travelling and most of them decided to be little shits by making her think that they were all born 2 years earlier)
• ((or at least. maybe that’s what i Want you to think))
route 2:
• attheia is still 14 y/o, but in this route, she would end up time travelling to a month after the debutante and appears during athy’s picnic with the ladies. i dont remember much about what i had when it comes to ideas but the tl;dr is basically just this:
• she ends up staying at the palace as a “guest” and only claude, athy, felix, and lily knows that she’s actually athy’s future daughter due to the fact that she resembles athy and has the royal family’s blue eyes (and again, only claude is the one who immediately picks up on the fact that athy chose lucas as her future husband much to his irritation)
• attheia shows up shortly after lucas leaves, hence why he’s not included in that little list of people who know about her
• she more or less ends up accompanying athy for the most part. ends up going “man it feels really weird without my brothers and sisters here” and cue the homesick vibes
• shortly after athy gets jennette’s present, attheia more or less goes “oh did dad give you a present?” because, well, i imagine that the reason why lucas didn’t know what exactly caused the magic explosion was because anastasius/aeternithas, whose magic is confirmed to be the same as his (e.g. when lucas checked in on claude, it was his magic that made him unable to regain claude’s memories, right? therefore, attheia who’s incredibly familiar with her dad’s magic vibes would end up picking up on that)
• and attheia ends up clearing up the magic on the brooch after being suspicious about it when athy confirmed that it was from jennette and not her father (“whoever your father is”)
• thus causing a canon divergence -- where the magic explosion Doesnt happen at athy’s tea party
• for how this route would end, i’d imagine that lucas would come back from the world tree and just go “wtf? this isn’t your time. yeet” -- he’d flick her forehead and bam attheia would be back in her time
• you can tell that i put in a ton of work brainstorming for this route
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | [9] | 10 | 11
im ending it off on here because i had too many ideas this time around to think of so i’m deciding to make a note to ramble about them in the next idea post (if i remember ever making a note at the bottom of this post,,,,,)
• sugar daddy lucas au
• my soulmates au (i have like. 5 other different ideas but for now i’m focusing on the “name of your sworn enemy and your soulmate” and a “timer that counts down to their death” cause i have an idea on how it ALL fits into the wmmap-verse)
• single parent athy au
• model au???
side note: maybe combine the sugar daddy lucas with the single parent athy au
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thrashermaxey · 5 years
Ramblings: Updates on OEL and MacKinnon; PHWA Awards; All-Star Game – January 25
  Late Tuesday night, the Anaheim Ducks got word that Ondrej Kase would be out for the season with a torn labrum. Recovery time could be as much as six months, which is significant, but it would also give him a couple months (hopefully) to train before having to head to Ducks camp.
I suppose this would be a good time to discuss Kase with more depth. Most data from Natural Stat Trick.
Put quite simply, you can make an argument he’s Anaheim’s most important forward, after Ryan Getzlaf. Since the start of the 2017-18 season, he’s second among the team’s forwards in points/60 minutes at five-on-five at 2.23, behind only Getzlaf (2.29). League-wide, his point rate ranks in the same tier of players like David Pastrnak, Sidney Crosby, William Karlsson, and Mark Scheifele. In terms of goals/60 minutes at 5v5, his mark of 1.37 is fourth in the league, trailing only Auston Matthews, Alex Ovechkin, and Viktor Arvidsson.
So, he’s produced a great point rate and elite goal rate over his last 96 games. That’s not all.
Kase makes those around him better. It’s not hyperbole, either:
Getzlaf with Kase: 68.1 shot attempts/60 minutes, 57.8 percent shot share
Getzlaf w/o Kase: 55.9 shot attempts/60 minutes, 50 percent shot share
Henrique with Kase: 57.9 shot attempts/60 minutes, 52.3 percent shot share
Henrique w/o Kase: 50.3 shot attempts/60 minutes, 44.7 percent shot share
The numbers are similar with Ryan Kesler, but the sample is also much smaller.
The Ducks generate about 7.1 more shot attempts per 60 minutes at 5v5 with Kase on the ice than without. They also allow about 5.3 fewer shot attempts per 60 minutes at 5v5 with Kase on the ice than without. In total, his shot share is about 5.5 percent higher relative to his team and driving the play to that rate quite literally puts him in the company of elite players like Patrice Bergeron and Sean Couturier. 
It’s difficult to express how much losing Kase hurts. Rickard Rakell is still waiting for his shooting luck to turn, Jakob Silfverberg was plodding towards his usual 20 goals (though we’ll see if injuries catch up), and they’re still waiting for Corey Perry to return (though that may be soon). This team has had to endure significant injuries for basically the last two seasons but this is one that will be difficult to overcome given their difficulty to score as it was. Kase in under-appreciated by the league but I’m sure he’s not by his teammates. They’re going to need a Herculean effort from John Gibson and a big turnaround from Rakell over the final couple months to get to the postseason.
The initial update following Thursday’s MRI for Oliver Ekman-Larsson is that he’s day-to-day. We’ll know more next week.
Speaking of MRIs, Nathan MacKinnon also had one on his foot. Colorado is playing it safe right now.
Don’t forget that the 2019 Dobber Midseason Guide is available to help you through the stretch run towards a championship. The guide contains projections, category-specific players, and a whole lot more. There are also a lot of prospects and potential call-ups covered, so even those without a league title in their sights will find information quite useful for keeper/dynasty teams, or even looking ahead to next season. Get your copy in the Dobber Shop today!
The Professional Hockey Writers’ Association (PHWA) has released their midseason awards. If I’m not mistaken, this is the second year in a row they’ve done so. It’s just the normal awards we’re used to seeing at the end of the year, only with about a 50-game sample. It basically gives us something to talk about during the break. These were their choices (screen shots from TSN):
    Let’s talk about a few of them.
  Hart Trophy
I don’t have an issue with Nikita Kucherov winning the Hart Trophy. Anyone who is leading the league in points while playing for the best team in said league is a pretty good choice.
There are two interesting points here and one of them is Connor McDavid. I don’t think there’s an argument of how valuable he is to the Oilers; with him on the ice at even strength, the team has a +1 goal differential (56-55) and with him off the ice, they’re -19 (49-68). McDavid is a plus-1 despite the having an .894 save percentage behind him. Yes, he’s basically getting Chris Terreri circa 1988 goaltending and the team still has a positive goal differential with him on the ice. It’s absurd.
The second point of interest is John Gibson. January was a tough month for him, but the team would be absolutely nowhere close to a playoff spot without him. The Ducks have allowed the second-most high-danger chance at even strength this year, with only Chicago being worse. They’re allowing the fourth-most shot attempts as well. Anaheim is also the fourth-most penalized team. The Ducks are making Gibson’s life a living hell and he has them within striking distance of a wild card spot. If that’s not valuable, I don’t know what is.
  Norris Trophy
I covered my thoughts on the Norris Trophy race yesterday. It’s going to be filled with guys posting points on playoff teams. But let us not forget HOTSAM BATCHO.
  Selke Trophy
Centres are favoured over wingers but it’s hard to see Mark Stone not winning the Selke if he continues his current play. With Stone on the ice, the team allows nearly 12 fewer shot attempts compared to what they normally allow, which leads the league in this regard. Driving offence? Stone is second league-wide. It’s no surprise, then, that he’s running away in relative shot share league-wide. I know it seems like playing favourites for an exceptional player on a bad team but he’s almost always like this. He deserves, at the least, very strong consideration to win, with all due respect to both Patrice Bergeron and Aleksander Barkov.
  Jack Adams
It was a sentiment pointed out on Twitter (I forget by whom) and I agree: how does Claude Julien not get into the top-3 for the Jack Adams? Was there a single person expecting this team to be top-3 in the Atlantic, ahead of the Bruins, and one point behind the Leafs at the All-Star break? I was very pessimistic on this team, thinking they would, at best, be a bubble team. Instead, they’re a team that can make some noise in the postseason. Claude Julien deserves a lot of credit.
  What do you think about the awards, Dobber heads?
Yesterday I started a discussion on fantasy all-stars using the same format the NHL does. When you have very limited roster spots and need a player from every team, it’s not very easy. You can read that Ramblings here.  
A quick recap of the parameters:
Standard Yahoo! scoring.
Four rosters, one for each NHL division.
Each roster contains six forwards, three defencemen, and two goalies.
Each NHL team must be represented
  Today, we go west. We’ll talk about a player or two after.
  Central Division
F – Nathan MacKinnon (COL)
F – Mikko Rantanen (COL)
F – Gabriel Landeskog (COL)
F – Ryan O’Reilly (STL)
F – Patrick Kane (CHI)
F – Blake Wheeler (WPG)
D – Jared Spurgeon (MIN)
D – Roman Josi (NSH)
D – Tyson Barrie (COL)
G – Pekka Rinne (NSH)
G – Ben Bishop (DAL)
  There is no possible way to leave the Colorado top line off the roster. All of them. Currently, in standard Yahoo! leagues, in order listed above, they’re 1st, 4th, and 6th in fantasy value among skaters. All three are in the top-25 league-wide in scoring with Rantanen and MacKinnon both top-5 (including ties). No, you can’t leave them off any fantasy all-star roster.
Why add Tyson Barrie, then? Well, the Central has more flexibility than the other divisions because they have seven teams and not eight. He’s top-10 in fantasy value among blue liners and also top-10 in just points for defencemen.
  Ryan O’Reilly
I know people like to poke fun at the fact that ROR left the Avs for the Sabres, then left the Sabres for the Blues (traded in both instances but it seems well-known he didn’t want to be where he was), only for the Blues to have a bad season. It seems unfair to blame that on O’Reilly, though, considering the Blues have a 60 percent goal share with him on the ice this year at five-on-five, which is astounding for a non-playoff team. He’s top-20 among all forwards in the league in goal share relative to his team, and aside from depth names like Ryan Reaves or Colton Sissons, that leaderboard is littered with a who’s who of top-end players like Crosby, Seguin, Benn, Radulov, Rantanen, MacKinnon, Aho, Palmieri, Pettersson, Draisaitl, and Oshie. O’Reilly is an elite player, full stop.
F – Johnny Gaudreau (CGY)
F – Sean Monahan (CGY)
F – Elias Lindholm (CGY)
F – Elias Pettersson (VAN)
F – Clayton Keller (ARI)
F – Connor McDavid (EDM)
D – Drew Doughty (LAK)
D – Mark Giordano (CGY)
D – Brent Burns (SJS)
G – Marc-André Fleury (VGK)
G – John Gibson (ANA)
  With Calgary’s top line, we run into the same problem as Colorado, just to a slightly less severe extent. All three members of Calgary’s top line are in the top-20 fantasy-wise. Matthew Tkachuk is up there, too and could replace either Monahan or Lindholm if you wish.
Special shout out to Doughty and Keller for filling the requirements.
  Mark Giordano
I don’t think we are (and I use ‘we’ in reference to NHL fans) quite appreciating what Giordano is doing this season. He has 52 points this year. That’s the second-highest total of his career (56), and we just hit the All-Star break. Consider this:
  Since 2001, there have been six instances of a defenceman having at least 50 point through his team's first 50 games. Three of those six instances are this season (Burns, Gio, Rielly) https://t.co/ARrAe39sYT
— Michael Clifford (@SlimCliffy) January 24, 2019
  Pretty good!
More than that, Giordano is the oldest player to do it at the age of 35, in any era. The next-closest was Ray Bourque with 54 points in Boston’s first 50 games back in 1995-96 at age 34. This isn’t just a great season he’s having, it’s historic.
Just as a small aside, a lot of my writing over the last two years (well, like 20 months-ish) has been focused on defencemen. We started seeing the revolution from the blue line a few years ago and now it seems to be in full swing. Guys who can’t move the puck from the back end just don’t last in the league anymore. Not only is being able to make the first pass crucial, but knowing which first pass to make (to the boards, to the middle, back to your support, or a stretch pass) and jumping up in the rush are seemingly more important than ever. I’m going to take the weekend and pore over this a little more and come back with Tuesday’s Ramblings shining a bit of light on this development over the last four or five seasons.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-updates-on-oel-and-mackinnon-phwa-awards-all-star-game-january-25/
0 notes
jeweled-blue-eyes · 3 years
2/2!!! also YEAH i guess… he’s supposed to “””die””” (sorry i’m in denial too 😭 absent daddy ana can’t be dead ok) as to show claude’s authority and it should be ?symbolic? i guess?? and i don’t expect much from claude since he’s a tyrant and… lucas… who this chapter disappointed me too. he dismissed aeternitas so quickly 😔 and after so many chapters ahh. sorry! this looks like throwing a tantrum but i’m so… idk. 😔⚰️ and if ana really had to be out of the picture why not exile? or live under house arrest with his daughter visiting daily! and if he really had to die, i think a good excuse would be uhhh… “he was actually dead before so his body will naturally not last long so let him live his last days in peace” kind of plot :( but that’s just wishful thinking don’t mind me lmao knowing claude he’s not that kind :( there’s no way he would stage his brothers death and forgive him. the most merciful he’s been is having him executed at night when so ones watching in contrast to lp!athy being executed publicly 🔪
"there’s no way he would stage his brothers death and forgive him."
why not tho. One of Claude's biggest weaknesses is sentimentality.
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Penelope was present when Anastacius died. In fact she was so close that his blood splashed onto her face when Claude killed him. So close Claude could have just grabbed her. And yet he still let her go.
Penelope might have hurt him deeply, but she was also the first woman that showed him love. When she escaped, no guards were pursuing her. It seems to me like Claude didn't even try to find and punish her. He could have just gone down the list of relatives who would hide her or the people who would benefit the most from hiding her and he would have found a link between Rosalia and Duke Alpheus after observing them for a while.
Not only did he let her go, he kept her portrait and when Jennette introduced herself he took her in and let her believe she was his daughter, even though he knew she was the child of the woman who betrayed him and his tyrant brother who wanted him dead.(While part of his fondness of Jennette can be attributed to her dark magic, I believe similar to Athy and Diana, he saw part of Penelope in her and wanted to see how much they resembled each other.)
Even after everything she had done to him he still cared for her.
The same goes for Anastacius. Anastacius mocked Claude, humiliated him and alligiently tried to kill him over and over again*, Claude endured it (probably still clinging to the good image of Ana in his mind) and only turned against him when he was mentally pushed to the edge. After Claude killed Anastacius he moved into Ana's old room and he changed nothing except for the bed and the door. If I had to move into the room of the person I despised I would throw everything away, but Claude kept the furniture, kept the family paintings (even through he referred to his bloodline as "cursed"), he kept the decadent gold decorations which we know were so not to his taste. (side question why did he even move into Ana's room, he could have just picked one of the thousand rooms that the main palace had to offer.) And even 15 years after Ana's death a certain question still haunted him.
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 When Aeternitas/Anastacius apologized to Claude and blamed the evil spirit for manipulating him, he hit the nail on the head. He told Claude exactly what he wanted to hear. Claude was doubting the evilness of Anastacius' nature and wished for a reason to excuse him. Had Lucas not stopped Aeternitas’ attack, everyone might have died because Claude was too distracted by Anastacius' words, he wanted to believe in him.
I have an idea why Claude didn’t soften Anastacius’ sentence to exile or house arrest. He would’ve needed a good reason for the public alas he would have to reveal Aeternitas existence and risk outing Jennette as a chimera who was illegally created of black magic, which would have resulted in Jennette’s execution and not Anastacius. Anastacius took the fall to protect his daughter. But Claude will spare Anastacius because he still loves him (family love wins).
*(I don't believe this since the narrator claimed he killed Claude's mom which we know is incorrect, but I have no evidence to disprove this claim, so let's run with this for the sake of the theory. The “fact” is actually a sore spot for me since the author never elaborated on it.)
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Wild West Summer Series 2018: Anaheim
  Now that the season is officially under wraps it is time for our summer series. This series is intended to take a look at the teams in the Western Conference one by one. We will do a short recap of what took place, but the deep dive here will be into the players that helped make it so, for better or worse. We will be taking a look at a few players who out or underperformed their expectations and be considering whether this performance might just be the new normal.
  And now for the technical details. We will be using the Fantasy Hockey Geek tool to get a ranking that combines all of a player’s stats for the searched categories. Like for the previous series, the ranks are based on a 12 team, head-to-head league, using the categories of goals, assists, power play points, shots, hits and blocks for forwards/defensemen and wins, saves, save percentage and goals against average for goalies. The idea is to compare this ranking with an expected ranking based on the average draft positions from the start of the year. This process does not necessarily identify who was the most important player to each team but gives us not only an idea of who was a steal/bust on draft day, but where each player was valued going into this season. Player eligibility for this series is based on Yahoo, and draft ranks are based on average draft positions compiled from Yahoo, ESPN and CBS by FantasyPros.
  First up: Anaheim
Anaheim finished the season in second place in the Pacific behind the upstart Vegas Golden Knights. Their respectable 101 points put them fifth overall in the west. They finished the season strong with an 8-1-1 record over their final ten games before being unceremoniously chewed through by the San Jose Sharks in the first round of the playoffs. 
  Hampus Lindholm
Lindholm pulled down a rank of 175th overall given the above categories last year. He was certainly not drafted in that target area as he was taken with an average draft position of 277th.
  Now if we consider team and league size we are talking about a bubble player here (a 12 team league that rosters 16 players uses 192 players), someone who might be a fourth defenseman or a weekly/monthly streamer. Even so I wanted to take a look at the players who ranked around him, many of which were owned for most of the season in my leagues.
  Ryan McDonagh
Marc-Edouard Vlasic
Erik Johnson
Hampus Lindholm
Adam Larsson
Kris Russell
  Now we are certainly not talking about the cream of the offensive crop here, but many of these players provide solid peripheral numbers so are valuable pieces for a league that counts those categories. The above players have an average draft position of 227, compared to 277 from Lindholm, which certainly gives the value edge to Lindholm. But before we go too far down this path let’s take a look at what his stat line actually looks like.
  Games Played
Points/ Game
PPlay Points
  A couple of things jump out to me immediately. I see a reduced number of games played, a decent amount of shots and a 10% shooting percentage? His point total won’t blow anyone away, but he does also add a decent number of hits.
  If we look back a career numbers part of this year’s jump in value is explained. Lindholm saw career highs in goals and his second most productive season in total points, shots, hits, power play points and blocks. Unfortunately the increases in point production also came with a likely unsustainable high in shooting percentage, and IPP (the percentage of goals scored while he on the ice that he gets a point on). If we adjust Lindholm back to his three year average shooting percentage (closer to 7%) he drops four of his thirteen goals.
  One hope might be that another reason for this increase modest increase in scoring was due to an increase and time on ice and power play time, but unfortunately that is not the case. His power play time on ice was down for the third consecutive year. Anaheim still has a enough defensmen on the blue line at the moment to battle Lindholm for time, and the power play duties seem to be going to Brandon Montour.
  Overall I see a relatively modest, but still potentially unsustainable increase in offensive production. His peripheral stats are fine, but frankly not amazing, so while I think he may be more valuable than his average draft position indicates if we are taking peripherals into consideration, I have a hard time seeing him increasing his value next year without significant gains in ice time, preferably power play time. Best case he keeps up the peripheral categories, but suffers a slight drop in offensive stats.
  Rickard Rakell
Rakell is next on our Undervalued list with an overall rank of 60. He represents a player who is and has been much more valuable in fantasy than Lindholm. For reference, he compares very well in these categories to some ostensibly more established names.
  Mikko Rantanen
Brayden Schenn
Rickard Rakell
Artemi Panarin
Alexander Radulov
  Of this group Mikko Rantanen definitely had the greatest overall value, since he was drafted very late, if at all, in leagues, but Rakell’s average draft position of 89 oddly lines up well with other players in this group like Brayden Schenn and Alexander Radulov who also could potentially also be featured in the Undervalued section their respective teams.
  Rakell had a very successful season, and it is definitely worth digging into a few of the numbers.
  Games Played
Points/ Game
PPlay Points
  Rakell saw career highs in goals, assists, points, points per game, shots, and power play points. He also posted his second highest hit total. Unlike with Lindholm though there is a lot to like about his season. Rakell has seen steady growth in goals, points, shots, and power play points for the last four seasons. This season he increased his goal totals not because of an increased shooting percentage which, while still slightly high, is down from last year, but because he increased his shot volume, and because his 77 games is the most he has played in his career. His career high in power play points also correlates well with a career high in power play time on ice.
  Frequent deployment with Ryan Getzlaf certainly has played a role in Rakell’s emergence over the last couple of seasons, and that might actually be one of the only slight knocks on Rakell. This year 85% of Rakells points came with Getzlaf on the ice and as Getzlaf ages, potentially declines, is injured, or if Patrick Eaves returns to that spot, it is unclear what that might mean for Rakell.
  Overall though Rakell had an excellent season, and I do not see a reason why he should not be able to do something at least similar again and really 70+ points doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility so we may want to adjust our draft strategy accordingly.
  Corey Perry
Perry leads our list of disappointments. He was drafted a pretty astonishing 65th overall considering how there have been some warning signs and declines over the last few seasons. For some player references, check out the players who ended up ranked around him.
  Jakob Silfverberg
Justin Abdelkader
Corey Perry
Colton Sissons
Elias Lindholm
  Of the four players here two were not drafted and the average draft position of the remaining players is right around 170. If you drafted Corey Perry 65th overall you did not get your money’s worth.
    Games Played
Points/ Game
PPlay Points
  Goals, points, shots and power play points all have declined for three straight years. In fact the only season since 2007-08 where Perry had fewer points was the lockout shortened season, where he played 44 games. The worse news is that Perry barely lost any power play time from the last two years and still saw 43% of his even strength shifts with Getzlaf and Rakell who both had excellent years.
  To me this one is fairly simple. Perry is 33, and is seeing declines across the board even while maintaining decent deployment. Could he surprise us like Claude Giroux did this year? I suppose it is possible, but I certainly am not betting on it.
  Ryan Kesler and Patrick Eaves
I put Kesler and Eaves together for this one, as they were by far the most disappointing players on Anaheim this year, for largely the same reason, injuries.
  Kesler (overall rank of 558) did actually come back and get to play 44 games, but they certainly were not the type of games we had come to expect from him for the last several years. He managed to keep up a similar pace on hits and blocks, but his point totals plummeted.
  Games Played
Points/ Game
PPlay Points
  He spent the majority of his ice time with Andrew Cogliano and Jakob Silfverberg, but the magic that seemed to spur that group along last year was not at all in evidence this year. Kesler is also 33 soon to be 34, and there is a significant concern that his age, and injuries are catching up him. When you consider he was drafted 123rd overall he definitely burned his owners, and makes for a significant gamble next year. I for one will likely let someone else take the risk.
  Patrick Eaves had high expectations after a great 2016-17 with Anaheim. He played only two games this year, so any data is essentially a wash. In the 2016-17 season he had the plum spot of playing with Getzlaf and Perry and had a career year. This year it was Rakell, who managed the same. Eaves may be available at a bit of a discount this year, because of the injury, but as he only has one season where he was able to put together more than 55 games, and only one season that topped a .6 point per game pace, and he has an emergent Rakell to compete with for that spot, the discount certainly comes with a risk.
    Thanks for reading
  Next week: Arizona
  from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/the-wild-west/wild-west-summer-series-2018-anaheim/
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