#and the reaction was... mrrrgh
vibingforjudaism · 6 months
I need a therapist who I can argue with and who will give me jewish advice ....a rabbi. I need a rabbi
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okay, monster!au characters reaction to Yuu(s) having hiccups. Like the high pitch squeaky toy type of hiccup. I feel like it would be seen as cute to concerning by everyone depending on how long they last.
Hiccups can be extremely annoying to the one experiencing them (and sometimes be painful), but highly entertaining to observers! 😆 I remember at one point that my nephew had a little trick to get someone to stop having the hiccups by asking them a completely random question, like, “What did you say about [insert random thing]?” and the sheer confusion and attempt to clarify what was going on would end up stopping the hiccups!
The trick kinda loses its effectiveness when you use the same phrase over and over again though, so shaking it up a little might work!
Anyway, it’s not uncommon for animals to get the hiccups either, though the pitch and duration will vary. As such, most monster species experiencing them tend to be less vocal than us humans. Now imagine that Yuu gets these high-pitched hiccups in the middle of class one day. >v>
Yuu: *stirring their cauldron in potionology* “How’re the ingredients coming along, Grim?”
Grim: “Mrrrgh…this is too tedious. Why can’t I stir and you prepare the ingredients?”
Yuu: “Because the last time we tried that, you slipped on the book pile and fell in. We had to start all over again!”
Grim: “Okay, okay, sheesh! What do we need first?”
Yuu: “First, we need…three grams of wild chicory.” *takes dish and pours contents into the cauldron* “Next, we need a—[hic!]”
Grim: “Need a what?”
Yuu: “We need a—[hic!]”
Grim: “Eh?”
Yuu: *getting frustrated* “Pass me the—[hic!]—the—[hic!]—oh for the love of—[HIC!!]—ow!”
Grim: “Fygah?!”
Deuce: “What was that?? Are you okay?!”
Yuu: “What? You mean the hi—[hic!]—ccups?”
Ace: “That’s what human hiccups sound like?”
Crewel: *stalks over* “Why are you pups yapping instead of working?”
Grim: “Yuu has the hiccups!”
Crewel: “Hiccups?”
Deuce: “They sound so…squeaky.”
Yuu: “[HIC!!!] Ow!”
Crewel: *looking concerned* “Do you need to go to the nurse?”
Yuu: “I’m fine, really! They’ll—[hic!]—go away eventual—[hic!]—ly.”
///Two hours later in Magical History///
Yuu: “Ugh…I hate thi—[hic!]—is!”
Ace: “Dude, how long are hiccups supposed to last for humans?”
Yuu: “It var—[hic!]—ies. Ow…”
Ace: *ears twitch* “Are…you okay? That sounded like it hurt.”
Yuu: “Yeah, like I said, it hap—[hic!]—pens. Never had them last thi—[hic!]—is long tho—[hic!]—ugh.”
*Trein continues teaching the class, Yuu’s hiccups getting progressively more frequent as they try to stifle it. They try everything they can, from holding their breath to taking slow sips of water, but they end up getting more and more embarrassed as students stare at them and Trein gives them a concerned and annoyed look at the same time*
Yuu: “Can this g—[hic!]—et any—[hic!]—worse…?”
Crowley: *drops in out of nowhere* “Pop quiz!”
All except Trein: “Gah!?”
Yuu: “………”
Deuce: “…Yuu, your hiccups are gone!”
Yuu: “They are?” *pauses* “They are! Thank you, headmaster!”
Crowley: “Hm? Oh, well, you’re welcome, Yuu!”
Trein: “You have no idea why they’re even thanking you, do you?”
Crowley: “The fact that a student thanked me in the first place is more than enough to know I’m doing my job right, Mozus.”
Ace: “Wait, so you mean that humans scare each other to get rid of hiccups?”
Yuu: “Yeah, that’s why when the headmaster jumped in like he did, I got surprised and the hiccups went away.”
Deuce: “How does that even work?”
Yuu: “I……don’t really know. But it can be effective, if a little bad for the heart at tim-”
???: “Screeeeeeaaaah-!!”
Yuu: *looks up as a large shadow charges at them* “AAAAAAAA-!!!”
Ace: “Gyah! Floyd? What the heck, what’d you do that for?!”
Floyd: *holding Yuu in his arms* “Hahaha! Why not? Lil’ Shrimpy has the funniest reactions when Seagull does the same thing.”
Yuu: *looking panicked and horrified* “[Hic! Hic! Hic! Hic! Hic! Hic! Hic! Hic!!]”
Floyd: “Eh? Why’s Shrimpy making that sound?”
Ace: “Ugh…and we just got the hiccups to stop.”
Grim: “Wait, I thought scaring humans got rid of them, but scaring them can cause them too??”
Yuu: “Just—[hic!]—get me—[hic!]—some wat—[hic!]—er!”
And there we have it! The good news is that Yuu will definitely have plenty of help getting rid of the next round of hiccups. The bad news is that it may not be so good for their heart with how terrifying some of the monster boys can be. 🤣
By the way, the last part was inspired by the last strip of a Calvin and Hobbes comic where Calvin had the hiccups, and was trying all sorts of tricks to get rid of them. Believe me, it was a tossup between Floyd and Rook in terms of who was going to pull that stunt at the end!
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