#anon (deragotory)
sortagaysortahigh · 2 years
you said in the same ask that you dont kink shame then said that dark content is fucked up? sounds contradictory to me
I’m gonna assume you’re referring to this ask that i sent Frankie. It’s not a contradictory statement because I’m not kink shaming you for being into noncon, dubcon, step-cest or whatever else that falls under dark fic content. I’m saying its incredibly fucked up to post dark content without tagging it as EXACTLY WHAT IT IS, and I’m gonna say that it is fucked up to write non con smut and not explicitly state that it’s non con because as a r*pe survivor if im reading a fic and expecting some enemies to lovers consensual hate fucking and it starts as a r*pe I’m going to be incredibly triggered because of my personal trauma. Which is exactly what happens to other people when they consume dark content without knowing that it is dark content.
The entire purpose of that ask was to state its an issue when people write dark fics in fandoms predominantly made up of minors and do not explicitly tag/warn what theyre writing before the fic starts. Minors are heavily impressionable and their perceptions of healthy sex are directlt impacted by the content they consume. Their expectations are skewed and shifted, what they think is “right” or “wrong” is skewed as well.
We can all say minors DNI but once again its virtually impossible to be 110% positive minors arent consuming your content, so you should be properly tagging and writing out whats in your fucking fic and labeling it as what it is, instead of labeling r*pe as CNC, which is the prime example I used in that ask to Franks. It’s important to call shit what it is ESPECIALLY when it refers to sex because you saying your violent ass r*pe fantasy is CNC directly mislabels what CNC is. Just as step cest should be labeled as step cest bc its still a form of inc*st, and it’s still morally wrong and illegal.
The content you consume impacts your perception of reality, it’s a simple fact and as fic writers-dark or not-we need to do a better job at tagging, labeling, and warning about the shit within our fics. Alongside that staying as vigilant as we can surrounding interacting with minors.
Dont send me no more dumbass asks cause I’ll block you. Ive said my piece and if you want to have a convo about it you can interact w me via YOUR ACTUAL BLOG.
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spacedykez · 2 years
hello pacificseaotter mutuals. i have been seeing mutual awards forms on my dash but from people i am not mutuals with. so i cannot participate. therefore i am proposing my own. below is a list of categories i think could be funny. please offer feedback & further suggestions. i doubt i will be using all of these.
-most likely to infect everyone with the fungus -the Famous™️ mutual -little sibling coded -oldest sibling coded -vampire (holy shit please sleep) -queutual -most insane (fight) -the mutual that will put hot men on your dash -token X mutual (allo, allustic, cis) -otterverse georg (avg pacificseaotter mutual plays 100 anons. actually statistical error otterverse [NAME] who plays [#] anons is an outlier and should not have been counted) -most normal (deragotory /lh) -most likely to actually be Responsible -adhd™️ -autism™️ -least likely to be trusted to pick music -most likely to be trusted to pick music -nicest mutual -oldest (in vibes) -most intimidating -most likely to spam your dash with one post
yes some of these were written with a few specific mutuals in mind but we can still fight /lh over them
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cicadalovebug · 2 years
Rocky Horror, the Evil Dead, Fright Night?
Rocky Horror Picture Show: Fishnets or thigh highs? On you or a partner?
Both!! But I'm partial to thigh highs and garters, but on partners? I'd be happy to see either
The Evil Dead: What’s something you fantasize about that you’d never actually act on?
Probably my priest/nun fantasies in real life 😔
It is incredibly ego boosting though to imagine making a man of the cloth need me so carnally though 😊
Fright Night: Have you ever used random objects to masturbate with? If so, what were they?
I remember bein super desperate while traveling once and using a pen, hmm the classic hair brush, and i think that's it really, not to exciting there
Sorry for the super late response anon!! Life kinda went nasty style (deragotory) on me
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frostfireft · 3 years
heyyyyyy it's the gender anon again. I love the gender headcanons for the pink haired characters!! do you have any headcanons for the other dragon slayers??? uwu owo
You actually enjoyed my incoherent babble? Thank you <3 and of course I have stuff for the dragon slayers. (I’m gonna copy past Natsu’s at the bottom for anyone who doesn’t wanna find the pink haired character post)
 Starting this with the dragons don't have a genderbinary and think the whole concept is stupid so there was no pressure on any of them to be anything as kids. (except Laxus and Erik who grew up with humans)
Thought he was a cis guy for a long time because of his spermdonor's pressuring. He's a demiboy though, they/he. He doesn't like being called feminine as a descriptor at first, because people usually say it as feminine(deragotory), but that changes a bit as he gets older. he likes a lot of traditionally "feminine" things (painting nails, skirts, jewlery, thigh high socks (he thinks they're very comfortable) but he likes doing them in a very nb way if you know what I mean by that. (skirts+flannels type of deal)
Nonbinary, but he's never really been particular about it. He doesn't really lean one way or another. uses he/him and they/them equally. Has worn acrylics once. He liked them but damn do they get in the way. eyeliner sharp enough to cut you and smudged at the bottom. flannel shirt tied around the waste and tanktop underneath type of energy. Likes heels. He's already tall but platforms are fun. would chop wood in heels. Would bench press you in those same heels.
demigirl, they/she. Loves being feminine and cute because it means no one is expecting it when she hits like a truck. Kitten pumps that have false bottoms with poisons inside type energy.(she got the poisons from Erik and she can heal all of them if people cooperate) can't stand having her nails painted. she bites the polish off. does her makeup to look more masculine sometimes so she can be feminine in the way that guys are feminine.
Genderfluid, They/them is always fine but sometimes he likes she/her or he/him too. You can tell by the way he does his hair every day if he has a preference. Sometimes she does intricate updos or just adds a bandana to hold it back. those are the days she feels the most feminine. sHe wears shinier piercings and does fancy things with her eyeliner. The days he leaves his hair just slicked back or all over the place are the days when he feels most masculine. Larger piercings, more symmetry to how they look, and thinner eyeliner.  He doesn't change much else about his appearance because he doesn't feel that he needs to be hyper feminine or hyper masculine to be himself.
nonbinary He'll fight you if you call him a man.All pronouns are fine, but they/them is prefered. His fashion is chaotic so as to confuse nosey people who want to know what binary gender they are as if there's only two. platforms and mesh croptops energy. Obnoxiously bright makeup and glitter as often as possible. Lip colors that no one ever uses. clothing colors as bright as he can make them.
Nonbinary , but like the oposite to Sting. They/them and he/him Dark colors and goth looks, and not like the subtle goth looks either. Black contour and small pops of deep colors like crimson or navy. black demonia platforms with lots of buckles and black skinny jeans to match. massive decorative eyeliner and chokers with his pronouns on them. crimson and black corset over a band tshirt energy. One stripe of his hair is always temporarily dyed and braided in type energy. 
Natsu Dragneel: 
Genderqueer, All pronouns, he/she/they/it/neopronouns, doesn't matter. Gender is a spectrum and they're the whole fucking thing all at once. Feral energy. non-symmetrical clothing, but all matching colors. Feminine in the way guys are feminine and masculine in the way girls are masculine all at the same time. Long hair with an undercut and braids vibe. Skirts and thigh highs and doing ballet in black platform boots vibe. Would also kick your ass in the same outfit. Somehow graceful while causing utter chaos.
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popnkinnie · 4 years
I don't understand why people call childfree people harsh/selfish/narcissistic/biologically broken/child hating/unnatural when there are a shitton of parents who abuse children and foster homes are overflowing with children. People will bitch all day about someone saying something mean on r/childfree while turning a blind eye to the mom who screams deragotory things at her daughter for not being perfect enough. Who cares if cf people think babies are gross, do something about actual abuse?
This anon is a mess and feels like bait. I'll just say saying you hate children or want to hurt babies for crying bc they somehow inconvenience you makes you an asshole and a bigot.
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sapphicsugden · 7 years
Do your surroundings or your family know you're asexual and what is their attitude towards it? I'm considering having a talk with a friend but from comments alone I'm not sure she'll understand at all.
my best friend ( @beyondthebridge ) is actually asexual as well, so she understands. 
my family is quite large (i have four brothers and a sister) and only two of my siblings know, as well as my mum. my mum.... tries to understand, but sometimes she wonders aloud whether my sexual assault is the reason for me “not liking sex”. no matter how many times i try and explain it to her, i don’t think she’ll ever accept that it doesn’t. however. i definitely think she’s trying? she doesn’t press me like she used to about kids, and she definitely doesn’t ask about my sex/love life, which i appreciate. 
my older brother (a) and i have way more issues than just the asexuality, but he definitely doesn’t get it and i think it bothers me more because he’s part of the lgbtqa+ community and i hoped that would help, but alas. 
the other brother (r) that knows has accepted it and is probably the only one in the “whatever you are is great with me” and doesn’t plague me with questions and deragotory comments. 
i know this probably isn’t helping you, anon, but it can be incredibly difficult finding people (in rl) who understand and accept and let you be. 
that said, my brother (r) actually went on to the AVEN website and asked me questions. he was quite happy to learn about asexuality so that he didn’t say anything he shouldn’t, and that he wasn’t overly sure what it meant. 
that meant more to me than anything else, so i want you to know that it can happen. i hope you do tell your friend and that it goes okay. i’m here if you need me
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quietmonologues · 6 years
I think for toxic/unhealthy ships between consenting partners, criticism should not include out right attacking a person though and I have seen a lot of that. Explaining why something is problematic is one thing, calling someone deragotory terms is not productive and ultimately not worth your time if you have to get to that point, then you "ship and let ship" and block and mute.
I want to add that I think shipping and fic can be different. Actively shipping is one thing, but an author who writes something toxic is entitled to write whatever they want and it doesn’t mean they idealize or ship what they write.
(I’m not sure if these 2 asks are from the same person, but I’m just gonna group them together)
It took me awhile to understand what you meant by “consenting” partners oops. You meant ships between adults right? In that case yeah, don’t send anon hate or directly attack them, but of course that relationship is still open for criticism. HOWEVER, if it’s between a child and an adult, then….yeah, call them out for sure, because that’s beyond wrong and gross.
As for the second part…I’m a bit iffy on that? I’m not a fic writer so my point of view might not be the best one to seek out. Fic basically takes some elements from canon and reworks them right? So It depends? If you’re re-working a ship to be unhealthy/abusive when in canon, IT ISN’T (like if you made Marper an abusive relationship….for some reason ???????) then I don’t think that’s cool and I’m not sure why anyone would do that (I’ve seen this before with a certain ship). If you’re adding new, random characters that aren’t in the canon, and portray that relationship to be unhealthy then….sure? I guess? It’s just important that the writer doesn’t romanticize that. But again, I’m not a fic writer so I don’t know if my opinion is valid or makes sense
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sortagaysortahigh · 2 years
empty out ur inbox girly 🙏🏽 jk take ur time and do whatever feels right hope you’re doing well. i have a party tmrw and am currently doing self care in preparation, love being a girl
🤨🤨🤨 idk man that “jk take ur time” doesnt sit right w me, if youve sent me extra long asks im not answering them for a while which is me just being honest snd transparent, i have a ton of long asks that i havent answered yet nor do i plan on getting to them anytime soon bc ive got other tjings going on. I log into this hellsite to shit post for like 10 minutes or read a fic before i go to bed bc i need a bedtime story. Yall send me asks like this in a “joking” tone but it just comes off as passive aggressive and i dont rock w that. If you dont like that i havent answered an ask then you can simply get over it and acknowledge the fact that im a real person w a real life and real shit to do instead of sending shit like this.
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