#anti pluralits
abucalico · 10 months
" Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa " bukanlah Makna Tauhid dalam Islam • Ustadz Abu Mas'ud Su'udi
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ramrodd · 2 years
Who was in charge of the January 6th insurrection?
Well, it’s been coming on since William F. Buckley issued his anti-Eisenhower political manifesto, The Sharon Statement in 1960 and organized the Young Americans for Freedom, The essential difference between the YAF and the John Birch Society is better table manners, but they have been engaged in a three generation insurgency against the New Deal, Eisenhower’s 1956 Presidential Platoform and the Nixon-Moynihan process to transform the Military Industrial Complex to the Aerospace-Entrepreneurial Matrix made possible by Apollo 11,
If either Carter or GHW bush had been re-elected, we would have put a Trump Tower on the moon by 2001, but Reaganomics stopped it cold, Everything after 2001 has been opportunity costs from the obstruction of the Radical Republicans.
So, January 6 was the result of the collective efforts of Conservative libertarians to double down on the Military Industrial Complex and to dismantle the New Deal as an exercise in pure power domination. Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged is a template for the insurgency behind January 6 and John Galt is a domestic terrorist engaged in Steve Bannon and Newt Gingrich’s agenda to dismantle the administrative state and to engineer the disintegration of America’s pluralitic society in order to replace it with a white supremacy culture based on South Africa’s late Aparteid.
Sp, it’s a little bit difficult to narrow down the actual leadership of the January 6 riots, but you can start with Steve Bannon and Newt Gingrich as prime movers.
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abucalico · 10 months
Asy-Syaikh Bin Baz rahimahullah berujar :
Diantara aspek-aspek yang menunjukkan batal atau sia-sianya seruan nasionalisme Arab ialah : Sesungguhnya seruan kepada nasionalisme Arab dan persatuan disekitar bendera nasionalisme Arab akan menghantarkan masyarakat harus menolak Al-Qur'an. Karena kaum nasionalis yang bukan kaum muslimin, tidak akan pernah ridha berhukum dengan Al-Qur'an.
Hal ini mengharuskan para pembesar nasionalisme tersebut membuat hukum-hukum buatan manusia yang menyelisihi hukum Al-Qur'an. Agar masyarakat setara dalam hukum-hukum tersebut. Banyak dari kalangan mereka (kaum nasionalis) telah menyatakan hal tersebut dengan gamblang (dalam penentuan hukum selain Al-Qur'an). Maka ini jelas kerusakan yang besar, kekufuran yang jelas dan kemurtaddan yang nyata.
-Subulus salam hal. 109-
Oleh : Al-Ustadz Al-Fadhil Abu Hanifah Jandriadi Yasin حفظه الله
Tanggal : 17 Mei 2019
Sumber : https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=686814121772569&id=100013319622062&mibextid=Nif5oz
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