#anyway here he is!!! my scrunkly scrimblo. my little meow meow. my princess and my wife
ruvviks · 2 years
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when you're born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire (but it's not) || [x]
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t4t-lumpygrab · 2 years
4 the ask meme, ebby deeby, skrunkly, poor little meow meow, and scrimblo bimblo :) :) for either Star Trek or adventure time Or a mix of both ur choice :)
Thank yoouu for the ask game!!! :D and wooo star trek! I am being encouraged.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Um. lemongrab 1 and 3, for oppressing the lemon people. Lemongrab 3 can come back home after being in superhell for a bit and reflecting on his mistakes and the nature of feudalist society but Lemongrab 1 is taking up permanent residence. 
And I’m sending Dr Mora (scientist who abused Odo) as well as Dr Maddox (guy who tried to get Data’s rights taken away so he could take him apart) and Lore (Sorry Michael I know they’re ur fave but. They did kill and torture a lot of people and the scene where they beat Data up bc they have an lg1 lg2 sibling dynamic really upsets me) as well as Gul Dukat directly to super hell forever. Gul Dukat thankfully does canonically get trapped in a fire inferno so. Feminism won this time.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
The lil lemon people that carry lg3 around in the mountain. I wish they were unionised. Anyway they’re so shaped :) also everyone loves lemonlamb but no love for lemonsnail? Or the lil centipede? We live in a society. 
And Nog for star trek :) We LOVE Nog. If you don’t love Nog, you are wrong yes you do.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
LSP!!! The p in lsp stands for poor little meow meow. Top ten girls who will bully you but then spend 20 minutes crying and staring at their reflection dead eyed bc they tried to parallel park 16 times and failed miserably each time. She’s like if the “imagine if a guy said this is for you before shooting a basketball hoop, and then missed” meme was a bi girl. @slap-my-hand drew her as a warrior cats kid biting a stick and to me this is lsp cannon. She’s a princess and she has the most overpowered magic in the entire cast and literally saved the fucking world but no body makes a big deal about it because she posts cringe anime edits on instagram. She canonically has tumblrina taste in men, every post I see that’s like “he’s my scrunkly I want to microwave him I want to feed him ibuprofen out of my palm” - that’s just her thought process watching Lemongrab get a concussion on their first date bc he tried to leave after getting jumpscared by picnic food. She’s like if that gif of a kitten failing to drink milk was a 20 year old beauty college drop out. 
Star Trek Poor little meow meow is Odo deep space nine. Yes he is a little bit fucked up and he has some INTERESTING writing decisions about him. But. The episode where he gets a baby changeling and is so excited and happy and promises it he’ll never hurt it the way he was (Odo was experimented on as a child by scientists who didn’t realise he was a sentient lifeform and didn’t care much after they realised he was in fact a person) hurts me. Odo is one of those characters who should be agender or genderfluid or be allowed to play around with gender a lil bit at least!! Odo is a shapeshifter who’s assigned male bc male is the default but has no sex organs or anything, and how this would influence his feelings about his identity gender and sexuality wise is not explored. So Odo has a gender identity crisis episode I would like to see it I want it on my desk by tomorrow morning. Like I am a trans guy… I want to see the pile of sentient goo go through a period of introspection before deciding it does in fact still identify as a man (sometimes maybe). People who draw Odo in dresses you get it. 
(Warning. I began to rant here. cw abuse.)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Also LSP. But also Lemonhope and Lemongrab 2. Lemonhope is NOT evil fuck everyone who says this! First off, he’s 7 years old and has been violently abused his entire life by his own parents, of course he struggles to adjust to life in the candy kingdom and doesn’t want to go back to the place he was regularly beaten and humiliated by his father in. Secondly, it’s never established if pb knows that harp music can kill lemongrab and she never tells Lemonhope how he’s supposed to help his people. So either she a) doesn’t know that harp music will kill lg1 which means she sent a fucking child to fight a violent, abusive man 5 times his size who has already been violent towards him his entire life thinking Lemonhope was completely defenceless, or b) she knows that harp music will kill lemongrab, in which case she made lemonhope kill his own fucking parents! And his unwillingness to go through with it and attempts to run away are COMEPLETELY understandable!! He’s not a bad person omg T_T he’s like 5 leave him the fuck alone. I don’t trust people who think Lemonhope is annoying or a bastard or a bad, irredeemably selfish character and neither should you! 
And Lg2 is just. I don’t know where all these terrible takes on their character came from but I suspect it was the incest shippers and diehard lg1 fans trying to either make their ship seem non-abusive by making out that lg2 was ‘raised with love’ and that their dynamic was fine before the cannibalism happened, or that lg1 was actually the one who really suffered bc his mother never loved him boo hoo that created this weird fannon interpretation that does not fit with how the actual character is at all? 
Lg2 was literally abandoned to be tortured and killed by pb, and she never intervened in their abuse or even acknowledged what was happening to them, so so much for preferential treatment over their brother. At least pb acknowledged that lemongrab 1 was a person with his own inner life and not just an extension of someone else. And lg2 was created to be lg1’s companion with no free will to determine their life for themselves, forced to keep a violent and abusive man company. Even without physical abuse that is not a healthy dynamic! At all! They’re literally created to be his fucking servant! Lemongrab 2 is starving and emaciated and going along with lg1’s unstable behaviour in the second episode they appear (all your fault) how tf people thought this was all cute and fine is beyond me. Also I don’t like when people make ‘non abusive’ aus where they only remove the cannibalism bc like. The reason lg1 was abusive is bc lg2 technically exists for him, and pb and him both view lg2 as a tool to keep lg1 happy, rather than their own person. This is how candy society is structured, with people being created for a specific function even if that function is incredibly cruel - like p-bot being created to be Bracko’s wife (I spelled his name wrong prolly but eh), it’s a fundamental feature of the inherently abusive systems that exist in the candy kingdom, which rely on strict conformity to social roles. You cannot make a ‘non-abusive’ au because lg2’s entire reason for existing is a form of dehumanisation and abuse. The cannibalism is just the way lg2 is already treated as a subjugated class in candy society taken to its logical, extreme conclusion. And also how people look at their character arc, which is all about them asserting their personhood in the face of the people and system that have never respected them as an individual in order to spare their children from the same life of perpetual abuse, and go “story about an abuse victim learning to assert their personhood even if it kills them? That sucks! [removes their entire character arc and makes them lg1’s companion and nothing else]  Fixed it!” and think they improved on the story is beyond me. Like I’m sorry but you made it worse actually. You fucked up a character arc that had potential to be emotionally powerful and send a good message about abusive systems in the world is what you did. 
This turned into a rant but like, I hate the lemongrab fandom so much sometimes it’s unreal </3 
And um. Star trek scrimblo is Tuvok from Voyager <3 there are only a handful of dedicated Tuvok fans BUT… we get it. Also Beckett Mariner from Lower Decks. Bisexual women <3 you agree. Reblog.
Thank you for the ask!!! :D
ask game
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bisaster-energy · 2 years
merlin and/or mcu for the blorbification list <3
Hi nemy !!! I'm gonna do Merlin and then later I'll probably post a whole separate one for MCU (god that'll be a long post)
Blorbo: oh Merlin my Merlin :) from boy to man shouldering the responsibility of all of Albion without so much as a thank you I kiss him goodnight in my head. Everyone who's anyone loves at least a little bit (even if they hate him) it's just how it works!! A god amongst men living like a servant. Insane. Magical entities speak directly to his brain and he just has to pretend to be Some Guy visiting nobles feel like their world has turned upside down when they see him tell a joke that makes the king guffaw. The other servants swoon when they see him. He looks out of his window in the dark of night looking to the stars like they'll answer "why" or "how" or even "what for". I could talk about him until it kills me
Scrunkly: Gwen!! She's everything to me ooohh my god. She's so lovely and also will stab you. She's awkward as hell and is constantly putting her foot in her mouth but it's so endearing. She steals the hearts of so many! The king of Camelot could be out for blood she'd be like "Arthur" and he'd be like "yes darling :)" like she has him and everybody else absolutely whipped. Do not let her and Merlin gang up on you they'd be unstoppable 😩 she's the queen of Camelot and she's perfect in the sense that she's not
Scrimblo bimblo: elyan without a doubt. No one wears a hoodie like him 🥰 he's small he's ace and he's here to fuck shit up. his sister is the queen loser watch your kneecaps cos if he catches u talking shit it's over. Percival carries him around sometimes :) he verbally destroys the knights (specifically gwaine) at any point in time just for kicks! He's also very soft and kind (don't get me started on the ghost of the druid boy I'll cry) anyway wdym he's dead he's right here putting the racist who challenged him in a duel to shame
Glup shitto: GWAINE the absolute madlad!! He probably doesn't count as obscure but he should've been in the show more!! Every time he's on screen I'm like "THERE HE IS!! THE BOY! what atrocities will he commit :)" from the first time we met him we were as enamored with him as Merlin was. Mans was in the middle of a bar fight and stopped to flirt with the Twink with the cheekbones and honestly that's on code. He's noble and hates it but he'd go riding into hell for the prattiest one of all because Merlin is the love of his life and he'd want him to. Merlin his first friend who'd never tire of him never ask him to change loves him just the way he is. Merlin braids his hair Merlin berates him while tending to his wounds Merlin is everything to him. But he also found friends in circles he doubted he ever would before coming to Camelot. Him shooting the shit with knights who woulda thought. He calls the crown prince Princess and I love him I love him
Poor little meow meow: somehow Arthur goes right here. Idk why but he gets a lot of hate but I love him he doesn't deserve it 🥺 he treats Merlin like shit even after he's had character development that should've CHANGED THAT so I DO metaphorically pinch his arm on occasion. Maybe if we had a spritz bottle for when he's being nasty :) anyways he's pathetic he always listens to his father but it's never enough he fell in love with two servants who are too good for him and his self worth is based entirely on other people. He's a bisexual dumbass who's closest knights are all really hot guys. hm. He's done a lot of bad things but he's also so so good the future if his kingdom rests with him and in his eyes it's his burden alone to bear and I think a blanket and some hot chocolate would do him good!!
Horse plinko: Leon my beloved <3 aptly named the long suffering because the pain never stops!! From "poetry lessons" to straight up not being able to die this man has had it rough and I'm only gonna make it worse. I love him but I love him more while he's contemplating yeeting himself onto a sword. the knights (AND THE KING) fall asleep during his speeches. He's the actual mom of the group and don't let Lancelot fool you into thinking he's some how more nature than the rest of these assholes (to be fair Leon has his moments of mischief as well 😌)
Eeby deeby:
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I hate him your honor.
Tysm for the ask nemy!!!!
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pumpkaaboo · 2 years
For the fandom ask: Princess Tutu
disclaimer that i'm only about halfway through this show so my opinions on the characters are liable to change!
blorbo: RUE RUE RUE RUE RUE oh my god rue's just so. like what happened to her. she's perfectly fine dating mytho even though she knows he has no emotions. but the instant he shows her genuine affection she's terrified and runs away. rue get therapy challenge. also her and ahiru's friendship/"friendship" is so sweet genuinely. but given what's been happening these past few episodes i am... concerned about her. just let her be okay please.
scrunkly: i mean. ahiru. bro she is just a duck. she is just a duck who is full of love and compassion for everyone around her and is just willing to listen and sit with someone who's hurting and not dismiss their problems but gently lead them toward a healthier outlook. though she does have some worrying self-esteem issues. ahiru also get therapy challenge.
scrimblo bimblo: honestly probably mytho himself. what little i've seen of the fandom hasn't seemed to have much interest in his character, but just the metaphor for slow and nonlinear recovery, regaining his memories one at a time and at first it's just the painful ones but then he decides it'll be worth it in the end and tells tutu to keep bringing back his emotions... also like. the way how even with the author dead, even having escaped the story, mytho as The Prince still fought the raven, still felt it necessary to shatter his own heart to seal it away. idk whether my interpretation of that is right, exactly, but it's sad. he was free from his fate, yet followed it anyway.
glup shitto: THE LAMP i was sooooo happy when i saw that ahiru had kept the lamp with her and was using it... she just wants to provide warmth for people... she's just a lamp guys. i love her.
poor little meow meow: ......honestly i don't feel like i'm allowed to say anything other than fakir, here.
eeby deeby: does drosselmeyer count if he seems to already be in some form of hell/afterlife? whatever. i'm sending him to superhell^2
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louisironson · 2 years
mmm….seinfeld, american vandal, and mlp for the fandom ask
ooh okay all levels of deep cut you’ve been here a while
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): george costanza the absolute madman
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): i feel like any answer i give is just going to look like that tweet of jimmy fallon that says baby boy over it. especially if it’s kramer. that said you cannot deny that kramer is Shaped (i’m taking the “cuteness” part of the definition VERY loosely)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): i know it’s just because he’s patrick warburton but. i’m gonna say puddy
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): crazy joe davola i see a character be a literal clown i am forced to stan
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): aren’t they all that’s the point of the show!! but. elaine
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): jerry, specifically to hear him go “oh no!” in the way he does in the outing when he realizes the two-line phone is broken
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): all of them g-d bless ❤️
American Vandal:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): it used to be christa but lately it’s been peter
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): peter. you know the little guy w the big eyes that people are saying is the mascot for autism. that’s peter to me he’s my mascot for autism
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): jenna hawthorne we love gay people who lie
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): it’s technically not “canon” or “a thing that actually exists in the show” but i think about Noah Centineo Ashley Hanson all the time there’s just so much potential for dumb shit. Hot Guy Ashley Hanson (not my words) is the av fandom’s peak right after the potato famine au (you had to be there)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): christa did nothing wrong!!! rafferty’s a bitch anyway
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): i want to fuck with a stoned dylan so bad. actually all the wayback boys it would be hilarious
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): kraz. av really affirms the philosophy of No Good Kyles
My Little Pony (and I’m specifically gonna say Friendship is Magic):
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): i’m trying to remember which pony i had as my own contact picture during the era when i made every person’s contact picture a pony. it might have just been my oc though so that doesn’t count… i think it was either derpy or trixie
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): any other autistics love derpy so much as a child that you maybe contributed to your own oppression a little like oops! anyway. derpy is my answer to this question
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): princess luna for sure!!
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): i was an octavia/vinyl scratch stan and they were my first gay ship. THEY LITERALLY HAD NO LINES the mlp fandom was wild y’all there are so many runners-up to this question
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): the great and powerful trixie i adore her i love her
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): i feel like every single character has a fanwork dedicated to tormenting them and it just feels cruel to pick one after all they’ve been through. i pick pinkie pie’s little gator whatshisname but specifically as like a science experiment because he’s so nonplussed all the time i want to see what makes him tick (EDIT: his name is gummy!!)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): by the time starlight glimmer appeared i wasn’t really involved in any fandom content so i promise i’m not jumping on the hate bandwagon but. i can just tell she’s ableist as fuck so fuck it. send her ass to the rainbow factory
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croakings · 2 years
blorbo-eeby deeby (all of them) for breath of the wild, or just legend of zelda in general ;)
(x) PAN 💖💕💞💗💖 hi hello and thank you u hit the center of the dartboard. im gonna do both bc why not ok here we go
readmore because this got long lmao
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
sheik from oot and i will not b accepting any questions at this time in general and kass from botw
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
agatha from twilight princess is like, the closest, and then the rito kids from botw. i don't really suffer from cuteness aggression but they are all Very Shaped and also eccentric. in this house we love and support weird children
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
medli from ww (i wanted to be her friend SO BAD as a child) and literally all the monks in botw. they turned themselves into magic mummies for Destiny. respect. i wouldn't
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
the goddesses as a double decker answer. i'm a cringe loz theologian cobbling together a coherent mythology from nintendo's meagre scraps. whenever they show up(ish) i fall through the ceiling to start an unskippable 6 hour power point presentation. they're not exactly "obscure", but i’d be willing to bet cash money very few other people care very much about them. but i do. I Care
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
this isn't super controversial but vaati from minish cap. why the hell is he like that. he's so funny. he's just Some Guy. cringe fail idiot wizard. from botw fucking. muzu. yeah the angry old zora. i think more people in video games should be shitty to you for their own reasons. it makes it spicy. he does forgive you but i'll forgive him for that in turn. we can pretend it didn't happen. he can be bitter it's allowed
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
in general this is such a difficult fucking decision but also not really, i'm dropping majora's mask into a jar and shaking it like a bug. with the fierce deity mask if i'm allowed to do that. in botw it's revali. he seems easy to upset. i don't think he'd actually do anything to me if i repeatedly kicked him in the shin
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
in general the wind fish i will never be over how it just LEAVES YOU STRANDED IN THE FUCKING OCEAN ON A RAFT, THAT ITS DREAM, THAT YOU SAVED IT FROM, WRECKED. bitch. in botw idk kohga? we pretty much do that to him in-game anyway. he is kinda in a doomsday cult tho maybe instead i would send him to super therapy. otherwise robbie he's a fucked up little man i think he would have fun there
thank you for the ask!!!!!!! i had to ponder some of these it was a fun time. i'm gonna go uno reverse card you now
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happi-tree · 2 years
amphibia and bnha!
!!! Hello, lovebird! Good morning to you and I hope you have a beautiful day 💗💗💗 Buckle in, bc this one's gonna be long!
blorbo: Anne and Marcy bc I can't choose! The amount of space they both occupy in my brain is simply terrifying. Anne is just such a lovely character and her progression through the show so far is really well done imo! I'm worried for her in s3b, but not nearly as much as I'm worried about Marcy. She is so tragic and for what? Wishing her a very get well soon <3
scrunkly: Maddie!!! Honestly any of the younger frogs could fit here, but Maddie's design is my favorite. My tiny goth scrunkly :) (Also honorable mention to Domino. She is the alpha and the omega and I love herrrr)
scrimblo bimblo: Mr. Boonchuy!!! I love this guy so much and I love how much he clearly adores his family 🥺🥺🥺
glup shitto: Already answered! However, I will sprinkle in a Mr. Flour bc I just think he's neat :)
poor little meow meow: Sashyyyyyyy 💗💗💗 My rebel warrior princess, my heartstomper supreme! She's an absolute mess and while she's definitely made some bad decisions in the past, she has so much room to grow as a character and a person. I'm really happy that she's starting to turn it around!
horse plinko: Andrias. Does this need an explanation. I would like to shrink him down and put him under a magnifying glass in the hot sun and watch him burn <3 love him though
eeby deeby: Dr. X lmao.
blorbo: Izuku and Yaomomo bc I can't choose for this show, either! Izuku's progression throughout the series is so, so good and I'm very proud of our boy for enduring so much. I've had a soft spot for Momo for forever bc she's just? So underutilized in canon? Both in terms of her Quirk and her costume design (which I have ranted about at length haha).
scrunkly: Eriiiiiiiii! My little unicorn girl whom I adore! *holds her gently in my hands* I want only good things for her. Perhaps the most precious character ever 🥺
scrimblo bimblo: Ibara! I just think she's neat and I love, love, love her character design and Quirk. The way she came in 4th overall in the entrance exam but ended up in 1-B because Hori didn't feel like drawing her that many times? Iconic. Honorable mention to Nana because,,, she,,,
glup shitto: Todoroki Fuyumi! Or Lady Nagant. I love both of their designs 💗
poor little meow meow: Dabi, simply by being my favorite of the recurring Villains. His story is very neat and I'm obsessed with the fact that Shouto's like. Planning fun things to do with him now that he knows Dabi = Touya.
horse plinko: Overhaul. I don't think this warrants an explanation. I simply want to see him suffer >:)
eeby deeby: AFO. He'd probably find a way out, but I would still like to send him there anyway
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