#anyway. i love geordi so much. i want to kiss him very gently. i love both of them so much. i will cry now
sneez · 4 years
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lacefuneral · 4 years
Hello! If you haven't done them yet for the ship meme, would you answer 4, 14, and/or 21? Thank you!
(ship headcanon meme)
I’m not sure if this is for spirk or daforge so I’m doing both!
TOS Spirk:
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Honestly? Spock. Between being raised with Vulcan values and not being able to form significant interpersonal relationships (due to bullying/xenophobia) I imagine that he’d be incredibly touch starved. Kirk brushes against his arm for the first time. Just a casual, platonic gesture and Spock’s like “I… am not opposed to this.” Because finally, he gets to experience physical contact from another person that isn’t violent in nature. So he welcomes all of the times that Kirk puts a hand on his shoulder, or pats his back, or tugs at a sleeve to get his attention. It reminds Spock that he is safe and cared for.
So when they actually start dating (and they’re no longer secretive about it), it’s just… PDA city. He wants to reciprocate, send those same feelings back to Jim and more. Spock’s leaning on him, hugging him, resting his head on Jim’s shoulder, and holding his hand (like the whole hand - not just ozh'esta). Stuff that by human standards is relatively tame, and not too dissimilar from what Jim was doing before (if a bit more lovey-dovey), but by Vulcan standards is risqué at best, obscene at worst. Anyway, Jim loves every second of it. He’s like “Hello, my gorgeous Vulcan. Yes, you can sit on the armrest of the captain’s chair and thread our fingers together. ;)”
The crew hates it. Like, there’s no lips involved but they know what’s up. You know the vine of the couple holding each other in Panera Bread? It’s like that.  
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Jim is THE biggest baby when he gets a cold. He just kind of flops over and is like “This is it! I’m going to die!” And Spock just sort of rolls his eyes and brings him his cough medicine, or whatever they have in the future. And he’ll open up a book of Vulcan poetry, and read to Jim in his dulcet baritone until he eventually falls asleep.
Spock, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He’s exceedingly stubborn, and refuses to stay in bed. Instead, he’ll try to suit-up in full hazmat gear (to avoid contamination) and run experiments in his lab. Until Jim catches him, of course, and does his usual: “Ah, ah, ah! No you don’t, mister!” Drags him back to his quarters, tucks him into bed, and climbs under the covers with him to keep him nice and warm. (Because Vulcans are cold-blooded.) Eventually, Spock relents, and falls asleep while Jim spoons him and gently strokes his hair.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
It’s the places they don’t go together that makes them nervous. There’s always that fear where, if only one of them goes on an away mission, the other won’t be there to protect him from danger. But having the bond helps. They’re able to check in with one another, even from a great distance - even when communicators are unhelpful. And that eases the worry somewhat.
That being said…
Spock always feels weird about going back home to Vulcan, because he has a lot of bad memories there. He worries that he’ll encounter people who harassed him in his youth, or that people will be hostile towards his human bondmate. And Jim worries for Spock, doesn’t want him to feel uncomfortable or afraid of his homeworld. And he reminds Spock of how much he has accomplished, and assures him that he will make a fine ambassador someday. That the xenophobia he faced as a child is becoming a thing of the past, and that he has the same right to be there as any other Vulcan. And that no matter what happens, Jim will always love and support him. The first couple of trips are rough on them both, but eventually they manage to not only feel comfortable visiting Vulcan, but greatly look forward to it. Spock always takes him to museums and historical sights, and Jim eagerly learns about the culture so he can understand his husband better.
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
I feel like at first, both of them would be really awkward about any sort of contact. Because Data isn’t sure when he should hold hands with or kiss Geordi. Where is that behavior acceptable, and where is it not? How does he know if that’s what Geordi wants? Meanwhile, Geordi assumes that because Data is an android, he just… has no interest in that sort of thing. And that, if Data did reciprocate, he’d only be doing it to please Geordi and not because he genuinely wants to do that. But eventually Data asks Geordi if he can kiss him, because he loves him and wants to “Express this through a physical gesture.” And Geordi’s like: uhhhh yeah, of course you can! And the awkwardness completely diffuses after that.
Once Geordi has been reassured that Data genuinely wants physical affection - that the feelings are mutual - he readily initiates it. Lots of arms-around-the-waist-smiling-against-his-back “Hey, babe. We still on for chess today?” Lots of standing-on-the-tips-of-his-toes to give Data a quick peck on the lips. If he’s feeling ambitious (and no one else is around) he might even give Data a playful smack on the butt, which never fails to make the android blush.
But Geordi isn’t the only one who does PDA. Data, for his part, is fond of kissing the back of Geordi’s hand like a Victorian suitor. Sometimes, he’ll kiss Geordi’s forehead (because it’s easier than craning his neck all the way down to kiss his lips). Or, when he’s feeling ambitious (and no one else is around), he’ll abruptly hoist Geordi into the air and carry him bridal style, which never fails to make the engineer blush.
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Data has this On Lock™. Just like he has done with Spot, he’s programmed a vast collection of soups and teas into the replicators that he’s designed for Geordi when he gets sick. (He always requests his mom’s chicken noodle soup, though, so that particular endeavor was a waste of time.) He ensures that the room is kept at an optimal temperature, that the lights aren’t too bright (in case Geordi decides to put on his VISOR), that the sound of ocean waves are playing in the background, the humidifier is running, that there’s a box of tissues and a bag of cough drops nearby, and even gives Geordi a giant teddy bear to hug if he has work to do or if he’s summoned to the bridge.
Otherwise, Data cuddles up alongside him and helps to keep Geordi’s fever down by lowering his own temperature - essentially turning himself into a giant ice pack. He massages out any sore muscles, he rubs Geordi’s back if he throws up, and he regularly updates Dr. Crusher on Geordi’s status three times an hour, just in case. We love a caring boyfriend.
Data doesn’t really get sick, because he’s an android, but he does occasionally experience a malfunction or receives damage during an away mission. During those times, Geordi just softly talks to him and assures him that everything is going to be okay while he performs the necessary repairs. Sometimes he sings to him. I’d like to imagine it’s this song by Billie Holiday. :’)
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
After the whole Kivas Fajo incident, they tend to stick very closely together when they’re dealing with cargo freighters, scavengers, and “collectors.” Not just for Data’s sake, but for Geordi’s. His VISOR has been stolen multiple times - with the intention of being traded for bars of gold-pressed latinum. They both watch out for each other, and they do alright - but it’s still stressful to have to be vigilant during these times.
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